ESAS Solving 2

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2”” Floor, Yap Building, 35 M. ‘velez St
, Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City

Shade the box on your answer sheet corresponding to

D1Ftl_E,__C"fI0ix': 13. Which of the foliowing is true for water at a reference
the set of your questionnaires. Do not detach the scratch papers temperature where enthaipy is zero? I I _: ~Mi,
from the questionnaires. Avoid unnecessary writings on your answer .A.-'fit'ernai energy is negative _r.-L
sheet. eooo LUCK! ANSWER Hones "LY! I B. Entropy is non zero 15.2..

C. Specific volume is zero _;,_‘a-

EXAM DUR_fi .Clhl: 3 hours only D. pi.-’ energy (flow energy) is zero -5 {.

1. What is the pressure below atmospheric pressure called? 14. The actual velocity in the contracted section of a jet of liquid ‘~

_ A. Gage pressure C. Absolute pressure flowing from a 2-inch diameter orifice is 28 W5 under a head of
B. Ambient pressure ,0. Vacuum pressure 15 ft. What is the value of the coefficient of contraction if the
measured discharge is 0.403 cfs. - ..

2. Compute: E (base 16) x 4 (base 8) = (base 2). ______

»A“.' 0.66 C. 0.61 "

/11./111000 c. 110011 B. 0.?2 D. 0.54

s. 110011 o. 101101
15. In flow chart, the start or end point is represented by ______.

A square bar of aluminum 50 mm on a side and 250 mm long is A. a rectangle it ;n C. a circle

_,_.... 3,


loaded by e iai tensile forces at the ends. Experimentally, it is an oval W__.ii— D. a trianglegt.
found that the strain in the direction of the toad is 0.001. Find
the change in volume of the bar when the load is acting. Assume 16. A student attempts to use a simple pendulum to measure g, the
a Poisson's ratio of 0.33. acceleration due to gravity. She observes that a pendulum of
,..ii1-.'T['2.5 nirn‘; C. 215.2 mm? I length 1.5 m mai-Les 20 osciliations in 60 s. What is the value of
B. 221.5 rnrn3 mm’ D. 251.2 gat her location? '1" :r__L_.. 1/
0 ".ii.’."=-‘ir.~_?4(‘i‘ '1(t"""*‘°’W(‘3’ "TEN A. 9.15 rn/sf‘ '1 c.s.?? m/s2 ‘W _ vi '

The overhead service conductors from the last pole or other a. 9.50 mes’ ,D-.-—s.47 nus?
aerial support to and including the splices, if any, connecting to
the service e_ntrance conductors at the tiuilding or other 17. What is the standard color for des-ignlating safeL{'«‘§
structure. Lltlp _,,a..—Drange -31’; iiid-;i,_,j_<;_-* C. Yellow “ f, ‘

A. Service equipgent C. Service lateral '__,Et.~'Green_ " ' D. White

B-..-Service drop /,L“1«Service point
18. The fiywheel of an engine has moment of inertia 2.5 kg-m2
5. A 2-cm diameter pipe transports water at 20 m/s. If it exits out about its rotation axis. What constant torque is required to bring
100 smail 2 mm diameter holes, the exiting velocity in in/s will it up to its anguiar speed of 400 rpm in B s, starting from rest?
be 0. \i 11. 12.? um he ;i_..~.y 1*
A. 120
a. 40
c. an
‘l of
B. 10.6'N-in :
£-:-13.1 l~i—m
{,1 £_x_[§1.,)1s1.8 i*»i—m
" =

'1__. I. ..— 1.. 1

19. Resilience of a rnaterial "1' considered when it is subjected to _.

6. An ideal gas is contained in a vessei of unknown volume at a fatigue
A. C. creep
pressure of 1 atm. Tire gas is released and allowed to expand ,,—El-.*s'r'iocla loading D. frequent heat treatment
into previously evacuated bulb whose voiume is 0.5 L. Once
equilibrium has been reached, the temperature remains the 20. A 2.2 i<'v'v refrigerator 1..-r heat pump operates between -1?°('.' and
same while the pressure is recorded as 500 mm of mercury." 38"’C. The maximurn theoretical heat that can be transferred
What is the unknown volume? from the cold reservoir is nearest to _____. , ,__ ecu gfi 1|.

A. 0.053 L I191‘? 1% gr
0.962 A. 7.5 kW C. 15.5 I-{W
I. *1 C2.-A, ~-~31... ,'-‘L " .- ‘ __

B. 1.18 L D. 1.07 L a. 4.7 kw “‘*<;§;;"* ,.a:’10.2 kw 1-‘*1 it E1 ~

*~ ” 1

The angle of incidence of a ray of light at the surface of a liquid 21. Air has a specific heat, cs of 1 l<_i/kg-K. If 2 Btu of energy are
is 40° and the observed angle of refraction is 29°. Compute the added to 100 g of air, what is most nearly the change in__air
index of refraction of the liquid. temperature? ~- "

,io«1./325 c. 1.253 ‘01’.in‘3‘‘*"‘ 7“ _

A. 10rC :‘2.-.if /Eflrc ’A'i‘“~.":

B. 1.235 1). 1.523 1 citing r i‘ ‘i‘~i‘if_'f.?;='i.""_'; s. 4-4‘°C at *'*-“ 1 p. as-=c
----“'r L 1;-.:.,~.e_.
. . .. .. ._ _.»>'ij.;...’.'.""
The pitch of a note Is.11;ep_er}_tient= upon _;;__-_—-
- -

8. 22. Which one is a vector quantity?

A. veiocity of sound mplitude A. Time C. Worl-:
.reouency l D. wavelength of sound
B. Distance ,9'.’Displaeement

$25,000 is deposited in a savings account that pays 5% interest, 23. A simple pendulum of length 50 cm, consists of a 100 g mass
compounded semi-annually. Equal annual withdrawals are to be attached to a weightiess cord. The mass is moved laterally to the
made from the account, beginning one year from now and right until it is elevated 5 cm higher from its equilibrium position
continuing forever. The maximum amount of the equal annual and then released. What is the rnaximurn tension in the cord?
vvithdravvals is'{E‘Eisest__'i‘:'i‘:.-."!'fl“.i 1? _ ii ,1».---1.18 N c. 1.03 hi -r: _’‘.'''’T rm’!-
.13../sfzse ‘ -"1 c. $1305 T- s. 1.12 hi D. 1.25 N “- K
p. $126.1

0-. $1310 , f , .

l ‘ ill
II, Section of the Code of

24. Whicli one is referring to Article


10. Which of l:he following cycle is used in vapclr cycl J Ethi for electrical engineers?
A. Brayton cycie
B. Diesei cycle
ankine cycle
)4? ectrical engineer shali honestly advise his ciients or
D. Ericson cycle " emp oyer if specialized work is called for to engage...
B. An e ectrical engineer shall promptly disclose to his client or
ll. if any esterrial pressure is applied to a confined fluid, the emp oyer an interest which he may have in a business...
pressure wiii be increased at every
an ount of the external pressure
Torricelii"s law
in__i_:he fluid,h§r:t~he

known as

des "law
l C. An e ectrical engineer shall before undertaking any
engagement or entering into any contract...
. _i-;*_- '
D. An eiectrical engineer shall present clearly the known possible
D "I.-i:".'l *"-I"'\. I I"'Il"-f-'uFlIII-"_-"'! “'11-I
-..r— '11»-... -"v'L=...ri"i I: .:I'l::n...1..u 11...: i-:.'IW

10. ‘F'ascai’s law A, consequences or limitations of the Wtiifi-1...

12. A company is considering buying a new machinery. Initial cost = 25. borrowed $5000
A man a banit and agreed to pay the loan
$B0,000. End of life salvage vaiue = $20,000. Liseful iife = 20 at the end of 9 months. The bank deducted the interest and
years. Assuming sure-of—~,rears digit depreciation, what wouid be -i.'ifi‘--‘e urn‘: sauce in -::ash. '~."*..-'5 -..-v.;.~s rah.-: or sinnlie interest ‘~..=1.-.2
the booir value of the machine after 2 ears? I ~_
‘-~..]'‘_ charged to the man? : ,5lI1r_;___“-'. - ' J I ’

A. $63,000 69,000 .
.11. 30.33970 c. 25%. “"0 “( I2 ’ iwlifik
B. $65,000 D. $67,440 ‘/,B.4'*3.33 {fa o. 20%

"-"“"*"""'-1'—"""""""""""""""""*-""‘*' ' ‘ ' * ""'|"'|"'lIl'|l'|-II-*'—"2'I-'-I-'lrI'I-‘F-fl-II-III—---I--1-—--HI-I—I-IIIIIIIII-Il—-I-I-IIIHI11-—-11..-an.--—.-.-._..,......_.:.:.-..__'....__,..,__, 1 .A__ -

‘-"'—' 1"-"""""3"' """Z‘1 '|'|II--|'|-l--I—|l—-:—I--I-1.-

JlJE3T BE HiI'.ii‘iii'iE'~T .... ..

2"” Floor, Yap Building, 35 M. Velez St , Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City
"5 1,1:,Z_1,Z_i,....,._,..._....1..1jig;-q-2|-Inn-.Z1Z1I—-II—-It-I-IIII—Z—I—IlZ1Z11"1' j,—._._.—...1:-.--iIi—-Zl--1I'-I-I--I11'ZZ*""-'11"1""' 4-:--#-jzgjflfizzfl

;-2 Rule 13 in the I.R.R of RA 7920. 41. The stress concentration factor _.
A. Requirements for Examination as a RME A. is a ratio of the average stress on a section to the allowable
B. Administrative Investigation stress
C. Release of the Results of the Examination 8. cannot be evaluated for brittle materials
E.;Fl1Te Publication of Examination (2. is the ratio of areas involved in a sudden change of cross
27. Gasoline has a specific gravity of 0.68. What is the approximate we
the ratio of the maximum stress produced in a cross
weight for 1 liter of gasoline? 5 ii. " section to the average stress over the section
A. 0.53 it c. 1.4 ii ‘J, H_‘_"“"*"""‘*
,a./E7 N ,_,_,y o. as N = 42. An individual wishes to deposit a certain amount of money now
(i1°‘\. Ci?‘-“ i?r*£:‘i -" ix it _l - " so that at the end of 5 years he will have $500. With interest at
28. In applying a wrench to tighten a 7/8-inch bolt, what torque can 4% per year, compounded semi-annually, how much must he
.. tr‘?-Pi
a workman apply without exceeding a shearing stress in the bolt deposit now?
to_10,000 psi? The diameter at the root of thread is 0.731 in. A. $416 5°?‘ l__j"-if /zfiio ii y‘

A. 805 lb-in g : iEs‘t‘ C. 868 lb-in 8. $340 D. $400

7 lb-in 3- D. 791 lb-in
' _

‘V53. lD,ii'll'i3' ° 'i.’--*7’ '-.,_.,_-{ .;_j,i.$‘-“ii,” '

43. The Code of Ethics for Electrical Engineers is BEE board

29. A 100 w light bulb emits a total flux of 1500distributed IITI, resolution number __, series of 1995.
uniformly over a hemisphere. What is most nearly the it, 13 C. 20
illuminance at a difince of 2 m? \,'L.' 33 )_/22 D. 24
Jflflzgfiolmfmz ’’ _, C. 75Im/ml __

‘a. 45 lm/mfg. ;,,..,—L :1?-i o. 53 im/mi, ' us,-r°‘ 44. If the Fahrenheit scale is thrice the Celsius scale, what will be
the corresponding reading in degree Fahrenheit? _

30. A constant pressure thermodynamic process obeys _____. 2'’ moor c. 90°F 0 = ‘E41
A. Boyle's law C. Pascal’s law ‘T’ 2933' B. 120 °F D. 100° F
_;C —,_— —:?1§[,: .l‘_'l1J’2eWi
B. Dalton's law /D:’Charles’ law P\"‘$~‘l‘ 44'“
T I£‘- V .:-v 45. Backup reserve refers to generating units that has fast start
(3.1/. of 15°. What is the
A truck weighing 1.4 kl~i moves up a slope capability and can synchronize with the grid to provide its
force generated by the engine if the truck is accelerating at a declared capacity for a minimum period of hours. __

rate of 3 m/sf? Assume the coefficient of friction is it = 0.1. 7'1. - A. 12 C. 16 '

A. 876N :~.,.. c. 930N

I- #-
.= a. 24 ,9./3;2 N “ A D.958N . .

E41?-M2 =3’ vats‘. set 7* W‘-‘V5-‘S 46. A steel drum manufacturer incurs a yearly fixed operating cost of
32. Convert the base 10 integer 432 to its base 16 equivalent. $200,000. Each drum manufactured costs $160 to produce and
jzrsti c. 1FC ""5
LIJHII III.‘ I‘ _--—
- ,_

sells for $200. What is the manufacturer's break-even sales

B. 2A3 4 D. 148 volume in drums per year?
‘Psi ‘ i'..--'5 '9' "
A. 6000 drums 2/€’.‘5'[T00 drums
33. Compute the density of methane gas (M = 16 g/moi) at 20°C B. 3000 drums D. 4000 drums
and 5 atm pressure. ,2‘-7 :’
1,U‘i>.rn7o is ieoggy ~.- '2.i=“E} (:43

A. 2.83 kg/mi 3.33 kg/m: . 47. The functional unit of" NPC create to pursue the missionary
B. 3.72 kg/m D. 2.18 kg/m -? :_ E}? electrification function.
rr-It V24”

Which one of the following is not a programming language of a


A. BASIC C. FORTRAN 48. What is a combination of one or more metals with a nonmetallic
_,.-B-.-l:ASER D. PASCAL element?
lse. Metalloids ‘E’ C. Matrix Composite
35. A stationary observer hears a siren approaching. The siren has a B. Inert _p..~Ceramic
sound frequency of 700 Hz, and is approaching the observer at
80 kph. What is the frequency heard by the observer? Assume 49. A toy remote-controlled car moves from rest with constant
acceleration of 2 m/s2. Its average speed after 3 s is
the velocity of sound in air is 332 We.
A. 600 Hz ‘mi. yirirti 1/f_[_____C. 700 Hz ""'”'"'
‘see __‘j___


A, 4 m/5 E-7,. -it

E) .3
B. 650 Hz 1 TL
_-‘—‘.i'..—.:ii;D/T50 Hz 351)‘ B. 6 m/s : EL -.1’L
._,,_fl_._.,,,\1 /is/3’
m / 5 _~i .
. ,-.

T2. 4:2, .

36. The sum of the direct labor cost incurred in the factory and the 50. At what point is the applied force minimal in operating a hinge
direct material cost of all materials that go into production is door? 1

called A. Near the hinge $arthest the hinge

A. Net cost C. Maintenance cost sir. B. At th_ enter ‘*9 '. Anywhere -

Prime cost D. Operating cost 4- rG"3:‘ i,r{flL /H figygy; 7

51. A steel bar 2 m long, 20 mm wide and 10 mm thick is subjected

37. At normal atmospheric pressure, the maximum height that a to a pull of 20 l<N in the direction of its length. Determine the
non—vc-latile fluid of specific gravity of 0.8 maybe SJy’lOl'll-Ed is change in thickness. Use E = 200 GPa; Poisson's ratio = 0.30.

nearest to

. 2.4 ft
,@E'.‘l..... ,/_'L_i._

c. 55.2ft
D. 58.3 ft 9 .93" '
,A:'0.0015 mm
8. 0.0012 mm
C. 0.0020 mm
D. 0.0024 mm

52. To qualify as a member of the BEE, the appointee must be a


38. Refraction is the . natural born Filipino citizen and a resident in the Philippines for
riding of light waves C. distortion of light waves at least how many consecutive years prior to appointment?
B. reflection of light waves D. diffusion of light waves A. 10 C. 8
._B._6~r" D. 3
Qfi. A modem has a rating of 28.8 kbps. What is the shortest time_;_.
that modem can transmit a 1 MB file? is. .
'( Mn
“y 53. Two immovable concrete blocks are connected by a steel wire.
A. 3.6 min at '§7i_'_=.'=«~-;~=.'ii"'j;.‘.t-"it c. 9.8 min *3‘ .£.. At 72°F there is no stress in the wire. If the wire cools from 72°F
_B.-4.9 min .__ D. 2.3-min —-—-""'“"T# to 55°F, what is the stress in the wire?
A. 3135 psi C. 3351 psi
40. In computer terminology, H'l‘l'P means ____. 8.3153 psi ..D:“3315 psi
A. Hy ertext Transmission Program
ypertext Transfer Protocol
. 54. A diagram which shows only the forces acting on the body.
C. Hypertext Transmission Protocol A. Force diagram C. Action-reaction diagram
D. Hypertext Transfer Program B. Shear 8t moment diagram Jlvlzfie body diagram

‘-1.11I.-.....—-.-in-gunnin--u-1-II1121-—.|.1.-I-axis.-I-Inna-1-nin--I.—1i:2jj—.l-1i—iIi1I|—|11 1|-1-1-1-It-1-2I—1-III-I-II—1-1II-IIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIII-III-II-I-—IIIlIIFl—il-—r!-Ill-Iii-It-I-tilt-III-|hrIjI1I-Il—i-r-—I-1

2”” Floor, Yap Building, 35 M. Velez St, Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City
55. A bank charges 1.5% per month on the unpaid balance for 68. The safety sign that reads “DO NOT OPEN OR REMOVE” shall be
purchases made with is credit card. This is equivalent to what "using what standard color?
effec ive annual interest rate? 1.». .-A. Orange C. Green
gm’!/9t.56 % C. 18.33% it s UI . B. Purple yellow
B. 12% D. 12.75% ._ U h_r_,1;.
' ‘ J 69. A vertical cylindrical gasoline tank is 30 m in diameter and is
56. A 50 lb weight is hung vertically using a rope. Find the horizontal filled to a depth of 15 m with gasoline whose specific gravity is
force F that must be applied to the 50 lb weight in order that the 0.74. If the yield point of the shell plating is 250 MPa and a [0 ':-'.-‘‘H.\
rope makes an angle of 20° with the vertical. - safety factor of 2.5 is adequate, calculate the required wall /
A. 15.5 lbs C. 16.8 lbs §\‘i:*{“3_,’ T, l thickness at the bottom of the tank. PH :2 (313? _._.

B. 17.4 lbs ,.o.-1-3.2 bs “"3 x . = - /A.’T6.3 mm f _fl,i-W23 c. 10.2 mm “NB” —~

.156 .. _g I B. 19.1 mm ~:m;7.>‘-:4-""

, 0. 22.6 mm 4..

_57. How niariy members does the Board composed of? ‘*3’ \l 1'4

A. Three members 20. Concurrent forces are those forces whose lines of action _

B. Two members A. lie on the same line

-(‘.”."l" members and a chairman _./B.’n’Ieet at one point / /
D. One member and a chairman C. meet on the same plane ,1 “L
" D. do not meet on the same plane er. -.-

58. A man loans $182,400 from a bank with interest at 5% . , " 1'' Chm
compounded annually. He agrees to pay his obligations by 71. what is the value of g at a position above the earth surface that
paying 8 equal payments, the first being due at the end of 10 is equal to the earth's radius?
years. Find his annual payments. V 1,? *1, 1:, A. 9.8 m/s2 C. 4.9 ms:
A. $43,001 c. $44,263 Y: i = 2 Let _.e-:- 2.45 m/si 0.3.35 rn/si
13. $42,4e2e.~ /e.‘$T44,9s1 i C‘ ‘“ -4
I ' ' ' ' ‘-._ "' ' ' 22. After a combustion process in a cylinder the pressure is 1200
59. A chess piece is placed 7 inches in front of a concave mirror that kPa and the temperature is 350°C. The gases are expanded to
has a radius of curvature of 18 inches. which of the following 140 kPa with a reversible adiabatic process. Calculate the final
statements about the image are true? ,-i_ go temperature. TI __ ‘P -1,
I. The image is larger than the object “'1 Cl A':"6-4°C E “E
C. 77°C ——;,—-" ‘I “ ,‘,_,,3;,, 1

11. The image is real _,1_, _.ll,i-— -::. —_,;,- /sr7T2°c 0. sec ‘"1 ‘-4’ e
III. The image is upright "1 31- lwhlgrfi: ,. ‘C ‘

IV. The image is beyond the center of curvature ?3. A hoist with a 75 hp engine is capable of lifting a 10,000 lb load
‘if. he object is at the focus a height of 20 ft in 10 s. What is the efficiency of this machine?

.I and IV
Iand III
C. V only :51. 35.4970

D. I, III and Iv’

if C. 34.3”/o "li.}",:;.,.i_7_§;~'

/e.»4s'.5i=/.. o. ' ~.

“T3 ——-=1 A



60. The ratings of each candidate who took the REE or RME Board 74. What do you call the treating of an ore with aqueous reagent to
exams shall be reported by the BEE to the ARC. This is discussed dissolve component selectively?
under Section of RA 7920. _ A. Calcination C. Smelting
A. 23 ..C-I120 ,..B-rlfiaching D. Roasting
B. 21 D. 22
75. An organ pipe closed at one end is 61 cm long. What is the
61. Two plates are_ being pulled at opposite directions with a load of frequency of the first overtone if the velocity of sound is 342
20 kN. If the plates are secured by two bolts 25 mm in diameter, m/s? __ ,._, F .3 H r,__ ,

A. 220 Hz ll : bier’
what is the shearing stress applied to each bolt?
__,_1i..2.2s MP3
e._ 3.24 MPa
c. 2.62 MPa
0.3.42 MPa
, -

B. 230 H.-1'“
= if
‘.1. 1/ \
.Gr—'4'20 Hz
o. 540 Hz
—i:i‘~.. '3


““ .1

An open thermodynamic system may refer to


62. What is the rate of energy radiation per unit area of a black A. control mass C. control energy
&control volume D. control temperature
body at a temperature of 273 K?
A. 310 w/mi c. 305 w/mi ‘4: H’
a. 320 wxmi .0. 315 w/mi 77. A liquid which is compressed in a cylinder. It has a volume of
1,000 cm3 at 2 MPa and a volume of the 990 cm3 at 2.5 MPa.
63. The maximum l:iending_moment of a beam simply supported at Compute the bulk modulus of elasticity of the liquid... ‘Q4 10-2) (01 "'”"””"_'_:l_
both ends and subject to a total load W uniformly distributed A. 150 MPa 5 3 C. 100 MPa D ._. E -«E, fl,5~.n€}:.
‘t I th L" d b th f I . ‘i_ieB. 25 MP " ” ,Dr“50 MP . i. .-__-.1.;.....e
14.11.: ‘S 3 ~ 11314.34 = ~14 £4 4 4 . 3
B. WL/2 D. WL/16 28. How much should you put into a 10% savings account in orders,
_ _ _ ' _ to have $10,000 in 5 years? 0 ],_;.3_ ._ "061, iii“;

64. The property of a material which they can be drawn into wires IS _A«$‘5,210 C. $7,208 l is
called . B. $7,125 D. $8,205
A. malleability C. elasticity -E ?; 1. Eu _

_B,_,d1Tctility D. creep 19 to 1:"-' 79. What is another term for “current assets"?
A. Fixed assets C. Non—|iquid assets
65. Determine the equivalent number of (2D.935) base 16 to base 2. .8-fliiquid assets /D./Cash
A. 101101.1101 101101.1001
B. 101101.1011 D. 1011011111 80. The pressure drop across a turbine is 200 kPa. The fow rate is
025 m3/ min. What is the most nearly the power output of the
66. What is the absolute velocity of a real fluid at a surface? turbine? r.
A. the same as the bulk fluid velocity kw
A«.-'0.'83 ' C. 1.3 kw
B. the velocity of the surface 8. 0.41 kw D. 0.95 kw
C. zero
f_,,.Z1eproportiona| to the smoothness of the surface 81. Two masses A and B collide in a perfectly inelastic collision. Mass
A is four times that of mass 8. Mass A is moving to the left at 10
67. A circular window with a radius of 25 cm has its center 3 m mfs while mass B is moving to the right at 20 m/s. Find the
below the water surface. What is most nearly the force acting on velocity and direction of the resultingfiombined mass.
the window A. 5 m/s to the right ~€'."4 ms to the left
A. 2.9 W C. 18 My 8. 4 m/s to the right D. 5 ms to the left
....s'."5.s kN o. 29 kN 4” “,9 ~¢'._:.
{4tie?L"33 ‘L {A--iv? '_-.1343 “ ““"'{r_?«’53‘Jrti3O

--—4E3'i,n'1E, -‘lg ’2.C> M13. -»;'_'Y1'1'-'64:)


2"” Floor, Yap Building, 35 M. Velez St , Barangay Guadalupe, Cebu City
11:1-1j§j.jj:.1i.-|._p-—1.jj:-.-1-Zjljltllulll-III|I|—--|I—':—p—l-I--ZZIjIIIIII—l u-11.2:-—I-1-1—I-I2:-1::-—n-I21-—-II--Z-11-I-:ZZI1I—-II?-11I'1IIII-Z1-Z1—I-I-I--I-Z

82. A measure of the resistance of a material to change of volume 9?. What is a measure of the average speed with which accounts
without a change of shape or form. Q. receivable are collected?
A. Young's modulus C. Modulus of elasticity «Current ratio C. Quick ratio
B. Acid test ratio .133". Receivable turnover
__,B.-Bulk modulus D. Shear modulus ‘E

83. A quantity of gas occupies 1.2 f? at STP. The gas is allowed to 98. A U-tube manometer is attached to a pipe transporting liquid. It
expand to 1.5 ft3 and 15 psia. What is the new temperature? is known that the pressure in the pipe at the location of the
A. 227.55‘-"F C. 318.18°F manometer is 2.4 kPa. Determine the density of the liquid being
B. 306.42°F pi--'16?.55°F transported if the manometer indicates a height of 36 cm above
the pipe.
84. Properties of substances like pressure, temperature and density, A. :00 kg/m3 i;:. 530 kg/m3
in thermodynamic coordinates are _. s. 760 kg/m3_ ‘o. 740 kg/m3
A. path functions ,,C:"D0il‘lt functions
8. cyclic functions D. thermodynamic functions 99. The core of _a fiber optic cable is made of _.
A. Air ,__ C. Diamond

85. A diverging lens forms an image one-turd the size of an object I

/,/B’."Glass D. Quartz
that is 24 cm from the lens. Determine the focal‘ length of the
lens. , 100. The coefficient of static friction between the tires of a truck
I‘ fl‘, ‘ix ‘

12 cm _-L C. 16cm
1 E whose velocity id 60 kph and a road is 0.65. The smallest
8. 14 cm “U1 0“ D. 10cm turning radius is
/Z44 rn

A. 9.4 m
86. Determine the maximum horsepower output from any power B. 22 m D. 565 m
unit burning 1,000,000 Btu/hr of fuel with high and low
temperature extremes of 1540°F and 40°F.
<.:end of exam:
A. 285 hp C. 375 hp
87. A loan of $4000 is made for a period of 16 months at a simple TOGETHER WITH YOUR SCORE AFTER CHECKING THEM...
interest rate of 7%, what is the future amount due at the end of (%0h -0)?’
the loan period? x 9‘: “L
——- -n- ti‘
... 3
- .

-iers-T373 c. $4,201 __-,3.‘ __ v r 11;. .—Q0.0OL J


8. $4,401 D. $4,411

,1! me.
88. The safety sign that reads “UNDER REPAIR” shall be using what am {l+,_D—_y_§ 3 ‘inn: tx)L"”-R
standard color?
A. Red
C. Green
__,,D. Yellow
Wilt “tn? ‘-i

89. What is the octal equivalent of the hexagonal number EE? T : ‘f§_i1..s

-.-A.-356' C. 365
B. 653 D. 635 0- -—

90. What is most nearly, the angle of twist for an aluminum bar of
diameter 0.6 m and length 17 rn, subjected to a torque of 11
kN-m? The shear modulus of elasticity, G is 26 GPa?
A. 0.0530 .»c.’0.032°
B. 0.06?” D. 0.045“

91. A hammer suspended from a spring whose force constant is 180

Mm oscillates up and down 120 times per minute. What is the
mass of the hammer?
.A-'r'"1.1 kg C. 1.2 kg
B. 1.3 kg D. 1.4 kg

92. The mass of a block of aluminum (p = 2?00 kg/m3) is 25 g.

What will be the tension in a string that suspends the block
when the block is totally submerged in water?
A. 0.138 N C. 0.142 N
B. 0.128 N .13; 0.154 N

93. A bank currently charges 10% interest compounded annually on

business loans. If the bank were to change to continuous
compounding, what would be the effective annual interest rate?
_fi./10.52“/0 C. 10.45%
8. 10.64% D. 10.28%

94. A system or circuit conductor that is intentionally grounded.

_,..vA:-"Grounding conductor C. Grounding equipment
B. Grounding electrode conductor 1+D‘."Grounded conductor

95. How much heat is needed to convert 200 g of ice at 0°C to

steam at 100°C?
A. 611 U C. 608 kJ
.,B.'603 U D. 718 [<3

96. By what factor must the sound intensity be increased to raise

the sound intensity level by 13 dB?
A. 26 times times --

B. 76 times D. 11 times




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