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Learning Area Science

Learning Delivery Modality Online Asynchronous

Lesson Exemplar School Bukandala Elementary Grade Level Grade 4

Teacher Jeffrey G. Soriano Learning Area Science
Teaching Date Jan. 4, 2022 Quarter Second
Teaching Time 2 sessions No. of Days 2

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. Identify the different stages in the life cycle of
animals, humans and plants
b. Compare the differences and similarities in the life
cycles of different organisms
c. Show appreciation on the importance of living
organisms to humans
A. Content Standards Different organisms go through life cycle which can be
affected by their environment
B. Performance Standards
C. Most Essential Learning Compare the stages in the life cycle of organisms
Competency (MELC) (MELC #9)
D. Enabling Competencies
II. CONTENT 4. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
4.1 Life Cycles
4.2Humans, Animals, and Plants
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide TG, pages159-181
b. Learner’s Material Science 4 LM, pages 135-148
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from LRs
B. List of Learning Resources
for Development and
Engagement Activities
What I need to know

Living organisms like plants and animals are important to

people and vice versa. So we need to take good care of
every organism in our surroundings. We need to know where
they come from and their importance to us people.
Group the following words whether they belong to plants,
animals or human.

-butterfly -adult -grasshopper -child

-infant(baby) -mosquito -corn -housefly
-mongo -cockroach -frog -mango tree
What’s new
(The learners will read the objectives that are expected of
them as indicated in the module).

Do you know where plants, animals and human came

from? Do they hatch from an egg or are they born alive? Do
plants undergo several stages as they grow?

In this lesson, we are going to learn the different life cycles

that certain animals go through and we will find out the
different stages in the human life cycle.

What I know
Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it in your
Science notebook.

1. Which of the following sets of animals undergo

complete metamorphosis?
a. butterfly, fly, louse
b. louse, cockroach, fly
c. butterfly, mosquito, fly
d. cockroach, mosquito, grasshopper

2. The ____________are examples of animals that

undergo incomplete metamorphosis.
a. mosquito, housefly, cockroach
b. grasshopper, cockroach, louse
c. butterfly, mosquito, housefly
d. louse, housefly, butterfly

B. Development 3. Arrange the stages in the human life cycle in the

correct order.
1. infancy
2. childhood
3. adulthood
4. birth
5. adolescence
a. 5-4-3-2-1
b. 4-1-2-5-3
c. 1-4-2-5-3
d. 2-4-1-5-3

4. Which of the following statement is true about

complete and incomplete metamorphosis?
a. Complete metamorphosis has its 4 stages in its
life cycle while incomplete has only 3 stages.
b. Complete metamorphosis has its 3 stages in its
life cycle while incomplete has 4 stages.
c. Complete and incomplete metamorphosis have
the same number of stages in its life cycle.
d. Complete and incomplete metamorphosis have
both 5 stages in its life cycle.

5. How are animals with complete and incomplete

metamorphosis and human life cycle different?
a. They both have the same stages in their life
b. Animals with complete and incomplete
metamorphosis all hatched from eggs while
human give birth.
c. Humans also hatched from eggs.
d. None of the above

What’s In


Materials: Science notebook, pen
Study and observe the three diagrams of animals.

Guide Questions:
1. What life cycle of insects are being shown in the
2. What is the first stage in the life cycle of a butterfly? A
mosquito? A fly? Second stage? Third stage? Final
stage? Write your answer on the table.

3. How many stages do butterfly, fly and mosquito

4. What is the larva of a butterfly called? larva of a
mosquito? larva of a fly?
5. Compare the larva of the three insects.
6. What is common (the same) among the three insects
during their adult stage?
7. What do you call the metamorphosis of the three


Materials: Science notebook, pen
Study and observe the three diagram of animals

Guide Questions:
1. What life cycle of insects are being shown in the
2. What is the first stage in the life cycle of a cockroach,
a grasshopper and a louse? Second stage? Third
stage? Write your answer on the table.

3. How many stages do cockroach, grasshopper and

louse have?
4. What do you call the second stage in an incomplete
5. What is common (the same) among the three insects
during their adult stage?
6. What do you call the metamorphosis of the three


Materials: Science notebook, pen

Study the diagram of the human life cycle and be
able to answer the guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. How many stages does a human life cycle have?
2. What is the first stage? _____________
Second stage? _____________
Third stage? _______________
Fourth stage? _______________
Fifth stage? _______________
3. Compare the birth stage from infant stage? How do
they differ?

What’s It
The learners will read and understand the concepts that
they need to know and understand. These concepts, as
presented below, revolve around the prime information
about the learning targets.

Science Concepts:
Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an
animal physically develops after birth or hatching. It is
part of the life cycle of most insects. A life cycle is a
period involving one generation of an organism. The
term metamorphosis refers to the way insects develop,
grow, and change form, usually (but not always)
accompanied by change of habitat or behavior. There
are two types of metamorphosis, complete and
incomplete. Complete metamorphosis of most insects
go through the four stages of life cycle. Incomplete
metamorphosis go through only three stages of life
Science Concepts:
BIRTH- the start of the human life cycle begins after the
baby is delivered out by its mother to the world.
INFANCY- is categorized as lasting from birth through
the first year of life. The infant is completely dependent
upon its parents or caretakers for survival.
CHILDHOOD- takes place between ages 1 to 10. During
the first 2 years, the child is called a toddler. During this
time, the child learns to walk, talk and be more self-
sufficient. The child is susceptible during this time to
learn habits and behaviors.
ADOLESCENCE- takes place between ages 12 and 18
and is a critical turning point because it is when puberty
takes place. Boys’ voices change and girls get their
menstruation. As such, they begin to separate more from
the parents and become more independent.
ADULTHOOD- lasts from age 18 throughout old age.
Adulthood is when human beings are fully grown and
must provide entirely for themselves. This is also a
significant time that adults can give birth.
What’s More

Activity 1: “ARRANGE ME”!

(Complete Metamorphosis)

Materials: Science notebook, pen

C. Engagement Arrange the pictures of animals inside each box in the
correct cycle by writing numbers 1 to 4 (from left to right).
Write your answer in your Science notebook.




Activity 2: “LABEL IT UP”!

(Incomplete Metamorphosis)

Materials: Science notebook, pen

Label each stage in an incomplete metamorphosis of
insects. Choose from the box below.

-egg -nymph -adult

Activity 3: NAME IT RIGHT

Materials: Science notebook, pen

Identify what stage of human development is being
described. Choose from the words inside the box.

Adulthood Infancy Birth

Childhood Adolescence

1. Boys and girls gain more independence from their

parents during this stage.
2. Girls at this stage begin to menstruate and are now
capable of giving birth.
3. A child learns to walk, talk, and begin to be more self-
sufficient at this stage.
4. A child is completely dependent on the care of his
parents during this stage.
5. It is in this stage that the boys begin to experience
changes in their voice.

What I have learned

 What is complete metamorphosis?
 What are the stages in complete metamorphosis?
 What is incomplete metamorphosis?
 What are the stages in incomplete metamorphosis?
 What are the stages in the human life cycle?
 Are the life cycle of animals the same with humans?
 Is there similarities in the different life cycles of
organisms? What are they?
 Are these organism important to humans? How?

What I Can Achieve

(Learners will answer 10-item summative test in the
module and check their answers using the answer key at the
back part of the module).

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the

D. Assimilation chosen letter in your Science notebook.

1. The third stage in complete metamorphosis is

a. pupa c. adult
b. egg d. nymph

2. How many stages of development are present in an

incomplete metamorphosis?
a. two c. one
b. three d. four

3. Which does not belong to the group?

a. grasshopper c. cockroach
b. mosquito d. louse

4. The following shows the comparison between an

adult mosquito and adult cockroach except one.
Which is not?
a. The adult mosquito lay eggs in the water while the
adult cockroach lay eggs in dark and dirty places.
b. The adult mosquito and cockroach have wings.
c. They both undergo complete metamorphosis.
d. The adult mosquito undergoes 4 stages in its life
cycle while the adult cockroach has only 3 stages.

5. Which is not true about the human life cycle?

a. During the adulthood stage, the boys’ voices
change and girls get their menstruation.
b. Adolescence takes place between ages 12 and 18
c. Infancy is categorized as lasting from birth through
the first year of life.
d. During the childhood stage, the child learns to
walk, talk and be more self-sufficient.

Additional Activities
Do the following in your Science notebook. You can ask
help from your older siblings.

1. Draw any of the life cycle of the following insects:

1.1. Butterfly
1.2. Mosquito
1.3. Fly

2. Draw any of the life cycle of the following insects:

2.1 grasshopper
2.2 cockroach
2.3 louse

3. Draw the stage of the human life cycle that best

describes you.

V. REFLECTION I understand _____________________________.

I realized that ____________________________.

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