Break Out

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Rom 2:5-6 But because of your stubbornness12 and your unrepentant heart, you are

storing up wrath for yourselves in the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment is

He14 will reward 15 each one according to what he has done.

Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord.

- Then Jesus came into our lives & changed the course of everything!!

- You can even say that he came into our lives abruptly & changed everything!!

- Thank God for his only begotten..JESUS!!!

- Who in our place died for our sins!!

We’ve been redeemed, recovered, reclaimed, bought back, purchased, delivered, dis-
imprisoned, emancipated, liberated, loosened, released, set free, saved & rescued By the
Precious Blood of JESUS!!!

1Pe 1:18-19 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as
silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But
with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

- Jesus is our savior, our liberator, our salvager, our salvation, the Messiah!!!

- In essence He’s our hero!!

- In the book of Micah the people as well as the leaders of Jerusalem & Samaria are under
the judgment of God, then all of a sudden in vrse 12, there is a transition!!!

- It’s kind of like salvation, 1 second you’re not saved, then the moment you open your
heart to Christ & confess him as Lord, in that moment you’re saved!!

- Here in chptr 2 we have the judgement of God, & then all of a sudden, there’s restoration
for those that have survived all the ugliness & had been broken!!

Their king will advance before them, The LORD himself will lead them.

1. God can restore.

a.) I think we all know that God is a God who restores!

- He restores, renews, rebuilds, recovers, heals, cures, mends, re-establishes, retouches,

refreshes & revives!!

1. He restores lives, restores hearts, restores minds, restores relationships & friendships,
restores families & marriages!!

2. Jesus has the power of restoration!

b.) In verses 12-13 there’s a remnant of God’s people spoken of who had been dispersed or
spread out!!

1. These were the people who survived what was going on in their land. (foretold captivity.)

- but they were broken, wounded, hurt people spread out all over the land!!

- & the prophet declares to them that God would restore them & gather them all together
again !!

“ I will bring them together like sheep in a fold, like a flock in the middle of a pasture; they
will be so numerous that they will make a lot of noise.”

- God would gather up so many, that they would make a loud noise!!

2. It’s a perfect picture of restoration & healing!

- & the basic understanding here is that God wants to restore & heal those that have been
broken or hurt & wounded!!

3. As we go to 13 there’s something very profound here!

Mic 2:13 The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed
through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall pass before them, and the
LORD on the head of them.

a.) Now as you study this verse of scripture it’s very, very powerful!!

“the breaker has come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the
gate, and are gone out by it:”

1. It’s a picture of a wall or gate bursting or exploding open in aggressive way!

- It’s a picture of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, very sudden & very aggressive!!

- God broke down the gate of their captivity & led them our of Egypt!!

- it’s a picture of deliverance, not conquest.

- It’s not just breaking thru a wall (the obstacle) to get to the other side!!

- But to breakthrough, removing all other obstacles that would keep us from moving
forward & then moving forward!!

- It’s a picture of being confined like in a prison, & all of a sudden the gate of that prison
was blown open to set the prisoners free!!

- & the obstacle which was the gate was removed so that they could get out & keep moving

- & the basic understanding here, without getting too heavy is, God will remove any & all
obstacles to get us where we need to be!!

2. It’s telling us that God is the “breaker”

Mic 2:13 The one who can break through barriers will lead them out38 they will break out,
pass through the gate, and leave.39

1. In essence this vrse is telling us that God is a God of breakthrough!!!

- The vrse is telling us that God the breaker will remove those things that stand in the way
of our progression!!

- We’re talking about those barriers that can keep us from being blest!!
- God can break thru those walls & barriers that keep us from receiving from God & all that
He might have for us!!!

- God will break down all those walls, barriers, obstacles & get us thru those things that
have been strategically put there by the enemy who wants to hold us captive in our

3. The enemy would try to put obstacles before us to try stop what God wants to do in our

- But, God the breaker, the God of breakthrough can clear a path & overthrow everything
that stands in the way of the things that God wants us to do in our lives!!

c.) There are times in our walk with God when we need a breakthrough to keep us moving

1. We need a breakthru for our church. (for souls to be saved & a supernatural move of
God’s spirit to touch the lives of his people!!

- A breakthru so powerful that it would totally revolutionize our lives & radically change us!!

- A breakthru so divine that it could’nt be refuted, challenged or denied, you knew, that you
knew you were in the presence of God!!!

- A breakthru so awesome that men would rise up to any occasion & do the work the Lord
has called them to do!!

- We need a breakthrough for the fire of the Holy Ghost!!

2. We need a breakthrough in our look further than we’ve ever have before!!

- To enlarge, to stretch, to lengthen, to strengthen & not hold back!!

- A vision that goes way beyond our borders!!

3. This not only applies to the church as a corporate body, but also as an individual

- You might need a breakthrough in your vision because right now it’s dull & blurred & you
need a breakthrough so that you might see clear again in what God has called you to do!!

- You might need a breakthrough from apathy, indifference & cold heartedness & worst of
all lukewarmness!
- You might need a breathru in your excuses!!

- I think we need to stop finding excuses why we can’t do the will of God & start finding
excuses why we can!!!

Why do I say this? Because there are people in here that God wants to used in a very
powerful & anointed way, but our excuses are hindering that!!

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