Portfolio IN Early Childhood Care: Submitted By: Hipolito, Mark Darie T

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College of Nursing and Midwiferywww.bpsu.edu.ph

City of
Balanga, 2100 Bataan


Submitted By:
Hipolito, Mark Darie T.

Submitted To:
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its Proactive contribution to To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
Sustainable Development Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by
Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs
2030 and services through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and
institutional mechanisms


College of Nursing and
City of
Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Date: Week 1 | July 18, 2022 & July 19, 2022

I. Objectives
• Understand the definition of the subject ECC
• Recognize the several aspects associated with child Health Care.

II. Clinical Experience

Maam Eden provided the syllabus days before the start of the semester for us
to peruse and become acquainted with the things that we were going to tackle in our
summer class. Maam Eden introduced our subject and then gave us an activity in
which we were asked to write a syllabus reaction paper and share it orally. It was
difficult for me to write a reaction paper since I didn't know where to begin, and to be
honest, I only downloaded the syllabus before the class began. I'm delighted I
finished my work before the oral presentation began. Following that, Maam gave us
homework on child health care.
The next day, we had our lecture about our homework, Child health care.
Maam discussed definitions of the topic, certain laws, and the causes of child
mortality in the Philippines. Following that, she conducted a group activity about
growth, which we quite enjoyed.

III. Insights from the Experience

The goal of early childhood health promotion is to keep children healthy by focusing
on early interventions and program implementation. The basis for a child's future
physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development is laid in the early years of
life. A range of factors affect children's health and well-being, including family traits,
community dynamics, and other social determinants of health. This includes the
organization, regulations, and environments in which children are born and grow up.

IV. Evaluation
All in all, the objectives were completely met.

V. Documentation
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its Proactive contribution to To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
Sustainable Development Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by
Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs
2030 and services through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and
institutional mechanisms


College of Nursing and
City of
Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Date: Week 2 | July 25, 2022 & July 26, 2022

I. Objectives
• To know how to handle ill children and treat all of the child's issues and needs
in an integrative way.
• To familiarize the essential information about the IMCI approach, including
its rationale, guiding principles, and goals

II. Clinical Experience

We just continued the discussion regarding ECC because we didn't have
enough time last week to complete it. After that, we had another group exercise
regarding toddler development, in which we acted out instances of what a toddler can
do at that age. Everyone is eager to join, and we are all extremely active when we
have such activities.
The following day, we took an exam based on our previous discussion. After
that, Maam Eden introduced the next topic, IMCI, which we were already familiar
with from our previous semester; our focus for that day was General Danger Signs
and Pneumonia. Every piece of information that Maam Eden told us was simple for
us to absorb. Then we have an assignment on it.

III. Insights from the Experience

Experiences that occur at various critical moments throughout early childhood
development have a significant impact on health outcomes. These experiences have an
impact on adult health and well-being throughout time. Physical, environmental, and
social effects on children and families can either put their health and well-being at risk
or act as a shield against negative experiences.

IV. Evaluation
All in all, the objectives were completely met.

V. Documentation
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its Proactive contribution to To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
Sustainable Development Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by
Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs
2030 and services through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and
institutional mechanisms


College of Nursing and
City of
Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Date: Week 3 | August 1, 2022 & August 2, 2022

I. Objectives
• Get familiar with the IMCI case management charts and case recording form. •
Conduct an assessment of our learnings for this task.

II. Clinical Experience

We took a quiz on the last topic, GDS and Pneumonia, which was a little
complicated due of the format of the exam. Following that, we continued the
discussion, which was still part of IMCI, but this time we focused on Diarrhea and
Fever. Maam showed us how to assess a child with diarrhea, dehydration, fever, or
malaria and measles; at first, I was confused about how to identify the fever or malaria
because the symptoms are almost identical, and I frequently forgot what the other
categories were.
The next day, we resumed the IMCI by discussing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
and Ear Infections, their causes, and how to assess children with these illnesses.
Following that, we tried to plot it in our form and identify the classification.

III. Insights from the Experience

Vomiting and diarrhea are common symptoms, although the major result of
both is dehydration. The difficult thing is that you may not notice dehydration
symptoms until you are severely dehydrated, and certain symptoms may change as
you age. The health worker should collect basic demographic data, vital signs, and
ask about the child's issues on a regular basis. Determine if this is the first or second
visit. The health worker then continues the IMCI process by checking for general risk
indicators, assessing the primary symptoms, and doing other procedures.

IV. Evaluation
All in all, the objectives were completely met.

V. Documentation
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its Proactive contribution to To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
Sustainable Development Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by
Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs
2030 and services through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and
institutional mechanisms


College of Nursing and
City of
Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Date: Week 4 | August 08, 2022 & August 09, 2022

I. Objectives
• Identify the case management steps for children age 2 months up to 5 years of
• Describe the case management steps using the Child Health Recording Form .
II. Clinical Experience
Before the discussion began, we took a quiz on the previous topic and then we
divided into groups to report on toddlers, preschoolers, and the diseases that they may
contract. The subtopics provided in the pdf that maam Eden gave must also be
included; we also disseminated the subtopics. Following that, we resumed our
discussion regarding anemia and acute malnutrition. Ma'am also includes the clinical
evaluation of various illnesses, along with the chart used to calculate body weight for
a certain length, the MUAC, and classifications. The three categories of anemia are
included. After that, we just completed the assignment our teacher gave us the
previous week.
We had our midterm test the following day, which was a multiple-choice and
case exam, therefore we had to use the form for assessing the case. I struggled with
the questions since we had to choose the best response, yet they were nearly identical.
Fortunately, I finish it quickly and get a decent grade.

III. Insights from the Experience

IV. Evaluation
All in all, the objectives were completely met.

V. Documentation
Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its Proactive contribution to To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
Sustainable Development Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by
Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs
2030 and services through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and
institutional mechanisms


College of Nursing and
City of
Balanga, 2100 Bataan

Date: Week 5 | August 15, 2022 & August 16, 2022

I. Objectives
● To know the growth and development of a child
● To know the different diseases affects child
● To know the treatment and management of the diseases and infections

II. Clinical Experience

Different groups discussed or report about the personal growth and development of a children,
They are also discussed the different types of diseases and infections of a child and how to treat and
manage them.

III. Insights from the Experience

Boost parents' knowledge and confidence to make their own choices in labour. Increase parents'
knowledge of what new babies need in order to thrive. Help parents devise personal strategies for
achieving physical and mental wellbeing across the transition to parenthood.\

IV. Evaluation
All in all, the objectives were completely met.

V. Documentation
Our Vision

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its Proactive contribution to

Sustainable Development Through equitable and inclusive programs and services by


Our Mission

To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing


Innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production programs

and services through progressive enhancement of its human resource capabilities and
institutional mechanisms

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