IOT and Embedded Systems

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PG Diploma in

IoT & Embedded System

240 hrs. ( 5 Months )
Modules Platform:
Generic • Ubuntu (Linux OS, with gcc compiler)
• Programming in C and data structures following MISRA C • Lpc2129, Keil Micro vision
• Object oriented programming using C++ Raspberry Pi 4B, Arduino Uno
• Linux System Programming and Socket Programming,

Embedded Specialization
• ARM 7 programming using Embedded C
• Embedded Protocols - UART, SPI, I2C
IoT Specialization
• Python Programming
• Architecture and Connectivity Model
• Edge Node Computing
• Gateway Computing
• Security and Industrial IOT


Section – 1 : Generic
Programming in C and data structures following MISRA C guidelines- 5 days (40 hrs)
Introduction to C Data types and Operators Conditional Statements
Loop Control Structures Modular Programming using Functions Storage Classes
Working with Multiple Files Preprocessor Conditional Inclusion
Arrays Strings Recursion
Introduction to Pointers Pointer Arithmetic Operations Constant Pointer and Pointer to Const
Command line arguments Dynamic Memory Allocation Memory Leakage Detection using Valgrind
Structure and Bitfields Union, typedef ,enums File IO, Random Access - fseek , ftell
Introduction Data structures Stack and Queues Linked list
Types of linked list Trees Introduction Binary Search Tree
Object oriented programming using C++ - 5 days (40 hrs)
Introduction to object oriented programming Procedural approach in C++ Object oriented approach in C++
Constructor and Destructor Copy Constructors Friends Functions
Operator Overloading Inheritance Run time Polymorphism
Exception handling Templates STL containers and iterators,Algorithm
Linux Commands, Shell Scripting & System Programming –3 days (24 hrs)
Itroduction to operating system Process management subsystems File management subsystems
Memory management systems Shell Introduction to linuxos
Linux file management system Linux process management system Signals
Pipes Message queues Shared memory
Semaphores Threads Mutex
Section-II : Embedded Specialization
ARM Microcontroller and Embedded Protocols - 6 days (48 hrs)
Introduction to ARM7 Processor Introduction to LPC2129 ADC and PWM

CRANES VARSITY (A Division of CSIL)St.Marks Road, Bangalore Ph: 080-6764 4800/4848 ( )
Timers and Counters Interrupts: VIC and Non-VIC RTC WDT and PLL
UART SPI and I2C, Introduction to ARM Cortex M3
Section-III : IoT specialization
Python Programming - 4 days (32 hrs.)
Introduction to Python Python Datatypes and Conditions Control Statements
Python Functions Default arguments Functions with a variable number of args
Scope of Variables Global specifier Working with multiple files
List and tuple List Methods List Comprehension
Map and filter functions String List comprehension with conditionals
Set and Dictionary Exception Handling File Handling
Object Oriented Programming Inheritance Working with JSON
Multiprocessing Multi-threading Creating Thread
IOT Architecture,Communication Models, and Edge Computing - 4 days (32 hrs.)
Introduction to IOT IOT communication Models IOT framework/platforms, IoT Hardware
RaspberryPi 4B Board architecture Interfacing options on Raspberry Pi Interfacing LED ,LDR, DHT11, LM35
Interfacing LCD& 7-segment Display Interfacing sensors and Pi camera Interfacing Actuators
Interfacing using Relay, ADC Communication using UART and BLE Interfacing GPS and GSM modules
Project: IOT-based Advanced Security System
IOT Gateway Computing - 2 Days (16 hrs.)
Connect to Cloud, Upload and Analyze data HTTP, SMTP and MQTT Communication Web application using Flask Framework
Remote controlling using Android Arduino and Node MCU interfacing IoT applications: smart home/smart car
Project: Remote monitoring and controlling using IOT communication Protocol
Security and IIOT– 1 days ( 8 hours)
Key Considerations and Challenges Interoperability, Standards, Protocols Secure device, Data & Cloud.
Securing data using cryptography. Industrial IOT Applications Productivity, Safety, and Security with IIoT

CRANES VARSITY (A Division of CSIL)St.Marks Road, Bangalore Ph: 080-6764 4800/4848 ( )

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