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Jurnal Politik dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan

Vol 14 No 2 (2022) : Agustus 2022
(P-ISSN 2085 - 143X) (E-ISSN 2620 - 8857)




Universitas Pohuwato

Jl. Trans Sulawesi No 147 Kab. Pohuwato, Gorontalo

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Received: 04 Juli 2022; Revised: 30 Juli 2022; Accepted: 15 Agustus 2022; Published: Agustus
2022; Available online: Agustus 2022


The study aims to identify grammatical equivalence which covers number, gender,
person, tense and aspect, and voice, to find out whether the translated sentence can be
accepted in Indonesian structure and translation problems in English-Indonesian sentences.
The data were taken from the film script “The Secret Garden 56 Minutes” in English and its
Indonesian subtitles. This study was conducted based on qualitative research methods with
the descriptive analysis. The results of this analysis show that there is grammatical
equivalence which is found in the subtitles. They are categorized into number, person, gender,
tense and aspect, and voice. The first, the grammatical equivalence in number included the
singular or plural nouns in the source language (SL) can be translated into the singular or
plural nouns in the target language (TL). Second, with regard to person and gender, source
language (SL) personal pronouns can be translated into their respective pairs in the target
language (TL), Third, tense and aspects, source language (SL) can be translated lexically or
understood from the context. The four, voices the active form in the source language (SL) can
be translated into the target language (TL) in an active or passive form, and the passive form
is translated into a passive form. In translation, when a message or information is omitted by
changing the form of the sentence, it will cause problems as in the film the secret garden 56

Keywords: Grammatical Equivalence, Translation, Narrative, Youtube.

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Vol 14 No 2 (2022) : Agustus 2022

Pendahuluan be compatible. Thus, translation can be

Translation cannot be separated interpreted as the process of transferring
from the era of globalization where an intention contained in one language
information comes from various into another language while still paying
countries. One of them is English attention to various aspects so that the
translation as a communicator language meaning can be transferred in its entirety
among countries, especially in the field of into the target language. The translation
science and technology. Every country process includes the stage of
has a different language and culture. This understanding the lexical meaning,
gives a very important influence in grammatical structure, situation and
communication relations between other cultural context of the source language
countries, so it is not surprising that (SL); the stage of analyzing the text to
translation is very crucial and is a determine its meaning, and the stage of
compulsory subject in several reconstructing the meaning using
universities in other countries including grammatical structure in accordance
Indonesia. In addition to have a with the target language (TL), to produce
significant role in teaching and learning an appropriate and acceptable
process, especially the teaching of translation according to the meaning
foreign languages which uses translation contained in the source language.
to make it easier to understand the
This study is narrative the Secret
meaning of the language conveyed.
Garden 56 Minutes through YouTube as
Translation is also becoming increasingly
the source language and Indonesian
important for multicultural and
translation as the target language. In this
multilingual societies which currently
study the the researcher will identify the
demand an effective and efficient
grammatical equivalence of the
translation from the source language
Xian (2008) suggests that (SL) to the target language (TL) at the
translation is a process of transferring stages of observing, identifying,
meaning from the original language to classifying and evaluating in analyzing
another language. Catford (1965:20) the grammatical equivalence of the
stated that the source language when Indonesian translation from the secret
transferred to the target language must garden 56 minutes through youtube that

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covers five grammatical categories of of the recipient; (3) closest, which binds
Number, Gender, Person, Tense and two orientations together based on the
Aspect, and Voice. highest degree of approximation.

2. Review of Literature 2.2. Grammatical Equivalence

2.1. Translation Grammatical equivalence refers to all

aspects of language related to the
Translation experts put forward
similarity of grammatical concepts in
different definitions of translation
different languages. However, not all
equivalence. Eppert (1982: 193) states
languages have the same grammatical
that the main function of translation
rules in this world and not all languages
theory is to define the nature and
have the same morphological sources for
conditions of translation equivalence, the
expressing certain grammatical
concept of equivalence has been
categories because they have their own
discussed in various dichotomous ways
different rules in grammatical concepts.
such as formal vs dynamic equivalence
As Baker stated (1992) that the different
by Nida, semantic equivalence vs.
grammatical structures between the
communicative by Newmark semantic vs
source language and the target language
functional equivalence by Bell. Tommy,
can changes in the message and
A. (2014 March). Stated that the success
information conveyed and cause the
of a translation can be defined by how
translator to add or remove information
close the level of accuracy, the original
in the target language because of the lack
formation of the recipient's language is
of certain grammatical symbols in the
the type of text being translated, while
target language itself. Nord (1997)
Newmark (1988:5) states that one of the
defines equivalence as a static and result-
factors that need to be considered in
oriented concept that describes the
translation is the equivalence and shift in
relationship of equal communication
meaning between the source language
values between two texts, words,
(SL) with the target language (TL). Nida
phrases, sentences, syntactic structures.
and Taber (1964: 166) describe the
Machali (1992) explains that
closest natural equivalence as follows:
grammatical rules can vary between
(1) equivalent, which refers to the
languages, this can cause some problems.
message meaning of the source language;
Similar to the explanation of Chaer
(2) natural, which refers to the language

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(1994:62) that grammatical equivalence "children" to the plural of the singular

is the meaning that is present as a result "child".
of grammatical processes such as
b. Gender
affixation processes, reduplication
processes, and composition processes. Gender in the grammatical
structure means the differentiation of
2.3. Grammatical Categories in English
nouns or pronouns classified into gender
and Indonesian
(Wagner in Kortmann, 2005). Usually
It can be seen that not all used in the form of a pronoun, both
languages have the same grammatical subject and object. It may appear as
rules or categories in this world, "she", "he", "her", or "him". It is
including English and Indonesian. sometimes used to distinguish between
However, there are five grammatical brothers and sisters; and “actors and
categories that usually describe the actresses” aims to distinguish male and
translator's challenges in translating female professions.
source language (SL) to target language
c. person
(TL). They are number, gender, person,
tense and aspect, and voice (Baker, According to Baker (1992:94),

1992). "person relates to the understanding of

someone who acts as a participant." In
a. Number
this case, it is related to personal
Relating to the number of one pronouns. Usually to replace noun
(singularity) and more than one phrases and to simplify grammatical
(plurality) (Azar, 1989). It is a property structures in clauses.
of nouns, pronouns, verbs, and denoting
d. Tense and Aspect
quantities. Generally, the singular form of
English is the unsigned form of the word Generally, this form indicates

or preceded by an article a/an before whether an action occurs in the present,

countable nouns, and the plural form is past, or future. Specifically, this section

stated implicitly or obtained by changing shows two main categories. They are the

the singular form with –s/-es. It is relationship of time and aspect

sometimes expressed by changing the difference. Tense is a grammatical

form of an irregular verb, such as category that refers to time indicating

the present or past tense of a verb.

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Greenbaum & Nelson, (2013). learning. Learning uses films through

Meanwhile, Comrie (1976) states that Youtube will be efficient, the learning
aspects are not related to time but to the process will be much more fun and can
internal temporal of certain situations. It understand the material faster as stated
refers to the time an event is seen by the by Brown (1995) that through films and
speaker or writer. streaming media can provide a positive
context in learning in addition to
e. Voice
improving students' writing skills, and
The voice form refers to the use of provide different learning strategies
the verb in the active and passive forms. without getting bored. Hanafiah (2015).
The grammatical category describes the So it can be concluded that films have a
relationship between the verb and the good appeal for students learning
subject. Active sentences are used to English. Using the Youtube is very easy,
express direct statements of action, just choose the YouTube application
usually categorized into transitive and available on Android, when the YouTube
intransitive. Meanwhile, the passive page opens, various types of films will
voice is used to indicate an action that appear as needed.
emphasizes the 'action' instead of the
3. Research Design
'actor' so that the actor is usually
unknown. The active verb to be This study was conducted using
converted into passive voice must have descriptive qualitative method which
an object, and subject, in active voice it analyzes and describes how the
must be changed to an object in passive grammatical categories in the original
voice, passive verb must be in the form of text are translated into Indonesian. It
"past participle" and preceded by "tobe". aims to present more comprehensive
and if the active sentence uses a modal data, especially with regard to the
auxiliary verb, the passive voice must be grammatical equivalence of English to
followed by “tobe” and “past participle”, Indonesian. This study is oriented
Frank (1972). towards film transcripts and translation
results related to subtitles as a data
2.5. Youtube
source, therefore this study focuses on
Learning English through youtube the written text (subtitles) in the film as
is a modern and more effective way of a translation product to analyze

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grammatical equivalence in sentences (00:04:39 →

based on five grammatical categories 00:04:43)
which covers number, gender, person , b. Mary melompat dari
tense and aspect and voice. tempat tidur ketika
3.1 Data Analysis & Result seorang tentara masuk
kekamarnya. (00:04:39
The result will deal with the
→ 00:04:43)
discussion of the translation of film the
secret garden 56 minutes, in terms of 'Soldier' is a countable noun in English
grammatical categories of number, and Indonesian. Since the word 'soldier'
gender, person, tense and aspect and begins with consonant(s), the article 'a'
voice. is used to denote one or singular.
Translated to 'seorang', where 'se-', as
3.1.1. Number
the Indonesian singular marker that has
The number categories found in
the same meaning 'satu'.
grammatical equivalence are singular
(2) a. Mary flew into a
and plural nouns. Single nouns in English
rage and beat and
are translated into Indonesian in
kicked the servant.
singular and plural forms and plural
nouns in English are translated into (00:01:55 →

plural and singular nouns in Indonesian. 00:02:00)

a. SL Singular – TL Singular b. Mary menjadi marah

dan memukul dan
Singular nouns in English are
menendang pelayan itu.
preceded by a/an for countable nouns
and adverb of measure is used for non- (00:01:55 →

countable nouns. In Indonesian, singular 00:02:00)

nouns are marked by the use of the 'Rage' is a countable noun. The word
words: satu, suatu, atau esa and non- rage is a noun that starts with the
countable nouns are marked with adverb consonant 'R' so the article 'a' is used to
of measure. indicate singular or one. Sometimes a

(1) a. Mary jumped out of bed as singular noun is not followed by any

a soldier came into her room. adverb to indicate that the word is a
singular noun, as in the word 'marah'.

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Some nouns in English have anak yang tampak paling

different singular and plural forms. An tidak
example is in the sentence below: menyenangkan yang
(3) a. The woman looked pernah dilihat. (00:0:22 →
frightened, “she cannot 00:0:26)
came”. 'Every' is an expression denoting
(00:1:52 → 00:01:55) quantity used only with countable nouns
to indicate a singularity. Every is
b. Wanita itu tampak
followed by a singular noun and requires
ketakutan, “dia tidak bisa
a singular verb (s/es). 'Every' is usually
translated into 'setiap' in Indonesian.
(00:1:52 → 00:01:55)
Here, 'Every' refers to a singular noun
the noun 'woman' in number (3) but is translated in Indonesian into
indicates a singular noun. the singular 'semua' which refers to a plural noun.
'woman' has the plural form of 'women'. But the translation is acceptable because

b. SL Singular – TL Plural the word 'Every' is usually used when

the speaker means 'all'.
Some singular nouns in English are
sometimes translated into plural nouns c. SL Plural – TL Singular

in Indonesian, but do not change the Some nouns in Indonesian are

meaning or message because these singular when used to show general
inequalities are made to achieve a higher things or refer to non-specific things or
level of equivalence, as in the following people from a group. This shows that
sentences: equivalence can be achieved through

(4) a. Every one said she was non-equivalence. This kind of

the most disagreeable looking equivalence is a higher degree of

child ever equivalence.

seen. (00:0:22 → (5) a. The nanny had strict

00:0:26) instructions keep the baby out of sight as

much as
b. Semua orang
mengatakan dia adalah Possible. (00:01:02 →

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b. Pengasuh memiliki instruksi jam (00:04:11 →

ketat untuk menjauhkan bayi dari 00:04:15)
pandangan 'Hours' is the plural form of the
sejauh mungkin. (00:01:02 → singular noun 'Hour' which is added by
00:01:07)) 's'. The noun is translated into
Indonesian by repeating 'Berjam-jam'
The words 'instructions' ending in –
which has a plural meaning.
s/es indicate plurality. We can see in the
sentences above, they are translated into (7) a. She was disagreeable to the
Indonesian in the singular, 'instruksi'. children that, after the first day or two,
Although the form is different, it is nobody
acceptable because it still refers to Would play with her.
plurality (00:06:16 → 00:06:22)
d. SL Plural – TL Plural b. Dia sangat tidak
The addition of –s or –es in English menyenankan bagi anak-anak sehingga
is used to change singular nouns to setelah satu,
plural. There are a number of noun atau dua hari tidak ada yang
phrases that have different plural forms. akan bermain bersamanya.
Indonesian has a plural form which is
(00:06:16 → 00:06:22)
characterized by repetition of nouns,
duplicating them when related word is Some nouns in English have a plural

singular as a group, Although the plural form without adding -s or -es, are called

forms of English and Indonesian are irregular verbs, as in the word 'children'

different, the sentence structure has the is the plural form of 'child'. The

same meaning. In other words, translation of the word 'children' shows

equivalence is achieved. Here is an that plural means more than one person.

example: (8) a. Though there are plenty of

(6) a. Mary alternately cried people who like it, especially when the

and slept through the hours. heather

Is in bloom (00:14:40 →
(00:04:11 → 00:04:15)
b. Mary secara bergantian
b. Meskipun ada banyak orang
menangis dan tidur selama berjam-
yang menyukainya, terutama ketika

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heather ‘Children’ is plural form of noun

sedang mekar (00:14:40 → ‘child’ with suffix –en. It is one of the
00:14:45) plural forms of English noun which is

The noun phrase 'people' always called an irregular verb. In Indonesia

means plural. 'People' has another form translated by repeating the word

'person' which means singular. The noun ‘children’ into ‘anak-anak’ to indicate

'person' plus -s has the same meaning as plurality

'people', which is a plural meaning. In 3.1.2. Gender

Indonesian, in sentence (10) without
In gender, nouns and pronouns are
repetition still shows plural, indicated by
classified in masculine and feminine
the placement of the quantifiers 'plenty'
forms. Nouns in English are not regularly
in front of the noun.
inflected to distinguish between feminine
(9) a. You did not tell me, it had and masculine. In Indonesian, there is no
broken out among your servants. gender dimension. However, there are

(00:03:31 → 00:03:34) some deflationary nouns that refer to

both feminine and masculine forms.
b. Kamu tidak
memberitahuku, itu terjadi diantara para a. Masculine SL – Masculine TL

pelayanmu. The following sentences show how

masculine references are translated into
(00:03:31 → 00:03:34)
masculine equivalents in Indonesian
In addition, repetition and
(11) a. He was a soar young man
multiplication of nouns, plural nouns in
and did nothing good with his money and
Indonesian can be shown by using the
quantifiers 'para' in front of the noun, as
in number (11) the quantifiers 'para'. House until he married.
(00:09:48 → 00:09:56)
(10) a. who was taking her
children to boarding school. (00:07:57 → b. Dia adalah seorang pemuda
00:07:59) masam dan tidak melakukan apa-apa
b. siapa yang membawa dengan
anak-anaknya ke sekolah. (00:07:57 uang dan rumahnya yang
→ 00:07:59) besar sampai dia menikah.

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(00:09:48 → 00:09:56) meaning because it reaches a higher

level of equivalence.
'A' and 'Man' denote a singular
person masculine. In Indonesian, the (13) a. When she awoke the house
word 'man' which means 'pemuda' was perfectly quiet.
indicates masculine. And indefinite (00:04:16 → 00:04:18)
article 'A' which means 'one' is used to
b. Ketika dia sudah bangun
show that there is only one noun and it is
rumah itu sangat sunyi.
(00:04:16 → 00:04:18)
b. SL Maskulin – TL General
English has a difference between the
Gender category in Indonesian
third singular person feminine and
Sometimes refers to things that are
masculine. The word 'she' refers to the
general in nature. This indicates a
third singular person ‘feminin’.
discrepancy, but generalizations are
Indonesian does not distinguish between
usually made to achieve a degree of
feminine and masculine in the third
singular person. Both use 'dia' in
(12) a. He lives in a big old house,
called Misselthwaite Manor.
. SL Feminine – TL Feminine
(00:07:18 → 00:07:22)
b. Dia tinggal disebuah rumah Equivalence can be achieved
tua besar bernama Misselthwaite Manor. through the closest meaning. And to get
(00:07:18 → 00:07:22) the closest meaning, the feminine form
must be translated into feminine, as
'He' denotes the third singular
person masculine in English. Translated
into Indonesian 'Dia' which refers to the (14) a. The woman who was the
third person singular in general, housekeeper at Misselthwaite Manor.
masculine or feminine. (00:08:10 → 00:0 8:12)
c. SL Feminin – TL General b. Wanita itu yang menjadi
Like masculine, feminine is also pengurus rumah tangga di Misselthwaite
sometimes used to show general things. Manor.
This will not create a distortion of
(00:08:10 → 00:08:12)

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The word ‘The woman' means an including the interlocutor so that the
adult woman which refers to the translation is exclusive.
feminine gender. The word 'wanita itu' is b. Possessive Adjective
used to translate 'The woman' which has
Possessive adjective is a determiner
the same meaning. The translation
(special adjective) to express possession
shows the same concept because both
of noun. English has possessive
English and Indonesian provide specific
pronouns, namely my, your, our, his, her,
information about feminine gender.
and its. Possessive adjectives in
3.1.3. Person Indonesian are the same in form of
English and Indonesian have pronouns by using enclitics, such as –ku,
difference in person. Indonesian has a -mu, and –nya. The following are
dimension of formality/politeness in examples of how possessive adjectives
terms of the person system based on are used:
three parameters, namely age, social (17) a. I will not let you stay, send
status and intimacy which are not found my nanny to me. (00:01:47 → 00:01:52)
in English. English has classified persons
b. Saya tidak akan
into several groups, namely personal
membiarkanmu tinggal, kirim
pronouns, possessive adjectives,
pengasuhku kepadaku.
indefinite pronouns, and reflexive
pronouns. (00:01:47 → 00:01:52)

a. Personal Pronoun The speaker is Mary using the

personal pronoun 'I' as the subject and
(16) a. And we heard her mother
the adjective pronoun 'my'. In translating
was a beauty. (00:08:18 → 00:08:20)
the possessive adjective 'my' uses the
b. Dan kami mendengar
enclitic –ku to show possession.
ibunya cantik. (00:08:18 → 00:08:20)
c. Indefinite Pronouns
'We' is the first plural person in
English. 'We' is a personal pronoun as Indefinite pronouns do not refer

subject, which translates to 'kami'. The to a specific but in general person, place

word 'kami' is not aimed at the or thing. In English there are several

interlocutor, but represents the speaker indefinite pronouns that are formed with

himself. They are separating or not

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quantifiers, beginning with the words pergi. (00:02:05 →

any, some, every, other and no. 00:02:11)

(18) a. She heard something The reflexive pronoun 'herself' in

rustling on the floor. (00:04:24 → the above sentence refers to the third
00:04:26) singular person ‘feminin’ and it is
translated into 'dirinya sendiri’ in
b. Dia mendengar sesuatu
Indonesian sentence.
gemerisik dilantai. (00:04:24 →
00:04:26) 3.1.4. Tense and Aspect

'Something', in the sentence above is Tense and Aspect is found in most

indefinite pronouns that do not refer to languages. Tense deals with time while
specific but in general persons, things aspect describes how an action occurs.
and places. Indefinite pronouns Both tense and aspect have many types
something is translated in Indonesian of forms related to the time of
into 'sesuatu'. occurrence. In this discussion, tenses and
aspects are divided into two groups,
d. Reflexive Pronoun
namely: past and non-past
Reflexive pronouns are self-
a. Past
pronouns in English sentences. Reflexive
pronouns have the addition of 'self' or Past tense refers to an activity or
'selves' to the subject used in a sentence. situation that started and ended at a
In Indonesian reflexive pronouns are certain time in the past. Past tense of
usually translated as 'diri', 'sendiri’ or English is characterized by the use of the
'diri sendiri'. second form of the verb and the use of
adverb of past time. Meanwhile, the past
(19) a. There is a mistery in the
tense of Indonesian is only marked by
air this morning ‘said Mary to herself
adverb of past time. Sometimes, the
English past tense is translated into
The servant went away. Indonesian without a past tense
(00:02:05 → 00:02:11) following it. However, it still shows

b. Ada misteri di udara pagi equivalence, namely equivalence at a

ini kata mary pada dirinya sendiri, high level.
setelah pelayan

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(20) a. Then they went up a borad The subject 'you' is a plural noun,
staircase and a long corridor. so the verb used is verb1 'look' indicates
that the sentence is in the present tense.
(00:16:24 → 00:16:27)
Verb 'Will' is an English modal auxiliary
b. Kemudian mereka naik which is used to indicate the future. the
tangga lebar menuruni koridor panjang verb 'akan' is used as the equivalent of

(00:16:24 → 00:16:27) 'will'.

The verb 'Went' is the past form of 3.1.5. Voice

the present verb 'go'. For English The most important thing in voice
sentences using the second form of the is the relationship between the verb and
verb indicates past. In Indonesian, the the subject. Voice has two types of forms,
past tense does not use adverbs, but the namely active voice and passive voice.
two sentences are still equivalent. There are four subtitles in the discussion
of voice, namely SL active - TL active, SL
b. Non Past
active - TL passive, SL passive - TL active,
Non past refers to current and SL passive - TL passive.
future activities. Present tenses express
a. SL Active- TL Active
events that occur in the present or that
(22) a. She stuck big red hibiscus
occur every day or activities that have
blossoms into little leaps of earth.
been scheduled. The non past uses the
first form of the verb and when it follows (00:02:29 → 00:02:34)

a singular subject, the ending –s / -es is b. Dia menancapkan bunga

added. kembang sepatu merah besar ke
tumpukan kecil
(21) a. If you look out the window
in about ten minutes, you will see one tanah. (00:02:29 →
(00:13:27 → 00:13:29)
The sentence above is a transitive
b. Jika anda melihat keluar
active sentence. It is indicated by the
jendela dalam waktu sekitar 10 menit,
object following the verb. The word
anda akan
'stuck' is an active verb which translates
melihat sesuatu. (00:13:27 to 'menancapkan'. The word
→ 00:13:29)

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'menancapkan' itself is an active verb (24) a. After they were seated, He

that uses the prefix me-kan. climbed up next to the driver and they
set off.
b. SL Active – TL Passive
Some active sentences in English (00:13:02 → 00:13:06)
are converted into passive sentences in b.Setelah mereka duduk, Dia
Indonesian through the translation naik diseblah pengemudi dan
process. This does not mean that mereka berangkat.
equivalence is not achieved but that it
(00:13:02 → 00:13:06)
reaches a higher equivalence.
The English sentence above
(23) a. I fell asleep when everyone
shows the passive voice with the passive
had cholera and I just woke up.
formula 'be (were) plus past participle
(00:04:52 → 00:04:58) (seated)' ‘were seated’. It can be
b.Saya tertidur ketika semua accepted in Indonesian sentences
menderita kolera dan saya baru because it sounds natural and does not
saja bangun. change the meaning

(00:04:52 → 00:04:58) d. SL Passive – TL Passive

Passive sentences only use a
The word 'fell asleep' is an active
transitive verb followed by an object. In
verb. The translation is 'tertidur', in
the passive clause, the subject is the
Indonesian the prefix ter- indicates that
affected entity, and the agent may or may
the sentence is passive. However, the
not be specified, depending on the
translation is acceptable because it does
structure of each language.
not change the message.
(25) a. I suppose, You should be
c. SL Passive – TL Active
told something to prepare yourself.
Sometimes, translators have to
(00:09:07 → 00:09:10)
translate English passive sentences into
Indonesian active sentences so that they b.Saya kira, Anda harus

sound natural in the target language. diberitahu sesuatu untuk

This does not create structural persiapkan diri.

equivalence but provides equivalence at (00:09:07 → 00:09:10)

a higher level

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