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– Gochara means Transit. The birth chart is nothing but transit locked for
the moment of Birth, Hence all effects in one’s life are determined by planetary
movement [Gochara] but due to its nature [Saturn transits back to the natal position in
30 years, Moon in 27 days], it’s can’t be used exclusively for timing events. However,
it has a great impact on timing events. However here I want to put a point – Transit
works as a catalyst, not a game-changer .

Reference point – Some modern-minded astrologers think that either sage were not
much intelligent or was ignorant of the fact that there is something called Lagna hence
they have advised transit’s from Moon, or it can be that they don’t know what is lagna.
Whatever they may think sages are very clear on the see Transit’s from moon only.
Other lagnas can be included which will be exposed in another section. However, in
starting one must keep in mind that primarily transits have to be seen from Moon. See
Phaladeepika [Most extensive work on Transits]

सर्वेषु लग्नेष् वपि सत्सु चन्द्रलग्नं प्रधानं खलु गोचरे षु!

तस्मात्तदृक्षादपि वर्तमानग्रहे न्द्रचारै ः कथये तत्फलानि!! 26.1

The Shloka means “Although lagna is being used everywhere but here [In analysing
effects of transit] Moon sign is to be used mainly. Good as well as Bad transits as to
be judged from this place and then effects need to be foretold”.

Here one can see that sage is not ignorant of the ascendant but is advising us to
judge transits from the moon. Hence, one must not be confused in this respect
and must judge transits from Moon primarily for them being good or bad. However for timing
events, other ascendants or ascendants can be used  safely.

Ashtakvarga – It is an extensive method. It is used mainly for judging the strength of

Bhava [House] Graha [Planet] and Dasha effects along with Transit results.

Here I will give two notes – Used by Me. Use Seven Ashtakvarga instead of Eight  as
Ashtakvarga’s name is given due to eight placed from planets and not eight
contributing factors

Use Ashtakvarga Calculations given  by Mihira – As Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is a
much-adulterated text as compared to Brihat Jataka.  – These two pieces of advice
are for beginners who feel mature enough in astrology can experiment on their own
and can reach a conclusion. I will write another article on Ashtakvarga where it will be
dealt with separately in detail.
Thumb Rule of Ashtakvarga – Any house can have a maximum of 8 points in Bhinna
Ashtakvarga [Made for different planets and Lagna]  hence 4 is half of the total.
houses with less than 4 points prove bad, with 4 points mixed and more than 4 points
strong. In Sarva Ashtakvarga [Made for the whole chart – Combining all different
Bhinna Ashtakvarga] 28 points are middle. Less than 28 gives bad results more than
28 gives good results. more the better less the worst.

Judging Ashtakvraga for Transits – Note the Rashi of the planet in transit. See the same
Rashi in planets Bhinna Ashtakvarga of the same planet in the Birth chart. It will
decide transit is good or bad. The same can be done using Sarvashtakvarga for the
whole chart to know how this transit will affect Dasha, prevalent at the time.

Kakshya [Division in Ashtakvarga] – There are 8 contributing factors in Ashtakvarga. A

Rashi is of 30 degrees. Hence when 30 is divided by 8 it gives 3.75 this is one
kakshya which is ruled by planets [according to their speed] Hence, In any sign 0 to
3.45 degrees is ruled by Saturn, 3.45-7.30 Jupiter, 7.30-11.15 Mars, 11.15-15.00 Sun,
15.00-18.45 Venus, 18.45-22.30 Mercury, 22.30-26.25 Moon, 26.25-30.00 Ascendant.
On the planet Bhinna Ashtakvarga, some planets contribute points to make it reach a
point scale between 0 to 8. A planet in his Gochara in a particular house will give
effect only when he is under Kakshya of a planet contributing points in his Natal
Bhinna Ashtakvarga. This can also be used to see the nature of events for example
Suppose Aquarius is lagna and Saturn is transiting the 10th house, where points are
given by Mars-Mercury-Venus and Jupiter. The former three of them are in the 12th
house whereas the latter is in the 11th house. Hence when Saturn will pass through
Jupiterian Kakshya he will give money, In Venusian kakashya Raajyoga and bed
pleasures, In Martian Kakshya advancement in Job and travels, In Mercurian kaksya
advancement in studies along with some losses in the same and effects of Vipareet
Raaj Yoga.

Some Basics of Transits – Natural benefic planets cause good events whereas natural malefic
causes bad events generally which must be modified with their house lordship based on
native’s birth chart .

In Transit, influence flows in trines [Signs of same Tattwa] Hence one needs to see the Five-
Fold relationship between planets in Transit. 1- Exchange of signs, 2- Conjunction of planets,
3- Mutual aspect between planets, 4- Planet aspected by its dispositor will make a connection
with dispositor, 5- Planet in mutual trines. Check these in both birth chart [Which creates
events] as well as transit chart [which creates mood/approach for a time being]  
This is evident from the fact that all classics only introduces the first four kinds of
relationship between planets whereas Phaladeepika introduces the fifth relationship
between planets [Being in the same trine] It has its usage in Transits and some
divisional charts.

Mathematical Points being activated by Transits – Phaldeepika 13.18 suggests us that

“add longitudes of Sun-Moon-Jupiter and Saturn and when Saturn this point for the
first time people with Short life will die, In Second transit people with middle life will
die, In third transit people with long life will die”. “The most dependable method in this
direction is to add the planetary longitude of Planetary Significator and Bhava significator of
an event under consideration and deduct the longitude of the ascendant. The resultant sign star
and its lord along with Navansha lord becomes sensitive. Sometimes their trines are also
sensitive. In the same manner dedication of Moon’s longitude instead of lagna can be used”
Here benefic planetary transit give rise to benefic effects whereas malefic transit’s give rise to
malefic effects .

I am also of the opinion that only the longitude of house lord and significator can be added to
arrive at a degree that will be sensitive .

Native was married on 11th March 2011.

Venus [Karaka of Marriage] – 7 Degree cancer. Saturn [Lord of 7th house] 4 Degree
Virgo. Degrees need to be calculated from 0 degrees  of Aries which means Venus is at 30
degrees of Aries + 30 Degree of Taurus + 30 Degree of Gemini + 4 Degree of Cancer
= 97 Degree, Do the same for Saturn. 97+154 = 251 [If the addition exceeds 360 then
deduct 360 from the resultant this is because zodiac is only of 360 degrees] Here it is
below 360 degrees hence the same is being used. Now – 251/30 = 8 Means till
Scorpio completed, 30×8=240 degrees covered. Now 251-240 = 11 Means resultant is
11 Degree of Sagittarius. 11 Degree converted to Navansha. One Navansha is 3.20
Hence 11/3.20 = 3.4375 which means in 4th Navansha  as 3 Navansa are completed. In
Sagittarius Navansha starts from 5th house Aries hence 4th Navansha will be Cancer.

Now one can notice Sagittarius was having Rahu [Gives the effect of Venus being
with Venus in the birth chart – He becomes benefic] also he aspects the 7th house
hence able to give marriage in transit. Lord of Sagittarius in Birth time was in Leo
which is aspected by Sun and Mars [Mars also aspects 7th house in D1 again
qualifies as marriage givers] Sun gives power to anything, this will explored in our article
on progressions . Navansha was cancer which is aspected by Jupiter and Venus [Venus
aspects 7th house in Natal chart hence qualifies as marriage giver] Thus one can see
when all these points (Mathematical point, It’s lord’s Rashi, Navansha of Mathematical point
and It’s lord’s Rashi) is influenced by planet’s indicating marriage in transit event took place.
Only Jupiter aspects indicate a good event and not Saturn which can sometimes deny good
events – Unless we accept marriage as a curse on human beings.

Effects always to be decided from Birth Chart – Phaladeepika 13.19 “When the lord of
ascendant is with any malefic planet or be in debilitation or enemy house and is also
combust then when he comes in bad houses in transit or comes to lagna or makes a
connection to lagna [Comes to 7th house or 5-9 houses] then native dies. Same can
be seen from Lord of Navansha Lagna and Drekkana Lagna”

Here one can notice that the effect of the planet to be given in transit is decided by his natal
conditions. [Which was indicated in the previous example where I have said because
he aspects 7th house in the natal chart he can promise marriage in transit chart] Also
one need to see all concerned divisional charts. For example, a planet well placed in
Lagna and Hora but badly placed in Dasamsa will indicate that his transit will give
good effects on Health and Money but bad effects on Profession.

Natal planets influenced by transiting planets – Phaladeepika 13.20 guides us “When

Moon, Lord of Moon sign and Lord of ascendant are powerful in transit and is
aspected by beneficial planets then that time is very favourable for native. Here one
must also see that the Rashi occupied by Moon, Moon sign Lord and Lagna Lord must
be beneficially aspected by Transiting planets”.

Here Three rules are self-explanatory: 1- When the lord of a Bhava is strong in Transit he
gives a good result of the Bhava [Auspicious 7th lord in transit gives conjugal bliss]. 2- Mark
the Rashi aspected by transiting planets. The planets in that Rashi where the planet is
transiting or aspecting will be influenced by the planets.  3- Yoga and Aspect of planets in
transit must also be looked at very carefully . In the above demonstration if the 7th lord is
with the 6th lord or is aspected by the 6th lord or Rashi of natal the 7th lord is
aspected by transiting the 6th lord then the above results of conjugal bliss may not
come to be seen.

Destruction of a Bhava by Transiting Saturn – Phaladeepika 17.1 “To know when effects of

a bhava will be destroyed see where the lord of 6th and 8th house from the bhava is placed.
When Saturn in transit comes to that Rashi or in their trines [5-9] then he destroys effects of
the Bhava under consideration”.  

Here three rules are told – 1- Saturn in transit shows bad effects whereas Jupiter shows
good results. 2- One must remember it is not said when Saturn comes to the bhava it is said
when Saturn transit’s the Rashi occupied by the lord of 6-12 from that Bhava which
differentiates between Saturnine nature of ending longevity from the destructive nature of
malefics of destroying which were the case when Malefics transit the house they destroy
Bhava Phala of that house. Effects caused by Saturn here is due to his nature, whereas if the
same be adverse in the birth chart then his transit on the said bhava too will affect the bhava
negatively. 3- He is not talking about Saturn in 6-12 Bhava but over their lords where he again
differentiated that effects of planetary nature [significations] will be over other planets
whereas over bhava effect of his temperament according to his chart placement will be seen
working. One can notice how brilliant author “Mantreshwar,” said three very important
things in the same shloka in very small lines. Such is the seriousness and depth of
classics. Only those who are afraid of hard work runs away from classics and fall prey
to modern methods of prognostication.

Transit in Divisional charts– Phaladeepika 17.2 ” See Rashi and Navansha of 8th lord,
Gulika, Saturn and lord of 8th house of D3. When Saturn in transit comes of these
houses or their trines then one may die”

Here she once again took two points [not houses] Gulika and lord of 22nd Drekkana
and lord of 8th house and not 8th house itself. However, this rule illustrates
that Navansha can also be effectively used in Gochara however lordship has  to remain
the same as Rashi [There is a broad logic behind this and all sages seem to be
following this only. This will be revealed when we will deal with Divisional charts] See
in Which Rashi or Navasha a planet is place. Planets transiting that sign will give events
related to that house [The word transiting also includes aspects, transit and in trine to
the sign] In the above example chart at the time of marriage Sun and Mars was in
Aquarius and Ketu was in trine to Aquarius [Mars and Ketu are marriage significators
as said earlier] Whereas Rashi occupied by 7th lord Saturn was transited by Saturn,
Venus, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury.

The same method can be employed to see Drekkana.  In the above example, Saturn’s
drekkana is Virgo [Same as his Rashi] One can find that sages have used D1 D3 D9
extensively for all events and have only referred to divisional charts occasionally. This
also is of great significance which will be exposed in Divisional Chart’s article series.

Transit of Dasha lord – Phaladeepika 20.34 “See the planet whose Mahadasha is going is
transiting which Bhava from Janma Lagna . Whichever houses Mahadasha lord transits in
strength [Own Sign, Exaltation, Friendly Sign] He gives good effects related to that

Phaladeepika 20.35 ” If a planet is ill-placed in the birth chart, In his dasha see if he is
afflicted [Debilitated, Combust] in transit. If Yes! Then the houses he transits will produce bad

Phaladeepika 20.37 – “Planet whose Dasha is going on when transits his enemy sign or
debilitation sign or be combust with Sun then he will produce bad results” .

Phaladeepika 20.59 – “When dasha lord comes in 1-3-6-10-11-7 from Lagna that time good
effects of Dasha will be felt which will also be the case when a  friend of Dasha lord transit’s
Lagna”. Phaladeepika 20.60 suggests we see the same from Moon Sign too .

Moon as the instigator of Dasha Phala – Phaladeepika 30.36 “When Moon transits

exaltation sign of Dasha lord, Sign of his friends, or when he transits 3-5-6-7-9-10-11 from
Dasha lord’s placement he produces good effects “. This method is extremely useful to
know-how will be today according to astrology.

Transit affecting Dasha – Phaladeepika 30.38 – “If a dasha is judged to give good
results then good results will be seen when Sun or Jupiter or both transit exaltation
sign of the Dasha or Antardasha lord”. The reverse will be true in the case of those
planets whose Dasha is found to give bad results which will be experienced when Sun
and/or Jupiter experience debilitation sign or Dasha lord.

Ashtakvarga influencing Transits – Phaladeepika 23.10 – “Planets when they transit a sign
with a good number of points they bestow good results whereas their transit in a sign with
bad/fewer points will prove bad. Along with this also keep in mind that when planet transit
Upachaya houses [3-6-10-11] or their own house, exaltation or friendly sign they bestow good
results whereas there transit in houses other than Upachaya or their enemy house, debilitation
will produce bad effects .” Here one must keep in mind that when more than two factors
meet of the same nature results are high whereas two factors of converse nature will
give birth to mixed results. For example transit in own sign where the planet has 7
points will be extremely good whereas transit in debilitation sign with only 1 point will
be baneful. Transit in own sign with 3 points will be mixed with both kinds of results.

Here I want to emphasize that Ashtakavarga is very important in judging transits, don’t

ignore it.

Most important advise with regard to Ashtakvarga – Phaladeepika 23.12 – “The Rashi a
planet is placed in must be taken as Lagna for judging effects of transit in different houses
using Ashtakvarga ” Some people keep the same lagna as birth lagna and then see
transit’s here Mantreshwar clearly advises us not to follow this. He wants to say
Suppose Sun is in Libra and lagna is Cancer then for judging transits of Sun using
Ashtakvarga [or simply to judge transit of Sun] make Libra as Janma Lagna. This
looks simple but is of utmost importance. Suppose in one chart of Aquarius lagna
Jupiter is in the 11th house and in his Bhinna Ashtakvarga, there are 7 points in
Gemini. Now native will be married when Jupiter will come in Gemini which will
happen in every 6th year hence native can be married in ages of 6-18-30-42nd year.
What I did is we know Jupiter will take 6 years to come to the 7th sign from his
placement I took that and then kept adding 12 each time. Hence this makes a great
difference in our usage of Ashtakvarga, However, this comes with a handicap which is
obvious as each and every chart won’t contain this many good points in the 7th sign to
Jupiter thus it can’t be used each and every time but in those charts where points are
low it can be used beneficially to predict bad times relating to marriage matters. Here
remember good points show blissful events whereas bad points show baneful events.
In the same chart 7th from Saturn is 1 point only hence this 2.5-year transit will bode
evil to his marital life.
Here again, let me underline a technique hidden between the lines for benefit of readers.
Suppose a native approaches you with a question of how will by my marital life. One can
quickly see a number of points in 7th from each planet in their respective Bhinna Ashtakvarga
and predict safely . For example, in the above chart [Cancer lagna] 7th from the lagna is
3, Sun-2, Moon-5, Mars-3, Mercury -4, Jupiter-5, Venus -2, Saturn -2 points. Adding
them up it becomes 26 points minimum was 28 hence even after his and his wife’s
lagna being 6-8 to each other they share good compatibility, however, marital bliss is
also suffering at one point (-2 points) which won’t be discussed here for the sake of
privacy.  One can notice here how gems are hidden between lines and a student who
is not cautious can miss it. Here one can have a question, What is the difference
between numbers in the 7th house in Sarva Ashtak Varga and this method, One must
ponder over this as the question is not being answered here.

Houses being activated by more than one planet – In the previous point, it is clear that as
far as Ashtakvarga is concerned one needs to see the planet’s transit for their own
placement in a natal chart. Phaladeepika 23.15 States “When more than one planet is in
same houses from their placement with good points in Ashtakvarga then good results related
to that house will come to be seen ” Suppose Natal Saturn is in Leo and in Transit it is in
Taurus, Natal Jupiter is in Capricorn and Transit Jupiter is in Libra Natal Mars is in
Gemini and Transit Mars is in Pisces and they both in their Ashtakvarga gets more
than 4 points in their transiting Bhava then one can safely except professional
advancement in native’s life.

Kakshya and fine-tuning of events – Phaladeepika 23.16-17-18-19 – We talked about

Kakshya before now the same is being used. 30 degrees, when divided by 8, Gives a
result of 3.45 degrees. Hence when a Rashi is divided into 8 equal parts first 0-3.45 is
ruled by Saturn, 3.45-7.30 is ruled by Jupiter, 7.30-11.15 is ruled by Mars and so on,
Last 26.16-30 Is ruled by Ascendant. Here one can see planets’ own Kakshya in an
order based on their speed and distance from Sun, Here Earth is replaced by Sun [It
is done in every astrological calculation] “Mantreshwar here emphasizes that when a planet
transits a Kakshya where he get s points he will give effects of the transit . Let me explain it.
Ashtakvarga is basically a point table separate for every planet where points are
contributed by all planets [including the one whose Ashtakvarag is considered and
Lagna – Hence 8] It has some secret usage [One can guess from here, That is not
discussed here] Coming to the topic Suppose Saturn is transiting a sign take in
continuation to the previous example Saturn is transiting 10th house where points are
given by Saturn himself and Jupiter and Mars and Lagna, Thus it means when Saturn
will transit 0-11.15 He will give his effects [Of professional advancement as said
earlier] and the same will happen when Saturn will transit between 26.15-30 In
between these times [When he is not transiting the said degrees] Professional front
will be normal with no prominent movements [This is one-sided view Dasha
Antardasha and many other factors will change the prediction]

Two Basic misconceptions about Ashtakvarga [Cleared] – Phaladeepika 23.20 clearly

states that “Take every planet Ashtakvarga and add the number of degrees given in every
sign and add them up to make Sarva Ashtakvarga” . Here two things are very clear
1. Ashtakvarga is of Rashi and not Bhava  – It is not said to add 8th point from Sun, Moon,
Mars, Jupiter and so on to give points in 8th house from Lagna it is said to add
Numbers given in sign Leo in each Bhinna Ashtakvarga. 2. In Calculating Sarva
Ashtakvarga Lagna’s contribution is not included  – clear from the mention of only 7
planets and points they give in several Rashi and no mention of Lagna’s Bhinna

Here it is also said to synchronize between points in Planet’s Ashtakvarga and

Compound Ashtakvarga before concluding transit results. 4 points in Planet’s
Ashtakvarga but 25 in Compound Ashtakvarga gives mixed results.

Two new rules of Transit – Phaladeepika 23.23-24 – Even if malefic transit’s his own
house he bestows good results, But if a planet in transit goes in debilitation or enemy’s sign
then he will harm the house the sign is falling in. If any planet is lord of bad houses and is in
good houses although being exalted he destroys the house, whereas benefic planets even in
bad houses he tends to improve the house he is placed in “. 2nd part of the rule is applicable
both in the Transit and Natal Chart.

For example – the 12th lord transiting the 10th house will give bad results to the 10th
house if at the same time the 10th lord be powerful in strength it will result in a change
of job/transfer. If at that time 10th lord is weak then termination/suspension may
occur. Also if the 10th lord transits the 8th house he will give goods related to
inheritance, diseases etc. One can note how in small and simple lines the author has
given gems.

In end – There are many more methods to use Transits, which include Transit of
Dasha lord, Vedha, Latta, Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, Genera favourable and
unfavourable houses of transits, Transit in divisional charts and Techniques like when
Saturn transit 8th from lord of 9th house from Sun some bad events with father can
happen. Which is not being discussed here due to space limitation. However god
willing we will take these techniques in subsequent articles on Gochara [Transit].

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