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I. Please pay attention to your friend’s application letter. After that, complete this table by checking the
elements of the application letter.

NO QUESTIONS Your 1st 2nd 3rd

1. Is there the date when the letter was written?
2. Is there the name of company to be applied
3. Did the applicant write the full name of the
4. Did the applicant mention the recipient’s
5. Did the applicant mention the city, state, and
the zip code?
6. Is there any phone number or email address
of the recipient?
7. Is there a salutation?
8. Did the applicant write the title of the position
applied for?
9. Did the applicant state a reason for being a
good fit for the position?
10. Did the applicant list job requirements that
she/he can relate to her/his background
11. Is there a closure in the letter?

II. Complete this letter by choosing the right words provided.

DEA Computer Manufacture

68 Crateburg St.

November 3, 2021

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am 1) ----on GogoDigi on October 28. 2021. Please find my resume, certificaes, and letters of
reference enclosed.

The position you advertised matches my interests and I believe that 2) ----for this position. The key
strengths that I possess for success in the position include:
 Designing, developing, and supporting, live use applications.
 Striving for continued excellence; and
 Providing exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.
3)----, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of a software development project. I also have 4)
----. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I 5) ---- at or my cell phone at 909 555 5555. Thank you for your time and
consideration. I look forward to an interview with you about this employment opportunity.

Yours faithfully,

Dwi Pedrosa

a. experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed

b. writing to apply for the programmer position advertised

c. can be reached anytime via email

d. my technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate.

e. with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Programming

After completing the letter, read it aloud. Let tour friend asses how you read.

No Criteria Low Good Very Good Score

Performance Performance Performance
(7) (8) (9)
1. Pronunciation Many errors Comprehensible Clear and right
2. Intonation No variation in Varies the Accurate
intonation intonation intonation
3. Voice Faint Quite loud Loud and clear
4. Fluency Stammers Speaks fluently Speaks
with occasional fluently
Total Score
Final Score= Total Score: 4

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