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V o l . 2 4 , Spec. Issue, Dee. 2006, p . 3 0 6

Influence of Solidification Rate on Microstructures of Cast Strips and Cor-

responding Sintered NdFeB Magnets
Yu Dunbo (?a&),
Xu Jing (4& if9) * , Yan Shihong (Be%), Li Zongan (+$%),
I,i Shipeng (*I&&), Li Hongwei (+hsE)
(National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Materials, General Research Institute jbr Nonferrous Metals,
and Grirem Advanced Materials Co . Ltd. , Beijing 100088, China)

Abstract: The influences of solidification rate on the microstructures of cast strips and corresponding sintered NdFeB mag-
nets were investigated. The experimental results show that the volume fraction and size of columnar grains vary with the
wheel speed V , and the fraction is highest to more than 90% with 3.5 p m in average width at V = 2 m's-'. The reasons
for the improved magnetic performance were discussed based on the micromagnetic theory and microstructure analyses of
the strips and sintered magnets. The magnetic properties of sintered NdFeB magnets made from the (Nd,Dy)ls.o(Fe,Ga,
Al)80.5B6.5cast strip which was obtained at V = 2 rn's-' are as follows: B , = 1.15 T( 11.25 kG), iH, = 2799 kA.m-'
(35.2 kOe) and (BH),,,=242 k J ~ r n - ~ ( 3 0 . 3MGOe).

Key words : sintered NdFeB magnets ; solidification rate ; cast strip ; microstructure ; rare earths
CLC number: TM273 Document code: A Article ID: 1002 - 0721 (2006) - 0306 - 04

Since the NdFeB magnetic materials firstly came during casting mainly depend on the solidification
into being in 1983, NdFeB sintered magnets"] have rate. Therefore, controlling the solidification rate in
been remarkably expanding in the global markets. order to obtain sound microstructures of the cast strips
Over 20 years, Japan has been keeping leading posi- and high performance sintered magnets has become an
tion in the world in its research and development. important issue.
However, Chinese NdFeB industries grow in a star-
tling speed, which arouses great concern all over the
1 Experimental
world. Especially in recent years, a few Chinese mag- The material employed in this paper was ( N d ,
net producers have possessed the capability of produc- Dy)l,,o(Fe,Ga,A1)80.5B~.5(%, atom fraction). It was
ing high-ranking NdFeB magnets such as N50, prepared by melting corresponding elemental metals in
N48M, 32AH and so on, mainly because of adopting alumina crucible using a vacuum induction furnace
advanced technologies such as strip casting technique. under argon gas atmosphere. After melting, the mol-
For conventional ingots, when the total rare earth con- ten alloys were poured onto a rotating copper roller.
tent is lowered to a certain level, a-Fe dendrites al- During SC process, the peripheral speed of the cooling
ways appear due to the peritectic nature of the hard - - '
roller was 1 3 m s - . After hydrogen decrepitation
magnetic NdzFellB compoundrz1, which enhances the (HD) process, the cast strips were pulverized directly
difficulty of making powder and hinders grain align- -
into fine powders of about 3.0 4.5 p m in mean size
ments in the subsequent proce~sing'~'.In addition, by jet milling. Then, the powders were compacted in
large Nd-rich regions which are much sensitive to oxi- a magnetic field, sintered and annealed at optimum
dation can be found in the cast ingots. There are lots temperature. The microstructures of cast strips and
of advantages in Strip Casting (SC) technology[4v51, corresponding sintered magnets were investigated by
such as saving RE resources, homogenizing the colum- scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and optical mi-
nar structures, suppressing the formation of a-Fe den- croscope. The composition of phases was analyzed by
drites. It is well known that formation of a-Fe, fine energy spectra. The densities of the sintered magnets
columnar crystals and the Nd-rich phase of thin layer were measured by the Archimedes displacement prin-

Received date : 2006 - 07 - 25 ; revised date : 2006 - 09 - 08

Foundation item: Project supported by RE Application Engineering of National Ten-Fifth Year Plan of China (2002BA315A-1)
Biography: Xu Jing (1974 - ) , Male, Engineer; Research field: Rare earth magnetic materials
* Corresponding author (E-mail: ydbmail @yahoo. corn)
Xu J et a1 . Microstructure of Cast Strips and Corresponding Sintered NdFeB Magnets 307

ciple in water. The magnetic properties were measured some over-small isometric grains with average sizes of
by a hysteresisograph . about 2 . 0 pm appearing on the cooling surface of
strip, the volume fraction almost 40%, and the other
2 Results and Discussion is columnar grains close to free surface of the strip that
whose the average size is about 4.0 p m . It is known
2. 1 Microstructures of cast strips pre-
that the cooling rate of SC process is faster than that of
pared at different solidification rate conventional casting, which makes the temperature
The obtained cast strips were about 0. 6 , 0. 3 , gradient in the strips higher than that in the ingots.
0.2 mm in thickness with the increasing wheel speed When the cooling rate is higher than 1 x lo3"c * s - , '
V = 1, 2 and 3 m s respectively. The optical micro- the primary crystals of 7-Fe are suppressed and the
graphs of cast strips are shown in Fig. 1. The white is peritectic reaction is hindered, thus Nd2Fe14B phase
main phase, and the grey is Nd-rich phase. In addit- precipitates directly from liquid phase and no a-Fe
ion, dendrite phase as a-Fe can only be found in cast forms. However, when the peripheral speed of cooling
strip prepared at V = 1 rn's-' in Fig.2 by using scan- roller was about 1 m - s - ' , the solidification rate in
ning electron microscope. Compared the three images cast strips is still not high enough to suppress the for-
in Fig. 1 , it can be found that there are best micro- mation of a-Fe effectively (Fig. 2 ) . On the contrary,
structures in cast strip prepared at I/ = 2 m * s - l in when the peripheral speed of cooling roller is
Fig. l ( b ) , where the volume fraction of the columnar 3 m - s - ' , the solidification rate in cast strips is so high
grains is over 90%, and fine and uniform columnar that over-small isometric grains appear on the cooling
grains are about 3.5 pm in average width with the Nd- surface. Commonly, the formation of columnar grain
rich phase distributing uniformly along the boundaries structure is related to solidification rate and tempera-
of main phase. However, as shown in Fig. 1( a ) , the ture gradient, both of which are related to the wheel
volume fraction of the columnar grains is less than speed. Therefore, the wheel speed of V = 2 m * s - is '
70% in cast strip prepared at V = 1 m e s - ' , and the suitable in this investigation because it provides high
grain size are not uniform with 4. 5 pm in average and suitable cooling rate which can refine and homoge-
width. While, Fig. 1 ( c ) shows two kinds of micro- nize the columnar structures and make the Nd-rich
structure in cast strip prepared at V = 3 m * s - : one is phase distribute uniformly along the boundaries of the

Fig. 1 Optical micrographs of cast strips prepared at different wheel speed

( a ) Y = l m - s - ' ; ( h ) 1 / = 2 m . s - ' ; ( c ) V = 3 rn's-'

columnar grains. The microstructure in cast strip of

Fig. 1 ( b ) is just a good example, where the cooling
rate of strip is about 1 x I d 1 x 104"c.s-', which is
the main reason for the absence of a-Fe dendrite pre-
cipitation and the formation of desirable microstruc-
tull:. It is known that the Nd-rich phase is hydrog-
enized first during the HD process, which leads to an
intergranular crack, and then the Nd2Fe14B phase,
which leads to a transgranular crack. For the cast
strips, the uniform distribution of Nd-rich phase along
the grain boundaries are favorable for obtaining HD
Fig.2 Scanning electron image of a-Fe in cast strip prepared
at V = 1 rn-s-' powders composed of single grains on the whole. So,
308 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 2 4 , Spec. Issue, Dec . 2006

by using the cast strips prepared at V = 2 m *s - l , the at V = 2 m - s - ' has many advantages: firstly, the mi-
final fine powders for sintering with a good particle size crostructure of fine and uniform columnar crystals
distribution and less than 3.5 pm in average size are made it possible for the strip to possess bigger value of
easy to obtain. a kand less NSff.Secondly, for the fine powder pre-
2.2 Microstructures and magnetic proper- pared from the cast strips, the Nd-rich phase distrib-
utes uniformly on the surfaces of powder particles,
ties of sintered magnets made from
which leads to a higher aeXin the sintered magnets.
cast strips Thirdly, the powders having no a-Fe which deterio-
Magnetic properties of sintered magnets produced rates the magnetic alignment, as well as being made
from the cast strips mentioned above are shown in Ta- up of single crystal particles are favorable for magnetic
ble 1. The optical micrographs of sintered magnets are alignment, which leads to a higher in the sintered
shown in Fig. 3. It is found that using cast strip pre- magnet. Therefore, using the cast strip prepared at
pared at V = 2 m a s - ' as starting material for magnet optimum solidification rate, a sintered Nd-Fe-B mag-
sintering leads to higher magnetic properties: B , = net with higher i H , is expected to obtain. According to
1.15 T , coercivity H , = 2799 kA * m - , maximum en- analysis above, it can be found that the microstructure
ergy product ( B H ) , , = 242 k J * m - 3 . In addition, the of sintered magnets plays an important role in deter-
sintered density of the magnet with optimum perfor- mining their H , . Namely, a uniform fine microstruc-
mance reached 7.56 g *cm-3 at a lower sintering tem- ture and good distribution of the Nd-rich phase lead to
perature of 1060 "c . Using the other two strips as star- a high H , .
ting material, the sintered density of the magnet From Fig. 3( c ) , extremely big grains can be seen
reached 7 . 5 3 and 7 . 51 g * cm-3 respectively at the in the microstructure of sintered magnet made from the
same sintering temperature of 1060 "c . Generally, ac- strip prepared at V = 3 m - s - ' , It is because of grains
cording to the micromagnetic theoryL6], H , can be ex- aggregation and the growth of Nd-Fe-B permanent
pressed as magnet alloy in the process of sintering. In other
2Kl words, some bigger grains eat the smaller grains
IHC= -ff k f f 4ffex - N e f f M ~ (1)
M, around to form the preternatural big grains. So the
where K 1 is the anisotropy constant, M , the saturation Nd2Fe14Bmain phase grain abnormally grows up to 70
magnetization, a k a factor related to uniformity of K , - 80 pm in long axis direction during the sintering
in main phase, a Qa factor related to alignment of ma- process, which greatly decreases the coercivity of the
in phase crystals, aeXa factor related to uniformity of magnet to 1276 kA * m - ' . Therefore, it is necessary
Nd-rich phase, and NeIIeffectively separated magnetic for preparing high coercivity magnets to reduce the
field factor proportional to the size of crystals. Com- number of over-small isometric grains in cast strips
paring the three kinds of cast strips, the strip prepared and fine powers in jet milling.

Table 1 Magnetic properties of sintered magnets in three 3 Conclusions

1. When the cooling roller speed is 1 rn * s - , the
Preparation velocity for B,l i H,l (BH),l dl solidification rate is too low, which leads to the in-
starting dloy I / / ( m * s - ' ) T (kASm-l) (kJam-3) (g.m-3) creasing of the thickness of the columnar grains of the
v = 1 m-s-1 1.13 2245 238 7.53 main phase. At the same time, the formation of a-Fe
V=2 m.s-' 1.15 2799 242 7.56
can not be completely suppressed.
V =3 m*s-' 1.11 1276 230 7.51

Fig.3 Optical micrographs of magnets made from cast strip prepared at V = 1 rn*s-'(a), V = 2 m - s - ' ( b ) , and V = 3 m * s - ' ( c )
Xu J et a1 . Microstructure of Cast Strips and Corresponding Sintered NdFeB Magnets 309

2 . When the cooling roller speed is 2 m s , the essary for preparing high coercivity magnets to reduce
solidification rate is suitable, and the main phase the number of over-small isometric grains in cast strips
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