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Student Work Sheet

School : SMP Putra 1 Jakarta Date : July 18 – 22, 2022

Class/Grade : English / VIII Teacher : Ninik Setiyawati, S.S., M.Pd.
Subject : Checking for understanding

Read and study the dialog below.

Lacking for understanding expressions (Ungkapan kurang paham atas suatu masalah atau meminta
penjelasan lebih lanjut)
- Please, repeat. I don’t follow you. (Saya tidak mengerti. Apa bisa diulangi?) Formal
- I’m not sure I get your point. (Saya sepertinya tidak mengerti apa yang ada bicarakan.)
- I don’t quite follow you. (Sepertinya saya kurang mengerti.)
- I’m not following you. (Saya tidak mengerti.)
- I’m sorry, I don’t understand. (Maaf, saya kurang paham.)
- Sorry, I don’t get it. (Saya tidak paham.)
- What was that again? (Apa yang kamu katakan?)
- What do you mean? (Maksud anda?) Informal

Showing for Understanding Expressions (Ungkapan menunjukkan kepahaman)

- I understand what you are saying. (Saya mengerti apa yang anda katakan.) Formal
- I know what you mean. (Saya mengerti maksud anda.)
- I know what you are talking about. (Saya paham yang kamu bicarakan.)
- I understand. (Saya paham.)
- I see. (Saya mengerti.)
- I know. (Saya tahu.)
- Gotcha. (Mengerti!) Informal

Checking for Understanding Expressions (Ungkapan menanyakan pemahaman seseorang)

- Do you understand? (Apa kamu mengerti?)
- Do you know what I’m saying? (Apa kamu tahu apa yang saya katakan?)
- Do you know what I mean? (Apa kamu paham yang saya maksud?)
- Do you know what I’m talking about? (Apa kamu tahu apa yang saya bicarakan?)
- Does that make any sense? (Apakah itu masuk akal/dapat dipahami?)
- Are you with me so far? (Apa kamu mengerti sejauh ini?)
- Do you follow me? (Apa kamu masih mengerti apa yang saya katakan?)
- Any questions? (Ada pertanyaan bagi tidak mengerti?)
- Is it clear? (Jelas tidak?)
- Have you got it? (Sudah mengerti?)
- You know, right? (Kamu mengerti khan?)

Make a guess on what situations the dialogs are. Discuss with your friends and your teacher.
Note :
The lower the arrow, the more informal the situation is.

Checking for Understanding Expression/English Grade 8/Ninik Setiyawati, S.S., M. Pd. 1

Look at the conversation sample below
Situation: Students are studying in the classroom. She wants to ask something to the teacher.
Student : Excuse me, teacher. Can you help me with this? I don’t think I can do it myself.
Teacher : Ok. I’ll be with you in a second.
Student : Thank you, Ma’am.
Teacher : Is that all? Ok. What is it, Deandra?
Student : I don’t understand this part, Ma’am.
Teacher : Ok. Listen to me carefully. First, you need to collect the data. … Do you understand?
Student : A bit. So, I need to do this first to get the data. Then I … Ok, got it. Thank you, Ma’am.
Teacher : Pleasure is mine.

Situation: Students are studying in the classroom. One of them seems to have problem with the
A boy : Deandra, please help me. I don’t have a clue with this assignment. Can you explain me
more what the teacher just said before?
A girl : Ok. First, you need to collect the data. Then, you gather them and classify them based on
their category. Next, analyse the data carefully related to the theory we have learned
before. Are you with me so far?
A boy : Could you speak more slowly? I can’t get a thing.
A girl : OK. Listen again. First, collect the data.
A boy : OK. Collect the data. And then?
A girl : Categorize them. You do it here. Still following me?
A boy : Sorry to interrupt, but I didn’t catch that. Could you be more specific?
A girl : Ok. There are three categories on how human socialize by Freud. Read the theories on
how humans socialize by Freud.
A boy : Ok, and …
A girl : Analyse the data using those theories.
A boy : Ah, I see.
A girl : The last thing before you submit the assignment is make the conclusion of the data you
have collected.
A boy : Get it now. Thanks a lot, Deandra.
A girl : It’s perfectly fine by me. Hope you can do it and finish it in time.

Checking for Understanding Expression/English Grade 8/Ninik Setiyawati, S.S., M. Pd. 2

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