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Definition Passive voice is a sentence
that the object of the active
sentence becomes the subject
of the passive sentence.
Subject + to be + Verb3 + by + Object
Passive Voice
To be
Simple present Tense
Is : she, he, it Subject + Verb1 S/es + Object
am : I
are : you, they, we

Active : Rahman studies English

Passive : English is studied by Rahman
Active : Some scout girls make some cookies
Passive : Some cookies are made by some scout girls
Simple present Passive

Active : Emery rides a bike

Passive : A bike is ridden by Emery

Active : Nick reads books everyday

Passive : Books are read by Nick everyday

To be Simple Past Tense
Was : She, he, it, I. Ali Subject + Verb2 + Object
Were : You, we, they, Ali and Budi

Active : They invited us to their party last night

Passive : We were invited by them to their party

last night
Active : Andy and Bayu bought a new shirt yesterday
Passive : A new shirt was bought by Andy and Bayu yesterday
Simple past tense Passive

Active : Ratu wrote some short stories last month

Passive : Some short stories were written by Ratu last monthy

Active : Eka borrowed my book yesterday

Passive : My book was borrowed by Eka yesterday

Me for Class
You You
we us
They Them
She Her
he Him
it Its

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