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-2 Compressive Strength

Figure 2.3 MTS Machine and specimens (Wayne State University- Structure Lab.)

Typical stress - strain relationship for concrete cylinder produced by

compressive strength test, is shown in Fig. 2.4.
The shape of curve depends on the age of specimen, the composite of
concrete material, MTS machine and loading.
The ACI code defines that the maximum concrete strain, is 0.003, and for
high - compressive strength f~, between 8000 to 12,000 psi (55.12 to 82.7
MPa). Nonprestressed structures are: 3500 to 6000 psi (24.11 to 41.34 MPa).
For greater than 6000 psi (41.34 MPa) is used for prestressed concrete.

Table 2.1 Compressive strength (MPa)

Age Specimen Number Mean Std. Dev.

(days) 1 2 3 4 (MPa)

7 49.26 49.78 49.54 47.11 48.92 1.226

14 58.1 58.8 55.39 56.12 57.1 1.609

28 66.62 64.91 62.47 60.28 63.57 2.77

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