Bahasa Inggris XII UMUM

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Q:1) Dodi : Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?

Mr. Ben : Yes, please. It’s very cold inside. <br>
A:) Asking help
B:) Refusing something
C:) Suggestion
D:) Offering help
E:) Accepting offer
Kunci: D
Q:2) When does a person usually offer services/help to others? <br>
A:) When they see other being on a difficult situation.
B:) When they see other being on happy situation.
C:) When they see someone in a sad situation.
D:) When they see other being on happy situation.
E:) When they see other being on happy situation.
Kunci: A
Q:3) Lia looks very tired. <br>
What is your suggestion to her? <br>
A:) You need a haircut.
B:) You should study harder
C:) I think you ought to get some rest
D:) You should eat more
E:) What if you go for a walk?
Kunci: C
Q:4) You are carrying two bags and you’re nearly home, when someone offers help to you.
<br> You don’t want help and say, “……”<br>
A:) Go away, please.
B:) If you don’t mind.
C:) Thanks, but no!
D:) Actually, I’m fine thanks.
E:) Thank you.
Kunci: D
Q:5) The following dialogue is for questions 5 and 6. <br>
Pashya : My extended family is going to a surprise birthday party for my
grandmother next week.
Wina : Wow! That’s sounds great. How old is she?
Pashya : She’ll be 75 on August 17.
Wina : Really? I didn’t know that she was that old I thought that she was still around
60. She looks much younger?
Pashya: Thanks.
Wina : What if I help you with the preparation?
Pashya : Oh, it’s very nice of you. But I’m going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the
Wina : Okay, no problem.
The bold sentence expressing …<br>
A:) Offering sympathy
B:) Offering help/service
C:) Suggestion
D:) Satisfaction
E:) Happiness
Kunci: B
Q:6) The underlined sentence expressing …<br>
A:) Asking help
B:) Giving help
C:) Offering help
D:) Refusing an offer
E:) Accepting an offer
Kunci: D
Q:7) Chiko : Shall I carry your luggage to your apartment?” <br>
Chika: “Yes, please!” <br>
The italic word has similar meaning with …<br>
A:) drop
B:) bring
C:) badge
D:) borrow
E:) leave
Kunci: B
Q:8) I am writing to you to express my interest regarding your advertisement in Weeks
currently. I have given careful consideration to the job description and believe that I have
the necessary qualifications and personal attributes to take up the position. <br>

The above paragraph is a part of..... Of an application letter. <br>

A:) opening
B:) salutation
C:) content
D:) closing
E:) complementary
Kunci: A
Q:9) The text is for questions number 9 and 10. <br>

Material needed: Cash card/ ATM card

 First, go to an ATM which has the same facilities
 Second, take your cash card out
 Third, line up the magnetic strip properly
 Next, insert the card into the slot on the ATM and
wait until a message on the screen asks for your
 After that, enter your PIN by pressing a key on the
 Then, enter the amount of money you need
Finally, take your card and your money

What is the text about? <br>

A:) How to use the ATM
B:) Description about the ATM
C:) The important of the ATM
D:) Request to make a cash card
E:) How to save the money
Kunci: A
Q:10) When do we take the money? <br>
A:) After entering the amount of money you need.
B:) Before pressing the keys on the keypad.
C:) Right after inserting the card into the slot.
D:) Before entering your PIN at the ATM.
E:) Before entering the amount of money you need.
Kunci: A
The following questions is for questions 11 and 12. <br>

Required immediately an Expatriate Kid’s Caretaker Requirements:

 Female, above 25 years
 Graduated from reputable University
 Fluent in English
 High motivated, patient, love kids, and trustful
 Understand how to take care and play with the kids
 Good in health 9with doctor recommendation attached)
 Having additional skill is preferable (play music, sing, dance, etc.
Interested applicant should submit the application with CV and
recent photograph within a week to PO BOX 1517 SBYCode: UM?
Q:11) What statement is TRUE based on the text? <br>
A:) Application letter should be submitted next month
B:) Applicant is not 27 years’ old
C:) Applicant has to enclose curriculum vitae and photo
D:) Male applicant can apply this job.
E:) Applicant can speak native language well
Kunci: D
Q:12) What position is vacant in the advertisement? <br>
A:) A secretary
B:) An expatriate
C:) A nanny
D:) A baby sister
E:) A house keeper
Kunci: C
The following questions is for questions 13 to 15. <br>
How to Planting Chili Plant?

Planting is a nice activity in our spare time. The following is guide information
on how to
Plant a chili-plant easily. Here are the steps.
Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight.
Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. It should be in open area.
Next, wait it. There will come out the sprout after that let it bigger.
Finally, put it in another big pot. It will soon grow bigger and bigger and yield
us some
fresh chilies soon.

Q:13) What is the purpose of the text? <br>

A:) To inform how to plant chilli.
B:) To learn how to plant chilli.
C:) To suggest how to plant chilli
D:) To instruct how to make chilli.
E:) To report how to plant chilli seed
Kunci: A
Q:14) What would you do after you dry the seed? <br>
A:) Wash your hands immediately.
B:) Put the pot in the open area.
C:) Give the soil on the seed
D:) Grow the seed in another seed.
E:) Put the seed on the soil.
Kunci: E
Q:15) “It will soon grow bigger and yield us some fresh chilies soon.” <br>
The underlined word has same meaning as …<br>
A:) return
B:) profit
C:) produce
D:) give
E:) taker
Kunci: C
Q:16) This text is for question 16 to 19. <br>
376.252.5432., Surabaya CA 60003 – Diana@ www.

August 10, 2020

Mr. Brian
Directory of administration
PT Finddo
73 jalan Melati

Dear Mr.Brian
Your advertisement on July 30 issue of the “Sindo” was
attractive because I believe I have to the proven skills you are
requiring for an administrative assistant.
I am Shenna and I’m 25 years olD:) I recently completed the three
course Apple Computer System.
These Specialization skills have proven valuable in my work
for the past eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at
Galaxy Building.
Since ‘proven skills’ are best explained in person I would
appreciate an interview with you. Please phone me in the
afternoon at 4 p.m. Let me know the day and time most convenient
for you. Thank you.



Why did Shenna write the letter? <br>

A:) To introduce herself to Mr. Brian
B:) To ask for some information
C:) To apply a job
D:) To explain her educational background
E:) To offer a job
Kunci: C
Q:17) What position is needed? <br>
A:) Receptionist
B:) Interviewer
C:) Chief accountant
D:) Administrative assistant
E:) Production manager
Kunci: D
Q:18) What does the applicant hope after sending the letter? <br>
A:) She will be a manager
B:) She will be interviewed
C:) She will receive the salary
D:) She will start training
E:) She will be patient.
Kunci: B
Q:19) How does Shenna know the vacancy? <br>
A:) From the Radio
B:) From a Colleague
C:) From a newspaper
D:) From the television
E:) From the internet
Kunci: C
Q:20) “Dear Sir/Madam” is called .... of an application letter. <br>
A:) Opening
B:) Salutation
C:) Closing
D:) Content
E:) Complementary
Kunci: B
Q:21) “I would like the opportunity to work as part of an enthusiastic office team. I
Forward to the opportunity for an interview." <br>
The sentence above belongs to the....of the application letter. <br>
A:) first paragraph
B:) middle paragraph
C:) final paragraph
D:) salutation
E:) complementary
Kunci: C
Q:22) This text is for questions 22 to 26. <br>

What is the meaning of the sentence? <br>

A:) Love can be representing by music
B:) It is about how to play music
C:) Love is music
D:) A child loves music
E:) A father plays music for his child
Kunci: A
Q:23) What is the aim of the text? <br>
A:) To make readers understand about love
B:) To make readers what to know about music
C:) To inform readers that music can make love to everyone
D:) To inform that a father loves his child
E:) To inform that music can bring love
Kunci: C
Q:24) What is advantage of the text? <br>
A:) Motivate others to care
B:) To make others understand love
C:) To inform other about music
D:) To inform that a father loves his child
E:) To inform that music can show a love
Kunci: A
Q:25) Why does father in the picture play bamboo flute? Because, bamboo flute…<br>
A:) A simple way of music
B:) Cheap things
C:) It can be found everywhere
D:) Everybody can use it
E:) Bamboo represent simple, warm, and traditional.
Kunci: E
Q:26) Why does a child look happy? <br>
A:) A child likes a bamboo
B:) A child likes his father
C:) A child feels his father’s love
D:) A child seems get flute
E:) A child can sing together
Kunci: C
Q:27) This text is for questions 27 to 30. <br>
Robbers get Away with Rp700M in Bekasi
The Jakarta Post/Jakarta. A gang robbers broke into the house of a
shop owner in villa Jatibening Housing Complex in Bekasi and got away
with jewellery and cash worth a total of Rp700 million (US$73,500), on
early Friday morning.

Bekasi police officers claimed four robbers were involved in the crime
at the house of Teddy Handoko, owner of a home improvement and
construction shop.

The police believe that the robbers broke into the house after
climbing the wall behind Teddy’s housing complex, which directly borders
a village. The 10-meter wall is accessible from the village side, allowing
the robbers to scale the wall using a thick rope The robbers found entering
the house easy as its back door was unlocked.

The robbers locked up Teddy’s two housemaids, Tuheni and Tulika

before breaking into Teddy’s room. They threatened Teddy and his wife
with a kitchen knife and made their escape. Police are investigating the

What is the type of the text? <br>

A:) Procedure
B:) Narrative
C:) News Item
D:) Report
E:) Explanation
Kunci: C
Q:28) What is the purpose of the text above? <br>
A:) To tell how to make something.
B:) To report about a robbery.
C:) To explain about how the robbers broke a house.
D:) To entertain the readers.
E:) To inform the readers about important events.
Kunci : E
Q:29) Which of the statements below are TRUE? <br>
A:) One of the robbers stabbed Teddy’s wife with a kitchen knife.
B:) The two servants were locked up in a cupboard.
C:) The back door of the house was not properly lockee.
D:) The robbers broke into the house by breaking the wall behind the house.
E:) The robbers have been arrested by the police.
Kunci: C
Q:30) What is the main idea of Paragraph 1? <br>
A:) The way the robbers escaped.
B:) A gang of robbers broke into a house in a housing complex.
C:) How the robbers broke into the house?
D:) The number of robbers who were involved in the robbery.
E:) Police are investigating the case.
Kunci: B
Q:31) The following text is for questions 31 t0 33. <br>

How to Ride a Bike

 Try to sit on the bike and note where the brakes are.
 If the seat is too high, lower it so your feet can touch the ground.
 Ask someone to help you balance the bike while you learn to pedal. He or she can
hold the back of your bike.
 When you’re ready, try to ride the bike alone This way, you can practice how to
balance and steer the bike
 Practice regularly
What is the purpose of the text? <br>
A:) To report the steps of riding a bicycle
B:) To persuade readers to ride bicycles using steps.
C:) To provide instant ways of riding a motorcycle
D:) To instruct readers how to ride bicycle safely
E:) To inform the readers how to learn about riding a motorcycle
Kunci: D
Q:32) The text is useful for someone who …<br>
A:) wants to enjoy riding a bicycle
B:) knows how to ride a bicycle.
C:) learns to ride a bike for the first one.
D:) wants to ride a bicycle extremely.
E:) is an expert bicycle rider.
Kunci: C
Q:33) One is advised to lower the seat so that the rider can …<br>
A:) Enjoy riding.
B:) Be confident in practicing.
C:) Put both feet on the ground when seated.
D:) Ride the bicycle as fast as he can.
E:) Touch the ground with one’s legs.
Kunci: C
Q:34) 1.) Decided to apply for the job. <br>
2.) I saw an interesting job advertised in the newspaper last week. <br>
3.) Then, I went to the address in the advertisement. <br>
4.) I telephoned the company to see if the job was still vacant. <br>
5.) The next morning I put on my best set of clothes. <br>
6.) They told me to come to the office the next day for an interview. <br>
7.) After asking me a lot of questions, the manager offered me the job. <br>
8.) I was asked to go into the manager’s office. <br>
The best arrangement of the sentences to make a good paragraph is….<br>
A:) 1-2-4-6-5-3-7-8
B:) 2-1-4-6-5-3-8-7
C:) 2-3-1-4-5-6-8-7
D:) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
E:) 1-2-4-5-3-6-7-8
Kunci: B
Q:35) The following text is for questions 35 to 37. <br>

Students sometimes do not understand how to achieve success. Here are some
tips for those who want to become successful students.
1. Make your lesson a priority. While it’s important to make time for his friends,
family, and extracurricular activities, you should not ignore the time you spend
2. Be on time. You should plan to be a little early wherever you go, so you have
time to get places, focus, and be ready to learn when you get there
3. Work honestly. Try to do it yourself first. Avoid copying, and avoid cheating at
all costs. Cheating will not get anywhere. What might seem like a shortcut,
one day can really cause problems?
4. Commitment. If you have to study a chapter of your history book for an hour,
you need to commit to doing it instead of letting your mind wander.
5. Be eager about the material. Successful students are not just machines that
work to get “A” no matter what. They are genuinely concerned and interested
in the material they are learning, and their passion for knowledge helps them
develop themselves

What is the aim of the text? <br>

A:) Elaborate on how to gain success.
B:) Describe how to study in a good way.
C:) Encourage students to study hard.
D:) Encourage students to have a good behaviour.
E:) Offer some ways to be good students.
Kunci: A
Q:36) Students should be ready to learn when they get to the place where they study. It
means that the students … <br>
A:) are eager about the material.
B:) must work honestly
C:) have to work honestly.
D:) ought to be on time.
E:) make their lesson a priority.
Kunci: D
Q:37) Eager about the material. <br>
The underlined word “Eager” means…<br>
A:) deep
B:) courageous
C:) energetic
D:) creative
E:) enthusiastic
Kunci: E
Q:38) Which of the following headlines doesn’t belongs to crime news? <br>
A:) Daily Checkpoint Nabs Seven Offenders.
B:) Fake Adidas product Impounded.
C:) Libyan Warplanes Launch Air Strikes on Robel Force.
D:) Tourist Caught Working Illegally.
E:) President to attend Java Jazz Music Festival.
Kunci: E
Q:39) Which of the sentences using if-clause that show general truth? <br>
A:) If I have a lot of money, I will build a big house.
B:) If Pets don’t get enough feed, they die.
C:) If you want to get better soon, you should get some medicine and take a rest.
D:) If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder.
E:) If you go to Australia, send me a postcard.
Kunci: B
Q:40) If I graduate from high school, I ____ continue my study to England <br>
A:) would
B:) will
C:) had better
D:) should
E:) had
Kunci: B
Q:41) Which of the sentences using if-clause that show suggestion? <br>
A:) If I have a lot of money, I will build a big housE:)
B:) If Pets don’t get enough feed, they diE:)
C:) If you want to get better soon, you should get some medicine and take a rest.
D:) If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder.
E:) If you go to Australia, send me a postcarD:)
Kunci: C
Q:42) Which one is “if clause” followed by an imperative? <br>
A:) Do not be hasty if you do an exam.
B:) If you are hungry, you should not do a workout.
C:) you’d better drink more water if you start feeling thirsty.
D:) If I have a lot of money, I will build a very big playground for kids.
E:) if you have more money, should you waste it recklessly?
Kunci: A
Q:43) This text is for questions 43 to 46. <br>

What is the purpose of the caption? <br>

A:) To make the picture look better.
B:) To give a description of what is going on in the picture.
C:) To tell about who was taking the picture.
D:) To explain the news.
E:) To make readers ignoring the picture.
Kunci: B
Q:44) According to the caption on the picture, when was the photo taken? <br>
A:) July 19, 2018
B:) February 1, 2017
C:) January 14, 2016
D:) December 7, 2015
E:) August 15, 2014
Kunci: C
Q:45) Where was the location in the picture? <br>
A:) Sudirman, Jakarta
B:) Tanah Abang, Jakarta
C:) Blok M, Jakarta
D:) Thamrin, Jakarta
E:) Pasar Senin, Jakarta
Kunci : D
Q:46) What kind of caption is in the picture? <br>
A:) Identification bar
B:) Summary
C:) Expended
D:) Quote
E:) Cutline
Kunci: E
Q:47) Read the following song lyric to answer the questions that follow. <br>

"We Are the Champions"<br>

by Freddie Mercury<br>
I've paid my dues <br>
Time after time <br>
I've done my sentence <br>
But committed no crime <br>
And bad mistakes <br>
I've made a few <br>
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face <br>
But I've come through <br>

(And I need to go on and on, and on, and on) <br>

We are the champions, my friends <br>

And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end <br>
We are the champions <br>
We are the champions <br>
No time for losers <br>
'Cause we are the champions of the world <br>

I've taken my bows <br>

And my curtain calls <br>
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it <br>
I thank you all <br>

But it's been no bed of roses <br>

No pleasure cruise <br>
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race <br>
And I ain't gonna lose <br>
(And I need just go on and on, and on, and on) <br>

We are the champions, my friends <br>

And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end<br>
We are the champions <br>
We are the champions No time for losers <br>
'Cause we are the champions of the world <br>

We are the champions, my friends <br>

And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end <br>
We are the champions <br>
We are the champions <br>
No time for losers <br>
'Cause we are the champions <br>

What does the writer of the song imply when he says “It’s been no bed of roses, no
pleasure cruiss. ” <br>
A:) There was not time to rest and enjoy the days in order not to lose.
B:) The journey to champion has left unpleasant challenges.
C:) It has not been any appreciation and enjoyable time.
D:) There have been a lot of challenges and he didn’t want to lose.
E:) It hasn’t been easy at all, but he tried hard and he deserves to win.
Kunci: E
Q:48) This text is for questions 48 to 50. <br>
22 Killed in Thai Bus Accident<br>
Bangkok, Thailand. A bus taking university students and lectures crashed into hillside
in eastern Thailand before dawn on Friday. The accident killed at least 22 people and
27 others were injured, police said. <br>

The bus was running down a steep and winding road when the driver lost control
and hit the hillside in Prachinburi Province, Major Suchart Yaemsak said. <br>

“An initial investigation shows that the bus might have had a brake failure and
could not stop on the steep road,” Suchart said. <br>

The death toll might increase since a number of the passengers were severely
injured, the police officer said. <br>

The students and the lecturers were traveling from the north-eastern province of
Khon Kaen to Chantanaburi Province. Most of the dead were aged between 20 and 28,
the police officer addee. <br>

What is the news about? <br>

A:) The students and the lecturers were traveling
B:) The police of khon Kaen
C:) Major Suchart Yaemsa
D:) An initial investigation
E:) A Bus Accident
Kunci : E
Q:49) What caused the accident? <br>
A:) The driver feels sick
B:) The driver not see the road
C:) The bus crashed into the hillside
D:) The driver lost control and hit the hillside
E:) The bus taking university students and lectures crashed into hillside
Kunci : D
Q:50) When did the accident happen? <br>
A:) In the morning
B:) On Friday
C:) On Saturday
D:) In the night
E:) On Tuesday
Kunci : B

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