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On the Go
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Tow truck: a motor vehicle equipped for towing

away wrecked or disabled cars. Also called:
breakdown van or wrecker (US and Canadian).
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Car towing
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Be stuck in traffic
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Show up = Arrive
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Hazard lights: the indicator lights of a motor vehicle

when flashing simultaneously to indicate that the
vehicle is stationary and temporarily obstructing the
traffic. Also called: hazard warning lights or
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Warning triangle
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Road trip: A usually lengthy trip taken in a

motor vehicle, especially for pleasure.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Yacht: a medium-sized sailboat equipped

for cruising or racing.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Trailer: A nonmotorized vehicle designed

to be pulled behind a motor vehicle
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Chalet: A small cabin or house used by

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Youth hostel: A place providing cheap

accommodation, occupied mainly by young
people on walking or cycling tours.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

B & B: It offers overnight accommodation

and breakfast, but usually does not offer other
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Deli = Delicatessen: A shop selling cooked

meats, cheeses, and unusual or foreign
prepared foods.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Cramped = Narrow, tight.

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Spill: To cause or allow (a substance) to

run or fall out of a container.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Eat snails
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Lock yourself out = to prevent someone

from coming into a room or building by
locking the door,
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Wrestle: To try to throw or immobilize

another person, especially by gripping
with the hands. (Fight, struggle)
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Steam train: a train that is powered by a

steam engine.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Craft village: A town whose principal

activity is make things by hand.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Lounge = a public room, as in a hotel,

theater, or club, in which to sit and relax.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

In the lap of luxury: living in very

comfortable conditions because you have
a lot of money.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Footsteps: the sound of a foot hitting the

ground when someone walks.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

Although – Though – Even though

Although - linking word - expresses the idea of contrast.

e.g. - Although John has a car, he doesn't often drive it.

Though - is informal. It means the same as although.

e.g. - Though I liked the sweater, I decided not to buy it.

Even though - is stronger, more emphatic than although.

e.g. - Even though you dislike Sonya, you should try to be
nice to her.
Teacher: Minerva Pons

My whole life = All my life

A bit = A brief amount of time; a moment.

e.g.: Wait a bit.

Delay = Retard

Standby = When a passenger travels on a flight

without a prior reservation for that specific flight.

Mild = Soft, gentle.

So far = Until now

Teacher: Minerva Pons

Bound = (adj) Destined (verb) Jump

Vast = Huge, extensive.

Pointless = Useless, vain, waste.

Will that be all? = Is that all?

Fare = The money a passenger on public

transportation has to pay. Rate; Ticket

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