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Our ref: JKT501232

Date: 8 June 2009

To: Budi Maharesi
CC: Mochammad Achsani
From: Andi Iljas
Reply To:
Subject: Fw: Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama, DOL : 5 April 2007, MYI Ref :
JKT501691 - Allianz ref: F0704000630 (Email attached by - Andi Iljas from mail
file 'Andi Iljas')

Ci, FYI - for further handling with Surabaya Branch.

Andi B. Iljas
ClaimCare - Absolute Transparency

McLarens Young International

Global Claims Services
Ventura Building, 6/F JI RA Kartini No 26, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430, Indonesia
Tel: +62 (0)21 750-4514 Fax: +62 (0)21 750-4569

ClaimCare - Absolute Transparency

----- Forwarded by Andi Iljas/ID/MYI on 08/06/2009 08:39 PM -----

Rachmat Sjach
<Rachmat.Sjach@Allianz To 'Andi Iljas' <>>
cc Tim Bain <>, Ismail
04/06/2009 05:58 AM Basymeleh <>, Alice
Lukman <>, Caecilia Susan
Widya <>
Subjec RE: Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama, DOL : 5
t April 2007, MYI Ref : JKT501691 - Allianz ref:

Dear Pak Andi,

Than you for your email below.
Based on your clarification below then your adjustment should be based on the actual currency
cost that have been incurred (in IDR currency).

Thank you for your kind attention.

Rachmat Sjach
Head of Non-motor Claims
PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia
Phone: 62-21-2522470 ext 5410
Fax : 62-21-2523445, 2521924

From: Andi Iljas []

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 3:02 PM
To: Rachmat Sjach
Cc: Tim Bain; Ismail Basymeleh
Subject: Fw: Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama, DOL : 5 April 2007, MYI Ref :
JKT501691 - Allianz ref: F0704000630

Dear Pak Rachmat,

Further to our email below, we would advise as follows;

The Insured have provided us with several copies of Bank Cheques in total of IDR 1,360,014,238
or USD 148,049.96 (see attached schedule). You will appreciate that the payment has been
made is in relation to the total repair works to PT Mesindo Tekninesia in total amount of IDR
1,640,036,400 (which later adjusted to IDR 1,008,924,700). In this regard, you will appreciate
that it is not possible to convert one machinery item repair cost to the actual exchange rates.

There is a balance of IDR 442,868,639 (being IDR 1,451,793,339 less IDR 1,008,924,700) need
to be calculated accurately, however, we have investigated that during the year 2007, the
average exchange rate is IDR 9,143 (for USD 1), with highest is IDR 8,672 and the lowest IDR
9,479. Dividing the balance of IDR 442,868,639 with the lowest rates would give a result of USD

As per our Draft of Final report, our recommendation based on single currrency on 14 April 2008
is USD 157,855.10 (exchange rate IDR 9,197 ~ USD 1).

We therefore are satisfied that the Insured had expensed with the minimum amount of USD
currency they required to prove under the policy.

Please let me know should you have further queries. We are now await your further instruction.


Andi B. Iljas

ClaimCare - Absolute Transparency

McLarens Young International

Global Claims Services

Ventura Building, 6/F JI RA Kartini No 26, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430, Indonesia

Tel: +62 (0)21 750-4514 Fax: +62 (0)21 750-4569

ClaimCare - Absolute Transparency

----- Forwarded by Andi Iljas/ID/MYI on 03/06/2009 02:21 PM -----

Andi Iljas/ID/MYI

03/04/2009 03:39
ToRachmat Sjach <>
SubjeRE: Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama, DOL : 5 April 2007, MYI Ref : JKT501691 -
ctAllianz ref: F0704000630Link

Dear pak Rachmat,

See my notes below.


Andi B. Iljas

ClaimCare - Absolute Transparency

McLarens Young International

Global Claims Services

Ventura Building, 6/F JI RA Kartini No 26, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430, Indonesia

Tel: +62 (0)21 750-4514 Fax: +62 (0)21 750-4569

ClaimCare - Absolute Transparency

Rachmat Sjach
ToAndi Iljas <>
02/04/2009 08:20 PM ccAlice Lukman <>, Caecilia Susan Widya
<>, Mia Winanda
SubRE: Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama, DOL : 5 April 2007, MYI Ref :
jectJKT501691 - Allianz ref: F0704000630

Dear Pak Andi,

Please ensure to make the proposed adjustment as per actual cost incurred.

>> The date of invoice is April 2008, this may well included repair of early 2008 year flood as well
(it has been adjusted in our quantum review accordingly). We were advised that the payment
was done by cheques and made several times. We will advise you further on this aspect.

Yours faithfully,

Rachmat Sjach

Head of Non-motor Claims

PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia

Phone: 62-21-2522470 ext 5410

Fax : 62-21-2523445, 2521924


From: Rachmat Sjach

Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:07 PM

To: Andi Iljas

Cc: Alice Lukman; Caecilia Susan Widya; Mia Winanda

Subject: Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama, DOL : 5 April 2007, MYI Ref : JKT501691 -
Allianz ref: F0704000630

Dear Pak Andi,

Please kindly inform us when was the reinstatement took place, as we noted that this claim was more
than 1 year outstanding.

>> The Insured reinstated the damage within one year since the date of loss. You will appreciate
that we have revisited the site to reconcile the damage and inspecting progress of repair. We
noted that most of the repair works were carried out since February to May 2007, where the
Insured had their steel rolling mills plant #1 and #2 back into operation.

Yours faithfully,

Rachmat Sjach

Head of Non-motor Claims

PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia

Phone: 62-21-2522470 ext 5410

Fax : 62-21-2523445, 2521924


From: Mia Winanda []

Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 1:28 PM

To: Rachmat Sjach

Cc: Alice Lukman; Caecilia Susan Widya; Luthfi Reza; Andi Iljas; oscar hariman

Subject: Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega, DOL : 10 March 2007, MYI Ref : JKT501585 and
Final Report PT. Jakarta Steel Mega Utama, DOL : 5 April 2007, MYI Ref : JKT501691

Importance: High
Dear Pak Rachmat,

Please find our final report and its spreadsheet of MYI Ref. JKT501585 and MYI Ref. JKT501691
attached bellow.

As per you request to Pak Andi in your email.


Mia Winanda

McLarens Young International I Global Claims Services I

Ventura Building, 6/F JI RA Kartini No 26, Cilandak, Jakarta 12430, Indonesia

Tel: +62 (0)21 750-4514 I Ext. 109 I Fax: +62 (0)21 750-4569 I

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