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Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016.

Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya



Jesus Alfredo Gómez Náfate

Technological Institute of Celaya

Luis Alejandro Alcaraz Caracheo

Technological Institute of Celaya

Mario Calderon Ramirez

Technological Institute of Celaya

Jose Martin Medina Flores

Technological Institute of Celaya

Raúl Lesso Arroyo

Technological Institute of Celaya

The ohmic heating process for food pasteurization has many advantages over
other processes, these advantages have allowed the trend of companies that are
dedicated to the food industry to incorporate new equipment that works with this
In the present work, the thermal analysis of an ohmic heater used by the industry
for the pasteurization of mango pulp was carried out.

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic0 dd7 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
and you
Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). For this analysis, the ANSYS APDL 14.5
software was used, where it was possible to notice the variation of temperatures
throughout the entire system through which the mango pulp is transported. The increase
from 55 ° C to 84 ° C of said pulp was observed and it was compared with the
measurements made to the physical system.
Keywords): ANSYS APDL, ohmic heating, CFD, mango pulp.

The ohmic heating process for pasteurizing food has many advantages over other
processes, such advantages have allowed the trend of companies engaged in the food
industry is adding new teams that work with this method.
In this paper the thermal analysis of an ohmic heater used by industry for
pasteurization of mango pulp, such analysis was generated by computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) was performed. For this analysis the software ANSYS APDL 14.5,
where it was noted temperature variation along the entire system where the mango
pulp is transported used. Increasing 55 ° C to 84 ° C was observed said pulp and
compared to the measurements made to the physical system.
Keyboards: ANSYS APDL, CFD, pulp handle, Ohmic heating.

1. Introduction
In 1827, Georg ohm published his treatise where he described what today is
known as ohm's law, later in 1841, James Prescott Joule would show that
electricity flowing through a conductor would result in the generation of heat
(Ramaswamy et al, 2014). These investigations laid the foundations for what is
now known as "ohmic heating", which consists of supplying an electrical current
through food.
When the electric current flows through a conductor (food), the movement of the
charges gained by the material results in the agitation of the molecules, the
proteins of the food serve as a conductor by which the current moves from an
electrode towards the electrode of opposite polarity.

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic0 dd8 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
and you
Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

The analysis by CFD was carried out, using the ANSYS 14.5 tool, to identify the
temperature variation within an ohmic heating system in operation with the
objective of pasteurizing mango pulp.
In figure 1 you can see the diagram of the ohmic system in physics, there are 2
different thicknesses of pipe connected in series, the thickest thickness is 1.5 cm
and it is glass, while the thin thickness is 0.158 cm and it is Made of sanitary 316
stainless steel, the inside diameter is uniform over the entire system and is 6.19

Figure 1 Diagram of the ohmic system.

Figure 2 Diagram of the position of the electrodes in the pipe.


The ohmic heating process has a series of advantages, which allows it to be an

efficient process, such advantages are (Ramaswamy et al, 2014):
• Uniformity in heating
• Unlike conventional methods, where the heating is carried from the
outside to the inside of the system, in ohmic heating this increase is
carried out from the inside to the outside, thus providing a uniform
heating throughout the entire fluid.
• cost
Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249
Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic0 dd9 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
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Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

• The ohmic heating model had a very high cost during its introduction in
the 80s, however, with the increase in the manufacturing industry, new
models have been created which are very economical.

• Energy efficiency
• Models of this type of heating have efficiencies of up to 90%, which is very
good in contrast to other methods, such as microwave heating, which
barely has an efficiency of 50%.

Mango pulp properties

In order to perform the CFD analysis, it was necessary to search for the properties
of the mango pulp. The properties considered were:
• Density
• Viscosity
• Specific heat
• Thermal conductivity
• Electric conductivity

These properties were located in different articles consulted. Each one of the
properties presents a variation with respect to the temperature of the fluid.
Tables 1 and 2 show found values of these properties that vary with

Table 1 Properties of mango pulp (J. Bon et al, 2010)

Temperature Specific heat density Thermal conductivity
(° C) (kg / m3) (kJ / kg K) (W / m K)
44 1166.5 2,816 0.392
55 1172.1 2,790 0.400
66 1169.5 2,782 0.407
77 1161.7 2,790 0.409
80 1183.0 2,738 0.419

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic1 dd0 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
and you
Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

Table 1 Properties of mango pulp (S.Baslingappa et al, 2013).

Temperature Viscosity Electric conductivity
(° C) (mPa.s) (mS / cm)

twenty 2518.25 2.48

30 2064.25 2.97
40 1415.00 3.60
fifty 1516.75 4.37
60 1669.00 5.19

Parameter calculation
First, the calculation of the heat generations () ̇ that affect the system
  ̇ was
carried out, for this simulation these values were taken as constants, the
generations were affected by the currents that are applied to the system, which
are 20 A, 14 A and 6 A, as well as the electrical conductivity (σ) of mango,
equations 1, 2 and 3 were solved to obtain results shown in the table

ρ   = 1 (1)

   = ρ       (two)

? ̇?   =     two   (3)

Where ρ   is the electrical resistivity, R is the electrical resistance, A is the area of
cross section of the tube, V is the volume of the area where the heat is generated, and   

is the length where the heat is generated.

Table 3 Heat generated.

Current (A) (W / m3)
twenty 101.1 E6
14 49,543 E6
6 9,099 E6

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic1 dd1 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
and you
Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

Subsequently, the calculation of the velocity (V) (equation 4) with which the
zó from the volumetric flow (  ̇) ̇, which I already know
fluid enters the system, this is done if it is known

from experimental data of the systemVte = m  

TOȧ, this value is 0.00075 m3/s.

The speed obtained was 0.2622 m / s, with this speed the number
from Reynolds (Re) (equation 5), eRThe value obtained was 59.39, with which it
inaρrV. d

was determined that it is a flowandm = µ

Where ρ is the density of the fluid, and µ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid.

2. Methods
The “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)” analysis was carried out using the
ANSYS APDL 14.5 software, which allowed to obtain the thermal behavior of the
mango pulp when passing through the 3 ohmic heaters (Fig. 1 A). A series of
steps were followed to be able to carry out a simulation whose results would be
the most realistic possible. These steps are:
• Element selection, modeling, and meshing
• FLOTRAN pre-process
• Boundary conditions

Element selection, modeling, and meshing

To perform the analysis in ANSYS APDL 14.5, first the type of element that
would be used was defined, which should have a series of characteristics which
would ensure that the desired analysis would be possible to perform, later the
system was modeled, and later be meshed.
The selected element is the FLOTRAN 141 (Fluid141), since it was chosen
perform a 2-dimensional analysis ~ pa1r1to have a computational savings. The element

Educational Tracks Year XX2 X

~VIII - ISSN 1405-1249
Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Content Legality Certificate 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

It can be seen in figure 3. This element can be used for transient or stable
models, it can solve for systems that present a flow or temperature distribution.

The degrees of freedom that the element presents are:

• Speeds
• Pressure

• Temperature

Figure 3 FLUID 141 2-D element.

Once the element to be used was selected, the part or system was modeled
(figure 4). Which was carried out within the “modeling” platform in ANSYS APDL to
later generate the corresponding mesh (figure 5). The generated mesh contains
4168 nodes and generated 3318 elements.

Figure 4 Model of the piping system in ANSYS.

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic1 dd3 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
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Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

Figure 5 Mesh distributed over the pipe.

FLOTRAN pre-process
Before solving the system, the working conditions of the software must be
established, the values of the fluid properties are defined, and it is specified
what type of analysis is required, for this in the software there is the option
"FLOTRAN Set up" .
It was defined that it was a steady state analysis, which required a thermal
analysis, with a laminar flow, and with an incompressible flow. It was also asked
to perform 200 iterations, this in order to ensure convergence.
Finally, the values of the properties of density, viscosity, specific heat, and
thermal conductivity were defined.

Boundary conditions
The system presents some boundary conditions, which were specified in the
software, firstly it was determined that the glass walls of the pipe served as a
thermal insulator, in order to maintain uniform heating, the inflow speed is
known which is 0.2622 m / s, and due to viscosity effects, the velocity profile is
known, which defines that the velocity tends to zero the closer it is to the walls,
finally, 3 heat generators were defined, one in every part of the plumbing system.
In figure 6 you can see the conditions applied in the system.

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic1 dd4 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
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Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

Figure 6 Boundary conditions.

3. Results
The simulation converged at 560 iterations. Once the system is resolved, the
results are analyzed. The values of interest in the system is the increase in
temperatures, which we can see in figure 7.

Figure 7 Temperature values.

At the entrance a temperature of 328 K (55 ° C), which we define as a boundary

condition, to subsequently increase the temperature gradually as it passes
through each ohmic process, in the first it increased to 336.618

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic1 dd5 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
and you
Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

K (63.618 ° C), the output of the second showed a value of 346.503 K (73.503 ° C),
and finally at the outlet of the entire system the temperature of 356.388
K (83.38 ° C). The data obtained experimentally in the physical system mark a
departure at 90 ° C.
It should be remembered that at first it was emphasized that the properties of
the fluid used in this simulation were obtained from studies carried out by other
groups of researchers and with mango pulp of different species from that used in
this process. However, the operation of the ohmic heating process is well known,
in this situation it could be said that the simulation carried out has a good level of
Table 4 shows the measurements made to the physical system within the
production plant during 12 hours of continuous process, the measurements
performed are at the output of each ohmic heater.

Table 4 Temperature measurements in the physical system (° C).

8: 3 9: 3 10: 3 11: 3 12: 3 13: 3 14: 3 15: 3 16: 3 17: 3 18: 3 19: 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
77 76 77 76 76 78 78 82 85 77 79 78
or 1
85 86 93 90 90 86 84 85 84 89 88 85
or 2
91 90 92 90 91 91 92 90 90 92 91 92
or 3

4. Discussion
The outlet temperature of the ohmic process obtained from the simulation, 83.38 °
C, was consistent with the data obtained experimentally (table 4), which records an
average outlet temperature of 90 ° C. This indicates a percentage error of
7.35%, this temperature difference may be due to the fact that the properties of
the handle used in the simulation were obtained from the literature and it could
be that they differ from the handle used in the real process. So how do I work

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic1 dd6 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
and you
Educational Tracks, No. 118, September 2016. Mexico, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Celaya

Future is established to characterize the physical properties of the mango pulp

used in the experimental process.

5. Bibliography and References

[1] Ramaswamy, H. Marcotte, M .: Ohmic heating in food processing, Quebec:
CRC Press, 2014.
[2] J. Bon, J., Vaqiro, H., Benedito, J .: Thermophysical properties of mango pulp.
Journal of Food Engineering, 2010.
[3] Baslingappa, S., Thakor, N., WAGH, S .: Effect of temperature on viscosity of
kokum, karonda, mango pulp and cashew Apple syrup. Agric Eng Int: CIGR
Journal, 2013.
[4] Sosa-Morales, M., Tiwari, G., Wang, S .: Dielectric heating as a potential
postharvest treatmet of disinfesting mangoes, part I: Relation between
dielectric properties and ripening, Biosystems engineering, 2009.

Educational Tracks Year XXXVIII - ISSN 1405-1249

Certificate of Legality of Title 6216; Certificate ~ 1
from Lic1 dd7 ~e Content 4777; Reserve File 6 98 92
and you

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