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Construction of Written Tests:

Guidelines, Categories,

Magabo, Angel S.
Mananzala, Collene M.
Peñaranda, Regina DC.
Lesson Objectives: At

the end of this module,

you should have:

appropriate test

format to measure

learning outcomes.
Guidelines in choosing

the appropriate test

Ask the following questions:
1. What are the objectives or

desired learning outcomes

of the lesson being


2. What level of thinking is to

be assessed (remembering,

understanding, applying,

analyzing, or creating?) Does

this cognitive level of the test

questions match your

instructional objectives or

3. is the test matched or

aligned with the course's DLOs

and the course contents or

learning activities?
4. Are the items

realistic to the



Traditional Tests
require learners to choose

correct answers or best

A. Select-response
alternarives from several

test choices. While they can cover

a wide range of learning

materials very efficiently and

measure variety of learning

outcomes, they are limited

when assessing learning

outcomes that involve more

complex and higher-level

thinking skills.
a. Multiple choice

the most commonly used

format in formal assessment

and typically consists of a

stem (problem), one correct or

best alternative (correct

answer), and three or more

incorrect or inferior

alternatives (distractors)
b. True-False or


response test
generally consists of a

statement and deciding if

the statement is true

(accurate/correct) or


c. Matching type test
consists of two sets of items

to be matched with each

other based on a specified

B. Constructed-response

require learners to supply

answers to a given question or

a. Short Answer Test
consists of open-ended questions or

incomplete sentences that require

learners to create an answer for each

item, which is typically a single word or

short phrase.
i. Completion - it consists of incomplete

statements that require the learners to fill in

blanks with the correct word or phrase.

ii. Identification - it consists of statements that

require the learners to identify or recall terms or

concepts, people, places, or events that are

being described.

iii. Enumeration - it requires the learners to list

down possible answers to the questions.

b. Essay tests
consist o problems or questions

that require learners to compose

or construct written responses,

usually lone ones with several

consists of problems or

c. Problem-solving
questions that require learners

test to solve problems in

quantitative or non-quantitative

settings using knowledge and

skills in mathematiacal

concepts and procedures, and/or

other higher-order thinking skills

(reasoning, analysis, critical

thinking skills.)
Thank you for Listening!

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