2016-03 Registration, Licensing and Specialist List in A Civil Engineering Context

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Registration, licensing and specialist list

in a civil engineering context

REGISTRATION AND LICENSING IN to maintain professional standards or
Dr Ron Watermeyer SOUTH AFRICA the ordinary functioning of the profes-
SAICE 2004 President The Engineering Council of South Africa sion. The Competition Commission has
watermeyer@ioptions.co.za (ECSA), which is a statutory body, regu- recently rejected the CBE’s application for
lates the profession through a register in exemption from certain provisions of the
South Africa and a code of conduct. A Competition Act filed on behalf of ECSA
person who demonstrates his or her com- and on four of the other councils for the
Tony Smith petence, against standards determined by built environment in Board Notice 32 of
Immediate Past Chairman ECSA at an entry level to the engineering 2016 in Government Gazette 39360 of 29
Joint Structural Division profession within one of the basic dis- January 2016.
ciplines of engineering, is eligible to be The Competition Commission, in
registered. Registration as such confirms arriving at its decision, found that compe-
that a person is capable of working inde- tition would be harmed in the following
INTRODUCTION pendently. ECSA thereafter relies on the ways should the proposed rules for the
There are a number of international ap- integrity of the registered persons (self- identification of work (IDOW) be imple-
proaches to the regulation of a profession, regulation) not to take on work which mented:
including: they are not competent to perform, and NNUnregistered persons will not be al-
NNRegistration: Statutory regulation to perform work within the “norms of the lowed to undertake work or offer
of a profession involves the setting of profession”. services for persons regardless of their
standards, the keeping of a register of The Engineering Profession Act academic qualifications, practical expe-
qualified persons, the awarding of titles, of 2000 makes provision for licensing rience and skills acquired.
the protection of title by law, the estab- in that it prohibits a person from per- NNPersons registered with other profes-
lishment of rules of conduct, and the forming any kind of work identified for sional councils who wish to compete
disciplining of registered person who any category of registered persons. The with one another will only be able to
transgress such rules. Council for the Built Environment (CBE) do so within the parameters of the
NNLicensing: An area of work restricted is, however, responsible for identifying Memoranda of Understanding which
by statutory licensing cannot be under- work based on ECSA’s recommendations. will be concluded between those pro-
taken by an unlicensed person. The CBE is required to consult with the fessional councils.
NNSpecialist lists: The non-statutory, Competition Commission before doing NNPersons registered within specified
voluntary listing of professionals who so. The Competition Act of 1998 permits categories of registration will not be
have met a defined standard of com- the Competition Commission to exempt allowed to undertake work outside their
petence in a specialist area, typically all or part of the rules of a professional category of registration, even if they are
administered by a professional or association (including a statutory body) competent to undertake such work.
trade body. from the restrictive horizontal provi- The Commission furthermore found that:
Registration recognises demonstrated sions of this Act which have the effect NNThe restrictions imposed by the IDOW
achievement of a defined standard of substantially preventing, or lessening, Rules not only reduce the number of per-
of competency at an entry point to a competition in a market. The Act requires sons operating in the relevant market,
profession, licensing authorises eligible the Competition Commission to take into which is likely to increase the selling
persons to practise engineering, while account internationally applied norms, price and reduce the quantity of the
specialist lists indicate peer-recognised and permits an exemption on the grounds service supplied in the market, but also
competencies within a specialist area. that such rules are reasonably required have some element of market allocation.

20 March 2016  Civil Engineering

Table 1: Acts which “identify” work in the field of civil engineering
Act Overview of requirements relating to specific aspects of civil engineering practice
National Building A registered person (person registered with ECSA) is required in terms of the Act to report on the condition of any building
Regulations and or the land on which a building was or is being or is to be erected, or any earthwork which is such that it is dangerous or is
Building Standards showing signs of becoming dangerous to life or property.
Act 103 of 1977 The National Building Regulations issued in terms of the Act require a competent person (person who is qualified by virtue
of his education, training, experience and contextual knowledge) to make a determination regarding the performance
of a building or part thereof in relation to a functional regulation, or to undertake such duties as may be assigned by the
regulations to:
• prepare rational designs and rational assessments to demonstrate that an adopted building solution has an equivalent
or superior performance to a solution that complies with the requirements of the relevant part of SANS 10400, and
inspect and certify upon completion the construction, erection or installation
• prepare rational designs and rational assessments in accordance with the provisions of parts of SANS 10400 relating
to structural design, excavations, floors, walls, roofs, glazing, drainage, non-waterborne means of sanitary disposal,
stormwater disposal and fire installations
• judge an existing building to be capable of carrying additional loads arising from the erection or extension supported on
such building
• submit rational assessments as to the adequacy of the existing systems and installations in combination with the con-
templated extensions to comply with the relevant requirements of the regulations for the whole building, including the
• assume responsibility for the satisfying of the functional regulations for the structural, stormwater disposal, non-water-
borne sanitary disposal or drainage system in its entirety
ƒƒ undertake an appropriate geotechnical site investigation, and
• specify precautionary measures where the safety or stability of any property or service is likely to be impaired by such
A person registered in a professional category of registration in terms of one of the councils for the professions identified
in the Council for the Built Environment Act is required to declare how the functional regulations are to be satisfied.
Sectional Titles A professional engineer is required in terms of the regulations issued in terms of the Act to prepare a report on the
Act 95 of 1986 general physical condition of buildings, with specific reference to any defects in the buildings and the services and
facilities relating thereto.
Occupational The Construction Regulations 2014 requires a competent person (person who has, in respect of the work or task to
Health and Safety be performed, the required knowledge, training and experience and, where applicable, qualifications specific to that
Act 85 of 1993 work or task, and who is familiar with the Act and applicable regulations) to:
ƒƒ perform a wide range of tasks and activities including:
ƒƒ the preparation of fall protection plans
ƒƒ the development of operational compliance plans for, the examination and testing of and the supervision of the
moving of outriggers of suspended platforms
ƒƒ the supervision of scaffolding operations, rope access work on site, operation of bulk mixing plants, excava-
tion work, the design and erection of tower cranes, temporary works operations and excavations
ƒƒ inspection of material hoists or similar machinery.

Civil Engineering  March 2016 21

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Table 1: Acts which “identify” work in the field of civil engineering (continued)
Act Overview of requirements relating to specific aspects of civil engineering practice
Occupational ƒƒ control the issuing, cleaning, examination collection, retuning and recording of cartridges and nails or studs
Health and Safety used in explosive fastening devices
Act 85 of 1993 ƒƒ the supervision of the design and erection of tower cranes
(continued) ƒƒ the supervision and controlling of demolition work
ƒƒ the development of a method statement where excavation involves the use of explosives
ƒƒ the conducting of periodic inspections of structures in order to ensure that structures remain safe for con-
tinued use
ƒƒ ensuring that temporary works structures are adequately erected, supported, braced and maintained
ƒƒ the authorising of the casting of concrete and the removal of temporary works structures
ƒƒ the examination and checking of all equipment used in temporary works structures for suitability prior to use
ƒƒ the inspection of temporary works structures
ƒƒ the conducting of a detailed structural engineering survey of a structure to be demolished, developing a
method statement of the procedure to be followed and checking the structural integrity at intervals to avoid
premature collapses, and
ƒƒ perform the roles of construction manager (person responsible for the management of the physical construction
processes and the coordination, administration and management of resources on a construction site); construction
supervisor (person responsible for supervising construction activities on a site) and designer (person who prepares,
checks or approves a design, arranges for a person under his control to prepare a design, designs temporary works,
has overall responsibility for a design or prepares specifications).
Professional engineers or professional engineering technologists are required to decide on the stability of soils in
excavations where uncertainty exists. Professional engineers, professional engineering technologists and profes-
sional certificated engineers are required to certify the design of suspended platforms.
National Road A professional engineer or professional engineering technologist of the road authority concerned is required in terms
Traffic Act 9 of of the National Road Traffic Regulations to approve every traffic signal installation at a signalised junction or pedes-
1996 trian or pedal cyclist crossing.
Housing A competent person (person registered with ECSA or with the South African Council for Natural Scientific
Consumers Professions (SACNSP)) permits the National Home Builders Registration Council to require such persons to approve
Protection plans and documents, and requires such persons to supervise the rectification of a home-builder’s non-compliance,
Measures Act 95 or determine a home-builder’s compliance with the NHBRC’s Technical Requirements.
of 1998 Listed competent persons (competent persons whose credentials are accepted by the Council and are admitted to
the Council’s list) or certification bodies (members of a Council-approved certification scheme who provide certifi-
cation services through certifiers in their employ who as a minimum are professionally registered with ECSA or the
SACNSP or possess a relevant professional designation granted in terms of the National Qualifications Framework
Act 67 of 2008) may in terms of the NHBRC’s Technical Requirements:
ƒƒ demonstrate that a solution for a system, element or component satisfies the performance requirements in the fol-
lowing services areas:
ƒƒ structural system
ƒƒ prefabricated timber truss roofing system
ƒƒ steel frame homes
ƒƒ timber frame homes
ƒƒ water and drainage installations and stormwater disposal systems
ƒƒ roof glazing installations
ƒƒ fills, terraces and subsurface drains, and
ƒƒ provide certification services relating to:
ƒƒ site class designations
ƒƒ inherent hazard classes, and
ƒƒ sites underlain by dolomites.
National Water Only an approved professional person (person registered with ECSA and approved by the Minister after consultation
Act 36 of 1998 with ECSA) may in terms of the Act perform tasks associated with the safety of dams with a safety risk including the
design, repair, alteration and the abandonment of a dam.
A professional engineer is required in terms of the Regulations on Use of Water for Mining and Related Activities
aimed at the Protection of Water Resources to approve plans, specifications and design reports so as to prevent the
pollution of a water resource for:
ƒƒ the construction of any surface dam for the purpose of impounding waste, water containing waste or slurry
ƒƒ the implementation of any pollution control measures at any residue deposit or stockpile, and
ƒƒ the implementation of any water control measures at any residue deposit or stockpile.

NNThere are existing regulations or risks associated with the work under- suffice in protecting consumers of
legislations in the sector that cater taken within the built environment, the built environment professional
for public health, safety and financial which, if used effectively, should services from any wrongdoing or

22 March 2016  Civil Engineering

underperformance by persons of- well-being, and to have the environ- railway line or siding, bridge, water-
fering engineering services. ment protected for the benefit of pre- works, reservoir, pipe or pipeline, cable,
NNThe IDOW Rules are not in line with sent and future generations. sewer, sewage works, fixed vessels, road,
international best practice. The primary pieces of legislation drainage works, earthworks, dam, wall,
As a result, the Engineering Profession which identify work within the field of mast, tower, tower crane, bulk mixing
Act cannot be used to license engineers civil engineering are outlined in Table 1. plant, pylon, surface and underground
to practice engineering. Other pieces of The Occupational Health and Safety tanks, earth retaining structure or
legislation can nevertheless require that Act has the broadest coverage, and ap- any structure designed to preserve or
certain activities within the scope of the plies to construction works which the alter any natural feature, and any other
engineering profession be undertaken by Construction Regulations define as “any similar structure;
persons registered with ECSA and, in so work in connection with: b) any false work, scaffold or other
doing, establish “licensing requirements” a) the construction, erection, altera- structure designed or used to provide
for such activities. tion, renovation, repair, demolition support or means of access during con-
or dismantling of or addition to a struction work; or
LEGISLATION WHICH building or similar structure; or c) any fixed plant in respect of construc-
“LICENSES” ASPECTS OF CIVIL b) t he construction, erection, mainte- tion work which includes installation,
ENGINEERING PRACTICE nance, demolition or dismantling of commissioning, decommissioning or
Various pieces of legislation regulate any bridge, dam, canal, road, railway, dismantling and where any construc-
aspects of civil engineering practice, runway, sewer or water reticula- tion work involves a risk of a person
and identify or “license” work for tion system or the moving of earth, falling.”
persons engaged in aspects of civil clearing of land, the making of exca- Some of the legislation referred to in
engineering. These laws are rooted vation, piling or any similar civil en- Table 1 makes direct reference to profes-
in Section 24 of the Bill of Rights gineering structure or type of work.” sional registration with a particular statu-
embedded in the Constitution of the These Regulations also define a structure tory council, while others merely refer
Republic of South Africa which grants as: to competent persons and define what a
everyone the right to an environment a) “any building, steel or reinforced con- competent person is. The Construction
that is not harmful to their health or crete structure (not being a building), Regulations in defining a competent

Civil Engineering  March 2016 23

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person state that “where appropriate LISTINGS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING generic registration system when a regu-
qualifications and training are registered PROFESSIONALS lator simply equates ECSA registration to
in terms of the provisions of the National The Competition Commission recognises public health, safety and financial risks:
Qualifications Framework Act of 2000, in its CBE exemption rejection notice NNFirstly, the assessment of competence
those qualifications and training are the need to use legislation effectively to takes place at the entry point to the
regarded as being the required qualifica- protect consumers from any wrongdoing engineering profession against generic
tions and training.” or underperformance of those offering “standards expected in independent
The National Qualifications engineering services. There are several employment or practice” within a
Framework of 2008 enables the South shortcomings in ECSA’s uniform and broadly defined field of engineering.
African Qualifications Authority to
recognise a statutory body or a non- Table 2: NQF professional designations covering engineering work

statutory body of expert practitioners Status of Desig-

Professional body Designation title
and to register their professional desig- body nation ID
nations on the National Qualifications Contractors Plant Hire
Non-statutory 562 Certified Plant Operator
Framework. Some of the qualifications Association (CPHA)
which impact upon civil engineering 304 Professional Engineer
work, and which are currently listed on 305 Professional Engineering Technologist
the National Qualifications Framework, 306 Professional Certified Engineer
Engineering Council of South
are indicated in Table 2. Some of these Africa (ECSA)
Statutory 307 Professional Engineering Technician
designations build onto registration with 308 Registered Lift Inspector
a statutory council. For example an ac- 309 Registered Lifting Machinery Inspector
credited timber engineer is a practicing 310 Medical Equipment Maintainer
professional who has prior experience 508 Certified Roof Erector
in roof design and construction, and 509 Certified Roof Inspector
is already registered with ECSA as a Institute for Timber 510 Certified Roof Fabricator
Construction South Africa  Non-statutory 511 Accredited Timber Engineer
professional engineer or professional (ITC-SA)
Certified Roof Structure System
engineering technologist. 512
Software Developer
The NHBRC-approved certification 566 Certified Timber Frame Builder
scheme included in the recently revised 426 MWEP Practitioner
NHBRC Home Building Manual makes 427 MWEP Safety and Transport Controller
provision for the certification of services Specialised Access Equipment
through certifiers who are in posses- Demonstrator
sion of a qualification registered on the 429 Rope Access Technician
Institute for Work at Height
National Qualifications Framework Non-statutory 430 Rope Access Practitioner
431 Rope Access Supervisor
as an alternative to a listed competent
432 Fall Protection Planner
person, i.e. a person registered with
564 Fall Arrest Rescue Coordinator
ECSA or the South African Council for
Temporary Suspended Platform Erection
Natural Scientific Professions (SACNSP) 565
and whose credentials are accepted by 413 Licensed Plumber
the NHBRC (National Home Builders 414 Qualified Plumber
Registration Council). Plumbing Industry 415 Hot Water System Installer
The National Building Regulations Registration Board (PIRB) 416 Solar Installer
broadly define competent persons and 417 Plumbing Training Assessor
permit a local authority, subject to appeal 418 Plumbing Inspector
to the Review Board, to decline or ac- Pr CPM: Professional Construction
Project Manager
cept the appointment of any person who
Pr CM: Professional Construction
prepares a rational design or rational 499
assessment that is required in terms of Pr CMentor: Professional Construction
South African Council for 500
a Regulation, a part of SANS 10400 or a Mentor
Project and Construction
geotechnical investigation. Regulation Statutory 501 CMentor: Construction Mentor
Management Professions
A19 does, however, spell out the grounds (SACPCMP) Pr CHSA: Professional Construction
Health and Safety Agent
for rejecting an application, which
Pr CHSM: Construction Health and
includes not having ECSA or SACNSP 503
Safety Manager
registration and inadequately qualified CHSO: Construction Health and Safety
or insufficient experience or contextual Officer
knowledge. A person who satisfies the South African Council for 569 Pr Sci Nat: Professional Natural Scientist
Natural Scientific Professions Statutory Cert Sci Nat: Certificated Natural
definitions for competent persons pro- (SACNSP) 570
vided in SANS 10400 are deemed to have
the required qualifications, experience Water Institute of Southern
Non-statutory 530 Professional Process Controller
Africa (WISA)
and contextual knowledge.

24 March 2016  Civil Engineering

NNSecondly, reliance is placed on the a specialised field of engineering also how does a home builder or a client verify
integrity of the registered persons (self- poses risks, as no matter how ethical the credentials of a person registered with
regulation) not to take on work which engineers may be, they are not capable ECSA to undertake specialist work?
he or she is not competent to perform, of self-assessing what they do not know. SAICE, as a learned society, is well
and to perform work within the “norms This can lead to an underestimation of the placed through its divisions to put in
of the profession”. influence of agents, or the identification place specialist lists to verify the creden-
NNThirdly, it is not uncommon that the and the solving of the wrong problems, tials of those registered with a statutory
nature and subject matter of the work all of which results in the belief that a body such as ECSA to undertake civil
undertaken by a person prior to regis- design is adequate when it is dangerously engineering work in specialist areas. This
tration may be very different from that inadequate. will not only improve the effectiveness
undertaken post-registration. The mitigation of risk on projects is of legislation governing civil engineering
NNFourthly, the ECSA system does not uppermost in the mind of “intelligent” practice, but will also provide a much
differentiate between high-risk and low- developers and clients, as engineering needed service to providers and users of
risk engineering work. failures can have significant time and specialist services. The JSD has agreed
Reliance on competence demonstrated at cost implications on projects. It is also with the SAICE executive to pilot such
the point of entry to a profession on a uni- in the mind of regulators such as the a listing in the field of structural engi-
form and generic basis does not sit well Department of Labour, the NHBRC and neering, based on the following principles:
with the principles of quality management the National Regulator for Compulsory NNPersons admitted to a list must be pro-
as espoused by ISO 9000:2005, Quality Specifications who deal with the fessionally registered with ECSA, must
management systems – Fundamentals Construction Regulations, the NHBRC be actively engaged in a defined practice
and vocabulary. ISO defines competence structural warranty scheme and National area and must have demonstrated to
as “demonstrated ability to apply knowl- Building Regulations, respectively. For their peers a set of outcomes which
edge and skills”. In quality management example, how does a local authority deter- relate to the competencies uniquely
systems competence is linked to verified mine whether or not a person registered related to the practice area.
ability to perform activities in a specific with ECSA has the experience and con- NNAdmission conditions need to include
context. Reliance on self-assessment textual knowledge to function as a com- maintenance of professional registration
of competence to undertake work in petent person in a particular area, and and continuous professional development

Civil Engineering  March 2016 25

within the practice area, and should be of registration and recognition by the admitted to this publically available
linked to offering services to a docu- profession, function at one of four distinct listing. The list is complementary to
mented standard of professional service. levels, as indicated in Figure 1. The level legislative requirements and enables
NNAny person who is aggrieved by a of practitioner assuming responsibility for those professionals who have structural
decision of a Division’s Assessment the design of a structure is linked to the engineering competencies to have their
Committee may appeal the decision to category of risk as indicated in this figure. capabilities verified and recognised,
the SAICE Membership Committee, The JSD List of Structural particularly those who have not had the
who will rule on the matter. Engineering Professionals, which is opportunity to obtain internationally
The starting point in mitigating risks re- linked to the provision of services in recognised qualifications.
lating to structural failure or substandard accordance with JSD’s Standard for
performance is to be able to identify Structural Engineering Services (www. REFERENCES
structural engineering competencies jsd.co.za/technician_articles_guides_ Watermeyer, R B 2009. Towards a min-
amongst persons registered with ECSA. topic.php?topic=General), provides a imum standard for structural engineering
The Joint Structural Division (JSD) pub- means of identifying persons who have work. The Structural Engineer, 87 (19)
lished in 2014 a Guide to Good Practice structural engineering capabilities to 6 October, pp 12, 14, 16.
for Structural Engineering (www.jsd.co.za/ assume responsibility for medium and Watermeyer, R B & Smith, A J 2014.
technicial_articles_guides.php) to ad- medium-to-high risk structures. Only Managing structural engineering risk.
dress the issues surrounding the practice those persons who are professionally Civil Engineering, 22(2): 35–39.
of structural engineering. According registered with ECSA as professional Watermeyer, R B 2014. An overview of the
to this Guide, structural engineering engineers and professional engineering current National Building Regulations
practitioners, depending on their tertiary technologists, and who have verifiable and their impact on engineering practice.
education, training, experience, category structural engineering abilities, are Civil Engineering, 22(2): 41–44. 

Fellow of Institution Level 4

High risk e.g.
of Structural structures with
Engineers Structural
engineering expert
structural safety and
At least 5 years of Member of a
professional body requirements that
that assesses require specialist
structural skills, recognised
engineering expertise or
Joint Structural competence as a knowledge beyond
Associate Member prerequisite to that required for
Member (MIStructE) (AMIStructE) of Division voluntary
or Associate list of Structural membership or the medium-risk
Institution of granting of a licence
(AIStructE) Engineering structures
Structural to practise
of Institution of Engineers Professionals
Structural Engineers
Medium risk e.g.
structures with
structural safety and
At least 5 years of
experience in At least 5 years of Level 3 serviceability
structural experience in
structural Structural requirements that
engineering engineering require specialist
professional skills, recognised
expertise or
knowledge beyond
that required for
Register as Register as Level 2 low-risk structures
Register as
professional professional professional
engineer engineering Registered
(Pr Eng) technologist technician professional Low risk e.g. simple
(Pr Tech Eng) (Pr Techni Eng) in civil structures with low
engineering structural safety and
discipline serviceability
Register as
Register as Register as Level 1 requirements where
candidate candidate
candidate engineer the analysis requires
engineering engineering Registered
technologist technician a simple application
candidate of design rules or
engineer direct interpretation
Registration of reference
Degree in civil
Degree in civil
engineering from
a university of National Diploma in
technology civil engineering
(BTech(Eng)) obtained from a
university of


Secondary education

Figure 1: Levels of competence required for structural engineering linked to levels of risk

26 March 2016  Civil Engineering

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