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Appendix VI.

4 Grading Rubric for Educational Documentary

Performance Excellent Work Good Work Satisfactory Poor Work
Criteria (15 pts.) (10 pts.) Work
(5 pts.) (1pt.)
Organization • The movie has a • The movie has • The movie has a • The movie has
clear and a clear clear identifiable no focus.
identifiable focus. identifiable focus, but two or
• All components of focus, but one more parts of the
the movie relate to part of the movie do not
the focus. movie does not relate to the
relate to the focus.
Format • The movie is 4-5 • The movie is • The movie is • The movie is
minutes long. made using made using under 2 minutes
• The movie is made Vegas, Final Vegas, Final cut or there are no
using Vegas, Final cut Pro or a Pro or a similar credits or the
cut Pro or a similarly similar advanced digital movie was
advanced digital advanced video software. made with an
video software. digital video • Many sources are unapproved
• The movie has a software. not cited or are digital video
title. • The movie has improperly cited software such as
• All sources, actors, a title. in the credits. Movie Maker.
etc. are cited in the • A few sources • Movie lacks a
credits in MLA are not cited in title.
Format. the credits, or • Movie is 2:30
the movie is min or longer.
3:30 min or
Presentation • The graphics, • One scene of • The movie is • The movie is
language, and the movie is inappropriate for both
message of the inappropriate the audience or is inappropriate
movie is appropriate for the not presentable for the audience
for the audience. audience. for a professional and is not
• The movie is viewing. presentable for a
presentable for a professional
professional viewing.
Required • Contains a one clear • The movie is • The movie is • The movie is
Elements simple machine. missing one missing two missing two or
• Contains a history of element. elements. more elements.
the machine.
• Contains an
explanation of the
machine use/role in
• Shows physics
behind machine
• Explains how
machine works
(force, motion, etc)
• Explains how the
machine impacts the
Content • All information • All • All information • Information is
presented is information presented is inaccurate or
accurate. presented is accurate. information is
• Information accurate • Further research lacking for three
presented for all • Further is required for or more
required elements research is two elements. required
conveys required for • Focus is not well elements.
considerable one element. supported by • Images do not
research. evidence. correspond with
• Images and statistics dialogue.
back up focus with • Producer does
evidence. not use images
• Images correspond and statistics to
with dialogue. back up focus.
Creativity • Movie conveys • Movie conveys • Movie conveys • Poor use of
focus in an focus in an focus artwork,
innovative way. innovative • Producers find animation,
• Storyboard is way. artwork, sound, music,
original and creative. • Storyboard is animation, video, and text.
• Producers create original and music, or video
original artwork, creative. that helps convey
animation, music, or • Producers find the focus.
video. artwork,
music, or video
that helps
convey the
focus in an
Editing • The movie is • The movie is • The movie is • The movie is
professionally missing one missing two missing two or
edited. element. elements. more elements.
• The movie has
smooth transitions
between scenes.
• The movie’s text is
• All
grammar/spelling is
• All audio (voice
over and music) is


Total Points Earned (105 possible)________


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