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Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133

DOI 10.1007/s12666-015-0721-7


Quantitative Estimation of Mineral Phases from Chemical Assays

and Powder X-Ray Diffraction Rietveld Analysis: A Case Study
on Selective Flocculation of Iron Ore Slimes
Venugopal Tammishetti1 • Beena Rai1 • B. Ravikumar2 • Rakesh Kumar2 •


Received: 9 June 2015 / Accepted: 7 October 2015 / Published online: 23 November 2015
Ó The Indian Institute of Metals - IIM 2015

Abstract A generic method for quantitative estimation of compositions in feed, concentrate and tails were also used to
mineral phases in ores and process streams has been illus- compute mineral wise recoveries. The approach presented
trated in this paper with the help of an example taken from in this paper would provide mineral engineers a simple and
our own work on the selective flocculation of alumina rich relatively easy method to convert elemental assays into
iron ore slimes. The method used conventional bulk mineralogical compositions and thus compute extremely
chemical assay data and information on phases present, as useful and reliable estimates of the mineral-wise recoveries,
determined by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern grades and distributions in the various plant streams, which
analysis. Iron ore slime samples were subjected to selective are necessary for plant optimization and control purposes.
dispersion–flocculation experiments and the feed, concen-
trate and tails were analyzed using this method. Chemical Keywords Iron ore slimes  Mineral composition 
assays (iron, alumina, silica and loss on ignition) were Powder X-ray diffraction  Rietveld analysis 
determined by wet chemical analysis and mineral phases Data reconciliation
(hematite, goethite, gibbsite, kaolinite and quartz) were
quantified by Rietveld analysis of XRD patterns. Consid-
ering the proportion of various elements present in the 1 Introduction
constituent minerals, the chemical assay data and the rec-
onciliation of assays (as well as the mineral compositions Mineral processing plants are designed to separate minerals
determined by Rietveld analysis, if available), one could but the optimization and control in the operating plants are
estimate the proportion of various minerals present in dif- currently based on chemical assays. It is a well acknowl-
ferent process streams. The mineral compositions estimated edged fact that different mineral phases comprising of the
based on this method matched reasonably well with those same element may behave differently under similar process
obtained by quantitative phase analysis by the Rietveld conditions. Iron ore slimes for example, typically consist of
analysis. In case the Rietveld analysis results were also a variety of iron minerals such as hematite (Fe2O3), mag-
reconciled with the elemental assays, one could arrive at netite (Fe3O4) and goethite (FeOOH). As illustrated in this
even a better estimate of the proportion of various minerals paper, it is of great value to establish the conditions under
in the different process streams. The estimated mineral which each one of these minerals are separated. It is thus
important in general to track the partitioning of the con-
stituent minerals across various streams in order to optimize
& Venugopal Tammishetti the plant operations. In operating plants, while it is common; to measure elemental assays across various streams, it is
rare to measure and track flow of mineral constituents, since
Tata Research Development and Design Centre, Tata petro-mineralogical analysis typically requires high level of
Consultancy Services, Pune 411013, India expertise and infrastructure. With the advent of automated
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur mineral analyzers (QEMSCAN, MLA, Clemex, TESCAN),
831007, India it has now become possible to determine mineralogical

126 Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133

composition of various plant streams [1]. However, these The conversion of elemental assays to mineral assays
techniques are relatively expensive and time consuming, based on stoichiometric formulae of each mineral (provided
thereby limiting their widespread application. Further lim- one has identified all the minerals present in an ore) is in
itations are imposed when the particles are too fine to pre- principle a data reconciliation problem. It involves reconcil-
pare polished section and, mineral grains have similar ing all the elemental assays as well as all the computed min-
compositions (e.g. Fe2O3 and Fe3O4). eral assays across a node and/or across all nodes in a plant.
Banerjee and Mukherjee [2] have studied the liberation There are several algorithms available in literature to
characteristics of iron ore slime samples via automated carry out data reconciliation of plant data [21–27]. More
mineral analysis QEMSCAN and also attempted to gen- recently, Subramanian et al. [28] have proposed a concurrent
erate grade-yield curve. Thella et al. [3] have used back reconciliation methodology for estimation of mineral com-
scattered electron image technique for identifying mineral position from chemical assay data for a single stream/sample
phases. These researchers have used energy dispersive as well as for mineral processing circuits. In this paper, we
spectroscopy (EDS)–scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have used a methodology proposed by Subramanian et al.
for microanalysis and found that the characterization [28] for reconciling simultaneously both elemental assay
becomes extremely complex with the poor liberation of the and mineral assays for a given beneficiation circuit.
minerals in the samples. SEM–EDS of iron ore samples by As part of an ongoing ambitious program to develop a
Raghukumar et al. [4] shows observed coating of gibbsite selective flocculation–flotation process for the beneficiation
particles on iron bearing minerals in finer fractions thus of alumina-rich Indian iron ore slimes, attempts are being
complicating the estimation of mineral compositions. Rao made to establish the response of individual constituent
et al. [5] have done qualitative mapping and quantitative minerals to the different reagents being developed for
Electron Probe-Micro Analysis (EPMA) of iron ore sam- selective separation. Indian iron ore slimes typically con-
ples. Their observation shows the presence of gibbsite tain two iron minerals (hematite and goethite) and two
grains intimately and intricately along with iron oxides in alumina minerals (gibbsite and kaolinite). The separation
fine particle size range. efficiency is conventionally quantified based on chemical
Another approach for quantitative estimation of mineral assays such as %Fe, %Al2O3, %silica and loss on ignition
phases present in a sample is based on the quantitative (LOI) present in the concentrates and tailings.
X-ray diffraction analysis where mineral proportions can We have attempted a direct estimation of mineral assays
be estimated using Rietveld refinement. The procedure using Rietveld refinement of XRD patterns of various
involves identification of mineral phases present in the products generated during the test work. The quantification
system followed by refinement of the recorded XRD pat- of phases by Rietveld refinement is complemented by
tern against the calculated XRD patterns of the constituent thermal analysis (TG/DTA). Thermal anslysis albeit limi-
minerals. Once, the simulated XRD pattern matches with tations arising due to overlapping peaks (e.g. gibbsite and
the recorded pattern, then corresponding mineral propor- goethite DTA peaks appearing *300 °C [29, 30]), yields
tions are computed. However, whenever there are amor- weight loss data in specific temperature ranges for indirect
phous phases present in the samples, the procedure estimation of phase(s). A comparison of results on the
becomes complex. Further, elemental substitutions in the mineral assays estimated by different techniques are
crystal lattice, crystallite size and their preferred orienta- reported in this paper. The results indicate that these esti-
tion make the procedure increasingly more complex and mates are comparable and one can estimate the mineral
the quality of results is affected. There are reports in the compositions from elemental assays only.
literature on the quantitative phase estimation in bauxite
[6–9], iron ore [10–13], clay minerals [14, 15], clinker and
cement additives such as slag and fly ash [16–18]. 2 Materials and Methods
Ideally, there has to be a methodology by which one can
estimate mineral assays from elemental assays. Attempts 2.1 Iron Ore Slime Samples
have been made in the past to estimate the mineral compo-
sition of a sample from chemical assay data. Whiten [19] has The iron ore slime samples used in the study were obtained
recommended a procedure for calculating the mineral from two different iron ore mines of India. The slime sam-
composition from a given chemical assay based on the sin- ples were of -400 mesh (-37 microns) size. Particle size
gular value decomposition (SVD) technique. Lund et al. [20] distributions of both these slime samples were similar
have developed a tool to convert elemental assays to mineral (Fig. 1). However, their chemical composition differed
assays based on the solution of a set of linear algebraic significantly (Fe 42–59 %, Al2O3 7–16 %, SiO2 4–11 %,
equations relating elemental assays to mineral compositions LOI 5–9 %) indicating wide variation in mineralogical
and treating it as a constrained optimization problem. makeup.

Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133 127

100 8 Feed Dispersion- flocculation Concentrate

7 experiment
Size (µm) Slime 1 Slime 2
Cumulative Weight%

D10 1.7 1.3

D50 5.8 8.1
4 Tails
D90 24.1 23.3
40 3
Fig. 2 Separation experiment (single node with concentrate and tails)
0 0 ([FeO(OH)] or [Fe2O3H2O]), gibbsite ([Al(OH)3] or
0 10 20 30 40 50
Diameter (µm) [Al2O33H2O]), kaolinite (Al2O32SiO22H2O) and Quartz
(SiO2). TOPAZ, the software available with the diffrac-
Slime 1 Cumulative Weight% Slime 2 Cumulative Weight%
Slime 1 Weight% Slime 2 Weight%
tometer was used for the quantification of phases based on
Rietveld analysis. The scheme of the quantitative estima-
Fig. 1 Particle size analysis of slime samples tion of phases is shown in Fig. 3. The crystal information
files (cif files) for the identified phases were obtained from
2.2 Dispersion–Flocculation Experiments COD open database [31]. The cif data used was for pure
phases under ambient conditions. The unit cell dimension
Iron ore slime slurry of desired pulp density was prepared ‘b’ obtained after Rietveld analysis was used for the esti-
by dispersion of dry slime sample in 800 ml of distilled mation of Al-substitution in goethite (i.e. (Fe1-xAlx)OOH)
water. The pH of the solution was adjusted to the desired [32].
value (alkaline) while stirring it at 159 rpm using DBK
flocculator. The slurry was dispersed further by ultra-son- 2.4 Thermal Analysis
ication for 5 min at 30 % amplitude using Branson Sonifier
(Model: 102C). The pH was re-adjusted, if there was any Thermogravimetric (TG) weight loss and differential
change observed after ultra-sonication, and stirring was thermal analysis (DTA) plots were recorded from ambient
continued at 100 rpm for 15 min. The slurry was floccu- temperature to 1100 °C using a TA Instruments thermal
lated by addition of desired amount of flocculant (starch or analyzer (Model SDT Q600). Approximately 25 mg sam-
guar gum) and stirred at low speed (3 min at 40 rpm). The ple was taken in all the cases. Samples were heated at
stirring was stopped and the slurry was allowed to settle for 10 °C/min.
the required amount of time. At the end of the experiment,
the suspended portion was decanted from the flocculated 2.5 Chemical Analysis of Separated Fractions
(settled) portion. Both suspended and settled portions were
dried in the oven and analyzed by wet chemical analysis. The chemical analysis of separated fractions were carried
The settled portions (concentrates) were labelled as C1–C5 out by conventional chemical analysis methods [33]. Iron
and corresponding suspended fractions were designated as and aluminum contents were determined in digested sam-
tails. Figure 2 represents in a typical batch experiment a ples using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Silica
node where feed is separated into concentrate and tails. was estimated by standard acid insoluble method. The loss
on ignition (LOI) was determined by heating the sample at
2.3 Phase Identification and Quantitative X-Ray 850 °C for 1 h in muffle furnace. The results were
Diffraction Analysis expressed in weight % of dried solid.

X-ray powder diffraction patterns were recorded on a 2.6 Estimation of Mineral Phases Using Chemical
Bruker D8 Discover diffractometer under following Assay and Reconciliation
experimental conditions: diffractometer geometry—
Bragg–Brentano, radiation—CuKa, tube voltage/current— The computational method of mineral phase estimation
40 kV/40 mA, detector—Lynx solid state, scan range used in this paper is based on the method proposed by
(2h)—10°–100°, step size—0.02°, counting time 3 s/point. Subramanian et al. [28]. The technique is based on the
The powder iron ore samples after different processing premise that all the minerals present in the sample are
were mounted in a rectangular Perspex sample holder and identified, minerals have a well-defined chemical formula
examined. Phase identification was carried out using and the extents of elemental substitution, if any, are known.
search–match technique. The major phases identified in the This means that elemental and mass balance prevails at any
slime sample included: hematite (Fe2O3), goethite processing step (node). Schematic of the method of

128 Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133

Fig. 3 Quantitative estimation

of phases using Rietveld 1 2 3 Analysis
Data Entry
analysis of powder diffraction

X-ray diffraction Input raw data file Preliminary analysis


cif File for identified Evaluation checking Rietveld Refinements

minerals and entry and final results

Fig. 4 Scheme for estimating

mineral proportions from Input Computations Results
chemical assay using our
computational tool
• Flow Split (Optional) • Error Minimization • Reconciled Flow Splits
• Chemical Assays • Reconciliation • Reconciled Chemical assays
(Feed, Concentrate • Mineral Estimation • Mineral Composition
and Tails)
• Minerals in the sample
• Substitutions (if any)

estimating mineral composition from chemical assay is correlation between the amount of oxygen and iron is
shown in Fig. 4. The input data include mass flow split, observed. This may be the results of the presence of iron as
chemical assays, mineral phases present in the sample and hematite (Fe2O3) and goethite (FeOOH); higher oxygen
substitutions present, if any. The mass flow split data is possibly indicates the presence of greater amount of goe-
optional however; wherever the stream flow data is avail- thite. Iron deficient Al–Si-rich particles are indicative of
able, those can be used as the inputs in order to get the the presence of kaolinite which is identified by powder
reconciled flows. The optimization algorithm developed by X-ray diffraction of the sample. Pure mineral grains of
Subramanian et al. [28] performs computations for error quartz (SiO2) and gibbsite (Al(OH)3) are not found. This
minimization, reconciliation and mineral estimation. may be due to small amounts of these phases vis-à-vis iron
minerals. The X-ray microanalysis results also highlights
the fact that image analysis based quantification of phases
3 Results and Discussions using QEMSCAN or similar techniques may not be feasi-
ble for these kinds of slime samples.
3.1 Nature of Slime Sample
3.2 Quantitative Estimation of Phases
Figure 5 shows typical SEM micrographs of the slime
sample used in this study. Figure 5a is a general view Quantitative X-ray diffraction (QXRD) analysis involving
which gives an idea of the shape of particles and size Rietveld refinement has been performed for a large number
distribution. The X-ray micro-analysis using EDS detector of slime samples and the efficacy of the method has been
was carried out to understand the nature of liberation and assessed. Typical phase analysis results for a slime sample
heterogeneity present. The points marked in Fig. 5b–d and corresponding concentrates generated after various
were analyzed by X-ray micro-analysis and the results are experiments are presented in Table 2. The Rietveld
summarized in Table 1. The compositional variation is refinement has assumed texture effect (in \00l[ direction)
observed across points which are only a few microns apart. for gibbsite. Strong effect of crystallite size is observed for
The analysis at different spots show the presence of all the kaolinite and it has also been considered in the analysis.
major elements (Fe, Al, Si, O) in all cases, thus, indicating Values of x [in goethite—(Fe1-xAlx)OOH] has been cal-
an intimate association of mineral grains and/or coating of culated from lattice parameter bgoethite estimated during the
particles by finer particles and, possible inter-elemental refinement. Table 3 shows the comparison of the results of
substitutions. Majority of the particles/spots analyzed are the chemical analysis of the samples calculated using
iron rich as is expected, given that the hematite and goe- QXRD with wet chemical analysis of the samples. Con-
thite are the major minerals present. In general, an inverse sidering the fact that minerals are assumed to be pure

Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133 129

Fig. 5 SEM micrographs showing typical morphology and size distribution (a) and distinct particles marked with spots subjected to X-ray
microanalysis (b–d)

(except goethite where Al substitution is considered), the for Slime 1 and \0.3 % for the concentrate samples
match is reasonable for Fe, Al and LOI. Discrepancy is (C1–C5)) essentially corresponds to adsorbed/physical
observed for silica, which may be due to the presence of moisture. The DTA peaks at *275 and 310 °C are typical
small amount, elemental substitutions in kaolinite and of goethite and gibbsite, respectively and weight loss
possible omission of other silicate minerals which were not between 200 and 400 °C is predominantly due to dehy-
identified by XRD. A number of minerals in iron ore are droxylation of these minerals to hematite and boehmite [34,
characterized by the presence of chemically combined 35]. The weight loss above 600 °C accounts for\0.1 % and
water. Typically, goethite and gibbsite lose this water in the one observed between 400 and 600 °C may be assigned
200–400 °C temperature range. Table 4 shows the total to secondary dehydroxylation of boehmite [35] and
weight loss up to 1000 °C and in the temperature range of kaolinite [34]. Total weight loss up to 1000 °C and in the
200–400 °C which has been estimated by thermogravi- temperature range of 200–400 °C has been estimated by
metric analysis and has been calculated based on QXRD thermogravimetric analysis and is compared with weight
results. The match that is observed between experimentally loss calculated on the basis of QXRD results (Table 4). As
determined values and calculated values is in good agree- evident from Table 4, the match observed between exper-
ment which and further confirms reasonableness of quan- imentally determined values and calculated values is in
titative estimation of phases by QXRD. good agreement and confirms reasonableness of quantita-
A number of minerals in iron ore contain chemically tive estimation of phases by QXRD. It can also be observed
combined water and exhibit characteristic thermal analysis that the weight losses in the concentrate samples (C1–C5)
response [34]. Figure 6a, b show thermo-gravimetric (TG) are lower as compared to the original slime (Slime 1); this
and differential thermal analysis (DTA) plots for the sam- indicates removal of hydrous minerals from the Slime 1 and
ples for which QXRD results are given in Table 2. Initial their enrichment in tailing samples. QXRD results in
small weight loss that is observed below 200 °C (*0.6 % Table 2 also support this observation and amounts of

130 Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133

Table 1 Summary spots X-micronalysis for typical slime particles F ¼CþT ð1Þ
Particles image Spots X-ray microanalysis (wt%) where, F, C and T are the flowrate/weight of the feed,
Fe O Al Si concentrate and tails, respectively.
The chemical assay balance for each of the stream can
Figure 5b 1 71.92 26.24 1.84 –
be written as below:
2 61.02 33.47 2.90 2.61
3 60.72 34.90 2.55 1.82 %Fe measured ¼ Fe contribution from
4 57.02 34.03 2.65 6.31 ðHematite þ GoethiteÞ
5 79.54a 18.25 1.24 0.97
%Al measured ¼ Al contribution from
6 66.06 31.80 2.14 – ð2bÞ
Average 66.05 29.78 2.22 2.93
ðGibbsite þ KaoliniteÞ
Figure 5c 1 64.68 29.17 4.55 1.59 %LOI measured ¼ LOI contribution from
2 77.86 22.14 – –
ðGoethite þ Gibbsite þ KaoliniteÞ
3 10.63 50.57 18.37 20.44
4 80.95 18.14 0.91
5 74.04 19.91 3.19 2.86 %Silica measured ¼ Silica contribution from
6 89.78 8.38 1.02 0.81
ðKaolinite þ QuartzÞ
Average 66.32 24.72 5.61 6.43
Figure 5d 1 8.02 53.15 18.49 20.33 The equations can be suitably modified to take into
2 74.97 15.61 5.32 4.10 consideration, elemental substitutions e.g. aluminium in
3 35.47 40.08 11.99 12.47 goethite. %Al is calculated from %Al2O3.
4 70.06 25.51 2.57 1.85 By solving the objective function to minimize the total
Average 47.13 33.59 9.59 9.69 error with constraints (all assays, mineral compositions are
positive and \100), a tool to obtain reconciled flows,
High value of Fe over stoichiometric iron content in Fe2O3 ([70 %)
assays and mineral compositions was developed by
may result during X-ray microanalysis since hydrous nature of min-
erals can not be taken into account Subramanian et al. [28]. We have employed this method to
estimate the mineral compositions in two sets of experi-
mental data (Tables 5a, 6a) obtained from laboratory scale
goethite, gibbsite and kaolinites are higher in the concen- selective dispersion–flocculation batch experiments on iron
trate samples as compared to the feed slime. The sample C4 ore slime sample. Using the information of weights and
shows weight losses which is next to Slime 1. This is not chemical assays, mineral phase compositions are predicted.
unexpected since amount of gibbsite in C4 is higher as It is important to note that our computations have assumed
compared to other concentrate samples. 11 % Al substitution in goethite, as observed by XRD
analysis. The predicted mineral phase compositions are
3.3 Reconciliation of Assay Data compared with those estimated using quantitative XRD
techniques in Tables 5b and 6b. It is evident from the
When a separation experiment is performed, the feed splits results that the estimation of quantitative mineral compo-
into two streams: concentrate and tails (Fig. 2). The overall sitions, based on chemical assay alone, match reasonably
mass/flow balance can be written as: well with the quantitative XRD results. It is also important

Table 2 QXRD results based on Rietveld refinement for a slime and corresponding concentrates generated after different treatments
Sample Phase (%) x
Hematite (Fe2O3) Goethite (Fe1-xAlx)OOH) Gibbsite (Al(OH)3) Kaolinite (Al2O32SiO22H2O) Quartz (SiO2)

Slime 1 64.7 28.9 3.0 3.3 0.0 0.117

C1 77.7 18.6 1.4 1.9 0.3 0.116
C2 75.0 18.0 2.2 2.1 2.8 0.113
C3 79.9 17.2 1.1 1.3 0.6 0.104
C4 73.5 18.5 3.2 1.9 2.9 0.105
C5 75.0 19.2 2.3 1.6 1.8 0.069
x—substitution of Al in goethite

Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133 131

Table 3 Comparison of chemical assay results of standard method observed that quartz (undesired mineral) is also being
with calculated analysis based on QXRD recovered in the concentrate along with hematite (desired
Sample wt% mineral). We can observe that rejection of gibbsite and
kaolinite is better in the experiment 1 as compared to
%Fe %Al %LOI %Silica
experiment 2. It is interesting to note that goethite (desired
Slime 1 58.5 (61.3) 3.8 (3.3) 4.9 (4.6) 4.1 (1.5) mineral) is being rejected to tails in experiment 1, whereas,
C1 66.9 (64.7) 2.1 (1.9) 3.2 (2.8) 1.4 (1.3) no separation of goethite is observed in experiment 2. Thus
C2 65.6 (62.6) 1.4 (2.1) 3.5 (3.0) 0.9 (3.7) these results do point out that there is a need to further
C3 64.2 (65.6) 1.5 (1.4) 3.0 (2.4) 1.0 (1.2) improve the process conditions so as to recover goethite and
C4 66.5 (61.9) 2.4 (2.4) 3.8 (3.3) 1.4 (3.8) reject quartz in the beneficiation of these samples, in order
C5 67.4 (63.8) 1.3 (1.7) 3.1 (3.0) 0.8 (2.5) to improve recoveries. Goethite recovery will of course
result in the decrease in the grade of the final concentrate.
Numbers in brackets are calculated from the QXRD data

Table 4 Total weight loss and weight loss attributed to the thermal 4 Concluding Remarks
transformation of goethite and gibbsite as estimated by thermo-
gravimetric analysis and calculated based on QXRD analysis
Mineralogical assay provides useful information for
Sample Total weight loss Weight loss % (Goethite ? Gibbsite) assessing the efficiency of the mineral separation processes
(%) but we normally measure elemental assays of the various
QXRD TG 200–400 °C XRD phase streams. A number of techniques (QEMSCAN, Rietveld
analysisa (TG) analysis analysis etc.) are available currently for estimation of
Slime 4.6 5.1 3.0 4.1 mineralogical assays directly but not so easily accessible to
1 the plant operators. We have demonstrated in this paper
C1 2.8 3.3 2.2 2.5 that one can estimate the mineral composition of various
C2 3.0 3.3 2.3 2.7 streams in the plant from chemical elemental assays which
C3 2.4 3.1 2.1 2.2 are routinely measured in the plants. The proposed
C4 3.3 3.9 2.6 3.2 methodology of estimating mineral assays from elemental
C5 3.0 3.1 2.3 2.8 assays is generic even though it has been used in this paper
to estimate the composition of concentrate, tails and feed
Weight loss up to 850 °C
produced during the beneficiation of iron ore slimes. It is
also shown that in case one is using more than one tech-
to note that estimation of mineral phases in various process nique for measuring mineral compositions—for example
streams provide valuable insight about the efficiency of the (elemental assays and Rietveld analysis) or (elemental
process. For example, in both these experiments, it is assays and QEMSCAN) or all three, there is a need to

(a) (b)
Goehtite -> Hematite
Gibbsite -> Boehmite

Kaolinite and


DTA, V/mg
TG (%)

94 0.8

Slime 1
Slime 1 C1 Slime 1
Slime 1 C2 0.6 Slime 1 C1
Slime 1 C3 Slime 1 C2
90 Slime 1 C4 Slime 1 C3
Slime 1 C5 Slime 1 C4
Slime 1 C5
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature, C
o Temperature, C

Fig. 6 a TG and b DTA plots for a slime and corresponding concentrates generated after different treatments

132 Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133

Table 5 Results of separation experiment 1 (experimental conditions: pH 11.5, pulp density 1 %, sodium hexa-meta phosphate 30 ppm, poly
glutamic acid 1 ppm, settling time 5 min)
(a) Chemical assay
Sample Split Chemical assay (wt%)
Fe Al2O3 LOI Silica

Feed (Slime 1) 100.0 58.5 (61.3) 7.2 (6.2) 4.9 (4.6) 4.1 (1.6)
Concentrate 32.1 67.4 (63.8) 2.4 (3.2) 3.1 (3.0) 0.8 (2.5)
Tails 67.9 56.0 (58.3) 8.9 (7.0) 6.94 (5.3) 4.5 (4.5)
Recovery (%) 37.0 10.9 20.2 6.0
(b) A comparison of mineral compostions obtained using our method and QXRD
Mineral (wt%) Feed Concentrate Tails
Estimateda QXRD Estimated QXRD Recoveryb Estimated QXRD

Hematite 62.2 64.7 72.2 75 37.2 46.8 56.9

Goethite 30.2 29 25.7 19.2 27.3 37.3 31.8
Gibbsite 2.6 3.1 1.3 2.3 16.1 4.7 1.6
Kaolinite 4.4 3.3 0 1.6 0.1 11.2 9.6
Quartz 0.5 0 0.8 1.8 52.4 0 0

Numbers in the brackets are assays back calculated from the QXRD data
Estimated-mineral composition computed from elemental assays only [28]
Recoveries are calculated from the mineral proportions estimated using our method

Table 6 Results of separation experiment 2 (experimental conditions: pH 11.5, pulp density 11 %, no dispersant, corn starch 60 ppm, settling
time 5 min)
(a) Chemical assay
Sample Split Chemical assay (wt%)
Fe Al2O3 LOI Silica

Feed (Slime 2) 100.0 42 (44.7) 15.8 (15.5) 9.3 (7.9) 10.9 (12.9)
Concentrate 56.3 50.5 (51.9) 11.4 (10.6) 7.53 (6.5) 5.4 (8.8)
Tails 43.7 30.3 (43.3) 23.7 (15.9) 12.2 (8.1) 17.3 (14.2)
Recovery (%) 67.6 40.6 45.7 28.1
(b) A comparison of mineral compositions obtained using our method and QXRD
Mineral (wt%) Feed Concentrate Tails
Estimateda QXRD Estimated QXRD Recoveryb Estimated QXRD

Hematite 37.9 39 48.1 50 71.4 18.4 35.9

Goethite 32.4 32.8 32.7 30.3 56.8 31.9 34.2
Gibbsite 8.3 3.6 7.4 4.9 50.2 10 3.4
Kaolinite 21.1 21.8 11.5 11.2 30.7 39.6 23.1
Quartz 0.2 2.8 0.3 3.6 82.4 0 3.5

Numbers in the brackets are assays back calculated from the QXRD data
Estimated-mineral composition computed from elemental assays only [28]
Recoveries are calculated from the mineral proportions estimated by using our method

reconcile all these measurements. It is not recommended to only estimates the mineral compositions from elemental
use the data without reconciliation since it can lead to assays but also provides the reconciled data for further
misleading results. Methodology used in this paper not reliable diagnostics and process optimization.

Trans Indian Inst Met (2016) 69(1):125–133 133

Acknowledgments Authors would like to thank Dr. Subramanian 13. Paine M, König U, and Staples E, Proceedings of the 10th
Subramanian, Principal Scientist, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. for International Congress for Applied Mineralogy (ICAM 2011)
his help in developing the data reconciliation program and Dr. Ansu J. Trondheim, Norway (2012), p 495.
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