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Nama : ……………………………………… No. Absen : ........

Kelas : II ( Dua ) Nilai Tanda Tangan
Guru Orang Tua / Wali
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 60 menit
1. What animal is it ?...
a. Lion
b. Tiger
c. Snake
2. An … has long neck.
a. Rabbit b. lion c. giraffe
3. Tini : What pet do you have ?
Tono : I have ………………
a. Tiger
b. Lion
c. Parrot
4. N-P-I-G-N-U-E. Arrange this word correctly
a. Pinguen b. Penguin c. Peacock
5. Ant is ………..
b. small b. big c. circle
6. Elephant is ……..
a. Thin b. small c. big
7. Turtle is ……
a. Slow b. fast c. noisy
8. Dolphin can ……..
a. Swim b. fly c. talk
9. Parrot can ……
a. Run b. fly c. swim
10. Giraffe is ……
a. Short b. tall c. small
11. Tiana : Can lions run fast ?
Reno : ………………..
a. Yes, they can run fast b. Yes, they can run slow c. No, they can’t run fast
12. Mira : Can cats talk ?
Sina : ………………
a. Yes, they can talk b. No, they can’t talk c. No, they can’t run
13. Arrange this sentence correctly

a. Wolf is a he b. He is a wolf c. A turtle is he

14. Arrange this sentence correctly

a. She is an elephant b. He is an elephant c. Is an elephant she

15. Which one is the picture of leg ?

a. b. c. c.

16. Hair is part of our ….

a. Mouth b. Head c. Knee
17. Face is part of our ….
a. Hand b. Foot c. Face
18. I walk with my …
a. Food b. Foot c. Face
19. I watch television with my …..
a. Nose b. Fingers c. Eyes
20. Saya punya dua tangan . The english sentences is ....
a. I have two hands b. I have two nose c. I have two knees
21. What game is it ?

a. See saw b. slide c. skipping rope

22. Dito : Do you like a doll ?
Lily : Yes, ……….
a. I do not b. I do c. do I not
23. Riri : What’s game do you like ?
Tyo : I like …….
b. Train b. ball c. hide and seek
24. What colour is Indonesian flag ?
a. White and black b. red and brown d. red and white
25. What colour is the chees ?

a. Red and white b. black and blue c. white and black


26. I am an animal. I live in the jungle. I like to hang on the tree. I like to eat banana.
Who am I ? ……..
27. I am an animal. I have four feet. My body colour is black and white. Usually I live
in the zoo and my body like a horse. Who am I ? ………
28. How many knees do you have ?...........
29. How many mouth do you have ?............
30. What is it ? ………..
31. A: What is your favorite game ?
B: My ….………. game is snake and ladder.

Tono : How many balls do you have ?

Dodit : I have ………..

He can’t………….

34. I can ……… a bike.

35. “Jingga” in English is ……..


Answer the questions based on the picture. For number 1 – 3.

36. How many pandas can you see ?

37. How many girrafes can you see ?
38. How many ducks can you see ?
39. Please mention three animals can swim!
40. Please mention three kinds of toy !

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