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The Special Session of the Sangguniang Kabataan ng City Heights was called to order by Hon.
Allan Lopez Jr. at exactly 6:50PM on August 23.

Allan Lopez Jr SK Chairperson
Sebastian Perry Ferrera SK Secretary
Maynard Asprilla SK Treasurer
Roer Jaco SK Kagawad
Devine Kyle Galve SK Kagawad
Mary Joy Dela Peña SK Kagawad
Arglaen Dayatan SK Kagawad


1.) Scheduling of Monthly Sessions and Establishment of House Rules
- It was discussed that the Council will hold a face-to-face session next month. A sense of
urgency was introduced by Hon. Allan Lopez Jr as we are already in the third quarter of
the year.
- It was mentioned that Barangay Sessions are held twice a month during the first and third
week of the month exclusively on Wednesdays. Given that SK Sessions already has an
allocated budget, it was encouraged that the Council is to hold as many sessions as well.
- Hon. Mary Joy Dela Peña suggested that SK Sessions are preferably held at 6:00 PM or
earlier, once or twice a month. Hon. Devine Kyle Galve agreed to that timeslot as well
and suggested around 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM, once a month. However, SK Chair has a
conflict of schedule and suggested instead that the Council should convene at the second
and fourth Tuesday of the month.
- Hon. Galve inquired if online sessions are maintained. SK Chair disapproved, however,
due to it not being in the resolution to allow online sessions. Online attendance will not
be permitted in future sessions.
- Hon. Roer Jaco suggested to move to 6:30 PM. However, no objections were made and
hence, the 5:30 PM timeslot was maintained. The Council will convene at 5:30 PM
every second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.
- No amendments were introduced in regard to the house rules. The standing dress
code is to dress properly.
- Snacks and meals are suspended until the Council’s bank account is finally opened.
2.) Approval of the CBYDP and ABYIP
- The Barangay Treasurer reached out to help our Council with the creation of our CBYDP.
Other barangay officials reached out to help us as well.
- Hon. Galve asked if Paskuhan will be held this year. SK Chair reassured that Barangay
City Heights will be spending for the Christmas celebration of the barangay. Hence, the
organization of such event will be entrusted instead to the Barangay Council.
- Hon. Dela Peña stated that there is a demand for financial assistance for students with
honors, SK Chair dubbed them as Youth Achievers. This should be addressed in the
CBYDP as well.
- SK Chair urged the Council that each officer is to submit a project proposal if they
have one. However, he maintained that these projects should be limited only to the
remaining months of 2022.
- Hon. Roer Jaco suggested that the Council should acquire a vehicle due to its strategic
value for the Council’s events and programs (ie. Summerlympics).
- SK Chair is optimistic that the ABYIP can be submitted within this week. Urging
importance to the subject as there are those who are relying on the Council. Since there is
a surplus of scheduled events, the ABYIP should be accomplished sooner.

3.) Updates on the SK Funds and the Opening of Bank Acc

- Hon. Hon. Dela Peña stated that the ABYIP should be submitted soon before bonding
can commence. She added that bonding will take up to 2 - 3 days. It is necessary before
the Council can actually be operational.

4.) Election of Committee Heads

- There are seven committees. SK Kagawad to be appointed on the Budget Monitoring
Comm. Documentation Comm. and the likes are to be discussed next time instead.
a. Committee on Education and Culture
- Hon. Dela Peña was nominated. No objections were made. The SK Kagawad
aforementioned won the seat.
b. Committee on Environment and Disaster Resiliency
- Hon. Jaco was nominated. No objections were made. The SK Kagawad
aforementioned won the seat.
c. Committee on Youth Employment and Livelihood
- Hon. Domingo-Lloveras was nominated. 2 votes.
- Hon. Galve was nominated. 3 votes. The SK Kagawad aforementioned won the
d. Committee on Health
- Hon. Dayatan was nominated. No objections were made. The SK Kagawad
aforementioned won the seat
e. Committee on Anti-Drug Abuse and Social Protection
- Hon. Jaco was nominated. No objections were made. The SK Kagawad
aforementioned won the seat.
f. Committee on Gender Development
- Hon. Jaco was nominated. Objected//withdrew
- Hon. Dayatan was nominated. 1 vote
- Hon Sean was nominated. 3 votes
g. Committee on Sports and Recreational Development
- Hon. Jaco was nominated. No objections were made. The SK Kagawad
aforementioned won the seat.
h. Budget Monitoring Officer
- The budget and all financial transactions of the Council are all monitored by the Budget
Monitoring Officer, SK Chair, and the SK Treasurer
- Hon. Dela Peña was nominated. No objections were made. The SK Kagawad
aforementioned won the seat.

5. Appointment of New SK Secretary

- Hon. Ferrera introduced himself and his other affiliated organization.
- A biology student from MSU, an officer of Kidlikasan, a cadet officer and reservist from
the MSU-ROTCU, a director of ESIP, and a member of Sigaw Heneral.

- There is a shortage of two SK Officials. Hon. Lopez Jr urged the Council to summon
potential individuals to take up the vacant SK Kagawad seats.
- The DILG went to Barangay City Heights and suggested to our Council, that despite not
being the legal norms, appoint people who are best fitted for the position due to the
urgency of the matter. This method is necessary in order to correct the SK Council.
- Hon. Jaco introduced Hon. Dayatan for the position of SK Kagawad.
- Hon. Dayatan introduced themselves as a student from RMMC, a consistent dean’s lister,
and affiliated with Samafil. Stated that they are optimistic that the SK can be operational
once again.
- Hon. Lopez Jr. urges the Council to visit the Barangay Hall frequently in order to
accomplish the ABYIP sooner.

The Special Session of the Sangguniang Kabataan ng City Heights was adjourned by Hon. Allan
Lopez Jr. at exactly 7:32 PM on August 23.

Prepared by Approved by

Sebastian Perry F. Ferrera Allan Lopez Jr.

SK Secretary SK Chairperson

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