Herbst - R2Fe14B Materials Intrinsic Properies and Technological Aspects

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R~Fe«B materials: Intrinsic properties

and technological aspects

J. F. Herbst
Physics Department, General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, Michigan 48090-9055
Magnetic materials research has entered a new and exciting period with the advent of the ternary rare-
earth — iron-boron compounds, R2Fe&4B. From the fundamental physics perspective the R2Fe&4B series
and its isostructural relatives comprise a rich, fascinating area for the investigation of many intrinsic
properties, including magnetic structures, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, and rare-earth — transition-metal
exchange interactions. Intense interest in the technological aspects of these compounds has been ignited
by the fact that energy products eclipsing all previous values have been realized in practical magnets based
on Nd2Fe&48, the prototypical representative; these magnets also feature economic advantages over the
earlier samarium-cobalt materials. Both facets of the R2Fe&&B systems are considered in this review.

CONTENTS C. Magnetization reversal and coercivity mechanisms 874

1. Sintered magnets 875
I. Introduction 819 2. Melt-spun materials 877
II. Historical Perspective 820 a. Ribbons 878
III. Crystal Structure 822 b. Hot-pressed and die-upset magnets 878
A. N12Fe&4B crystallography 822 3. Interaction effects 879
B. Other structural comparisons 825 13. Other preparation methods 880
C. Isomorphs 826 E. Thin Alms 881
IV. Magnetic Properties of the R2Fe&4B Compounds 827 VIII. Concluding Remarks 882
A. Systematics 827 Acknowledgments 882
1. R and Fe magnetic moments and their couplings 827 Appendix: A Note on Units 882
2. Curie temperatures 830 References 882
3. Easy directions and sublattice anisotropies 831
B. Temperature dependence of the magnetization and
mean-field models 833
1. Molecular-field model 834 I. INTRODUCTION
2. Heisenberg model and exchange energies 835
3. Systematic~ of jR„ 836
Research in magnetism has long included, as a vital
C. Fe sublattice anisotropy 837
D. Rare-earth anisotropy and magnetic structure 838 component, the discovery and development of ever more
1. Crystal-field Hamiltonian 839 powerful permanent-magnet materials. From the basic
2. R-Fe exchange 841 physics perspective this activity is motivated by the long-
3. Model calculations and analyses 841 standing challenge of progressively enhancing properties
E.Information from Mossbauer studies 843 such as the Inagnetization and magnetocrystalline anisot-
1. Rare-earth nuclei 844
ropy and of understanding the fundamental mechanisms
2. Fe investigations 845
U. Electronic Structure 847
controlling those properties. On the technological side, a
VI. Isostructural Materials and their Properties 849 potent stimulus is furnished by the growing number and
A. Rare-earth replacements 849 diversity of applications for hard magnets. The novel
B. Replacements for iron 851 class of R2Fe&48 materials, in which R is a rare-earth ele-
C. R&Co&4B compounds and pseudoternary derivatives 859 ment, has recently propelled permanent-magnet research
D. Partial boron replacement 861 and technology into a new and exciting era. Energy
E. R2Fe&4C and related compounds 861 products significantly exceeding all previous values have
F. Multiple substitutions 862
been attained in magnets based on the prototypical com-
G. Hydrides 863
VII. Technology: Practical Permanent Magnets 864 pound Nd2Fe&48. That fact, coupled with economic ad-
A. Melt-spun magnets 865 vantages over the earlier samarium-cobalt materials, has
1. Nd-Fe-B 865 spurred considerable technological interest, and the new
a. Ribbon characteristics 865 systems have also created an extraordinarily fertile area
b. Consolidation techniques 866 for basic scientific investigation.
c. Elemental additives 868 This review aims to describe the intrinsic properties
2. Cobalt-containing alloys 868
3. Other R2Fe&48-based materials
and physics of the R2Fe&48 compounds and to discuss the
B. Sintered magnets 870 technological aspects of practical magnets prepared from
1. Nd-Fe-B 870 them. It is organized in the following way. In Sec. II the
2. Compositionally modified materials 872 new materials are placed in the historical context of

Reviews of Modern Physics, Yol. 63, No. 4, October 1991 Copyright Q~1991 The American Physical Society
J. F. Herbst: R, Fe148 materials

permanent-magnet development; this century has wit-

nessed an enormous increase in the energy product, the
(BH) *,„=(4~M, ) j4,
most widely used general measure of hard-magnet perfor- where M, is the saturation magnetization. This can be
mance. The intricate tetragonal crystal structure of the achieved only if the magnet retains in a reverse field
at least as large as (4aM, )/2. A thorough discussion of
R2FC&48 phases and their relationships with other struc-
tures are considered in Sec. III. Section IV is devoted to the physical and practical significance of (BH), „has
the intrinsic magnetic properties of the stoichiometric been given by Zijlstra (1982).
compounds, including the magnetic moment arrange- Figure 1 is a semilogarithmic plot of the highest
ments, spin-reorientation phenomena, and the (BH),„values versus time during the past century for
molecular-Geld and crystal-Geld —exchange models em- the five classes of technologically important permanent-
ployed in analyzing the experimental information. Al- magnet materials. The straight line drawn between the
though the unit RzFC&48 cell contains a large number of earliest magnet steels and the Nd-Fe-8 magnets under-
atoms, sixty-eight, progress is being made in elucidating scores the fact that (BH),„has increased exponentially
the electronic structure, as discussed in Scc. V. The ter- in this period. The steels have carbon, chromium,
nary nature of the compounds immediately aftords a rich tungsten, or cobalt as the principal additives. They are
characterized by rather high remanence on the order 8„,
spectrum of possibilities for forming isostructural materi-
als by substituting other elements; such systems and their of 10 kG, but the coercivities are no larger than a few
properties are the subject of Sec. VI. Practical per- hundred oersted and severely limit (BH), These alloy
manent magnets are discussed in Sec. VII. Two distinct systems essentially exploit the magnetic properties of ele-
preparation methods, the rapid-solidiGcation technique mental iron, for which 4aM, =21.5 kG implies an enor-
of melt spinning and the traditional powder-metallurgy mous (BH)*, „of
115 MCxOe. The anisotropy field H
approach, are already in commercia1 use. Section VIII (the external field required to rotate the magnetization
contains a few concluding remarks, and the Appendix is from the easy to a hard direction) is only —500 Oe for
a note on units. iron, however, and (BH)', „cannot be realized. The ad-
ditives to the steels simply serve to translate the meager
anisotropy Geld of iron into useful coercivity.
Alnicos were the next class of' materials to advance the
energy product. Mishima (1932) discovered the initial
members of the series, thermally treated aluminum-
Reported by the ancients and long applied in naviga-
nickel-iron alloys featuring coercivities more than a fac-
tional compasses, lodestone was the first permanent mag-
net known to history. Lodestone is principally tor of 2 larger than those of the best cobalt steels.
comprised of the ore magnetite (Fe, O~), found originally
Present commercial alnicos generally contain iron, co-
balt, nickel, and aluminum with minor additions of
in the eponymous Greek province of Magnesia in Thessa-
copper and titanium. As Enz (1982) observes, alnicos
ly, from which the entire science of magnetism derives its
were the first magnets to be aptly designated permanent
name. The greatest strides in magnet development, how-
because of their resistance to stray magnetic fields,
ever, have occurred in the last hundred years and have
mechanical shock, and elevated temperatures. The
been invariably connected with the discovery of new
mechanical and magnetic properties are linked strongly
classes of materials characterized by ever more desirable
properties (a point emphasized by many authors, includ-
ing Enz, 1982; Wallace, 1985; White, 1985; Buschow,
1986a; and Coey, 1987). Each such discovery has stimu-
1Rt,cd R period of intense technological Rct1vity, with thc —1000
Ilcxt cycle 1Illt1Rtcd by thc advcIlt of Rllothcr gcIllc of ma- Neodymium-Iron-Boron

terial. Samarium-Cobalt

This evolution has been monitored generally by one ill(ll

Ggure of merit for a permanent magnet, the maximum
10 Alnioos llllll

energy product (BH), which is the maximum product 0(5 lllllllllll CD

of magnetic induction 8 and applied Geld H in the second

X llll[ff X
quadrant of the B (H) hysteresis curve. (BH) „provides Q3
Fer rites
a measure of the field that can be produced outside a unit
volume of magnet material. In broad terms, the larger
(BH), the greater the potential for reducing the size
and weight of a device by replacing either electromagnets

or permanent magnets having a lower energy product; 0. 1- I I I

1880 $900 1920 1940 1960 1980

the precise extent of such reduction depends upon the Year

speciGc application. The so-called theoretical maximum

energy product, the largest value realizable in principle, FIG. 1. Chronological trend of the maximum energy product
is an intrinsic quantity defined by (BH) „achieved in various permanent-Inagnet materials.

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

to the microstructure, which is characterized typically by tunately lower (Menth et al. , 1978). Nevertheless, the
finely dispersed, oriented, elongated, single-domain parti- R2Co17 magnetization and the RCo5 anisotropy have
cles precipitated by appropriate thermal treatment in a been exploited via the technique of precipitation harden-
field. The shape anisotropy of the particles is responsible ing. Energy products as large as 33 MGOe have been ob-
for the coercivity. In his comprehensive review of the al- tained in samarium-cobalt —based alloys featuring a two-
nico alloys, McCurrie (1982) reports that the highest en- component cellular microstructure in which a Sm2Co17-
ergy product achieved is —13 MGOe. type phase is surrounded by a SmCo5-type boundary
Although they do not lie on the increasing (BII), „ phase (Mishra et al. , 1981). The development of both
trend line of Fig 1, the hard ferrites are included because R2TM17 and R-TM5 permanent magnets has been re-
of their commercial importance. These materials are viewed extensively by Kumar (1988) and by Strnat (1988).
based on ihe hexagonal oxides BaFe12O19 SrFe12O19 The samarium-cobalt materials are attractive replace-
their solid solutions. The coercivity of ferrite magnets ments for electromagnets in many applications, but their
derives from the uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy, use has been limited by economic constraints. Samarium
rather than the shape anisotropy, of single-domain parti- is the least abundant, and hence most expensive, of the
cles and can be substantially larger than that of the al- light rare earths (i.e. , La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm); La, Ce, Pr,
nicos. The remanent magnetization is relatively low, and Nd account for over 95%%uo of the rare-earth content
however, and (BH), is no larger than 5 MGOe. Per
„ in a typical ore body. Exacerbating this unfavorable cir-
unit energy product, the hexagonal ferrites are the least cumstance is the fact that the price and availability of co-
expensive hard magnets, and their high electrical resis- balt are subject to gross, unpredictable excursions. The
tivity ( —10 —10 Qcm; all other materials in Fig. 1 are bulk of the world s cobalt is mined in Zaire, and in par-
metallic) has made them useful in a variety of high- ticular the 1978 civil war there diminished supplies, radi-
frequency applications. Kojima (1982) and Sugimoto cally increased prices, and, perhaps in retrospect most
(1982) have reviewed the fundamental properties of the importantly, helped spur searches for alternative R-TM
ferrites, and the technological issues have been discussed systems having economically preferable elemental con-
in detail by Stablein (1982). stituents (see G. Y. Chin et al. , 1979).
Over the past three decades the energy product has Iron-based materials having the characteristics of
been increased by rare-earth —transition-metal (R-TM) samarium-cobalt had long been desired; however, no suit-
materials in which the R component provides most of the able compounds were known in 1978. R-Fe phases with
magnetocrystalline anisotropy intrinsically responsible the CaCu5 structure do not exist, and the R2Fe17 com-
for the coercivity in a practical magnet, while the magne- pounds in which R is a light rare earth have unaccept-
tization arises principally from the TM sublattice. Inves- ably low Curie temperatures. Despite the apparent ab-
tigation of such systems began with magnetization mea- sence of appropriate compounds, two lines of research
surements on the RCo5 compounds having the hexagonal led, by the time of the 1983 Conference on Magnetism
CaCu5 crystal structure (e.g. , Nesbitt et a/. , 1959, 1961, and Magnetic Materials in Pittsburgh, to the preparation
1962; Hubbard et al. , 1960). Determinations of the an- of iron-based rare-earth hard magnets. One approach re-
isotropy made it apparent to Strnat and co-workers in lied on the rapid solidification, by melt spinning, of rare™
particular that the RCo5 compounds were promising can- earth —iron —metalloid alloys (Croat et al. , 1984b; Koon
didates for permanent-magnet development (Hoffer and and Das, 1984; Hadjipanayis et a/. , 1984; Sellmyer et ah. ,
Strnat, 1966; Strnat et al. , 1967). SmCo5 became the 1984; Becker, 1984), and the other involved traditional
focus of technological efforts, and energy products in the powder-metallurgy (sintering) techniques (Sagawa,
16—28-MGOe range have been obtained by sintering Fujimura, et al. , 1984a).
{Strnat, 1987). For the compounds in which the 4f shell Croat et al. {1984a, 1984b) reported energy products
has a nonzero orbital magnetic moment, theoretical anal- as large as 14 MGOe in melt-spun ribbons of
yses demonstrated that the behavior of the R ion under Ndo. 135Feo. s178o. o4s work that evolved from earlier stud-
the combined inhuence of the exchange and crystalline ies (Croat, 1980, 1981a, 1981b, 1981c, 1982a, 1982b,
electric field controls the easy magnetization direction 1982c; Croat and Herbst, 1982a, 1982b) of rapidly
and accounts for much of the large uniaxial anisotropy solidified R-Fe binary alloys. Extending previous investi-
(see, for example, Greedan and Rao, 1973; Buschow gations (Koon and Das, 1981; Koon et al. , 1982; Das
et al. , 1974). and Koon, 1983) of crystallized amorphous
In view of their richer cobalt content and, hence,
higher magnetization and larger (BH)', „values, the
R2Co, 7 compounds were also heavily investigated as
found „=
Lap p5Tbp p5Fep 748p i6 materials, Koon and Das (1984)
(8&), 13 MGOe in annealed melt-spun
I a0. 020Ndo. 130Feo.783~0.067 and Lao. oosPro. 145Feo. 7s38o. o67.
hard-magnet materials. The light-rare-earth members of Hadjipanayis et al. , (1983, 1984) explored a variety of
the series have the rhombohedral Th2Zn, 7 structure, rapidly quenched rare-earth —iron —metalloid systems and
which is closely related to the CaCu5 structure. In con- observed an energy product of 13 MGOe in heat-treated
trast to the RCo5 series, the cobalt sublattice in the Prp i6Fep 76Sip p38p p~ (see also Hazelton et al. , 1984).
R2CO 17 phases is characterized by basal-plane rather than These series of inquiries were encouraged in part by the
uniaxial anisotropy, and the total anisotropy is unfor- seminal finding of Clark (1973) that amorphous

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 19S1

F. Herbst: R, F8, 48 materials

Tb 0. 33Fe0. 67 developed a coercive force of -3 kOe after 1985; Buschow, de Mooij, et al. , 1986) have shown that
annealing. Clark's result motivated examination of Nd2Fe&48 is essentially a line compound with a homo-
amorphous or metastable precursors, preparation of geneity range considerably narrower than that character-
which necessitates rapid-cooling methods, as a possible izing SmCo5.
route toward a high-energy-product iron-based magnet.
With the working assumption that binary alloys were not
promising, Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. (1984a) applied con-
A. Nd, Fe, „Bcrystallography
ventional sintering methods to ternary light. -rare-
earth —iron systems and obtained (BH), 36 MGQe „=
for Ndo, 5Feo 77BO Os. All of these high-(BH), „materi-
Figure 2 displays the Nd2Fei48 unit cell. The lattice
symmetry is tetragonal (space group P4z/mnm), and
each unit cell contains four formula units, or 68 atoms.
als, rapidly solidified as well as sintered, contained a nov-
There are six crystallographically distinct iron sites, two
el ternary crystalline compound. Although its chemical
difFerent rare-earth positions, and one boron site. Table I
formula was tentatively and variously identified as
lists the nuclear positions from ihe work of Herbst et a l..
R3Fe2, 8 (Stadelmaier et al. , 1983; Hadjipanayis et al. , (1985), and Table II contains interatomic distances com-
1984), R3FezoB (Hadjipanayis et al. , 1983), R3Fe2OBQ
puted from them. Figure 3 is the Cu-E x-ray powder-
(Spada et al. , 1984), R5Fez~83 (Deryagin et al. , 1984), diffraction diagram calculated for Nd2Fe&48 using the pa-
and as R3Fe]68 in an earlier crystallographic study of rameters in Table I. The coordinate systems di6'er
R-Fe-B systems by Chaban et al. (1979), the correct
among the structure determinations such that equivalent
stoichiometry, R2Fe&48, and detailed crystal structure atomic positions are related by
were soon determined (Givord, Li, and Moreau, 1984;
Herbst et al. , 1984, 1985; Shoemaker et al. , 1984). The 3 Z)Shoemaker et al.
(X~3 ~+ Herbst et a!.
larger energy product reported by Sagawa, Fujimura, +~3 ~ 2 Givord et al.
et al. (1984a) arose from the crystallite orientation
afforded by the powder-metallurgy procedure. The site designations, which di6'er as we11, are included in
Considerable technological interest has centered on Table I. There is no question, however, that the overall
Nd 2 Feei4 8 because of its excellent intrinsic properties
[(BH)*, „-64 MGOe, H, -73 kQe] and economic ad-
vantages over samarium-cobalt materials. Practical mag-
nets with energy products in the 40 —50-MGOe range,
values significantly larger than any previously attained
(see Fig. 1), have been prepared from melt-spun (Lee,
1985; Croat, 1989a) and sintered (e.g. , Sagawa, Hirosawa,
et al. , 1987d) alloys, and large-scale production pro-
grams employing both approaches have been implement-
ed (technological aspects are the subject of Sec. VII).
The spectrum of applications for Nd-Fe-8 magnets con-
tinues to expand. On the scientific side, the existence of
an entire R2Fe, 48 series has stimulated a great deal of
research on their properties and the physics underlying
those properties (see Secs. III —VI).

Nd 2Fe 148 emerged as the prototypical R2Fe, 48 com-

pound because magnets having the largest energy prod-
ucts contain it as the principal constituent. Roughly
comparable hard-magnetic properties can be realized
with Pr2Fe&48, but the Nd phase has received more at-
tention as a magnet material because it has somewhat QNd
8 g
higher magnetization (see Table IV in Sec. IV) and neo-

dymium is more abundant than praseodymium. The ex- Fe cO Fe 8 OFe j~( Fe j2% Fe kq tesIFe &2 8 g
act stoichiometry and crystal structure of Nd2Fe&48 were
first established by neutron powder-difFraction analysis
(Herbst et al. , 1984, 1985) and confirmed by two in- FIG. 2. Tetragonal unit cell of Nd2Fe&48, the prototypica
i al
dependent single-crystal x-ray investigations (Shoemaker structure of the R2Fe&48 compounds. The c/a ratio in the
et al. , 1984; Givord, Li, and Moreau, 1984). Buschow figure is exaggerated to emphasize the puckering of the hexago-
and colleagues (Buschow, de Mooij, and Van Noort, nal iron nets.

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R&Fe„4Bmaterials

TABLE I. Atomic sites (number of positions and Wyckoff notation) and nuclear coordinates x, y, z (in
units of the lattice constants a=8.80 A, c=12.20 A) for Nd2Fe&48 at 295 K from Herbst et al. (198S).
The final two columns give the corresponding site designations of Shoemaker et al. (1984) and Givord,
Li, and Moreau (1984). The space group is P4&/mnm, No. 136 in the tables of Henry and Lonsdale
Other site designations
Atom Shoemaker Givord
Nd(4f) 0.268 0.268 0 Nd(2) 4g Nd2 4g
Nd(4g) 0. 140 —0. 140 0 Nd(l) 4f Nd) 4f
Fe(16k i ) 0.223 0.567 0. 127 Fe(2) 16k Fe5 16k
Fe(16k ) 0.037 0.360 0. 176 Fe(3) 16k Fe6 16k
Fe(Sji ) 0.098 0.098 0.204 Fe(5} Sj Fe3 Sj
Fe(8j, ) 0.317 0.317 0.246 Fe(4} Sj Fe& Sj
Fe(4e) 0.5 O. S 0. 114 Fe(6) 4e Fe, 4e
Fe(4c) 0 0.5 0 Fe(1) 4c Fe2 4c
B(4g) 0.371 —0.371 0 8 4f 8 4f

Nd2Fe, „Bstructure is definitively established, and the

atomic coordinates obtained in the three determinations
agree very well. The Fe and Nd parameters differ by no
more than 0.001 and 0.002, respectively, between the
neutron and x-ray results, while the boron position shows
the greatest disparity, 0.006 (0.08 A). Since the boron
cross section is comparable to the Nd and Fe cross sec-
tions for neutrons but much sInaller for x rays, the boron
position is likely better established by neutron scattering.
From Fig. 2 it can be seen that each Nd2Fe&4B unit cell
consists of an eight-layer repeat structure perpendicular
to the c axis. Spatial relationships among several of the
layers are illustrated in Fig. 4. All the Nd and B atoms,
but only the four Fe(c) atoms out of the total iron num-
ber of 56, reside in the z=0 and z = —,' mirror planes [Fig.
2, Fig. 4(a)]; the planes are connected by 42 tetragonal
screw axes passing through the 4c sites. Between these
planes the other Fe atoms form three puckered nets. The
Fe(k&), Fe(k2), Fe(j, ), and Fe(e) sites comprise two
slightly distorted hexagonal arrays rotated by -30' with
respect to one another; they enclose a net of Fe(jz) sites


Q) Nd feNd 9
I I Fe co Fe e Fe j&@Fej 2Fe kq QFe k2 B 9
10 20 30 40 50 60
2e (deg)
FIG. 4. (a) Projection of the basal plane and the first Fe layer
(z —1/6) in Nd2Fei48. (b) Projection of the three Fe layers be-
FIG. 3. Calculated Cu-K x-ray powder-diffraction pattern for tween the basal and z = 2 planes. (c) Projection of the first Fe
Nd2Fe i4B. layer and the neighboring layer of Fe( j2) atoms (z —4 ).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B mater~ala

located above or below the centers of the hexagons in the not fixed by the space group, it is very near z = —„' (cf.
neighboring layers I'Fig. 4(b)]. Many authors (e.g. , Table I), so that the layers of Fe(j2) atoms are almost
Shoemaker et a/. , 1984; Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. , 1984b; precisely midway between the planes containing Nd and
Holler and Oesterreicher, 1984; H. Qesterreicher et al. , B.
1984; Abache and Oesterreicher, 1985; Givord and I.i, The boron coordination in Nd2Fe&48 is simple and
1985) have discussed the close similarity of the iron lay- elegant. Each boron occupies the center of a trigonal
ers in Fig. 4(b) to nets in the o. phase found in the Fe-Cr, prism (Fig. 5) formed by the three nearest iron atoms
Fe-Mo, and other systems (Bergman and Shoemaker, above and the three below the basal (or z = —, ') plane.
1954). Figure 4(c) makes clear the essentially perfect tri- Figure 4(a) shows that the triangular prism faces partici-
angular coordination of the Fe( jz ) atoms and each of the pate in completing the hexagonal Fe nets over the square
hexagonal layers. Although the jz-site z coordinate is basal-plane units. The prisms pucker the Fe nets because

TABLE II. Interatomic distances (A) in Nd2Pe, 48 from the coordinates of Table I. Ajil pairs of atoms separated by less than 4 A are
Neighbors and distances

4 Fe(k ) 3.06 Fe(j) ) 2 Fe(k2) 2.39

2 Fe{j2) 3.07 1 Fe(j&) 2.44
4 Pe(k, ) 3.08 1 Fe(e) 2.53
2 Fe(c) 3. 12 2 Pe(k) ) 2.60
2 Fe(e) 3.21 2 Fe(j2) 2.65
2 Fe(j&) 3.27 1 Fe(j2) 2.77
2 8 3.30 1 Nd(f} 3.27
2 Nd(g) 3.76 2 Nd(g) 3.28
1 8 3.62
Nd(g) 1 8 2. 87 Pe(j, ) 2 Fe(k, ) 2.63
4 Fe(k) ) 3.09 2 Fe(j)) 2.65
2 Fe(j2) 3. 14 2 Fe(k~ } 2.66
4 Fe(j, ) 3.28 2 Fe(k) ) 2.70
4 Fe(k2 } 3.28 2 Fe(k) ) 2.76
2 Fe(c) 3.40 1 Fe(j)) 2.77
1 Nd(g) 3.49 1 Fe(e) 2.80
2 Nd(f) 3.76 1 Nd(f} 3.07
1 Nd(g) 3.14
Fe(k, ) 1 8 2. 10 1 8 3.88
1 Fe(k2) 2.46
1 Fe(e) 2.51 2 8 2. 12
2 Fe(k, ) 2.52 4 Fe(k) ) 2.51
1 Fe(c) 2.57 2 Fe(j() 2.53
1 Fe(jg) 2.60 1 Fe(e) 2.78
1 Pe(k, ) 2.60 2 Fe(j2) 2.80
1 Fe{j2) 2.70 2 Nd(f) 3.21
1 Fe{j&) 2.76 4 Pe(k) } 3.86
1 Nd(f) 3.08
1 Nd(g) 3.09 Fe(c) 4 Fe(k2) 2.SO
1 Fe(k) ) 3. 11 4 Fe{k) ) 2.57
1 Pe(e) 3.86 2 Nd(f) 3.12
2 Nd(g) 3.40
2 8 3.46
Fe(k~ ) 1 Fe(j& ) 2.39
1Fe(k) ) 2.46 4 Fe(k) } 2. 10
1 Fe(c) 2. 50 2 Fe(e) 2. 12
2 Fe(k) ) 2. 52 1 Nd(g) 2. 87
3 Pe(k2) 2.56 1 8 3.21
1 Pe(j2) 2.63 2 Nd(f) 3.30
1 Fe{j2) 2.66 2 Fe(c) 3.46
1 Nd(f) 3.06 2 Fe(j)) 3.62
1 Nd(g) 3.28 2 Fe( j2) 3.88

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

QNd f QNd
~ R Q TM (g) gl TM (c)

O«e CF«~ FIG. 6. Unit cell of the hexagonal R-TM& structure (CaCu5-
Bg type; P6/rnmm) formed by SmCo& and other R-TM corn-
pounds (adapted from Wernick and Geller, 1959).

FICx. 5. Trigonal prism containing a boron atom in the

Nd&pe &&8 structure.
Fe( ), and Fe(e) atoms in RzFe, „B
are the cognates of
the TM(g} arrays in R-TM5,' both form hexagonal prisms
enclosing the R atoms. Furthermore, as emphasized by
the Fe(e) and Fe(k, ) atoms in them are displaced Givord, Li, and Moreau (1984), the B and Fe(j2) sites of
significantly toward the B-containing planes compared „B
R2Fe, correspond to the TM(c) and R sites, respective-
with the other Fe atoms in the nets; the B-Fe(k&) and ly, in R-TM5.
B-Fe(e) distances are the shortest in the structure (cf. Several other R-TM lattices can be derived from
Table II). Linking the Fe layers above and below the R-TM5 by judicious replacement of R and TM atoms
planes containing Nd and B, the prisms evidently con- (see, for example, Buschow, 1971; Pearson, 1972). These
tribute to the stability of the structure. Three rare-earth include the R-TMz (cubic Laves phase; MgCuz-type)
atoms are bonded to each boron through the rectangular structure formed by the extremely magnetostrictive com-
prism faces. The prisms appear in pairs having a corn- pounds TbFez and SmFe2 (reviewed by Clark, 1980), the
mon Fe(e)-Fe(e) edge, and they share two rare-earth R-TM3 (rhombohedral; PuNi3-type) structure, the
atoms. Such trigonal prisms are fundamental to the R-TM &2 (tetragonal; ThMn &2-type) structure characteriz-
structure of many transition-metal —metalloid systems, ing a class of magnetically anisotropic materials such as
both crystalline (e.g. , FeB, Fe3C, Fe3P} and amorphous RFe1pTM2 whose investigation has begun only recently
(Gaskell, 1981; Parthe et al. , 1983). (see de Boer et al. , 1987; de Mooij and Buschow, 1988a),
and, of most interest here, the R2TM, 7 (rhombohedral;
ThzZn, 7-type) structure. Representatives of the rhom-
B. Other structural comparisons bohedral R2TM17 class include the hard-magnet com-
pound Sm2Co17, the recently discovered interstitial ni-
In addition to the similarities with simpler TM- tride Sm2F 17N2. 3 wh'ch has some promise as a
metalloid materials, many structural parallels exist be- permanent-magnet material in view of its high Curie tem-
tween Nd2Fe14B and other R-TM systems. Givord, Li, perature (T, =749 K), large room-temperature magneti-
and Moreau (1984) have pointed out that the boron zation (4aM, =15 kG), and uniaxial anisotropy (Coey
atoms in R2Fe, 48 and those in the hexagonal RCo3B2 and Sun, 1990; Coey et al. , 1990; H. Sun et al. , 1990);
and related compounds occupy the same position inside a and Nd2Fe17, the binary intermetallic closest in
rhombus of R atoms. Reporting the formation of iso- stoichiometry to Nd2Fe, 48. In discussing the crystallog-
morphous LazFe, 4C, Marusin et al. (1985) noted that the raphy of the RzCo, 7 phases, Ostertag and Strnat (1966)
R2Fe&48 structure can be related to the cubic Th6Mn23 noted that appropriate replacement of every third R
structure, formed by many R-Fe and R-Mn compounds, atom by a pair of Co atoms in R-TM& generates the
via a tetragonal deformation (a/&2~c) of the latter. R2TM ] 7 lattice illustrated in Fig. 7.
Analogies with the hexagonal CaCu5 structure character- Given the similarities of R-TM5 and Nd2Fe, 48 on the
izing the permanent-magnet compound SmCo5 and a one hand and of R-TM5 and R2TM, 7 on the other, it is
variety of other R-TM phases include the following, as not surprising that many parallels exist between
comparison of Fig. 2 and Fig. 4 with Fig. 6 shows. Both Nd2Fe14B and R2TM17' Th ayered arrangemen
structures can be viewed as stacks of triangular and hex- the presence of hexagonal TM nets surrounding R atoms
agonal layers. The hexagonal arrays of Fe(k&), Fe(kz), in each structure are apparent from Figs. 2 and 7.

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe„„B

conductivity. Those authors observe that the j2 and c

sites are the only TM sites in their respective structures
having major ligand lines, i.e., lines connecting sixfold
faces of VA'gner-Seitz polyhedra constructed about the
lattice sites, and they suggest that the occurrence of such
lines generally encourages large moments (Bennett et al. ,
1986; Bennett and Watson, 1987; Watson et al. , 1987).
The orientation of the major ligand lines has also been re-
lated to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy in a number of
R-TM materials (Melamud et al. , 1987; Watson et al. ,

C. Isomorphs

The R2Fe, 48 structure has been found to form with yt-

trium, thorium, and all the rare-earth elements except eu-
«TM (f) +'TM (d) +TM (h) OTM (c) ropium and radioactive promethium. Lattice constants
and densities for these compounds are given in Table III.
The e6'ect of the lanthanide contraction, the decrease in
FIG. 7. Hexagonal unit ce11 of the rhombohedral R2TM» the radii of the trivalent lanthanide ions with increasing
(Th2Zn»-type; 8 3m) structure, whose representatives include atomic number Z, is apparent in the decrease of the c lat-
2Co» and Nd2Fe» (after Streever, 1979).
tice parameter through the rare-earth (La-Lu) series. As
Z increases, the addition of another electron to the 4f
shell does not completely screen the larger nuclear
charge, and the radius of the rare-earth ion contracts.
Ce2Fe&48 clearly deviates from the trend. Its smaller lat-
Despite the difFerent symmetries, the lattice parameters
of Nd2Fe, ~B (a=8.80 A, c=12.20 A) approach those of
tice constants (and magnetization — see Table IV in Sec.
IV) imply that Ce is essentially tetravalent with no 4f
its nearest R2TM, 7 relative, Nd2Fe, 7 (a=8.57 A, magnetic moment in the structure; neutron-difFraction
c=12.44 A). Perhaps the most significant correlation, measurements (Herbst and Yelon, 1986b; Dalmas de
however, is the fact that the Fe( j2) atoms in NdzFe, 4B Reotier et al. , 1987) confirm this inference. All the other
and the Fe(c) atoms in Nd2Fe, 7 are cognate magnetically rare-earth constituents, including ytterbium, are evident-
as well as crystallographically (Herbst et al. , 1985, 1986). ly trivalent (Y and Th are almost certainly trivalent and
Residing above and below the centers of hexagons, each tetravalent, respectively). The a lattice parameter de-
site has the largest number of near-neighbor Fe atoms clines much more slowly with Z, suggesting that the
and the largest magnetic moment in its structure. The basal-plane dimension is inAuenced more by the particu-
Fe-Fe(jz) bond lengths extend from 2.63 A to 2.80 A in larly stable trigonal Fe-8 prisms than by the size of the R
Nd2Fei48 (cf. Table II), and the Fe-Fe(c) bonds 0in ions. The crystallographic work on Nd2Fe&48 and neu-
Nd2Fey7 span an almost identical interval, 2.62 —2.74 A. tron studies of the Ce, Lu (Herbst and Yelon, 1986b), Pr,
Moreover, neutron-difFraction studies of the Dy (Herbst and Yelon, 1985), Ho (Wolfers et a/. , 1990),
N12Fei7 „Co~(Herbst et al. , 1982) and NdzFe, 4 „CoB Er (Yelon and Herbst, 1986), Tm (Davis et al. , 1985),
(Herbst and Yelon, 1986a) pseudoternary compounds and Y, Ce, Er compounds (Dalmas de Reotier et al. ,
demonstrate that these similarities persist for the Co- 1987) indicate that the nuclear position parameters (in
substituted systems, with the additional parallel that the units of the lattice constants) change minimally through
c sites in the former and the j2 sites in the latter are both the series.
prefer entially occupied by Fe. A number of Fe Only two families of Nd2Fe&48-type compounds are
Mossbauer-efFect studies also indicate that the j2 site has known in which Fe or 8 is totally replaced by another
a strong preference for Fe (see Sec. VI.B). element, namely, RzCo, 48 and R2Fe&4C. Partial substitu-
A very interesting further perspective on the analogy tion of R, Fe, or 8 with maintenance of the R2Fe, 48
between the j2 sites in Nd2Fe&48 and the c sites in structure is possible with many other elements, and
Nd2Fe&7 has been provided by Bennett, %"atson, and co- R2Fe&488 and R2Co I4BH interstitial hydride series ex-
workers in studies of the topology of local atomic envi- ist. These isostructural materials are the subject of Sec.
ronments and its implications for magnetism and super- VI.

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

TABLE III. Room-temperature lattice constants a, c and densities p computed from them for the
tetragonal R2Fe&48 compounds.
Compound a (A) p (g/cm') References

La2Fe)48 8.82 12.34 7.40

Ce2Fe&48 8.76 12.11 7.67 C—g
Pr2Fe&48 8.80 12.23 7.54 e, g, h
Nd, Fe, 48 8.80 12.20 7.60 d, f,g, i-k
Sm2Fe)48 8.80 12. 15 7.72 e, l
Gd, Fe, 48 8.79 12.09 7.87 a, e —g, l
Tb2Fe j48 8.77 12.05 7.96 a, d —g, l
Dy2Fe&48 8.76 12.01 8.05 a, d, e,g, h, l
Ho, Fe, 48 8.75 11.99 8. 12
Er2Fe)48 8.73 11.95 8.22 a, e —g, l, m
Trn2Fe )48 8.73 11.93 8.26 a, e,g
Y12Fe)48 8.71 11.92 8.36 n
Lu2Fe&48 8.70 11.85 8.47 c
Y2Fe)48 8.76 12.00 7.00 a, d, f
Th2Fe&48 8.80 12.17 8.86 o, p
'Sinema et al. (1984). 'Herbst et al. (1984, 1985).
Stadelmaier, Liu, and ElMasry (1985). 'Shoemaker et al. (1984).
'Herbst and Yelon (1986b). "Givord, Li, and Moreau (1984).
Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. (1986). 'Yamamoto et al. (1984).
'Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. (1984b). Yelon and Herbst (1986).
Abache and Oesterreicher (1986b). "Burlet et al. (1986).
gR. Fruchart et al. (1987). 'Pedziwiatr, Wallace, and Burzo (1986c).
"Herbst and Yelon (1985). Andreev and Bartashevich (1990b).

IV. MAGNETIC PROPERTIES sawa, Matsuura, et al. , 1986) or by the singular-point

OF THE R, Fe«B COMPOUNDS detection method (e.g. , Grossinger, Sun, et al. , 1985,
1986; Grossinger, Kirchmayr, and Buschow, 1988). The
latter technique was pioneered by Asti and Rinaldi (1974)
A. Systematics
and is specifically applicable to polycrystalline samples;
for a uniaxial material, H, is identified as the field H for
A sequence of homologous compounds, especially one
which the second derivative d H/dM of the magnetiza-
formed by the rare earths, afFords the opportunity to ob-
tion M exhibits a singularity when H is applied in a hard
tain valuable systematic information on which more de-
tailed work can build. This opportunity has been well ex-
ploited with regard to the magnetic properties of the
R2Fe&48 series. Saturation magnetizations M„anisotro- 1. R and Fe magnetic moments and their couplings
py fields H„and Curie temperatures T, of the R2Fe&48
phases are given in Table IV. The entries are a selected An estimate of 2. lp~ for the average moment per Fe
subset of the published results, one source of whose vari- atom in the series is given by the 4 K magnetizations of
ation is the fact that preparation of single-phase samples the R=La, Ce, Lu, Y, and Th compounds in Table IV
is a nontrivial task; as a representative example, because those materials can be regarded as magnetically
Nd2Fe, 48 melts incongruently and forms by peritectic re- blank with respect to the rare-earth component. (The
action of the liquid and Fe (for phase diagram informa- mean Fe moment in the tetravalent Ce and Th com-
tion see, for example Matsuura et a/. , 1985b; Schneider pounds, 2.06pz, is slightly lower than the 2. 15pz average
et al. , 1986). Single-crystal measurements are cited for for the trivalent La, Lu, and Y compounds, indicating
mast of the compounds; of particular note in this respect the impact of additional charge transfer from the R com-
is the work of Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. (1986), who ponent to the conduction bands. ) This value closely ap-
prepared single crystals of eleven members of the series. proximates the 2.2pz moment of elemental n-Fe, a re-
In Table IV, H, denotes the external magnetic field re- markable fact considering that o;-Fe is body-centered cu-
quired to rotate the magnetization from an easy into a bic with but one symmetry site, whereas R2Fe&48 is
hard direction. The values of H, were determined either tetragonal with six crystallographically distinct Fe sites.
from magnetization curves for the field parallel and nor- The magnitude of the mean Fe moment suggests that the
mal to an easy direction (e.g. , Sinnema et al. , 1984; Hiro- six iron sublattices in the R2Fe&48 structure are fer-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 19S1

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

romagnetically coupled and collinear; no evidence to the lanthanides (see Table V); i.e. , the total R moment and
contrary has emerged from neutron-diAraction, the R spin moment are antiparallel for the light-rare-
Mossbauer-eItect, or other experiments. For the com- earth ions and parallel for the heavy-rare-earth ions. The
pounds in which the rare earth supports a moment, the above inference regarding the R-Fe moment coupling is
average R moment pR can be estimated by subtracting thus equivalent to the statement that the rare-earth 4f
M, (4 K) for Y2Fe, ~B from the other low-temperature and iron 3d spin moments are always antiparallel, that is,
magnetizations in Table IV. Values of pR generated in the 3d 4f ex-change interaction is invariably antiferromag
this way are given in Table V, and two inferences can be netic. Understanding of this widely observed characteris-
educed from them. tic is far from complete. Wallace (1968) and Buschow
First, the sign of pR implies that the rare-earth and (1971) proposed that the 3d 4f co-upling occurs indirectly
iron moments are coupled ferromagnetically (antifer- via polarization of the s conduction electrons by an in-
romagnetically) for the light (heavy) rare earths, an ob- teraction of the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya- Yosida
servation which applies to a 1arge number of crystalline (RKKY) type. The interaction Hamiltonian is then of
as well as amorphous R-TM systems spanning a broad the form (Buschow, 1971)
range of structures,
electron concentrations
compositions, and conduction-
(see, for example, Buschow,
1971, 1977, 1980; Kirchmayr and Poldy, 1979). Now in
J,~j,„gr(2k, z,,
)S", S™
j, j,
where & and d are efFective 4f sand -3d-s exchange in-
first approximation it can be assumed that the rare-earth
moment derives solely from the 4f electrons and that the tegrals, S, and 8™
are the spin operators for local rare-
ground state of the 4f shell is specified by Hund's rules earth 4f and TM 3d spins at lattice sites i and separated j
(with the likely exception of Sm,
which features a low- by R;, k~ is the Fermi wave vector, and
lying excited multiplet). The total angular momentum J F (x ) = (x cosx —sinx ) /x
in the Hund's-rule state of the 4f shell is =I. —
S for J
the light lanthanides and J
=I. + 5 for the heavy is the usual RKKY function. This mechanism, however,

TABLE IV. Saturation magnetizations M„anisotropy fields II„andCurie temperatures T, of the RzFe&48 compounds.
4 K
Compound M, {p~/f. u. ) 4mM, {kG) H, (kOe) M, (pg/f. u. ) H, (kOe} T, (K)
4' —
LazFe)48 30.6' 14.8' 12 28 13.8' 20b d 530'
CezFe&48 29 4' 14.7' 26b, c, e 26b, c, e 424" g
PrzFel48 37.6' as. @' 200b, c, f 31 9' 15.6' 75b, c, f 565"
—P —170b' —
NdzFe)48 37 7e, m 18 5em p 32 5e, m, n, q, r 16 0e, m, n, q, r 73' 585a, e h,
j, r, t, u
SmzFe)48 333' 16. 7" & 200 30 2e, m, v 15 2e, m, v 1 50e, m,
v 616"g '
GdzFe)48 17 9" 9 2a, e 19b, c, e 17 5e
—h, r
8 9e —h, r 24b, c, e, r 661e —k, r
TbzFe)48 13.2" 6. 6" —300' 14.0' 70' -220' 620""
DyzFei48 11.3" 5 7a, e, f —170" 14. 0" 7. 1" —150' 598' '
HozFe)48 11 2" 5 7a, e ) 100"'
15 9' 8. 1' 75e, k 573"g '
554" '
ErzFe&48 12.9' 6.6' 17 7e, g, h, w 9 0e, g, h, w 8w

TmzFe)48 18 1ae 9 2a, e —170' 22 6" 11 5" 8w 541"g '

YbzFe&48 -23~ —12' -23~ —12" 524'
LuzFe)48 28 2' 14.7' 20b, c 22. 5' 11.7' 26b, c, k 535 *'
YzFe)48 15 9' '" 1 8b, C,
27. 8' 14.1' 26f, m, n, q, r 565a, e —h, j, r
ThzFe)48 28.4 12.2 -20' 24. 7 14.1 26'~ 481 ~&'
aSinnema et al. (1984). pTokuhara et al. (1985).
Grossinger, Sun, et al. (1985). Koon et al. (1985).
'Grossinger, Sun, et al. (1986). "M. Q. Huang et al. (1985).
Grossinger, Kirchmayr, and Buschow (1988). 'Grossinger, Krewenka, et al. (1986).
'Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. (1986). 'Fuerst et al. (1986).
Boltich et al. (1985). "Pedziwiatr and Wallace (1987a).
Yamamoto et al. {1984}. 'Hiroyoshi et al. (1985).
"Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. (1984b). "Hirosawa and Sagawa (1985).
'Belorizky et al. (1987). 'Fuerst, Meisner, and Pinkerton (1987).
'R. Fruchart et al. (1987). ~Coey (1986).
kAbache and Oesterreicher {1985). 'Burlet et al. (1986).
'Burzo, Oswald, et al. (1985). Pedziwiatr and Wallace (1986a).
Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. (1985a). ~Buschow, van Noort, and de Mooij (1985).
nGivord, Li, and Perrier de la Bathie (1984). ~8olzoni, Gavigan, et al. (1987).
'Givord, Li, and Tasset (1985). Andreev and Bartashevich (1990b).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe„4Bmaterials 829

TABLE V. Estimates p& of the average magnetic moment per R atom in R2Fe&48 compounds from the 4 K magnetization data in
Table IV, and magnetic moments gJ, ground levels, J, I., 5 quantum numbers, Lande g factors, and de Gennes factors
6 =(g —1) J(J+ 1) for the corresponding trivalent rare-earth ions.
Compound gJ Ground level

Pr2Fe)48 3.1 3.2 4f H 1 4/5 4/5

Nd2Fe)48 3.2 3.3 4f 19n 9/2 3/2 8/11 81/44
Sm2Fe)48 1.0 0.7 4f' 'Hsn 5/2 5/2 2/7 125/28
RdqFe)48 —6.8 7 4f S7n 7/2 7/2 2 63/4
Tb2Fel48 —9.1 9 4f8 7F 6 3 3/2 21/2
Dy2Fe)48 —10.1 10 4f His'n 15/2 5/2 4/3 255/36
HoqFe)48 —10.1 10 4f 10 51 8 2 5/4 9/2
Er2Fe)48 —9.3 9 4f 115n 15/2 3/2 6/5 51/20
—6.7 7 4f 12 3H 6 1 7/6 7/6
Yb, Fe„B —4.2 4 4f ' Fvn 7/2 1/2 8/7 9/28

is incapable of accounting for the extensive experimental Y2Fe, 4B. Experiments such as spin-polarized photoemis-
information. One defect of Eq. (2) is the explicit ex- sion might be helpful in examining the role of the 5d elec-
clusion of on-site terms which can be expected to be trons. For example, rneasurernent of the spin-dependent
significant. Furthermore, the lattice sum in Eq. (2) may energy distributions at two photon energies, one near the
well vary in sign for different structures, and nuclear- Cooper minimum for 5d emission, may enable deterrnina-
magnetic-resonance studies on many materials have tion of the individual 3d and 5d polarizations.
shown that the 3d-s interaction does not always lead to Comparison of the pR values with the 4f-shell mo-
the same sign of the s-electron polarization (Buschow, ments gJ of the corresponding free rare-earth ions in
1980). It is thus very unlikely that the 3d 4f inter-action Table V yields the second inference, namely, the R rno-
occurs via polarization of the s-like conduction electrons. ments in the compounds are quite near their free-ion
A more realistic coupling scheme has been proposed counterparts. The fact that pR- —gJ may initially appear
by Campbell (1972) and explicated by Buschow (1977, surprising, since an R ion having orbital angular momen-
1980). Emphasizing the importance of the rare-earth 5d tum LAO contributes greatly to the magnetocrystalline
electrons, Campbell suggests that the 4f spins induce a anisotropy, suggesting significant crystal-field splitting
positive, local Sd moment via atomic, ferromagnetic 4f and a ground-state moment reduced from the free-ion
5d exchange; 3d-5d exchange then generates the indirect value. As Sinnema et al. (1984) remark, however, obser-
3d 4f intera-ction. Since all the rare-earth elements can vation of essentially the full free-ion moment should rath-
be considered to reside at the beginning of a transition- er be interpreted as an indication that the inAuence of the
metal series with respect to their 5d character (a trivalent exchange field acting on the 4f moments is stronger than
rare-earth atom can contribute at most three electrons to that of the crystal field, even though the latter still con-
the conduction bands), while iron, cobalt, and nickel are trols the direction of the 4f moments.
in the second half of the 3d series, Campbell argues that Since M, and pR are measured along an easy direction,
the 3d-5d interaction can be expected to be negative, a corollary is that the total R and total Fe sublattices can
yielding generally antiferromagnetic 3d 4f coupling. - considered collinear, at least in first approximation.
This qualitative model is very appealing, and evidence for Neutron powder-diffraction work on Nd2Fei4B (Herbst
its validity has come from quantitative theoretical work. et al. , 1984, 1985), PrzFe, ~B, DyzFe, ~B (Herbst and
An indication that the d-like conduction states are cru- Yelon, 1985), Er2Fei48 (Yelon and Herbst, 1986), and
cial was furnished by the calculations of Szpunar and TmzFe, 48 (Davis et al, 1985) supports this inference.
Kozarzewski (1977), who considered the interaction of For the Nd, Ho, Er, and Tm compounds, which exhibit a
local 4f spins with narrow bands formed by the rare- change in easy direction as a function of temperature (see
earth 5d and TM 3d electrons within a coherent potential Sec. IV.A. 3), there is evidence, however, that the total R
approximation; for the Gd compounds investigated, anti- moment or components of it deviate from collinearity in
ferromagnetic coupling of the R and TM spin moments the low-temperature regime, where higher-order terms in
emerged. In self-consistent, spin-polarized electronic the crystalline electric field acting on the R ions (see Sec.
structure calculations for Y2Fe&4B and Nd2Fe, 48, Jaswal IV.D) become more important. M. Yamada et al. (1985)
(1990) found antiparallel Fe and non-4f rare-earth spin have proposed a noncollinear, five-sublattice model for
moments and emphasized that the result supports the Tm2Fe&4B based in part on single-crystal neutron mea-
idea of negative 3d-5d interaction in a mixture of early surements; the model contains two planar pairs of indivi-
and late transition metals. The same feature character- dual R sublattices with each pair canted symmetrically
izes the band-structure results of Coehoorn (1991) for away from the direction antiparallel to the total Fe mo-
Y2Fe, 4B and Y2Co, 48, and of Gu and Ching (1987a) for

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

830 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

ment. Polarized neutron (Givord, Li, and Tasset, 1985) change and hence are responsible for lower Curie temper-
and Fe Mossbauer measurements (Onodera, Yamauchi atures in the iron-based systems. Such shorter distances
et al. , 1987) on Nd2Fei4B have been interpreted in terms do occur in R-Fe compounds (see Table II for RzFe, „B),
of noncollinear Nd and Fe moments, and the ' Nd and a variety of other experimental results, such as the
Mossbauer investigation of Nowik et al. (1990) strongly pressure dependence of the magnetization in Fe-Ni alloys
indicates that the Nd and Fe moments are not collinear (Kouvel and Wilson, 1961) and the magnetic ordering in
below the temperature T, =135 K, at which the total y-Fe films and precipitates (see Kummerle and Grad-
magnetization begins to cant away from the c axis. In mann, 1977), do intimate strong distance dependence of
Er2Fe&&B, rejections forbidden by the P42/mnm space the Fe-Fe exchange energy. On the theoretical side,
group have been observed by Fuerst, Meisner, et al. justification for the assertion is apparently based on very
(1988). The noncollinear magnetic structure of Ho2Fe, 48 early ideas of Sommerfeld and Bethe (1933), Slater (1930),
at low temperature has been established by very careful Neel (1936), and in particular on the Bethe-Slater curve
neutron diffraction on a single crystal (Wolfers et al. , (Sommerfeld and Bethe, 1933), which suggests antiferro-
1990). Even with the powerful technique of neutron magnetic exchange for small 3d-3d separations; however,
difFraction, the precise determination of skewed moment in a discussion of this issue Goodenough (1963) has em-
arrangements in these systems is a challenging enterprise; phasized that the validity of the Bethe-Slater curve has
only two of the sixteen magnetic atoms per R2Fe, 48 unit been seriously called into question and that the curve is
are rare earths, and the magnetic contribution is only a considered to be incorrect. Attributing T, behavior sole-
fraction of the total scattered intensity. ly to distance-dependent exchange is undoubtedly an
oversimplification in many cases. Czavigan, Givord,
et al. (1988) discussed the decline of T, with increasing r
2. Curie temperatures

Measured values of the Curie temperatures T, for the

R2Fe&&B series are listed in the final column of Table IV.
Despite the proximity of the average Fe moment in the
compounds (-2.1@ii)and that of elemental Fe (2.2p~), 800—
T, (Fe) =1043 K is substantially larger than any of the T,
entries in Table IV. This property is shared by all the
known R-Fe binary compounds, whose Curie tempera-
tures are displayed together with T, (R2Fe, 48) in Fig. 8. 700—
A remarkable feature of Fig. 8 is the overall decrease of
T, as the TM:R ratio r increases; the progression is re-
versed in the R-Co and most of the R-Ni compounds
(see, for example, Kirchmayr and Poldy, 1979; Buschow, 600—
1980; Gavigan, Givord, et a/. , 1988). The R2Fe, 4B ma-
terials deviate somewhat from the trend of the binaries in
Fig. 8 insofar as their T, values reside roughly between l-C3 500—
T, (RFe3) and T, (R6Fez3), whereas an r=7 binary series
might be expected to have ordering temperatures be-
tween those of the R6Fe23 and R2Fe» series.
There is no detailed, quantitative understanding of the 400—
T, vs r trends in R-TM systems. Qualitative interpreta-
tions have appealed to the more localized character of Fe
moments as compared to Co and Ni moments and the
particular sensitivity of Fe-Fe exchange interactions to
the Fe-Fe separation. Buschow (1971) has identified the
ratio of the wavelength A, of the principal Friedel oscilla-
tion about a localized moment to the distance d between
moments as an important parameter in this regard. He I I I I I I I I I I I I

argues that the interaction will be strongly ferromagnetic La Ce Pr NdSmGd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

if A, /d 1, that it will weaken as the ratio diminishes, and

that in broad terms A, /d declines progressively from nick-

el to cobalt to iron compounds, raising the possibility of FICi. 8. Curie temperatures T, of the RFe2, RFe3, R2Fe&4B,
significant antiferromagnetic contributions to the Fe-Fe R6Fe23, and R2Fe» intermetallic compounds. Table IV lists
exchange interactions. Many authors simply assert that T, (R2Fe&48); values for the other compounds have been assem-
Fe-Fe separations smaller than about 2.5 A (the nearest- bled from Kirchmayr and Poldy (1979), Buschow (1980), Meyer
neighbor distance in a-Fe) favor antiferromagnetic ex- et aI. (1980), and Herbst and Croat (1982, 1984).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

I. F. Herbst: R, Fe&4B materials 831

in R-Fe systems in terms of a diminishing Fe-Fe ly somewhat smaller but of the same order as the Fe-Fe
molecular-field coeKcient nF„ that describes the Fe-Fe interactions (the T, behavior is discussed further in Sec.
exchange interactions and concluded that the behavior of IV.B). Wallace (1985) has suggested that the lower T,
n„F is most strongly inAuenced by local environmental values for the heavy-rare-earth systems are linked to the
effects, especially the mean local Fe coordination num- shorter Fe-Fe distances accompanying the smaller lattice
ber, rather than by the variation of Fe-Fe interatomic constants. In any sequence of R-TM compounds the Gd
distances. Mohn and Wohlfarth (1987) have stressed the member, whose R spin is the largest among the rare
importance of long-wavelength (i.e., longer than any in- earths (see Table V), invariably exhibits the highest Curie
teratomic separations) spin fluctuations on the Curie tem- temperature; the R2Fe&48 series is no exception.
perature in itinerant electron systems; in calculations for Under pressure T, (R2Fei~B) is reduced substantially.
elemental Fe, Co, Ni, and their compounds with Y, those Kamarad et al. (1987) reported a linear decrease
authors found good agreement with experiment, includ- specified by dT, /dP = — 27 K/GPa in NdzFei48 as mea-
ing the disparate trends of T, vs r in the Y-TM materials. sured by an initial susceptibility technique to a pressure
Figure 9 displays T, (R~Fe, 4B) as a function of O'G, of 4 Gpa. Using a resistance method, Nagata et al.
where 6=(g —1) J(J+1) is the de Gennes factor for the (1987) found pressure-dependent values of dT, /dP for
rare-earth ion, and &G is the eff'ective R spin (G factors the Ce, Nd, and Y compounds ranging from — 34 to
for the trivalent rare-earth ions are listed in Table V). —100 K/GPa over the 0 —6 GPa interval; interestingly,
The values of T, for the La, Ce, Lu, Y, and Th corn- T, (CezFei~B) was observed to increase by -60 K after
pounds, in which there is no R moment, show that the heating under pressure, an effect Nagata et al. speculat-
scale of T, for the series is set by the exchange interac- ed to be indicative of anomalous Ce 4f electron behavior.
tions among the iron spins. The substantial excursion Gavigan, Givord, et al. (1988) demonstrated, at least for
from T, (CezFe, 48)=424 K to T, (Y2Fei48)=565 K in the specific case of Y2Fe, 4B, that T, (P) is principally con-
these members of the series underscores the sensitivity of trolled by the pressure dependence of the magnetization,
the electronic structure to the nature of the R ion and the the Fe moment decreasing with decreasing atomic
lattice constants. Bolzoni, Gavigan, et al. (1987) discuss volume.
this variation in terms of local environmental factors and
speculate that the high Curie temperature of Y2Fe&4B
arises from magnetic interactions enhanced by the 3. Easy directions and sublattice anisotropies
transfer of more localized 4d electrons to the band struc-
ture. Table VI summarizes the easy directions of magnetiza-
For the compounds with an R moment, the T, data in tion for the R2Fe&48 materials. Since there is no R mo-
Fig. 9 divide naturally into two categories depending on ment in the La, Ce, Lu, Y, and Th representatives, it is
the character of the R-Fe moment coupling. T, is one clear from Table VI that the iron sublattice anisotropy in
smooth function of &6 for the ferromagnetic (light-R) the R2Fe&48 structure favors the c axis as the easy direc-
materials and another smooth function of &G for the tion. Moreover, the magnitude of the Fe anisotropy is
ferrimagnetic (heavy-R) phases. The simple relationships extremely large, as the H, entries for these compounds in
imply that the T, variation through the series is most Table IV indicate. The 20 kOe value for La2Fe, 48 at 295
likely controlled by the R-Fe exchange, which is evident- K is forty times greater than the anisotropy field of ele-
mental Fe (500 Oe at room temperature). This fact im-
plies that the Fe orbital moment is incompletely
quenched in the R2Fe, 48 lattice, an unusual characteris-
Tc(K) tic; the crystal-field splitting of Fe, Co, and Ni levels
most often dwarfs the spin-orbit spitting, leading to very
600— small orbital moments and, hence, very small associated
Y magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Neutron-scattering in-
vestigations have revealed relatively large moments on
the j2 site, and it is likely that a small but appreciable or-
500— bital component of the Fe( j2) moment is mainly respon-
sible for the Fe sublattice anisotropy (Herbst and Yelon,
1986a, 1986b; Herbst et a/. , 1986; Szpunar et al. , 1987;
Ce Zhong and Ching, 1990; also see Sec. V).
400— Throughout the magnetically ordered temperature re-
gime (Curie temperatures T, are listed in Table IV)
Pr2Fe, 48, Gd~Fe, 48, Tb~Fe, 48, and Dy2Fei48 are also
FIG. 9. Curie temperatures T, of the R2Fe&4B compounds as a uniaxial, while Sm2Fe&48 features basal-plane magnetiza-
function of &6, where 6=—(g —1) J(J+1) is the de Gennes tion. The Nd, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb compounds exhibit
factor of the rare-earth ion (see Table V). The curves are changes in the easy direction at a temperature T„com-
specified by Eq. (19) with the parameters given in the text. monly designated as the spin-reorientation temperature

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Yoi. 63, No. 4, October 1991

832 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

and given in the second column of Table VI. In et a/. , 1988; Verhoef et a/. , 1988; see also Nowik et a/. ,
Er2Fe, 48, Tm2Fe, 48, and Yb2Fe, 48 the easy direction is 1990). The same canting of the magnetization occurs to
a (100& basal-plane direction below T, and a (001& -20 at 4 K in Ho2Fe, 48 (Hirosawa, Matsuura, et a/. ,
direction above T, . For these three compounds T, is an 1986; Yamauchi et a/. , 1986; R. Fruchart et al. , 1987;
increasing function of the de Gennes factor 6, with T, Fujita et a/. , 1987; Hiroyoshi, Yamada, et a/. , 1987;
and G (see Table V) conspicuously lowest for the Yb Givord, Li, et a/. , 1988; Maruyama et a/. , 1988; see also
member; however, the functional dependence departs the neutron-diffraction determination by Wolfers et a/. ,
from the -6' variation characterizing the Curie tem- 1990).
peratures. Nd2Fei4B and HozFei4B exhibit more com- It has been demonstrated that T, and the character
plex behavior. Above T, both compounds are uniaxial, (e.g. , axial~planar) of the spin reorientation can be
but magnetization and Mossbauer-effect measurements identified by inAection points in low-field magnetization
show that below T, the net magnetization cants away versus temperature curves (Boltich et a/. , 1987b; Ped-
from the c axis toward the [110] direction by an angle ziwiatr and Wallace, 1987a; Christodoulou, Boltich, and
that increases with decreasing temperature to -30' at 4 Massalski, 1989). The transition temperature can also be
K in Nd2Fe, zB (Givord, Li, and Perrier de la BRthie, determined by differential scanning calorimetry (Fuerst
1984; Deryagin eI; a/. , 1984; Onodera et a/. , 1984; Koon et a/. , 1986), heat capacity (Fujii, Nagata, et a/. , 1987;
et a/. , 1985; Sagawa, Fujimura, et a/. , 1985a; Tokuhara Lazaro et a/. , 1990), and magnetic susceptibility mea-
et a/. , 1985; Hirosawa, Matsuura, et a/. , 1986; Koon, surements (Csrossinger, Sun, et a/. , 1986; Ling et a/. ,
Abe, et a/. 1986; O. Yamada et a/. , 1986; R. Fruchart 1986; Lazaro et a/. , 1990; single-crystal work on
et a/. , 1987; Onodera, Yamauchi, et a/. , 1987; Cadogan Ho2Fe, 4B was reported by Rillo et a/. , 1988). Anomalies

TABLE VI. Easy dIIcctlons of IQagnct1zatlon foI thc R2Fc148 coIDpounds. T~ denotes thc temperature
at which a change in the easy direction, or spin reorientation, occurs. o.J represents the second-order
Stevens coefficient {Stevens, 1952) corresponding to the rare-earth ion in the compound.
Easy direction
Compound (T &T, ~T) T, )
La2Fe 148 (ool & 0
Ce2Fe148 (ool & 0
PrpFC 148 &ool &
—52/2475 = —0.021
NdzFC 148 135' canted~ (001 ) —7/1089 = —0.006
SmqFC148 ( 100)k, m + 13/315 = +0.041
Gd, Fe, 48 &ool & 0
Tb, FC 148 (ool &
—1/99 = —0.010
Dy2FC 148 &ool &
—2/315 = —0.006
Ho2Fe, 48

581, n r canted~ (001) —1/450 = —0.002
Er2Fe 148 325f, l, l~n, p~s z
(100)~(001) + 4/1575 = + 0.003
Tm2Fe 148 3 1 3 n& p& s~ n&
f& rr& Pr T
(100)~(001) + 1/99 = + 0.010
Yb2Fe148 115 (100) ~(001) + 2/63 = +0.032
Lu2Fe 148 &ool & 0
YqFC148 &ool ) 0
Th2Fe, 48 (001) 0
'Grossinger, Sun, et al. (1985). qFujita et al. (1987).
Grossinger, Sun, et al. (1986). 'Rillo et al. (1988).
'Givord, Li, and Ferrier de la Bathie (1984). 'Hirosawa and Sagawa (1985).
Givord, Li, et al. (1985). 'Fucrst, Meisner, and Pinkerton (1987);
'Tokuhara et al. (1985). Fuerst, Meisner, et al. (1988).
Fuerst et al. (1986). "Yelon and Herbst (1986).
IO. Yamada et al. (1986, 1987). 'Vasquez et al. (1985).
"Koon, Abe, et al. {1986). "Gavigan et al. (1987).
'Pedziwiatr and Wallace (1987a). "Niarchos and Simopoulos (1986) ~

'Cadogan et al. (1988). "Boltich, Pedziwiatr, and Wallace (1987a).

"Andreev et al. (1985). 'Vasquez and Sanchez (1987).
'Abache and Oesterreicher (1986b). M. Yamada et al. (1985).
Hiroyoshi et al. (1985). ~Davis et al. (1985).
"Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. (1986). ~Price et al. (1986).
R. Fruchart et al. (1987). Burlet et al. (1986).
"Givord, Li, et al. (1988).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

scx'vlng as slgxlatUI'csof spill rcollcntat10Il appear as well for the Pr, Sm, Tb, Dy, Er, Tm, and Yb members of the
in the temperature dependence of other properties, in- series there is perfect correspondence between the sign of
cluding the lattice constants and thermal expansion (An- nJ and the low-temperature easy direction; that is, the c
drev et al. , 1985; Fujii, Nagata, et al. , 1987), elastic axis 1s easy 1f Ag 4 0, RIld thc magnetization Icsldcs 1n thc
moduli (Dadon et al. , 1986), muon spin rotation frequen- basal plane if nJ)0. Analogous corxelations obtain in
cy (Yaouanc et al. , 1987), electrical resistivity of poly- many other R-TM systems (see, for examples, Buschow,
crystalline bulk (Lazaro et al. , 1990) and thin-film sam- 1977; Kirchmayr and Poldy, 1979). The correlation is
ples (Zasadzinski et al. , 1987a, 1987b), magnetostriction blurred in Nd2Fe, 48 and Ho2Fe, 48 by the moment cant-
(measured on a single crystal of N12Fe, 48 by Algarabel 1ng below T„but 1t coII'ectly speci6cs thc c axis Rs easy
et al. , 1990), and the nuclear magnetic resonance of the above T~. In EI2Fci48, Tm2Fei48~ RIld Yb2Fc 148 thc
rare-earth component (Shah et al. , 1987). change of easy direction arises from competition between
Discontinuities in magnetization versus applied field the R and Fe sublattice anisotropies; the rare-earth com-
curves along hard directions have been observed in ponent dictates basal-plane moments below T„while
PrzFe&~B (Pareti, Szymczak, and Lachowicz, 1985; above T, the iron component, which decreases less rapid-
Hiroyoshi, Kata, et al. , 1987; Verhoef et al. , 1988) and ly with temperature, becomes the contx'oiling factor, and
Nd2Fei~B (Pareti, Bolzoni, and Moze, 1985; Grossinger, the c axis becomes easy. Such competition also occurs in
Sun, et al. , 1985; Bolzoni, Moze, and Pareti, 1987; Ka-
jiwara et al. , 1987; Kido et al. , 1987; Cadogan et al. ,
Sm2Fei48 because az(Sm) 0, but the R anisotropy is
large enough [the magnitude of aJ (Sm) is larger than for
1988; Verhoef et al. , 1988). Such field-induced, first- any other az entry in Table VI] to prevent a change of
order magnetization processes (FQMPs) are analogous to easy direction (see Cadogan et a/. , 1987).
the temperature-induced spin reorientations (i.e. , a spin
reorientation at T, can be considered a zero-field POMP).
In Nd2FC&48, a FOMP begins to appear as the tempera- B. T8AlP8f'BtUf8 d8P8ACI8AC8 Of th8
ture decreases below 200 K (Pareti, Bolzoni, and Moze, IBQA84IZBtIDA BAd m8BA-fI8ld m0d8IS
1985), significantly higher than T, =135 K; it occurs in
the [100] direction in a field of —170 kQe at or below 77 Figure 10 displays the single-crystal measurements by
K (Bolzoni, Moze, and Pareti, 1987; Kajiwara et al. , Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. (1986) of the temperature
1987; Kido et al. , 1987; Cadogan et al. , 1988; Verhoef dependence of the saturation magnetization M, for
et al. , 1988). At temperatures above 1.5 K, Pr2FeizB clcvcIl R2Fci48 compounds. Thc sanlplcs wcI'c allowed
features no spin reorientation, but Hiroyoshi, Kato, to rotate freely in an applied field of 10 kOe, so that the
et al. (1987) and Verhoef et al. (1988) observed FOMPs, magnetization along an easy direction was measured in
of a kind diFerent from that of the Nd compound. , in the each case. The contrast between the ferromagnetic cou-
[100] and [110] magnetization curves at 4 K in fields of pling of the R and Fe moments in the light-rare-eax'th
—130 kOe and —160 kOe, respectively. Measurements members of the series and the antiferromagnetic (or,
on Er2FC, 48 and TmzFCI48 in 6elds as high as 550 kOe equivalently, fernmagnetic) couphng for the heavy-rare-
by Kido et al. (1987) have revealed the onset of another earth compounds is apparent from the monotonic decline
type of field-dependent process, the transition from ferri- of M, with increasing T for the former [Fig. 10(a)] versus
magnetism to ferromagnetism. the positive temperature derivative of M, characterizing
Although the iron sublattice anisotropy is significant, the latter over limited ranges of T [Fig. 10(b)]. Since the
the total magnetocrystalline anisotropy in much of the Fe sublattice magnetization always exceeds the R sublat-
ordered regime, especially from low to moderate temper- tlcc magnetization thcI'c 1s Ilo temperature Rt wh1ch thc
atures, is dominated by the rare-earth contribution pro- total magnetization vanishes for any of the ferrimagnetic
duced by the crystal-field splitting of the 4f shell. This materials. Such compensation poInts do occur in many
statement applies to the R2FC&4B systems in which the R other R-TM systems; Er6Fez3 is a specific example (see
constituent has nonzero orbital moment I. (see Table V) Kirchmayr and Poldy, 1979; Herbst and Croat, 1984). In
and, hence, a nonzero crystal-field splitting in lowest ap- Fig. 10 the anomalous increase of M, below —150 K for
proximation. The 8,
values in Table IV convey the Nd2FeI48 and the discontinuities near 300 K for
magnitudes of the R and Fe anisotropy components; for Er2FeI48 and Tm2FeI48 are related to the spin reorienta-
example, at room temperature, H, (Nd2Fei&B) =73 kQe tioIls 1I1 those compounds.
is a factor of 3 —4 greater than the anisotxopy 6eld of Ignox'ing site dependences, three types of generic ex-
LR2FeI48 or t.u2FeI48, and the factor is much larger at 4 change interactions among the R and Fe moments are
K. The crystal-field. Hamiltonian for the raxe-earth ions possible: R-R, R-Fe, and Fe-Fe. The T, behavior (see
contains second-, fourth-, and sixth-order terms, but the Sec. IV.A. 2) suggests this as the hierarchy of increasing
overall magnetic behavior is often controlled by the interaction strengths in the R2FeI48 materials, and the
second-order terms alone (see Sec. IV.D. 1). In particular, order is a genex'al characteristic of rare-earth —transition
the sign of those terms is set by the sign of the Stevens metal intermetallics (see Kirchmayr and Poldy, 1979).
coeKcient a J, a quantity dependent only on the quantum The strong Fe-Fe interactions proceed from direct ex-
numbers of the rare-earth 4f shell. Table VI shows that change resulting from 3d wave-function overlap, while

Rev. Mod. Phys. , VoI. 63, No. 4, October 1 991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

the R-Fe exchange is indirect and likely mediated for the 1. Molecular-field model
most part by the rare-earth 5d states as discussed in Sec.
IV.A. 1. Atomic calculations (e.g. , Herbst and Wilkins More specific information can be obtained by analyz-
1979) show that the 4f radial matrix elements (r )&& are ing the temperature dependence of the magnetization
less than 1 A, quite small compared to the R-R separa- with a phenomenological molecular-field model. In the
tions in RzFe, 4B (&3 A in Table II). Hence direct ex- form employed by Fuerst et al. (1986) and H. -S. Li,
change between R spins is negligible, and the R-R ex- Zhang, and Dang (1988), separate molecular fields for the
change can be expected to be significantly weaker than R and Fe components are written as
HR( T) = H+ d [2n R~pR(
the Fe-Fe and R-Fe interactions. This point has been
emphasized by many authors, including Buschow
T)+ 14n Rppp( T) ], (4)

(1986a), Radwanski (1986a), Belorizky et al. (1987), and Hp(T) =H+d [14n pppp(T)+2nRppR(T)] .
Radwanski and Franse (1987). Belorizky et al. (1988)
h ave estimated the R-R interaction for several rare-earth H is the applied field, pR and p„are the R and Fe ionic
intermetallic series from data in both the ordered state moments, and d = N~p— ~p/2 with X~ Avogadro'
and the paramagnetic regime and concluded that the in- ber, p the density, and A the R2Fe, „B
formula weight (d
direct R-R exchange is also very likely mediated by the converts the moment per R2Fe, 4B unit in p~ to gauss).
rare-earth Sd electrons. The molecular-field coe%cients nRR, nR„, and n„„(di-
mensionless as defined here) describe the R-R, R-Fe, and
Fe-Fe magnetic interactions, respectively. A Brillouin
function is assumed to govern the temperature depen-
40 dence of each moment:

PR(»=PR(0»JIPBPR(0) HR(»/ka T] (6)

pp( T) = p p(0)Bs [p~ p„(0)Hp( T) /k~ T] .

pR',(0&', and pp(0) are the zero-temperature moments, is J
the total angular momentum of the R 4f shell, and Sp
the Fe spin. The free-ion moment can be used for PR (0)
20— (=g m Table V), and pp(0) — = gpSp can be inferred from
the measured low-temperature magnetization. A reason-
able assumption for Sp is Sp= 1 since pp(0)-2; more-
over, available spin-resonance studies on crystalline YFez
)0 and Y-Fe amorphous alloys (Bhagat et al. , 1979; Lloyd
et al. , 1979) find iron gyromagnetic ratios very close to 2.
Bz(x) is defined in the standard way:

2J + 1 (2J + 1 )x
0 2J
-'" 2J
and the physical demand that pR( T) and pp( T) separate-
20— ly vanish as T~T, leads to a relation between T, and
the molecular-field coe%cients n zz.

T, = —,' [an„p+PnRR+ [(an„Pn )—

10 —Tb +4apn ', p ]'"], (9)

SF+ 1
1 a—
= 14'„(0)
200 400 600 800 k~ 3SF

FIG. 10. Saturation magnetization M, vs temperature T for

R2Fe&48 compounds (adapted from Hirosawa, Matsuura, et ol. , J+1
1986). (a) Light rare earths (R and Fe magnetic moments fer- 3J
romagnetically coupled). (b) Heavy rare earths (antiferromag-
netic R-Fe coupling) ~ The nzz are determined by numerically solving Eqs.

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Yol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe„,B materials

(6) and (7) subject to the condition that the calculated 40

M(T)=d [2)MR(T)+14PF(T)] (12) 30
corresponds best with experiment. For Nd2Fe&4B, Fuerst
et a1. (1986) found good correspondence with the mea-
sured magnetization using n F„-
—5. 9 X 10, n —2. 2 R„- 20
X 10, and nRR —3. 3 X 10, values conforming to the usu-
al hierarchy; their results are shown in Fig. 11. The re-
sult for nFF is basically identical to nFF —-6. 0X10 for 10
elemental iron obtained from Eq. (9) in the form
T, =an„& for one sublattice with T, (Fe) = 1043 K. H. -S.
Li, Zhang, and Dang (1988) performed similar analyses 0 I I l

for nine members of the series; although nFF was always 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
determined to be the largest coe%cient and essentially in- T (K)
dependent of the R component, they somewhat surpris-
ingly found nRR and nR„to be of the same order for the FIG. 11. Molecular-field analysis for Nd2Fe]4B (Fuerst et al. ,
heavy-rare-earth compounds, which would suggest that 1986). Open circles denote the measured moment per formula
R-R interactions are not negligible for those materials. unit. The solid line is the calculated total moment, which is the
In contrast, Radwanski and Franse (1987) have estimated sum of the iron (dotted line) and neodymium (dashed line) con-
that the R contribution to the rare-earth molecular field tributions.
is small compared to the iron component [i.e. ,
nRR &(nRF in Eq. (4)], and Belorizky et al. (1988) have
noted that in several other series nRR declines by almost
an order of magnitude from the light-R to the heavy-R Matsuura, et al. (1986) on seven of the compounds.
compounds. Berthier et al. (1986) extracted the temperature variation
Given the proximity of the R moments to their free- of the Dy moment in Dy2Fe, 48 from the measured Dy
ion values, use of a Brillouin function as in Eq. (6) to hyperfine field and found it accurately described by a
model pR(T) is not unreasonable, even though it is Brillouin form.
rigorously justified only in the noninteracting limit. Sup-
port exists for this description in addition to the adequa- 2. Heisenberg model and exchange energies
cy of molecular-field theory in analyzing the total mo-
ment. Boge et al. (1985) isolated pod(T) in Gd2Fe, ~B Exchange interaction energies jzz among the R and
from an appropriate difTerence of the Gd2Fe&48 and Fe spins can be related to the molecular-field coefficients
YzFe, 4B magnetizations and showed that pod(T)/pod(0) n~~ by exploiting the equivalence of the molecular-field
is well represented by B7&2[2Sp&H, „(T)/k&T], where model and the two-sublattice Heisenberg model in the
S =— 'is
, the Gd spin and II, „(T)
is proportional to the nearest-neighbor self-consistent-field (or mean-field) ap-
non-4f component of the Gd2Fe&4B magnetization. Simi- proximation. In zero field the Hamiltonian for the latter
lar analyses of pR( T) were conducted by Hirosawa, can be written as

= —2jFF g SF S0 g(J SR Sk 2JRF g&j SR
2JRR (13a)

l &j l

g S'. (Sf) —2jR g S' .(Sg) —j


„g S' (Sf)+ g Sf (S' ) (13b)

T) + g 1
X PF(0)
gF g

1 g —1
2 J RR ZRRP'R( ) + JRFZRFPF( T) (13c)
g gF

where the identifications —pF(T)/gF

(S„')~ [so that have been used, and Zz~ is the number of B atom neigh-
gF ~pF(0) since SF = 1 is assumed] and bors of atom A. Comparing Eq. (13c) to the energy

PB X [PF(0) HF(»+l
R(o) HR(»]

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

836 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

in the molecular-field model yields (noting that the same compound Berthier et al. (1986) found

„n 2p&H, „/k~—385 K; equating

is imposed by the stoichiometry)

J FF ( 7dPB /ZFF )g pn Fp (14a) 2PBS H, „=2(g—1)P,B J.H, „

= (14dPB /ZRp with the final term in Eq. (13c) yields

J'Rp )g Rp, (14b)
g 1
2pa Hex
'2 jRp — = —2. 1 meV . (16)
J RR (dPB/ZRR ) n RR (14c)
g 1 While in fair agreement with the result [Eq. (15)] from
the work of Gubbens et al. (1985, 1986), this value com-
Near-neighbor counts derived from weighted averages of ——2.0 meV derived from
the entries in Table II are ZFF=10.5, ZRF=16, and
pares very well with Rp j
2pBH, „/kB-370 K obtained by Boge et al. (1985) from
n1agnetization measurements on Gd2Fe, 48. Preliminary
With Eqs. (14a) —(14c), the n&B estimated by Fuerst
et al. (1986) lead to j„„—jR„—
3.8 meV, —2.4 meV, and
jRR-O. 2 mev for Xd2Fe, 48. The negativity of jRF,
Yb Mossbauer results on Yb2Fe, 4B from Meyer et al.
(1989) yield an average exchange field pBH, „/kB= 115 K
at the 4f and 4g Yb sites, which corresponds to
which can be expected to persist throughout the series,
rejects the antiferromagnetic coupling of the R and Fe jRp 1.2 meV.
stains; on the other hand, nRF) 0 ((0) for the light-
(heavy-) R compounds (cf. H. -S. Li, Zhang, and Dang, 3. Systematics of jRF
1988). Comparable values of jp„were found by H. -S. Li,
Zhang, and Dang (1988). In a molecular-field analysis In terms of the j~z the molecular-field expression for
or H02Fei4B neg ecting jRR Fujita et al. (1987) ob- the Curie temperature, Eq. (9), becomes
tained jpp — 3. 1 meV and [using Eq. (14b)] jRF ——1.8
meV. [An effort has been made here to base j~B esti-
mates on the same Heisenberg Hamiltonian, Eq. (13), in + t [ZFFSF(SF + )JFF ZRRGJRR ]
+ ZRFSF(S p+1)Gj Rp] '"
part to avoid double-counting difhculties; the definition
of j~B is often unclear in the literature. ]
It is also possible to extract jRF estimates from
Mossbauer-effect measurements on the R component.
The temperature dependence of the hyperfine field at an
R site may be analyzed to obtain an effective rare-earth
molecular field H or exchange field H, from which jR„

6 = (g —1) J ( J + 1) is the de Gennes factor.

relation can be used to obtain alternative estimates of
and jR„
from the measured T, values, as Sinnema et al.
(1984) and others have emphasized. In the absence of an

R moment Eq. (17) reduces to

can be inferred. Gubbens et al. (1985, 1986) reported
H —184 T in the zero-temperature limit for Dy2FeI48; 3k~ T,
identifying pBg J H with the last term in Eq. (13c) leads 2ZppSp(SF + 1)
With T, (Fe) = 1043 K and T, (La2Fe, 4B) = 530 K
gpaHm Eq. (18) yields j„„(Fe) —8.4 meV (Zp„=8) and

jpp(La2Fe, 48) -3.2 meV (Zpp = 10.5).
jRF — 2. 7 meV
(g 1)ZRpSF
If R-R interactions are neglected, Eq. (17) can be writ-
with ZRF = 16 and S+ = 1. In analogous studies of ten as

2 1/2'
1)j„p 1+ 1+—
1 1
3kB T, (19)

This equation affords some insight into possible systemat- stant throughout a given series). In fact, with fixed at
ic behavior of jRF through the series; although the esti- jpp(LazFei48) —3.2 meV, least-squares fits to the T, data
mates obtained in Sec. IV.8.2 are broadly consistent, un- based on Eq. (19) yield jRF ——3.5 meV for the Pr, Nd,
certainties in the measurements as weH as the approxima- and Sm compounds with a 2. 1% average discrepancy be-
tions used in deriving the estimates cause variances that tween the observed and calculated T, values and
might. obscure trends. The
dependence of T, in jR„- —2.2 meV for the Gd-Yb compounds with an aver-
Eq. (19) agrees qualitatively with the T, data displayed in age departure of only 0.4%. If j„p
is allowed to vary
Fig. 9, and the existence of two distinct curves for the also, T, of the Pr-Sm materials is fit to 0.3% using
light- and heavy-R compounds in Fig. 9 suggests a jFF-3.4 meV, jRF ——2.8 meV; for the Gd-Yb corn-
different jRF value for each (controverting the not infre- Pounds jpp-3. 2 meV and jRp- — 2.3 meV lead to an
quent assertion in the literature that jRF is roughly con-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1993

J. F. Herbst: R,Fe&4B materials 837

average di6'erence of 0.5% between the measured and values for the RCo2 and R2Fe&48 compounds, Belorizky
calculated Curie temperatures. The curves in Fig. 9 et al. (1988) reach the interesting conclusion that
represent Eq. (19) for these two sets of parameters. 11 RR /tt RF is roughly constant through a given R-TM
This suggestion of larger j~„values for the light-R series. This implies via Eqs. (14b) and (14c) that jRR/jRF
versus the heavy-R compounds is consonant with results is insensitive to the rare-earth component and that any
from a variety of sources. Sinnema et al. (1984) found variation of jR/ is much stronger than that of jRF.
the T, data for the R=Pr, Nd, and Sm compounds to be
substantially underestimated with jR„held at a value
C. Fe sublattice anisotropy
providing good correspondence with the Curie tempera-
tures of the heavy-R members of the series. In investiga-
For the R2Fei4B phases with R = La, Ce, Lu, Y, Th (no
tions of R2FeI48 magnetic properties using an exchange-
plus-crystal-field model (see Sec. IV.D) M. Yamada et al.
R moment) and R=Gd (S-state ion having zero crystal-
field splitting to first order}, the magnetocrystalline an-
(1988) and Zhu et al. (1989) needed an R-Fe exchange
isotropy is generated by the Fe sublattice alone and
field a factor of approximately two larger for the light-R
selects the c axis as the easy direction of magnetization
than for the heavy-R materials in order to accommodate
(Table VI). Because the magnetization curves measured
experiment. F. T. Parker (1987) noted a similar contrast
along a hard direction in these I.=O materials are linear
in estimates of the R-Fe exchange field for several
in the applied field (see Givord, Li, and Perrier de la
members of the series, and Z. W. Zhang et al. (1989)
BQthie, 1984; Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. , 1986}, the an-
found analogous di6'erences in H, „values for Nd2Fe&4B
isotropy energy E, may be expressed appropriately as
and HozFe, 4B needed to describe spin reorientations in
their crystal-field analyses. The analyses of pa(T) by E, =K&sin 0, (20)
Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. (1986) yielded nR„values
closely linear in (g —1)/g for the heavy-R compounds, where 0 is the angle between the magnetization vector M
implying [according to Eq. (14b)] a single jR„— —2.0 and the c axis. Minimization of the total magnetic ener-
meV for them (in excellent accord with several of the es-

gy E =E, M. H with respect to 0 yields the following
timates in Sec. IV.B.2), while their result for Pr2FeizB relation among K the anisotropy field H„and the satu-

corresponds to jR„— —4.8 meV. Using a new approach ration magnetization M, :

to determine crystal-field and exchange parameters, Ca- IC, =H, M, /2 .. (21)
dogan et al. (1988) obtained JI,„=466T for Nd2Fe, ~B
[corresPonding to ja„— —3.4 meV via Eq. (16)]; in con- Estimates of Ki at 4 K derived via Eq. (21) from the data
trast, Gavigan et al. (1987) and Givord, Li, et al. (1988) in Table IV are listed in Table VII. The values are large
found values approximately half as large for the Tb, Dy, relative to that of elemental Fe [cubic Ki -0.
06 MJ/m
Ho, Er, and Tm compounds employing the same method. at 4 K (Bozorth, 1951)], but Givord and Li (1985) note
[H. S. Li, Gavigan, et al. (1988) actually specify they are not record values in comparison with cognate
H, „=466T. Both H. S. Li, Gavigan, et al. (1988) and R-TM systems; hexagonal YCO5, for example, features
Cadogan et al. (1988) report a molecular-field coefficient ECi-7.4 MJ/m at low temperatures (Alameda et al. ,
nRM =307po for Nd2Fe&4B; from the definition of the ex- 1981).
change energy in the former reference nRM is related to The temperature dependence of H, and E& is anoma-
nR„used htre by nRF =4m[2(g —1)/g]nRM/po. ] By lous in the L=O compounds. Figure 12 displays M, (T)
analyzing T, data for the R2Fe&4B and other series on the from the work of Grossinger, Sun, et al. (1986). It is evi-
basis of an equation for T, (n „Ii
) derived in the paramag- dent that the anisotropy field of the Fe sublattice maxim-
netic state, Belorizky et al. (1987) concluded that the izes in the vicinity of T/T, -0.6 and so decreases from
molecular-field coefBcient nR„ is not constant through a that point with decreasing temperature; on the other
given series but decreases by a factor of about two from hand, M, rises monotonically as T declines (Fig. 10).
the light-R to the heavy-R compounds. The decrease is
attributed to weakening of the 4f Sd exchange as the R-
atomic number increases, an explanation providing fur-
TABLE VII. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant EC& at 4 K
ther support for the suggestion (Campbell, 1972) that R estimated for R2Fe&4B compounds characterized by Fe-only an-
5d states are key to the magnetic interactions involving R isotropy.
ions. Radwanski et al. (1990a) reported a finding simi-
lar to that of Belorizky et al. (1987) for the exchange Compound K] (MJ/m )

fields estimated for a number of R-TM systems from La2Fe)4B 0.7

magnetization, inelastic neutron scattering, specific heat, Ce2Fe&4B 1.5
and T, measurements. GdqFel4B 0.7
There is also evidence that the behavior of jRR may be Lu2Fe&4B 1.2
linked to that of jRF. Cross-comparing available esti- Y2Fel4B 1.1
mates of n RR for the RA12 and RNi5 materials with n Th2Fe)4B 1.0

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

838 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

40— Ce 1985; Givord, Li, et al. , 1985, 1986; Buschow, 1986b;

20- Buschow and Grossinger, 1987; Cheng et al. , 1987; Fujii,
Nagata, et al. , 1987; Ibarra et al. , 1987); the anomalies
stem from magnetostrictive deformations that accom-
40— pany magnetic ordering. Exploring the possibility of re-
20— lating the anisotropy behavior to the magnetovolume
anomaly via a single-ion crystal-field-type description
[analogous to the eff'ort of Szpunar and Lindgkrd (1979)
40— on the 3d anisotropy in R-Co systems], Bolzoni, Gavigan,
O 20 Lu et al. (1987) note that the maximum in Ki ( T) for
Y2Fe&48 can be simulated roughly by the temperature
150— dependence of M, [1 — a(c/a) ] with a=0.52. From an
extended-state viewpoint the Fe anisotropy might be at-
tributed to band-structure efFects associated with the
500— presence of a 3d orbital moment and spin-orbit coupling;
it would be sensitive to the Fermi-level position and its
temperature variation hnked to 3d band splitting.
50— Detailed quantitative understanding of the TM anisot-
ropy in R-TM materials continues to pose a formidable
0 I I challenge to theory. In addition to the subtleties of the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 R2Fe&48 compounds, many examples exist of complex
variation underscoring the sensitivity to crystal and elec-
tronic structure; among them are the following.
La2Co&48 and Y2Co&48 form the R2Fe&48 structure but
FIG. 12. Anisotropy field H, vs temperature T in R2Fe&48 ma- show basal-plane anisotropy. LaCo5 and YCo~ are uniax-
terials with L=O (R=Ce, Y,Gd, La, Lu) and LAO (R=Nd); after ial (hexagonal c-axis easy), but the structurally related
Crrossinger, Sun, et al. (1986).
matters further, the Y2(Co Fei „)
Y2Fe] 7 and Y2Co 7 compounds are planar; to complicate

i7 pseudobinary
tems are uniaxial in certain ranges of Co concentration as

well as temperature (Perkins and Nagel, 1975).

Comparison with H, of Nd2Fe, 48, also shown in Fig. 12,
illustrates that, in contrast, the anisotropy of an L %0 D. Rare-earth anisotropy and magnetic structure
rare-earth ion increases with decreasing temperature and
dominates the total anisotropy at low T. Measurements It was emphasized in Sec. IV.A. 3 that the magneto-
of K, (T) by Givord, Li, and Perrier de la Bathie (1984) crystalline anisotropy of the R2Fe, 48 compounds whose
for YzFe, 4B, by Boge et ai (1985) fo. r GdzFe, ~B, and by R component has nonzero orbital moment (R=Pr, Nd,
Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. (1985, 1986) for the R=Y, Sm, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) is dominated by the rare-
Ce, and Gd compounds exhibit maxima corresponding to earth contribution (the Fe sublattice providing, in con-
those in Fig. 12. trast, most of the magnetization). Considerable progress
Qualitative explanations of the Fe sublattice anisotro- toward a detailed understanding of the anisotropy and
py behavior have been proposed (cf. Givord, Li, and Per- magnetic structure has been afForded by models that treat
rier de la Bathie, 1984; Hirosawa, Matsuura, et al. , 1985; the crystal-field splitting of the R ions together with a
Coey, 1986; Cxrossinger, Sun, et al. , 1986; Bolzoni, Gavi- mean-field description of the R-Fe exchange. The under-
gan, et al. , 1987). In a locahzed moment picture, com- lying physics is conceptually straightforward. If LAO,
petition among anisotropy contributions from the six the 4f charge distribution is aspherical [graphs of the 4f
crystallographically distinct Fe sites is likely. R. Fru- density in the Hund's-rule ground states have been calcu-
chart et al. (1987) have observed anisotropy of the Fe lated by Sievers (1982)] and thus interacts nontrivially
hyperfine field in Mossbauer measurements on oriented with the crystalline electric field (CEF). Directional
Y2Fe, 48 powders in a field, suggesting a small orbital preferences emerge which also inhuence the R moment
component ( ~0. lpga ) of the average Fe moment having alignment because the 4f spin-orbit coupling is strong
opposite sign on the k, 2 and jz sites. Moreover, their (leading to a well defined total angular momentum J and
work on all the members of the series except Yb2Fe&48 associated magnetic moment — g J in the ground state).
indicates that the temperature variation of the k2-site On the other hand, the large Fe-Fe exchange interactions
hyperfine field is more rapid than that of the k& and j2 couple the six distinct Fe moments to form a single
sites. Bolzoni, Gavigan, et al. (1987) have suggested a overall Fe magnetization, and Eq. (20) adequately
parallel between the K i ( T) behavior and the large represents the Fe anisotropy. Insofar as R-R exchange
thermal expansion anomalies observed in these and other can be neglected, a simplification that appears quite
R2Fe, 4B systems (Grossinger et a/. , 1984; Andreev et al. , reasonable, it can thus be expected that the magnetic be-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe, 4B materials 839

havior of the R2Fe&4B systems arises primarily from the B„"(i+1)=—

B„"(i)(k =1,3; i =1,3), (24b)
interplay of the rare-earth CEF and the R-Fe exchange
interactions, which, at least in first approximation, can be so that the total CEF Hamiltonian
described by an effective R-Fe exchange field of the kind 4
discussed in Sec. IV.B.1. A useful heuristic discussion of ~CEF X ~CEF(t) (25)
the origin of the rare-earth anisotropy in Nd2Fej4B has
been given by Gavigan and Givord (1990) in terms of
energy-level diagrams for the Nd ions interacting with
contains different parameters (18 in all) only for one
and one g site. With the quantization axis along a direc-
crystal and exchange fields. Exchange-plus-CEF models tion specified by (8, (I(), the anisotropy energy per ion is
have been of considerable value in elucidating anisotropy identified as a diagonal matrix element of REF (M. Ya-
and magnetization phenomena in many other R-TM ma- mada et al. , 1988):
terials; examples are RCo, (Greedan and Rao, 1973;
Buschow et al. , 1974; Sankar et al. , 1975; Radwanski, E, ( 8, p ) = ( JM = + J &cEF JM = + J ) /4 —const
~ ~
1986b), RFez (van Diepen et al. , 1973; Atzmony and =Kisin 8+K2sin 8+K3sin 8cos4$
Dariel, 1976; Shimotomai et al , .1980), and
Sm2(Co, M ),7 with M=Fe, Mn, Cr (Perkins and +K4sin 8+Kssin 8cos4$ . (26b)
Strassler, 1977a, 1977b). —to a light
In this expression + applies to a heavy and
rare earth,
1. Crystal-field Hamiltonian
Ki = 0f4B 4 —168f6B 06,
3f2B p 4— (27a)
Although two crystallographically inequivalent R sites
K2, =35f4B 4+378f6B (27b)
(f, g) exist in the tetragonal R2Fe, 48 structure, the CEF
acting on each R ion has orthorhombic (mm) point sym- K3=f4B 4+10f6B 6, (27c)
metry and difFers for ions residing on the basal (z=O) or
midplanes (z = —,') of Fig. 2. Consequently, four R sites
K4= 231f6B—6, (27d)
must be considered in constructing the CEF Hamiltonian Ks —1 1f6B (27e)
(cf. Honma et al. , 1985; Adam et al. , 1986; Cadogan
et a/. , 1988; Radwanski and Franse, 1988; M. Yamada f2=J(J —'), —, (28a)
et al. , 1988). Using the coordinate system x [100],
y))[010], z([[001]((c and notation of M. Yamada et al.
f4=fi(J —1)(J —'), —, (28b)
(1988), in which i = 1,2, 3,4 denotes f f
i, g i, g2, respec-
tively [the subscript 1 (2) pertaining to the z=O (z = —,

f6=f4(J —2)(J ——');
, (28c)
plane], we find that the CEF Hamiltonian of each R ion
within the lowestJ multiplet has the form B „='[B„(f)+B„(g)].
—, (29)

&cEF(i) = y B„(i)O„ Equation (26b) is frequently employed to analyze mea-

n, m surements; its terms correspond to the phenomenological
=B&(i)Oz+Bz (i)Oz expansion for the anisotropy energy of a rigidly collinear

+B +B
moment in a tetragonal crystal. Note that the B„
(i)O (i)O +B4(i)04 coefficients cancel pairwise in E, (8, $) owing to Eqs. (24),
but their absence and the Ualidity of Eq. (26b) are assured
+B6(i)06+B6 (i)06 +B6(i)06 only in the strong exchange limit when all B. and I'e mo-
+B6 (i)06 (22) ments are collinear (see Sec. IV.D.2).
Estimates of the CEF parameters have been obtained
Here the B„aregiven by within the point-charge model, in which the Eq. A„of
(23) are given by lattice sums over a distribution of point
Bm 8n( n)pm (23) charges on neighboring sites. Calculations of this kind
have been performed by a number of authors, including
where 8J is the Stevens factor (aJ, PJ, yJ for n=2, 4, 6, Cadogan and Coey (1984), Givord, Li, and Perrier de la
respectively), ( r") is the r" radial inatrix element for the Bkthie (1984), Honma et al. (1985), H. Oesterreicher
4f shell, and the A„are coefficients of the spherical har- (1985a), H. Szymczak (1985), M. Yamada et al. (1985,
monics of the CEF. The O„are
operator equivalents 1988), Abache and Oesterreicher (1986b), Adam et al.
(see, for example, Stevens, 1952; Hutchings, 1964): (1986), Buschow (1986a), Friedt et al. (1986), Cadogan
02=3J, — J(J+1), 02 =— J J~+J„J„,
and so on. The et al. (1988), and Zhong and Ching (1988, 1989). The
crystal symmetry imposes the following relations between point-charge model is afBicted with shortcomings in prin-
coefncients: ciple, such as ambiguity in the choice of charges and
difFiculty in describing conduction-electron contributions
B„"(i+ 1) =B„""(i)(i(: =0, 1; i = 1, 3), (24a) [see Schmitt (1979a, 1979b) and references therein for a

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

840 J. F. Herbst: R Fe, 8 materials

discussion of the latter], as well as in practice, such as un- (R = Sm, Er, Tm, Yb) should exhibit basal-plane anisotro-
certainties in the convergence of the lattice sums [espe- py. This is in overall accord with experiment (above T,
cially for the n = 6 terms, as Zhong and Ching (1989) in- for Nd2Fe]4B, Ho2Fe)4B and below T, for Er2Fe (48,
dicate]. With the usual assumption of a set of charges TmzFe, ~B, YbzFe, „B,
as described in Sec. IV.A. 3).
external to the R site in question, therefore, quantitative- Givord, Li, and Perrier de la BRthie (1984) have shown
ly accurate results cannot be anticipated, but the point- that analogous considerations for the RCo5 series yield
charge model has provided useful qualitative informa- signs of A2 opposite to those in R2Fe, 4B, also in agree-
tion. In particular, it demonstrates that among the
the n=2 terms are largest. This means that Bz controls
4„ ment with the observed anisotropy behavior.
More realistic calculation of CEF parameters must be
the sign of K, [see Eq. (27a)], which often determines the based on electronic structure work, and progress in this
anisotropy preference (easy e axis or basal plane). Posi- regard is being made (see also Sec. V). Zhong and Ching
tive charges on the R neighbors alone lead to Az(f),
) )
A z(g) 0, implying K, 0 ( & 0) if Oz = az ( ()
0 0) [cf.
(1988, 1989) have computed the 8„
for NdzFe, 4B by ex-
plicitly treating the intr asite environmental charge
Eqs. (23), (26b), (27a)]. That is, based on the R anisotro- penetration neglected in the conventional point-charge
py originating from the crystal-field splitting of the 4f model. The point-charge model is employed for intersite
shell, the R2Fe, ~B compounds having an oblate 4f contributions, but with effective charges derived from a
charge distribution (R=Pr, Nd, Tb, Dy, Ho) are predict- band calculation. The charges depart substantially from
ed to be c-axis easy, while those having prolate 4f charge the choices made by others in applying the point-charge

TABLE VIII. Crystal-field and exchange parameters for Nd2Fe, 48. All entries in K.

gO —3.77 —2.2 —1.93 —1.6 —2.36 —4.94

—2.85 —2.2 —1.93 —1.6 —2.36 —4.87
2 —1.45 2.92 4.3 4.53 9.70
1.26 2.92 —1.46 3.21

gO 0.0215 0.00860 0.0107 0.025 0.011 0.0135

0.0181 0.00860 0.0123 0.025 0.0» 0.0135

g4 0.0140 0.0344 —0.0033
—0.0192 —0.0367 —0.0033
—0.0176 0.000866 0.00125 0.0012 0.00166
—0.00250 0.000866 0.00125 0.0012 0.00166

0.315 —0.00461
0.0866 —0.00461
g4 —0.0234 0.00749 0.00722 0.0069
—0.0700 0.00749 0.0189 0.0069
p~H, „(T
=0)/k~ 350 313" 323 310 313
'Zhong and Ching (1989).
M. Yamada et al. (1988).
'Cadogan et al. (1988).
F. T. Parker (1987).
'Zhao and Jin (1987).
Radmanski and Franse (1989).
Boge et al. (1985, 1986) as cited by Cadogan et al. (1988).
"H. S. Li, Cxavigan, et al. (1988).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4B materials

model; interestingly, the boron charge, most often as- specified analytically as functions of the B„and can ac-
sumed positive elsewhere, is found to be negative, in quire substantial field dependence. Such field sensitivity
agreement with a suggestion made by Buschow (1986a) is evident in the EC; determined by Q. Yamada et a/.
based on electronegativity arguments. Compared to (1987) and Ono et a/. (1986, 1987) from torque measure-
point-charge results the calculated CEF parameters are ments on Nd2Fe, 48 using Eq. (26b), while Bolzoni, Moze,
in much better accord with values inferred from experi- and Pareti (1987) experienced difficulty in choosing K,. to
ments (cf. Table VIII). Coehoorn (1991) has obtained the reproduce Nd2Fe, 48 magnetization curves in the canted-
major, valence charge component of A 2 from self- moment regime (see also Nakagawa et a/. , 1989). Cau-
consistent electronic structure calculations for Gd2Fe&48. tion must therefore be exercised in interpreting anisotro-
py "constants" obtained from conventional analyses of
2. R-Fe exchange magnetization data when non collinear moment
configurations are possible [see also Asti et a/. (1987),
%'ith the assumption that R-Fe exchange interactions Radwanski and Franse (1987, 1988), Radwanski ei a/.
can be subsumed into an effective exchange field H„act- (1987), and Zhao et a/ (19.90) with regard to this issue
ing on the rare-earth spins, the Hamiltonian for an R ion for R2FeizB and other R-TM materials], and the B„are
in an applied field 8
becomes more properly regarded as the intrinsic quantities
governing the rare-earth anisotropy in the LAO RzFei48
SR(i) =SCEF(i)+2(g —1)J.H, „+g
J.H . (30) systems.

Written this way, H, is taken to be parallel to the Fe

spin, i.e., antiparallel to the Fe moment. In zero field and 3.

in the limit of strong exchange, H, + ao, it is clear that
Model calculations and analyses

all R and Fe moments will be collinear. Equation (26b) Various forms of the crystal-field-plus-exchange model
then applies, and the anisotropy parameters E; can be ex- have been applied to the R&Fe&48 compounds by many
pressed analytically in terms of the 8„[Eqs.(27)] and are investigators (e.g. , Boltich and Wallace, 1985; Honma
dependent only on the temperature through thermal
averages (
peratures (
of the operator equivalents. At low tem-
varies as the n (n + 1)I2 power of the R
et a/. , 1985; M. Yamada et a/. , 1985, 1987, 1988; Sankar
and Narasimhan, 1986; Boltich et a/. , 1987a; Cadogan,
1987, 1988; Cadogan et a/. , 1987, 1988; Gavigan et a/. ,
sublattice magnetization (Callen and Callen, 1966); con- 1987; Hiroyoshi, Kato, et a/. , 1987; F. T. Parker, 1987;
sequently, the importance of higher-order CEF terms to Radwanski and Franse, 1987, 1988, 1989; Vasquez and
the anisotropy increases with decreasing temperature, as Sanchez, 1987; Zhao and Jin, 1987; Boltich, 1988a,
Ciivord and Li (1985) and Coey (1986, 1987) have em- 1988b; Gavigan, Li, et a/. , 1988a; Givord, Li, et al. ,
phasized. 1988; Takano et a/. , 1988; Zhao et a/. , 1988, 1989, 1990;
Although the exchange energy is larger than the Luong et a/. , 1989; Z. W. Zhang et a/. , 1989, 1990; Zhu
crystal-field energy in the R2Fei4B compounds (the ex- et a/. , 1989; Deruelle et a/. , 1990; Kou et a/. , 1990b; H. -
change is evidently great enough to ensure that the R S. Li et a/. , 1990; Nakagawa et a/. , 1990; Radwanski
moments are near their free-ion values), the two are of et a/. , 1990b). These efforts, phenomenological in the
the same order of magnitude. In considering the R an- sense that their aim is to determine the parameters in Eq.
isotropy Radwanski and Franse (1987, 1988) assessed the (30) capable of explaining experimental results, collec-
relative importance of the two contributions for each tively demonstrate that the model contains most of the
member of the series by comparing estimates of the basic physics responsible for the rare-earth anisotropy
overall crystal-field splitting DEC„-3~Bz and the to-
tal exchange splitting hEE„-4~g—1~ JH, they found
each to be of order —10 K and AECF/AEEF-0. 1 —1.

„; and magnetic structure of the R2Fe&48 systems.

Treating only the Bz and 84 terms in Eq. (30), Boltich
and Wallace (1985) found that the existence of a spin re-
This fact has important physical consequences (see Asti orientation in Nd2Fe&48 and the absence of such a transi-
et a/. , 1987; Coey, 1987; Fujita et a/. , 1987; Sagawa, tion in Pr2Fe&48 could be explained with reasonable pa-
Hirosawa, et a/. , 1987d; M. Yamada et a/. , 1988). The rameter ranges. Their work showed that n&2 CEF
CEF can admix other JM ) eigenfunctions into the

ground state, noncollinear R and Fe moment arrange-

terms, rather than anisotropy competition between f and
g sites, control the moment canting. The result is quali-
ments can develop, and the saturation magnetization tatively consistent with the fact that ~aj for Nd + is

may be anisotropic (Figure 10 shows this to be the case smallest among the values for the light rare earths (as is
for Er2Fei48 and Tm2Fe&48 as the easy direction changes the case for a~ of Ho + among the heavy-R ions), ena-
through T, ). If aJ 0 and the n=2 terms dominate the
~ ~

bling higher-order CEF terms to have more impact on

CEF, for example, the four R moments can be expected the anisotropy (see also H. Oesterreicher, 1985a; Abache
to form a fan structure with each having a [110] or [110] and Oesterreicher, 1986b; R. Fruchart et a/. , 1987; Ono-
component via matrix elements of B2 (i) but with the dera, Yamauchi, et a/. , 1987). F. T. Parker (1987) in fact
total magnetization in the [100] direction (see M. Yama- demonstrated that the temperature dependence of the
da et a/. , 1988). Moreover, the K; can no longer be canting angle 8
in Nd2Fe&48 can be approximated very

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Voi. 63, No. 4, October 1991

842 J. F. Herbst: R&Fe«B materials

well as a function of the ratio 8~(04) /82(Oz ); Zhao Cadogan et a/. (1988) developed a new method for
and Jin (1987) calculated 8( T) using B6 as well as 82 and determining CEF and exchange parameters, which was
8~ terms. Sousa et a/. (1990) measured the electrical applied initially to Nd2Fe, 48 and subsequently to the Tb,
resistivity p(T) of an Nd2Fe, 4B single crystal and found Dy, Ho, Er, Tm compounds (Gavigan et a/ , . 1987;
that the peak observed in dp/dT at 75 K could be repro- Givord, Li, et a/. , 1988) and to the Pr and Yb members
duced by a two-level crystal-field expression with a split- of the series (Gavigan, Li, et a/. , 1988a). Principally
ting 6 =210 K between the lowest Nd levels, in satisfac- designed to reduce the amount of iterative computing,
tory agreement with the exchange splitting 6-290 K the technique re11es on comparison of calculated aniso-
from the theoretical work of Boltich and Wallace (1985), tropy constants with those deduced from experimental
F. T. Parker (1987), and Z. W. Zhang et a/. (1989). magnetization curves. Each compound is described by
Unquestionably the most comprehensive investigation two coupled equations:
of all nine 1.%0 R2Fe, 48 compounds within the CEF-
&R(i) =&CEF(i) —pR(T). [nRFpF(T)+H], (33a)
plus-exchange framework has been that of M. Yamada
et a/. (1988), who used the system Hamiltonian EF, =K",'(T) sin 0—pF(T) [nRFpR(T)+H] .
&= g & R(i)+28K", '(T) sin 0 —28@„(T)H (31) K", '(T) and p„(T) are specified by measurements on
YzFe, 48, the molecular-field coeKcient nRF is derived by
with &R(i) specified by Eq. (30) to calculate magnetiza- fitting the observed spontaneous magnetization, and
tion curves and derive magnetic structures. The Fe an- dift'erent f and g-site -CEF parameters are allowed (a dis-
tinction often neglected in other investigations). A basic
isotropy constant K", '(T) and moment p„(T)were taken
contrast with the work of M. Yamada et a/. (1985, 1987,
to have the same temperature dependence (scaled to T, )
as in YzFe, ~B. M. Yamada et a/. (1988) found good ac- 1988) is the inclusion of the nRF pR(T). /J, T) term in Eq.
(33b), which does not appear in Eq. (31); the efFect of that
commodation of experiment for the heavy-R materials by
analyzing &R(i) within the ground-state J
multiplet. Ex-
cept for HO2Fe&48 the results could be reproduced well
with only the B2 and 82 CEF parameters. The spin-
reorientation temperatures calculated for HozFe, 48 and Observed Calculated
Er&Fe&48 are in excellent agreement with measured Pr2Fe148
values, while those for Tm2Fe &48 and especially
YbzFe, 48 exceed experiment. Fascinating [100] and
[110] FOMPs associated with an abrupt transition from [00] g

ferrimagnetic to ferromagnetic order are predicted for

Tm2Fe&4B; incipient stages of such a transition have been 4K 4K
observed by Hiroyoshi et a/. (1986) and Kido et a/.
(1987). Excited multiplets were discovered to have ap- [001] [001]
preciable impact on the results for the light-R com-
pounds, for which the generalization 00] f100]
&R( i ) = A, L S+ACE„(i ) + 2S H, „+L+ 2S
( ) H
290K 290K

of Eq. (30) with A, the R spin-orbit coupling constant was

also employed. When =-'; and = —
', states are con-
sidered in addition to the = '
—, J
Hund's-rule ground state,
[001] f001]
a ferro-ferrimagnetic transition in Sm2Fe&48 is predicted
to occur with increasing temperature. Comparisons
made by M. Yamada et a/. (1988) of theoretical and ex-
perimental magnetization curves at 4 K and 290 K for
Pr2FeI48 and N12Fe&48 are shown in Fig. 13. Solid lines
represent calculations in which the J=4 (J = — , ground ') [001] [001]
and J= J5 ( =— ", ) excited multiplets are included for the 0]
Pr (Nd) compound; dashed lines correspond to the 110]
ground multiplet alone. The effect of the excited state is 290K
particularly apparent in the 4-K PrzFe, 48 results in fields 0 I

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

where FQMPs are observed by Hiroyoshi, Kato, et al.
H (kOe)
(1987) and Verhoef et a/. (1988). The calculated
Nd2Fe&48 equilibrium spin structure below T,""=130K FIG. 13. Observed and calculated 4 K and 290 K magnetiza-
(T;""'=135 K in Table VI) is slightly noncollinear with tion curves for Pr2Fe&48 and Nd2Fe&4B adapted from M. Yama-
all moments in the (110) plane. da et aI. (1988).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials 843

term on the B„values has been examined by Cadogan determine if 4f configurations other than the trivalent
(1987) in a treatment of the noncollinear magnetic struc- 4f (Pr) and 4f ' (Yb) are present in these materials.
ture of Tm2Fe, 48 observed and analyzed via Eq. (31) by Given the parameter freedom afforded by a crystal-
M. Yamada et al. (1985). Overall, the new approach suc- field —exchange model, it is not surprising that applica-
cessfully describes the compounds to which it has been tion under various simplifying conditions (neglect of f-g
applied. In the case of Nd2Fe&48, for example, Cadogan site dependences and/or excited multiplets, restriction of
et al. (1988) found the POMP to be reproduced well and the number of B„ terms in the CEF, constraint of certain
T,""=138K. The calculated 4-K moment arrangement, ratios to point-charge results, etc. ) leads to differences in
shown in Fig. 14, is similar to that derived by M. Yama- the parameters emerging from the analyses despite, in
da et al. (1988). Each Nd moment in Fig. 14 deviates by many instances, comparable success in simulating magne-
at most 3' from the Fe magnetization; on the basis of tization data. This point is illustrated by Table VIII,
more recent ' Nd Mossbauer-efFect measurements which lists CEF and exchange parameters for Nd2Fe&48
Nowik et al. (1990) have concluded that the total Nd from several investigations already mentioned in this sec-
moment is canted by an angle -7'
larger than that of the tion (a comparison of parameters determined by three
Fe moment at 4 K. Imperfections of the method have groups for the R2Fe, zB (and R2Coi48) series has been
been noted by its practitioners. An ad hoc 15% reduc- made by Nakagawa et al. , 1990). Also included in Table
tion of the Nd2Fe&48 parameters, determined in the low- VIII are the ab initio B„calculated by Zhong and Ching
temperature regime, was necessary to improve agreement (1988) as well as experimental values scaled (without a
with experiment above 150 K (Cadogan et al. , 1988), and screening correction) by Cadogan et al. (1988) from the
the prediction of the 4-K easy direction in Er2Fe, 48 is G12Fe&zB Mossbauer work of Boge et al. (1985, 1986);
apparently incorrect (Gavigan et a/. , 1987). Part of the ( r" ) from Freeman and Watson (1962) were used to con-
difficulty may originate in the use of Eq. (26b) to obtain vert the A„reported by M. Yamada et al. (1988) to B„
anisotropy parameters during the course of the pro- in the table. Deviations among sets of results are obvi-
cedures. ous. The situation might be ameliorated somewhat by
In applying the method to Pr2Fe)48 and Yb2Fe)4. 8, careful investigation of systematics; Zhao et al. (1989,
Gavigan, Li, et al. (1988a) found second-order CEF 1990) and Givord, Li, et al. (1988), using the methods of
terms -50% smaller than those for the other com- M. Yamada et al. (1988) and Cadogan et al. (1988), re-
pounds and attributed the reduction to incipient valence spectively, have discussed variation of the A„with rare-
instability of the Pr and Yb ions. This attribution, as earth constituent for the heavy-R compounds. More
well as a related suggestion regarding anomalous Pr definitive parameter evaluation, however, must await ac-
valence behavior in the PrzFei~ „Co„B
system (Gavigan, curate interpretation of microscopic measurements, espe-
Li, et al. , 1988b), points to a need for measurements such cially inelastic neutron diffraction. Loewenhaupt et al.
as R core-level x-ray absorption or photoemission to (1988, 1990) have made initial efforts in this direction, ob-
serving magnetic excitation spectra in polycrystalline
samples of nine R2Fe&48 compounds. Reasonable agree-
ment of measured splittings with calculated values based
001) Fe e= 28.&
on CEF-exchange model results was obtained, but
significant departures regarding details of the spectra
were noted.

E. Information from Mossbauer studies

While bulk measurements furnish site-averaged mag-

netic properties, Mossbauer spectroscopy can provide lo-
cal, site-dependent information regarding magnetic mo-
ments, crystal-field parameters, and magnetic structure
(particularly spin reorientations). As discussed in Sec.
IV.8.2, the temperature dependence of rare-earth
hyperfine fields has also yielded indirect assessments of
R-Fe exchange interaction parameters. Furthermore, the
f110] contrasting signatures of different materials have made
Mossbauer spectroscopy useful in phase analysis of ingot
and technological R-Fe-B samples (see, for example,
FIG. 14. Schematic diagram of calculated Nd2Fe&4B magnetic Friedt et al. , 1985, 1986; Grossinger, Hilscher, et al. ,
structure at 4 K after Cadogan et al. (1988). All moments re- 1985; Kostikas et al. , 1985; Rotenberg et al. , 1985;
side in the (110) plane. Subscript 1 (2) designates the z=0 Rosenberg, Deppe, and Stadelmaier, 1986; R. Fruchart
(z = z) plane. et al. , 1987). Numerous Mossbauer investigations of

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

844 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

both the R and the Fe nuclei in R2Fe, 48 compounds 0 00

have been reported. The existence of several nuclear en-
ergy levels and the presence of the two R and, especially,
the six Fe sites in the R2Fe, 48 structure complicates the
analyses significantly, however, so that the results can de- ~ il
pend sensitively on the procedures used to extract them. 08

1. Rare-earth nuclei

Mossbauer spectroscopy studies have been conducted

with the following rare-earth isotopes: ' Nd (Nowik
et al. , 1990), ' Gd (Boge et al. , 1985, 1986; Buschow, de D
Vries, and Thiel, 1985a, 1985b; Czjzek et a/. , 1989),
' 'Dy (Ferreira et al. 1985; Friedt et al 19.85, 1986;
, , l
Gubbens et ah. , 1985, 1986; Vasquez et al. , 1985; -200 200
Berthier et al. , 1986; R. Fruchart et al. , 1987), ' Er (J.
Source Velocity (mm/s)
P. Sanchez et al. , 1986; R. Fruchart et al. , 1987), ' Tm
(Gubbens et al. , 1987), and ' Yb (Meyer et al. , 1989).
The opportunity for such research depends, of course, on FIG. 15. ' 'Dy Mossbauer spectrum of Dy2Fe&4B at 4 K; the
the availability of relevant source isotopes; in particular, solid line is a calculated 6t to the data {adapted from Friedt
investigation of the Nd nuclei in Nd2Fe&48 by means of et a/. , 1986).
the ' Nd resonance has been impeded by the difticulty of
obtaining the ' Pm source.
The magnetic hyperfine field acting on a rare-earth nu-
cleus can be written (Buschow, 1986a; Friedt et al. , 1986) (Buschow, 1986a; Friedt et a/. , 1986) as

H„,(T)=H, „«r,IJ, Ir,. »yJ+H„, ,
where H;, is a constant, free-ion value for each isotope,

+ ' V'"'(3 cos g —1+pi,«sin
—, gcos2$) . (35)
the outer angular brackets denote the thermal average
over the exchange- and crystal-field-split states II; & of Here V4f is a free-ion constant, ~i,ii=( V""—
the 4f shell, and H„„represents a relatively small contri- is the asymmetry parameter of the lattice EFG, and g, g
bution from conduction-electron polarization. H„p can are the polar angles of the easy magnetization direction
relative to the principal EFG axis. If V'"' and g&,«can
be estimated from the hyperfine fields observed in the
compounds having S-state rare-earth ions. Equation (34) be obtained from fits to the Mossbauer spectra, estimates
indicates that determination of Hht( T) can provide infor- of the second-order crystal-field parameters Az can be
mation on each R moment [pR(T) « I;IJ, II'; » ], and inferred from them:
T~O results can elucidate the character of the ground
state. In this way, nearly pure J, =J
ground states for (36)
both R sites have been identified from Mossbauer spectra
on Dy2Fei4B (Friedt et al. , 1985, 1986; Gubbens et al. ,
1985, 1986; Berthier et al. , 1986), Er2Fei48 (J. P. San-
chez et al. , 1986), and Tm2Fe, 48 (Gubbens et al. , 1987). oz and y are (somewhat uncertain) atomic screening
Figure 15 displays a ' 'Dy spectrum for DyzFe, 48 from and Sternheimer antishielding factors, respectively, and
the work of Friedt et al. (1986). These results imply that the asterisk signifies that the coordinate system is that of
each R moment deviates by no more than several percent the lattice EFG terms (Friedt et al. , 1986). With the use
from its free-ion value, amplifying the second inference of such relations it has been established that both R ions
made from magnetization measurements in Sec. IV.A. 1. have the same (positive) sign of Az, referred to conven-
Interaction of the rare-earth nuclear quadrupole mo- tional crystal axes (ciIz), in Gd2Fei48 (Boge et a/. , 1985,
ment QR with the electric-field gradient (EFG) at the nu- 1986), Dy2Fei4B (Friedt et al. , 1986), and YbzFe, ~B
cleus produces the quadrupole splittings observed in (Meyer et al , 1989), a result . very likely applicable to the
Mossbauer spectroscopy. The EFG is specified by a ten- other compounds as well. To lowest order, then, each
sor, V & =—8 V/Bx Bx&, with V the potential at the nu- LAO R ion contributes in the same manner to the R sub-
cleus, and the overall splitting is often expressed as lattice anisotropy that principally determines c-axis or
—, V, where V is the principal-axis component of basal-plane total moment orientation in the correspond-
the EFG. V is comprised of on-site 4f and surround- ing RzFei48 compound [cf. Sec. IV.D. 1, especially Eqs.
ing lattice contributions and can be approximated (23), (26b), and (27a)]. Suggestions that Bz(f) and Bz(g)

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R,Fe, 4B materials 845

are of opposite sign and hence contribute competitively 1.00

to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy (Buschow, de Vries,
and Thiel, 1985a, 1985b; Ferreira et al. , 1985; Gubbens
et al. , 1987) apparently arise from ambiguity in the refer- O
ence coordinates (see also Buschow, 1986a, 1988a; Price
et al. , 1986; Rani and Kamal, 1986; Smit et al. , 1987). 6$

2. ' Fe investigations

Comprised of overlapping components from each of

the six Fe sites, the complex Fe Mossbauer spectra of Source Velocity (mmls)

the RzFe&48 compounds have been explored by a great

many investigators, including Onodera et al. (1984), FIG. 16. Room-temperature Fe Mossbauer spectrum of
Pinkerton and Dunham (1984, 1985), Buschow, van Nd2Fe&48 and calculated six-subspectrum fit (Cxrandjean et al. ,
Noort, and de Mooij (1985), Coey et al. (1985), Dalmas 1988).
de Reotier et al. (1985a), Ferreira et al. (1985), Fr'edt
et al. (1985, 1986), Kamal and Andersson (1985), Ko ti-
kas et al. (1985), Rosenberg et al. (1985), van Noort
et al. (1985, 1986), Vasquez et al. (1985), Bolzoni et al.
(1986), Burlet et al. (1986), Cadogan and Coey (1986), timated from its hyperfine field using the crucial assump-
Koon, Abe, et al. (1986), Ling et al. (1986), Price et al. tion, based on previous observations for iron intermetal-
(1986), Rani et al. (1986), Rani and Kamal (1986), Bocel- lics (Buschow, 1986a), whose reliability for R2Fe&48
li et al. (1987), Deppe et al. (1987), Erdmann et al. demands further scrutiny, that the two quantities are re-
(1987), R. Fruchart et al. (1987), Fujita et al. (1987), lated by a single, site-independent conversion factor,
Matsui et al. (1987},Onodera, Fujita, et al (1987.), Qno- =150 kOe/pz. Site moments determined by several
dera, Yamauchi et al. (1987), Rosenberg, Deppe, et al. groups for YzFe&48 and NdzFe&48 at low temperatures
(1986), Rosenberg, Deppe, and Stadelmaier (1986), Tharp are listed in Table IX, which also includes results from
et al. (1987, 1988), Vasquez and Sanchez (1987), Y-C. polarized-neutron work (Givord, Li, and Tasset, 1985)
Yang et al. (1987), Zeng and Yu (1987), Hara et al. and electronic structure studies (Inoue and Shimizu,
(1988), Dai et al. (1988), Grandjean et al. (1988, 1990), 1986a; Gu and Ching, 1987a; Itoh et al. , 1987; Szpunar
Pringle, Long, et al. (1988), Pringle, Marasinghe, et al. et al. , 1987; Jaswal, 1990; Zhong and Ching, 1990;
(1988), Sano et al. (1989), Shi et al. (1989), Leccabue Coehoorn, 1991). R. Fruchart et al. (1987) have tabulat-
et al. (1990), and Long and Grandjean (1991). The spec- ed similar comparisons for several other RzFe&48 com-
tra exhibit broad similarity to that for a-Fe (see Coey pounds as well. Since moment canting can lead to the
et al. , 1985) and closer resemblance to that for Nd2Fe, ~ magnetic inequivalence of crystallographically equivalent
(Onodera et al. , 1984); in the easy-c-axis regime the sites, Qnodera, Yamauchi, et al. (1987) obtained the 4 K
shape changes little with rare-earth component (see, for (( T, = 135 K) NdzFe&zB results given in Table IX by us-
example, Pinkerton and Dunham, 1985; van Noort et al. , ing twelve, rather than six, subspectra in analyzing their
1986; R. Fruchart et al. , 1987). A representative exam- Mossbauer data; Shi et al. (1989) have argued that eigh-
ple, that for NdzFe, 48, is shown in Fig. 16. teen subspectra should be employed below T, .
Unfortunately there is no unique decomposition of an Table IX rejects the almost universal agreement in the
observed spectrum into individual subspectra for the six literature that the 8jz site, characterized by the largest
iron sites, each with its own hyperfine field, quadrupole number of nearest-neighbor iron atoms, carries the larg-
splitting, and isomer shift. To distinguish among sets of est moment, and either the 4c or 4e moment is usually
subspectra aFording equally good fits to the data, most found to be smallest. Friedt et al. (1986) note that the
authors proceed by first imposing the reasonable condi- Fe 4f site in DyzFe, 7 (hexagonal ThzNi&7 structure;
tion that the intensities obey the 16:16:8:8:4:4ratio P63/mmc), whose Fe coordination is similar to that of
hierarchy corresponding to the crystallographic multipli- the 8jz site in NdzFe&48, has also been found to feature
cities (Table I). It is then often assumed that, for each the largest hyperfine field among the iron sites in that
pair of equal-intensity subspectra, the subspectrum with compound by Bara et al. (1982). Studies of the tempera-
the larger hyperfine field belongs to the site having the ture dependence of the site-decomposed hyperfine fields
larger number of Fe nearest neighbors (R. Fruchart in the Y, Pr, and Gd compounds (Grandjean et al. ,
et al. , 1987). Additional constraints regarding parame- 1990), above T, in Nd2Fe«B (Onodera, Yamauchi, et al. ,
ters such as linewidths, EFCi principal-axis directions, 1987; Grandjean et al. , 1988}, and throughout the mag-
and isomer shifts differ in various analyses (see, for exam- netically ordered regime for HozFe&~B (Fujita et al. ,
ple, van Noort et al. , 1985, 1986; Onodera, Fujita, et al. , 1987) indicate that each site moment decreases uniformly
1987; Onodera, Yamauchi, et al. , 1987; Grandjean et al. , with increasing temperature. Also consistent with bulk
1988, 1990). A magnetic moment for each site can be es- magnetization measurements is the observation, made by

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

846 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

Pinkerton and Dunham (1985) in work on the R= Y, Ce, Fujita et al. (1987) found significant changes in the quad-
Pr, Nd, Gd, Dy, and Ho compounds, that the site- rupole splittings and, comparing the canting angles ob-
averaged hyperfine fields at 295 K scale with the Curie tained from the Mossbauer spectroscopy analyses with
temperature. magnetization measurements on a single crystal, conclud-
Mossbauer spectroscopy is well suited for identifying ed that the spin reorientation proceeds via coherent rota-
spin reorientations, and Fe Mossbauer work has served tion of antiparallel Fe and Ho moments. From their
usefully in confirming the results of magnetization and single-crystal neutron work Wolfers et al. (1990) have
neutron-diffraction measurements on Er2Fe, 48, also concluded that the total Ho and Fe moments remain
Tm2Fe&48, Yb2Fe&48, featuring plane-to-axis transitions, antiparallel below T„but the individual Ho moments
and Nd2Fe&48, Ho2Fe&48, characterized by moments form a complex noncollinear structure. Below T, in
canting away from the c direction (see also Sec. IV.A. 3). NdzFe i48 Onodera, Yamauchi, et al. (1987) noted
In random powder samples the variation of the spectral anomalies in the isomer shifts as well as the quadrupole
shape and the hyperfine parameters (especially the quad- splittings. A large deviation of the Nd and Fe moments
rupole splittings, which depend on the orientation of the from collinearity was considered responsible for
EFG, dictated by the lattice, relative to the magnetiza- difFerences between the canting angles determined by the
tion direction) can be monitored. Van Noort et al. Mossbauer spectroscopy work for the Fe spins and by
(1986) noted qualitative changes in Er2Fei4B spectra near single-crystal magnetization measurements of the total
T, =325 K, and through T, =313 K in Tm2Fe, 48 Price moment; noncollinearity of the Nd and Fe moments has
et al. (1986) observed variations in the shape of the spec- been confirmed by the ' Nd Mossbauer investigation of
tra and sign changes in most of the quadrupole splittings. Nowik et al. (1990).
For Yb2Fei4B Burlet et al. (1986) reported a change in Striking changes in the spectra of single crystals or
sign of the 8j2-site quadrupole shift and an increase in magnetically aligned. powder specimens can be observed
the average hyperfine field, implying some degree of mag- in the spin-reorientation regime by exploiting the polar-
netization anisotropy, as the temperature decreased ization properties of the gamma radiation (cf. Vasquez
below T, =115 K. Resolving the spectrum with six sub- et al. , 1985; Koon, Abe, et a/. , 1986). The probabilities
spectra above and twelve below T, =58 K in Ho2Fe, 48, for Am =0 and hm = +1 nuclear transitions are to first

TABLE IX. Low-temperature Fe site moments in Y2Fe, 4B and Nd2Fe&4B.

Fe site moment (p&)

Compound 16k( 16k& 8j& 8j2 Reference
Y,Fe&4B 2.07 2.23 2.31 2.43 2.28 1.90 4 R. Fruchart et al. (1987)
2.25 2.32 2. 15 2.59 2. 10 2.25 Onodera, Yamauchi, et al. (1987)
2. 17 2.29 2. 14 2.54 2. 13 2. 16 4 Friedt et al. (1986)
2.22 2.32 2. 10 2.57 2.03 1.24 25 Van Noort et al. (1986)
2.25 2.2S 2.40 2.80 2. 15 1.95 4 Givord, Li, and Tasset (1985)

2.08 2. 15 2.07 2.74 2.06 2.53 Jaswal (1990)
2. 11 2.31 2.22 2.51 2.40 2. 10 Coehoorn (1991); Coehoorn et al. (1991)
2. 16 2.47 2.50 3.08 1.80 1.60 Gu and Ching (1987a)
2.41 2. 11 2. 16 2.74 2.32 2.28 Inoue and Shimizu (1986a)
2.36 2.62 2.35 2.61 2. 11 2.31 Itoh et al. (1987)

Nd~Fe)4B 2.08 2. 16 2.06 2.43 2.28 1.97 4 R. Fruchart et al. (1987)
2.24 2.30 2.21 2.55 2.00 2. 17 4 Onodera, Yamauchi, et al. (1987)
2.27 2.41 2. 19 2.70 2.20 2. 10 25 Van Noort et al. (1986)
2.60 2.60 2.30 2.85 2. 10 2.75 4 Givord, Li, and Tasset (1985)

2. 15 2. 18 2. 12 2.74 2. 13 2.59 Jaswal (1990)
2. 18 2.34 2.39 3.35 2.34 3.11 Zhong and Ching (1990)
(orbital contribution included)
2.45 2.43 2.33 2.72 2.44 2.51 Szpunar et al. (1987)
(orbital contribution included)
2.46 2.67 2.50 2.28 2.31 Itoh et al. (1987)

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe&4B materials 847

order proportional to sin'co and (1+cos co), respectively, Shimizu (1986a) also employed tight-binding d bands and
and the intensities of various subspectra depend the recursion method to calculate local densities of states
differently on the angle cu between the gamma-ray wave in Y2Fe&48; rigid splitting of the bands was chosen so as
vector and the quantization (i.e., magnetization) axis. In to reproduce the measured average Fe moment. A
work on a single crystal of Nd2Fe, 48, Koon, Abe, et al. strong field dependence of the 4c-site moment was pre-
(1986) demonstrated that two of the lines (the second and dicted, and the temperature-dependent magnetic suscep-
fifth major structures in Fig. 16), which are clearly evi- tibility and the high-field, zero-temperature susceptibility
dent below T, = 135 K, diminish to negligible intensity in were estimated. The total DOS resembles that obtained
the co=0 geometry at 300 K; the canting angles of the Fe in analogous work on Y2Fe, 7 (Inoue and Shimizu, 1985);
moment determined as co increased with decreasing the 4f and 8jz moments are again found to be the largest
T & T, were found to track the results of single-crystal in their respective structures.
magnetization experiments. Similar intensity variations In a series of papers Ching and co-workers (Gu and
have been observed on oriented powder samples of Ching, 1986a, 1986b; 1987a, 1987b; Ching and Gu, 1987,
Nd2Fei4B (Onodera et al. , 1984), Er2Fei48 (Vasquez 1988; Zhong and Ching, 1990) have reported the applica-
et al. , 1985; Friedt et al. , 1986), and Ho2Fei4B (R. Fru- tion of a first-principles technique, the orthogonalized
chart et al. , 1987). linear coinbination of atomic orbitals (OLCAO) method,
to the R2Fe&48 compounds. Their paramagnetic calcula-
V. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE tion for Y2Fei4B (Gu and Ching, 1986a) was a ground-
breaking investigation for these materials. Spin-
Several theoretical efforts probing the electronic struc- polarized studies on YzFe, 48 and Nd2Fe&48 were there-
ture of R2Fe&48 have been reported, the rather daunting after conducted (Gu and Ching, 1987a), Gd2Fei4B was
complexity of the NdzFe, ~B crystal structure (Fig. 2) not- also investigated (Ching and Gu, 1988), and Fe orbital
withstanding. Calculated iron site moments in Y2Fe&48 moments in Nd2Fe, 4B ( ~0. 1 p~ and largest at the jz
and Nd2Fei48 from the work of the six different groups sites} were computed (Zhong and Ching, 1990). An im-
discussed below are included in Table lX. Some experi- portant shortcoming of the method is that self-consistent
mental information on electronic structure is available as iteration is not performed, even though R and Fe poten-
well. tials are constructed so that the quality of the band struc-
Semiempirical analyses have been conducted by three ture and DOS calculated in the same way for each ele-
sets of authors. Itoh et al. (1987) cursorily described a mental metal is comparable to other self-consistent work
highly simplified treatment of the d bands and anisotropy for that metal. The results include contour maps of the
contributions in Y2Fe&48 and Nd2Fe&48 using various in- charge and spin distributions in various planes in addi-
put parameters; the results are suspect because, as tion to total, site-, spin-, and angular momentum-
Buschow (1988a) remarks, a negative Ki for YzFei4B is projected densities of states. Figure 17 displays the cal-
calculated, whereas the experimental value is positive culated charge and positive spin density in the (110)
(Table VII). Extending earlier studies (Szpunar and plane of NdzFei4B. The 4f electrons are included in the
Szpunar, 1985; Szpunar, 1986, 1987), Szpunar et al. charge density [Fig. 17(b)] but not in the spin-density
(1987) employed the recursion (continued-fraction) map [Fig. 17(c}],which corresponds to the Fe sublattice
method with a number of input quantities, such as atom-
ic energy levels and hopping integrals, to obtain approxi-
alone and from which it is clear that the Fe( ), Fe( j2 ),
and Fe(e) sites constitute a strong magnetic network.
mate d bands and local densities of states (DOS} in With regard to the role of the trigonal prisms in stabiliz-
Nd2Fe&48. Each iron site DOS was decomposed into ing the structure, Gu and Ching (1987a) find that each
spin and orbital components. The 8j2 site was found to boron atom forms strong multicenter bonds with the six
have both the largest spin and the largest orbital mo- Fe atoms comprising a prism and emphasize that the spe-
ment, -0. 1@~—0. 2p~, depending on the spin-orbit split- cial function of the Fe(e) sites in connecting the hexago-
ting assumed. This value is comparable to that estimated nal Fe networks across the z=0 and z = —, ' planes [cf.
in Mossbauer spectroscopy work on Y2Fei4B (R. Fru- Figs. 2 and 17] is facilitated by the presence of the boron.
chart et al. , 1987) and at the same time quite similar to An effective valence charge for each atom is estimated,
the 0.09pz orbital moment in Fe metal (Reck and Fry, and the Y2Fe&48 and Nd2Fe&48 results indicate charge
1969). The siinilarity of the orbital moments indicates transfer from the Fe sites into the R d bands. The extent
that the huge difference in anisotropy between a-Fe and of the transfer, as much as five (eight} electrons for Fe(Y),
the Fe sublattice in R2Fe&48 arises mainly from the lower is unphysically large and likely symptomatic of the lack
symmetry of the tetragonal as compared to the cubic of self-consistency, its direction, however, is compatible
structure, the latter having no second-order crystal-field with soft x-ray appearance potential measurements on
terms [i.e. , B 2 =0 in expressions such as Eq. (22)]. Szpu- Nd2Fe, 4B by Chourasia and Chopra (1989), who ascribe
nar et al. (1987) investigated Y2Fe, 7 (Th2Ni&~ structure) the observed chemical shifts of the Nd Mv and Fe 1.~(I
as well and determined that the 4f site, the 8j2 cognate, levels and the increased Fe L», linewidth (relative to ele-
has the largest spin and orbital moments. Inoue and mental iron) to charge transfer from Fe to Nd. The total

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

moments calculated by Gu and Ching (1987a) for Gu and Ching (1987a). The work of Sellmyer et al.
YzFe, ~B and N12Fe, ~B (with the use of the Nd free-ion (1988) is also distinguished as the only published photo-
4f moment in conjunction with computed polarization emission study of R2Fe&48 electronic structure; spectra at
contributions from the bands) and that for Gd2Fei~B various photon energies on the Y, Nd, and Gd members
(Ching and Gu, 1988) agree well with experiment. of the series were reported. Their calculated DOS for
Using the linear muffin-tin orbital (LMTG) method in Y2Fe, 48 is in good overall accord with the measured
the local-density and semirelativistic approximations, spectra, which, aside from 4f features, are essentially in-
Sellmyer et al. (1988) and Jaswal (1990) conducted the dependent of the rare-earth constituent.
first self-consistent spin-polarized electronic structure The 4f electron binding energies measured by Sellmyer
calculations for Y2Fe&48 and Nd2Fe&48. The exchange et al. (1988), 5.4 eV in NdzFe i48 and 8.9 eV in
splitting of the Fe d bands is -2.
1 eV, @ value compara- Gd2Fe, 48, closely approach those calculated and ob-
ble to results from both calculations (e.g. , Calloway and served in the corresponding elemental rare-earth metals
Wang, 1977) and spin-polarized, angle-resolved photo- and measured in other materials containing Nd or Gd
emission measurements (Kisker et al. , 1985) on Fe metal. (see Herbst and Wilkins, 1987). A relative shift of Nd
The computed charge transfers, (0.
5 (1.5) for Fe (Nd, Y) and Sm 4f levels in Nd2Fe, 48 and SmCo5 was inferred by
sites, are substantially smaller than those determined by Cheung et al. (1987) from the 5s 4f transi-tions observed
in their electron-energy-loss experiments on thin films,
but such changes almost certainly arise from contrast in
electronic structure rather than from the differing anisot-
ropy fields of the two compounds as the authors specu-
(a) Self-consistent band-structure calculations employing
0 the augmented spherical wave method within the local-
spin-density-functional approximation have been per-
formed for Y2Fei48 and G12FeizB by Coehoorn (1991).
In the case of Y2Fe, 48, the densities of states and Fe site
moments are in good accord with the I.MTO work of
Jaswal (1990); the calculated total moments are in excel-
lent agreement with each other and with experiment.
Coehoorn (1991) has also calculated (i) the site-dependent
Fermi contact contribution to the hyperfine fields in
(DNd(f) e Nd(g) B(g)
Y2Fe, 48, finding evidence for significant deviation from
0Fe(e) Fe(j~) p Fe(j~) simple proportionality between local Fe moments and the
corresponding hyperfine fields (see also Coehoorn et al. ,
1991); (ii) the principal (valence charge) component of the
second-order crystal-field parameter A z in GdzFe, 48,
concluding, as did Zhong and Ching (1989), that the as-
phericity of the valence electron density, and not the
charge density on neighboring atoms, chieAy determines
3 2, and (iii) the valence charge contribution to the V
))a&' 0 component of the electric-field gradient at the rare-earth
nucleus in Gd2Fe&48, enabling assessment of the validity
of relations such as Eq. (36) between V and Az (see
also Coehoorn and Buschow, 1991).
(c) Fujii, Nagata, et al. (1987) measured the specific heat
C (and thermal expansion) of the R=Y, Nd, and Tm
compounds. The low-temperature data on Y2Fei48 was
fit with the expression

c(T) =y T+13T (38)

and the coef5cient y = 86 mJ/K mol f.u. of the electronic
contribution was deduced (a possible T ~ spin-wave con-
tribution was neglected). The density of states at the Fer-
mi level N (e~ ) follows from the standard relation

FIT+. 17. Atomic sites in the (110) plane of the Nd2Fe&48 struc-
y = 3 k~N(eJ; ) (39)
ture (a); calculated charge (b} and spin (c} densities in that plane
for Nd2Fe&48 (Ciu and Ching, 1987a). and can be compared with the available theoretical re-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe&4B materials 849

TABLE X. Calculated and experimental total densities of are devoted to the R2Co&48 and R2Fe&4C compounds, the
states at the Fermi energy, %(eF), for Y2Fe&4B and Fe metal. only two series known in which either Fe or 8 is totally
X(eF) replaced by another element.
(states/eV-atom) Reference

Y2Fe)4B A. Rare-earth replacements

Theory 0.86 Jaswal {1990)
-0.8 Coehoorn (1991)
1.88 Gu and Ching (1987a) Table XI summarizes research on R2 Fe&48 ma-
1.96 Inoue and Shimizu (1986a) terials in which the rare-earth component is replaced by
Experiment 2. 1 Fujii„Nagata, et al. (1987) another element. The studies all involve replacement by
another rare earth or Y, with the exceptions of Sc substi-
Fe tution, which degrades both H, and T, (S. K. Chen
Theory 1.1 Callaway and Wang (1977) et al. , 1988b), Zr substitution, which increases the anisot-
Experiment 2.011 Dixon et al. (1965) ropy field FI, while reducing T, (Jurczyk and Wallace,
1986a; since the magnetization is observed to decline in
both light- and heavy-R compounds, however, Zr could
suits. Values for Y2Fe&48 as well as elemental Fe are
be replacing Fe), and Th substitution, as a result of which
presented in Table X, from which it is clear that the ex-
there is evidence for intriguing two-stage spin reorienta-
perimental N(ez) of the two materials are almost identi-
tion in Erz ~Th„Fei48 (Pedziwiatr and Wallace, 1986a;
cal. For YzFe&48 the N(e~) calculated by Inoue and
Pedziwiatr, Wallace, and Burzo, 1986c}. X-ray (Abache
Shimizu (1986a) and Gu and Ching (1987a) agree well
and Oesterreicher, 1986b} and neutron-diffraction work
with the measurements of Fujii, Nagata, et al. (1987), (Yelon et al. , 1986; Moze et a/. , 1989) indicates that an
but the agreement is fortuitous. This is because the en- R' substituent having a radius less than that of the R ion
tries for Fe in Table X strongly suggest (see also
preferentially enters the 4f site, a result in accord with
Wohlfarth, 1980) that a large electron-phonon (and
simple steric considerations, since the volume associated
perhaps electron-magnon) enhancement, not included in with the 4f site is somewhat smaller than that of the 4g
any of the calculations, is also to be expected in Y2Fe, 4B. site. Wigner-Seitz volumes of sites in various RzFe&48
Such an enhancement would move N(ez) obtained by
compounds have been computed and tabulated by Fuerst,
Jaswal (1990) and Coehoorn (1991) toward experiment Meisner, Pinkerton, and Yelon (1987), Pringle et al.
and have the reverse effect on the other theoretical re- (1989), and Grandjean et al. (1990). As Tables IV and VI
suggest, Tb or Dy substitution can markedly enhance the
Mohn and Wohlfarth (1987) used the N(e~) obtained uniaxial anisotropy of NdzFe, 48, although at the expense
by Inoue and Shimizu (1986a) for Y2Fei48 to derive a of the saturation magnetization, because heavy-R and Fe
theoretical estimate of the Curie temperature, moments are antiparallel; Pareti, Bolzoni, et al. (1987)
T, (calc) =575 K, which compares exceedingly well with have investigated the Nd2 „Tb„Fe&48 system in detail.
T, (expt) =565 K in Table IV, while the smaller N(e~) of Much of the research catalogued in Table XI is con-
Jaswal (1990) yields a T, (calc) about twice as large cerned with the behavior and character of the spin reori-
(Jaswal et al. , 1988). The theory and the estimate of entations, especially for those systems in which R and R'
Mohn and Wohlfarth (1987) embrace a number of ap- have Stevens factors aJ of opposite sign and contribute
proximations, however, including the assumption of a competitively to the anisotropy (e.g. , Sm, Er, or Tm re-
Stoner exchange parameter and a Fermi degeneracy tem- placed by Pr, Nd, Tb, or Dy). In addition to expected ax-
perature for elemental iron, so that the comparison of ial and planar configurations, canted-moment arrange-
T, (calc} with experiment may not serve as a basis for ments in certain concentration ranges have been
definitively distinguishing N(ez) values from electronic identified in Erz „Dy Fe&&B (Ibarra, Algarabel, et al. ,
structure calculations. 1989), Tm2 Dy„Fei4B (Pourarian, Jiang, Zhang, et al. ,
1988), Erz Pr„Fei4B (Boltich et a/. , 1987a; Boltich,
Vl. ISOSTRUCTURAL MATERIALS 1988a, 1988b), and Pr2 „Sm Fei48 (C. Lin and Liu,
AND THEIR PROPERTlES 1986). The critical behavior in the vicinity of spin reori-
entations in Er2 „Dy„Fe&48and Er2 „Nd Fe&48 has
Many other elements can replace the rare-earth, iron, been investigated extensively by del Moral et al. (1989,
or boron constituent of an R2Fe&48 compound without 1990), who have determined critical exponents with the
altering the Nd2Fe&48 structure type. This section sur- use of a scaling model developed for the low-field ac sus-
veys the vigorous work on such isostructural materials. ceptibility y. Crystal-field-plus-exchange analyses have
In general these efforts serve the dual purpose of been performed for several systems, as Table XI docu-
broadening our understanding of the properties of the ments; the basic model appears capable in principle of
R2Fe, 48 systems and identifying substitutions that describing the phenomena, although specifics vary with
enhance intrinsic characteristics important to the extent to which a particular pseudoternary com-
permanent-magnet applications. Separate subsections pound has been probed. In the case of Tm2 „Dy„Fe&48,

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials


O ~

ch QO
:0 g QO
M v OO
+ 0 ~ OO
Q Ch O
g QO
a 6 Cd

gCd bQ 5Q M)
~RA bQ
™ M Q
~ lH

' ~ ~
O M)
bQ bQ g 0 0
Cd Cd

~ 4~ 4~

N Cd
0 0" CP

~ 4
&u 0
Q Q 0 0 0 Q

~ &
N W Zm~ CP Cd Cd

v 0


0 z ~

U V ~ M V

bQ S4 C4 M Q Q g" 0
Cd O

O 0

Oa M Oa eV~MWM ~




~ Cd

r8 Sh

0 Q
a7 6
&„ III

M ~

c6 Cd
Q g ~ %~+I

~ W

Cd cn
w Q

2 6Z
50 A A

V U Z 8Z Z Z

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe&48 materials

for example, the magnetic phase diagram determined by
Pourarian, Jiang, Zhang, et al. (1988) is in good agree-
~ OO
0O ment with that predicted by Boltich et al. (1988) using
only n=2 terms in the CEF (see Fig. 18). On the other
hand, Ibarra, Algarabel, et al. (1989) found it necessary
OO to include fourth-order CEF terms to model adequately
the magnetic phase diagram, and the temperature and
U cd
QO a5
concentration dependence of the canting angle in the
Ch ~ W
DO canted-moment regime, of Er2 „Dy Fe, 48. Williams
~ x Ch
g OO
et al. (1987) employed CEF terms to the sixth order in
accurately fitting detailed torque magnetometry measure-
bQ bQ ments on Y& 8Ero 2Fe&48.
~ 1+~l
(Q g$
c5 m cu Q m
05 ~ 'P"I
~ 0+~/

B. Replacements for

C4 ice $v4

In view of the substantially lowe'r Curie temperatures

of the R2Fe, 48 phases relative to the —1000 K value for
either a-Fe or SmCo~ (see Table IV), one primary object
of substitutional investigations is the identification of re-
placements that enhance T„particularly for Nd2Fe&48.
~ Qw

Since the magnetism of the Fe sublattice sets the scale for

g T„ it is not surprising that the majority of such work has
been aimed at Fe replacements. Table XII summarizes
U the voluminous research on the R2Fe&4 T 8 systems.
Most e6'orts cited in the table have included x-ray
0 ~ M
analysis to establish that the samples are single phase and
M 5&i of the Nd2Fe, 48 structure type, but in a few instances
g some uncertainty exists regarding integration of the sub-
stituent into the R2Fe&48 compound. For example, A.lli-
bert (1989) concluded from microstructural studies that
niobium does not dissolve in NdzFe, 48 but forms Nb-
Fe-B precipitates (see also Schrey, 1988), and Lovleen
~ ~


———0 ——Ml
600 Paramagnetic

Tm2 x Dyx Fe14B





~ 0
Dy Concentration x

FIG. 18. Magnetic phase diagram for the pseudoternary corn-

Cl ~I pound Tm2 „Dy„Fe&4B {adapted from Pourarian, Jiang, Zhang,
Q Q et al. , 1988).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

852 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

~ 1I»l

05 Ch
~ W C6
c5 c5
60 oo O oo
b a5 ~ op O
bQ V

. CCC g oo»w

O bQ ~ OO
c5 ~ 1I»l

5 ~ ~ g v
0 0
0 ce
Q ~ 'I+I et 05 05
III bQ mt Cg aS w
~ 1»IC ~ 1I»l ~ 1»C
g ~ 1»l
0ee c5
O .~
ce ~ 1I»l ~ rE ~
re:0 mt
~ C4
Q5 N g U w™ 05 05
a" 2 o C4 W

~ 1»»C


~ 1I»C
~ A
0 A
g A

~ 1I»l
c5 A A
08 a-
Q oo




0 0 0
UUUX Cn' UUUQ rnQXX'XPnrflrn 4U4UU44U

C6 Q

~ l»»l
C4 + &+A g
F ~Qr4i 8 zzzz
"a "a

U C4 W C4

Rev. Mod. Phys. , VoI. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe«B materials


~ W
0 0 QO
"a QO 6

—0 ~
e QO

Q 0
g Cd

bQ 8 QO QO
Ch 0 ~ Ch QO Ch
E ~ H O
Cd Cd
8 8 I0 0

E tD ~ w
Cd ~ ~ O cd
&u "a + N
0 ~
bQ Cd
~ 1~+4
0 Q E ~& ~ ~ Cd Cd
r% V O ch ~ W ~ H ~ TH
0 on

%)r8 Ra ca 4 X

4 04

~ TK
'a U

0 cA
9~- Pl g" C4
a0 a" C4
cn M emC4 ~~ M
C4 C4

o CD
-O o Ooo ~ o ~"


CD o o
o ooo oo
~ H

~ 1H

~ H
z ~0

U Qu+ M U
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
&&&u& Ruuuuu8Xuuu U U U U U U U U U U U U U

zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzz
Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991
854 J. F. Herbst: R2Fe, 48 materials

~ t+~I


OO 0
N cd
Oo Ch Ch 4) cd O
QO v Ch
~ OO
~ OO a Qo
Oo ~ Ch
Qo 0
bo cd Q ~
~ ~
cd Ch
cd N cd ~ T++I

bo cd 0 0 bo
g cd Pl N N
v o

0 0
vi 8A C4 M
cd cd
CY& gv AU~ uQ 8 o

~ ~ O
C4 Q
Ch C4
M gg
;z A M

g M
C ™ L. &
C ™ PR
mt' C4
Z cf) U M a" e a" 0 -m~ C4

O 4 + ~
I I I a I I


O ei

z z
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b0
à 22 Z Z 48 m rn 'tn 'tn cn 'rn 'cn

~ ~



Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991
J. F. Herbst: R2Fe«B materials

Q Ch ~
c5 QC

bQ ~
V o C$ 1PI Ca
~ l~l C6 Ch
~ eQ Q Q
4 Ch
Q C5
05 QC QC
g W QC Ce W m N ~ QC
bQ bQ
g a Q
qf ~ bQ
~g ~ CC$
a5 a5 ~ w
bG ~ I+I ~ t+~t

g Q 4P bQ bQ

A~$. g C5
C5 05 RX g CCf C5 M
~ t+4

bQ ~
05 ~ 9~+4 ce aC 05 cS g4
ce rC
Q a4P a g$ ~ eH
0 0 ca
N 8% wwh ~ ~

W C4 Fk C4 4 V

~ A

~ W

g C4 p

E mX a0
I ~ " I I
I I I I " QC I I



z z

&U&&UXF &&&U


Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials


OQ ~ W ga5 W™


OQ crt
0 W

OQ ~
OQ a5

M a5 U
U c 05

~ ~~0 g 0 0
~ ~
50~ N N
X H X cn

~ vE




m Q

~~ I

~ I
«5 cS w


~ W

0 0 &

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe&4B materials 857

and Kamal (1988b) reported a similar finding for titani- fortunately by depression of the saturation magnetiza-
um. tion.
Only cobalt has been found capable of replacing iron Whereas the Fe sublattice is characterized by c-axis
over the whole concentration range (and only in the La, )
moment alignment (K, 0 in Table VII), Co substitution
Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Y compounds), and it produces generates a progression toward basal-plane anisotropy,
the largest T, enhancement. Figure 19(a) shows T, (x) which is responsible for spin reorientations as functions
for Nd2Fe&4 „Co„B,
which is representative of the other of temperature and jor concentration. The easy direction
R systems as well; the increase is most rapid at the lowest in Y2Fe&4 Co B and Gd2Fe&4 Co 8 changes from the
Co concentrations, and T, (Nd2Co, 48) = 1000 K is nearly c direction to the basal plane for x ~9 and in the pseu-
twice the 585 K value for NdzFe&48. At most, partial doternary La compound for x ~ 12 with no temperature-
substitution of other elements for Fe in RzFe&~B has been induced transitions; in certain concentration ranges the
demonstrated. Of the replacements in Nd2Fe&48 listed in Pr, Nd, and Tb systems do exhibit such changes with
Table XII, Ga, Ni, Sc, and Si enhance T, somewhat, temperature, a low-temperature, canted-moment regime
while Al, Cr, Ru, and V degrade it severely, but for each occurring in NdzFe&& Co„Bfor all x (cf. Pedziwiatr and
of the former the improvement in T, is accompanied un- Wallace, 1987c; Grossinger, Krewenka, et al. , 1986).
The room-temperature saturation magnetization of the
R2Fe&4 Co 8 materials features a modest maximum in
the vicinity of x=2, as Fig. 19(b) indicates for the Nd
system (the maximum becomes less pronounced at lower
T). This property, qualitatively similar to that displayed
1000— by the moment of Fe-Co alloys in the Slater-Pauling
curve, offers the prospect of improving the energy prod-
900— a)
uct of practical magnets. There is, however, a disadvan-
hC tageous aspect to Co replacement of Fe. The room-
~ 800— temperature anisotropy field declines with x for x ~ 13 in
NdzFe&& Co„B [see Fig. 19(c)] and for x 5 10 in
Pr2Fe&& „CoB (cf. Grossinger, Krewenka, et al. ,
600— 1987b), prompting in part a number of studies on
R2Fe, 4 y zCoyTzB systems, surveyed in Table XIII, in
which replacements T' are sought to preserve the M, and
T, increases afforded by Co substitution while offsetting
the decline in H . Aluminum, gallium, and silicon ap-
pear promising in this regard. Xie et al. (1988a) have
elaborated on the theme by examining triply substituted
Nd2Fe» s ~, Co& &Ga~Nb, B materials; H, (295 K) is ob-
served to increase slightly with y, developing a maximum
in they -0. 15, 0. 1 ~z ~0.2 region.
Site preferences of the replacement atoms are linked
undoubtedly to the magnetic properties of the substituted
compounds and have been explored by neutron
diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and nuclear mag-
netic resonance (NMR) in several cases. Aluminum,
chromium, and manganese favor occupation of the 8j2
70— site (Fuerst, Meisner, Pinkerton, and Yelon, 1987; Hiro-
sawa, Yamaguchi, et a/. , 1987; Y-C. Yang et aI. , 1987;
60— Hauet, Lemarchand, and Teillet, 1988; Moze et al. , 1988;
CO Pringle, Marasinghe, et al. , 1988; Pringle, Fu, et aI.
50— 1990), silicon preferentially enters the 4c site (Pringle,
Marasinghe, et al. , 1991), and nickel evidently prefers
40— the 16k2 and 8j2 sites (Dai et al. , 1988). In general the

7 14 site preferences do not correlate with simple atomic size

Cobalt concentration, x considerations (Wiesinger et aI. , 1989; Kou, Wiesinger,
and Grossinger, 1990).
Regarding cobalt substitution there is almost unani-
FIG. 19. Magnetic characteristics of Nd&Fe&4 pseu-„Co„B mous agreement among the studies conducted that Fe
doternary compounds as functions of cobalt concentration x:
(a) Curie temperature T, and (b) saturation magnetization M, at maintains a strong preference for the 8j2 site; van Noort
295 K (Fuerst et a/. , 1986); (c) room-temperature anisotropy and Buschow (1985) have made an attractive argument
field (after Grossinger, Krewenka, et a/. , 1986). for this preference in NdzFe, 4 Co 8 by considering the

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4B materials

TABLE XIII. Summary of research on R2Fe&4 ~,Co„T,'8 compounds. (Abbreviations as in Tables XI and XII.}
R T' z Properties; methods References
Pr, Nd Al 0 —7 0 —0.7 M, T„H, Burzo, Plugaru, and Pop (1987)
Pr Cr 0 —3 0 —1 M, T„H, Kowalczyk et al. (1988)
Pr, Nd, Gd Mn 2 0 —1 Q9 c7 M7 Tc Htt
p Jurczyk and Wallace (19861)
Pr Nb 0, 1 0 —0.2 Q, c, M, Tc~ Ha Jurczyk and Chistjakov (1989a)

Nd Al 0 —1 M, T„H, Burzo, Pedziwiatr, and Wallace (1987)

Nd Al, Ta, W 0 —0.5 Jurczyk (1987a}
Mo 0.05 —0. 15
Al 0 —2 0 —1 M, T„H„cr~ R. Szymczak et al. (1987)
Al, Cr 2 0 —1 Jurczyk (1988a)
V 0. 1 -0.5
Al 2 0 —1.2 T„T„'
a, c, CFA Kou et aI. (1989b)
Ga 2. 5 0. 1 —1.5 M, T„H„FOMP Xie et al. (1989}
Ga 0, 2.5 -
0.1 1.5 T„T„y, POMP, MPI3 Xie et al. (1990a)
SP;MBS Xie et al. (1990b)
Nd Mn 2 0 —1 a, c, M, T„H, Jurczyk and Wallace (1986c)
Nd Mn 1.4 M, T, ;MBS Lovleen and Kamal (1988a)
Nd Mo 1.4 1.4 M, T„SP;MBS Lovleen and Kamal (1988c)
Nd Nb 0, 2 0 —0.5 a, c, M, T„H, Kowalczyk et al. (1989)
Nd Re 0,2 0 —0.2 a, c, M, Tc~Ha Jurczyk (1990a)
Nd Si 2 0 —0.6 Jurczyk and Kowalczyk (1987)
Nd Si 0 —4.2 0.8 M, T„H, Xing and Ho (1988)

numbers of Nd nearest neighbors and relative bond dependence of the low-T spin-reorientation temperature
strengths inferred from heats of solution. Neutron T, and the Co occupancy nc, (4c) of the 4c site in
powder di6'raction reveals a weak preference of Co for NdzFe, 4 „Co„B; their plots of T, /T, and the nc, (4c)
ihe 4e site and near-random population of the 16k„ from the neutron work versus x do indeed have very
16k2, Sji, and 4c sites (Herbst and Yelon, 1986a), but similar shapes.
Mossbauer spectroscopy and NMR e6'orts have produced Frequently it is asserted that site preference and the T,
the convicting results that (i) Co favors the 16k2 site (van behavior on substitution are related by the replacement
Noort and Buschow, 1985; Bolzoni, Leccabue, et al. , of Fe atoms having ferromagnetic (positive) or antiferro-
1987b; Y. D. Zhang et al. , 1987, 1988; Bara et al. , 1988; magnetic (negative) exchange interactions with their
Jedryka et al. , 1988; Ge et al. , 1989); (ii) Co avoids the neighbors, T, rising
if negative nearest-neighbor bonds
Sj2 while populating the other five sites randomly (Ryan (length d 2.5 A) are disrupted and decreasing if positive
et al. , 1989, 1990); (iii) Co prefers the 16k, and 16k2 and bonds (d ~2.5 A) are weakened. This notion (see also
Fe the Sji and Sj2 sites (Honma and Ino, 1987); and (iv) Sec. IV.A. 2) is in accord with experiment for substituents
no preferential occupancy occurs (Matsui et al. , 1987). such as Al and Mn, which degrade T, and enter the 8j2
At least partial resolution of the matter may be provided site (d) 2.6 A in Table II), but its limited validity is un-
by research connecting the site populations to other derscored by Si substitution. Silicon increases T„and
properties. Hong et al. (1989) have analyzed the anoma- the negative-bond-breaking argument predicts that the Si
lous concentration dependence of the anisotropy energy atoms should preferentially occupy 8j, and 16k2 sites
in YzFe, 4 Co B using a model in which the transition- (see Pedziwiatr and Wallace, 1986a). Neutron-diffraction
metal sites contribute individually to the anisotropy. The work by Pringle et al. (1991), however, demonstrates
site occupancies are crucial inputs to the analysis, and conclusively that Si strongly prefers the 4c site in
Hong et al. (1989) find that the neutron-diffraction re- Nd~Fe, 4 „SiB and Y2Fe)4 ~SixB; Auorescence extend-
sults for Nd2Fe, 4 „Co„B
(Herbst and Yelon, 1986a) lead ed x-ray absorption fine structure measurements on Si-
to an excellent description of the anisotropy data within substituted, melt-spun Nd-Fe-B ribbons by Brennan
their model while the occupancies determined via et al. (1989) also point to preferential Si occupation of
Mossbauer spectroscopy for Y2Fe&4 Co„Bby Bolzoni, the 4c site.
Leccabue, et al. (1987b) do not. Investigating difFerences Verhoef, Quang, et al. (1990a, 1990b; see also Verhoef,
in crystal-field parameters for Nd2Fe&4B and N12Co&4B, Radwanski, and Franse, 1990) have measured magnetiza-
H. S. Li, Gavigan, et al. (1988) have suggested that a tion curves on Mn-substituted heavy-R compounds for
correlation should exist between the concentration which high but accessible fields can collapse the rare-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

earth and transition-metal moments, antiparallel in zero R2Fe&48, the six Co sublattices can be expected to be fer-
field, to a parallel configuration. In a model assuming romagnetically coupled and collinear [neutron difFraction
one R and one TM sublattice, the slope of the M(H) shows this explicitly for NdzCo&48 (Herbst and Yelon,
curve at intermediate fields is inversely proportional to 1986a)], and subtraction of the average Co sublattice
the R-TM molecular-field coefficient n&T, enabling a magnetization from the M, (4 K) data of the Pr, Nd, and
rather direct determination of that important parameter. Gd compounds suggests (i) R moments near their free-
Interestingly, nRT is found to be nearly independent of ion gJpz values and (ii) antiferromagnetic coupling of the
Mn content. Although the model is somewhat R and Co spin moments. Sm2Co, 48 is exceptional in-
oversimplified inasmuch as there are, at least in the sofar as M, (4 K) is below that for either La2Co, 4B or
ErzFe&4 „Mn B system, several sublattices (Fuerst, Y2Co&48, implying antiparallel arrangement of the Sm
Meisner, Pinkerton, and Yelon, 1988; Yelon et al. , 1989), and Co sublattice moments even though Sm + is a light-
the results provide valuable estimates of n and, R„( rare-earth ion characterized by =L — J
S in the Hund's-
hence, jRF) for the unsubstituted materials which com- rule ground state. Buschow, de Mooij, et al. (198S) point
pare well with those derived by other methods (Verhoef, out that this behavior, which also occurs in SmCo~,
Quang, et al. , 1990b). 2C 17 and SmF 2 but not in Sm2Fe148
from an admixture of the low-lying excited Sm + multi-
plets by the combined action of the exchange and crystal
C. R2Co, 48 compounds and pseudoternary derivatives fields.
It is evident from Tables IV and XIV that each
Early systematic work on the R2Co&48 series was done R2Co&48 compound has a much higher Curie tempera-
by Buschow, de Mooij, et al. (198S); Le Roux et al. ture than its R2Fe&48 counterpart, and the difFerence can
(198S) performed a single-crystal x-ray structure deter- be attributed via Eq. (18) for the La or Y members to
mination of Nd2Co, 48 confirming the Nd2Fe&48-type stronger Co-Co than Fe-Fe exchange. Another
structure. Lattice parameters and a few magnetic significant contrast between the two series is the fact, ap-
characteristics of the seven R2Co&48 compounds known parent from comparison of the easy directions in the La,
to form are presented in Table XIV. The low- Gd, and Y compounds given in Tables VI and XIV, that
temperature saturation magnetizations of the La and Y the Co sublattice anisotropy favors magnetization in the
members indicate an average Co moment of 1.4pz, some- tetragonal basal plane (X, &0), whereas the Fe anisotro-
what more removed from the 1.7pz moment per atom in py prefers an easy axis parallel to the c direction (K, 0 )
elemental cobalt metal than is the average Fe moment in in Table VII).
R2Fe &„B (2. 1pz ) from that of a-Fe (2.2pz ). As in In the R2Co, 48 phases having I.WO rare-earth ions

TABLE XIV. Lattice constants (a, e), saturation magnetizations (M, ) at 4 K, Curie temperatures ( T, ), spin-reorientation tempera-
tures ( T, ), easy directions of magnetization, and room-temperature anisotropy fields of R2CO&48 compounds.

Easy direction
Compound a (A) M, (4 K) (p&/f. u. ) T, (K) T, (K) (T &T, ~T&T, ) H, {295 K) (kOe)
LaqCoi48 8.67 12.01' 193 ' 955' 8 30b
PrqCoi4B 8.63 11.87" 24. 8" 995' ' [(cubic" 1000'
Nd2Co)4B 8.64 11.86'" 25 7b, c, e 10ppe, h, 1,rn 37b, n canted~ //c'" 45b, n, o
543h' gcb, h, j
SmqCoi4B 8.61 11.79' 18.1' 1029' g~ a, d

Gd2Co)4B 8.61 11.76' 5.4b 1050' y~a c, h 90b
Tb2Coi4B 8.60 11.73'~ 1035'"'~ 795"'P ~~c~lc" ~ 140~
Y2Co)4B 8.60 11.71' 19.8' lp15a, e, q, m a, d, h, j 28'

'Buschow, de Mooij, Sinnema, et al. (1985). 'Le Roux et al. (1985).

bHirosawa, Tokuhara, Yamamoto, et al. (1987). "Herbst and Yelon (1986a).
'Yamauchi et al. (1987). 'Fuerst et al. {1986).
Sinnema et al. (1985). M. Q. Huang et al. (1986b).
'Pedziwiatr and Wallace (1987d). "Abache and Oesterreicher (1985).
Chuang, Wu, and Xie (1987, 1988). 'Grossinger, Krewenka, et al. (1986).
Chuang, Wu, Chang, et al. (1988). Pedziwiatr, Chen, and Wallace (1987).
hPedziwiatr and Wallace (1986b, 1987c). qPareti, Solzi, et al. (1987).
'Grossinger, Krewenka, et al. (1987b).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

860 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

(R=Pr, Nd, Sm, Tb), the room-temperature easy direc- measurements on GdzCo, ~B, Smit et al. (1987) have de-
tion is again dictated by the single-ion anisotropy of the rived A z values that have the same (positive) sign at both
R sublattice and corresponds to the sign of the second- rare-earth sites and that compare well with those for
order Stevens coeKcient o.J, but competition between the GdzFei48 obtained by Boge et al. (1986).
R and Co anisotropies generates axial —+planar spin re- Electronic structure studies employing the methods
orientations in Pr2Co&48, Nd2Co&48, and Tb2Co&48 outlined in Sec. V have been reported for YzCo, ~B (Inoue
( az & 0) at higher temperatures ( T, ) analogous to the and Shimizu, 1986b; Gu and Ching, 1987a; Jaswal et al. ,
transitions in Er2Fe&48, Tm2Fe&48, and Yb2Fe&48. 1988; Coehoorn, 1991), NdzCo i48 (Gu and Ching,
Co&48 features In addition a low-temperature canting 1987a), and GdzCoi48 (Coehoorn, 1991; Coehoorn and
of the magnetization away from the c axis in the (110) Buschow, 1991). Considerable differences exist among
plane; its onset is at -37 K, and the canting angle the sets of (spin-only) Co site moments in the various cal-
reaches —13 at 4 K (Hirosawa, Tokuhara, et al. , 1987}, culations. The results of Jaswal et al. (1988) and
while the values for the corresponding transition in Coehoorn (1991) for YzCoi48 are in excellent accord
NdzFe&48 are —135 K and -30'. Hiroyoshi, Yamada, with the Co site moments in Nd2Co&48 estimated from
et al. (1987) have observed a first-order magnetization neutron powder-diff'raction data (Herbst and Yelon,
process (FOMP) in NdzCoi48 when a 210-kOe field is ap- 1986a). In contrast to RzFe&zB, whose 8jz site exhibits
plied at 4 K in the hard [100] direction, which is qualita- the largest Fe moment, the 4e site appears to support the
tively similar to the POMP occurring in NdzFei48 (see largest Co moinent in RzCo&zB. Jaswal et al. (1988) also
also Nakagawa, Kido, et al. , 1987; Kato et a/. , 1988). measured the 21-eV photoelectron spectrum of Y2CoI48
Compared to NdzFe&48, Nd2Co&48 is a less desirable and found reasonable agreement with their calculated
permanent-magnet material in view of its large cobalt density of states.
content, lower saturation magnetization and anisotropy NMR investigations of R2Co, 48 compounds have been
ffeld (cf. Tables IV and XIV), and the fact that the spin- reported by a number of authors, including Kapusta
reorientation temperature T, -543 K, at which the easy et al. (1986), Erdmann et al. (1987, 1988), Figiel et al.
direction changes from axial to planar, serves as the (1987), Berthier et al. (1988), Wojcik et al. (1988, 1990),
efFective upper limit to practical magnetics rather than Erdmann and Rosenberg (1989), Nadolski et al. (1989),
T, . In contrast to Pr2Fe&48, no FOMPs have been ob- and Panissod et al. (1989). Berthier et al. (1988) estimat-
served in PrzCoi~B (Kato et a/. , 1988). ed Co spin moments from the hyperfine fields in Y2Co&48
H. S. Li, Gavigan, et al. (1988) have analyzed the tem- and found the 4c site moment to be largest, with the 4e
perature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization in site moment smallest, in accord with the electronic struc-
Nd2Co&48 and find that the Nd-Co molecular-field ture and neutron work cited above; from estimates of the
coe scient is essentially the same as its cognate in orbital components it was concluded that the 8j, and 8j2
Nd2Fe&48; the exchange field acting on the Nd
+ ion in sites contribute principally to the Co sublattice anisotro-
the former compound is substantially smaller than that in py. Pronounced changes in the Co NMR spectrum
the latter simply because of the lower Co moment. Ap- through the low-temperature spin reorientation in
plying the crystal-field-plus-exchange model of Cadogan NdzCo, 48 were observed by Panissod et al. (1989), who
et al. (1988}, these authors conclude that T', -37 K for also found the greatest and least hyperfine fields at the 4c
the spin-canting transition in Nd2Co, 48 cannot be ex- and 4e sites, respectively, ' evidence for conical domain
plained solely by the reduced exchange field but requires walls (NMR signals are primarily generated in domain
fourth- and sixth-order CEF terms lower than those walls) was reported for NdzCo, &8 in the canted-moment
found for NdzFe, 48. With such modifications H. S. Li, regime by Wojcik et al. (1990). Nadolski et al. (1989)
Gavigan, et al. (1988) obtain excellent agreement be- detected two components in the ' Nd spectrum of
tween calculated and experimental values of the NdzCo, 48 at 4 K (below T, -37 K) that were associated
axial — +canted T„
the canting angle, and the threshold with the two inequivalent Nd sites having moments cant-
field for the POMP. Cadogan (1988) has investigated the ed away from the c axis; similar doublet structures were
relative strengths of the second-order CEF interactions in observed in Nd2Fe&48, with line positions agreeing with
the R2Fe, „B and R2Co&48 systems with R=Pr, Nd on those reported previously for that compound by Potenzi-
the basis of observed. anisotropy fields; the analysis sug- ani (1985) and Berthier et al. (1986).
gests that A z is enhanced in PrzCo&48 relative to A few substitutional investigations based on the
Nd2Co&48, whereas the reverse is true for the corre- R2Co&48 materials have been conducted. L'Heritier and
sponding RzFei48 compounds. Kato et al. (1988) ana- Fruchart (1985) found that manganese depresses T, by
lyzed magnetization curves for Pr2Co&48 and NdzCo&48 —135 K per substituted Mn in Gd2Co&4 Mn„B,which
single crystals using the CEF-exchange model of M. Ya- forms only for x ~ 4. Pedziwiatr and Wallace (1987d) re-
mada et al. (1988); the calculated T, of NdzCo, 48, 42 K, ported that the Nd2Fe&48-type structure is maintained in
agrees satisfactorily with experiment, while the A 2 values Pr2Co&4 „Si
8 and NdzCo&4 Si 8 for x ~2 and in
for the two compounds are equal, contrary to the sugges- Y2Co]4 Si„8 for x ~ 1.6; in marked contrast to the
tion of Cadogan (1988). From ' Gd Mossbauer-eff'ect efFect of Si substitution in R2Fe&48, T, decreases precipi-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 199)

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe&4B materials

tously with increasing Si content. According to Chuang, single-phase materials, particularly for the light-rare-
Wu, and Xie (1987, 1988) PrzCoi4 „Ni„B
forms for earth systems. The R2Fei4C compounds do not crystal-
x ~2.8, with T, and T, both declining with x. In the lize from the melt and must be formed by a solid-solid
Nd2Coi4 T 8, T=Ni, Cu, Ga, Ge systems, S. K. Chen transformation in an appropriate temperature range (see
et a/. (1989) observed solubility limits of 2.8 (Ni), 1.1 Gueramian et a/. , 1987; Buschow, de Mooij, and Den-
(Cu), and 1.4 (Ga, Ge) and found that each substituent issen, 1988a; de Mooij a~d Buschow, 1988b; van Mens
degrades the magnetization and T, . The contrasting be- et a/. , 1988). Stadelmaier and Park (1981) early reported
havior of the NMR hyperfine fields in Nd2Co&4 T 8 a tetragonal carbide with the approximate stoichiometry
with T=Fe, Mn was studied by Ichinose et a/. (1988). Gd3Fe2OC, which was subsequently identified as
Pourarian, Sankar, et a/. (1987) examined Gd2Fei4C (Stadelmaier and El-Masry, 1985). For some
Nd2 Pr Coi48 over the entire composition range; the time Nd2Fe&4C was considered nonexistent, but
low-temperature spin reorientation vanishes for x &0.2, Buschow, de Mooij, and Denissen (1988a) were able to
and the higher T, increases linearly with Pr concentra- isolate it by discovering a suitable annealing regimen.
tion. The Y2 Nd Co&48 system was explored by Kakol [Jang and Stadelmaier (1990) have found that the forma-
et a/. (1987, 1988) and Kapusta and Figiel (1988); among tion of Pr2Fe14C and NdzFe14C can be accelerated by the
other results, the room-temperature anisotropy was addition of 1 —2 at. oCu. ]Th eNdzFe, 4 Bstructur e type

found to be planar for x ~0.8 and axial for greater Nd has been confirmed for La2Fe14C in a single-crystal x-ray
content. The effect of rare-earth substitution on crystal- investigation (Marusin et a/. , 1985), for LuzFei4C by x-
lographic and magnetic properties with an emphasis on ray (Denissen et a/. , 1988a) and neutron powder
the behavior of spin reorientations has been explored in difFraction (Hellwig et a/. , 1990), and for the Nd
Pr2 Y Co148 and Nd2 Y Co148, for which complete (Helmholdt and Buschow, 1988) and Dy, Er, Lu com-
magnetic phase diagrams have been constructed (Ped- pounds (Yethiraj et a/. , 1991) by neutron powder
ziwiatr, Chen, Wallace, and Malik, 1987); diffractio.
Ndz „Tb„Co«B (Jiang, Pourarian, et a/ , 198. 8); Table XV lists characteristics of the RzFe&4C phases.
R2 „Pr Coi4B with R=Tb, Dy, Ho, and Tm (Jiang, There are no reports on formation of these compounds
Pourarian, et a/. , 1987); and Prz R„Co, in which „B with Yb or Th, whose borides exist. In a study of the Y-
R=Dy and Er (Pourarian, Jiang, Sankar, and Wallace, Fe-C equilibrium phase diagram at 1073 K, El-Masry
1988). and Stadelmaier (1989) did not detect YzFe, 4C, but
Y2Fe, 4C, Ce2Fe, 4C, and other R2Fe, 4C phases were
prepared subsequently by heat treatment of melt-spun
D. Partial boron replacement precursors (Fuerst and Herbst, 1991). Relative to its
R2Fe, 48 companion, each R2Fe, 4C compound has a com-
Only carbon has been reported capable of replacing bo- parable a but smaller c lattice constant (and, hence, con-
ron in R2Fei48, and preparation of homogeneous materi- tracted unit-cell volume; Yethiraj et a/. (1991) demon-
als is difBcult. Partially substituted, single-phase samples strated that most of the largest reductions of interatomic
of Nd2Fe, 48, ~C~ with x ~0.75 were investigated by distances can be ascribed to the smaller trigonal prisms
Leccabue et a/. (1985) and Bolzoni et a/. (1985); Sagawa, in the carbides); the R2Fei4C compounds also have lower
Hirosawa, et a/. (1987d) explored the same system in the Curie temperatures (by -50 K) and Fe moments reduced
x ~ 0.9 regime. Kou et a/. (1989a) examined by -3%%uo, as indicated by comparison of M, (4 K) for
R2Fe, 4BO 5C05 materials with R=Nd, Y. In each case Lu2Fei48 and Lu2Fei4C in Tables IV and XV as well as
the Curie temperature and saturation magnetization were by Fe Mossbauer-effect studies on several of the car-
observed to decrease with increasing carbon concentra- bides (Buschow, de Mooij, and Denissen, 1988a, 1988b;
tion, T, declining by -30 K at x=0.5. Results for the Denissen et al. , 1988a, 1988b; Deppe et a/. , 1988; Burzo
anisotropy field conflict. Bolzoni et a/. (1985) reported et QI. , 1989; Erdmann et al. , 1989; J. L. Sanchez et al. ,
H, (295 K) to increase monotonically with carbon con- 1989a; Verhoef, de Boer et a/. , 1989a; Long and Grand-
tent, noting a 16% improvement at x=0.75. Kou et al. jean, 1991). The T, and Fe moment reduction may stem
(1989a) observed a similar trend; however, H, (295 K) from the contribution of more electrons to the minority
measured by Sagawa, Hirosawa, et a/. (1987d) decreases 3d bands by carbon than by boron. Anisotropy field and
modestly with increasing carbon level. magnetization measurements indicate that, despite the
lower Fe moments, the Fe sublattice anisotropy energy is
—20% greater in the carbides than in the R2Fe&48 com-
E. R, Fe, 4C and related compoonds pounds (Grossinger et a/. , 1990; Kou et a/. , 1990a; Xing
and Ho, 1990). Otherwise the properties of the R2Fe, ~C
series closely resemble those of the borides, including
Carbides having the Nd2Fe&48 structure form with rare-earth moments near their free-ion values; antiparal-
most of the rare-earth elements as do the borides, but lel R and Fe spin moments; identical easy directions of
their intrinsic properties have not been studied as exten- magnetization; comparable spin-reorientation tempera-
sively. One reason for this is the difBculty of preparing tures; crystal-field-induced, single-ion R sublattice anisot-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vot. 63, No. 4, October 1991

862 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

TABLE XV. Lattice constants (a, c), saturation magnetizations (M, ) at 4 K, Curie temperatures ( T, ), and spin-reorientation temper-
atures ( T, ) of R&Fe&&C compounds.
Compound a (A) M, (4 K) (p~/f. u. ) T, (K)
La2Feg4C 8.82 12.14'
Ce2Fe)4C 8.74 11 g4b ~
23 9" 345"'
PrpFe(4C 8.82 12.04' 33 7 513"
Nd, Fe, 4C 8.83 12.03 'g 31.4g S35g'" 140'
Sm2Fe&4C 8.80 1 1 95&~dr g 30.2~ S80'g
Gd2Fe)4C 8.79 89&~d~g~J 18.1"'g 630'g
Tb2Fe)4C 8.77 11.g6 12.0g S85g
Dy2Fe)gC 8.75 11.83 10.5g 555' '
8.74 gpd, g~ IQ, ll
109 'g'" 525g, m 35n
ErqFe)4C 8.74 79d, g, 1, 0 11.6 " 505 ' ' 322g'
Tm2Fe&4C 8.72 11.75d'g 18.4~ SOO' '~ 300g
Lu2Fe&4C 8.71 11 71 ' ' 2702 495 '
Y2Fe)4C 8.76 11.86' 520'
'Marusin et al. (1985). 'Denissen et al. (1988b).
Jacobs et al. (1989). 'Abache and Oesterreicher (1985).
'Fuerst and Herbst (1991). "N. C. Liu and Stadelmaier (1986).
Gueramian et al. (1987). 'Pedziwiatr et al. (1986a).
'Verhoef, de Boer, et al. (1989b). Verhoef, de Boer, et al. (1990).
Helmholdt and Buschow (1988). "De Boer, Verhoef, et al. (1988).
IDe Boer, Huang, et al. (1988). Verhoef, de Boer, et al. (1989a).
"Buschow, de Mooij, and Denissen (1988a). "Denissen et al. (1988a).

ropy (shown by
' Gd Mossbauer-eff'ect work on substituted R2Fe, „B
compounds (see Sec. VI.B), is virtu-
G12Fe, &C by Buschow, de Mooij, et al. , 1988); the larg- ally independent of Mn concentration. Cooling in an ap-
est Fe moment at the Sj2 site; and analogous thermal- plied magnetic field generates pronounced changes in the
expansion anomalies generated by the spontaneous low-temperature magnetization of Pr2Fe, 4 Mn„C and
volume magnetostriction of the iron sublattice (Buschow, Ho2Fe14 „Mn„C; these magnetohistory effects have been
1988b). Using ' Dy Mossbauer spectroscopy, Gubbens attributed to the presence of narrow Bloch walls whose
et al. (1988) estimated a coupling constant for jR„ propagation can be thermally activated (Buschow, Den-
Dy2Fe14C which is the same as the corresponding value issen, et al. , 1988; Jacobs et al. , 1990). As in the boride
for Dy2Fe, ~B. Radwanski et al. (1989) measured the systems, Co substitution for Fe enhances the Curie tem-
high-Geld magnetization of polycrystalline samples of the perature (J. L. Sanchez et al. , 1989b).
Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Lu carbides and analyzed
the results via the phenornenological free-energy expres-
sion of Radwanski and Franse (1988).
Some research on replacements in R2Fe14C compounds
has been performed. De Boer, Verhoef, et al. (1988) in- F. Multiple substitutions
vcstigatcd Nd1 8Lup 2Fc14C arid Nd2 Dy Fc14C
(0 ~ x ~ 2) systems; magnetization measurements on the Studies involving replacement of two of the R, Fe, or B
latter indicate a FOMP in the Nd-rich regime similar to components in R2Fe, ~B have been aimed mostly at im-
that characterizing Nd2FC, 4~. Manganese substitution proving the magnetic properties of Pr- and Nd-based sys-
has been found to facilitate sample preparation, and its tems and at optimizing the characteristics of materials in
effect on various magnetic properties has been explored which the R constituent comprises mixtures of rare-earth
in the Ce (Jacobs et al. , 1989), Pr (Buschow, Denissen, elements more abundant than Nd or Pr alone. Enhance-
et al. , 1988; Verhoef, de Boer, et al. , 1989b), Nd ments of both H, and T, relative to their R2Fe14B values
(Buschow, de Mooij, and Denissen, 1988b), Ho (Verhoef, have been observed for R2F 12 — CO2T 8 materials in
de Boer, et al. , 1990), and Er (Verhoef, de Boer, et al. , which (i) R'=synthetic mischmetal (29 at. % La, 50
1989a) compounds. Verhoef, de Boer, et al. (1989b) re- at. % Ce, 5 at. oP r, 1 6at. %N d;approximatel y th e

port evidence for FOMPs in Pr2Fe14 Mn C for x ~5, abundances in ore bodies) or R'=didymium (5 at. % Ce,
and mean-Geld analyses of magnetization curves in 15 at. oP r, 8 Oat. %
%%u oNd )an dT=A 1orM o(Jurczy k,
HozFe, 4 „Mn„C (Verhoef, de Boer et al. , 1990) and 1988b) and (ii) R' = didymium and T = Cr, Si, Ta, V, or W
Er2Fe, 4 „Mn„C (Verhoef, de Boer, et al. , 1989a) have (Jurczyk, 1988c). The didymium systems investigated are
been employed to estimate the intersublattice molecular- characterized by theoretical maximum energy products
field coefficient nRT which, as in analogous work on Mn- (&H)*,„approaching the -64 MGOe value for

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 3 991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe«B materials 863

Nd2Fe&~B; mischmetal depresses (BH),

„substantially. produces a number of significant changes in the physical
Increases in H„but
in most cases at the expense of satu- properties. R2Fe&4BH„systems form for O~x 55, are

for R2 R' Fe, 2CozB with R = Pr, Nd and R'= Tb,

ration magnetization and (BH)*, have been reported stable at room temperature, and, relative to the unhy-
drided parent compounds, feature (i) increased lattice pa-
Dy (Fujii et a/. , 1986); Pr, 9Zrp, Fe&zCo2B and rameters and unit-cell volumes ( b. V/ V —3 —6 %%uo); (ii)
Ndi 9Zrp iFe, 2CozB (Jurczyk and Wallace, 1986a); enhanced Fe moments; (iii) higher Curie temperatures
Ndi 9Tip, FeizCozB and Ndi 9Hfp iFei2Co2B (Jurczyk, (hT, —50 K); and (iv) markedly lower anisotropy fields.
1987b); Prz „«Nd~R«Fe» 6Co2Alp 4B with D. Fruchart et a/. (1985) developed a model for the
R= Tb, Dy (Pourarian, Sankar, and Wallace, 1988); hydrogen filling based on the occupation of four intersti-
Pr»Dyp, Fe, 3 „Co,Nb, 8 (Jurczyk and Chistjakov, tial, tetrahedral sites having R3Fe and R2Fe2 coordina-
1989a); Nd2Fei3 sMop iNbp iB, „C
(J. F. Liu and Luo, tions. The model predicts a maximum hydrogen content
x=5.5, in good agreement with experiments, and it has
1989); NdzFe, 4 „CoBp 5Cp ~ (X. K. Sun et a/. , 1989a);
been used successfully to interpret neutron-diffraction
PrzFe, 4 „Co„Bi «C«(X. K. Sun et a/. , 1990);
Pr2 „Dy„Fe,
~ «, Re«Co, B (Jurczyk, 1990b); and
R Fe&z «Re«Co28 with R=Tb, Dy (Jurczyk and
ErzFe&4BDz 6, and
on Ce2Fe&4BH3 7 Ce2Fe&4BD3 7,
Y2Fei4BD3 6 (Dalmas de Reotier
et a/. , 1987). The cerium hydride (or deuteride) exhibits
Chistyakov, 1990). High-field magnetic properties
and spin-reorientation phenomena in the a fascinating valence change having a parallel in the cx-y
transition in cerium metal; the Ce ions in Ce2Fe&4B are
Nd2 Gd Fe, pCo4B compounds have been examined
tetravalent (or nearly so), but, on hydriding, one of the Ce
systematically by Z-D. Zhang, Sun, et a/. (1990c).
Pourarian, Sankar, et a/. (1987) noted a reduction in sites (the 4f) develops a magnetic moment equal, within
experimental accuracy, to the 2. 1@~ value for Ce (Dal-
the anisotropy field of Pr~ 6Ndp4Fe3Co»B compared to
mas de Reotier et t2/. , 1987; D. Fruchart et a/ , 1987)..
that for Pr] 6Ndp 4Co&4B. The decrease is consistent with
Magnetization measurements on Y2Fe&4BH have es-
measurements on Pr2Fe&4 Co B in the same concentra-
tablished that the average Fe moment increases by a few
tion regime (Pedziwiatr, Jiang, and Wallace, 1986; Bolzo-
percent on hydriding (Andreev et a/. , 1986; Coey et a/. ,
ni, Coey, et a/. , 1987; Grossinger, Krewenka, et a/. ,
1987b). The H, behavior of PrzFe, 4 Co„B,especially 1986; Pourarian et a/. , 1986; Pareti et a/. , 1988). The
hyperfine fields determined via Fe Mossbauer spectros-
the rapid rise observed for x ~ 10, is not fully understood.
Bolzoni, Coey, et a/. (1987) have extracted a suggestive copy are also enhanced (e.g. , Ferreira et a/. , 1985; Cado-
gan and Coey, 1986; Coey et al. , 1986; Friedt et al'. ,
correlation between the anomalous variations of the Pr
1985, 1986), but to a lesser extent, a circumstance that
anisotropy and the c/a ratio with x and have speculated
has led Coey et a/. (1986) to conclude that the conver-
that the concentration dependence of H, can be attribut-
sion factor ( = 150 kOe/pii ) widely used to relate
ed to changes in the Pr crystal fields associated with
hyperfine fields to Fe moments in the parent compounds
transition-metal site preferences, while Gavigan, Li et al.
does not apply to the hydrides. The moment increase
(1988b) have speculated that the Pr anisotropy variation
certainly indicates that hydrogen exerts an appreciable
is connected with valence instability of the Pr ion for
inhuence on the electronic structure; its origin is unclear,
x ~ 10 and normal Pr + behavior for higher Co content.
however, in the absence of any more direct information
Malik et a/. (1990) studied spin reorientation in
on the electronic properties. Possible mechanisms in-
Ndp 5Er, 5Fe, 4 T B (T=A1, Co) systems via ac suscep-
clude the following: (i) hydrogen may create low-lying
tibility measurements; Al levels x=2, 3 were found to in-
states that are filled from the 3d bands, leading to a lower
duce a second transition whose character remains to be
Fermi energy, increased exchange splitting, and larger Fe
moments (Andreev et a/. , 1986; Wallace, Pourarian,
et a/. , 1987); (ii) narrowing of the 3d bands by the lattice
G. Hydrides expansion could produce greater 3d electron localization
and concomitant moment enhancement (Ferreira et a/. ,
Many R-3d intermetallic compounds, of which LaNi& 1985); and (iii) the overlap of Fe 3d and R (5d, 6s) wave
is perhaps the best known example, are capable of ab- functions might be screened by hydrogen and thus in-
sorbing considerable amounts of hydrogen [for a review crease the localization and magnitude of the Fe moments
of hydrides based on binary intermetallics, see Buschow (Dalinas de Reotier et a/. , 1987; D. Fruchart et a/. ,

(1984)], and the RzFe, zB materials do so as well. 1988). At least some of the T, enhancement in the hy-
L'Heritier et a/. (1984) first demonstrated that isostruc- drides stems from the larger Fe magnetization, but the
tural hydrides of the RzFe, 4B (and R2Co, 4B) series form, unit-cell expansion and an increase in the Fe-Fe exchange
and from this and other early work (Oesterreicher and coupling constant likely play a role also (Andreev
Oesterreicher, 1984; Abache and Oesterreicher, 1985; et a/. , 1986; Friedt et a/. , 1986).
Coey et al. , 1985; Dalmas de Reotier et al. , 1985b; Fer- With regard to spin-reorientation phenomena, the
reira et al. , 1985; Friedt et al. , 1985; D. Fruchart et al. , R2Fe&4BH systems offer even more complex and in-
1985; L'Heritier and Fruchart, 1985; H. Oesterreicher teresting behavior than their unhydrided antecedents.
and Abache, 1985) it became clear that hydrogenation On hydrogenation the planar~axial spin-reorientation

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vot. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe„Bmaterials

temperature T, of ErzFei4B is raised by —30 K (Dalmas the canted~axial transitions in NdzFe&48 and HozFei~B)
de Reotier et al. , 1987; L. Y. Zhang et al. , 1988a), T, for or from competition between R and Fe sublattice aniso-
the canted~axial transition in Nd2FC&48 is reduced by tropies (as for the planar ~ axial reorientations in
-40 K (Pourarian et al. , 1986; Wiesinger et al. , 1987), ErzFe, 48, TmzFe, „B, and YbzFe, 4B).
but thc temper atuI c of thc similar I'coI'lcntatlon ln Quite generally, hydrogen depresses both the rare-
HozFe, ~B increases by as much as 15 K at x=4 (Regnard earth and the iron contributions to the magnetocrystal-
et al. , 1987). The variation of T, with x has been report- line anisotropy (cf. Friedt et al. , 1986; J. P. Sanchez
ed for a number of the hydrides by D. Fruchart et al. et a/. , 1986; Pareti, Bolzoni, et al. , 1987; Wiesinger
(1990). More profoundly, moment rearrangements have et a/. , 1987; Andreev and Bartashevich, 1990b), and this
been observed in the hydrides of R2Fe, 48 compounds aspect makes the R2Fe, 48 hydrides unsuitable as
that exhibit no such changes. In I3y2FC&48H Ferreira permanent-magnet materials. Absorption and subse-
et al. (1985) and Coey er al. (1987) inferred noncollinear quent desorption of hydrogen can, however, produce 6ne
magnetic structures from magnetization measurements, powders appropriate for the preparation of sintered mag-
D. Fruchart et al. (1988) reported a spin reorientation at nets; hydrogen-decrepitated Nd-Fe-8 magnet alloys have
T, —100 K, and L. Y. Zhang et al. (1988a) found T, -45 been the focus of a number of investigations, including
K for x=4.2. Axial~planar transitions as functions of those of Harris et al. (1985, 1987), McGuiness et al.
hydrogen concentration and temperature have been re- (1986, 1989; McGuiness, Ahmed, et al. , 1990), Harris
ported in Ce2Fei48H, Pr2FC&48H, YzFC&48H„ (1987), McGuiness and Harris (1988), Moosa and Nut-
(Pourarian et al. , 1986) and GdzFe, ~BH (L. Y. Zhang ting (1988), J. Chen and Kronmiiller (1990), Harris and
et al. , 1988a; Bartashevich and Andreev, 1990). Figure McGuiness (1990), N. C. Liu and Kim (1990), and Moosa
20 displays the magnetic phase diagram determined by L. et al. (1990a, 1990b).
Y. Zhang et al. (1988a) for the Gd materials. Since the Some results on cobalt-containing hydrides are avail-
gadolinium ion can be plausibly assumed to remain able. L'Heritier et al. (1984) showed that the NdzFe, ~B
trivalent in the hydrides, the results in Fig. 20 imply that structure type is maintained by the R2Co, 4BH„series,
the spin reorientation arises from the impact of hydrogen with the unit-cell volume again expanded by hydrogen.
absorption on the Fe sublattice, rather than from ex- L. Y. Zhang et al. (1988b) investigated RzCo, „BH„sys-
change and crystal-field eFects on the R ion (the case for tems with R= La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Y; in contrast
to the Fe-based materials, hydrogen decreases the Co
sublattice magnetization, and it also reduces both spin-
reorientation temperatures in Nd2Co, 48. Structural and
magnetic properties of the hydrides of Pr2 „Dy Co&48,
Paramagnetic Prz „Er„Co, 48 (Pourarian, Jiang, Sankar, and Wallace,
1988) and PrzFei4 Co B (Pourarian, Jiang, and Wal-
lace, 1987) have been reported as well (see also Pourari-
an, 1990).

In order to serve as a base for a viable permanent mag-

400— net, a stoichioInetric compound must meet the three
principal requirements of (i) a Curie temperature T,
significantly exceeding any magnet operating tempera-
ture, (ii) high spontaneous magnetization M„and (iii) a
large magnetocrystalline anisotropy as measured, for in-
stance, by the anisotropy Geld H, necessary to divert the
200— magnetization from an easy to a hard direction. The
upper limit for the zero-Geld or remanent magnetization
M„(:8„/4') of a pra—ctical magnet is set by M„and
that for the intrinsic coercivity H„(the reverse field
which the magnetization M of a sample vanishes) is dic-
tated by H, .
2 3 Technologically important permanent-magnet corn-
Hydrogen Concentration x pounds such as SmCo5 and NdzFC&48 are characterized
by large and uniaxial (two equivalent easy magnetization
directions) anisotropy, but uniaxial anisotropy is not an
FICx. 20. Magnetic phase diagram foI Cxd2Fe&4BH (adapted indispensable attribute as sometimes asserted. In fact, if
from L. Y. Zhang et a/. , 1988a). large enough anisotropy energy barriers were to separate

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4S materials

the easy directions in a material having a greater number gated cooling rates for such processes by numerically
of equivalent easy directions, a magnet composed of an solving the one-dimensional heat-transfer equation, and
isotropic distribution of crystallites of that material could an intuitively appealing discussion of the inhuence of
feature a ratio of remanent to saturation magnetization melt-spinning process variables on ribbon thickness and
M„/M, greater than the 0.5 maximum value for a uniaxi- width has been given by Liebermann and Graham (1976).
al system. This is of practical interest because a larger
fraction of M, could be realized as remanence without 1. Nd-Fe-B
magnetic alignment of the crystallites. For example, an
isotropic magnet based on a cubic compound with the
eight (111) directions easy (e.g. , TbFez) could have a. Ribbon characteristics
M„/M, =V3/2=0. 866. Clark (1973) reported magnetic
hardening [H„=3. 4 kOe; (BH), „=7
MGOe] of TbFe2 The microstructure
and magnetic properties of melt-
neodymium-iron-boron ribbons are sensitively
via annealing of an amorphous precursor.
Fabrication of a practical magnet from a compound dependent on the quench rate (i.e., on vs ), with H„and
possessing suitable intrinsic properties demands a specific (BH),„each exhibiting a maximum as a function of vs
(see, for example, Croat et al. , 1984a, 1984b; Ogilvy
preparation method and an associated starting ingot
composition. The technical magnetic characteristics
H„, and energy product (BH),„areextrinsic inasmuch
8„ et al. , 1985; Hilscher et al. , 1986; %'ecker and Schultz,
1987a; Xu et al. , 1989; G. X. Huang et al. , 1990). This
as they depend crucially on the microstructure of the ma- point is illustrated in Fig. 21, which displays demagneti-
terial. The microstructure involves the size, shape, and zation curves obtained by Croat et al. (1984b) for
orientation of the crystallites of the compound and also powdered and compacted Ndo $35Feo 8&780 &4& ribbons
the nature and distribution of secondary phases, which melt spun at vs = 14, 19, and 35 m/s together with corre-
usually control domain-wall formation and motion and sponding scanning electron micrographs of ribbon frac-
hence determine the magnetization and demagnetization ture surfaces. High quench rates (vs ~ 30 m/s) produce
essentially amorphous, "overquenched" materials with
behavior. (In the opposite extreme of a single crystal, re-
versed domains can nucleate and grow very easily at
room temperature; H„.and the other technical properties
negligible H„and „;
(BH), Xu et al (1989). have
identified the decrease of H„with increasing uz in this
are negligible, since there is no impediment to domain- quench-rate regime with the growth of the amorphous
wall motion. ) Depending on the preparation technique fraction. Quench rates near vs=19 m/s in the example
and the secondary constituents, the starting composition of Fig. 21 yield ribbons having the highest coercivities
yielding optimum magnet1cs can dev1ate appreciably (H„— 14 kOe) and energy products [(BH), „-14
from the stoichiometry of the major phase. Two quite MGOe]. The scanning electron micrograph for vs=19
distinct methods are in commercial use for producing m/s in Fig. 21 shows that these optimally quenched rib-
Nd-Fe-B magnets: the rapid-solidification technique of bons consist of spheroidal0 NdzFe, 4B grains with an aver-
melt spinning and the traditional powder-metallurgy age diameter of -300 A. Comparable grain sizes have
(sintering) approach.

A. Melt-spun magnets 4'jj M(kG)

-10 /
Melt spinning has been employed for some time in the
production of soft (i.e., very-low-coercivity) amorphous
magnetic alloys for such applications as transformer
cores, but its use in hard-magnet technology represents a
fundamental departure from conventional powder-
metallurgy methods. The melt-spinning procedure in-
volves ejection of molten starting alloy through a crucible
orifice onto the surface of a substrate disc (generally
copper because of its high thermal conductivity) rotating
with surface velocity U&. Because the rare earths are very
reactive chemically, the process is carried out in an inert
atmosphere, most often argon gas. The cooling or
quench rate attainable by melt spinning can be as high as -15 -10 -5
10 K/s, and that rate can be varied by changing vs, H (kOe)
which in first approximation is directly proportional to
the cooling rate. For R-Fe-B and related materials rib-
bons are produced that are typically 30 —50 pm thick, FIG. 21. Room-temperature demagnetization curves and corre-
1 —3 mm wide, and have lengths on the millimeter or cen- sponding scanning electron micro graphs of melt-spun
timeter scale depending on vs. Ruhl (1967) has investi- Ndp ]35Fep 8y7Bp p48 ribbon fracture surfaces.

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

866 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4B materials

been detected by scanning tunneling microscopy (Corb isotropic Nd2Fe&48 crystallite distribution characterizing
et al. , 1987), field-ion microscopy (Hiitten and Haasen, the ribbons and the intrinsic easy-direction behavior; it
1987, 1991), and transmission electron microscopy stud- has the concomitant deleterious consequence that the
ies (Y. L. Chen, 1985; Mishra, 1986, 1987a), which have coercivity decreases with temperature below T, (Hilscher
revealed that the distribution of c axes is spatially, and et al. , 1986; Durst and Kronmiiller, 1987; Durst et al. ,
hence magnetically, isotropic throughout most of the rib- 1987; Hadjipanayis and Kim, 1987; Heisz and Hilscher,
bon volume and that a very thin (-20 A) Nd-rich, B-
1987; Pinkerton, 1988b). Pinkerton (1988b) demonstrat-
deficient amorphous phase of approximate composition ed that the temperature dependence of the effective
Nd07Feo 3 (close to the eutectic in the binary Nd-Fe remanence (extrapolated from the high-field magnetiza-
phase diagram) is present in the intergranular regions tion) correlates well with that of the canting angle in
(see Fig. 22). NdzFee48 comprises about 95% of the Nd2FeI48 and that the anomalies do not occur in melt-
volume. Some preferential orientation of the easy c axes spun Pr-Fe-8 whose principal constituent, Pr2Fe&48, does
normal to the ribbon plane has been produced by de- not exhibit spin reorientation.
creasing the quench rate (Dadon et al. , 1987; Coehoorn From the technological perspective it is significant that
and Duchateau, 1988; Tu et al. , 1988) or by increasing largely amorphous, overquenched ribbons, melt spun at
the melt temperature (Yamasaki et al. , 1989), but at the quench rates required only to exceed a minimum value
expense of coercivity. As Uz is reduced below the value rather than confined to a narrow interval, can be suitably
leading to optimum magnetics, ribbons comprised of pro- annealed to nearly duplicate the properties of optimum
gressively larger Nd2Fe, 48 crystallites and characterized direct-quenched materials (Croat et a/. , 1984a).
by decreasing H„and (BH),„areformed (cf. the Us = 14 Devitrification of overquenched Nd-Fe-8 ribbons has
m/s results in Fig. 21). been investigated by a number of groups. The crystalli-
Canting of the magnetization away from the c axis in zation temperature is -900 K and the activation energy
Nd2Fe, 48 below the spin-reorientation temperature for crystallization is E, -3 eV, both quantities somewhat
T, = 135 K (see Sec. IV.A. 3) leads to two-step demagneti- dependent on starting composition (Wecker and Schultz,
zation of melt-spun Nd-Fe-8 ribbons: a substantial mag- 1987a; Tu et al. , 1988; Jha et al. , 1989). Crystallization
netization decrease at low reverse field is followed by a apparently occurs primarily via diffusion-controlled
second sharp decline as is approached at higher re- H„ growth with a constant rate of nucleation (Tu et al. ,
verse field. This effect can be understood in terms of the 1988), but Mulyukov et al. (1989) report evidence for a
second stage having a lower activation energy ( —1 eV),
which they ascribe to crystallite growth following the ex-
haustion of nucleation sites. Noting, among other indica-
tions, a large disparity between the measured E, and that
predicted using a model assuming homogeneous nu-
cleation, Jha et al. (1989) concluded that crystallization
I I I ll
in the Nd-Fe-8 system is likely governed by heterogene-
L! I

~ I]

IB ous nucleation. Carr et al. (1988) annealed over-

8 iai
quenched ribbons to various crystallite sizes and ob-
I! be'.
served optimum magnetic properties for grain diameters
of 400 —500 A, consistent with direct-quench results.
—. e'Rl&
Muir et al. (1989) examined the impact of composition
)~46 I '"p-"'
and annealing rate on the coercivity, finding that H„can
be improved by crystallization at rapid rates.

b. Consolidation techniques

Fabrication of a bulk magnet necessitates consolida-

tion of the brittle melt-spun ribbons into a dense form.
Lee and co-workers have developed three means for ac-
complishing this (Lee, 1985; Lee et al. , 1985). The first
and most straightforward procedure is to cold press
i Iee me coarsely ground, optimally quenched ribbons or annealed
overquenched ribbons with a bonding medium such as
epoxy. Due to the extremely fine particle size, no degra-
FIG. 22. Bright-field transmission electron micrograph of op- dation of the properties accompanies pulverization, mak-
timally quenched Nd-Fe-B ribbon {Mishra, 1986}. The inset is a ing melt-spun materials very desirable for bonded-magnet
selected area diftraction pattern whose rings indicate random production. The fIat geometry of the ribbon fragments
distribution of Nd2Fe&48 grains. Note the very thin intergranu- (-0. 5 mm X0.5 mm X 40 eMm) facilitates efficient packing
lar phase indicated by the arrow. so that densities of — 85% with respect to NdzFee~B can

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials 867

be realized with modest pressures of 600 —700 Mpa. Like

its constituent ribbons, the resulting bonded magnet is
magnetically isotropic. The remanence is reduced from
the optimally quenched ribbon value 8„—
8 kG (see Fig.
21) to -7 kG,densification
and the energy product is -9
MGOe. 10
Complete of melt-spun ribbons is af-
forded by the second procedure, hot pressing. Requisite
pressures P and temperatures T depend on the start-
ing alloy composition, but for compositions near
Ndp &3gFep 8~7Bp 04s (as in Fig. 21), full density is achieved
for P-100 MPa and T-970 K. The most desirable
grain size is developed by hot pressing overquenched rib-
bons, and variation of the magnetics with pressing condi-
tions has been investigated by Gwan et al (19.87) as well /
as by Lee (1985) and Lee et al. (1985). Energy products
of the hot-pressed magnets are in the 10—20 MGOe I

range. i

Uniaxial hot pressing introduces only a slight ( —10%%uo)


crystallographic alignment of the easy c axes parallel to I I

-20 -15 -10 -5 0

the press direction. Much greater alignment (-75%),
and consequently much larger energy products, can be
obtained by the third method, in which an initial hot FIG. 23. Room-temperature demagnetization curves and opti-
press is followed by another in a die cavity of greater di- cal micrographs of bonded, hot-pressed, and die-upset Nd-Fe-8
ameter. This second hot press in a larger die, designated magnets prepared from melt-spun ribbons.
die upsetting, produces bulk lateral plastic Aow and an
accompanying reduction in ribbon thickness. Nozawa
et al. (1988) and Tokunaga et al. (1989b) have examined
the dependence of the magnetics on composition and on
process parameters such as strain rate, working tempera-
ture, and the extent of deformation; greatest magnetic Mishra, 1987a, 1987b), as shown in the transmission elec-
alignment was achieved only if the original sample height tron micrograph of Fig. 24. From measurements of the
was reduced by at least a factor of four during die upset- thermal and electrical conductivities of a die-upset mag-
ting. Xie and Graham (1990) have suggested that the de- net Morelli et al. (1990) inferred a crystallite dimension
formation behavior is controlled by atomic diftusion in of —1000 A, which agrees well with the directly ob-
the grain boundary regions. Like their hot-pressed pre- served platelet thickness. The platelets are stacked trans-
cursors, die-upset magnets are fully dense, and energy verse to the press direction with the easy c axis perpen-
products as large as 45 MGOe have been attained (Croat, dicular to the face of each grain. A crystalline (fcc)
Figure 23 shows optical micrographs of these three
forms of rapidly solidified Nd-Fe-8 magnets and also
representative room-temperature demagnetization curves
measured with the applied field parallel to the press
direction. It is clear that the hot-pressed ribbons deform
plastically to fill the available volume without developing
the cracks apparent in the bonded magnet. The dimin-
ished ribbon thickness resulting from the lateral plastic
Sow in the die-upset magnet is evident.
The optical micrographs of Fig. 23 convey the overall
packing features of the ribbons comprising the magnets,
but it is the microstructure on the dimensions of grains
and intergranular regions within the ribbons that controls
the macroscopic magnetic properties. The grain texture
of a hot-pressed magnet, prepared from overquenched
ribbons, is similar to that of optimally quenched ribbons
in Fig. 21, although somewhat coarser (Mishra, 1987a,
1987b). Die upsetting, however, modifies the spheroidal
grains in the hot-pressed ribbons to platelets -3000 A in FIG. 24. Transmission electron micrograph of a die-upset Nd-
diameter and — 600 A thick (Mishra and Lee, 1986; Fe-8 magnet (courtesy R. K. Mishra).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

868 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

phase, again near the Ndo 7Feo 3 composition, forms in logical properties. Such materials are of interest because
the intergranular regions (Mishra, 1987b). The growth Co substitution can elevate substantially the Curie tem-
and stacking of these platelet grains is responsible for the perature T, of R&Fe&zB (cf. Sec. VI.B), and that enhance-
magnetic alignment and the increased energy product. ment may be desirable for some applications.
Mishra (1987b), Mishra et al. (1988, 1990), and L. Li and Initial investigations of Co-containing, melt-spun Nd-
Graham (1990) have demonstrated that the mechanism Fe-8 were based on Fe-only compositions and include
for grain alignment during die upsetting involves grain- Ndp )g(Coy Fe) y )p 77Bp pg with y ~ 0.60 (Wecker and
boundary sliding and anisotropic grain growth. These Schultz, 1987b) and Ndp, 3~(Co~Fe, ~ )p gz28p p4g with
findings agree qualitatively with the results of Tenaud y ~1 (Fuerst and Herbst, 1988a). For y ~0.35, T, is
et al. (1987), who demonstrated that the a axis is the indeed enhanced in these materials, and the temperature
easy growth direction of Nd2Fe&48 single crystals and in-
ferred that, under an applied stress, only grains with a
stability of the remanence 8„ is improved relative to
y=0. In the y ~0.40 regime, however, H„and (BH), „

axes perpendicular to the press direction can be expected deteriorate severely due to the formation of progressively
to grow. Powdered die-upset material has been employed
to prepare anisotropic bonded magnets (Eshelman et al. ,
larger amounts of Nd2Fe, ~ „Co„, which is characterized
by easy basal-plane magnetization, rather than
1988; Nozawa et al. , 1988; Croat, 1989b; Tokunaga, No- Nd2Fe&4 Co 8, which is uniaxial at room temperature
zawa, et al. , 1989b). for all Co levels.
Exploring the extremes of cobalt replacement, Fuerst
and Herbst (1988b, 1988c) obtained energy products as
c. Elemental additives large as — 5 MGOe in Nd-Co-8 ribbons consisting
chieAy of Nd2Co&48 but prepared from ingot formula-
Compositional modification of technological magnet tions substantially richer in boron than those relevant to
materials offers the prospect of altering both the intrinsic Nd-Fe-B. Hot-pressed magnets based on Nd2Co&48 have
properties of the stoichiometric component and the na- also been produced (Fuerst and Brewer, 1989).
ture of the secondary phases and their infIIuence on the Knowledge of appropriate compositions for Nd-Fe-8 and
magnetic characteristics, particularly the coercivity. Im- Nd-Co-8 facilitated determination of the most suitable
provements in the properties of melt-spun Nd-Fe-8 rib- starting alloy formulations for Nd-(Fe, Co)-B, and ribbons
bons and magnets prepared from them have been sought composed primarily of NdzFe&4 „Co8 and featuring
via introduction of low concentrations ( & 5 at. %) of oth- optimum (BH),„were melt spun; the boron content 5 of
er elements. Doping with Nb or Zr has been reported to ingot compositions specified by Nd„(Fe, Co ), „gBg
improve H„(Kohmot. o et al. , 1987; S. F. H. Parker, Pol- was found to vary linearly with Co concentration y
lard, Lord, and Grundy, 1987; Yoneyama et al. , 1987, (Fuerst and Herbst, 1989a, 1989b). Figure 25 compares
1990; Pollard et al. , 1988; Yajima et a/. , 1988; Meeker the room-temperature magnetics with the earlier results
and Schultz, 1990; S.-X. Zhou et al. , 1990). Low-level for fixed Nd:TM:8 ratios, and the improvement arising
Cu additions can increase the coercivity by as much as from the comp ositional modification is evident. Al-
30% over that of Cu-free materials; copper segregates though T, increases monotonically with y, a
preferentially to the intergranular regions (Herbst et al. , uniaxial — +basal-plane spin reorientation occurs at a tem-
1991). The addition of gallium to the starting ingots has perature T, & T, for y &0.65 as a consequence of the
been shown to enhance H„as
well as improve the high- competition between the Fe and Co sublattice anisotro-
temperature behavior of die-upset Nd-Fe-B magnets (No- pies. This intrinsic behavior limits the technological
zawa et al. , 1988; Endoh et al. , 1989; Panchanathan and properties: H„,B„, and (BH),„vanish as T approaches
Croat, 1989; Tokunaga et a/. , 1989a, 1989b; Akayama T, rather than T, in that Co concentration range.
et al. , 1990; S.-X. Zhou et al. , 1990). By combining Incorporating a plasma activation step to remove sur-
small amounts of fine elemental powders with Nd-Fe-8 face contaminants, Wada and Yamashita (1990) pro-
ribbons prior to hot deformation as a means to explore duced hot-pressed Ndo. i3Fe0. 6sCoo. i680. 06 magnets having
diffusion alloying of additives, Fuerst and Brewer (1990,
1991) found coercivities enhanced by 10—90% in hot-
(BH)m, „= 15 MGOe and
Melt spinning
H„= 17 kOe.
has also been used to magne-
pressed and die-upset magnets containing Ag, Au, Cd, tically harden Pr2Fe, 4 Co„Bmaterials. Overfelt and
Cu, Ir, Mg, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ru, or Zn. Becker (1984) early reported substantial improve-
ment of T, and temperature stability in melt-spun
Plp. 16(COYFel —y )p. 76Bp. pg as the Co concentration was in-
2. Cobalt-containing alloys creased to y=0. 3. Wecker and Schultz (1989) prepared
ribbons composed mainly of Nd2Fe&48-type material over
Efforts to magnetically harden cobalt-substituted the entire Co substitution range using the
(Pr, Nd)-Fe-B alloys underscore the importance of com- Prp &5(Co~Fe& «)p 77Bp pg starting ingot composition; in
position in producing magnets containing R2Fe, 4 Co 8 particular, an intrinsic coercivity of 19.1 kOe was ob-
as the principal constituent and having the best techno- served for y= 1. PrzCo&48 is of interest because it

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4B materials

features a room-temperature anisotropy field H, of =100 having Pr2Fe&4 „Co 8 as the primary constituent and
kOe, more than a factor of two larger than optimum (BH), „

H, (Nd2Co, „B)=45koe (see Table XIV). Ribbons con- In melt-spun PrzFe&4 Co 8 with x ~7, T, exceeds
sisting chieAy of Pr2Co, 48 and having coercivities and the crystallization temperature T . Otani, Sun, et al.
energy products as large as 25.0 kOe and 5.5 MGOe, re- (1990) explored the interesting possibility (also recog-
spectively, have been obtained through systematic com- nized by Hadjipanayis, 1986) of annealing such materials
positional variation by Fuerst, Herbst, and Pinkerton in an applied field at a temperature between T and T, to
(1988). The Prp ]3sCop 75pBp ]]2 formulation was found to produce crystallite alignment. Some texture was ob-
maximize H„, while PrQ &25CoQ7758Q iQQ generated the served in Pr-Co-8 heat treated in zero field, but only
highest (BH), illustrating that the most appropriate
starting composition depends to some extent on the prop-
slight modification occurred in the presence of a 3-kOe
erty to be optimized. Fuerst (1990) varied the TM:B ra- Yamamoto et al. (1989) systematically inves-
tio with Co content and prepared melt-spun materials tigated a range of (Pr, Nd)-(Fe, Co)-B compositions
and obtained (BH),„=21 MGOe for melt-spun
(Ndp gPrp 5 )p ~ ]Fep 72Cop pHBp p9 Bonded magnets featur-

ing H„=7. 9 kOe and (BH), „=1 1.1 MGOe were pro-
duced by Yamamoto et aI (19.90) from melt-spun
didymium-(Fe, Co)-B alloys.

1 2
3. Other R, Fe„4B-based materials

Early survey work by Croat et al. (1984b) and Had-

jipanayis et al. (1984) indicated that melt-spun ribbons
containing R2Fe, 48 as the major component could be
prepared with most of the rare earths and substitutions
among them, and the crystallization behavior and mag-
10 netic properties of amorphous R-Fe-8 materials were
also studied (Tao and Hadjipanayis, 1985; Aly et al. ,
1986). Subsequent efForts have focused on the magnetic
hardening of specific RzFe&48 systems. Yamasaki et al.
(1986) prepared optimum-quenched mischmetal-Fe-B rib-
bons with H„=9. 4 kOe an. d (BH), „=8. 1 MGOe; the
material was used to form bonded magnets having corre-
sponding properties of 7.6 kOe and 4.4 MGOe, values
that compare very favorably with those for anisotropic
ferrite magnets.
Coehoorn et al. (1989) successfully produced magnet
(c) materials primarily composed of Nd2Fe&4C by annealing
melt-spun Qakes having a starting composition in a nar-
1 2
I row interval near NdQ &35FeQ 796CQ Q69 As-quenched
specimens consist mainly of Nd2Fe&7C, a-Fe, and an
8 amorphous phase, but heat treatment at 1000 K gen-
erates Nd2Fe, 4C. H„and B, as large as 10 kOe and 7.2
kG, respectively, were observed in the annealed samples.
Pinkerton (1986a) reported H„) 80 kOe in melt-spun
0 I I I w Tb-Fe-8 and H„.& 60 kOe in Dy-Fe-8 at room tempera-
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 ture. These values are records for any magnet material
COBALT CONCENTRATION (y) and reAect the huge anisotropy fields of the correspond-
ing R2Fe&48 compounds (Table IV); they imply that sub-
F&&. 25. Room-temperature (a) energy product (Q~), (b) „, stitution by Tb or Dy can increase the coercivity of other
R-Fe-8 alloys. Ribbons based on Er2Fe, 48 and charac-
remanence B„and(c) intrinsic coercivity H„vscobalt concen-
tration y for optimum melt-spun Nd-(Fe, Co)-B ribbons; the terized by H„—5 kOe and (BH), „-3 MGOe were
dashed lines denote results for Ndp &35(Fe& ~Co„)p822Bpp43 al- prepared by Meisner (1987). The theoretical maximum
loys in which the Nd and B concentrations were held fixed as y energy product for all three of these materials, however,
was varied (Fuerst and Herbst, 1989a). is roughly a factor of four lower than that of Nd2Fe&48

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

870 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

because of the smaller saturation magnetizations stem-

ming from antiparallel R and Fe moment coupling (see
Sec. IV.A. 1).

B. Sintered magnets

Powder-metallurgy processing, which involves a se-

quence of orient, press, and sinter operations on finely di-
vided alloy powders, has long been employed in the com-
mercial production of ferrite and samarium-cobalt mag-
nets. Magnets prepared in this general way are most
often simply designated as sintered. Sagawa, Fujimura,
et al. (1984a) were the first to demonstrate that such
methods can be applied to neodymium-iron-boron.

1. Nd-Fe-B

Compositional and processing details vary to some ex-

tent, but the canonical preparation procedure is that
given by Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. (1984a). Induction- -10 0
melted ingots having the composition NdQ»FeQ77BQQg, H (kOe)
substantially enriched in Nd and 8 relative both to
stoichiometric Nd2Fe&4B ( Ndo. lge0. 8280. 06) and to the
optimum melt spinning composition -NdQ. i3FeQ. s28Q. os FIG. 26. Room-temperature demagnetization curve of a sin-
are crushed, milled, and then pulverized to powder with tered Ndp»Fep77Bpp8 magnet characterized by (BH), „=36
a particle size of -3
pm. The powder is aligned in a MGOe (after Sagawa, Fujimura, et a/. , 1984a).
magnetic field ( —10 kOe) and pressed (P-200 MPa)
perpendicular to the alignment direction. The resulting
compact is sintered at —1370 K in argon gas for one Sintered Nd-Fe-8 magnets are relatively complex mul-
hour and cooled quickly. A postsinter anneal at -900 tiphase systems containing, in addition to Nd2Fe&48, all
K, again under Ar, improves the coercivity to its max- or most of the following: Nd, +,Fe484, Nd-rich phases,
imum value. Extensive discussions of the methodology a-Fe, Nd oxides, and pores. Figure 27 is a composition
can be found in the reviews by Ormerod (1985), Sagawa, image of a representative NdQ»FeQ 778Q Qg magnet; the
Hirosawa, et al. (1987d), Buschow (1988a), Burzo and contrast with the simpler microstructure of melt-spun
Kirchmayr (1989), and Cook and Rossiter (1989).
Sagawa, Hirosawa et al. (1987d) emphasize that the suc-
cess of powder-metallurgical fabrication of Nd-Fe-8
Inagnets is due not only to the superior intrinsic proper- 3
ties of Nd2Fe&48 but also to several favorable metallurgi- ?

cal features, such as the fact that Nd2Fe&48, Nd, and the
tetragonal compound Nd, +,Fe484 form a ternary eutec-
tic which makes liquid-phase sintering possible, enabling
high densification without significant grain growth. The
demagnetization curve of a representative sintered mag-
net, having an energy product of 36 MCxOe, is shown in
Fig. 26; it resembles that of the aligned, die-upset magnet Xe

in Fig. 23. As is the case for melt-spun Nd-Fe-8 and oth- x(&~jaw?+'xAxgq

er permanent-magnet materials, improvements in the ?


remanence at the expense of coercivity and vice versa are C

possible by altering the composition and processing

parameters. Narasimhan (1985) achieved an energy
product of 45 MGOe using a composition near
Ndo. isFeo. 8080.os and Sagawa, Hirosawa et al. (1987d)
have reported the record value (BH),
a sintered NdQ. i3FeQ. giBQ. Q6 magnet I„=
50.6 MGOe for
both cases B„and
H„are respectively higher and lower than the corre-
FIG. 27. X-ray composition
Ndp )5Fep77Bpp8 magnet;
micrograph of a sintered
Nd denote NdzFe&4B,
T&, T2, and
Nd + Fe4B4, and a Nd-rich phase, respectively (Sagawa, Hiro-

sponding values for the magnet of Fig. 26. sawa, et al. , 1987d).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4B materials 871

materialsin Figs. 22 and 24 is clear. The major jections. Schneider et a/. (1990) have suggested, howev-
Nd~Fe&4B component occupies -85% of the volume er, that dissolution of a metastable ferroxnagnetic phase
with an average grain size of —10 pm (Sagawa, Fujimu- (T, =520 K) in the intergranular regions is the major
ra, et al. , 1984a, 1984b; Sagawa, Hirosawa, et al. , 1987d; beneficial effect of the postsinter anneal, and Ramesh
Durst and Kronmiiller, 1985, 1986; Fidler and Knoch, (1990) has concluded that anisotropy reduction in grain-
1989), approximately two orders of magnitude larger boundary regions due to thermal expansion stresses plays
than that in optimum melt-spun ribbons. More boron- a significant role.
rich Nd, +,Fe484, frequently identified in early papers as Despite the complications introduced by the presence
Nd2Fe786, forxns irregularly distributed, heavily faulted of other phases and the texture of the Nd2Fe&48 grains,
grains of roughly the same size as those of Nd2Fe, 48 Durst and Kronmiiller (1986) successfully extracted in-
(Fidler and Yang, 1985; Hadjipanayis, Tao, and Lawless, trinsic Nd2Fe, 48 material parameters from measure-
1985, 1986; Y.-J. Chang and Qian, 1986). The Curie tem- ments on Nd0 &5Feo 7780 ps magnets.
perature of Nd&+, Fe4B„(a=0. 1) is —10 K, and its very Large, discontinuous changes in the magnetization of
intricate crystal structure consists of interpenetrating Nd sintered magnets for applied fields near the coercive field
and Fe sublattices with incommensurate periods (Bezinge in magnitude have been observed by Otani et a/. (1989;
et a/. , 1985, 1987; Buschow et al. , 1986; Givord, Otani, Coey, et a/. , 1990) below —10 K. Each of these
Moreau, and Tenaud, 1985). A neodymium-rich, fee Barkhausen jumps, illustrated in Fig. 28, corresponds to
(a —5.2 A) phase
of approximate composition magnetization reversal in -5% of the sample volume
Ndo 95Fep o5 appears at grain-boundary junctions and in and is accompanied by a temperature spike as large as 5
thin intergranular layers (see Fig. 27); it serves as a K. Otani, Coey, et a/. (1990) have interpreted the behav-
liquid-phase sintering aid in the powder-metallurgy pro- ior on the basis of an appealing model in which the mag-
cess (Sagawa, Fujimura, et a/. , 1984a, 1984b; Sagawa, netization of a small volume V, first abruptly reverses
Hirosawa, et al. , 1987d; Ramesh, Chen and Thomas, and then thermally induces domain-wall motion in a
1987; Fidler et a/. , 1989). Estimates of the thickness of larger volume, —100 V„
the process is self-sustaining,
such intergranular layers range from -50 A, indicated
with the magnetization jumps adiabatically generating
by small-angle neutron scattering (Fujii, Saga, et a/. , the thermal pulses. V, is identified as the activation
1987) and Auger measurements (Elbicki et a/. , 1988, volume derived from magnetic viscosity measurements,
1989; Wallace et a/. , 1989), to -200 A from transmis-
sion electron microscopy work (Mishra et a/. , 1986;
which indicate V, -5, 0
where 5 -25 A is the low-
temperature domain-wall width (cf. Givord, Lienard,
Ramesh, Chen, and Thomas, 1987). Other Nd-rich inter- et a/. , 1987; Givord, Tenaud, and Viadieu, 1988a); simi-
granular phases with different structures and composi- lar results for V, have been obtained from measurements
tions have been reported (Fidler, 1985, 1987a, 1987b), a- of the angular dependence of the coercivity, i.e., the vari-
Fe precipitates have been observed (El-Masry and Stadel- ation of H„with the angle between the applied field and
maier, 1985; Hadjipanayis, Lawless, and Dickerson, alignment direction (Otani, Miyajima, et a/. , 1990). Bar-
1985; Fidler and Tawara, 1988), and inclusions of N1203 khausen jumps have also been observed in low-
and other oxides occur (Lemarchand et a/. , 1988; Fidler
and Knoch, 1989). Transmission electron microscopy
has been widely used in the microstructural studies, and,
as Schrey (1986) and others have emphasized, artifacts
can be generated by various means such as oxidation. A
bcc intergranular phase was reported to have a strong as- l5
sociation with the development of coercivity (Hiraga
et al. , 1985a, 1985b, 1985c; Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. , 10
1985b; Sagawa, Hirosawa, et al. , 1986; Suzuki and Hira-
ga, 1986; Tokunaga et a/. , 1986), but subsequent investi-
gations (Mishra et a/. , 1986; Schrey, 1986; Fidler, 1987a;
Ramesh, Chen, and Thomas, 1987; Sagawa, Hirosawa,
et al. , 1987c; Sagawa and Hirosawa, 1988a; Tsubokawa
et a/. , 1988) furnished cogent evidence that the bcc phase
was an artifact of ion milling in transmission electron mi-
croscopy sample preparation. It now appears that
smoothing of the intergranular layers is the principal mi- -15
crostructural effect accompanying the postsintering heat
treatment which enhances the coercivity (Sagawa and
Hirosawa, 1988a; Hirosawa and Tsubokawa, 1990; G. F. FIG. 28. Magnetization jumps in the second and third qua-
Zhou, Fu, et a/. , 1990); the reduction of irregularities drants of low-temperature hysteresis loops for a sintered
likely impedes reverse domain formation by diminishing Ndp &5Fep 77Bp ps magnet (adapted from Otani, Coey et al. ,
the local demagnetization fields produced by sharp pro- 1990).

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe«B materials

temperature magnetic viscosity data (Hadjipanayis, Law- sistent Aux output at high operating temperature (Poten-
less, and Dickerson, 1985) and room-temperature Hall ziani et a/. , 1985). The temperature behavior is gauged
voltage traces (Damento and Demer, 1987) of sintered Usually by R cocKcicnt spcc1fy1Ilg thc pcI'ccntagc rate of
Nd-Fe-8 magnets as well as in the magnetization curve change of a given characteristic with T. For the
of a Dy-substituted sintered magnet at 4 K (Nakagawa, remanence and coercivity the coeIIIicients can be defined
Hiroyoshi, et a/. , 1987). by
As in melt-spun materials, the spin reorientation in d Ina„(T)
Nd2FeI48 at T, = 135 K produces a shoulder in the mag- IX( T) = (40a)
Ilctlzat10Il cUrvc of s1ntcI'cd ITlagIlcts ncaI' rcma- T
IlcIlcc, wh1ch bccoIIlcs morc pI'oIlouIlccd w1tli dccI'cas1Qg
temperature (Ho et a/. , 1985; Kuntze et a/. , 1985; Strnat
et al. , 1985; Givord, Tenaud, and Viadieu 1986; Otani p(T) =- d lnH„.
et al. , 1986, 1987; Heisz and Hilscher, 1987; Muller
et a/. , 1987; Ma et a/. , 1989; Kawai et al. , 1990). Heisz or by discrete versions of these. In the 3OO —400 K range
and Hilscher (1987) have argued convincingly that, even
though factors such as oxidation and the presence of 0. 15a80.2%/K and 0. 4SP50. 7%/K
soft-magnetic secondary phases (e.g. , a-Fe) may contrib-
for both sintered and melt-spun Nd-Fe-8 magnets (cf.
iltc Rt Rll 'tcIIlpcia'tillcs to 1ndcntcd hys'tcl'csis loops [Rs
Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. , 1984a, 1984b; Sagawa, Hiro-
can low-coercivity grains at the surface of a magnet
sawa, et aI. , 1987d; D. Li et aI. , 1985; Potenziani et al. ,
(Givord, Tenaud, and Viadieu, 1986; Hirosawa
1985; Ma and Narasimhan, 1986a). Compared with the
Tokuhara, and Sagawa, 1987; Fukuno and Q'Handlcy, coefficients for Sm-Co magnets, the P values can be twice
1989) and a heterogeneous distribution of grain sizes
as large while A 1S a factoI' — 3 —5 gIcRtcI", thc priIDary
(Ramesh et a/. , 1988)], spin reorientation is the dominant
cause is the lower Curie temperature of Nd2Fe&48.
inAuence below T, . Together with the intrinsic anisotro-
Sagawa, Hirosawa, et a/. (1987d) and Hirosawa, Hanaki,
py variation in NdzFC&„B, the degree of Nd2Fe, 48 crys- et a/. (1990) emphasize that a large p is a more serious
tallite alignment (i.e., texture) exerts crucial impact on
technological concern, since it can be associated with ir-
the demagnetization behavior. In particular, if a Ieversible loss of magnetic Aux after high-temperature
Nd2FCI&B-based magnet produced by any Ineans were exposure. [The so-called irreversible loss actually con-
perfectly aligned, no shoulder in M(H) due to the mo- sists of two components: (i) a fraction recoverable by
ment CRIltlIlg woUld occUI' 1Il a 6eld Rppllcd parallel to remagnetizing, and (ii) a permanent, irrecoverable frac-
the alignment direction, while the coercivity would. van- t1on caused by metallurgical degradation of the magnet
ish below T, (assuming no in-plane anisotropy) in a per- at elevated temperature. ]
pendicular field (Heisz and Hilscher, 1987; Miiller et a/. ,
1987; Ma et a/. , 1989). The coercivity of well aligned
sintered Nd-Fe-8 magnets has indeed been observed to 2. Compositionally modified materials
approach these limits (see, for example, Grossinger,
Krewenka, et aI. , 1985; Kuntze et aI. , 1985; Heisz and Ch1cf among thc dI'1v1ng folccs foI' thc many 1Ilvcst1ga-
Hilscher, 1987). tions of substitutions and additions in sintcred, as we11 as
When measured along the alignment direction the melt-spun, Nd-Fe-8 magnets is extension of the useful
coercivity of sintered Nd-Fe-8 magnets increases with operating temperature range via enhancement of the Cu-
decreasing temperature below T, (Durst and Kronmiiller, rie temperature and coercivity, improvement (i.e., reduc-
1985, 1987; ChikazuIni, 1986; Hirosawa, Tokuhara, tion) of the temperature coefficients a, p, and diminution
et ah. , 1986; Durst et ah. , 1987; Givord, Lienard, et al. , of the iI reversible losses. Sagawa, Fujimura, et aI.
1987; Givord, Tenaud, and Viadieu, 1988a; Crossinger, (1984b) first demonstrated that Co substitution increases
Krewenka, et a/. , 1988), the reverse of the situation for T, and decreases u, obseI'ving T, = 740 K and
isotropic melt-spun ribbons (see Sec. VII.A. I.R. ). The Ix = 0. 07 %/K foi x =0.2 1I1 Ndo 15(Fci Co )0 I780 os Rs
deterioration of H„ in the latter is due to the random dis- compared with T, =585 K and a=O. 12%/K for x=O.
tribution of the spin-reorienting N12FC&48 crystallites; in Arai and Shibata (1985) achieved (BH),„=42MGQC
aligned die-upset Nd-Fe-8 magnets H„rises with dimin- and u = O. O2 %/K over the 3OO —40O K range in
ishing T (Pinkerton and Fuerst, 1990a, 1990b) as in Ndo ~6Fco 66Coo 1~80 07. Cobalt substitution introduces
aligned sintered materials. microstructural changes, including the formation of the
With increasing temperature in the T & T, regime the soft-magnetic Laves phase Nd(Fe, Co)2 (Fidler, 1985;
IcIIlaIlcIlcc Rnd coclclv1ty of Nd-Fc-8 magnets dccl1nc Fidler and Yang, 1985; Yamamoto et a/. , 1987). It is
simply because they are limited by the spontaneous mag- also accompanied by loss of coercivity (see, for example,
netization and anisotropy of Nd2FeI48, which decrease Ma and Narasimhan, 1986a; Grrossinger, Harada, et ah. ,
as T~T, . In some applications the temperature depen- 1987; Cxrossinger, Keresztes, et a/. , 1987; Sagawa, Hiro-
dence of the technical properties is an important issue; sawa, et a/. , 1987b). Partial replacement of Nd by Dy
various microwave devices, for example, require per- substantially enhances H„and reduces P, . chie6y by in-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe&4B materials 873

creasing the anisotropy field of Nd2Fe, 48, although 8„

is Nd2Fe148 grains and enhances H„.by reducing exchange
lowered somewhat (Sagawa, Fujimura, et a/. , 1984b; interactions among them. G. F. Zhou, Sun, et a/. (1990)
Rodewald, 1985; Tokunaga et a/. , 1985; Arai et a/. , reached a similar conclusion regarding the role of Al in
1987; Grossinger, Harada, et al. , 1987; Grossinger, studies of (Nd, Dy)-(Fe, Co)-B magnets substituted with
Keresztes, et a/. , 1987; Nakagawa, Hiroyoshi, et al. , both Al and Nb. Maki et a/. (1989) analyzed domain
1987; Ramesh, Thomas, and Ma, 1987; Handstein et al. , structures in an Al-substituted magnet and identified two
1990). For the (Ndp $3Dyp 47)p i5Fep 77Bp ps composition regimes of distinct demagnetization behavior demarcated
Sagawa, Hirosawa, et a/. (1987b) achieved (BH),„'~20 by a critical value of the applied magnetizing field.
MGOe and H„.=50 kOe, the largest room-temperature Aside from the capability of greatly enhancing H„,
coercivity ever observed in a neodymium-based sintered aluminum substitution decreases the saturation magneti-
magnet (Sagawa and Hirosawa, 1987, 1988b). Ma and zation and Curie temperature, but these effects can be
Krause (1987) observed that finer particle size improves overcome by partial replacement of Fe with Co. Simul-
coercivity and found that Dy substitution also provides taneous substitution of Co and Al in sintered Nd-Fe-8
desirable inhibition of grain growth during sintering. magnets has been explored by Ma and Narasimhan
Combined Dy and Co substitution is effective in raising (1986b), Jiang, Chen, et a/. (1988), and by Mizoguchi
T, and H„.and in decreasing a and the irreversible losses et a/. (1986a), who achieved B„=13. 2 kG, &„=11. 0
(W. Li et a/. , 1986; Tokunaga, Tobise, et a/. , 1986; Toku- kOe, „=
(BH'), 41.0 MGOe, T, = 770 K, and
a=0. 07%/K (half the value for an unsubstituted refer-
naga, Endoh, and Harada, 1987; Arai et a/. , 1987;
Gauder et a/. , 1988). Using low-field ac thermomagnetic ence magnet) for the Ndp, 5Fep 625Cop, 68p p~~Alp p, com-
analysis, Strnat et a/. (1988) found evidence for a thin position. Mizoguchi et a/. (1986b, 1987) have speculated
ferromagnetic grain-boundary layer having T, 50 —80 K that the occurrence of an Al-containing Nd(Fe, Co)2
lower than that of the bulk in a (Nd, Dy)-(Fe, Co)-B mag- Laves phase is related intimately to the coercivity behav-
net; pinning of residual domain walls in that layer was ior of the substituted alloys. Kim (1988b) observed that
suggested as the mechanism for coercivity. Al substitution can improve a, /3 and substantially reduce
A fascinating example of opposing intrinsic and Ini- irreversible losses in (Nd, Dy)-(Fe, Co)-B magnets.
crostructural effects is provided by aluminum substitu- Low levels of gallium and niobium can also benefit the
tion. Despite the fact that it degrades the anisotropy field coercivity and thermal stability of sintered magnets. In a
of Nd2Fe, 48, aluminum can enhance H„of
sintered Nd- survey of twenty elemental substituents in a Nd-(Fe, Co)-
Fe-B magnets by as much as a factor of two (M. Zhang B alloy Endoh et a/. (1987) found Ga to be most effective
et a/. , 1985; Y-C. Yang, James, et a/. , 1986b; Durst in enhancing H„and reported that the Ga-substituted
et al. , 1987; Handstein et al. , 1987; Rodewald, 1987; magnets feature better magnetic properties and lower ir-
Grossinger, Haslinger, et al. , 1988; Leonowicz et al. , reversible losses than those containing Al or Dy;
1988; Rodewald and Fernengel, 1988; Hu et a/. , 1989) Tsutai et a/. (1987) reported B„= 13.1 kG, H„
and even has a similar inAuence on Dy-substituted mag- =12.2 kOe, (BH),„=40MGOe, a=0. 08%%uo/K, and
nets (Kim, 1988a; Strzeszewski, Hadjipanayis, and Kim, P = 0. 5 %/K over the 300 —450 K interval for
1988; Grossinger, Heiss, er a/. , 1989). Evidently the Ndp. 145Fe0. 63Co0. 16Ga0. 0180.055' Knoch, Grieb, et al.
coercivity improvement is a consequence of changes in (1990) have speculated that Ga acts similarly to Al by im-
the microstructure introduced by aluminum, but the mi- proving wettability of the matrix phase, and Endoh et al.
crostructural information on the role of Al is incon- (1990b) have suggested that the addition of Ga serves to
clusive. In addition to the presence of Al in the smooth the grain boundaries as well as to enhance
Nd2Fe, 48 matrix, Al enrichment of the Nd-rich inter- domain-wall pinning in those regions. The addition of
granular phase has been reported (Schrey, 1986; J. K.
Chen and Thomas, 1987; Hauet, Lemarchand, Labulle,
niobium has been shown to increase II „in Nd-Fe-B (H'u
et a/. , 1988; Pan et a/. , 1990), (Nd, Dy)-Fe-B (Parker,
et a/. , 1988), precipitates of an Al-rich phase have been Grundy, and Fidler, 1987; Parker, Pollard, et a/. , 1987)
observed among the Nd-rich grains and in the vicinity of and (Nd, Dy)-(Fe, Co)-B (Xiao et a/. , 1987) and to reduce
pores (Leonowicz et a/. , 1988), and crystallites of irreversible losses in such alloys (Tokunaga, Harada, and
Nd(Fe, A1)2 embedded in the intergranular phase have Trout, 1987). Microstructural work has revealed that
been detected (Grieb et a/. , 1989); phase relations in the small (-500 A), finely dispersed Nb-containing precipi-
Nd-Fe-Al system have been studied by Grieb et al. tates appear within the hard-magnetic grains and may be
(1990). While also observing Nd(Fe, A1)2, Fidler et a/. responsible for improving H„by serving as domain-wall
(1989), on the other hand, found no evidence for Al en- pinning sites (Parker, Grundy, and Fidler, 1987; Parker,
richment of the Nd-rich intergranular phase. Knoch Pollard, et al. , 1987; Schrey, 1988; Ishikawa et al. , 1989;
et a/. (1989; Knoch, Grieb, et a/. , 1990; Knoch, Heiiig, G. F. Zhou, Chuang, et a/. , 1990). Rodewald and Wall
and Fidler, 1990) and Schneider et a/. (1990) have shown (1989) also observed such precipitates, but, puzzlingly,
that Al substitution decreases the wetting angle between found no appreciable improvement of properties with Nb
Nd2Fe148 and the surrounding liquid during sintering substitution for Fe in the Nd0156Fe076980075 composi-
and have made the quite plausible suggestion that the im- tion. Combined Nb and Ga substitution in (Nd, Dy)-
proved wettability affords more complete separation of (Fe,Co)-B magnets can be more effective in elevating II„
Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991
J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 48 materials

and decreasing irreversible losses than Nb admixture should be assessed specifically for small, well separated
alone (Tokunaga, Endoh, and Harada, 1987; Tokunaga, NdzFe&48 particles, a challenging experimental task;
Kogure, et aI. , 1987; G. F. Zhou, Sun, et ah. , 1988; G. F. Richter et a/. (1989) have made preliminary efForts in
Zhou, Zhong, et a/. , 1990). this regard. Because actual Nd-Fe-8 magnets are
Among other substituents investigated, Mo (M. Zhang structurally complex systems whose Nd2Fe&48 grains are
et al. , 1985; Shen et a/. , 1987; Rodewald and Schrey, not simple ellipsoids and can interact, the discrepancy
1989; Hirosawa, Tomizawa, et a/. , 1990), V (Hirosawa, between the theoretical limit set by Eq. (41) and the ob-
Tomizawa, et a/. , 1990; Sagawa, Tenaud, et a/. , 1990), served H„values must arise from magnetization reversal
Cr (Rodewald and Fernengel, 1988; Leonowicz, 1990a, via generation and growth of reverse domains and the at-
1990b), Mg (C. H. Lin et a/. , 1988), an. d W (Rodewald tendant formation and/or motion of domain walls. [Fan-
and Schrey, 1990) can enhance H„,
but in most cases to a ning, curling, and buckling processes are only pertinent
lesser extent than Dy, Al, Ga, or Nb, whereas Si (Fer- to systems governed by shape anisotropy (see Chikazumi,
nengel, 1989) and Y (Fernengel, 1990) cause it to 1986).] Domains in Nd-Fe-B magnets have indeed been
deteriorate. With the object of producing sintered mag- observed by many investigators using techniques such as
nets from more abundant rare-earth elements, Qkada the magneto-optical Kerr e6'ect and Lorentz electron mi-
et a/. (1985) and Okada and Homma (1985) examined al- croscopy.
loys based on Ce, Pr, and Nd mixtures, achieving energy Most of the numerous e6'orts to understand the coer-
products as large as 40 MGOe. Anisotropic (Ce, Pr, Nd)- civity of Nd-Fe™Bmagnets rely on interpretations based
Fe-8 bonded magnets with H„=
7.3 kQe and on either the nucleation of reverse domains or the pin-
(BM), „=7.
7 MGOe were prepared via a powder- ning of domain walls by inhomogeneities, the mecha-
metallurgy procedure by Paik et a/ (1987).. Jiang, Chen, nisms earlier found pertinent to Sm-Co materials [a valu-
et a/. (1988) obtained (BH), „=39.
4 MGOe, B„=12. 9 able discussion of the extremes of nucleation- and
0„=12. 4 kQe f« the Pro, sFeo 798o o6 composi- pinning-controlled coercivity in Cu-modi6ed Sm-Co
tion and also found that simultaneous Co and Al substi- magnets was given by Becker (1976)]. Distinctions be-
tution improves T, and reduces the temperature tween these two possibilities have been drawn according
coefficients a and P. Coercivities exceeding 50 kOe have to guidelines such as the initial susceptibility behavior,
been observed by Endoh et a/. (1990a) in sintered mag- domain structure, microstructure, and the dependence of
nets based on TbzFe&48. Qnly one R2Co&48-based ma- H„on magnetizing field, temperature, and the angle be-
terial has been magnetically hardened by powder- tween the applied field and the alignment direction. The
literature on this subject is often perplexing, and its ter-
(1989) reported (BH) „=
metallurgy methods: Christodoulou, WaHace, and Mas-
10.3 MGOe and
5.2 kQe for a Pr-Co-8 magnet having Pr2Co &48 as
minology somewhat less than precise, in part because of
the phenomenological and model-dependent nature of
the primary component. the criteria but also because the two mechanisms are not
mutually exclusive. As Livingston (1985a, 1987) has em-
phasized, reverse-domain nucleation and domain-wall
C. Magnetization reversal and coercivity pinning occur in magnets of both designations. In
mechanisms nucleation-controlled systems pinning of domain walls is
required to impede the propagation of magnetization re-
There is no question that the fundamental origin of the versal from grain to grain, since otherwise reversal in a
coercivity in Nd-Fe-8 magnets is the large magnetocrys- single grain would precipitously reverse the entire mag-
talline anisotropy of NdzFe, 48. If magnetization reversal net, and in the pinning-controlled case unpinning of a
involved only coherent rotation, however, the intrinsic domain wall from a localized defect is virtually indistin-
coercivity H„would equal the anisotropy field, H, =73 guishable, at least by presently available techniques, from
kOe at room temperature (Table IV), and even with the nucleation of a reverse domain (see also Hadjipanayis and
inclusion of shape anisotropy the lower bound for the Kim, 1988).
coercivity of an isolated, ellipsoidal particle is (Brown, Three related parameters of relevance to the coercivity
1945) issue are the domain-wall width 5, the domain-wa11 ener-
H„=H, X(4~M, ), — (41) gy density o. ~, and the critical single-domain particle di-
ameter D, . Estimates of o. ~ have been extracted from
where X is an appropriate demagnetization factor. With measurements of 5 or the domain width in Nd-Fe-8 mag-
X= ' for a sphere, the right side of Eq. (41) is still -70
—, nets and stoichiometric NdzFe&48 samples using Lorentz
kQe and at least a factor of three greater than the -20 microscopy (Suzuki et a/. , 1984; Mishra, 1986, 1987b;
kQe maximum coercivity of an aligned Nd2FeI48-based Mishra and Lee, 1986; Bras et a/. , 1988), the Kerr e(feet
magnet. This disparity also characterizes other (Durst and Kronmiiller, 1985, 1986; Livingston, 1985b;
permanent-magnet materials and is known as Brown's Sagawa, Fujimura, et a/. , 1985b; R. Szymczak et al. ,
paradox (see Aharoni, 1962; Kronmiiller, 1987; 1985, 1987), or the Bitter pattern method (Plusa et a/. ,
Kronmuller, Durst, Hock, and Martinek, 1988; 1986, 1987). cr ~ has also been obtained from coercivity
Kronmuller, Durst, and Sagawa, 1988). Its relevance data on sintered Nd-Fe-8 magnets of varying grain size

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R&Fe, 48 materials

(Fernengel, 1987). Representative values of these quanti- energy as other authors assume (see below).
ties at room temperature are 5-50 A, o ~-30 mJ/m, A rough estimate of H„.for a nucleation mechanism
and D, -0.
3 pm. D, is the diameter of an isolated sphere was made by Livingston (1985a), who suggested that
below which formation of a domain wall is energetically
unfavorable and above which a multidomain H„—
M, ro
N—fr(4aM, ) .
configuration is stable (see Kittel and Gait, 1956). Al-
though D, is defined in the noninteracting limit, it never- The first term on the right represents the local internal
theless implies a sharp qualitative distinction between field necessary to nucleate a reverse domain in a spherical
sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets, whose average grain diame- defect region of radius I"0, and the second is an effective
ter, Dg —10 pm, is much larger than D, -0.
3 pm, and local demagnetization field that assists reversal. For
melt-spun 0ribbons and hot-pressed magnets, for which r0=100 A and X,&=1, this relation yields H„.—11 kOe,
D -300 A=0.03 pm&&D, . This contrast alone sug- on the order of the coercivities observed in sintered Nd-
gests that different reversal mechanisms may be operative Fe-B magnets. Inasmuch as this model apparently re-
in the two classes. For the die-upset magnets there is no quires a distribution of such small defects, however, it is
clear distinction between grain size and D„since the di- not consistent with most of the microstructural studies.
ameter of the platelet grains is 3 pm.-0. [The model is more germane to a pinning interpretation
for the melt-spun ribbons and hot-pressed magnets, for
which rp may be viewed quite reasonably as the
1. Sintered magnets Nd2Fe, „Bgrain radius and the first term on the right side
of Eq. (42) describes the surface tension impeding expan-
It is the prevailing view that sintered Nd-Fe-8 magnets sion of a reverse domain. ]
at room temperature are nucleation-dominated systems Building on earlier work (Durst and Kronmiiller, 1985,
with domain-wall pinning relegated to a comparatively 1987; Durst et al. , 1987; Kronmiiller et al. , 1987;
minor role. The results of a variety of experiments and Kronmiiller, Durst, Hock, and Martinek, 1988),
analyses have been advanced as evidence for this inter- Kronmiiller, Durst, and Sagawa (1988) performed de-
pretation. Domain observations show that in the tailed analyses of the temperature dependence of H„.
thermally demagnetized state each Nd2Fe&4B grain has a
which favor a nucleation-controlled coercivity mecha-
multidomain structure (Hadjipanayis, Tao, and Lawless, nism for sintered Nd-Fe-B magnets. In their fullest treat-
1985; Livingston, 1985b; Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. ,
1985b), consistent with the property that Ds &)D„and
ment H„is written as
that the domain walls inside each grain move quite easily
in small applied fields (Pastushenkov et al. , 1987). The
H„=2%i a~a~ —X,s(4+M, ), (43)
latter characteristic is compatible with both the steep vir-
gin magnetization curve (Sagawa, Fujimura, et al. , where az describes inhomogeneity of the magnetocrys-
1984a; Hadjipanayis and Tao, 1985; Handstein et al. , talline anisotropy in grain-boundary regions whose an-
1985; Heinecke et al. , 1985; D. Li and Strnat, 1985; Zhao isotropy is lower than that of the matrix phase and in
et al. , 1986; Durst and Kronmiiller, 1987; Heisz et al. , which reverse-domain nucleation is supposed to occur,
1988; Eckert et al. , 1990) and with transmission electron a& accounts for misaligned grains, and X,~ is an average
spectroscopy studies indicating that the Nd2Fe&48 grains effective local demagnetization factor. Noting that
are mostly defect-free (Sagawa, Fujimura, et a/. , 1984b; empirical generalizations of Eq. (41) such as Eq. (43)
Fidler, 1985; Hadjipanayis, Lawless, and Dickerson, enter nucleation as well as pinning models, Kronmiiller,
1985; Hiraga et al. , 1985a; Y.-J. Chang and Qian, 1986; Durst, and Sagawa (1988) contrast predictions based on
Hadjipanayis, Tao, and Lawless, 1986). Furthermore, Inicromagnetic theory in both cases. Considering a pla-
measurements of minor hysteresis loops show that the nar inhomogeneity of thickness rp these authors obtain
coercivity saturates in magnetizing fields H H„,
H„, &M„.; Durst and Kronmiiller (1985, 1987) have ar- K7"0
gued that H„, may be considered the field associated 3v'3 5
(ro &5) (44a)
with the pinning of domain walls at or near grain boun-
daries and that, because H„& H„„
the coercivity must
be controlled by the nucleation of reverse domains.
(ro &5) (44b)

From a study of minor loops for boron-rich Nd-Fe-B and

Pr-Fe-B magnets Hirosawa and Sagawa (1987) concluded
that local demagnetizing fields are the principal source of for a pinning-controlled mechanism and
the dependence of H„and B„on
magnetizing field; in 2
1/2 2
their view, domain walls experience an energy barrier &nuc 1 5
1+ —1 (45)
near grain-boundary regions that originates from magne- 4m r0
tostatic effects generated by sharp protrusions of R2Fe&4B
grains rather than from inhomogeneity of the anisotropy if nucleation dominates. 6 is an approximate domain-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4B materials

wall width, A and K, are the exchange and anisotropy can be fit with a spectrum of ro values consistent with
constants of the matrix phase, the primes in Eq. (44a) Eq. (45) and are linear over an extended temperature
refer to the perturbed layer, and for ro & 5 the anisotropy range for the three sintered magnets considered. Figure
profile through the inhomogeneity is modeled by 29 shows results for a Ndo»Fe0778008 magnet; the two
ro values are upper and lower bounds. Kronmuller,
K, (z)=K, — (46) Durst, and Sagawa (1988) remark that the temperature
cosh (z /r 0) dependence of a&"'(min) is important to the linearity of
In the ro ((5
limit Eq. (45) differs substantially from Eq. ihe plots below room temperature; the approximation for
(44a). The grain misalignment factors used in the two a&"', Eq. (48), contains the second anisotropy constant
cases are K2, which becomes significant as T decreases in the vicin-
ity of the spin reorientation. The departure of the curves
(47) in Fig. 29 from linearity for T 450 K indicates, accord-
ing to Kronmiiller, Durst, and Sagawa (1988), that
1 1 tan'"q domain-wall pinning governs the coercivity in that high-
~QUC 1+ temperature range. Maki and Kronmiiller (1990) have
cosg [1+tan ~
~ K 1+tan ~3/
elaborated on the overriding importance of the grain
alignment distribution, and Martinek and Kronmuller
(1990) and Martinek et al. (1990) have amplified the
where g is the angle between the applied field and the point that the coercivity is limited by the minimum nu-
alignment direction. While aP&'" is an increasing function cleation field for misaligned grains.
of lIj, a&"' exhibits a minimum. Comparing H„(T)data A simpler version of Eq. (43) has been employed fre-
with the pinning description, Kronmiiller, Durst, and
Sagawa (1988) find (i) inconsistent results for the inferred
quently to analyze the temperature dependence of H„:
values of ro and (ii) aP" parameters exceeding the max- H„=cH, N, ~(4vrM—, ) . (49)
imum of 0.3 expected from their model of the grain-
boundary region. For the nucleation description, on the Again, the first term on the right is interpreted as the nu-
other hand, plots of H„/M, vs (2.K, /M, )ax". 'aP'(min), cleation field of a reverse domain, the second describes
where a&"'(min) is chosen to yield a lower limit for H„, average local demagnetizing efFects, and accommodation
of data by Eq. (49) is usually assumed to provide support
for a nucleation-controlled coercivity mechanism. With
H, =2K, /M, Eq. (49) is not obeyed in the case of sin-
tered Nd-Fe-8 magnets for temperatures approaching T,
from above (Durst and Kronmiiller, 1985; Hirosawa,
Tokuhara, et al. , 1986; Grossinger, Krewenka, et al. ,
rp =5A 1987a; Sagawa and Hirosawa, 1987, 1988b; Sagawa,
Hirosawa, et al. , 1987a, 1987c). The appropriate expres-
20— sion for H, in relations such as Eqs. (41), (43), and (49)
when Kz is significant is uncertain, even with the tacit
premise that the conventional expansion of the anisotro-
py energy, Eq. (26b), is correct; varying choices have
been discussed by Kronmiiller (1985), Herzer et al.
(1986), Hirosawa, Tokuhara, et al. (1986), and Martinek
and Kronmiiller (1990). In part to circumvent difficulties
associated with the inclusion of Kz, Hirosawa, Sagawa,
and co-workers have extensively studied systems in
which K& dominates over an extended temperature inter-
val. It has been found that Eq. (49) adequately describes
H„(T) for Pr-Fe-8 magnets of various compositions
(Hirosawa, Tokuhara, et aI , 1986; Sag. awa and Hiro-
0 l
sawa, 1987, 1988a, 1988b; Sagawa, Hirosawa, et al. ,
10 20 30 40 1987a, 1987c; Hirosawa and Sagawa, 1988; Hirosawa,
2K) 1989) and Co-substituted Nd-Fe-8 materials (Sagawa,
~n« ~«c (min) (OeIG) Hirosawa, et aI , 1987b). A . linear relation between the
M2 K
S temperature-independent constants c and X,& as the ele-
mental fractions are varied has been identified for some
FIG-. 29. H„/M, vs (2K& /M, )O.z"'a&"'(min) for a sintered classes of materials (Tang et al. , 1988; Hirosawa and
Ndo»peo 77BO» magnet (after Kronrniiller, Durst, and Sagawa, Tsubokawa, 1990). Ramesh (1990) has derived a relation
1988). similar to Eq. (49) via an energy minimization argument

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R2Fe, 4B materials

and has applied it successfully to Ce- and Dy-substituted cleation fields from experimental hysteresis loops. Their
Nd-Fe-8 sintered magnets. findings predict that H„depends logarithmically on the
A somewhat difFerent picture of nucleation-driven average number of surface defects per grain and, hence,
coercivity in sintered Nd-Fe-8 magnets has emerged on the average grain size Dg (H„inc.reasing with de-
from the work of Givord and co-workers (Givord, Lie- creasing Dg ). Qne perplexing aspect of their work is that
nard, et al. , 1987; Givord, Tenaud, et al. , 1987; Givord, hysteresis loops are computed for various prescribed
Heiden, et al. , 1988; Czivord, Tenaud„and Viadieu, grain-size distributions but not for the measured distribu-
1988a, 1988b) relying on measurements of the magnetic tion of the magnet whose M(H) curve was used to ex-
viscosity, the time development of the magnetization tract a nucleation field distribution. The simulation of
after the applied field has been changed suddenly [a use- Blank (1990) is carried out for a two-dimensional array of
ful introduction to the subject of magnetic viscosity can (124) grains; local demagnetizing efFects are included in
be found in Gaunt (1986)). These authors consider that a well defined way, and exchange coupling of adjacent
magnetization reversal is initiated (i.e. , a domain wall is grains is allowed. The model produces demagnetization
formed) in a volume equal to the activation volume V, curves whose shape favorably resembles measured
extracted from the observed magnetic viscosity. A model curves, and the results suggest that the enhancement of
of the associated activation energy leads to the relation coercivity by the postsinter anneal could arise from heal-
[recast from Eq. (11') of Givord, Tenaud, and Viadieu, ing of defects at grain surfaces or from improved ex-
1988a] change decoupling of Nd2Fe, 48 crystallites. Sakuma and
Takeda (1990) find that the magnetic inhomogeneity
(50) lowers the nucleation field for reverse-domain formation
while raising its angular profile, in qualitative agreement
Use of the measured temperature dependence of V, in with the results of Kronmuller et al. (1987). Via numeri-
Eq. (50) enables a good fit to H„(T)data with appropri- cal work Fukunaga and Fukuda (1990) examined the
ate choice of the constants c and N, fr. [Experimentally it effect of reductions in both the anisotropy and the ex-
is found that V, is proportional to the cube of the change interaction due to a magnetic inhomogeneity; de-
domain-wall with 5 (see also Singleton and Hadjipanayis, creased exchange was found to have negligible impact on
1990), so that with the usual proportionalities the nucleation field. The simulated coercivity and its an-
5~ + A /EC and a ~ ~
~ +
AK, Eq. (50) has the same
form as Eq. (49) for H, =2K, /M, . ] Extension of the
gular dependence could be roughly fit to experiment by
the anisotropy reduction to occur within 30 —50
A of the surface of Nd2Fe&48 grains.
model to the angular dependence of H„(Givord,
An especially noteworthy aspect of the research on
Tenaud, and Viadieu, 1988a, 1988b) also allows good
coercivity mechanisms is that it has produced valuable
agreement with experiment, and with the results of
suggestions for improving sintered magnets, which can
Kronmiiller et al. (1987). The essential point stressed by
be summarized as follows. First, small RzFe&48 grains
Givord and collaborators is that a reasonable description
are desirable for reducing the volume impacted by
of H„(T)and H„(9)measurements is afForded by their
reverse-domain nucleation at a defect, and the grains
model without assuming that the anisotropy in the ac-
should be smooth to limit the deleterious effect of local
tivation volume is strongly reduced with respect to the
demagnetizing (stray) fields at sharp edges and pro-
bulk, which differs from the view (e.g. , Kronmiiller,
trusions (Sagawa and Hirosawa, 1987, 1988b; Sagawa,
Durst, and Sagawa, 1988) that nucleation occurs in low-
Hirosawa, et al. , 1987a', Kronmuller, Durst, and Sagawa,
anisotropy regions of the magnet. From magnetic viscos-
1988; Ramesh et al. , 1988; Hirosawa, Hanaki, et al. ,
ity measurements on sintered Pr-Fe-8 and Nd-Fe-8 mag-
nets Street et al. (1990) have suggested, however, that
1990}. Second, a thin, smooth, defect-free grain-
boundary layer serves to isolate the R2Fe, 4B crystallites
the model of Givord, Tenaud, and Viadieu (1988a, 1988b)
magnetically and provides a barrier to demagnetization
requires modification with regard to the treatment of
misaligned grains, while Jubb and McCurrie (1987) con-
of neighboring grains (Adler and Hamann, 1985; Sagawa
and Hirosawa, 1988a; Hirosawa and Tsubokawa, 1990;
cluded from their minor loop and magnetic viscosity
Schneider et al. , 1990). Finally, it is helpful to minimize
measurements that the hard-magnetic behavior of sin-
tered magnets is determined chiefm. y by domain-wall pin- the amount of secondary phases such as R&+,Fe484 and
mng. oxides, as well as pores, which can act as nucleation sites
Demagnetization curves based on an inhomogeneous (Durst et al. , 1987; Schneider et al. , 1987).
nucleation mechanism for sintered Nd-Fe-8 magnets
have been computed by Ramesh and Srikrishna (1988), 2. Melt-spun materials
Blank (1990), and Sakuma and Takeda (1990). A feature
common to these otherwise quite distinct investigations is Research on the origin of coercivity in melt-spun sys-
that reverse domains are assumed to be formed at the tems, especially hot-pressed and die-upset magnets, is less
surfaces of grains where the anisotropy is reduced com- extensive than that for sintered materials, and the spec-
pared to the interior. Ramesh and Srikrishna (1988) em- trum of opinion is not as nearly unilateral as it is in the
ploy a statistical approach to infer the distribution of nu- case of sintered magnets. Lorentz-microscopy investiga-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

878 J. F. Herbst: R, Fe, 4B materials

tions show that domain walls are pinned at grain boun- pic &do. i5Fe0. 7780. 08 sintered magnet and found that
daries in optimum ribbons (Hadjipanayis, Tao, and Law- H„(~
. ) is reached only for H ))H„( ~ ), similar to the
less, 1985; Hadjipanayis, Dickenson, and Lawless, 1986; situation for ribbons but the reverse of the case for
Mishra, 1986). The same statement applies to hot- aligned sintered magnets; if the latter are nucleation-
pressed magnets, whose micr ostructure is essentially controlled, the implicit logic is that H„(H. ) data on iso-
identical to that of the ribbons, and to die-upset magnets, tropic systems, whether rapidly solidified or sintered,
in which the domain walls are parallel to the c axis (or, may not be inconsistent with a nucleation mechanism.
press direction) and can pass through many grains, ConAicting inferences regarding the coercivity mecha-
una6'ected if they intersect the faces of the platelets at nism have been drawn from analyses of H„( T) for melt-
right angles but pinned at grain edges (Mishra and Lee, spun Nd-Fe-8 ribbons. Hadjipanayis, Lawless, and
1986; Mishra, 1987b). Durst and Kronmiiller (1987) cau- Dickerson (1985) reported good agreement of their mea-
tion, however, that such observations, made on thin sam- surements with the strong domain-wall pinning model of
ples in the demagnetized state, may not provide definitive Gaunt (1983, 1987), in which H„is giv. en by
evidence for a pinning mechanism.
(H„/Ho)' =1 —[75kii T/(4bf)]
a. Ribbons where H0 is the critical field in the absence of thermal ac-
tivation, 4b is the range of interaction between wall and
In comparison with those of aligned sintered magnets, pin, and f is the maximum restoring force per pin. Pink-
virgin magnetization curves of melt-spun Nd-Fe-8 rib- erton and Fuerst (1990a) found, somewhat surprisingly,
bons exhibit much lower initial susceptibility. Further- that H„(T) is . very well described by Eq. (49) with
more, the coercivity develops more slowly with applied c=0.25 and lV, a=0.26 [for sintered Nd-Fe-B, c =0.37
6eld, attaining its maximum, high-field value and X,a -—1 (Hirosawa, Tokuhara, et al. , 1986)]. Since
H„.=H„(oo)only for H )H„(~)
(see . Fig. 30). These the value of e is less than the c =0.3 limit above which
characteristics argue in favor of a pinning-dominated Kronmiiller, Durst, and Sagawa (1988) expect that Eq.
mechanism (Hadjipanayis, Tao, and Lawless, 1985; Had- (49) cannot be valid for a pinning description (in which c
jipanayis, Dickenson, and Lawless, 1986; Hilscher et ah. , is then interpreted as the pinning strength of an inhomo-
1986; Pinkerton and Van Wingerden, 1986; Heisz et al. , geneity such as a grain boundary), the results of Pinker-
1987; Hadjipanayis and Kim, 1988; Handstein et aI. , ton and Fuerst (1990a) are at least not incompatible with
1988), as does the disparate behavior of the magnetic pinning-dominated coercivity. In contrast, Durst and
viscosity for ribbons and sintered magnets (Ferguson Kronmiiller (1987) obtained good accommodation of
et al. , 1989). On the other hand, Durst et al (1987) as. - their H„(T)data using Eq. (43) with a@=1, ux =5/vitro
sert that minor loop measurements on isotropic systems and inferred that melt-spun ribbons are nucleation-
such as the ribbons are not meaningful with controlled systems for T& 520 K; their result for the
regard to the magnetic hardening mechanism. To width of the soft magnetic inhomogeneity, r0 — 21 A, is in
demonstrate the point those authors prepared an isotro- excellent agreement with the grain-boundary thickness
measured directly by Mishra (1986). Froin field-ion mi-
croscopy investigations of the microstructure of melt-
spun Nd-Fe-B and Nd-(Fe, Co)-B materials Hiitten and
Haasen (1991) have also concluded that a nucleation
model of coercivity is compatible with magnetic measure-
1.0— ~ ~ I ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~

b. Hot-pressed and die-upset magnets
As Fig. 30 shows, coercivity develops quickly with ap-
04 plied field for (isotropic) hot-pressed and (anisotropic)
die-upset magnets but approaches saturation only in
0.2 fields exceeding H„(ao). Pinkerton a. nd Van Wingerden
(1986) ascribe the low-field behavior to domain propaga-
tion, with subsequent pinning in intergranular regions
0.5 1.0 making further wall movement in larger magnetizing
H/Hc) (~) 6elds progressively more difficult. Magnetic viscosity
FICx. 30. Room-temperature intrinsic coercivity H„(H) vs measurements also indicate that the reversal mechanism
magnetizing field H for Nd-Fe-B magnet materials; both quanti- for hot-pressed magnets is distinct from that of sintered
ties are normalized to the coercivity H„((x))of a fu11y magnet- materials (Givord, Tenaud, et al. , 1987; Givord, Heiden,
ized sample. [Adapted from Pinkerton and Van Wingerden et al. , 1988; Street et al. , 1988). In agreement with Pink-
(1986) and Durst and Kronmiiller (1987).] erton and Van Wingerden (1986), Givord, Heiden, et al.

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe«B materials 879

(1988) conclude that the high-field part of the virgin inag- 1.0
netization curve of hot-pressed magnets is controlled by
the same irreversible, pinning-dominated processes
governing demagnetization on the hysteresis loop.
Pinkerton and Fuerst (1990a) analyzed H„(T') for a 0.5
die-upset Nd-Fe-B magnet and found that Eq. (49) ap-
proximately describes the data with c = 0.29 and 8
N, &=0. 72; however, a quantitatively improved fit was
obtained using Eq. (51) for strong domain-wall pinning 0
(Pinkerton and Fuerst, 1990b). Over a wide temperature x
range Eq. (51) also quite successfully inodels H„(T)for o

die-upset Pr-Fe-B (Pinkerton and Fuerst, 1991).

3. Interaction effects

With the exception of the two-dimensional simulation

of Blank (1990), the models discussed above incorporate -1.0
possible interactions between R2Fe&4B grains only in- 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
directly via parameters such as c and X,s in Eq. (49). Br (H) I Bt (~)
There is evidence, however, that intergranular interac-
tions play a nontrivial role in both melt-spun and sin-
tered R-Fe-B magnets, and further progress in under- FICx. 31. Demagnetizing remanence Bd(H) vs magnetizing
standing the magnetization reversal mechanisms will remanence 8„(H)for Nd-Fe-8 magnet materials at room tern-
perature; both quantities are normalized to the remanence
likely involve more explicit consideration of them.
8„(~x)) of a fully magnetized sample. The diagonal is the
Wohlfarth (1958) noted that the relation remanence relationship, Eq. (52), for noninteracting particles.
~ ) —2B„(H)
Bd(H) =B„( (52)
[Adapted from Pinkerton (1987) and Hadjipanayis and Kim
holds for an assembly of noninteracting, uniaxial, single-
domain particles, where B„(H)is the remanence after ap- Additional indications of interaction effects in isotro-
plication and removal of a field H to an initially unmag- pic melt-spun ribbons have emerged from comparisons of
netized sample and Bd(H) is the demagnetizing magnetization data with the noninteracting, single-
remanence that persists after removal of a reverse field doinain particle model of Stoner and Wohlfarth (1948),
having magnitude H applied to a sample previously ex- which predicts H„=37kOe and B„=0.
5(4~M, ) =8 kG
posed to a very large field in the opposite direction. for Nd2Fe, 4B. Pinkerton (1988a) found significant quan-
McCurrie and Gaunt (1964) demonstrated that this titative disparities between the observed hysteresis loop
remanence relationship is also valid for multidomain fer- of Nd-Fe-B ribbons and the model predictions, even after
romagnets if the domain walls interact with the same a modification to include approximately magnetization
density and distribution of pinning sites on both the ini- reversal by domain-wall motion. Several authors have
tial and the demagnetization branches of the magnetiza- also concluded that interaction effects are substantial
tion curve (see also Gaunt et a/. , 1986). Hence, deviation from the large () 9 kG) remanent moments measured on
from Eq. (52) can be construed as a signature of particle- fragments of Nd2Fe&4B-based ribbons doped with Si
interaction effects and/or different magnetizing and and/or Al (Kadin et al. , 1987; McCallum et al. , 1987;
demagnetizing behavior. Quite substantial departures Clemente et al. , 1988; Hadjipanayis and Gong, 1988;
from Eq. (52) occur for sintered magnets and for all three Matsumoto et al. , 1988). [To explain the large B„values
forms of melt-spun Nd-Fe-B materials (Pinkerton, 1986b, Hadjipanayis and Gong (1988) appealed to theoretical
1987; Hadjipanayis and Kim, 1988; Handstein et al. , work by Callen et al. (1977) showing that B, /4n. M, can
1988); Figure 31 illustrates the point. For the melt-spun be enhanced over 0.5 if exchange coupling between parti-
systems Pinkerton (1987) attributes the relative difficulty cles is sufficiently strong. The random anisotropy model
in demagnetizing a sample at low B„(small H) to mag- employed by Callen et al. (1977) is subject to difficulty in
netic interactions between neighboring grains; as more principle, however, since analytic renormalization-group
crystallites reverse, those same interactions facilitate calculations (Imry and Ma, 1975; Pelcovits et al. , 1978)
easier reversal of the remaining grains. The interactions have demonstrated that the ground state of the Hamil-
are likely to be responsible for the "interaction domains, " tonian for that model cannot be ferromagnetic in fewer
extended structures comprised of many grains, observed than four dimensions. ]
in melt-spun ribbons by Lorentz microscopy (Mishra, For sintered magnets the presence of interaction effects
1986; Hadjipanayis and Gong, 1987; Hadjipanayis and has been inferred from (i) disparities between measured
Kim, 1988; Bras et a/. , 1990). remanence curves and those calculated in a noninteract-

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

880 J. F. Herbst: R2Fe«B materiaas

ing model (Heinecke et a/. , 1985), (ii) the absence of a Reporting maximum coercivities of -6 kate, those au-
mlnimUI11 1Il thc cxpcI11TlcIltal RIlgulRI' dcpcIldcDcc of Hcl thoxs noted that the technique does not allow particle
(Martinek and Kronmuller, 1990; see also Fukunaga and Rhgnmcnt 1D R Geld bccausc Nd2Fci48 docs Ilot cx1st Rt
Fukuda, 1990; Sakuma et a/. , 1990), and (iii) diminished the compaction stage, so that the attainable B„and
coefficients relating H„
to the nucleation field of isolated (BH), „are limited. Leonowicz (1990a) exploited this
crystallites in analyses based on Eq. (49) {Tang et a/. , method as a rapid laboratory means for assessing the
1988). efFect of elemental substitutions on the magnetic proper-
ties, especiallyH„.
l3. Other preparation methods In the mechanical alloying process, investigated exten-
sively by Schultz and co-workers, elemental boron, rare-
At present, sintering and the bonding,hot pressing, earth, and iron (or R-Fe master alloy) powders are com-
RIld d1c upsctt1Ilg of melt-spun thc Only com-
1-1bboIls Rrc bined and milled for times of order 10' h in a high-energy
mercialized processing techniques for Nd-Fe-B per- ball mill. With progressive milling, the powder particles
manent magnets, but other preparation methods have are heavily deformed, cold. welded, and reformed into
been and continue to be explored. layered particles; conversion to R2FC&48 is accomplished
VAth melt-spun starting material, magnets having en- by solid-state reaction, typically a -O. S-h anneal at
ergy products as large as 8 MGOe and 16 MGOC have —1000 K (Schultz et a/. , 1987; Schultz and Meeker,
been obtained by sintering (C. J. Yang et a/. , 1988) and 1987). Optimum Nd-Fe-B material features B, -7 kG,
by hot extrusion (C. J. Yang and Ray, 1988), respectively. H„— 1S kOe, and an isotropic microstructure with an
In the latter case the properties of the extx'uded bars are Nd2Fc&48 grain size of — SOO A, approaching that of
anisotropic, tbc la1gcst cncI'gy pI'QdUcts dcvclop1Ilg aloIlg melt-spun ribbons (Schultz and Meeker, 1988; Schultz
dIIcct1ons transvcIsc to thc cxtI'Us1on Rx1s. Mukai ct QI. et a/. , 1989). In addition to resin bonding, compacted
(1990) have prepared anisotropic Nd-Fe-8 and Nd-Fe-8- magnets can be prepared, as fox' melt-spun alloys, by hot
Cu powders having energy products of 34 —37 MGOe by pressing and die upsetting (Heisz and Schultz, 1988); the
hot rolling melt-spun ribbons; via an electrosintering die-upsct magnets are characterized by H„— 11 kOc and
technique the powders wexe consolidated into fully dense B„-9 kG (Schultz et a/ , 1988)..
magnets featuring H„— 11—16 kOe and (BH), „-24
—27 Powders obta1Ilcd by gI'1nd1Ilg s1xltcI'cd Nd-Fc-8 mag-
MGOe. nets lose coercivity quickly with diminishing particle size
Magnets bonded with a soft metal such as aluminum and are unsuitable for the preparation of bonded magnets
and characterized by energy products in the 6 —18 MGOe (Stadelmaier and Liu, 1986). This circumstance, at least
range and good machinability have been produced fxom in part, motivated Takeshita, Nakayama, and colleagues
1sotI'op1c IDclt-spUD fIakcs Rnd R11gncd an1sotI'Qp1c to investigate further the hydrogenation and dehydro-
powder (derived from die-upset material) by rotary forg- genation of Nd-Fe-B ingots as an alternate pxocessing ap-
ing (Rowlinson et a/. , 1989; Brett et a/. , 1990). An ex- proach to obtain fine-grained Nd2FC&48 material having
tension of the process has afForded (BH), „~25
MGOC large H„. After heati. ng under Aowing hydrogen gas (a
in compacts formed from isotropic fIIakes only; some procedure that decrepitates the alloy, as indicated in Scc.
alignment evidently occux's in the axial forging direction VI.G), continued thermal treatment in vacuum was
(Rowlinson et a/. , 1990). fouxld to produce Nd2Fc [4B powder with Rn average
Two other rapid-solidification techniques have been in- grain diameter of -0. pm=a„3 the critical single-
vestigated. Twin-roller quenching, which may combine domain size. Takeshita and Nakayama {1989) and
directional solidification and uniaxial deformation, has H„=9.
Nakayama et a/. (1990) achieved 4 koe,B„=7. 7
produced Nd-Fe-B Aakcs having 8„=
9.S kG and kG, and (BH), „=12.
(BH), 16 MGOC along the surface normal (Kuji gy products of -8
2 MGOC in the powders and ener-
MGOe in isotropic resin-bonded mag-
et a/. , 1989; Harada et a/. , 1990b) and has improved B„ Ilcts pI'Qduccd from them; with Rddltlvcs such as Co~ GR~
and H„over single-wheel results for Pr-Fe-8 (Paik et a/. , Hf, Rnd Zl' RnIsotI'oplc bonded InRgllcts having (BH)~g„
1990). A forIII of gas RtoIIIIZRtloI1, tllc llquld dynamic as large as 18 MGOe have been prepared (Takeshita and
compaction process involves spray atomization of molten Nakayama, 1990). McGuiness and co-workers (McGui-
alloy onto a cooled substrate in a protective atmosphere ness, Zhang, Forsyth, and Harris, 1990; McGuiness,
(T. S. Clllll Cr a/. , 1986) Rnd 11Rs yielded IsotI'oplc Nd-Fc- Zhang, Yin, and Harris, 1990) have termed this method
B deposits with (BH), „=10 MGOe (Tanigawa et a/. , the hydrogenation, disproportionation, desorption pro-
1986; Harada et a/. , 1990a). Radially oriented Nd-Fe-8 cess; their detailed studies have shown that the initial al-
magnets with H„= 16.8 kOe, 8„=7.9 kG, and loy is first disproportionated into Fe, Fe28, and Nd hy-
(BH), „=13. 8 MGOC have been prepared from gas- dride before recombining in the vacuum annealing step to
atomized powder by hot extrusion (Ma et a/ , 1987). . yield the small-grained, coercive Nd2Fe, 48 material. The
Stadelmaier, El-Masry, and Stallard (1985) demon- possib111ty of hyd1 ogen-1nduccd dccomposltlon of
strated that sintered magnets can be produced via the NdzFC&48 and its subsequent reformation in fine-particle
heterogeneous diffusion of Nd, Fe, and Fe28 powdexs, as form was adumbrated by H. Oesterreicher (1985b).
opposed to the standard use of ternary Nd-Fe. -B alloy. Technologically significant coercivities can be generat-

Rev. Mod. Phys. „Vol.63„No.4, October 1991

J. F. Herbst: R, Fe„4Bmaterials

ed by heat treating R-Fe-C and doped. R-Fe-8 alloys, and potential utility in such applications as sensors, miniature
this possibility has led to growing interest in the prepara- motors (Carlisle, 1985), microwave magnetic devices
tion of magnets from ingots without the need for such (Stancil, 1987), and magnetic recording (H. Oesterreich-
processing steps as powder metallurgy or melt spinning. er, 1985b). Prospects for magneto-optical information
Exploiting the fact that R2FeI4C compounds generally do storage are encouraged by the large magnetocrystalline
not crystallize from the melt but develop only with ap- anisotropy, Curie temper'atures in a reasonable range
propriate heat treatment, and thus ofFer a potential alter- above room temperature, and a significant polar Kerr ro-
nate mute to a coercive microStruCtrr, N. C. Liu and tation, which measurements on bulk samples have
Stadelmaier (1986) early obtained II„—
12 kOe in an- dernonstr'ated to be slightly enhanced relative to that in
nealed, as-cast Dy-Fe-C and (Nd, Dy)-Fe-(B, C) materials. elemental iron (van Engelen and Buschow, 1987; Hiro-
The solid-state reaction produced by the anneal enables sawa, Sagawa, and Katayama, 1990). In comparison
development of a cellular' microstrUctUI c 1Q wh1ch with the efForts on bulk materials, however, studies of
R2FC&4C grains having diameters in the 1 —10 pm range thin films have been few.
are surrounded by a thin intergranular layer (N. C. Liu Selectively thermalized rf sputtering was employed by
et a/. , 1987; Stadelmaier et a/. , 1987; Stadelmaicr and Cadieu and co-workers to fabricate films ( —1 pm) of
Jang, 1989). Also investigating annealed, as-cast Dy-Fe- Nd2FC&48. The character of the films was found to be
C alloys, van Mens et al. {1988) and J. L. Sanchez et al. stx'ongly dependent oIl t11c sput tel lng COIldlt1OIls. At
(1989a, 1989b) observed coercivities as large as 27.5 kOe deposition ia'tes less 'tliaii 1.8 A/s filiils directly ciystal-
and 17 kOe, respectively; Hadjipanayis et al. (1988) re- lized onto heated substr'ates exhibited perpendicular an-
ported that H„.can be improved by field cooling such isotropy (i.e., preferential c-axis texturing normal to the
IIla ter'lais. film plane) with B„and H„as -9
large as kG and —14
Low-level elemental substitutions have afForded signi- kQe, respectively; higher deposition rates led to planar
ficant improvements 1Q thc IIlagQct1c plopcr't1cs of RQ- easy-axis oi'ieiitatioii (Cadieil er Ql. , 1986a, 1986b;
ncalccI PI'-Fc-8 RIld Nd-Fc-8 1Qgots. Sh1moda et Q/. Cadieu, 1987). An alternate two-stage method, in which
(1988a) obtained H„=
7.4 kOe, 8„=
6.6 kG, and an amorphous deposit was first formed and then crystal-
(&II)max = 8 8 MGOe for the Pro i7Feo 765Bo o5Cuo oi5 lized with an in-plane field of 2.5 kOe applied at each
composition, and in annealed, as-cast step, was also investigated (Cadieu et al, , 1987). As op-
0 17 0 765 005 0015 0 19 0 765 003 g0015 posed to the directly crystallized samples, the films pro-
Hadjipanayis (1989) and Hadjipanayis et al. (1989) ob- dUccd by this tcchnlquc wclc highly dcIlsc, fIcc of vo1ds,
served intrinsic coercivities of 7.2 kQe and 5.5 kQe, re- and featured mirrorlike, specularly refl. ecting surfaces.
spectively. Qf much greater significance from the With the measurement field in the direction of the field
cnclgy-procIUct standpoint, however, ls thc I'ccogmtloQ applied during sputtering and crystallization, an energy
that at least some degree of magnetic alignment can be product of —16 MGQC was obtained, despite the fact
introduced by hot deformation, as Lee (1985) discovered that only a small degree of in-plane alignment was
in his work on melt-spun ribbons. The first published re- achieved because the crystallization temperature (970 K)
sults on hot deformation of ingots are those of Shimoda exceeded T, =585 K. An average Nd2FC&48 grain size of
et al. (1988a), who reported H„=
10.0 kOe and several hundred angstr'orns, well below D, -0. 3 pm,
(BH) „=36. 2 MGOe for a die-upset Pr-Fe-B-Cu alloy. characterized the high-coercivity films pr'epared by either
Among the cfFccts of the copper substituent according to means.
Shimoda et al. (1988a, 1988b) are smaller grain size and Films of substituted Nd-Fe-8 materials crystallized
a lower melting point, which assists hot deformation by from amorphous rf-sputtered deposits have been investi-
enhancing plasticity. It was shown subsequently that hot gated by three groups. Strzeszewski, Nazareth, et al.
rolling Pr-Fe-8-Cu ingots can yield energy products ln (1988) reported in-plane texturing and M; —10 kOe for
the 25 —30 MGOe range (Mukai and Sakamoto, 1989; an Nd-(Fe, Co)-B composition. Aylesworth et al. (1989)
Ohki et al. , 1989; Shimoda et a/. , 1989, 1990). W. C. observed the anisotropy of Nd-(Fe, Co)-B films to be
Chang et al. (1990) achieved H„=
10.7 kOe, markedly influenced by the substrate material and its
(8&)m, „=18 MGOe in hot-rolled Pr-Fe-B-Ga. Nozieres temperature. Amorphous deposits crystallized in the
et al. {1988, 1989) and Nozieres and Perrier de la Bathie 770 —970 K interval exhibited perpendicular anisotropy,
(1989) have applied hot-working methods such as die coercivities of 5 —10 kOe, and B, =10 kCx, on mica sub-
upsetting and extrusion to Nd-Fe-8-based systems, strates Fe bufFer layers enhanced the perpendicular an-
claiming (BH), „as
large as 20 MGOe for Nd-Fe-B-A1. isotropy. In contrast to the results of Cadieu et al.
Shimoda et al. (1990) have reported 11.5 kG,B„= (1986b), Homburg et al. (1990) observed perpendicular
FI„=11. 5 kOe, and (BII),„=31
MGOe for hot-rolled anisotropy in (Nd, Dy)-Fe-B films sputtered at deposition
Nd-Fe-8-CU. rates of 15 A/s or greater; $, kQe and H„.& 18 kQe
were measured normal to the unsaturated films.
E. Thin balms Zasadzinski et al. (1987a, 1987b) synthesized high-
In addltlon to thclI' 111tclcst from thc v1cwpo11lt of fuQ- quality single-phase thin films ( -4000 A) of the Nd, Sm,
and Er compounds by dc triode sputtering and also con-
damental physics, thin films of R2FC&48 compounds have

Rev. Mod. Phys. , Vol. 63, No. 4, October 1991

J. F, Herbst: R, Fe«B materials

eluded that Nd2Fei48 has promise as a perpendicular I3. J. Van Wingerden is keenly appreciated, as is the sup-
recording medium. Film structure and texture were port of J. G. Larson. I am grateful to W. Y. Ching, G. J.
found very sensitive to substrate temperature, nearly Long, and. M. Sagawa for kindly providing figures from
epitaxial films having crystallite e axes predominantly their work.
normal to the film plane developing for substrate temper-
atures near 870 K, while lower or higher temperatures,
respectively, produced amorphous deposits or crystalline
films showing no directional growth. Textured NdzFe, 48 Gaussian units for magnetic field strength H, magneti-
films featured H„. -5 koe, a rather large value consider- zation iM; and energy product (BH),„have been used in
ing that the average lateral grain dimension was a few this review. These may be easily converted to SI units by
microns. Their results prompted Zasadzinski et ah. the following relations:
(1987b) to suggest that single-crystal R2Fe, 4B films might
be grown through further optimization of the sputtering H [Oe] X10 /4~~H [A/m],
4~M[6] X 10-'~J [T],
VIII. CONCLUDlNG REMARKS (BH),„[MGOe] X 10 /4'~(BH), „[kJ/m ],
A new era in permanent-magnet
where J
is usually identified as the magnetic polarization
technology has been in the SI system. A valuable discussion of units in
initiated by the neodymium-iron-boron materials. Com- magnetism has been given by Bennett et al. (1975).
mercial production programs relying on both the melt-
spinning and the powder-metallurgy approaches are in
place, and Nd-Fe-8 magnets can be found on products REFERENCES
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