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Here the sage makes it Very Clear that it is a heap of similar things (of 30 degrees)

which we call a Rasi and there are different Rasi’s all of them are described and
differentiated here.

Further sage makes it clear that all these Signs are the limbs of Shri Vishnu  who is time
personified. What are limbs that are body parts using which someone works and thus
it is a hint that the birth chart shows our Karmas based on which we get rewards and
punishment and this is the way from which god manifest in human life? His works are
carried out by planets.

Then he makes clear How the word Hora ( होरा) is derived. Vedic Jyotish has few limbs
that are mainly divided into three parts of Siddhant that mean basic and fixed
calculation formulas. Samhita deals with the mundane part of Jyotish that is to predict
happenings with nations and other phenomena that affects people at large (a large
group of people). Hora deals with Natal Horoscope that is related to a person’s self
and mostly is related to either one person or only a few in his personal circle. Here the
sage exposes how the word Hora is derived he says “from the word Ahoratra (अहोरात्र)
– that means day and night (collectively) when we remove first A (अ) and last Tra (त्र)
we have Hora (होरा). That speaks about native’s good and bad.” The word A (अ) in
Hindi is used as obstruction it means Apriya (अप्रिय) (unpleasant) or not to be.
Whereas Tra (त्र) means from here, from this place, from this state. That means at one
place “Ahoratra (अहोरात्र)” as whole means day and night and at another place, it says
Hora from this place starts good and bad fortune of a person as it is a collection of all
past deeds whose results are now to be faced.

He further says Name of Rashi’s (See Sanskrit names Carefully) Mesha (Aries) Vrish

(Taurus) Mithun (Gemini) Kark (Cancer) Singh (Leo) Kumari (Virgo) Tula (Libra) Aali
(Scorpio) Dhanu (Sagittarius) Nakra (Capricorn) Kumbha (Aquarius) Meena (Pisces)
see names of Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn. Vedic names used by sage is different
(He uses the same name in most of the text – these are real name of Rashi’s and
when they are worshipped for any remedy these names must be used)

See Sanskrit Shloka – मेषो वष

ृ श्च मिथुनः कर्क सिंहकुमारिकाः! तुलालिधनुषो
नक्रकुम्भमीनास्ततः परम!! ३!!

Body parts represented by Rashi’s  are – Aries – Head, Taurus-  Face, Gemini –  Hands,
Cancer – Heart (Chest), Leo – Stomach, Virgo – कटी that means area between
stomach (lower stomach) and hips, Libra – बस्ती between navel to private parts (one
can see here Virgo represents the same area in the rear body whereas Libra rules the
same region in the front part of the body – these small words should be understood
carefully for a complete understanding of Shastra), Scorpio –  गुह्यस्थान private parts,
Sagittarius – उरु below the waist and above knees/thigh, Capricorn – जानु knees
(Basically means up-to knees but as till knees are covered by Sagittarius only knees
are to be known from Capricorn, Aquarius – shin/calf (Although the shloka says knees
it looks as interpolation), Pisces – Feet.

Rashi Movability Nature Strength Composition

Aries Movable Ruthless Male Bile

Taurus Fixed Beneficial Female Airy
Gemini Dual Ruthless Male All Three
Cancer Movable Beneficial Female Phlegm
Leo Fixed Ruthless Male Bile
Virgo Dual Beneficial Female Airy
Libra Movable Ruthless Male All Three
Scorpio Fixed Beneficial Female Phlegm
Sagittarius Dual Ruthless Male Bile

Capricorn Movable Beneficial Female Airy

Aquarius Fixed Ruthless Male All Three
Pisces Dual Beneficial Female Phlegm
Movable signs love change, Fixed signs prefer fixed and permanent things in their life
(their basic usage is in understanding the nature of a person and advanced usage in
reading results of Rashi Dasa’s) whereas dual signs adapt with conditions and are
both mobile and fixed.

Ruthless is not caring for others whereas Beneficial cares for everyone and then
makes a decision.

Male signs have the power to dominate and change things whereas females are
submissive and in another aspect male signs are about creation whereas female signs
promote modifications and enhancements but not to change the complete thing

Composition is bodily and is useful in Ayurvedic Astrology it shows which element is

supposed to create an imbalance if specific signs are afflicted.
These significations when seen in the light of the nature of the sign will reveal a lot of
information. like between three of bile signs Aries shows bile problem due to
excessive use of energy (Being tired) whereas Leo shows due to improper digestion
(remember Leo represent stomach) whereas Sagittarius makes it happen due to being
involved in many activities (it is a dual sign) except Virgo all dual signs are really dual
as Gemini have a male and female (Dual) Sagittarius is half horse and half human
(Dual) and Pisces is two fishes (Dual) Virgo is single and can be replaced by
Capricorn for signifying dual things (Like dual marriage) as it is half four-footed and
half two-footed (Half-human and Half Animal – Crocodile)

Rashi Details 
Aries – Red coloured, Big Body, Four Footed, Night Strong, East Direction, Warrior,
Roams in Hilly areas, Motivated by desires, Hind Rising, Fire Sign, Lives in Village,
Ruled by Mars

Taurus – White-coloured, Long Body, Four Footed, Night Strong, South Direction,
Lives in Village, Trader Class, Loves land, Hind Rising, Ruled by Venus

Gemini – Head Rising, Male with mace and Female with harp together (iconography),
West Direction, Two Footed, Night Strong, Lives in Village, Square bodied (Height
and Fat in proportion) Green Color, Ruled by Mercury

Cancer – पाटल (Red and White mixed) coloured, Moves in forests, Intellectual class,
Night Strong, Extremely intelligent, Chubby body, lives in water, hind rising, ruled by

Leo – Dominated by Sattwa (Selfless work), Four-footed, Warrior class, strong, head
rising, long body, पांडू (red-yellow/red mixed with yellow) coloured, east direction, day
strong, ruled by Sun

Virgo – Especially interested in Hilly areas, Day-strong, Head rising, Middle bodied
(proportionate height and weight), Two legs (Human sign), South Direction, Trader
Class, Preparing Grains (In India first  Grains are harvested and then they are cooked
on low flame to make them ready to eat – the sign represents that and it is of very
high significance), Variegated clothes (What is written is छींट के वस्त्र – it means
suppose a cloth of red colour which is having some print (not indefinite) order of some
other colour, Tamas Oriented (Tamas is working for own lowly desires that include
doing bad for others. whereas Rajas only means work for own desire while no harm to
others. and Sattwa is selfless work), he is of children’s nature, ruled by Mercury

Libra – Head-Rising, Day-Strong, Low-Caste (Engaged in lowly works), Rajas

Dominated, West Direction, Middle bodied (proportional height and weight) Ruled by

Scorpio – Head-Rising, Small Bodied, Many Footed (Represents insects), Intellectual

Class, North Direction, Day-Strong, Smoky, Walks on watery lands, prominent and
much capillus, Sharp Limbs (Small and fast) Ruled by Mars

Sagittarius – Thighs of Horse (It is half human and half horse sign. below navel it is a
horse and above navel human) Sattwa dominated, पिंगलवर्ण – Brown with the
dominance of red – Maroon, Night -Strong,  Fire Sign, Warrior Class, 0-15 Degree of
Two footed (human) and rest four-footed (Animal), proportionate body, Having a bow,
east direction, lives on land, Bright/Stunning (तेजस्वी), Ruled by Jupiter

Capricorn – Dominated by Tamas, Earth element, South direction, night strong, hind
rising, big-bodied, walks on watery lands, 0-15 degree is four-footed and rest is two-
footed (human), Lives in water, ruled by Saturn

Aquarius – Man with a pot, Colour like Beige (Brown), Middle bodied, Two footed
(Human), Lives in water, Airy Temperament, Head-Rising, Ruled by Tamas, Low
caste (engaged in lowly deeds), Ruler of West direction and countries (Western
countries), Ruled by Saturn

Pisces – Two fishes with one’s face on another’s tail, Day-Strong, Moves in water,
Dominated by Sattwa, Engaged in intellectual duties, Without Foot, Middle bodied,
Ruler of North direction, Head-Rising, Ruled by Jupiter.

As per my little and limited understanding, I will make a statement that as per me
Rashi is a defined set of 30 degrees with such a special phenomena/power that
anything inside them gets trapped and their complete influence is into the sign itself.
for example, it doesn’t matter Sun is at 3 degrees Libra or 29 degrees his influence
will only be in Libra and will never Move to Scorpio or Virgo. this is as per my limited
understanding readers are free to deny from it.

These fundamentals must be learnt very properly as they are basic building blocks
and help from Rectification to Prediction as well as remedies. like for example if
someone is born in Aquarius lagna his height will be middle. not too long or short. and
if someone is born in day time then all the Rashi’s which are Day-Strong they much
dominate in his chart making those houses Very Active. In dasa’s, they are also used
as Head Rising signs give their effect first (In Rashi Dasa) and in remedies, one can
safely say if someone’s 4th Lord is in Aquarius then one must wear Brown clothes to
give power to the planet.

Some information is missing, like the colour of Capricorn. which must be learnt from
other classical texts. which if god will we will give in Rashi Basic’s article Part -2.

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