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Moral Judgment, Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-Being Among Rural and Urban

Adolescents from Different Socioeconomic Level

Adolescents are future subjects of our country. Adolescents are not a homogenous group. Their
needs vary with their sex, moral judgment, self-esteem, psychological well-being and the social-
economic conditions of their environment. Their needs are an essential base for the social,
economic, moral and industrial development of a nation. Moral judgment, self-esteem,
psychological well-being are the prime needs of the nation.
Moral Judgment is perception formed on actions, intentions, traits, or the entirety of a person are
Good or Bad, measured against standard societal norms. Moral judgments can be grouped into two
broad classes. There is the "before-the-fact" and the "after-the-fact".
Self-Esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself (for example, "I am unloved", "I am worthy").
However, we know that believing in yourself and accepting yourself for who you are some important
factors are success, relationships, happiness and that self-esteem plays an important role in living a
flourished life.
Psychological Well-Being (PWB) refers to how people evaluate their lives. These evaluations may be
in the form of cognitions or in the form of affect.
SOCIO ECONOMIC STATUS (SES) is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often
measured as a combination of education, income and occupation.
Need of the study
 The effect of SES on the moral judgment performance of adolescents. This study will be
great use for the teachers, students, guardians and curriculum designers for maintaining
mental health of the adolescents.
 The effect of SES on the self-esteem performance of adolescents. This study will be great use
for adolescents to improve their self-esteem and can give them confidence, strength,
resilience to face and overcome many obstacles.
 The effect of SES on the PWB performance of adolescents. This study will be focuses on
exploring how different SES groups vary on PWB.
 Compare the moral judgement performance of the adolescents of different SES groups for
rural and urban background.
 Compare the self-esteem performance of the adolescents of different SES groups for rural
and urban background.
 Compare the PWB performance of the adolescents of different SES groups for rural and
urban background.
 There will be a significant difference between the mean scores of adolescents on moral
judgment of different SES groups for rural and urban backgrounds.
 There will be a significant difference between the mean scores of adolescents on self-esteem
of different SES groups for rural and urban backgrounds.
 There will be a significant difference between the mean scores of adolescents on PWB of
different SES groups for rural and urban backgrounds.
Sample: The proposed study will be conducted on a sample of 300 adolescents. The sampling of
subjects will be accomplished through 2 X 3 factorial between subject design and purposive random
sampling. The upper age limit of the sample would be kept around 19 years.

 Moral Judgment Test by Meera Verma & Durganand Sinha
 The Rosenberg self-esteem scale
 Ryff PWB scale.
Statistical Analysis: The data will be treated statistically for descriptive statistics, two-way ANOVA
and any other as per nature of the data.

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