Tire Splash Modeling

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Tire Water Splash Modeling

Dragos Moroianu and Alper Cesur

Abstract This paper presents the numerically modeled multiphase flow of a splash
phenomenon generated by a wheel traveling at relatively low speeds through shal-
low water depths. The flow of interest is complex and involves effects of free surface
dynamics and formation of large-scale droplets. The framework used to model the
process is Eulerian, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and incompressible fluid flow.
Topological changes of the interface between the gaseous and liquid phase are pre-
dicted by using Volume of Fluid (VOF) method. OpenFOAM, the open source based
library-kit, has been used for the flow simulations. The main responsible mechanism
for the splash is considered to be the hydraulic jump generated by the tire pressing
onto the free surface of the water. In association to this hypothesis the performance
of 2 models, linear and parabolic, for the velocity distribution has been conveyed and
compared with experimental data of splash-related contamination on a fixed plate. It
is found that the parabolic velocity distribution agrees closer to experimental data.

1 Introduction

The multiphysical phenomenon describing the collision of the free surface of a liquid
with a solid object or liquid surface, referred to as splash, is both fascinating and of
significant importance in a number of different industrial applications. Examples of
areas with ongoing research may be the study of drop splashing during steel-making
processes such as Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) and the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF)
where a gas jet impinges on a liquid surface, with the aim of improving productiv-
ity by reducing splashing, [1, 2]; the investigation of the level of quality in coat-
ing processes by controlling the film thickness applied on a substrate by means of
delaying the occurrence of splashing, [3, 4]; the utilization of water spray cooling
of high-temperature surfaces, where the understanding of impingement physics and
the identification of the threshold for splashing represents a key role within indus-

D. Moroianu ⋅ A. Cesur (✉)

Volvo Cars, Gothenburg, Sweden
e-mail: alper.cesur@volvocars.com

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 509

A. Segalini (ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF2015),
Springer Proceedings in Physics 185, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-30602-5_63
510 D. Moroianu and A. Cesur

trial situations representative for thermal and steel processing, [5, 6]; the research
area of inkjet-printing where detrimental secondary droplets caused by splashing is
an unwanted effect that needs to be inhibited during the manufacturing process, [7];
and, the implementation of spray-drying during powder processing where splashing
has a favorable impact in the dispersion of the liquid into gaseous phase, [8].
The occurrence of the phenomenon of splashing is further revealed within the
automotive industry. High-efficiency devices, such as gearboxes, are strongly depen-
dent on the control of lubrication-related splash losses otherwise considered as one
of the driving mechanisms in the overall power loss in a transmission system, [9, 10].
Further, splash and spray, two correlated processes within multiphase flows, is con-
sidered as one of the most frequent safety complaints on the roads, [11]. In particular,
truck splash can cause large visibility reduction for aft-driving vehicles. Therefore,
an understanding of how to mitigate this safety hazard of splash and spray around
heavy vehicles, a field associated to the interaction of fluid flow and rotating-object
dynamics, makes it deserve a dedicated research in itself. Nevertheless, support for
preventive techniques against contamination of vehicle surfaces has, for instance,
been reported in [12], where particular splash and spray reduction devices together
with a cost-effectiveness analysis is documented. Moreover, a detailed study of the
aerodynamics and spray dispersion due to wheel rotation has been reported in [13,
14], yielding valuable technical information for splash/spray modeling purposes.
Similarly, various mechanisms contributing to splash and spray generation was sug-
gested in [15], where the level of nuisance to road users could be highlighted with
the implemented model.
High complexity of the physics encountered in turbulent free-surface flows and
the associated nonlinear interface regime poses conditions in the available compu-
tational resources. Refined turbulence models and accurate numerical methods with
higher order discretization schemes becomes inevitable in order to allow for han-
dling stability issues and the topological evolution of the moving interface between
existing phases. For this purpose, a number of surface tracking methods have been
developed for computing the interface movement and predicting its time dependent
topological changes, [16, 17]. In general, these methods can be categorized as inter-
face tracking and interface capturing methods with respect to the type of grids used.
The interface tracking techniques identifies an interface; (1) by explicitly tracking
the location of the interface by advection of Lagrangian markers, [18], or (2) by
defining the interface as a boundary between two subdomains of a moving grid,
[19]. Interface tracking approaches are known to provide great accuracy, however,
they are limited to moderate interface motion. In addition, the technique requires
the mesh to be updated as the flow evolves making these methods computationally
expensive. Interface capturing methods, on the other hand, rely on implicit descrip-
tion of the interface given through a separate phase function discretized on a fixed
grid. Among the most common representatives are the Level Set (LS) and the Vol-
ume of Fluid (VOF) method, relying on the principle of volume fraction and distance
function, respectively. The LS methods, [20], offer highly accurate numerical tech-
nique for capturing complex topological changes of the moving interface in which
the interface moving speed is sensitive to the front curvature and normal direction.
Tire Water Splash Modeling 511

An important disadvantage of the method, however, is its need of accurate transport

schemes in order to suppress volume leakage which results in numerical diffusion
and hence causing a smoothing of the edges of the interface. In comparison to LS
methods, [17], it is documented that the VOF technique is able to capture the mean
effects of instabilities while providing mass conservation. Difficulties arise though
when one is about to capture interfaces with strong deformation.
Referring to the previous discussions, high demands are put on the interface cap-
turing method and the associated flow model used in order to predict splash-related
dynamics. Time-averaged methods, for instance Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes
(RANS), [21], will not be suitable due to the transient nature of the problem. Most
turbulent flows consist of vortex filaments and sheets with characteristic scales on the
order of the Taylor and Kolmogorov scales, lT and lK , respectively, typically being
many orders of magnitude smaller than the integral scales, lI . In Direct Numeri-
cal Simulation (DNS) all flow scales, down to lK , are resolved which makes such
simulations too expensive for engineering applications. Instead Large Eddy Simu-
lation (LES), [22, 23], in which all the flow scales smaller than approximately lT
are modeled, thus having weaker resolution requirements, have emerged as a viable
alternative for engineering predictions. Large Eddy Simulation (LES), when used in
a proper way, will provide the details of the predicted flow necessary for the above-
mentioned studies.

2 Mechanism

There are two numerical models advocated herein: a linear and a parabolic one.
They are designed for the multiphase flow splash phenomenon generated by a wheel
rolling at relatively low speeds through shallow water depths, as seen in Fig. 1. Both
models are related to a physical phenomenon called hydraulic jump, [24].
The automotive industry considers the splash phenomenon rather important
mainly due to the water contamination and injection in the engine bay cavity. A sec-
ond reason for the current study is overloading of the wheel arch liner and underbody
panels due to water splash generated forces. Most of the focus of water splash phe-

Fig. 1 Tire water splash—experiments. a Front view, b side view, c top view
512 D. Moroianu and A. Cesur

Fig. 2 Hydraulic jump

Fig. 3 Pressure distribution

nomenon has been directed toward hydroplaning, [25, 26], a phenomenon appearing
in similar conditions though at relatively high speeds. The main responsible mech-
anism for the splash is considered to be the hydraulic jump generated by the tire
pressing onto the free surface of the water, as suggested in Fig. 2. A wheel rolling
in shallow waters of height h0 with velocity v0 will generate a high pressure region
in front of it, which in turn will drive the fluid upstream and aside of the wheel,
as can be seen in Fig. 3. A one dimensional approximation of the hydraulic jump
phenomenon, known as Belanger’s equation, [24], has the following expression (1):

h1 1 + 8Fr2 − 1
= , (1)
h0 2

where Fr2 = gh0 is the Froude number.
However, the velocity distribution v0 , is far from constant in real cases, and it has
to be either resolved or modeled. This paper will present 2 models for the velocity
distribution v0 , and their associated experimental validation.

3 Numerical Method

The problem is regarded as an incompressible three-dimensional multiphase flow, in

which one phase is gaseous (air) and the second phase is liquid (water). Both phases
are integrated in an Eulerian framework. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) model is used
Tire Water Splash Modeling 513

in this particular approach. It is a surface tracking technique applied to distinguish

between the two immiscible fluids by tracking the volume fraction of each of the
fluids in each cell of the computational domain. Further, the model considers the
flow as one mixture and solves one set of equilibrium equations which is shared by
the two phases. In tensorial format the mass, momentum and energy conservation
laws have the following expression (2):

𝜕𝜌 𝜕𝜌u
⎧ 𝜕t
+ 𝜕x i = 0,
⎪ 𝜕 (𝜌ui ) 𝜕 (𝜌ui uj )
𝜕p 𝜕𝜎
⎪ 𝜕t
+ 𝜕xj
= − 𝜕x + 𝜕xij ,
⎪ 𝜕(𝜌e) 𝜕(𝜌u h) 𝜕(𝜎 u ) i ( j )
𝜕 𝜕T
⎪ + j
= ij i
+ 𝜆 ,
⎨ 𝜕t 𝜕xj
[( 𝜕xj)
𝜕xj 𝜕xJ] (2)
𝜕ui 𝜕u
⎪ 𝜎ij = 𝜇 + 𝜕x − 23 𝛿ij ⋅ 𝜕xk ,
⎪ 𝜕xj i k
ui ⋅ui
⎪ h = k⋅R⋅T + ,
⎪ k−1 2
⎩ p = 𝜌 ⋅ R ⋅ T.

For the current application the Mach number is small enough (M < 0.3), which
makes the compressibility effects to be negligible, therefore constant density is
assumed for both phases (liquid and gaseous). This assumption will simplify (2),
by decoupling the energy equation from the system, which consequently becomes
⎧ 𝜕ui
⎪ 𝜕xi
= 0,
⎨ 𝜕ui 𝜕ui 1 𝜕p 𝜕 2 ui (3)
⎪ 𝜕t + uj ⋅ 𝜕xj = − 𝜌 𝜕xi + 𝜈 ⋅ 𝜕xj xj .

As mentioned before, the system presented in (3), was used to simulate a mixture of
the two immiscible phases (water and air). Considering the interface between them, a
transport equation for the fluid volume fraction, 𝜕𝛼 ⃗ = 0, has been used
+ ∇ ⋅ (𝛼 ⋅ V)
for tracking purposes. Here, 𝛼 is the volume fraction associated to the liquid phase.

4 Results

4.1 Computational Set-Up

The computations were performed for the case of a cross-flow past a tire in a rec-
tangular channel with quadratic cross section at a Reynolds number, Re = V∞
of 363724, where V∞ = 8.333 m/s is the air free-stream velocity, 𝜈air = 1.48e-05

m2 /s2 the air kinematic viscosity and D = 0.646 m the tire diameter. The dimen-
sions of the computational fluid domain are 7.95D, 5.96D and 3.48D, in the x-, y-
and z-direction, respectively, see Fig. 4a.
514 D. Moroianu and A. Cesur

Fig. 4 Computational domain and geometry of the tire tread; pressure-plate; splash-channel.
a Computational domain, b top view of tire-assembly, c front view of tire-assembly, d mesh topol-
ogy for 25 M cells

The splash phenomenon is initiated by releasing water flow from a rectangu-

lar shaped channel with dimensions 1.084D, 1.966D and 0.077D, where the water
water = V air , 𝜈 2 2
release velocity and its kinematic viscosity is V∞ ∞ water = 1e-06 m /s ,
respectively. The channel is horizontally centered about the tire in order to assure
for symmetrical flow conditions on both sides of the tire. Its leading edge is placed
at L = 0.364D in front of the tire edge in the x-direction, see Fig. 4b. Further, a
pressure-plate (marked with yellow color) is positioned to the left of the tire for mea-
surement of fluid forces, see Fig. 4b, c. It is positioned at a distance of [∣ 0.147D ∣,
∣ 0.437D ∣, ∣ 0.008D ∣] from the center of the tire to the center of the pressure-plate.
A slice of the fluid domain in the z plane is shown in Fig. 4d for a simulation on
a grid with 25 M cells. The mesh is hexahedra dominated with refinements applied
to the tire tread surface (marked with brown color) together with a cylindrical zone,
which starts slightly in front of the tire tread and extends to just aft of the pressure-
At the inlet of the domain, a Dirichlet condition is applied for the velocity and
a Neumann type condition for the pressure. At the outlet, Neumann condition is
used for the velocity and a Dirichlet condition for the pressure. The top and sides
are modeled using slip type. Moreover, the vehicle dynamics is taken into account
by applying Dirichlet conditions for the velocity at the ground and the tire tread.
Boundary conditions for the splash-channel is applied with the same type as for the
domain inlet for both the velocity and pressure, whereas a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann
Tire Water Splash Modeling 515

Table 1 Case summary

Mesh size [M cells] F̄ N [1] y+ [1]
6 0.346 974
8 0.644 588
25 0.948 153

Fig. 5 Computational domain and geometry of the tire tread; pressure-plate; splash-channel.
a Computational domain, b top view of tire-assembly

type is used for the phase fraction at the inlet surface of the splash-channel. The
corresponding initial conditions are specified to 1 at the inlet surface and 0 in the
rest of the domain. Surface tension has been ignored throughout the computations.

4.2 Convergence Analysis

In this section the convergence analysis summarized in Table 1 will be discussed.

The computations contain the impact of splash-related fluid forces on the pressure-
plate shown in Fig. 4. As post-processing, the results have been normalized with
experimental data (denoted with suffix N). Three different meshes of size 6, 8 and
25 M cells have been considered for this purpose.
The objective with the mesh study was to entitle the need of effective refinement
zones in order to resolve proper fluid flow behavior. Figure 5a shows the transient
behavior of the Euclidean norm of total pressure forces, FN = ‖(fx , fy , fz )‖ on the
pressure-plate for the three mesh resolutions. The associated averaged quantities, F̄ N ,
resulted in 0.346, 0.644 and 0.948 units for 6 M, 8 M and 25 M cells, respectively,
see Fig. 5b. The observations from Fig. 5 and Table 1 indicate that the coarsest mesh,
6 M cells, deviates from the rest and experimental data in both integrated force at
the pressure-plate and y+ values at the tire tread. The finest mesh, 25 M cells, on the
other hand demonstrates a converging behavior in the correct order of magnitude.
This gives confidence for resolving enough scales and therefore generating optimal
conditions in the modeling approach of the velocity profile.
516 D. Moroianu and A. Cesur

Table 2 Velocity profile modeling

Method F̄ N [1] 𝜎(FN ) [1]
Default LES 0.735 0.117
Linear profile 0.948 0.243
Parabolic profile 0.952 0.236

4.3 Modeling the Velocity Profile

The nature of LES makes modeling unavoidable in order to replicate actual flow
behavior. The convergence analysis presented above was therefore conducted for a
case where an explicit enforcement of the flow velocity profile was applied to the
first cell layer of the tire, shown in Fig. 4. The type of enforcement was linear and
obeys the following relation with respect to tire properties:

Cy ( )
𝐕 (y) = y − ymed , (4)
ymax − ymed

where y is the parameter of variation, Cy is a model constant and, ymed and ymax are
the center and outer coordinates of the tire width, respectively. In addition, a second
order parabolic profile was applied in order to remedy for the discontinuous behavior
of the linear profile at y = 0:

Cy ( 2 )
𝐕 (y) = y − y2med . (5)
y2max − y2med

Table 2 compares the default LES (no model) simulations and the applied models
with experiments. The intrinsic discrepancy of 0.265 units between default LES sim-
ulations and experiments clearly exhibits the need of modeling. In the first instance,
one can discuss the marginally larger magnitude in predicted F̄ N of the parabolic
velocity profile compared to the linear model. Nevertheless, its associated standard
deviation, 𝜎(FN ), indicates a higher degree of reliability in its expected value. Based
on these characteristics, the parabolic velocity profile is deemed to be the better rep-
resentative of the flow evolution in time and space during splashing.

5 Conclusions

A two-phase flow model dedicated to the simulation of splashing within the automo-
tive industry, based on LES-equations coupled with the Volume of Fluid method for
unsteady free surface flows, has been presented. The hydraulic jump is considered
to be the main responsible mechanism for the occurrence of large-scale splashing. A
Tire Water Splash Modeling 517

linear and a parabolic velocity profile has been conveyed to model the under-resolved
flow features near the tire-ground region and it was shown that the parabolic profile
agrees better with experiments.
In future work, next step would be to investigate in detail the splashing rate based
on the formation and detachment of developed flow structures as surface tension, tire
surface pattern and surrounding aerodynamics are altered.


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