Student Work Sheet: Read and Study The Dialog Below

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Student Work Sheet

School : SMP Putra 1 Jakarta Date : July 18 – 22, 2022

Class/Grade : English / VIII Teacher : Ninik Setiyawati, S.S., M.Pd.
Subject : Giving Compliment

Read and study the dialog below.

Definition of Expression of Compliment

Expression of Compliment is an expression that we say to express or give praise to someone else.
(Expression of Compliment adalah ekspresi atau ungkapan yang kita katakan untuk mengungkapkan atau
memberikan pujian kepada orang lain).

When do we use it? (Kapan sih penggunaannya)

Orang barat mengatakan “compliment is used to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase
good will, for example :(pujian digunakan untuk menyanjung seseorang untuk meningkatkan niat baik,
➢ On his/her general appearance (Pada penampilannya secara umum)
➢ If you notice something new about the person’s appearance
(Jika Anda melihat sesuatu yang baru tentang penampilan seseorang)
➢ When you visit someone’s house for the first time
(Ketika Anda mengunjungi rumah seseorang untuk pertama kalinya)
➢ When other people do their best
(Ketika orang lain melakukan yang terbaik)

Expression Compliments Responding to Compliments

Well done! (Kerja bagus!) Thank you/Thanks. (Terima kasih)
Fantastic! (Fantastis) It’s nice of you to say so. (Kamu baik sekali))
That’s great. (Hebat.) Do you really think so? (Begitu ya?)
I like … (Saya suka …) Thanks, I need that. (Makasih dukungannya.)
It looks nice on you. (Wah, kamu jadi cakep)
You have beautiful hair. (Rambut kamu indah.)
You do look nice in … (Kamu jadi lebih cakep pakai
Mary got nine for English. What a clever girl. (Mary
dapat nilai 9 untuk tes Bahasa Inggris. Betapa
pintarnya dia.)
How beautiful house you have. (Rumah kamu indah

Situation : Harsya visits Pandu, his best friend, who has just finished working with his bike at the garage.
Harsya : What a great motorcycle you have, Pandu.
Pandu : Thank you, Harsya. I just finished modifying it.
Harsya : You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Pandu : Yes, it is.
Harsya : It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Pandu : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter color and add some new accessories.
Harsya : Great job!
Pandu : Thanks.


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