1998 Modeling Stresses of Contacts in Wire Saw Slicing

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Modeling Stresses of Contacts

in Wire Saw Slicing of

Polycrystalline and Crystalline
Ingots: Application to Silicon
Wafer Production
J. Li Wire saw slicing is a cost eJJective technology with high surface quality for slicing
large diameter silicon wafers. Though wire saws have been deployed to cut polycrys-
talline and single crystal silicon ingot since the early 1990s, very little is known
I. Kao about the fundamental cutting process. We investigate this manufacturing process
kao@mal.eng.sunysb.edu and propose a contact stress model of wire saw slicing that illustrates the interactions
among the wire, ingot, and abrasives (e.g., SiC) carried by the slurry. Stresses
created by wire saw slicing silicon wafers are analyzed in this paper. During the
V. Prasad cutting process, the wire moves at high speed ( 5 - 1 5 m/s) with respect to the silicon
ingot. The abrasives in the slurry are lose third-body particles caught between the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, wire and ingot at the contact surface. The forces applied by the wire carry the
SUNY at Stony Brook, abrasive particles and cause them to roll on the surface and at the same time to be
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2300
constrained to indent the surface. Such rolling-indenting interactions result in the
formation of isolated chips and surface cracks'. The cracks and discontinuity on the
surface also cause high stress concentration. As a result, the material is cut and
removed. The stress fields" of a single circular cone of the abrasive particle indenting
on silicon crystal with normal and tangential forces can be calculated and analyzed
from the modeling equations and boundary conditions. The stresses are expressed
with dimensionless stress measures, as functions of normalized geometric parameters'.
The results show that the maximum normal stress occurs' at the indentation point,
while the maximum shear stress ( az~) occurs' below the surface of contact, as expected.
Such subsurface shear facilitates the peeling effects of the silicon cracks. Both the
normal and tangential forces applied at the contacts are incorporated in the model.
The model is very effective in explaining and predicting the behaviors' and distribu-
tions of stresses during the cutting process, and can be used to determine the optimal
geometry of the abrasive particles in the rolling-indenting process.

1 Introduction with abrasives is supplied and carried by the wire during the
cutting process.
Wire saw slicing is an emerging technology for wafer produc-
According to the nature of its manufacturing process, the
tion in photovoltaic (PV) and semiconductor industry because
wiresaw cutting belongs to the category of free abrasive machin-
of its ability to cut crystalline and polycrystalline ingots and
ing (FAM), and can be classified as machining of brittle materi-
produce a very thin wafer with a small kerf loss and high yield. als with loose abrasive particles. The abrasives (e.g., SiC) are
It is being commonly used for the production of Si wafers in
free third-body particles caught at the contact surface, that are
PV industry, and has the potential to find widespread application
forced by the wire to attack the silicon ingot surface like a
for ingots with large diameters and of ceramic materials. A
number of minute cutting agents. For lightly loaded particles,
schematic of the wire saw is shown in Fig. 1. The single wire
only plastic indentation is formed, and there is no material
is fed from the supply spool through the pulley and tension
removal. With heavily loaded particles they penetrate and indent
control unit to the four wire guides that are grooved with a
the surface to a certain depth and cause isolated chips and cracks
constant pitch, p. The take-up spool collects the used wires.
to form. Superposition of the normal and tangential forces as
Multiple strands of wire web are formed by winding the wire
well as the motion of the high speed wire at indentation cause
on the wire guides through grooves. Such wire web can provide
the rolling motions of the abrasive particles, generating lever
100 to 400 wires to slice an ingot into hundreds of wafers, at
effects. Due to this rolling-indentingprocess and the stress con-
the same time, when the ingot is fed in the direction shown.
centration resulting from surface discontinuity and cracks, large
The wire is pulled by the torque exerted by the main drive and
slave drive, as shown. The tension on the wire is maintained stresses are transmitted to the material and cause it to splinter
by the feedback control unit at a prescribed value. The wire and form cracks and chips. The grip particle is then unloaded
can move at a speed of 5 to 15 m/s in both directions by and free to resume its rolling motion when constrained once
again to indent. An illustration of this process is shown in Fig.
reversing the direction of the main and slave drives. The slurry
2. The rolling-indenting motions of all grip particles cause the
wire to slice the materials with which the contact is made.
Contributedby the Electricaland ElectronicPackagingDivisionfor publication In this paper, we propose a contact stress model due to the
March 12, 1997;revisionreceivedJanuary29, 1998. AssociateTechnicalEditor: rolling-indentingprocess for wire saw slicing. Stresses incurred
A. J. Rafanelli. during the cutting process are derived as dimensionless stress

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slurry &
tension control unit .
abrasive I"n' ~
g o' 1
and tachometer 1) \ /-,2H

ire guid

wire we

wire supply spool take-up spool

Fig. 1 Schematic of wire saw used in slicing ingots. A wire web is formed
by winding a single wire along the grooved wire guides. The abrasive
slurry is poured between the wire web and the ingot.
Fig. 2 Illustration of the rolling-indenting process. Due to the combina-
tion of the tangential and normal forces applied by the wire on the SiC
measures, which are functions of normalized dimensionless pa- abrasive, the surface indentation occurs on the silicon ingot (hardness
of SiC: 2500 Kg/mm2; of Si: 1000 Kg/mm=). Moreover, the SiC will roll in
rameters of coordinates. The results can be used to predict the the direction shown due to the moving wire. As a result, chips are formed
stresses caused by the wire saw slicing and to determine the on the substrate surface.
optimal size and geometry of the abrasives.

2 Literature Review 1951 ) computed the stress distribution in a semi-infinite elastic

The process of wire saw slicing of a crystal wafer was pre- medium with a Poisson ratio of 0.25 when its boundary is dented
sented in (Sahoo et al., 1996; Sahoo et al., 1997). In their by a rigid circular cone whose axis is normal to the original
paper, the dynamic vibration model and stiffness control of the surface of the medium (e. g., ingot). The components of stresses
cutting process were also discussed. In the wire saw slicing are calculated at various points in the interior of the elastic
process, the initial fracture occurs because of the stress distribu- medium.
tion between the two surfaces subjected to compressive load
and sliding friction. Kao et al. (1997) presented the ongoing 3 Modeling of the Wire Saw Slicing Manufacturing
research in modeling and control of the wafer slicing technology Process
using wire saw. A comparison with inner diameter (ID) saw In this section, we first establish the global model of wiresaw
was also made. The stress, vibration, and deflection analysis of manufacturing process, which resembles the carpenter's wire
ID saw were reported in Chonan et al. (1993a, b). saw. After that, we explore the contact stress model of the
Crime (1973) investigated the surface removal processes in indentation of a single abrasive particle on the ingot surface, as
brittle materials. He found that cutting by abrasive particle's
well as the stress fields induced by the normal and tangential
rolling and indentation is the dominant process in grinding brit- loads.
tle materials with abrasives. The FAM process is commonly
used in modeling lapping (Buijs and Houten 1993a, b). It is 3.1 Modern Wire Saw Versus the Carpenter's Wire
reported that the FAM process is more effective in material Saw. In its macro modeling, the modern wire saw slicing
removal than the processes of ploughing and plastic deformation process resembles the carpenter's wire saw, as shown in Fig.
(Morre and King, 1980). Moore and King (1980) found that 3. In the carpenter's wire saw, the wire is made of metallic
the fracture mechanism is about ten times more effective in materials (e.g., steel) with sparse notches along the wire. The
removing materials than the plastic deformation mechanism. wire is stretched taut under high tension, typically by a bow.
The fracture mechanism would especially dominate when (i) The taut wire can be used to cut wood with any arbitrary shape.
the depth of indentation of the abrasive is high, (ii) the abrasive The modern wire saw, as shown schematically in Fig. 1, is
is sharp, and (iii) the ratio of fracture toughness of the materials similar to the carpenter's wire saw, except that the notches on
is low. Lawn and Swain (1975) studied the microfracture be- the wire are replaced by Particles of abrasive (e.g., SiC) that
neath point indentations in brittle solids. It was found that a are constrained on the wire surface instantaneously to perform
localized zone of irreversible deformation forms around the the cutting action. The comparison is shown in Fig. 3.
contact point, thereby removing the singularity in the elasticity When the wire makes contact with the ingot surface via abra-
solutions and providing nucleation centers for the ensuing mi- sive particles (Fig. 3(b)), the rolling-indenting motion de-
crocracks. scribed in section 1 takes place. A "chip" on the ingot surface
The damage in brittle or elastic/plastic materials by indenta- is the result of one interaction, and crack interaction is not
tion friction was presented in (Evans et al., 1976; Lawn and necessary for removal of material from the surface. Cracking
Evans, 1980; Marshall et al., 1982). Love (1939) derived a and chipping may occur simultaneously, and, clearly, the pres-
close form solution to determine the distribution of stress in a ence of surface cracks will facilitate abrasion by promoting
semi-infinite solid medium when its plane boundary is deformed surface break-up and stress concentration. The model illustrates
by the pressure against a perfectly rigid cone. Sneddon ( 1948, how the slicing is made by the wire carrying the abrasive parti-

a = radius of the uppermost level of in- cr = stress (subscripts indicating the di- = dimensionless geometric parameter
denting cone which remains in con- rection) (4 = z / a )
tact u = strain (subscripts indicating the di- # = coefficient of friction between wire
e = penetration depth of the contact area rection) and medium surface
b = penetration depth of noncontact area N = normal force applied on the abrasive R = rotation matrix
a = angle of the indenting tip of abrasive f = tangential force (ff = #N) C., = parameter related to material prop-
E = Young's modulus of the medium p = dimensionless geometric parameter erties and contact
u = Poisson ratio of the medium (p = r/a)

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the surface of the ingot is prescribed by the shape of the cone
in the region r -< a, i.e., from the vertex V to the uppermost
contact circle of radius a. Outside that region (at 0 -< z -< b
and r > a) this condition is replaced by the fact that the normal
component of stress vanishes across the boundary of the me-
dium because no contact is made, and the deformed surface is
a free surface. It is further assumed that the shear stress is zero
(a) Carpenter's wiresaw (b) Model for wire saw willr abr~ive sh*rry over entire surface z = 0. Thus, the equilibrium equation for
infinitesimal motions along the r and z-directions become
Fig. 3 Carpenter's wire saw model for the modern wire saw in free (Sneddon, 1948)
abrasive machining (FAM) process. The free abrasive particles in the
slurry are caught on the surface of the moving wire instantaneously.
These particles, which sticks instantaneously on the surface of the wire, 0a__z+ 0 a , z + ! ( ~ , _ re) = 0 (1)
are the cutting agents similar to the notches on the carpenter's wire Or Oz r

O0-rz + O0"Z + ~Yr___.=~ O, (2)

Or OZ Or
cles during the manufacturing process. It is important, however,
to understand the stress fields around each cutting agent (the with boundary conditions
abrasive particle) in order to concatenate stresses due to the
cutting agent, so as to integrate the resultant stresses during the uz= [uz(r)]z=o at z = 0,0-< r~ a (3)
cutting process.
3.2 Stresses Due to Rolling-Indenting, A mechanics ~7~=0 at z=O,r>a (4)
model of the rolling-indenting process described in section 1 is
shown in Fig. 4. The typical conical tip of SiC abrasive is a,z=0 at z = 0, r > a . (5)
assumed to be in contact with the surface. This process is mod-
eled with a rigid circular cone indenting on a semi-infinite sur- The components of stress elements and geometric parameters
face with a normal force N and a tangential force f, at the are shown in Fig. 5. The theory of the Hankel transforms can
contact. The horizontal plane at z = 0 represents the surface of be used to solve these equations (Sneddon, 1948) to obtain the
the ingot with which the abrasive particle makes contact. The stresses. Two normalized parameters are defined with respect
point of intersection between this surface and the axis of the to the geometric parameter of indentation: ~ = z/a and p = r~
cone is the origin of the coordinates, O, as shown. The z-axis a. The stresses are written with a scaling factor, aloE, to obtain
is chosen to be positive pointing downward. The indentation dimensionless measures as follows:
was made due to the normal force exerted by the wire. We
assume that the cone penetrates a distance of (b + e) into the aa~ _ 1 K~(p, 4) + 4K~(p, 4) (6)
medium, and that at that depth of penetration the strained surface eE 2(1 - u 2)
of the elastic medium fits the cone over the area between the
vertex of the cone and a circle of radius a, as shown. The acre _ _l ~ 2uK~°(P, 4)
position of any point in the ingot, whose stresses are to be eE
calculated, is defined by the polar coordinates (r, 0, z). Because
2(1 /./2)
silicon is a brittle elastic material, we can compute the stresses
created by the abrasive in the interior of the silicon crystal
by superposing stresses generated by the normal force N and
+ - (1 - 2u)K~(p, 4) - 4K](P, 4) ] (7)
tangential f o r c e r , as will be discussed in the following sections.
3.2.1 Stresses Due to the Normal Force. The indentation a(cr,. + ao + crz) _ 1
and contact stress model proposed in Fig. 4 shows a SiC abra- - - K,°(;, 4) (8)
cE 1 - u
sive particle indenting onto the surface of the medium (e.g., Si
ingot). The original surface of the ingot at z = 0 is pushed
down due to the indentation process. On the surface of the aa~ 1
material, the normal component of the displacement vector at 4K~(p, 4), (9)
cE 2(1 - u 2)


Fig. 4 The indentation model for the abrasive on the material surface.
The parameters are as follows: a--radius of the uppermost level of the
indenting cone which remains in contact with the medium (Si ingot); ~ - - Fig. 5 Components of stress elements due to the forces applied by the
depth of the contact areas from the vertex to the level of circle with indenting abrasive particle. The distance of the stress element from the
radius a; b--distance of the nonoontact area to the original surface of origin is R, with a projection of r onto the xy-plane and z onto the z-axis.
the medium; O - - t h e origin of coordinate frame; V - - t h e vertex of the The normal stresses, ~Tr, 0"0, and ¢, as well as the shear stress o% are
cone of the abrasive. shown.

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where E is Young's modulus, u is Poisson ratio, and J,,(pp) The tangential force can be calculated as f = #N. Using the
is the Bessel function of mth order. The terms K",/(p, ~) can results of normal force in Eq. (15), we find
be written as
f - I-zrraeE
2(1 - u 2) (21)
K]/(p, 4) = f~o [1 - cos ( p ) ] p " - 2 J m ( p p ) e P~dp. (10)
In order to combine the stress influence of both normal and
In Eqs. (6) to (9), only four relevant terms of KII'(p, ~) are tangential forces, we first introduce the dimensionless coordi-
needed. nates in the Cartesian space as px = x / a and py = y / a , with
= z / a . Next, we substitute f into Eq. ( 1 6 ) - ( 2 0 ) and multiply
=lln(2+2(41+~Zcos(0-~b)+l +42
both sides by a / e E to render dimensionless stress numbers.
K~(p, 4) 2 ~7(77~7 (11)
Thus, we have

K ° ( p , ~) 1 cos (~b) (12) a~rx _ Cmp~ [ 3p2x 1 - 2u

,/p~ + 42 { 7E- (;~ + 4~) ~'~ [ ;~ + 4 ~ + ( , ~ + 4~ + ~)~

K l ( p , 4) = ! h/~5 + 42 _ { cos (401 (13)

P X p2 + ; 2 p2 ~ ~_ ~;5~_-~] (22)

= - cos (0 - 4)) (14)

P ~ aay_ C,,px [ 3p2~ 1 - 2u
~e (p2 + ~)~,~ [ p~ + ~ + ( 4 7 + ~ + ~)2
= - tan
× 2,/7:+ ] (23)
2 102 _.}_ ~2 _ 1 '
~4 = (p2 + ~ 2 _ 1 ) 2 + 4 4 2 , c o t 0 = ~.
aaz _ - 3Cmp~4 2
Equations (6) to (9) together with (11) to (14) can be used cE (p2 + ~2)5/2
to calculate the dimensionless stress measures numerically as
functions of the normalized coordinates, p and ~. aOyz _ - 3CmPxPy4 afro _ -3Cmp~
Note that the normal force, N, is not shown explicitly in (25)
cE (p2 + 42)5/2, eE (p2 + 42)5/2
Eqs. (6) to (9). It is, however, manifested in the geometric
parameters e, b, and a. The normal force can be obtained by atTxy _ C.,py [- 3p~ I - 2u
integrating the stress ors in Eq. (6) over the contact area on the ~E (p~ + 42) 3'~1_ p~ + 42 + (,~T + ~ + ~)~
surface of the medium. We can obtain the normal force from
Sneddon's results (Sneddon, 1948)

7raeE ,/f12 + 4 ~ + 4
N = 2(1 - u2) • (15)

3.2.2 Stresses Due to the Tangential Force. The tangen- where Cm = / d ( 4 ( 1 -- U2)) is a parameter related to material
tial force at the contact can be expressed as f = # N if the properties and contact.
coefficient of friction, #, is constant and known. We consider Since we assume that the tangential force is acting along the
this tangential force as a concentrated force in an infinite elastic x-direction, i.e., at y = 0 plane, the above equations can be trans-
medium (ingot) acting along the direction of 0 = 0, or the x- formed to cylindrical coordinate system and be rewritten as
direction of the Cartesian coordinates. This is known as the
ao-r Cmp~
Cerruti's problem (Mal and Singh, 1991). The Cartesian coor-
eE (pZ _1_ 42)3/2
dinate system is chosen here for convenience. The stress compo-
nents can be written in terms of the Cartesian coordinates.

= -----~
12 (
_ -R- T + (R -7-772 R 2 _ y2 _ R + z / (16)
× p2+42 +((~-+4~+4)~(p~+42) (27)

ac% _ C,,,px [ 1 - 2u
cry =
- -
[ _ 3 y 2 _l=2u
{3R 2 - x 2 -
2Rx2~] ~E (p2 + 42)3,2 [_(,fp2 + 42 + 4)2
27rR3[ - ~ - (R+z)2\ R+zJJ (17)

3 ftxz 3
2 +42p:]
crz -- 27rR 5

3 f/xyz 3 ftx2z acrz = - 3Cmpx~ 3 a~rz,: _ - 3Cmp ~ 4

Oyz- 27rR 5 , ~7~- (19) eE (pZ + 42)5/2' eE (p2 + 42)5/2'
2~R 5

fY 3X 2 1 - 2u a a r o _ aao~_ O. (29)
~ -- -2~R3
- - - ~ - + -( -e- - -+- ~z) eE eE

These equations can be used to numerically calculate and plot

contours of dimensionless stress measures. Equation (27) to
( 2Rx2"~] (20) (29) represent the stress measures in the cross section along
× - R 2 + X2 + R + Z / J '
the direction of tangential force, which give rise to the maxi-

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x/a x/a
-2 -I 0 I 2 -2 -I 0 I
0.0 I I P 0.0

0.5 0.5 \%72;'~/ i



L\:: /
a~& E e. aoJE E /

2.0 I I I 2.0

Fig. 6 Stress contours of Cx at 0 = 0 w i t h / x = 0.05. The Poisson ratio Fig. 8 Stress contours of ¢ , at 0 = 0 w i t h / ~ = 0.05 and v = 0.12
of silicon is ~ = 0.12.

assume a bi-loop shape. Figure 7 indicates that cry also increases

mum stress measures due to both the normal and tangential
when the location is closer to the origin. The contours are close
to semicircular shape and are symmetric. The stresses crz, shown
3.2.3 C o m b i n e d Stresses D u e to the N o r m a l a n d Tan- in Fig. 8, have contours that stretch more in the ~ direction.
gential Forces. The stresses due to the normal and tangential The order of magnitude is higher than that of or, and Cry.
forces can be combined to obtain the resultant stresses in either Figure 9 shows the contours of the shear stresses, cry. It
the Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates. The following congru- clearly indicates that the maximum shear stress is beneath the
ence transformation can be used to convert the stresses between surface of c o n t a c t - - a characteristic phenomenon due to the
the Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates: nature of contact. The equivalent Von Mises stress is plotted
in Fig. 10.
Cr,-oz = R T oxyz R , (30) The following six observations from the results are in order.
where Cr, oz and axyz are three-dimensional stress tensors in the 1 From the figures, the normal stresses are maximum when z
cylindrical and Cartesian coordinates, respectively. The rotation = 0; that is, the maximum normal stresses occur at the contact
matrix R is defined as vertex on the original surface because of the maximum deforma-
tion. A near-singular point occurs at the surface. Combining
R = sin 0 cos 0 , (31) with stress concentration due to the discontinuity and crack
0 0 formation, this can result in large normal stresses. The stress
contour plots are calculated corresponding to the initial points
on the ingot before indenting. Therefore, the maximum normal
stresses (e.g., at the origin) is the point at the vertex of the
4 Results and Discussion circular cone after the contact and indenting were made. The
The effective stress components due to the combination of vertex assumes the maximum displacement and hence will incur
the normal and tangential forces are plotted in Figs. 6 to 10. the maximum normal stress.
The figures of the dimensionless stress measures are plotted 2 The normal stresses decrease with the increasing distance z.
with normalized coordinates, Px = x / a , py = y / a , and ~ = z~ Although the stress contours are plotted in two-dimensionally,
a. Without loss of generality, the tangential force is assumed volumetric revolution contours can be readily extended from
to be applied along the direction of 0 = 0, i.e., the x-axis. Due the two-dimensional plots.
to the abrasive slurry (oil based or glycol based), a coefficient 3 The stress contours are axisymmetric when only the normal
of friction # = 0.05 is used. Results for other # can be found force, N, is considered. The resultant stress contours due to
easily using the equations in the previous sections. both N and f (along the x-direction) are slightly skewed due
From Fig. 6, the crx stress contours combine the axisymmetric to the effect o f f on the stress distribution.
stress contour due to the normal force and the asymmetric stress 4 The maximum subsurface shear stress (Cr,.~ measured with
contour due t o f . The stresses become larger when the elements respect to the cylindrical coordinates or ~r,.,. with respect to
are closer to the indenting point. As the location moves farther the Cartesian coordinates) shown in Fig. 9 indicates that such
away from the origin, the stresses are reduced and the contours maximum shear stress underneath the contact surface tends to

x/a x/a
-2 -1 0 1
I / ~ I -2 -1 0 1 2
) 0.0

0.5 0.5

"~ 1.0 1,0

1.5 ao~e E 1.5

2.0 I I I 2.0

Fig. 7 Stress contours of ~ry at 0 = 0 w i t h / ~ = 0.05 and v = 0.12 Fig. 9 Stress contours of ~ x at 0 = 0 w i t h / ~ = 0.05 and J, = 0.12

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x]a stress measures are not specific to geometric parameters, they
-2 -1 0 1 can be used in determining the influence on the stresses due to
0.0 ~ I I
different abrasive sizes, shapes, and orientations. From such
measures, we deduce that an optimal abrasive should have large
characteristic ratio, e/a or cot ~. This model can be used to

/ / choose appropriate abrasives for wire saw slicing manufactur-


2.2E-1 Acknowledgment
1.5 ~ The research has been supported by NSF (Grant No. DMI-
9634889) and GT Equipment Inc. (a phase II SBIR grant from

2.0 N [ I
/ DoE DE-FG02-95ER81978).

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