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Jl. Kyai Maja No.25c, Gunung, Kec. Kby.

Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah
Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12120
Table of Content

01 Table of Content 02 Company Overview

03 Group of Companies 04 Principles

05 Product Milestones 06 PowerTalk

07 OneTalk 08 SendTalk

09 Integrated Product Ecosystem 10 Why

11 Our Clients 12 Closing

Company Overview 02 was built with a

single mission in mind.

Create a seamless chat-based

communication ecosystem for any
scale of bussiness.

Our parent company Slipicon Group, is one of the longest-

running group software company in Indonesia with over
25 years of experience, employing hundreds
of Software Engineers.

Slipicon Group
Group of Companies (Slipicon Group) 03

IT based peer-2-peer lending provider IT solution provider & software Payment gateway provider who are
development company for banking with licensed with Bank Indonesia (BI)
clients such as Mandiri, BCA, BRI and
other large banks

Accounting digital system for small Chat and omnichannel customer service Creative gift marketplace for small
medium enterprises platform provider medium enterprises

Invelli Group
Core solution for rural banks and Information technology service provider
corporations for stock exchange
Our Principles 04

Keep People Safe and Build Connection and

Protect Privacy Community

Always Work on Doing All With Integrity

What’s Next
Product Milestones 05

JAN 2 01 6 JU N 2 017 D EC 2 01 7 M A R 2 0 18 NOV 2 0 1 9 AP R 2 0 20 JUL 20 2 0 DEC 2 0 20

Start development Launch pilot project Start development Start development

Core chat engine (PowerTalk) PowerTalk web version Omnichannel chat platform Notification and OTP via
(OneTalk) WhatsApp (SendTalk)

Launch pilot projects Launch full version Launch full version Launch pilot project
for partners PowerTalk mobile apps and web Omnichannel chat platform Notification and OTP via
iOS and Android Native Apps version (OneTalk) WhatsApp (SendTalk)
PowerTalk - Chat SDK 06
OneTalk - Omnichannel Messaging Platform 07
SendTalk - Notificiation & OTP via WhatsApp 08
Integrated Product Ecosystem 09
Why 10

Highly integrated and Easy and fast integration Fully encrypted, secure
manageable platform All the chat user interface in our and robust chat platform
Integrated to more than six platform library are ready for you to use so that Every message that are sent via our
and easily configureable according you can focus on delivering the best platform and our engine is encrypted
your business needs so you can adjust service to your customers. along with being strong enough to
our platform according to your handle millions of messages.
use cases.
Our Clients 11

One of the largest

peer-2-peer lending company
in Indonesia
Thank you!
Visit for more information.

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