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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

Nanophase hard magnets

George C. Hadjipanayis*
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA
Received 17 March 1999; received in revised form 29 April 1999


The dramatic developments that occurred in nanophase hard magnetic materials over the last two decades are
reviewed. Much of the research was done after the discovery of Nd Fe B-based magnets in an attempt to develop more
economical Fe-based magnets with better properties. This led to the discovery of 1 : 12-based magnets, 2 : 17 nitrides and
carbides, and more recently, to nanocomposite magnets consisting of a "ne mixture of exchange coupled soft and hard
phases. Currently, much emphasis is devoted to nanocomposite "lms consisting of nanoparticles of a high anisotropy
material embedded in a non-magnetic matrix because they have a great potential for applications in high density
recording media.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Permanent magnet; Nanophase; Microstructure; Coercivity

1. Introduction the 1950s with the discovery of single domain mag-

netism [7]. According to this behavior, the coerciv-
Nanophase materials have attracted consider- ity of powdered magnets increases with the
able interest in the last few years because of their reduction of particle size going through a max-
unusual scienti"c and technological properties imum at the single domain size and then decreases
[1}5]. These properties are di!erent from those in again for ultra"ne particles due to thermal e!ects
bulk for particle/grain sizes in the nanometer scale and becomes zero at the superparamagnetic par-
because of size and surface/interface e!ects [1]. In ticle size. For strongly anisotropic materials with
magnetic materials, these properties are exploited reasonably high magnetization, the single domain
in a number of applications including soft magnets particle size is a fraction of a micron (Table 1) and
[2], permanent magnets [3], magnetic recording therefore, when materials are made with micro-
[4,5] and have potential in magnetic refrigeration structure of this size, their coercivity is enhanced.
[6]. This article is focused on hard magnetic mate- The "rst studies on nanophase magnetic systems
rials. were made on amorphous R}Fe (R"Tb, Sm)
The motivation in research in nanophase hard alloys which, upon crystallization, led to nanosize
magnetic materials originates from the size depend- particles with the Laves RFe phase with large

ence of coercivity H (Fig. 1) which was known in coercivities at room temperature [8]. In the late

1970s, a global cobalt crisis occurred, which led to
intense research to discover Fe-rich magnets with
* Tel.: #302-831-2736; fax: #302-831-1637. a focus on Pr(Nd)-Fe alloys. The breakthrough
E-mail address: (G.C. Hadjipanayis) came in late 1983 when Hadjipanayis et al. [9,10]

0304-8853/99/$ - see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 4 - 8 8 5 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 4 3 0 - 8
374 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

alloying [24,25] for the fabrication of nanophase

magnets. Recently, sputtering techniques have also
been used to prepare nanosize Sm}Co alloys [5,26]
and CoPt and FePt alloys for high density record-
ing media [27,28].
The maximum energy product (BH) , which

characterizes the strength of a magnet, depends
strongly on the remanent magnetization M with

a theoretical value (BH) "(4pM /2) [29].

Nanophase magnets usually consist of randomly
oriented uniaxial grains, and therefore, their re-
manence is M "M /2 leading to lower values of
(BH) as compared to anisotropic sintered mag-
Fig. 1. Size dependence of coercivity.
nets. Therefore, additional processing like sintering
[30], or die-upsetting [31], is required to increase
and Croat et al. [11] using melt-spinning, were able the remanence and (BH) of these materials. In the

to obtain large H on melt-spun Pr}Fe}B(Si) and past, several attempts have been made to increase

Nd}Fe}B alloys, respectively. The large coercivities the remanence in melt-spun Nd}Fe}B materials. It
in both of these systems are due [12] to the highly was "rst found that Nd}Fe}B magnets containing
anisotropic tetragonal R Fe B phase (K" small amounts of Si and Al had high reduced
4.5;10 erg/cm) which was produced in the remanence m "M /M , greater than 0.5 in an iso-
nanoscale size during melt-spinning, or after crys- tropic material [32]. The high remanence was re-
tallization [13]. This discovery opened new hor- lated to a uniformly "ne microstructure consisting
izons for magnetic materials research, and of small (18 nm) 2 : 14 : 1 grains with clean grain
revolutionized the world of permanent magnets. boundaries [33]. Later, however, Manaf et al. [34]
Since then, many other systems including the 1 : 12, showed that the presence of Si and Al was not
2 : 17, 2 : 17N(C) , 3 : 29, 1 : 5, etc. have been made necessary for the high remanence in Nd}Fe}B rib-
with nanosize microstructure and with large values bons, and attributed the results to a controlled
of coercivity [14}18]. Also, besides melt-spinning microstructure having small grains ((30 nm). The
and splat cooling, other rapid solidi"cation tech- high remanence is attributed to a net alignment of
niques have been used like vapor deposition grain magnetization caused by strong intergrain
[19}22], atomization [23], and mechanical exchange interactions. Higher values of remanence

Table 1
Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline magnets

Magnet M (kG) H (kOe) D (lm) ¹ (3C) H (kOe) Ref.

Nd Fe B 16.0 67 0.25 315 15 [11]
Pr Fe B 15.6 87 292 12 [74]
Tb Fe B 6.64 220 1.69 356 96 [43]
Dy Fe B 7.12 150 320 64 [43]
Pr Co B 9.75 100 717 25 [45,52]
Sm Fe Ti 11.7 105 311 3.7 [45,46]
Sm Fe V 8.0 54 337 10 [25,46]
Sm Fe N 15.4 140 0.36 470 30 [46]
Sm Fe C '100 400 23 [46]
Sm Co 12.5 52 920 9 [40,53]
SmCo 11.4 240}440 0.71}0.96 727 50 [15,40]

G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 375

were subsequently achieved in nanocomposite found this way [9,10]. It was soon realized that
magnets consisting of a mixture of exchange- these materials have a high coercivity that is much
coupled hard and soft phases. Coehoorn et al. [35], larger than that corresponding to bulk magnets,
produced a high reduced remanence of 0.8 with including sintered magnets. For example, melt-
a coercivity of 4 kOe in melt-spun Nd Fe B spun Nd Fe B samples can easily attain coercivity
alloys consisting of Fe B and Nd Fe B phases. beyond 15 kOe (Table 1), while the coercivity of
Ribbon samples containing mixtures of corresponding sintered magnets is below 10 kOe.
Nd Fe(Co) B#a-Fe (Co) and Pr Fe(Co) B# The higher the anisotropy of the material the larger
a-Fe(Co) were also shown to develop high reduced the coercivity is expected to be. In Tb Fe B and
remanence and coercivity [36]. Since then other DyFe B with H "220 and 150 kOe, respectively,
systems have been found, including Sm}Co [37], coercivities in excess of 60 kOe have been reported
Sm (Fe,Co) N [38], and Sm (Fe,Co) C [39]. [43]. Large values of coercivity can also be ob-
  6   6
Reasonable values of coercivity can be realized in tained in the R Fe C system, but their processing
such mixtures, even with 10 vol% of the hard is more subtle because of a phase transformation in
phase. the system from Nd Fe C to Nd Fe C [44].
Another class of nanocomposite materials is the The system must "rst be made into the primary
precipitation hardened 2 : 17 magnets with com- Nd Fe C soft phase with planar anisotropy be-
position Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr) [40]. The complex fore being transformed into the anisotropic
microstructure of these bulk magnets consists of Nd Fe C.
a "ne mixture of cellular (with 2 : 17 cells sur- After the discovery of the R Fe B(C) com-
rounded by 1 : 5 walls) and lamellar patterns (Z- pounds with large coercivities in crystallized melt-
phase) [41]. The interplay between the size and spun ribbons, other compounds were made in the
chemical composition of these phases controls both nanocrystalline state and their magnetic properties
the magnitude and temperature dependence of co- are listed in Table 1. The Sm(Fe,M) tetragonal

ercivity. compounds were stabilized by small substitutions
The title chosen for this article is very broad and of M"Mo, Ti, V, and also had large values of
can include many di!erent examples of novel mag- coercivity [45]. Later, the strongly anisotropic
netic materials. The present article is focused on Sm Fe N and Sm Fe C were discovered by
  6   6
bulk materials, primarily on cast samples, ribbons, the interstitial gas modi"cation (IGM) process [46]
powders, and covers single-phase nanocrystalline with N and or C, and were also produced in the
and two-phase nanocomposite magnets, including nanocrystalline state [47]. The nitrogenation/car-
the exchange and precipitation hardened 2 : 17 bonation process was also applied to other systems
magnets. The only section referring to thin "lms is and the resulting properties are shown in Table
on granular solids with high anisotropy for high 1 [48].
density recording media (CoPt(FePt)/C(Ag) and
SmCo (Nd Fe B)/W). Special emphasis is given 2.1. Microstructure
to the role of particle/grain size in the property
microstructure relationship. The single-phase materials have a chemical com-
position very close to the stoichiometric composi-
tion of the hard magnetic phase to minimize the
2. Nanocrystalline single-phase materials presence of secondary phases. The nanocrystalline
state is usually obtained by rapid solidi"cation
In the 1980s, nanocrystalline rare earth inter- techniques and by mechanical alloying. In the for-
metallic compounds were used as a quick tool in mer, the nanostructure is obtained either by crys-
the search of new anisotropic phases for permanent tallizing the precursor amorphous alloy, formed by
magnets by simply crystallizing the amorphous melt-spinning, splat-cooling, and double roller, or
precursor and checking the coercivity of crystalliza- in situ by varying the cooling rate of the process
tion products [42]. In fact, the 2 : 14 : 1 phase was used [49]. In the latter, annealing is always
376 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

Fig. 3. Typical microstructure of nanocrystalline Nd Fe B.

Fig. 2. Crystallization behavior of Nd}Fe}B}Nb ribbons as
seen by DSC.

usually below the single domain particle size which

required to crystallize the amorphous structure for most of the high anisotropy materials is a frac-
produced by mechanical alloying either of the cor- tion of 1 lm (Table 1). Magnetic domain studies
responding single elements or of alloy powders. [51], in fact, showed domain walls clustering
The annealing temperatures are usually higher around the grain boundaries (Fig. 4a), indicating
than the crystallization temperatures in all of the again that each grain is a single domain. In the "ner
materials studied. Fig. 2 shows a typical di!erential grain size ((40 nm) ribbons, besides the large H ,

scanning calorimetry (DSC) run for Nd}Fe}B}Nb an enhanced reduced remanence (m '0.5) is ob-

where the strong exothermic peak indicates the served in isotropic samples. This is usually accom-
onset of crystallization at a temperature close to panied by the presence of large domains (Fig. 4b)
6103C. (For pure Nd Fe B, the temperature is referred to as &interaction domains' [51] (contain-
  ing many nanograins), and is the result of exchange
closer to 5803C.) This is much lower than the usual
annealing temperature for the optimum properties interactions among the spins of adjacent grains
which is in the range of 700}8003C. The reasons for which pull the easy axis away from the grain c-axis
this are that the higher temperature annealing leads leading to larger regions with a net magnetic align-
to a microstructure with an optimum size for mag- ment.
netic hardening, and to the disappearance of
a-Fe(Co) which is usually the "rst product of crys- 2.2. Magnetic properties
The microstructure of single-phase materials is The shape of the hysteresis loop of nanophase
fairly uniform, consisting of randomly oriented magnets is highly sensitive to their microstructure
grains of the hard magnetic phase as shown in [52]. Typical hysteresis loops of melt-spun and
Fig. 3. The c-axis of these phases (compounds) is the heat-treated samples are shown in Fig. 5. In the
easy axis of magnetization. The grain boundaries overquenched state, the sample is amorphous and
are clean and free of other phases [12,13]. This is magnetically soft. The high coercive state is usually
di!erent in o!-stoichiometric alloys where minor achieved either by annealing the overquenched
phases (mostly R-rich) are observed at grain sample, or by varying the speed of the wheel, to
boundaries, especially at triple grain boundary reduce the cooling rate and obtain the typical opti-
junctions [50]. High coercivities can easily be ob- mum microstructure shown before. In the under-
tained with grain sizes below 80 nm. This size is quenched state, the sample contains large grains
G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 377

domain particles. Because of the random distribu-

tion of grain orientations (and domains), a large
high "eld susceptibility is observed, and the satura-
tion magnetization can only be determined by us-
ing the law of approach to saturation [7]. The
reduced remanence m of these samples is close to

0.5 indicating the absence of domain wall motion.
Higher values of m are only observed in samples

with much "ner microstructure due to intergrain
exchange interactions as discussed earlier.

2.3. Magnetic hardening

The "ne and non-uniform microstructure of rib-

bons makes it di$cult to discuss their magneti-
zation reversal in terms of pure pinning and/or
nucleation models [53]. The former has been sug-
gested based on the shape of initial curves and
"eld and temperature dependencies of coercivity
[54,55]. Durst and KronmuK ller [56], on the other
hand, argued in favor of the nucleation model from
their H (¹) data. The hysteresis behavior of these

grains is more characteristic of interacting single-
domain particles where the interactions among the
Fig. 4. (a) Magnetic domains in nanocrystalline Nd Fe B and domains of adjacent grains in#uence their reversal.
(b) interaction domains (ID). Indeed initial magnetization and remanence curve
measurements [57] showed that magnetization re-
versal in the latter grains occurs by #ipping the
moment of a few grains at a time. The magneti-
zation reversal processes in the "ne-grained mag-
nets can be [58] explained better using the random
anisotropy and micromagnetic models discussed in
Section 3.1.4. The interactions are much stronger in
smaller grains (below 20 nm) and this leads to the
&interaction domains'. The coercivity in the latter is
probably controlled by the motion of domain walls
in the &interaction domains'.

Fig. 5. Hysteresis loops of as-spun and heat treated Nd Fe B. 3. Nanocomposite magnets


3.1. Exchange coupled magnets

with low H . However, our recent studies on under-

quenched samples, which were further annealed, Nanocomposite exchange coupled magnets con-
surprisingly showed a much "ner microstructure sisting of a "ne mixture of magnetically hard (to
that led to the highest coercivity observed. provide high coercivity) and soft (to provide high
The loop corresponding to the optimum state magnetization) phases have attracted much atten-
shows an initial curve characteristic of single- tion for potential permanent magnet development.
378 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

The exchange coupling causes the magnetization

vector of the soft phase to align with that of the
hard phase, leading to an m above 0.5 in a crystal-

lographically isotropic structure along with a rea-
sonable coercivity. Because of this, a higher (BH)

would be expected in exchange coupled magnets as
compared to the conventional isotropic uncoupled
magnets. In addition, nanocomposite magnets are
of commercial interest because the costly magnetic
alignment step is not required and the magnets
contain less of the expensive rare earth element. Up
to date, several nanocomposite magnet systems,
including Nd Fe B/Fe B [35], R Fe B/Fe [36,
59}62] R Fe C/Fe (R"Nd, Pr) [63], Sm Fe N /
Fe [38], Sm Fe C /Fe [64] and Sm (Co,Fe) /
(Co,Fe) [65], have been extensively studied. The Fig. 6. Typical hysteresis loops of nanocomposite Nd}Fe}B
usual processing techniques to synthesize bulk magnets.
nanocomposite magnets are melt-spinning [36]
and mechanical alloying [25].
the optimum (BH) . The exchange hardened iso-

3.1.1. Magnetic properties tropic magnets are characterized by smooth hyster-
Nanocomposite magnets have an o!- esis loops with a high value of remanence (m '0.5)

stoichiometric composition, Fe or Co-rich, which despite the large amount of the soft phase (Fig. 6).
usually leads to a two-phase microstructure con- The magnetic properties of various systems are
sisting of magnetically soft a-Fe(Co) and the hard shown in Table 2. In most systems studied the
phase of the system of interest [66,67]. The larger reduced remanence is greater than 0.6. The value of
the amount of the soft phase the higher the magne- reported coercivity depends strongly on the
tization (remanence). This, however, comes at the amount of the hard phase and it is in#uenced by
expense of coercivity that is signi"cantly reduced. both the intrinsic properties of the hard phase and
The proper choice of composition usually leads to the sample microstructure. This is clearly seen in

Table 2
Magnetic properties of nanocomposite magnets

Magnet composition Hard/soft phase M (kG) M /M H (kOe) Ref.

Nd Fe B Nd Fe B/Fe B 12.0 0.7 3.6 [35]
Nd Fe Nb B Nd Fe B/Fe 10.4 0.67 3.8 [36]
Tb Fe Nb B Tb Fe B/Fe 4.2 0.5 1.0 [36]
Dy Fe Nb B Dy Fe B/Fe 4.3 0.5 1.0 [36]
Pr Co Nb B Pr Co B/Co 9.0 0.6 4.3 [36]
Pr Fe B Pr Fe B/Fe 14.2 0.68 4.9 [62]
Pr (Fe Nb ) B Pr Fe B/Fe 12.2 0.69 9.0 [62]
Pr ((Fe Co ) Nb ) B Pr (Fe,Co) B/(Fe,Co) 13.8 0.67 2.1 [62]
Pr ((Fe Co ) Nb ) B Pr (Fe,Co) B/(Fe,Co) 11.2 0.71 6.5 [62]
Sm Fe Cr C Sm Fe C /Fe 8.6 0.57 12.1 [64]
Sm Fe Co Cr C Sm (Fe,Co) C /(Fe,Co) 8.5 0.63 9.7 [64]
Sm Fe N Sm Fe N /Fe 14.0 0.79 3.9 [38]
  6   6
Sm Co Fe Sm (Fe,Co) /(Fe,Co) 15.3 0.78 3.9 [65]
G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 379

Fig. 7. Recoil demagnetization curves in exchange hardened

Nd}Fe}B spring magnets. Fig. 8. E!ect of decoupling of soft and hard phases on the
demagnetization curves.

R Fe Nb B samples with R"Tb or Dy whose

coercivity is much lower (1 kOe) than that of the penetration of the exchange "eld of the higher
melt-spun Nd Fe Nb B samples despite the Curie temperature phase into the adjacent lower
huge anisotropy of the R Fe B (R"Tb, Dy) Curie temperature phase. This leads to an increase
phases [43]. This is attributed to the larger a-Fe of the average e!ective molecular "eld of the latter
grains in these samples because of their higher phase resulting in a spontaneous magnetization at
annealing temperatures necessary to form the hard temperatures above its normal Curie temperature.
R Fe B phase. The exchange coupling is strongly temperature
An interesting property of these magnets is dependent, and because of this, in some systems the
the large degree of reversibility [66,68] in their two phases become decoupled at low temperatures
demagnetization behavior due to exchange coup- [36,74]. This e!ect is more pronounced in
ling, leading to a referral of these magnets as Pr Fe Nb B as shown in Fig. 8. The loop mea-
&spring magnets'. This is shown in Fig. 7 for sured at 300 K has a smooth demagnetization
Nd Fe Nb B where the change in M is very curve, in contrast to the loops measured at lower
small for "elds up to 2.6 kOe. For higher "elds temperatures which contain a shoulder that is more
irreversible rotation takes place leading to a rapid pronounced as the temperature is lowered. The
decrease in M . coercivity of these systems has contributions from

Another interesting behavior of exchange both the 2 : 14 : 1 grains and a-Fe that is hardened
coupled magnets is the enhancement of Curie tem- by the exchange coupling. The 2 : 14 : 1 coercivity,
perature of the hard phase due to the exchange however, is increased rapidly at low temperatures
coupling e!ect. Lewis et al. [69] and Dahlgren et al. because of the drastic increase of the anisotropy
[70] have observed an enhancement in the Curie K of the 2 : 14 : 1 phase. On the other hand, the
temperature of the R Fe B phase in R Fe B/Fe coercivity of exchange hardened a-Fe is increased
nanocomposite magnets. A more signi"cant enhance- slightly leading to the observed shape of the demag-
ment has been observed in the Curie temperature of netization curve (Fig. 8).
the 2 : 17 phase in exchange-coupled melt-spun
nanocomposite Sm (Fe,Co) Cr C /(Fe,Co) mag- 3.1.2. Microstructure-property relationship
nets (273C in Sm Fe Cr C and 1023C in It has been demonstrated by both theoretical
Sm Fe Co Cr C ) as compared to their parent analysis [68], and micromagnetic modeling simula-
cast alloys [71]. The enhancement in Curie temper- tions [75}77], m that the magnetic properties of
ature is believed [72,73] to be the result of the nanocomposite magnets depend strongly on the
380 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

intrinsic magnetic properties of the phases present

and on the microstructure features. Earlier studies
by Kneller and Hawig [68] showed that in such
a microstructure the hard and the soft phase would
be exchange coupled if the sizes of both the soft and
the hard phases are in the order of twice the domain
wall-width of the hard phase, which is less than
10 nm for most hard phases. Fischer et al. [77]
predicted that M and H decrease with increasing
grain size and that the magnetic properties are
degraded by a non-uniform microstructure. There-
fore, it is very important to develop a uniform
microstructure with very "ne soft phase grains,
uniformly distributed in the nanocomposite mag-
nets, in order to obtain optimum coupling. This can
be achieved by optimizing both the composition
and the processing parameters.
The usual way to develop a nanocomposite
structure is to make the alloys into amorphous and
then anneal them to crystallize them into the de-
sired microstructure [24,36]. The microstructure
obtained, however, is not very uniform and the size
of the soft phase tends to be too large for optimum
exchange coupling. Typical microstructure is
shown in Fig. 9a for a Pr Fe B melt-spun and
annealed sample. The average grain size estimated
from TEM micrographs is about 30 nm. But the
microstructure is not homogeneous and several
large a-Fe grains with size up to 50}100 nm can be
clearly seen (marked with arrows in Fig. 9a). In Fig. 9. (a) Typical microstructure of exchange coupled
nanocomposite Pr}Fe}B magnets, (b) e!ect of Nb Substitu-
order to obtain "ner a-Fe grains, additional substi- tions.
tutions M (M"Nb, Zr, Cr etc.) are often used to
hinder the grain growth of a-Fe during crystalliza-
tion [62,78]. As shown in Fig. 9b, a much "ner and with "ne a-Fe grains can be obtained after an
more homogeneous microstructure with an average appropriate annealing. As a result, the magnetic
grain size around 15}20 nm is obtained in Nb sub- properties, m , H and (BH) are improved as com-
stituted Pr (Fe Nb ) B samples without the pared to those of completely amorphous and an-
presence of large a-Fe grains [61,62]. As a result, nealed samples. Lower speed gives larger grains to
the coercivity increases from 4.9 kOe in Pr Fe B both 2 : 14 : 1 and a-Fe, while higher speed leads to
to 9.0 kOe in Pr (Fe Nb ) B . A similar ef- a partially amorphous structure that will result in
fect was reported in Zr substituted Pr Fe B a Pr Fe B/Fe structure with large a-Fe grains
magnets [79]. after crystallization annealing.
Another way to obtain "ner a-Fe grains is to Co substitution for Fe has also been studied
melt-spin the alloys at lower wheel speeds to get the extensively in nanocomposite magnets for improve-
"ne microstructure directly from the melt. For ment of their high-temperature properties. It is
R Fe B/Fe magnets [78] there is an optimum known that the Curie temperature of R Fe B is
wheel speed (about 16.7 m/s for Pr Fe B ) at signi"cantly increased with Co substitution while
which a uniform nanoscale R Fe B/Fe structure the anisotropy "eld is decreased [48]. From the
G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 381

Fig. 11. Crystallization behavior of R Fe Nb B ribbons as

seen by DSC.

squareness and magnetic properties of m "0.7

and H "6.5 kOe have been obtained in the

Pr ((Fe Co ) Nb ) B sample which has
Fig. 10. (a) E!ect of Co and (b) B substitution on the micro-           
a 50% Co substitution for Fe. On the other hand,
structure of Pr}Fe}Co}B magnets.
in Sm Fe C /Fe, Co substitution for Fe is found
to signi"cantly reduce the size of the a-FeCo grains,
leading to a much smoother demagnetization curve
microstructural point of view, Co substitution leads and a higher m [64]. The high-temperature co-

to an increase of both the amount and the average ercivity is also signi"cantly improved by the Co
grain size of a-Fe (Fig. 10a) and the appearance of substitution due to the increase in Curie temper-
a small amount of R (Fe,Co) phase [62]. Thus ature, although the room-temperature coercivity in
the coercivity decreases with Co substitution, e.g., Co substituted samples is slightly lower due to the
from 9.0 kOe in Pr (Fe Nb ) B to 2.1 kOe decrease of the anisotropy "eld.
in Pr ((Fe Co ) Nb ) B . However, it is
further found that increasing the amount of B in 3.1.3. Crystallization behavior
Co-substituted samples helps to form a more ho- The crystallization behavior of a particular alloy
mogeneous and "ner overall microstructure system plays an important role in the microstruc-
and depress the formation of the undesirable ture development. Studies on the crystallization
R (Fe,Co) phases (Fig. 10b) [80]. As a result, the behavior of o!-stoichiometric alloys usually show
coercivity in Co substituted samples can be partly two or three peaks in the DSC and di!erential
recovered by increasing the B content. It is of inter- thermal analysis (DTA) curves (Fig. 11) [81], indic-
est to note that a smooth hysteresis loop with good ating that the transition from amorphous to the
382 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

"nal equilibrium crystalline phases takes place in nucleation "eld would be very low if there was no
2}3 steps. For R Fe B/Fe type magnets, it is exchange coupling between the hard and the soft
found that a-Fe is crystallized "rst and there is phases. It is the exchange coupling that signi"-
always a metastable intermediate phase formed be- cantly increases the nucleation "eld and thus
fore the "nal development of equilibrium R Fe B. preserves a reasonable high coercivity. This e!ect is
The metastable phase in the case of R"Nd or Pr is known as &exchange hardening'. Several authors
characterized to have a BCC Y Fe B type struc- have studied the magnetic hardening in nanocom-
ture and a Curie temperature of about 2003C [81]. posite magnets by using theoretical analysis [68,84]
For R Fe B/Fe with R"Tb or Dy and or micromagnetic modeling simulations [75}77].
Sm Fe C /Fe magnets, a metastable phase with Kneller and Hawig [68] using a one-dimensional
TbCu (disorder hexagonal) structure appears be- model were able to qualitatively explain the greater

fore the "nal equilibrium 2 : 14 : 1 or 2 : 17 phases reversibility in the recoil curves. According to this
are developed, respectively [81,82]. This indicates model the highest coercivity is achieved when the
that the annealing temperature must be high size of the soft phase is twice the domain wall width
enough to obtain the hard phase and the annealing of the hard phase. Skomsky and Coey [84] have
time should be as short as possible to minimize the used an analytical approach to predict the nuclea-
grain growth of the a-Fe. However, in most cases, tion "eld and energy product in nanocomposite
the grain size of the a-Fe is found still too large magnets. According to their calculations the nu-
even under the optimum annealing condition and cleation "eld reaches a plateau when the diameter
that additional substitutions like Nb, Zr, or Cr of the soft inclusion in the hard matrix reaches the
have to be used to get "ner a-Fe grains as explained Bloch wall width of the hard phase. Fischer et al.
before. [77] and Schre# et al. [85] have found by using
micromagnetic simulations that exchange interac-
3.1.4. Magnetic hardening tions between the phases suppress the nucleation of
The coercivity of hard magnets can be generally reversed domains and thus preserve a high coerciv-
written as [83] ity. They also predicted that M and H decrease
with increasing grain size and that the magnetic
H "(2K /k M )a !N M , (1)
!    )   properties are degraded by a non-uniform micro-
where K and M are the anisotropy and the satu- structure, which agrees well with the experimental
ration magnetization of the material and a and results [36,62,78,79]. All of these studies have
N are microstructure-dependent parameters shown that the coercivity of nanocomposite mag-

which describe the e!ect of the microstructure on nets depends strongly on the anisotropy "eld of the
the crystal "eld and the local internal dipolar "eld. hard phases and on the grain size of the soft phase
The "rst term represents the modi"ed magnetoc- which should be of the order of the domain wall
rystalline "eld due to inhomogeneities (grain width of the hard phase.
boundaries, second phase, impurities, voids, dislo-
cations, etc.) in the real microstructure and the 3.2. Precipitation hardened 2 : 17 magnets
second term the demagnetization "eld due to the
irregular shape of the grains. These magnets consist of a "ne mixture of 1 : 5
The magnetization reversal process in nanocom- and 2 : 17 [86] phases. SmCo has a hexagonal

posite magnets is more complicated due to the structure with a"0.5 nm and c"0.4 nm. Many of
coexistence of the hard and the soft phase which are the other intermetallic compounds can be derived
exchange coupled. The overall anisotropy constant from the 1 : 5 by replacing a fraction of rare earth
is reduced by the soft phase, which may be taken atoms with a pair of transition metals (known as
into account by replacing a with a "a a where dumb bells) [87]. The Sm Co structure with
) ) )   
a is related to exchange coupling. Generally a"0.840 nm and c"1.217 nm is obtained by the

speaking, the coercivity is controlled by the nuclea- replacement of one-third of the Sm atoms with
tion of the reversed domains in the soft phase. This a pair of Co atoms. Whether the rhombohedral or
G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 383

Table 3
Magnetic properties of commercial magnets

Magnet Alnico 5}7 Alnico 9 Cast Ferrite RCo R T R T B

B (G) 13 500 10 600 4100 9500 10 900 12 000

H (kOe) 0.75 1.55 2.9 15 7 '12

(BH) (MGOe) 7.5 9.2 4 22 28 35

¹  (3C) 520 520 400 250 300 150

!a (%/3C) 0.02 0.02 0.2 0.045 0.030 0.1
!b (%/3C) 0.27 0.40 0.2 0.60
¹ (3C) 900 860 450 700 800 310

hexagonal modi"cation of 2 : 17 is obtained de- phases [92]. In 1977, Ojima et al. [93] made the
pends on whether this replacement occurs such that important discovery that additional small substitu-
the resulting stacking sequence is of the AB- tions of Co with Zr (or Hf [94], Ti) allow a greater
CABC2or ABAB2type, respectively. Fe content in the magnet without the formation of
Rare earth cobalt permanent magnets have large Fe}Co phases, leading to energy products (BH)

energy products, which originate from their high exceeding 30 MGOe in o!-stoichiometric
magnetocrystalline anisotropy [88] which is pre- Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr) magnets with 6.8)Z)7.4 re-
dominately due to the rare earth sublattice, because ferred to as R T in Table 3.
of the non-uniform charge distribution in the 4f
shell. In the SmCo magnet, the anisotropy "eld 3.2.1. Magnetic properties

exceeds 300 kOe and the coercivities produced are The 2 : 17 precipitation hardened magnets have
greater than 30 kOe. However, its lower magnetiz- an initial magnetization curve which is distinctly
ation limits the energy product to only 25 MGOe di!erent from those of other magnets [40]. The
(Table 3). The anisotropy "elds are weaker in virgin curve of low H magnets is typical of &uni-

Sm Co , but its higher magnetization leads to form domain wall pinning' (inside the grains) with
higher energy products above 30 MGOe. the magnetization slowly increasing until a critical
The development of 2 : 17 permanent magnets "eld (which is close to H ) beyond which it drasti-

was the result of intense research in the late 1960s cally increases to saturation (Fig. 12). The virgin
and 1970s. It was "rst found that partial substitu- curve of higher H magnets shows a larger increase

tion of Co with Cu causes the formation of precipi- at low "elds but not as much as that observed in
tates [89], which were found to pin the domain SmCo and Nd Fe B magnets. This behavior in-
walls and lead to high H (precipitation hardening). dicates a non-uniform domain wall pinning with an

Other studies [90] showed that the magnetization additional contribution from localized pinning at
can be further increased by partial substitution of grain boundaries.
Co with Fe, which also stabilizes the c-axis anisot- Our latest studies [95,96] on the development of
ropy. (This substitution is possible in the 2 : 17 magnets with high operating temperatures showed
system but not in the 1 : 5 system because the that large coercivities can be obtained in
SmFe phase does not exist.) However, at higher Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr) over a range of Z values from
concentrations, Fe (which substitutes at the dumb Z"5.5}9.1. The best high temperature properties
bell sites) tends to destabilize the 2 : 17 structure are obtained on the lower Z magnets as shown in
upon cooling through the Curie temperature be- Fig. 13. The temperature dependence of coercivity
cause of strong negative exchange interactions [91] is also found to be very sensitive on the amount of
(due to the small Fe}Fe spacing at the dumb bell Cu in the magnet and on the size of cellular micro-
sites), and this leads to the formation of soft Fe}Co structure.
384 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

Fig. 14. Cellular microstructure in 2 : 17 magnets.

Fig. 12. Initial magnetization curves and "eld dependence of
coerecivity in nucleation and pinning-type magnets.

Fig. 13. Temperature dependence of coercivity in

Fig. 15. Superposition of cellular and lamellar microstructure.
Sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr) magnets with di!erent Z.

3.2.2. Microstructure * magnetic domains ercivity. The cells (&50 nm) have the 2 : 17
The hard magnetic properties of the precipita- rhombohedral structure, and they are surrounded
tion-hardened 2 : 17 magnets can be achieved only by thin (4}10 nm) coherent walls with the 1 : 5
[40] through a series of complex heat treatments. hexagonal structure. In the higher coercivity 2 : 17
The sintered samples are "rst solution heat-treated magnets [13], the cells are apparently much coarser
at &12003C and then quenched to room temper- (&100 nm) (Fig. 14), and thin lamellae (&3.0 nm)
ature. The high coercivities are developed after an are superimposed on the cellular microstructure
aging heat treatment in the temperature range of (Fig. 15). According to Rabenberg [101], the lamel-
800}8503C followed by a slow cooling to 4003C (or lae have the 1 : 3 rare earth structure and lie along
step aging to 4003C) and then quenching to room (0 0 0 1) planes. On the other hand, Fidler et al.
temperature. Transmission electron microscope [102] claimed a 2 : 17 hexagonal structure for the
studies [13,97}100] reveal a "ne cellular micro- lamellae. The cell boundaries are found to be rich
structure in the 2 : 17 magnets with lower co- in Cu while Zr concentrates in the thin lamellae
G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 385

Fig. 16. Room temperature hysteresis loops at di!erent aging

temperature in a commercial 2 : 17 magnet.
Fig. 17. Magnetic domains in 2 : 17 magnets.

(referred to as the Z-phase). The 2 : 17 rhombohed-

ral cells are enriched in Fe. The cellular and lamel-
lar microstructures develop during the&800}8503C
heat treatment and do not change in the sub-
sequent cooling [103]. This is in contrast to the
magnetic properties, which change drastically dur-
ing the latter heat treatment (Fig. 16). However,
energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS) studies sug-
gested a di!usion of the various elements during
cooling with an increase in the Cu content of the
cell boundaries. Such an increase in Cu causes
a dilution of the magnetic properties of the 1 : 5
phase and leads to domain wall pinning at the cell
boundary [104].
Lorentz microscope studies [99] show the pres-
ence of magnetic domains which appear to be
smaller (4000 As wide) in the higher H materials

and are not a!ected by the presence of lamellae
(Fig. 17). The wavy nature of the domain walls does
not change after the application of a magnetic "eld,
indicating that they are pinned at the 1 : 5 cell
Our latest studies on high temperature 2 : 17
magnets showed that the microstructure is very
sensitive on both the Z value and the amount of Cu
on the magnet. Lower Z values and higher amounts
of Cu lead to a much "ner microstructure as shown
in Fig. 18. This microstructure causes a smaller
temperature dependence of coercivity provided the
right amount of Cu is used. In fact, Cu controls Fig. 18. E!ect of Cu content on cellular microstructure in sam-
both the magnitude and temperature dependence ples with Z"7.0.
386 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

of coercivity, from large negative b (b"dH /d¹) to with size below 10 nm [110}112]. This size is close

a much smaller negative b to a positive b [95]. This to the superparamagnetic limit of existing materials
behavior can be explained by the fact that Cu is which makes them unsuitable for this application.
concentrated on the SmCo Cu cell boundaries Therefore, materials with high magnetocrystalline
\6 6
thus in#uencing the magnetic properties of the 1 : 5 anisotropy are needed to avoid thermal #uctu-
phase, which then interacts strongly with the do- ations and demagnetizing "elds that tend to de-
main walls to lead to the observed high coercivity. stabilize the magnetization of the recorded bits
[106}108]. Current studies have been focused on
3.2.3. Magnetic hardening nanocrystalline rare earth compounds [5,26] and
A number of magnetic hardening models have CoPt and FePt [27,28] because of their high an-
been proposed to explain the coercivity of these isotropy which are expected to have coercivities
magnets. A rough estimate of the coercivity can be greater than 2 kOe. We have recently started a pro-
obtained by considering the gradient in domain gram to obtain nanocomposite X/> "lms consist-
wall energy that exists across the cell boundaries ing of magnetically hard nanoparticles of X"
using the expression [105] H "(1/2M ) *c /d CoPt (FePt), rare earth intermetallic compounds,
where d is the domain wall thickness and *c the in a non-magnetic matrix >"Ag, C, W.
di!erence in domain wall energy across the cell The granular structure is obtained by "rst de-
boundary. Fidler et al. [106] used a di!erent ap- positing X/> "lms in a multilayer form (consisting
proach taking into account the magnetoelastic of 100 repetitions) and subsequently annealing the
coupling energy between magnetostrictive stresses samples in the temperature range of 500}8003C to
of domain walls and lattice deformation strains and form the desired phase as nanophase particles. The
obtained good agreement with the observed co- "lms were prepared by magnetron sputtering de-
ercivities. Paul [107] has treated the case of a 1803 position from two 2 targets of X and >. The base
domain wall interacting with planar defect and pressure of the chamber was 3;10\ Torr and
explained the observed coercivity in these magnets high purity Ar was used for deposition at ambient
as a function of defect size and the intrinsic proper- temperature with a pressure of 5 mTorr. In this
ties (A, K, M ) of the matrix and defect. section we present some preliminary results on

Monte Carlo simulations [109] were recently these materials.
performed on a simpli"ed model for the 2 : 17 mag-
nets to understand how the domain walls are de- 3.3.1. CoPt}FePt nanoparticles in Ag(C) matrices
pinned by a "eld at high temperatures. For large Co}Pt and Fe}Pt alloys with composition close
"elds, the domain walls are depinned from the cell to equiatomic have been studied extensively in the
boundaries. The depinning process begins with past, as possible candidates for permanent magnets
a kink occurring in the wall at the corner where the [113,114], because of the large value of magnetoc-
horizontal domain walls intersect the grain bound- rystalline anisotropy of the ordered face centered
aries. Physically, this idea is very reasonable. If one tetragonal (FCT) phase, resulting in coercivities
wants to move a carpet across a room, it is easier to greater than 5 kOe. These alloys usually undergo
create a rumple (corresponding to the kink) in the a phase transformation at below 8003C from a dis-
carpet and move the rumple across the room. This ordered face centered cubic (FCC) phase at high
suggests that if the grains are longer, or if the temperatures to the ordered FCT phase at lower
corners are eliminated, the coercivity will be in- temperatures. Recently FePt and CoPt "lms have
creased. received considerable attention for magnetic re-
cording and magneto-optical recording applica-
3.3. Granular xlms with high anisotropy materials tions [27]. Granular CoPt/C "lms consisting of
Co-rich hexagonal Co}Pt particles in a C matrix
The drive for higher magnetic recording density have been reported by Delaunay et al. [115].
with a low system noise impose the need for a me- However, the "lms had a low coercivity because of
dium consisting of magnetically isolated grains the lower anisotropy of the hexagonal Co-rich
G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 387

Fig. 19. Development of coercivity with annealing temperature

and time in CoPt/Ag.

phase. We have recently prepared nanocomposite

CoPt/Ag(C) and FePt/Ag(C) "lms consisting of the
highly anisotropic tetragonal CoPt (FePt) phase
with coercivities in the range of 2}9 kOe [28].
All the as-deposited "lms are magnetically soft
with H (100 Oe. Upon annealing and subsequent

transformation to the FCT structure, the samples Fig. 20. Typical hysteresis loops in CoPt/C samples aged at
become magnetically hard (Fig. 19). In the initial di!erent temperatures and times.
stages of ordering the coercivity is a few hundred
Oe but it increases drastically with subsequent an-
nealing reaching values beyond 15 kOe. The max-
imum value was found to depend on the layer
thickness with the highest value (17 kOe) obtained
in thicker layer samples (t "2 nm/t "2 nm)
(Fig. 19). Also the optimum annealing times are
much shorter at higher annealing temperatures as
expected. Fig. 20 shows typical hysteresis loops
obtained on a sample annealed at di!erent temper-
atures. Prolonged annealing leads to the develop-
ment of a shoulder in the demagnetization curve.
Values of reduced remanence, m found from the

hysteresis loop data (with values of M determined

from the law of approach to saturation) are in the
range 0.62}0.85 with the larger values obtained in
Fig. 21. Typical microstructures in CoPt/C samples.
underaged samples. Transmission electron micro-
scope studies showed face centered tetragonal
(FCT) CoPt nanoparticles embedded in a Ag (car- For most of the samples studied the size of the
bon) matrix (Fig. 21). The size of the particles in- CoPt particles is well below the single domain size
creases from 5 nm in the as-made state to 7}12 nm of the FCT-CoPt phase which is around 0.6 lm,
in the optimally annealed state. so magnetization reversal should be based on a
388 G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391

coherent rotation mechanism. For coherent rota-

tion in an assembly of randomly distributed non-
interacting particles with uniaxial anisotropy K the
coercivity is given by H "0.96K/M [29]. This
would lead to an H &80 kOe if the bulk value of

K&4.9;10 erg/cm is used. The values of the
measured coercivity are smaller by one order of
magnitude. This large discrepancy may be due to
several factors. One could attribute this to the size
dependence of coercivity, which for an assembly of
randomly orientated non-interacting particles will
be [116]

0.96K <  
H" 1!  , (2)
 M <
 Fig. 22. Typical microstructure in SmCo /W "lms.

where < is the critical volume for superparamag-

netism, estimated by K< "25k¹. The bulk value
 from 5 to 35 nm for both. The total "lm thickness
K gives a volume as small as < "21 nm which
 was kept around 1 lm. All "lms were covered by
corresponds to a particle size of 2.5 nm. The TEM
studies show a particle size in the range 7}26 nm a 100 nm layer of = for protection.
which would account only for a reduction of co- Magnetic measurements on the as-made "lms
ercivity around 20%. Another possibility for the showed an amorphous-type behavior. The coerciv-
explanation of this discrepancy is the consideration ity, at room temperature, did not exceed 50 Oe. The
of the interaction e!ects, which are expected to lead "lms were annealed at various temperatures
to remanence enhancement accompanied by reduc- ranging from 500 to 9003C at di!erent annealing
tion of the coercivity [117]. However, for interac- times (5}50 min) in a vacuum with base pressure
tions related to m "0.78 the expected reduction of better than 1;10\ Torr. This process resulted in the
 breaking of the multilayer structure and led to nano-
coercivity is around 10% [118]. Therefore, interac-
tion e!ects cannot explain the large di!erence that particles of magnetically hard SmCo (Nd Fe B)
is observed even in samples with isolated grains. phases embedded in a = matrix (Fig. 22).
The large discrepancy may be related to the fact Preliminary results show that at low annealing
that for the relatively short annealing times which temperatures (up to 6003C) the hysteresis loop was
are used to optimize the microstructure, the order- quite square with coercivities between 1 and 6 kOe
ing of the FCT phase is not complete. The splitting (Fig. 23). At higher annealing temperatures
of the (0 0 2)}(2 0 0) re#ections in the XRD patterns ('7003C) a shoulder appears on the demagnetizing
corresponds to a ratio c/a"0.99 compared to the curve which may be due to the development of
bulk value of c/a"0.97 and consequently anisot- a second soft phase. For these "lms typical values of
ropy is expected to be lower than that of the bulk H were between 10 and 20 kOe for these "lms.

value. Furthermore a reduced K would give a lower
< and lead to an enhanced size dependence ac-

cording to Eq. (2). 4. Projections

3.3.2. SmCo5(Nd2Fe14B) nanoparticles in a W matrix Research in nanophase hard magnetic materials

The "lms were deposited onto (1 0 0)Si wafers, is expected to continue with greater intensity due to
with a naturally grown oxide layer on the surface, in their importance in science and technology. From
a multilayer form consisting of SmCo (Nd Fe B) the fundamental point of view, research will be
and = layers. The bilayer thickness was varied focused on size and surface/interface e!ects in
G.C. Hadjipanayis / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 200 (1999) 373}391 389

In nanocomposite materials, e!orts should be

directed at optimizing the microstructure and ob-
taining a "ne and uniform distribution of exchange
coupled soft and hard phases with a smaller size in
the soft phase. Also, for future applications, one
needs to obtain this microstructure in bulk. The
mechanical properties of nanophase magnets are
also expected to be much better than those of
classical sintered magnets which are very brittle.
However, new processing techniques must be found
to develop bulk anisotropic magnets with the
nanograin structure.

Fig. 23. Typical hysteresis loop of SmCo /W thin "lm after

Work supported by MURI, DOE and NSF.
I would like to thank Dr. Zhongmin Chen and Joe
C. Christodoulides for their help in this article and
isolated and compacted nanoparticles/nanograins Dr. Niarchos's group at &Demokritos' National Re-
of materials with high anisotropy, including the search Lab in Athens, Greece for their collabora-
rare earth intermetallic compounds. In such tion on CoPt/Ag(C) "lms.
nanoparticles (nanograins), the surface atoms con-
stitute most of the particles and the broken sym-
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