ESAS Solving 1

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" doggy“ 1‘ 2“""i=loor, Yap Building, 35 M. Velez St, Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City
14. An electrical engineer shall endeavor to extend knowledge of
D_BEC‘l'IQN: Shade the box on your answer sheet corresponding to _

electrical engineering to the public and shall discourage

the set of your questonnaires. Do not detach the scratch papers spreading the untrue, unfair, and exaggerated statements...This
from the questionnaires. Avoid unnecessary writings on your answer is Article 1, Section of the Code of Ethics. __


B. 6 D. 8
EXAM DURAWQ: 3 hours only
15. The Philippine Electrical Code, Part 1, 2017 edition was based on
1. An equipment costing $500,000 has a life expeclncy of 5 years. t e National Electrical Code edition__. __

Using sum of the years digit method of depreciation, what must ,%fi17 c. 2003
be its salvage value such that its depreciation charge for the first B. 2014 D. 2010
year is $100,000? r'‘
i $150,000 ;c;Ӥ1oo,ooo 16. To some extent, the brilliance 2.42) is of diamonds (n =
333230.030 ‘J D. $250,000
attributed to total internal reflection. Calculate the critical angle
for a diarnond—air surface.
2. What states that for a comfined fluid, the pressure at a point has A. 30“ ' C. 28°
the me magnitude in all directions? 3. 233 ‘fl’
_ _

/A.’B%'noulli's theorem (2. Amagat's law

t,.;.. 3 3-1. ta er; -. 3

B. Avogadro’s law B§_—Pascal's law

1?. What is the standard color used to designate caut_i-on and for
making- _1ysicr_a_l hazards, such as striking against, stumbling,
3. In ele rochemistry, oxidation is a loss of .
falling, tripping or caught in between?
. ons ~¥.electrons Blue . Orange .

B. protons D. atoms D. Green


4. The adoption of the revised 201? edition of the PEC as part of

18. The stress at which extension of the material takes place more
the rules and regulations concerning the practice of electrical
quickly as compared to the increase in load is called the of
engineering was written in the BEE Resolution No Series of
the material.

A. elastic point C. plastic point
A. 22 C. 21
/B./breaking point yielding point
8. 12
@ An engineer borrowed a sum of money under the following
5. What market situation exists where there is only one buyer and terms $650,000 if paid in 90 clays or $600,000 if paid in 303
only one seller?
C. Monopoly days. What is the eqtsivalent annual rate of simple interest?
.'_ 1'. .,
A. Monopsony 'l,r

c. 30%

D. Bilateral monopsony filer. 50% : r '*?.?~‘—*::-- ’ ‘ ‘

ilateral monopoly
3. 33.33% «. y, _ _ o. 25.57”/u-.llL“lh "=3 iol { :1?!
6. You are planning to buy stocks in ahigh growth company. which
PEG 3:“ ‘''’'~'’§.'3 ‘*3 fr-rs-3
1.; ‘ ‘i ‘— l."l'~1—* it ‘fits: 1“Cr2i.»="ii'[:.’.iir‘Dl“' ; =

20 Service entrance conductors using aluminum shall not be smaller

of the following ratios best indicates the company's growth

r’l’6tal asset turn—over C. Profit ratio

B. 8.0
14 mm”

mm: D. 3.5 mm:
” B. Debt ratio %Price-earning ratio

?. A certain pendulum has a period on the earth of 1.6 5. What is

®. A stationary car is emitting an alarm sound waves of frequency
520 Hz. If you are in a motorcycleytraveling directly away from
its period on the surface of Mars where g = 3.71 rn/3’.
the car, how fast must you be traveling if you detect a frequency
A. 2.2 s __¢_-T-r--:;.;;-:""3% 2.6 s Q, 7..
,_.-- .-..- ri/ of 430 Hz? nag“-
3. 2.03 o. 2.4 s

“—‘~-2 ll

allc 19.3 m/s -‘tr.’ C. 21.5 mls __.___.-'L __'''...T---— ,...'._---- __ _r-F

B. 15.3 m/s D. 1?.7 m/s "4: -_ I‘; f


'- .


8. RA 7920 Rule 2(q) is defining which one?


A. CHED .0. Number

3. "rsson D. use
22. If the density of a gas is 0.003 slugs/ft3, what is most nearly the
pec' c weight of the gas in N/m3?
__, .15 N/m3 ,_. L.) __ C.9l*l/m3
9. Which of the following cannot be used"as a non—destructive
testing method for steel casings and forgings?
r’ 3. 93 N/m3 / "(T D. 73 N/m3
" r

/A’?Radiography C. Ultrasonic testing
23. You are frying fishes on a cooking pan with enough cooking oil.
Chemical analysis D. Magnetic particle testing
Suddenly you noticed that the frying pan caught on fire. What is

the best possible immediate act you will do on this situation?

10. What does PEMC stands for? /Q 3:
ll‘ A. Get the fire extinguisher to put out the fire
A. Philippine Electricity Market Company

8. Run away from the scene to get help
_,8rPl'iilippine Electricity Market Committee i3:i 1.

cold water on the frying pan

flflihilipp ne Electricity Market Corporation _ '-'
ut the cover of the frying pan

D. Philippine Electricity Market Commission r.--‘H ‘~‘

24. which of the following portions of hard disk space served as

11. A steel specimen of diameter 25 cm, is subjected to a tensile
force of 2000 kl~l. If the Poisson's ratio is 0.29 and the modulus
of elasticity, E is 193 GPa, the dilatation e, is most nearly
om RAM?

. Cache
memory -.-'-
C. Read-only memory
D. Virtual memory

%. 8.8 x 10" C. 6.4 x 10'5 '5'

D. 9.6 x 10'?‘ 25. A wheel starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to an angular
B. 7.5 x 10'5
velocity of 100 rad/s in 20 s. Find the angle turned through.
A. 1200 racl C. 1500 rad F...
what impurity

12. in steel can cause “red shortness", which means

he steel becomes unworkable at high temperature?
00 rad D. 1800 rad 113:0 ""115 to
ti’? Va?‘ -1 «’-2" f1=\-.r.=.1.; A ‘rig. 51.11 ‘J-‘f ‘JO "rs:-T
4» T.

ulfur C. Silicon
26. Young's modulus may be defined as the ratio of .

B. Manganese D. Phosphorus
A. linear stress to lateral strain C. lateral strain to linear strain

13. A projector with an image with a lens of 40 cm focal length

fifirréar stress to linear strain D. shear stress to shear strain
illuminates an object slide 4 cm long and throws an image upon /'
27. The Continuing Professional Development Council shall be
a screen 20 m from the lens. What is the size of the projected
com ed of a Chairman and hovvgmany members?
. our -319.-Two
A. 132 cm >15; 1% cm
8. Three D. Fiye
B. 153 cm D. 205 cm

-I--u-n-pIll:—-—l—II-ul-I-I-I-I-IIZI-II-ill-I 3?-fiituE-Ij-jjiilllulfljjijjj--ji-éfl-j-jil-j--J-L-j-I


:\:,,O1 :2 ii) —-T" L013?.l‘~e s}( 144) —.‘_=-east. -4"
-_.r !
2*“ Floor, Yap Building, '35 M. Velez St, Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City

28. An elevator cab weighing 3000 lbs is designed for a maximum

------------------------- -;)',,j'"--"""'
, .

42. Compute: 101 (base 16) minus 11111 (base 2), express the
0 e upward acceleration of 12 ft/52. If the stress in its cable is not 1

CO ns :1 base 10.
. ex 6000 psi, what should the cable diameter be?

26 . C. 246
4459 .935 in2
‘ «.1 c. 0.919 in’ 3553
, 1--'-"'--‘ .

B. 236 D. 256
: ski B. osos inz ‘E’-‘:11 —-—:—5l
— 1:. 0.927 in? (‘ml ! E I: ''|r 1'
D\']_'.‘ar‘1‘* 3.7’ "-. 13:4 ‘I J

43. A uniform wire carries waves whose frequency and wavelength

Q A college student borrows $15,000 during his senior year. The is are 450 Hz and 1.2 m, respectively. If the string is known to be
to be repaid in 20 equal quarterly installations. The interest rate under a tension of 250 N, what is the linear density of the wire?
is 5% per year with the first payment to be made 3 years after ‘A. 0.613 g/m C. 0.803 g/m
the date of the loan. what will be the approximate amount of _;g. 0.857 g/m D. 0.792 g/m
the uarteriy payment?
,A./$353 c. $992 44. Steel can be strengthened by all of the following practices
pe$9e4 a. $9376 exce
.anneaHng C. grainrefinement
30. where receptacles are connected to a 30-ampere branch circuit, B. quenching and tempering D. work hardening
the allowable cord and plug connected load shall NOT be more
tha amperes. __
45. Section 35 of Art IV. Sundry Provisions Relative to the Practice of
/14%; C. 26 Electrical Engineering states that the practice of electrical
B. 37.5 Ag: 24 engineering is a professional service admission to which is based
on and personal qualifications. C G 1_
31. What is an index of short-term payi g ability? A. group C. corporate as :_;;L,,_,;....--
A. Price-earnings ratio urrent ratio ,__
B. partnership fizifidividual _____
8. Profit margin ratio :,,;_ D. Gross margin

32. A 150-mm diameter jet of water is discharging from a nozzle

46. What form of software can also be called firmware?

I"?-:_'. T! -

A. Random memory perating system . ‘

into the air at a velocity of 36 m/s. Find the power in the jet with vggsystem BIOS ~41. D. Cache memory
respect to a datum at the jet.
A. 404 kw C. 428 kw 47. A solid steel shaft 5 m long is stressed to 60 MPa when twisted
B. 449 kw _fiL412 kw through 4“. Using G = 83 GPa, what power can be transmitted
by the shaft at 20 rps? ..-1 -it .-,;;—rL':...§
33. What is the standard color used to designate tra c and .1. 1.245 MW {$11 /)tfi.sss
MW ‘u ,..'.—.-
housekeeping markings?
_;\§.—\Nhite, black or combination
a. 2.129 Mw
- 1:: J
o. 1.378 Mw l _j":_s,

B. Yellow in combination to purple 48. What is the minimum age requirement for a candidate "to
C. Solid yellow or yellow and black stripes become a member of the Professional Regulatory Board gt
D. Solid red

Electrical Engineering? \l 1:. TA Ti _

A. 30 years old C. 40 years old .-

34. Product of F10 (base 16) and 111 (base 2). Give the answer in B. 45 years old “$.35”?/ears old ___b ,1 '" ’

base 10.
992 C. 26929 49. Maximum distance for support of rigid metallic conduit.
B. 29926 D. 29296 A. 2000 mm C. 2500 mm ,_i_1.;'-.__r_

#6000 mm D. 3500 mm ._.__}__—~,;- -

35. A manufacturer purchased $15,000 worth of equipment with a

useful life of 6 years and a $2,000 salvage value at the end of 50. At temperature of 25°C, a 17 m rod 8 mm in diameter is
the 6 years. Assuming a 12% interest rate, the equivalent subjected to a tensile inad of 24 klv. At what temperature 1'52
uniform annual cost is nearest to | . -

without the load will the bar have the same elongation? Use
A. $3 soo $3 400 i an _
.1 .-= 13.3 x 1o'5/uc and E = 130 GPa. _,.,1 - r_


a. $3300 '-._’-.${)i’i‘0C‘fllSl)l‘~_.‘
A. 221°C 7 ac *5‘ 1 5“ '

a. .242 sc :3. 2133 3c

35. What refers to the stress in the material @1'\e"te-l.:—lsticli_rf11i__t?J
A. Working stress C. Maximum stfess 39* 51. Two balls are thrown from the roof of a building wit1 the same
=fiYield stress /Dfflltimate stress EL initial speed. One is thrown horizontally while the ot1er is
thrown at an angle of 20 degrees above the horizontal. Which of
37. An engineer wishes to set up a special fund by making uniform
the two hits the ground with the greatest speed? Ignore air
semi-annual end of period deposits for 20 years. The fund is to
resistance. -1.

provide $100,000 at the end of each of the last five years of the
.»A:'The one thrown at 20 degrees
20-year period. If interest is 8% compounded semi-annually, B. 'l'he one thrown horizontal y
what is the required semi~annua| deposit to be made? at-They hit the ground with the same speed
$6,194 C. $6,432
D. It cannot be deterrnined by the given information
$6,204 . D. $6,102

52.L An equipment costing $60,000 have a book value of $4,000 after

38. The ratio of current assets less inventory to current liabilities.
8 years. Find the constant percentage of the declining book
A. Profitability ratio C. Leverage ratio
value. K -1 "Ti
uick ratio D. Price earning ratio
A. 22.31% C. 20.88%
3128.72”/e D. 25.54%
39. A small source of sound radiates acoustic energy, uniformly in all
directions at a rate of 1.5 W. Find the intensity level at a point 53. In one run of a rigid metal conduit, the maximum number of
25 m from the source. Assume there is no absorption loss.
quarter bends allowed between pull point is .

A. 79 dB C. 103 dB
A. three C. five
3. 37 dB $933 as
ur D. six

40. Electricity-end users who do not have the choices of supplier of

54. A generating plant that is connected to a distribution system or
electricity, as may be determined by ERC.
power system of any user and has no direct connection to the
A. Electricity market C. Cohtestable market
9 rid.
B. Energy market .~ aptive market
Wedded generating plant C. Reserved generating plant
_B. Floating generating plant D. Scheduled generating plant
. The memory of a computer is commonly expressed in terrns of
Kilobytes or Megabytes. A byte is maedy.ip of _.
55. The pression test is carried on material.
A. eight decimal digits lght binary digits
B. two binary digits -D. two decimal digits
,1-4".ai"e xicsere
B. malleable D. plastic

set C] Page 2!‘? ...THIS IS FOR


2'?” Floor, Yap Building, 35 M. Velez St, Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City

56. Under the new IRR of the CPD Law, how many CPD credit units 70. Charles Babbage invented the
finerence engine

are required in order to renew the REE licensed card? A. ENIAC

A. 30 units C. 24 units 8. electronic computer . punched card
/‘Ru.-15units :1. 10 units
71. A person who has been duly authorized by the grid owner to
57. what is the focal length of a concave mirror which produces an sign the fixed asset boundary documents on behalf of the grid
image five times the size of an object placed 9 in from the, -
mirror? ccountable manager C. Ancillary manager
A. 0 in ' 8. Dispatch manager D. Customer service manager
B. 7 in D. 8.5 in
72. When ice floats in the water at 0°C, what percent of its volume
58. Generators and motors should be dust roof is covered by . is submerged? The specific gravity of the ice and water are 917
A. installation design manufacl:uring design
. and 999.87 kg.m3 respectivey?
B. wir ng design D. construction design A.10.50°/1
B. 89.5%
59. Light of wavelength 6493 angstroms is visible red light. It is
however, very close to the limits of the human eye. what is the 73. What is the proper relationship between the modulus of
energy of this lig ht? elasticity, E, the Poisson's ratio, v and the bulk modulus of
A. 1.9 x 10“? J c. 2.9 x 10491 elasticity, K?
0. 2.5 x 10'” J >-pr-3.1 x 10491 A. E = i((1 2v) — C.E=i<(1-—v)
=5,-(E = 3K(1 2v) - D.E=3l<(1—v)
60. If the applicant in RME board exam has completed from a one
year electricianis course of instruction from a vocational or trade 74. The purchase of a new car requires $100,000 down payment,
school, what is the minimum number of years of praci ce in $300,000 after two years and $600,000 after five years. The '2.
electrical works is required in order for him to be allowed to take interest is 18% compounded monthly. What is the cash price of
the said exams? the car? *%'~'l‘r,_:~,y.r}i‘-:1 =7?/1-+EL'§“i

A. 4 years . ear A. $570,540 c. $5 , 0 L_ 11],- ' ,_-'5

B. 2 years _ . 3 years 8. $582,990 555,440(E,,,n;F,;;'?:rr vi.. +=_;§__.;-‘- 1'.



61. Whatis the sound level of a sound that has a sound pressure 75. Whi the following is called the universal gate?
ten times that of 90 dB? T ‘R, AND-Gate C. OR-Gate '

A. 70 as £110 00 int J .____ 8. AND—Gate D. NOT-Gate

0. 100410 D. 00 as I 0.

76. Find the absolute pressure in kPa at a depth of 10 m below the

62. At what rate does water flow from a 0.80 cm i.d. faucet if the free surface of oil (SG = 0.75) if the barometric pressure reading
ater pressure is 200 kPa? ._ _. is 752 mm Hg. kg; 451:9 ,.,r_.-,w_
c. 195.2
0.001 m3/s
0. 0.003 m-‘vs
c. 0.002 m3/s
o. 0.004 m3/s
‘ I 0
A. 103.2
s. 100.7

fiflfs .

63. What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 101.1101? 77. A block of icekis released at the top of a 30° inclined 10 m above
A. 5.8210 C. 5.8021 1 cr- the ground. If the slight melting of the ice renders the surface

gifir-5"8I. 25 D. 5.0512 3"‘ I {E i” 5;? frictionless, determine its velocity block at the foot of the incline.
A. 13 m/s £3. 12 01/3 -.— ii 0»:i;=;-‘.;*rjt ti’
64. For a fluid, viscosity is defined as the constant of proportionality 8. 10 m/s J“ ‘F 53.359} L 14 m/s
between shear stress and what other variable? “J —- 24-1 {An.ir1‘ie L0‘.

A time derivative of pressure C. time derivative of density 78. The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves :.
fipatial derivative of velocity D. spatial derivative of density A. viscosity of ink
B. siphon action 3.;
65. A notice issued by the system operator when a tropical figcapillary action phenomenon
distu nce is expected to make a landfall within 24 hours. D. diffusion of ink through the biotting 5-1’
. ue alert C. Red Alert
8. Yellow alert D. Green Aiert 79. What is the basic accounting equation?
fit: Assets = liability + owner's equity
66. Water flows into a water rank of large cross sectional area at a firljability = assets + owners’ equity
rate of 0.0001 m3/s, but flows out from a hole of area 1 cm2, C. Owner's equity = assets -1- liability
which has been punched through the base. How high does the D. Owner's equity = liability assets ——

water rise in the tank?

A. 6.4 cm 80. which one refers to the PRC Modernization Act of 2000?
B. 5.6 cm \ilrRA 0901 c. RA 0091
8. RA 8189 8918 .

67. Which of the following is/are e|ement(s) that causes fire?

I. Air 81. Determine the diameter of an orifice that permits a tank of
II. Fuel such as flammable gas horizontal cross section 2 m2 to have the liquid surface drawn at
III. Ignition source like heat generated by equipment the rate of 140 mm/s for 3.5 m head on the orifice. Coefficient
A. I and II only C. II and III only of discharge is 0.65.
B. III only /DTITII and III A. 234 mm C. 243 mm
=¥- 257 mm D. 275 mm
68. In a standing wave in a rope, the distance from one antinode to
the next is equal to . 82. An irregular piece of metal weighs 10 g in air, 8 g when
A. one wavelength
8. two wavelengths f_ f
C. one-f rth wavelength
' immersed in water and 8.5 g when immersed in particular oil,
determine the density of the oil.
A. 010 kg/m3 c. 920 kg/m3
69. which of the following is qualified to become the Chairman of $750 kgjm3 D. 000 kg/m3
the tinuing Professional Development Council?
RC Commissioner
. 83. According to PEC, for positive polarity of a standard DC system
Academe representative
. the conductor (insulator) shall be identified by a continuous
PRBEE Board member
. outer finish.
D. Association of Professional Organizations’ Representative A. black C. gray
0. white _W

. . . 2'1” Floor, Yap Building, 35 M. Velez St, Barangav Guadalupe, Cebu City

84. which of the following is NOT an ‘intensive property? 98. What is the standard color used to designate dangerous parts of
A. Temperature
D. Pressure

machines energized equipment which may cut, crush, shock or
C. Yellow
85. which of the following programs designed to be executed within 8. Green nfi.-Orange
ano appiications? _

. Applet 99. What is the standard communication technique for expressing
B. Access-control software D. Worm instructions to a computer?
A. Algorithm C. Logic
86. Which of the following anchors is designed for medium and }.=P1'o’gramming language D. Flow chart
heayvfasten ng in solid materials?
;:A;'Togg|e bolt anchor % Stud bolt anchor 100. A sum of $15,000 is deposited in an account earning interest at
B. Anchor clamp D. Wail grip anchor the rate of 12% compounded quarterly. What will be the
principal at the end of 10 years?
87. which of the following is the basis for Bernoulli's law for fluid A. $45 soo C. $43.680
flow? Aytrsfsso D. $50,430
A. the principle of conservation of mass
«tend of exams-
£6: th principle of conservation of energy

continuity equation
D. the principle of conservation of momentum


88. A force of 40 N accelerates a 5 kg block at 6 m/s3 along a TOGETHER WITH YOUR SCORE AFTER CHECKING THEM...
horizontal surface. what is the coefficient of friction? ~‘..:.: 4’
A 0.15 C. 0.241 i§o6‘vC 'l—i'9a‘1’rO‘
03 . D. 0.132

89. What is the maximum speed at which a car can round a curve of
'25 rn radius on a level road if the coefficient of static friction _._.I-—

etwegn the tires and road is 0.80?

. 4 rn/s C. 16 m/s
8. 25 m/s D. 21 W5

90. A liquid (SG = 2) is flowing in a 50-mm diameter pipe. The total

head at a given point was found to be 17.5 m. The elevation
above the datum is 3 m and the pressure in the pipe is 65.6 kPa.
Compute the velocity of the flow.
A. 16.7 m/s C. 15.5 m/s
8. 13.6 m/s 14.8 role

91. What is the value of negative decimal (-5) to be written as

signed bit, 2's compiement form?
A. 10000 10001 7*” .

3% 11011 at D. 10011

92. If you
are downloading an 800 KB file from the internet using a
28.8k modem. How long will it ta e vou to finish downloading?
A. 0.46 min 3.8 min .

/B.6'.5’min D. 4.1 min

93. RA 7832 is commonly known as the Anti-electricity and Electric

Lines] Materials Pilferage Act.
A. Distr bution
8. Power
efir. T
r, mission
Transmission and Distribution

94. In 3 s, an objecl: moving around a circle sweeps out an angle of

9 rad. If the rad us of the circle is 0.5 m, the centripetal
acceleration of the object is


A. 3 m/s2 13. /5’

s. 15 ms’

95. PDP ns __

_. Power Development Plan

ower Development Program

C. Power Distribution Plan
D. Power Distribution Program

96. What is the maximum number of overcurrent devices of a

lighting and appliance panel board thatshall be installed in a
A. 35 _ /C./52
',,a.A—2”’ 43

9?. A geographical area assigned or granted to a distributor for the

distribution of electricity.
A. Distribution area C. grid area

I3. Dispatch area . ranchise area

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