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Activity 1-Topic 1

1. Give as many differences between production and service operations.

 Manufactured – product were ready made things that been produced to be
consumed by the customers
 Stored – product need some space in a business place for them to be properly
storage in a site wherein the temperature and necessity of the fruit is well yield
 Transported –It was distributed in the market in the form of shipment to any
place wherein the product is needed and
 Tangible – it can be touch and used.


 Intangible – it cannot be touched because it is not on hand and services is

basically provided by a person.
 Cannot be Manufactured – it cannot be reproduced as they were skill and
expertise by a worker who gain more than experience to properly do their job.
 Cannot be stored – it cannot be stored because it is not a thing that needed
some storage to be kept.
 Human skills – it was produced by people who studied their best to be expert in
such field to render services to others.

2. Identify at least 5 recent trends in operations management.

 Focus on the Employee Experience

- If the employee were properly treated and acknowledge in their
performance we can expect a proper job being done within the
company. This way a company can attract more talented people who
were natural in the operational management of a business.

 Flexible, Blended Workplace Environments

- This trend can influence the employee in a way that employer and
employee will benefit in the future. Culture of the company can
influence the people who surround that firm that’s why this trend is
important in operation management.
 Good Communication and Collaboration
- Working in a business can somehow bring pressure and a lot of stress
but with the help of communication and collaboration in each
department can somehow lessen the burden of the workload.
Operation Management demand this kind of trend because
miscommunication can bring a lot of problem in this kind of field.

 Scaling Production According to Demand

- In this trend, knowing the evolving consumer needs is one way for the
operation management to meet the needed demand of the people.
Having this trend in the company can properly assess the public needs.
 Building a Good Customer Relationship
- This trend is needed in a company for them to know that their product
is properly qualified in the needs of the customer because providing
that with a good quality fruit can lead them to be loyal with the brand.
Building that kind of relationship can bring more fortune in the firm and

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