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Sid, from Ice Age

"Sid" is a ground sloth in all four films and is portrayed as clumsy, annoying, slow moving, fast-
talking, unintelligent, unfit, and unattractive member with a good heart, and is voiced with a lisp.

Pattern copyright to Carin van Kuijk. Written and designed 2014. Sid is NOT my copyright,
however the pattern to create him is. Please do not share, sell or duplicate this pattern. Your finished
product is yours to do as you please.

1 skein light brown

a 3 mm hook
left overs, white, black and creme or offwhite
2 6mm safety eyes
Everything is worked in the round unless otherwise stated
Head and body
start with light brown, stuff while working in rounds, fill head and neck firmly!!!

R1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6)

R2: inc around (12)
R3: 6x ( 1sc, 1 inc) (18)
R4: 6x (1sc, 1 inc, 1sc) (24)
R5: 6x (3sc, 1 inc) (30)
R6: 6x (2sc, 1 inc, 2sc) (36)
R7: 6x (5sc, 1 inc) (42)
R8/12: 42 sc around (5 rounds)
R13: 10x (2sc, 1 dec) (32)
R14: 1dec, 6x (3sc, 1 dec) (25)
R15: 1dec, 6x (2sc, 1 dec) (18)
R16/17: 18sc around (2 rounds)
R18: 6x (1sc, 1 dec) (12)
start stuffing
R19/24: 12 sc around (6 rounds)
R25: 3x (3sc, 1inc) (15)
R26/28: 15 sc around (3 rounds)
R29: 3x (4sc, 1inc) (18)
R30: 18sc around
R31: 6x (1sc, 1 inc, 1sc) (24)
R32: 6x (3sc, 1 inc) (30)
R33/37: 30sc around (5 rounds)
R38: 6x (3sc, 1 dec) (24)
R39/40: 24sc around (2 rounds)
R41: 10sc, 6x inc, 8sc (30) (front of belly created)
R42: 6x (2sc, 1 inc, 2sc) (36)
R43/44: 36 sc around (2 rounds)
R45: 6x (5sc, 1 inc) (42)
R46/49: 42sc around (4 rounds)
R50: 6x (5sc, 1 dec) (36)
R51: 6x (2sc, 1dec, 2sc) (30)
R52: 6x (3sc, 1 dec) (24)
R53: 6x (1sc, 1 dec, 1sc) (18)
R54: 6x (1sc, 1dec) (12)
R55: 6x 1dec (6)
close and fasten off

with body color
R1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6)
R2/3: 6sc around (2 rounds)
R4: 3x (1sc, 1 inc) (9)
R5/7: 9sc around (3 rounds)
R8: 3x (2sc, 1 inc) (12)
R9/11: 12 sc around (3 rounds)
R12: 3x (3sc, 1 inc) (15)
R13/20: 15 sc around (8 rounds)
stuff tail, fold sides together and close with 8 sc, leave tail for sewing tail to body
Start with white
R1: 5 sc in a magic ring (5)
R2: inc around (10)
R3: 5x ( 1sc, 1 inc) (15)
attach safety eyes in the center of the magic ring
change color to body color
R4/5: 15 sc around (2 rounds)
stuff a bit
R6: 5x (1sc, 1 dec) (10)
R7: 5x dec( 5)
fasten off, leave long tail for sewing.
Now, with the head and body color, attach some yarn on the outerside of the row where the color is
changed. Sc 15 around on the outerside, so you create a trim around the eyeball.
Attach eyes to the side of the head, make sure the belly is facing front and middle.

with dark brown
R1: chain 5, now go 3sc back, and inc in last stich, continue to work on the other end of chain 3sc,
1 inc. (10 sc made)
R2: inc, 3sc, inc 2x, 3sc, inc (14)
R3: 1sc, inc, 4sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 4sc, inc (18)
R4: 18 sc around
R5: 10 sc, 1slip stitch in next sc. Fasten off, leave long tail. This last row is the top side of the nose!
finish off leave tail for sewing
Attach the nose to the middle of the head, between the eyes, his nose is really up and high :)

With body color
Leave enough yarn outside your magic ring to sew on to the body after finishing
R1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6)
R2: 2x (2sc, 1 inc) (8)
R3/5: 8 sc around (3 rounds)
R6: 2x (3sc, 1inc) (10)
R7/8: 10 sc around (2 rounds)
R9: 3 slipstitch, 2sc, 3 hdc, 2sc (10) elbow created
R10: 2x (4sc, 1 inc) (12)
R11/14: 12sc around (4 rounds)
R15: 2x (4sc, 1dec) (10)
R16/18: 10 sc around (3 rounds)
stuff arms, fold sides together and close with 4 sc, do not fasten off yet!!!!
now for the fingers, first chain 1 and turn your work,
make 1 sc in first sc. chain 4, go back 3 sc on the chain, mak a slip stitch in the same stitch as you
made the sc before the chain.
Now make a sc in the next stitch, chain 4, go back 3 sc on the chain, mak a slip stitch in the same
stitch as you made the sc before the chain.
Repeat 2 more times so you have 4 fingers.
Now fasten off!
With body color
Leave enough yarn outside your magic ring to sew on to the body after finishing
R1: 6 sc in a magic ring (6)
R2: inc around (12)
R3: 6x ( 1sc, 1 inc) (18)
R4: 6x (1sc, 1 inc, 1sc) (24)
R5/6: 24 sc around (2 rounds)
R7: 6x (1sc, 1 dec, 1sc) (18)
R8: 6x (1sc, 1dec) (12)
R9/15: 12 sc around (7 rounds)
R16: 3sc, 6hdc, 3sc (12)
R17: 3sc, 6hdc, 3sc (12)
R18: 2x (4 sc, 1 dec) (10)
R19/20: 10 sc around (2 rounds)
stuff legs, fold sides together and close with 4 sc, do not fasten off yet!!!!
now for the toes, first chain 1 and turn your work,
make 1 sc in first sc. chain 4, go back 2 sc and 1 hdc on the chain, mak a slip stitch in the same
stitch as you made the sc before the chain.
Now make a sc in the next stitch, chain 4, go back 2 sc and 1 hdc on the chain, mak a slip stitch in
the same stitch as you made the sc before the chain.
Repeat 2 more times so you have 4 toes.
Now you can fasten off.

You can decide to leave your Sid like this, but you can also add an offwhite belly patch.

Belly patch:
chain 9
R1: 8sc back on chain, chain 1
R2: inc, 6sc, inc, chain 1 (10sc)
R3: 10 sc, chain 1
R4: inc, 8sc, inc, chain 1 (12sc)
R5: 12sc, chain 1
R6: 1dec, 8sc, 1 dec, chain 1 (10sc)
R7/8: 10 sc, chain 1 (2 rounds)
R9: 1dec, 6sc, 1dec, chain 1 (8sc)
R10: 8sc, chain 1
R11: 1dec, 4sc, 1 dec, chain 1(6sc)
R12/15: 6sc, chain 1 (4 rounds)
R16: 1dec, 2sc, 1 dec, chain 1( 4sc)
R17/19: 4sc, chain 1 (3 rounds)
R20: 2x dec, chain 1 (2 sc)
R21/25: 2sc, chain 1 (5 rounds)
Now take your belly patch and sc around the entire patch. In corners make sure you add 2 sc so it
doenst get curled up.
Sew to belly and throat.

With some black yarn add a funky smile.

With white yarn make teeth, or use some felt to glue some teeth on him.
And with a little left over dark brown add some eyelashes to Sids eyes.
Your Sid is Done, I hope you enjoyed this pattern. Questions and or comments can be send through
Ravelry or by email to
Thank you, Carin

Scrat free pattern from Rebekah Fair

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