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QA for 7th August

1. In triangle ABC to the right, if BC = 3 and AC = 4, then what is the

length of segment CD?

A. 3
b. 15/4
C. 5
D. 16/3

2. What is the probability of a five digit numbers formed using digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 without
repetition, divisible by 3,?

A. 1/3
B. 2/7
C. 3/8
D. 9/25

3. For every positive even integer n, the function h(n) is defined to be the product of all the
even integers from 2 to n, inclusive. If p is the smallest prime factor of h(100) +1, then p is?

A. Between 2 and 10
B. Between 10 and 20
C. Between 20 and 30
D. Greater than 40

4. If 12 men and 16 women can do a piece of work in 5 days and 13 men and 24 women can do
it in 4 days, how long will 7 men and 10 women take to do it?

(A) 4.2 days

(B) 6.8 days
(C) 8.3 days
(D) 9.8 days
Sol: 5(12 M + 16 W) = 4(13 M + 24 W)
60M + 80W = 52M + 96W

That gives, 8M = 16W, which is , 1M=2W

Now, 12 M + 16W can do work in 5 days.

So, 12 M + 8 M can do work in 5 days.
So, 20M can do work in 5 days.

Now, 7M + 10W = 7M + 5M = 12 M
Hence, if 20M can do work in 5 days, 12M can do work in (20*5)/12 = 8.33 days.
5. In the figure, each side of square ABCD has length 1, the length of line Segment CE is 1, and
the length of line segment BE is equal to the length of line segment DE. What is the area of
the triangular region BCE?

A. 1/3
B. √2/4
C. 1/2
D. √2/2
6. When a certain tree was first planted, it was 4 feet tall and the height of the tree increased
by a constant amount each year for the next 6 years. At the end of the 6th year, the tree was
1/5 taller than it was at the end of the 4th year. By how many feet did the height of the tree
increase each year?

A. 3/10
B. 2/5
C. 1/2
D. 2/3
Sol: The tree grows by x feets per year
At d end of 4th year the height of tree =4x+4
Between 4 th and sixth year the tree grows by 2x feet=(1/5)(4+4x)

7. If an integer n is to be chosen at random from the integers 1 to 96, inclusive, what is the
probability that n(n + 1)(n + 2) will be divisible by 8?

A. 1/4
B. 3/8
C. 1/2
D. 5/8
the only way n(n+1) is divisible by 4, if and only if either n is multiple of 4, Between 1 & 100,
there are 25 number that are multiple of 4, such as 4, 8, 12...100
2. or (n+1) is multiple of 4, this is equivalent to saying number which are multiple of 3,
Between 1 & 100, there are 25 such as 3,7,..99,

Hence we have 25 + 25 = 50 number which can be picked between 1 and 100, that would
make n(n+1) divisible by 4

probability: fav case/total occurence => 50/100 = 1/2

8. The rate of a certain chemical reaction is directly proportional to the square of the
concentration of chemical A present and inversely proportional to the concentration of
chemical B present. If the concentration of chemical B is increased by 100 percent, which of
the following is closest to the percent change in the concentration of chemical A required to
keep the reaction rate unchanged?

(A) 100% decrease

(B) 50% decrease
(C) 40% increase
(D) 50% increase
Sol: We can let n = the rate of a certain chemical reaction, a = the concentration of chemical
A, and b = the concentration of chemical B. We are given that the rate of a certain chemical
reaction is directly proportional to the square of the concentration of chemical A present
and inversely proportional to the concentration of chemical B present, so, for some positive
constant k, we have:

n = ka^2/b

When b is increased by 100 percent, b becomes 2b. To keep the reaction rate unchanged,
we can let a become c, so we have:

ka^2/b = kc^2/(2b)

2bka^2 = bkc^2

2a^2 = c^2

c = √(2a^2)

c = a√2

Since √2 ≈ 1.4, c ≈ 1.4a or approximately 140% of a, i.e., a 40% increase in the concentration
of chemical A.

Answer: D
9. The ratio of boys to girls in Class A is 3 to 4. The ratio of boys to girls in Class B is 4 to 5. If the
two classes were combined, the ratio of boys to girls in the combined class would be 17 to
22. If Class A has one more boy and two more girls than class B, how many girls are in Class

A. 12
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11
10. Without stoppages a train travels a certain distance with an average speed of 80 kmph and
with stoppages it covers the same distance with an average speed of 60 kmph. What is the
time in minutes per hour for which train stops?

A. 15 min/hr
B. 10 min/hr
C. 20 min/hr
D. 25 min/hr
E. None
11. The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 65 minutes of the correct
time. How much a day (24Hours) does the clock gain or lose?

A. 1440/143 Min
B. 720/11 Min
C. 5/11 Min
D. 340/41 Min
12. There are 100 employees in a room. 99% are managers. How many managers must leave the
room to bring down the percentage of manager to 98%?

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 50
(D) 49
13. Two guns were fired from the same place at an interval of 10 minustes and 30 seconds, but a
person in a train approaching the place hears second shot 10 minutes after the first. The
speed of train (in km/hr), supposing that sound travels at 330m/s is:

A. 19.8
B. 58.6
C. 59.4
D. 111.8
14. Pat will walk from intersection X to intersection Y
along a route that is confined to the square grid of
four streets and three avenues shown in the map
above. How many routes from X to Y can Pat take that
have the minimum possible length?

A. Six
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. Fourteen
15. Let a,b,c, and d be nonzero real numbers. If the quadratic equation ax(cx+d) =−b(cx+d) is
solved for x, which of the following is a possible ratio of the 2 solutions?

A. −ab/cd
B. −ac/bd
C.  ad/bc
D. ab/cd

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