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Favoured Skill Groups: Personality, Vocation

new calling and Trait: Leadership
Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power
- taking courage -
New Trait – Leadership
New Calling: Leader You possess the capability to win the trust of others
and push them to action. When under pressure, other
‘He stood up, and seemed suddenly to grow taller. In men naturally turn to you for guidance, as ducklings
his eyes gleamed a light, keen and commanding.’ follow their mother, or wolf pups heed their father.

The Wise know that advice is a dangerous gift, as all

courses may run ill. Worse is the case of a leader of men, as
when his actions go amiss, many suffer as a consequence. Taking Courage
But when the world is on the brink of ruin, it is the duty
of all men of worth to rise and take the lead, whatever In Middle-earth it’s common for veteran adventurers to
the risk of making the wrong choices. You have decided to lead bands of less-experienced companions. The veterans
put your judgement to the service of others, to guide them inspire courage and confidence, which often leads their
in this dark hour. But you don’t want others to heed your companions to unexpected heroism of their own. This
commands out of fear or obedience – you want them to optional set of rules represent this in the game.
follow you because they trust in your counsel.
At the beginning of each game session, check which hero
has the highest total Experience points score among all
companions. Each companion who has fewer Experience
points than that hero gains a point of Courage for every full
10 total Experience points’ difference. A player-hero can
earn no more Courage points than his basic Heart rating.

For example, Gismund, marshal of the Dale-lands, has 69

Experience points in total. His young companion Ecgalf
has only 3 Experience points and a basic Heart score of 4.
Ecgalf gains 4 points of Courage at the start of the game

Courage points may be spent in several ways:

• When about to spend 1 point of Hope, you may

spend 1 point of Courage instead.
• At the end of a game session, spend 1 point (and 1
point only) of Courage to gain 1 Experience point.
• At the end of a game session, spend 1 point (and 1
point only) of Courage to gain 2 Advancement points.

Any Courage points left at the end of a session are lost

(they cannot be saved for the following session).

Additional Combat Rules

particular), player-heroes are not limited by their choice

additional of role and are free to choose any stance at the start of a
- Combat rules -
The captain of a company stands out in the confusion
And so at length Éomer and Aragorn met in of a battle, as they must lead their warriors as they face
the midst of the battle, and they leaned on the enemy. This makes the Captain the favourite target of
their swords and looked on one another and archers and other creatures able to attack from a distance,
were glad. wishing to see the leader of their enemies slain.

The rules for combat for The One Ring aim to capture the Champion
tension and drama of a fight as narrated in the stories, By making a display of personal prowess, the companion
and at the same time offer exciting gameplay options. fighting as the Champion attracts the attention of the most
powerful foes among the adversaries, in an attempt to
This section presents a set of new game mechanics, created vanquish them singlehandedly.
to supplement and expand the chapter on Combat, found
on page 166 of The One Ring Roleplaying Game. Here are Ward
included new rules on the adoption of combat roles, new If among the companions there is someone whose life the
combat tasks, and additional rules for called shots. heroes want to safeguard the most, a player may choose
this role. At the onset of a fight, the companions look
Combat Roles out for their Ward, manoeuvring to let only the weakest
The true test of a company’s mettle comes when a small opponents engage the protected hero.
band of heroes is surrounded by many enemies. It is at
that moment that a company of veteran adventurers can
demonstrate that fellowship means more to them than
just friendship and closeness. "Death take us all!"
Being able to profit from their mutual support brings
When a company of heroes is attacked, the player-heroes to the companions many advantages, but it has its
can choose to adopt a number of combat roles, representing downside, should misfortune strike those who dare
their capacity to fight as a tight-knit formation. defy danger.

• At the start of a fight at close quarters, the players may If a companion covering a combat role is Wounded or
spend 1 Fellowship point to assign up to three special rendered Unconscious, all the other members of the
combat roles to members of the company, choosing company gain 1 point of Shadow, or 3 points if the
between a Captain, a Champion, and a Ward. This hero is killed. This Shadow gain is in addition to any
choice must be done on the first round of a combat, penalty due to the Fellowship focus rules.
before stances are selected.

Each role grants a number of advantages to the companion

assuming it, from restricting the Loremaster to a set of Special Rules for Engagement
specific engagement rules, to giving the heroes access to The following special rules apply only if the company is
new and powerful manoeuvres. taking part in a fight against enemies outnumbering the
company. If sides are equally matched, or there are more
While all roles prove more effective when associated heroes than enemies, the normal rules for engagement
to a specific close combat stance (see the Combat role apply instead.
advantages and the new Combat tasks on page 107, in


Normally, at the start of a first round of combat fought earlier fight and is still quite weak. The Orcs are led by a
at close quarters against more enemies than heroes, the huge chieftain with iron-capped fangs. The Orc-Chieftain’s
Loremaster must proceed to pair each companion with a patrol includes himself (Attribute Level 5), two Orc Guards
creature, choosing then to assign any remaining enemies (4), three Orc Soldiers (3), and three Goblin Archers (2).
to an already engaged companion, or to have them stand
back, possibly to attack using a ranged weapon. The company is outnumbered by slightly more than two
to one. After the result of opening volleys have been
Should the players choose to adopt any combat role, determined (Herubrand’s beloved steed, Caerthion, is
the Loremaster must additionally abide by the following stabled at a croft far from the mountains, so no charge
indications. To engage the companions, the Loremaster for the Eorlingas), but before combat stances have been
must follow the 3 steps below in order: declared, the players decided to spend 1 Fellowship point
to choose combat roles for the fight. They swiftly decide
1. Engage the Champion that Fareth will act as Champion, Herubrand will act as
The Loremaster must engage the Champion of a company Captain, and the already wounded Tanta will become
using an opponent with the highest Attribute level among the Ward.
the available attackers.
Due to their combat roles, the Loremaster must assign
2. Engage the Ward the Orc-Chieftain to Fareth, and at least one of the Goblin
The Loremaster must engage the Ward of the company Archers has to draw their Jagged knife and slip forward
using an opponent with the lowest Attribute level among to try to stab Tanta. (Maybe he’s from Mount Gram?) The
the available attackers. Loremaster ends up also sending an Orc Guard at Fareth,
an Orc Guard and a Orc Soldier at Herubrand, and two
3. Engage the Captain and all companions with no role Orc Soldiers at Rowlie Pickthorn. At least one of the two
The Loremaster now pairs all remaining heroes with one un-engaged Goblin Archers must shoot at Herubrand, so
creature, including the Captain, as they see fit. the Loremaster decides the other does as well.

When all companions have been engaged by one Fareth lightly twirls her gleaming long sword, while
adversary, the Loremaster must assign the remaining offering the chieftain a grim smile. “Come and die, Orc.”
creatures to either engage heroes who are already engaged, Herubrand strikes his sword thrice against his shield,
or to perform ranged attacks. drawing the attention of the archers as he steps in front
of Tanta, Rowlie at his side. The Hobbit pulls forth a short
• If the Loremaster chooses to engage any hero with sword and readies herself…
multiple opponents, they should try to conform to the
indications above, again assigning the most powerful Combat Role Advantages
foes to the Champion, and the weakest to the Ward, In addition to the special engagement rules, each combat
avoiding assigning multiple opponents to the Ward, role grants a companion a distinctive bonus, generally
where possible. involving the use of the bonus Success dice granted by
• If creatures are assigned to attack using ranged Combat Advantages (see pages 151 and 179 of The One
weapons, then half or more of them must target the Ring Roleplaying Game):
Captain of the company.
• If the Captain attempts the Rally Comrades combat
For example, a group of adventurers led by the Ranger task and succeeds, the player may spend and roll one
Fareth has been caught by an Orc patrol that was seeking Combat Advantage die to add the result to the number
them among the foothills of the Misty Mountains. Fareth’s of Endurance points recovered by the companions.
company includes the valiant Rohirrim, Herubrand, the
stout Man of Bree, Rowlie Pickthorn, and the Hobbit • If the Champion attempts the Intimidate Foe combat
scholar, Tanta Twofoot. Tanta was gravely wounded in an task and succeeds, the player may spend and roll a

Additional Combat Rules

Combat Advantage die; additionally the Champion in the table at the bottom of the page), offering a total of
does bonus damage on any successful strike equal to eight new combat actions. As before, these tasks require a
the result plus the total Hate points his intimidation hero to be fighting in a specific stance, and often require
cost the enemy. The bonus lasts a number of rounds a die roll (difficulties are set at TN 14, unless otherwise
equal to the hero’s Valour rating. specified).

• If the Ward is fighting in an open or defensive stance, Forward Stance: Challenge Adversary
the player may spend a Combat Advantage die to Then Théoden was aware of him, and would not wait
carry out an attack AND perform a significant action for his onset, but crying to Snowmane he charged
at the same time (normally, a hero would be allowed to headlong to greet him.
attack OR perform a significant action). A significant
action performed in combat is anything requiring A companion may choose to single out a foe for the
a skill roll, like breaking down a door, freeing a tied fullness of his ferocity, fighting recklessly in an attempt to
captive, carry a wounded friend to safety, and so on, bring that enemy down.
but does not include combat tasks.
The hero must name one adversary they are engaged
New Combat Tasks with in close combat at the beginning of a round, after
"Follow what may, great deeds are not lessened in choosing a forward stance. For the length of the fight, the
worth," said Legolas. challenging hero rolls the Feat die twice, keeping the best
result, when making close combat attack rolls against the
The tasks described below supplement those found on challenged creature. The challenged foe enjoys the same
page 178 of The One Ring Roleplaying Game (italicised advantage against the challenging hero.

Tasks in Combat (Expanded):

Combat task Stance Declared... Requirement Other

Intimidate Foe forward Hero’s turn Awe or Battle roll Forfeit attack
Challenge Adversary forward Beginning of round Choose one foe -
Two-weapon Attack forward Hero’s turn Use 2 Weapon skills -
Rally Comrades open Hero’s turn Inspire or Song roll Forfeit attack
Enhearten Comrades open Hero’s turn Inspire or Song roll Forfeit attack
Sudden Attack open Hero’s turn Unengaged, Stealth roll -
Protect Companion defensive After choosing stance Spend 1 Hope -
Full Defence defensive Hero’s turn Shield, or 2 weapons Forfeit attack
Stand Ground defensive Hero’s turn 2h-weapons, spend 1 Hope -
Prepare Shot rearward Hero’s turn - Forfeit attack
Bows. Foes in open or
Harry Foes rearward Hero’s turn -
Seek a Mark rearward Ranged weapon Awareness or Battle roll Forfeit attack
Escape Combat rearward Beginning of round - Forfeit attack
Escape Combat close combat Hero’s turn Athletics roll Forfeit attack


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