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1  Complete  sentences  using  verbs  from  the  list  in  the   4  Use  the  words  to  make  sentences  in  the  past  
past  continuous  form.   continuous.  
not  try  |  talk  |  not  do  |  play  |  get  |  shine   0. He  /  study  /  when  /  phone  ring.      
0. They  weren’t  trying  very  hard.   He  was  studying  when  the  phone  rang.  
1. Everyone  _________________  about  the  news.   1. While  /  I  /  sleep  /  my  brother  /  do  homework.  
2. The  sky  was  blue  and  the  sun  _________________.   ___________________________________________  
3. I  _________________  out  of  the  car  when  I  saw  you.   2. I  /  look  for  /  tennis  racket  /  I  /  find  /  $100.  
4. We  _________________  anything  special.   ___________________________________________  
5. She  _________________  the  piano  for  hours.   3. my  teacher  /  explain  /  the  problem  /  I  /  not  
  understand  /  anything.  
2  Write  questions  and  answers  in  the  past   ___________________________________________  
continuous.   4. they  /  rob  /  the  bank  /  the  police  /  arrive.  
0. Matt  /  walking?    No  /  run.       ___________________________________________  
Was  Matt  walking?  No,  he  was  running.   5. they  /  jump  in  /  the  pool  /  he  /  try  to  swim.  
1. what  /  you  /  drink?    I  /  orange  juice.   ___________________________________________  
2. you  /  hide  /  under  the  table?    no  /  behind  the  sofa   5  Put  the  dialogue  in  order.  
1   Mary:   Hey  Teresa!    What  did  you  do  yesterday?  
3. what  /  you  /  do?    I  /  put  on  /  shoes    
__________________________________________       Mary:   What  were  you  doing  there?  It  was  so  cold!  
4. Gabriel  /  work  /  last  night?    No  /  dance     Mary:   Well,  I  was  studying  all  day,  but  then  my  
__________________________________________       parents  made  me  go  out  for  dinner.  
5. the  boys  /  fight?    No  /  play    
Teresa:   I  went  to  the  beach!  
    Teresa:   I  was  flying  a  kite  with  my  sister.  What  did            
3  Join  the  sentences  using  when  or  while.     you  do?  
0. I  was  walking.  I  saw  a  man  dancing.      
  Teresa:   That  sounds  nice.  You  shouldn’t  spend  so        
While  I  was  walking,  I  saw  a  man  dancing.       much  time  studying.  
1. We  were  having  dinner.  Someone  rang  the  doorbell.    
___________________________________________   6  Answer  the  questions.  
2. The  wind  blew  my  papers  everywhere.  I  was  reading   0. What  were  you  doing  at  7  p.m.  yesterday  evening?    
under  a  tree.       I  was  chatting  with  friends  on  Facebook.  
___________________________________________   1. What  did  you  see  while  you  were  coming  to  class  
3. I  was  showing  my  friend  my  toy.  I  dropped  it  and  it   today?  
broke.   ___________________________________________  
___________________________________________   2. What  were  you  doing  the  last  time  your  phone  rang?  
4. I  bit  my  lip.  I  was  eating  a  snack.     ___________________________________________  
___________________________________________   3. What  did  you  have  for  lunch  yesterday?  
5. I  was  watching  sports  on  TV.  My  brother  wanted  to   ___________________________________________  
play  video  games.   4. Was  it  raining  yesterday  afternoon?  
___________________________________________   ___________________________________________  
  5. What  was  your  teacher  doing  when  you  came  into  
  class  today?  

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Name       Class       Date      




Answer  Key  

1   4  

1. was  talking   1. While  I  was  sleeping,  my  brother  did  his  

2. was  shining   homework.  
3. was  getting  out   2. I  was  looking  for  my  tennis  racket  when  I  found  
4. weren’t  doing   $100.  
5. was  playing   3. While  my  teacher  was  explaining  the  problem,  I  
didn’t  understand  anything.  
4. They  were  robbing  the  bank  when  the  police  
1. What  were  you  drinking?  I  was  drinking  orange   arrived.  
juice.   5. They  jumped  in  the  pool  while  he  was  trying  to  
2. Were  you  hiding  under  the  table?  No,  I  was   swim.  
hiding  behind  the  sofa.  
3. What  were  you  doing?  I  was  putting  on  my  
shoes.   1,  4,  2,  5,  3,  6  
4. Was  Gabriel  working  last  night?  No,  he  was  
6  (possible  answers)  
5. Were  the  boys  fighting?  No,  they  were  playing.   1. I  saw  a  traffic  jam  while  I  was  coming  to  class  
2. I  was  talking  with  my  friends  in  the  park  when  
1. While  we  were  having  dinner,  someone  rang  the   my  mom  called  me.  
doorbell.       3. I  had  pizza  for  lunch  yesterday.  
2. The  wind  blew  my  papers  everywhere  while  I   4. Yes,  it  was  raining  very  hard  yesterday  
was  reading  under  a  tree.  /  I  was  reading  under   afternoon.  
a  tree  when  the  wind  blew  my  papers   5. My  teacher  was  sitting  at  her  desk  when  I  came  
everywhere.   into  class  today.    
3. I  was  showing  my  friend  my  toy  when  I  dropped  
it  and  it  broke.      
4. I  bit  my  lip  while  I  was  eating  a  snack.    
5. While  I  was  watching  sports  on  TV,  my  brother  
wanted  to  play  video  games.    

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