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TASK 1 to 4

Name: Sharon Marcela Osorio Calderon

Task 1: Write a short biography of any family member. Remember to use the vocabulary and
grammar you learned in units 1 and 2. (50 to 70 words)

My brother is called Santiago, He was born in Barrancabermeja, on December 2nd, 2001, he is

twenty-one years old, he is studying at college in Bucaramanga, he studies system engineer,
he lives with my aunt on mom's side and her family, he likes to play guitar and leave with his

Task 2: Some people say Justo y Bueno is the best. Others say D1. Which one do you prefer?
Select 5 products and write a short paragraph comparing them. (Unit 3 – 50 to 90 words)

I prefer D1 than Justo y Bueno because It has better quality products.

D1 Justo y Bueno

The bleach color of D1 is more effective

than the bleach color of Justo y Malo

The fabric softener of D1 is cheaper than

the fabric softener of Justo y Malo

There are more kind of arepas in d1 than

in Justo y Bueno

The burger bun of D1 is richer and fluffier

than the burger bun of Justo y Malo
The sausage of D1 is more delicious than
the sausage of Justo y Malo

Task 3: Write an email to a friend about your family. Remember to use quantifiers. (Unit 5 – 70
to 90 words)

Dear friend

I hope you and all your family are well. Now I live in Bogota, I am working in a new company,
the company is very big and the city is very beautiful. My brother is studying at the UTS
university in Bucaramanga, his teachers are strict, he has too much homework, He is doing
very well and learning a lot, he is very intelligent. My parents are alone with the dogs but they
are very happy about our achievements.

Write soon, I want to know about you and your family, greetings.
With love your best friend.

Task 4: Write about your favorite activities. Include one false activity. (Unit 6 – 70 to 100 words)

I usually work and study during the week. I have weekends off. I like to play sports, visit fast-
food restaurants and discover new places. I ride a bike two or three times a month, I am very
good at this sport. I almost always travel with my boyfriend on Sundays to places near
Bogota. On Fridays with my boyfriend, we break the diet and eat fast food. Finally, there is a
task that is not lacking, it is doing household chores, I always like to do it on Saturday nights.

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