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~ Solzd State Comanunzcatlons, Vol.50,No 6, pp.497-499, 1984 0038-1098/84 $3.

00 + 00
Prlnted zn Great Brltaln. Pergamon Press Ltd


D. G1vord +, H.S Lz + and J.M. Moreau*

+Laboratozre Louzs N~el, C.N.R.S , 166X, 38042 Grenoble-c~dex, Prance

*Laboratozre de Structure de la Matz~re, Unzverszt~ de Savoze,

9, rue de l'Arc-en-Czel, 74019 Annecy-le-V1eux, Prance

(Neceived 16 February 1984 by E.F. Bertaut}

Outstandlng permanent magnet propertzes have recently been reported to

occur zn ternary compound Nd-Fe-B I . The tetragonal crystallographlc
structure of thls compound Nd2FeI4B zs determzned (space group P42/mran) .
This structure zs related to the hexagonal CaCu5-type structure whzch
is the fundamental basis for the crystal structure of many rare earth-
transztlon metal compounds.

Des proprz~t~s d'almant permanent exceptzonnelles ont ~t~ r~cemment

observ~es dans un compos~ ternazre Nd-Fe-BI. La structure crzstallogra-
phzque de ce eompos~, Nd2FeI4B, de sym~trze quadratlque a ~t~ d~termz-
n~e (groupe d'espace P42/mnm) Cette structure est relz~e ~ la struc-
ture hexagonale de type CaCu5 quz est la base fondamentale de la
structure crzstallographzque de nombreux compos~s terre rare-m~taux de

Introductlon compounds would be very meanzngful We report

the atomzc structure of thzs compound whose
The magnetzc behav~ours, observed zn rare composztzon zs determlned to be Nd2FeI4B
earth-transltzon metal-rzch compounds, are the
basis for the understandzng of the outstandzng Experlmental
permanent magnet propertzes encountered zn
SmCo 5 and Sm(Co-Fe) 7 alloys. In these systems, The alloys were prepared from commerczally
the large 3d magnetzc znteractzons determzne avazlable elements of hzgh purzty (Nd 99.9 %,
orderzng temperatures well above room tempera- Fe : 99.99 %, B : 99.99 %). Samples were
ture. The magnetzc couplzng, between transztzon obtazned by znduction meltzng in a so-called
metal and rare-earth atoms, allows the large cold cruclble. Small crystals were observed to
anlsotropy, cbmracterlstlc of 4f ions, to grow zn shrznkage cavztzes obtazned after slow
perslst at room temperature. Most of these coollng of the melt under vacuum. A crystal
binary alloys crystallzze zn structures whzch wzth approxlmately the shape of a sphere of
are derzved from the CaCus-type structure. It 0.3 mm dzameter was zsolated Laue photographs
turns out that very generally Co atoms exhlbzt revealed the tetragonal symmetry
unzaxzal anzsotropy whereas Fe atoms have Single crystal zntenszties were measured
basal plane anzsotropy. S1mzlarly, rare-earth wlth gra~hlte monocnromated Mo K~ (~ =
ions for whzch the Stevens ~ coeffzclent zs 0.71069 ~) radzatlon on a CAD-4 ENRAF-NONIUS
posztlve (Sm,...), have unlaxlal anzsotropy, dzffractometer zn the @/2@ scan mode , accurate
unlzke zons for which ~ zs negatzve (Pr, Nd,..), cell dlmenslons determzned by leastTsquares
wnere the anzsotropy favours the basal plane analyszs of 25 0 values (a = 8.792 A,
These characterzstzc propertzes explazn that, c = 12 190 A). Three standard reflectzons were
despzte numerous attempts, Sm and Co are monztored at zntervals of 3600 s wzth zntenszty
necessary baszc elements zn order to obtazn varzatzon durzng the data collectzon < 1 % .
permanent magnet propertzes zn thzs famzly of Intensztzes of 1153 zD~ependent reflectzons, to
alloys. Yet, it would be very attractzve to a izmzt of @ = 35 °, were measured and corrected
substztute Pr or Nd to Sm whose magnetzc for background, Lorentz and polarzzatzon fac-
moment zs fazrly small and Fe to Co whzch zs tors wzth the program START 2. Systematzc
very expenslve. Thzs zs preczsely what achzeved extznctzon (0kl k+l = 2n) revealed the space
recently Sagawa et al I . In the ternary system group to be P42/mnm zf centrosymmetric, the
Nd-Fe-B, they observed a quadratzc phase zn crystal structure was solved by dzrect methods
whzch both Nd and Fe atoms exhzbzt unzaxzal wzth the program MULTAN 3. The posltzons of the
anzsotropy. Permanent magnets wzth energy Nd, Fe and B atoms were revealed from E map
product as hzgh as 38 MGOe were obtazned by and dzfference Fourzer maps. The szngle crystal
powder metallurgy. For a better understandzng bezng a p p r o x m a t e l y spherzcal, spherical
of the above magnetic propertzes, the knowledge absorptzon correctlons (SAC) were applzed wzth
of the exact crystal structure of these new ~R = 4.5 (31.1 < SAC < 122.). Full matrzx


least-squares refznement of posztzonal and Table I

zsotropzc thermal parameters converged after a
few cycles uszng F values of 874 reflectzons Posztzonal parameters and standard devlatlons
wzth I > 3~ (I) (Rw = 0.098) There was a zero
shzft/error in the fznal least-squares cycle.
All calculatzons were performed on a PDP 11/23 Atom szte x y z
computer uszng the SDP program system2 Atomzc
posztzons are izsted zn Table I, znteratomzc Nd I 4f 0.3572(3) 0.3572(3) 0.000
dzstances are zn Table 2 The chemzcal compo-
sztlon deduced from the refznement zs Nd2FeI4B. Nd 2 4g 0.7698 0.2302(3) 0.000
The calculated denszty zs 7.62 g/cm 3 zn Fe I 4e 0.000 0.000 0 116 (I)
excellent agreement wzth dzrect measurement on
large szngle crystals Fe 2 4c 0.000 0.500 0.000
Fe 3 83 0 0978(5) 0.0978(5) 0.2942(9)
Fe 4 8] 0.3184(5) 0.3184(5) 0.255 (I)
Fe 5 16k 0.5670(5) 0.2245(5) 0.3735(6)
A schematzc representatzon of the crystal- Fe 6 16k 0.1397(5) 0.5370(4) 0.1759(8)
lographzc structure zn z = I/2 zs presented on
B 4f 0.124 (8) 0.124 (8) 0.000
Fzgure I. Nd atoms form alternate arrangements
of large and small nearly regular rhombus zn
z = 0 and z = I/2. In z ~ 0 13, 0.37, 0.63 and Table 2
0.87, Fe atoms are arranged in an almost planar o

net of slzghtly deformed hexagones and Interatomzc dlstances zn Nd2Fel4 B (zn A).
trzangles The planar arrangements zn z = 0.13
and 0.87 are superzmposed, as well as those zn Nd I = INd I 3.552 Fe 4 = INd. 3.143
0.37 and 0.63. The arrangement zn z = 0.13 can 2Nd 2 3 795 INd~ 3.049
be deduced by a rotatlon of 30 ° from that zn 2Fe 2 3 382 IFe I 2.754
z = 0.37 In z = 0 25 and 0.75, the Fe 4 atoms 4Fe 3 3.306 2Fe 3 2.633
are practzcally superlmposed to Nd atoms zn 2Fe 4 3.143 lFe 3 2,784
z = 0 and 0.5 Fe 2 atoms are at the center of a 4Fe 5 3 066 2Fe 5 2.748
double trzgonal przsm. Fznally the boron atoms 4Fe 6 3.279 2Fe 5 2.734
are approxnnately at I/3 and 2/3 along the IB 2 894 2Fe 6 2.640
dzagonal of the large Nd rhombus. 2Fe 6 2.662
Conszderzng the large rhombus of Nd atoms
(Fzgure I) the slmzlarlty wzth the CaCu5-type Nd 2 = 2Nd I 3.795 Fe 5 = INd. 3.066
structure zn whzch crystallzze RCo 5 and RNz 5 2Fe I 3 192 lNd~ 3.060
compounds is very strzkzng The Nd-Nd znter- 2Fe 2 3.118 1Fe 1 2.496
atomzc dzstance reaches 5.2 ~ to be compared to 2Fe 3 3. 296 IFe 2 2.573
5 A in NdCo 5 Boron atoms occupy the same 2Fe 4 3. 049 IFe 3 2.587
posztlon zn the rhombus of R atoms as zn 4Fe 5 3.060 IFe 4 2.734
RCo3B24 and related compounds, they replace Co 4Fe 6 3 069 IFe 4 2.748
atoms of the szte 2c zn RCo 5 The Fe atoms zn 2B 3 254 IFe 5 2.592
z = 0.37 and 0.63 form s lmllar hexagonal prlsms IFe 6 2.527
as transztzon metal atoms of the szte 3g zn Fe I = 2Nd 2 3 192 IFe 6 2.462
RCo 5 compounds The center of these prlsms zs IFe I 2.826 IFe 6 2.536
occupzed by Nd atoms. It can be conszdered that 2Fe 3 2.491 IB 2.096
Fe 4 atoms zn z = 0 25 and 0.75 are substztuted 2Fe 4 2.754
to Nd atoms zn the RCo 5 structure These Fe 4 4Fe 5 2 496 Fe 6 = 1 Nd. 3.279
atoms are at the center of a hexagonal antz- 2B 2 095 1 Nd~ 3 069
przsm Such a polynedron is smaller than the IFe 2 2.492
regular hexagonal przsm observed around the Fe 2 = 2Nd 1 3.382 IFe 3 2.396
bzgger Nd atoms. 2Nd 2 3.118 IFe 4 2.662
In concluszon, the tetragonal structure of 4F e 5 2.573 IFe 4 2.640
thzs new ternary compounds Nd2Fel4 B zs closely 4Fe 6 2 492 IFe 5 2.527
related to the CaCu5-type structure Yet, the IFe 5 2.462
easy dzrect~on of magnetzzatzon zs along the Fe 3 = 2Nd 1 3.306 IFe 5 2 536
c-axzs unlzke the other blnary compounds where 1Nd 2 3 296 IFe 6 2.542
sd exhzbzts planar anlsotropy. Thzs behavzour IFe 1 2.491 2F e 6 2.549
whzch zs essentzal for tne permanent magnet IFe 3 2.433
propertzes observed zn Nd2Fel4 B must be 2F e 4 2.633 B = INd I 2.894
attrzbuted to the change zn envzronment of Nd IFe 4 2 784 2Nd 2 3.254
atoms whzch results from the substztutzon of Fe 2Fe 5 2.587 2Fe 1 2 095
atoms to half the Nd ones 2Fe 6 2.396 4Fe 5 2.096

F1$ure l : Schematlc representatlon of the

crystal structure of Nd2FeI4B. Nd atoms, B
atoms and Fe 2 atoms are at z = I/2. For all the
other Fe atoms, there is one atom above and one
atom below the plane z = 1/2 whlch appear at
the same posltlon on the flgure. The assoclated
couples of z values are iD~icated in unit of c.
A same couple holds for all atoms of the same
slte and is indlcated only once for clarlty
The square, in heavy llne, represents the unlt
cell of the quadratlc structure. The rhombus,
In heavy llne, schematlzes the unlt cell of the
CaCu5-type structure.


I. M. Sagawa, S. Fu31mura, M. Togawa, G. Germaln, J.P. Declercq and M.M. Woolfsen,

H. Yamamoto and Y. Matsuura, J. Appl. Phys. Multan 80, Unlv of York, England and
March 1984 (to appear). Louvaln, Belglum (]980)
2. B.A. Frenz, Structure determlnatlon package, 4. Y.B. Kuz'ma and N S. B11onlshko,
Enraf-Nonlus, Delft, Holland (1983). Krlstallograflya, 18, 710 (]973)
3. P. Maln, S. Flske, S.E. Hull, L Lesslnger,

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