Practical Research Q2 Week 2

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Quarter 2 - Module 2
Describing Sampling Procedure
and Sample

Describing Sampling Procedure and Sample

Welcome dear researchers to another fun of learning!

In qualitative research, these things must be clear to the researcher.

1. how much data he/she needs
2. how he/she will select the sample and
3. how he/she will get participants if human participants are

So, in this module, you will learn what best sampling method to select
and arrive at your needed sample which will provide an adequate
amount of data to fully analyze the topic and answer research

Specifically, at the end of this module, the learner is able to:

1. Describe sampling procedure and sample;
2. Differentiate the various methods of sampling; and
3. Pick out an appropriate sampling method and sample for a chosen research topic.

The following are important terminologies for you to take note:

refers to a portion or part of the population
Sample that is representative of the population
are individuals or groups of people who
Respondents actively serve as sources of information
during data collection.
refers to your method or process of
selecting respondents or people to answer
questions meant to yield data for a
research study
the bigger group from where you choose
Population the sample that possess some common
is the term used to mean the list of the
Sampling Frame members of such population from where
you will get the sample
In probability sampling, every member of
Probability Sampling the population has a known chance of
participating in the study.
In non-probability sampling, not each
Non-Probability Sampling population member has a chance to
participate in the study.


Directions: Pretend that you are cooking a meal for your family. You are preparing
your specialty dishes-pork adobo and sinigang na bangus-and, of course, steamed
white rice to complete the meal. You are almost finished, but you want to check if
everything tastes good and has been cooked just the way your family likes it. What will
you do?

Guide Questions:
1. Of course, you do not eat everything to find out how the dishes taste. But how much
do you need to eat to find out whether or not the dishes are as desired?
2. The rice and even the adobo are more or less homogeneous. What about the
sinigang and its multiple ingredients? How do you check if it is well done and tasty?
3. How do you think is this activity related to research?


The beginning of sampling could be traced back to the early political activities of the
Americans, in 1920 when Literary Digest did a pioneering survey about the American citizens’
favorite among the 1920 presidential candidates. This was the very first survey that served as
the impetus for the discovery by academic researchers of other sampling strategies that they
categorized into two classes: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. (Babbie

Brown (2006) summarizes the advantages of sampling in the following points

a. Makes the research of any type and size manageable;
b. Significantly saves the cost of the research;
c. Results in more accurate research findings;
d. Provides an opportunity to process the information in a more efficient way;
e. Accelerates the speed of primary data collection (Dudovskiy, 2016)
There are numerous ways of getting a sample, but here are the most commonly used sampling
Probability Sampling Methods
1. Simple Random Sampling
2. Systematic Random Sampling
3. Stratified Random Sampling
4. Cluster Sampling
Non-Probability Sampling Methods
1. Convenience Sampling
2. Purposive Sampling
3. Quota Sampling
4. Volunteer Sampling
5. Snowball Sampling


Probability sampling is a type of sampling in which all the members of an entire population
have a chance of being selected. This is also called as scientific sampling, and is commonly
used in quantitative research.
a. Simple Random Sampling is a method of choosing samples in which all the
members of the population are given an equal chance of being selected. It is an
unbiased way of selection, as samples are drawn by chance. There are various ways
of obtaining samples through simple random sampling (Treece & Treece, 1986). These
include the roulette wheel, fishbowl method, and the use of table of random numbers.
Example: Observe the following steps using the fishbowl method:
i. The sampling frame, or a list of all the subjects or elements of the population
in question, should be prepared.
ii. All the names of the subjects or elements should be written down on strips of
paper (one name per strip of paper). iii. The strips of paper with the listed names are
then placed in a bowl or container.
iv. Samples can be drawn as desired.

b. Systematic Random Sampling is a method of selecting every nth element of

a population, e.g., every fifth, eighth, ninth, or eleventh element until the desired
sample size is reached.
Example: If you want to have a sample of 150, you may select a set of numbers like
1 to 15, and out of a list of 1,500 students, take every 15th name on the list until you
complete the total number of respondents to constitute your sample.

c. Stratified Random Sampling is a method where the population is divided into

different strata (groups), and then the sampling follows. Age, gender, and educational
qualifications are some possible criteria used to divide a population into strata.
Example: A researcher will study the common effects of smoking on high school
students. The researcher decides to select equal numbers of students from the
freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior levels.

d. Cluster Sampling is used in large-scale studies. Clusters are representative

samples of the population as a whole. After the clusters are established, a simple
random sample of the clusters is drawn and the members of the chosen clusters are
sampled. Sampling procedures are difficult and time-consuming.
Example: A researcher wants to interview 100 teachers across the country. It will be
difficult and expensive on their part to have respondents in 100 different cities or
provinces. Cluster sampling is helpful for the researcher who randomly selects the
regions (first cluster), then selects the schools (second cluster), and then the number
of teachers.


Non-Probability Sampling disregards random selection of subjects. The subjects are chosen
based on their availability or the purpose of the study, and in some cases, on the sole
discretion of the researcher. This is not a scientific way of selecting respondents, and is
commonly used in qualitative research.
a. Convenience Sampling involves choosing respondents at the convenience
of the
researcher. It is also called accidental or incidental sampling.
Example: A researcher intends to study the elementary students of a particular school
and has determined the desired sample size. Due to the study’s constraints, the elementary
pupils who are present at the time of the researcher’s visit to the school will be chosen as
b. Purposive Sampling involves handpicking subjects, usually to suit very
intentions. This is also called judgmental sampling.
Example: In a study about honor students, the researcher uses a list of honor students
and chooses the necessary number of respondents, to the exclusion of all other students.
c. Quota Sampling is somewhat similar to stratified sampling, in that the
population is divided into strata, and the researcher deliberately sets specific proportions in
the sample, whether or not the resulting proportion is reflective of the total population. This
is commonly done to the ensure the inclusion of a particular segment of the population.
Example: A researcher wants to survey the employees of a company regarding their
thoughts on the company’s new policies. The researcher intends to have representatives from
all departments in his sample, but one department is so small that doing random sampling
might result in that department not being represented. The researcher then sets a quota of
respondents from that department to ensure their inclusion in the sample.
d. Volunteer Sampling involves people who self-select into the survey. Often,
folks have a strong interest in the main topic of the survey.

Example: A noontime show like ‘It’s Showtime asks viewers to participate in an

online poll, or to vote for the winner in “Tawag ng Tanghalan.” This would be a volunteer
sample since the sample is chosen by the viewers, not by the survey administrator.

e. Snowball Sampling does not give a specific set of samples, similar to snow
expanding widely or rolling rapidly. This is true for a study involving unspecified group of
people. Dealing with varied groups of people such as street children, drug dependents, gang
members, informal settlers, street vendors, and the like is possible in this kind of non-
probability sampling.
A snowball sample is achieved by asking a participant to suggest someone else who
might be willing or appropriate fro the study.



1. Focus on the study - Make certain that the research question is feasible and the study
answers a question with clear variables.
2. Find a representative sample - Determine the necessary addition and omission criteria
for the study population such that findings cane exactly generalize or identify results to the
target group.
3. Determine a recruitment strategy - Spell out a plan to identify and enroll study
participants. This may entail screening or establishing criteria fro number, location, and
sampling method.
4. Consult with the community to identify and recruit potential participants - Study
existing infrastructure to discover venues of contacting suitable samples. Researchers must
also be considerate and receptive to the recommendation of local experts and leaders.
5. Avoid selection bias - It is also essential to recruit a fitting comparison group.
6. Do not give up after the first attempt to recruit a potential participant - Follow-up using
various communication strategies, including personal, written, or electronic messaging. The
importance of personal contact should not be undervalued.
7. Allow flexibility in the process - If existing recruitment strategies are resulting to
inadequate enrollment of participants or modifications are made in criteria of participants,
the solution may be to change the sampling plan.

Well done! You have now learned the essential concepts of the
lessons. This time, let’s have some practice to hone your skills


What to do: On your answer sheet, write the letter of the correct answer corresponding to the
1. A group of entrepreneurs is asked to a. probability
fill out a survey
2. A sampling method where all members b. quota
of the population are given equal chances
to be included in the sample.
3. This number of elements generally forms c. systematic
an adequate sample
4. A sampling method which uses every nth d. respondents
element of the population
5. Every person who enters the gate is e. 30
included in the sample
6. Intentional choosing of sample f. cluster
7. Origin of sampling g. simple random
8. The researcher made sure to include h. population
15 honor students in his sample of 100
students i. non-probability
9. Names are put into a bowl, and the j. 1920 Literary Digest
and the researcher draws them at random
to generate a sample
10. Group by group selection k. convenience
What to do: Write P if the sentence talks about probability sampling; otherwise, write NP. Write
your answers on your notebook.
1. Checking every 10th student in the list
2. Interviewing some persons you meet on the campus
3. Dividing 100 persons into groups
4. Choosing subjects behaving like the majority members
5. Choosing a group of subjects among several groups
6. Choosing subjects capable of helping you meet the aim of your study
7. Choosing samples by chance but through an organizational pattern
8. Letting all members in the population join the selection process
9. Having people willing to be chosen as respondents

10. Matching people’s traits with the population members’ traits.

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. Qualitative researchers typically work with much larger samples than quantitative
a. True
b. False
2. Which of the following is an example of a random sampling method?
a. Volunteer sampling
b. Convenience sampling
c. Purposive sampling
d. Systematic sampling
3. If I have a list of students and pick every other one for my research, I am employing which
of the answer choices?
a. Convenience sampling
b. Simple Random sampling
c. Stratified sampling
d. Systematic sampling
4. If I put all tickets for a raffle in a bin and draw one out, that is an example of:
a. Purposive sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Stratified sampling
d. Systematic sampling
5. If I conduct a research and choose for my sample whoever walks by in the mall. That is an
example of which of the answer choices?
a. Convenience sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Snowball sampling
d. Systematic sampling
6. If a researcher conducts a study and chooses for a sample of all the members of a
psychology class because he thinks they will make the best subjects, that is an example of:
a. Convenience sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Snowball sampling
d. Systematic sampling
7. If I conduct a research and recruit for my sample friend Joe, and he recruits his friend
Amber, and she recruits her friend Gina, that is an example of:
a. Convenience sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Snowball sampling
d. Systematic sampling
8. Angelica is interested in what kinds of activities are enjoyed most by third graders. She
makes a list of all the third graders in her school district, alphabetizes the list and asks every
10th student what they like to do for fun. What method of sampling is this?
a. Purposive sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Stratified sampling
d. Systematic sampling
9. Eunice is interested in what kinds of activities are enjoyed most by third graders. During
recess, she asks all the girls in her class that are in line to play chinese garter what they
like to do for fun. What method of sampling is this?
a. Convenience sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Simple random sampling
d. Systematic sampling
10. Abby is interested in what kinds of activities are enjoyed most by third graders. This is
an example of Snowball Sampling.
a. True
b. False



What to do: Answer the following questions based on the discussions. Use of additional
references is encouraged. Write your answer on a separate paper/notebook.
1. Describe the population of your study and its pertinent characteristics.
2. How big will you sample be? How did you arrive at this sample size?
3. What sampling method will you use? Explain why you chose this method.
4. How will you draw your sample? Show steps in doing this.
5. What are the qualifying criteria for the selection of your sample?

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