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Graduate School


Name: Jewen L. Alimen Course: MAE – English Language Education

Proposed Title No. 1

Development of Strategic Intervention Material for Grammar Topics

of Grade 8 Students

Reason(s)/Justification(s) in Choosing the Topic:

Some educators have questioned whether grammar needs to be taught. For
example, Krashen believes that if the input is understood and there is enough of it, the
necessary grammar will unconsciously be acquired, much as the young children learn
the grammar of their native language. However, while some learners may be capable
of learning a language completely on their own, this is not true of many learners (most
specially in Philippine setting) if their time or exposure is limited to the classroom.
Besides, we should not expect our learners to learn Second Language (L2) as their did
in First Language (L1). Furthermore, White (2007) made that point that the positive
evidence (input to the language learners) is not always sufficient for learners to
analyze complex grammatical features.
The approach of grammar teaching in second language has been a vital issue
nowadays. Today, in the line of K-12, grammar instruction is being taught as a gland
in main literary topics. The importance of learning grammar has been drastically
decreased. As a result, learning grammar is not fully acquired by the learners so
teachers must provide remediation program in order to sustain quality education.
Making a meaningful Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) is a helpful tool for
language teachers to make sure that learning the second language is acquired.
Since Research is the basis of a fundamental support of our teaching, and a
basis of our support to our community, creating an intervention material suitable for
the learners is crucial most specially in grammar topics. In accordance to the core
guideline of production of material, it said that a material should match students’
needs, interest, and abilities. Hence, creating an interesting material by integrating the
context in subjects across the curriculum is the target of the researcher.
Being an English teacher at Meycauayan National High School, I became
interested in the remediation of learning grammar because it is one of the bases of
learning the second language. Most of the teachers are neglecting the importance of
remediation and producing material, so this research is being pursued.

Expected Contribution to the Growth of Knowledge in ____________.

Proposed Title No. 2

Language Teachers’ Practices, Perception, and Difficulties Regarding Listening

Comprehension Strategies of Division of Meycauayan City
Listening is a demanding skill for language many language learner, and it is also a
skill that many teachers find challenging to teach. Siegel (2014) said that despite the
importance of listening, aural abilities are often taken for granted, and many people
overlook their dependency on listening complexities that combine this multi-faceted
skill. When second language (L2) students are learning their new language, listening is
crucial as it provides access to oral input and facilitates social interaction. Listening
should not be taken for granted. Myths, legends, folktales, and stories for
entertainment survived only because audiences were eager to listen.
As the researcher observes in public school setting, teaching listening is neglected
duty. Even the modules prepared by Department of Education are lack in highlighting
the skill in learners’ listening ability. The challenges facing learners and teachers are
due partly to a lack of understanding of what listening entails and how comprehension
is achieved. It is a duty of language teachers to develop students’ listening skills
because learners nowadays are not proficient in listening because they don’t know
how to listen at the first place. Today, teaching listening is just by recording or
dictating a text and then the teachers ask students to choose correct answers to
accompany listening comprehension questions. It seems that there is no deep
intervention in aiding this.

This is why this topic is proposed. The researcher wants to scrutinize the present
practices and mind set of the language teachers regarding teaching listening. It serves
as a walkthrough about the current situation in second language teaching therefore it is
easy to give a proper training or workshop to intensify listening comprehension. The
researcher desires to distinguish the difficulties experience by the teacher

This study aims to explore the extent to which listening strategies are incorporated into
teaching listening. The perception and difficulties experienced by the language
teachers toward teaching listening will be explored and will be surveyed.
Expected Contribution to the Growth of Knowledge
This study will help in dealing with effective teaching strategies.
It will show the extent on what kind of materials should the curriculum developers in
their preparatory programs.
School administrators will gain insights from the targets respondents that will be
revealed by the study by being able to see the perceptions, practices, and difficulties of
teachers in the Division of Meycauayan. Furthermore, programs administrators will
understand the difficulties that the teachers encounter in L2 listening comprehension
This proposed topic will benefit students in general. Results of this study will aid
learners not only the words used in the discussion but their emphasis to more complex
meaning to make them a holistic learner.

List of Related Literature and Related Studies Consulted:

 Guan Yi. “The effects of Explicit Listening Strategy Instruction on the

Listening Comprehension of English as Second Language (ESL) Community
College Students” (2014). Doctoral Dissertations.
 De Brito Juary. “The effects of Listening Comprehension on English Language
Learners Writing Performance while Taking Notes” (2015).Brigewater State
University Master’s Thesis
 Siregar Nurhafni. “An Investigation of Classroom Practices in Teaching and
Listening Comprehension at English Education Program” (2017). Australian
International Academic Centre. Article.
 Abdalhamid Fouad. “Listening Comprehension Strategies of Arabic-Speaking
ESL Learners”(2012). Master’s Thesis.

Proposed Title No. 3

Language Proficiency and Teaching Performance of Language and Non-

Language Teachers of Division of Meycauayan City

English language teaching requires both cognitive knowledge of the English grammar
and oral communication competence necessary in delivering information in honing the
skills of students in language classrooms. Language teachers, who generally non-
native English speakers, are facing the challenge of knowing the language and being
able to express themselves fluently and accurately in their classes.

Teachers’ language proficiency is always an issue for the teachers whose medium of
instruction is English. As English language teachers, we need a certain level of
proficiency in the language to teach it so we can serve as models for our students, and
provide them with valuable language input that can help them learn (Karas 2017).
Proficiency is about performance – it is being able to perform in the language as the
situation demands in the classroom – to conduct lessons in the target language.
Teachers’ ability to conduct a lesson in the target language, their ability to
communicate with colleagues in the target language are essential in the teaching

This research is being pursued because there is a logical problem of language learning
may be caused by messy and fragmentary input. With this case, the researcher wanted
to measure the language proficiency of language teachers and teachers whose medium
of instruction is English. Further, one of the most pertinent theories informing this
proposal is that of Krashen who found that the essential ingredient for L2 acquisition
is comprehensible input through teachers’ way of exposure.

Various studies reveal that the quality of education in the Philippines is continuously
declining. Not only in the elementary level but to the high school and college levels.

The researcher believes that the exposure should be extended to the actual language
hours. Expose in the second language should be eminent up to the other subjects so
language proficiency of those teachers must be examined. Also, language proficiency
in English is related to academic performance. Academic subjects like Science,
Mathematics, and English often require the use of language functions. These language
functions play a significant role in critical and analytical thinking required in these

This proposal is endeavored to determine the language proficiency level of the

teacher-respondents. The results will be a concrete basis for the action or future plan of
the school administration.

Expected Contribution to the Growth of Knowledge

This study will help the educators on what part of their communicative skills needed to
enhance. Teachers’ problem solving and thinking skills will be improved.
This will benefit the society in general since the situation becomes increasingly
advanced. People are expected to develop literacy skills. Literacy skills encompass
those needed for reading, writing, spelling and comprehension.
In this globalized multicultural world, where English is the international language of
communication, and English-language proficient teachers can make all the difference
in the community.
Proficiency in English is a critical component of a successful modern society. English
skills are necessary for any places to full benefit from global commerce; access the
latest science, technology, and innovation; and exert influence in the world.
English is the language of education and research so, assessing and improving
teachers’ language proficiency will moved a greater success in education in general.

List of Related Literature and Related Studies Consulted:

 Nel Norma. “The Impact of Teacher’s Limited English Proficiency on English

Second Language Learners in South African Schools” (2011). Journal. Vol 30 635-
 Agao Agao Veronica. “Linguistic Proficiency and Teaching Performance of
English Language Teachers in Tacurong City Division” (2011). Notre Dame of
Tacurong College. Master’s Thesis.
 Cielo Cedie. “English Language Proficiency Level of Elementary Teachers of
Tatay District, Division of Zamboanga Del Sur” (2014). Master’s Thesis.
 De Jesus, Cheryll May. ‘English Proficiency Level of the English Teachers of
Selected Private Schools of Tarlac City” (2016). Master’s Thesis.

Submitted by:
Mr. Jewen L. Alimen
(Contact No.: 0931-009-9866)

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