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I. Adjectives:
1. Comparative:
Short Adj. Long Adj.
Là tính từ có 1 âm tiết Là tính từ có 2 hoặc 3 âm
hoặc 2 âm tiết nhưng kết tiết trở lên.
thúc bằng đuôi “Y” (Ex:
happy, early, noisy,
funny, friendly….)
 (less) ADJ + -ER +  More/less + ADJ +
than than
Ex: Ex:
- Student A is faster - Climbing tree is
than student B more dangerous
- The red car is than playing toys.
slower than the - The white dress is
blue car. more beautiful
than the black one.

2. Superlative:
Short Adj. Long Adj.
Là tính từ có 1 âm tiết Là tính từ có 2 hoặc 3 âm
hoặc 2 âm tiết nhưng kết tiết trở lên.
thúc bằng đuôi “Y” (Ex:
happy, early, noisy,
funny, friendly….)
 The + ADJ_EST  The most + ADJ
Ex: Ex:
- Student A is the - Australia is the most
tallest girl in her beautiful country in
classroom. the world.
- The red house is the - The dolphins are the
biggest one. most intelligent
animals in the

II. Adverbs of manner: (The adverbs that are used to

talk/describe about the action)
Ex: He ran quickly.
My father drives carefully
- My father is a careful driver
 My father drives carefully
- Sam is a fast runner.
 Sam runs fast.
- I am a good piano player.
 I play piano well.
- My cousins are often late for school.
 My cousins often go to school late

 Hardly = Never
fast Fast
good well
hard hard
late late
early early
III. Comparative and Superlative of Adverbs:
1. Comparative: more/less + adverbs + than
*Note: những từ vừa là trạng từ vừa là tính từ (fast, hard,
early, late…) khi so sánh hơn hoặc nhất, vẫn sử dụng cấu
trúc dành cho tính từ ngắn.
Ex: Anna swims faster than Olivia
Nu plays worse than Anna.
Nu eats slowly than Anna
John speaks Spanish more fluently than Sarah

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