Last Will and Testament

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I, ________________, of legal age, Filipino, married, with legal

address at _______________________, Philippines, being of sound and
disposing mind and memory and not acting under duress, undue
influence, violence, intimidation or fraud of whatever nature, do hereby
make, publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament (“Will”).


I declare that I am married to _____[full name]____________ and

presently have one (1) daughter, namely:

_______[full name]____________, born on ____________________.

This Will is made in English, a language known to and understood

by me.

By this Will, all other wills, codicils or testamentary dispositions

heretofore executed, signed or published or alleged to have been
executed, signed or published by me, are hereby revoked.


In case of my death, I nominate and appoint [name of spouse] as

the Executrix of this Will, and reposing special trust in her, directing that
no bond or other security be required for the faithful performance of her

If she predeceases me or fails to qualify as Executrix or, having

qualified, should die, resign or become incapacitated, then I nominate
and appoint __________________ and/or _____________ as Substitute
Executors, likewise without bond, and give them the same powers and
authority as my original Executrix was given.

If they fail to qualify as substitute Executors or, having qualified,

should die, resign or become incapacitated, then I nominate and appoint
________________ as Second Substitute Executor, without bond, and give

him/her the same powers and authority as my original Executrix was


In addition to the powers, authorities, duties and obligations of an

executor as provided by law, I hereby authorize my Executrix/Substitute
Executors/Second Substitute Executor, as the case may be, to secure
the services of legal counsel and/or an accountant of their choosing for
the purpose of assisting them in fulfilling their duties as Executors.
Expenses and costs incurred by my Executors in the reasonable and
faithful discharge of their duties shall be chargeable against my estate.


I hereby give, devise and bequeath to [name of daughter] all of my

rights to, title and interest in the following properties:

a) A parcel of land located in _________________________________,

with an area of ______ square meters, more or less, and more
particularly described under Transfer Certificate of Title No.

b) Proceeds of the life insurance policy issued by [name of

insurance company] wherein my daughter is the designated

c) Cash proceeds of US Dollar Account in [name of bank and

branch] held under my name, with Account No.
__________________; and

d) Cash proceeds of Philippine Peso Account in [name of bank and

branch] held under my name of __________________, with
Account No. __________________;

as well as all other property that I may own as of the time of my death,
whether real, or personal, of whatever kind and nature and wherever
situated, including all property that I may acquire or become entitled to
after the execution of this Will, including personal effects, jewelry,
household furniture and furnishings, garden and lawn furnishings and
equipment, books, silver, art objects, hobby equipment and collections,
wearing apparel, automobiles, and other personal articles; provided, that

any child born to me and my spouse, or adopted by us after the
execution of this will is to be given, bequeathed and devised the same
aliquot share of such property (except the proceeds of insurance policy)
as is given bequeathed or devised to [name of daughter].

[name of spouse] shall hold in trust for our child or children all of
the latter’s share and interest in the said property while they remain
minor; Provided, that in case [name of spouse] predeceases me or
becomes incapacitated, __________________ and/or _________________
shall hold in trust for the said children all of the latter’s share and
interest in the said property while they remain a minor.


In case of my death and that of my spouse, I nominate and appoint

__________________ and/or __________________ as the legal guardians of
our daughter, ___________________, and any other minor children that we
may have at such time.


I direct that all of my legally enforceable debts, funeral expenses

and estate administration expenses be paid as soon after my death as
may be practicable, except that any debt or expense secured by a
mortgage, pledge or similar encumbrance on property owned by me at
the time of my death need not be paid by my estate, but such property
may pass subject to such mortgage, pledge or similar circumstance.


I direct that all estate, inheritance, legacy, transfer, succession and

other related estate taxes or duties (together with interest and penalties
thereon, if any) that are levied or assessed upon or with respect to any
property included as part of my estate, whether such property passes
under the provisions of this Will or otherwise, shall be paid by my
Executor/s out of my residuary estate as an administrative expense,
without any proration or apportionment that might otherwise be required
by law.


TIN _____________


The foregoing instrument, which is declared to be the Last Will and

Testament of ___________________, consisting of ___________ (__) pages
(including the Acknowledgment), all consecutively numbered, has on the
date hereof been signed and subscribed on each and every page by the
aforementioned testator in our presence, and we have witnessed and
signed this instrument on each and every page hereof, in the presence of
____________________ and in the presence of one another, and have
subscribed hereunder as witnesses and in attestation of said Last Will
and Testament. We expressly acknowledge that we understand the
contents of this attestation clause.

_____________________________ ________________________________
(Name of Witness) {Address of Witness)

_____________________________ ________________________________
(Name of Witness) {Address of Witness)

_____________________________ ________________________________
(Name of Witness) {Address of Witness)



________________________________) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in _________________, this

________________________, personally appeared the following:

Name Valid ID Date/Place Issued


known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Last

Will and Testament, which consists of ________ (__) pages, including the
page where this Acknowledgement appears, and who acknowledged to
me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed

my notarial seal at the place and on the date first written above.

Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. _______;
Series of 2012.

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