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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu


(QUARTER 3 – WEEK 4 and 5)

During world war two, a US soldier by the name of Desmond Doss defied the military order of
carrying a weapon; to kill a fellow human being; and to attend military training on a Saturday
because of religious convictions. The higher officials threatened him with insubordination; other
soldiers viewed him as weird and crazy but still he stood with his beliefs and tried to be a good
companion. Later on after the war, Desmond Doss was awarded with a military honor of courage
for selflessly, faithfully, and courageously serving as a military medic saving countless lives even
in the midst of the battle. Is it always right to follow and conform to the norms of society or are
there times when one has to stand for what is right even if it looks ‘abnormal’ to others?

Learning Objective:

The learner is expected to

 Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic symbols and practices
 Explain the context, content, processes, and consequences of socialization

1. Refers to behaviors that deviate from norms established by the society.
A. Social Control C. Social Deviance
B. Social Stability D. Social Adjustment
2. Refers to the environment, or setting, on which the process of socialization.
A. Social Context C. Social Integration
B. Social Adjustment D. Social Content
3. This type of deviance accepts culturally accepted goals but rejects culturally
accepted means.
A. Ritualism C. Conformity
B. Rebellion D. Innovation
4. Refers to the unstructured exchange of interaction and reaction between parties who
exchange information.
A. Socialization Adjustment C. Socialization Content
B. Socialization Integration D. Socialization Context

5. These are symbols relating to identification of economic terminologies, status,
condition, or standpoint.
A. Political Symbols C. Cultural Symbols
B. Economic Symbols D. Social Symbols
6. These are the people who reject culturally accepted goals and culturally accepted
A. Retreatism C. Rebellion
B. Ritualism D. Innovation
7. Physical things that represent the beliefs, ideologies, and its’ meanings
unique to that specific culture.
A. Social Symbols C. Economic Symbols
B. Political Symbols D. Cultural Symbols
8. Defined as virtually anything (i.e. letters, words, objects, marks, shapes, gestures)
that represents something else usually immaterial in nature.
A. Socialization C. Social Structure
B. Symbol D. Structure
9. Which of the following descriptions should NOT be included in the list as far as
expressing symbols through practice is concerned?
A. Having a Ninong and Ninang C. Soldier wearing his military rank
B. Trusting Herbal Medicines D. Celebrating Christmas on December
10. Which of the following characteristics should NOT be included as far as sanctions
are concerned?
A. It is official and institutionalized C. Good behaviors rewarded with praise
B. Criminal justice decides sanctions D. Large and complex societies utilize this
11. As far as status is concerned, which of the following should NOT be included?
A. Talents C. Opportunities
B. Abilities D. Race
12. Palakasan system; political dynasty; and showbiz people running for governor.
These are all examples of what _________?
A. Political Symbols C. Cultural Symbols
B. Economic Symbols D. Social Symbols
13. Danzo was kidnapped by the communist rebels in Davao. The rebels exposed him to
communist teachings played through television and radio for 11 hours a day, 7 days
a week. After 6 months, Danzo was released and came home. His attitudes and
values really changed. Which agent of socialization is INVOLVED here?
A. Ethnic background C. School
B. Peer Group D. Media
14. These people accept culturally accepted goals and culturally accepted means of
reaching those goals.
A. Ritualism C. Retreatism
B. Conformity D. Innovation
15. Which of the following characteristics should NOT be included as far as sanctions
are concerned?
A. Bad behaviors punished by group rejection
B. Utilized mostly in small, simple societies
C. It is an official and institutionalized system
D. Utilizes casual pressure in order to conform.

Lesson Proper:

A. Review:
Socialization is inherent in each individual. We are hard-wired to mingle, to interact, and to
socialize. For this to happen smoothly socialization is needed. Socialization therefore is the
continuing process of internalizing the attitude, behavior, ideas, social skills and norms, and values
of the society where one finds himself. This process eventually shapes one’s identity in the

B. Activity: “Symbol This. Symbol That.”

Instruction. The pictures below are different examples of cultural, social, political, and economic
symbols. The letters of your answers, which corresponds to the pictures inside, should be written
inside the symbol box below accordingly. Afterwards, proceed in answering the discussion
questions found in the worksheet page: (1) What is the significance of symbols? (2) What is your
symbol and what does it mean?





Symbol Box
Cultural Social Political Economic

C. Discussion Of The Activity:

A symbol is defined as virtually anything (i.e. letters, words, objects, marks, shapes, gestures)
that represents something else usually immaterial in nature. For example, an expensive car may
symbolize wealth and power; a heart may symbolize love; or a bear may represent Russia.
The significance of a symbol is that:

Significance of Symbols Example

A Expresses ideologies, values, Seeing a skull and a cross bone on a cigarette box
information, and meanings denotes that it is highly injurious to one’s health
conveyed in a brief and precise
manner without even saying a
word to explain it.
B Provides a sense of identity. Receiving a military graduation ring signifies what batch
you belong and who are those that graduated along with
C Gives motivation. A body builder may place a fat picture of himself in his
office to motivate him never to go back to his previous
D Provides meaning to ones’ For Christians who celebrate the communion service, the
existence. ordinance of foot washing; breaking of bread; and
drinking of unfermented wine are all symbols of salvation
given to man for free. These ordinances provide them
with a sense of meaning and direction in their life.
E Used to preserve a group’s Companies use logos as symbols of their commitment to
beliefs, traditions, and values. excellent customer service.

Symbols Definition Examples of Practices
1 Cultural Physical things that represent  Traditional Medical Practices
Symbols the beliefs, ideologies, and its’ (a) Consulting albularyos (faith
meanings unique to that healers) in healing
specific culture. These physical (b) Using herbal medicines
things may include: colors,  Religious/Spiritual Practices
figures, objects, hand gestures, (a) Whipping or crucifying oneself
or word interpretations. during semana santa (holy week)
(b) Fasting during Ramadan
 Artistic Expressions
(a) Bonifacio Monument by
Guillermo Tolentino
(b) Dalagang Bukid by Fernando
 Culinary Practices
(a) Eating Balut
(b) Eating snacks
 Child Rearing practices
(a) Mano Po
(b) Having ninongs and ninangs
2 Social Visible and external symbols  Rank of a military officer is seen on
Symbols utilized by the society to the insignia of his uniform
instruct and inform each other  “NO U TURN” signs on the road
about certain condition, inform drivers not to do a “U Turn”
position, or status of a thing or  A person who wears a lot of gold
of a person. accessories shows his status as a
rich person.

A status may be:

Ascribed Status Achieved Status
Assigned to a Acquired by
person from birth personal choice
and is virtually and individual
unchangeable. effort.
Little to no Status is
personal choice is achieved through
involved like age, the use of talents,
sex, skin color, abilities, or seized
race, caste, or opportunities.
childbirth physical
Certain behaviors Personal choice
are expected of such as choice of
one to perform. spouse,
academic grades,
religion, or
occupation are
few of the

Manny Pacquiao, though he came from

poor beginnings, through sacrifice and
hard work he managed to become rich.
This is an example of acquired status.
While an example of ascribed status
may be taken from the Afro-Americans
living in the United States during the
1930s. The Afro-American citizens were
treated as second class people because
of race discrimination from the White
Americans. Right to equal treatment
was denied of them and restrictive rules
and behaviors were expected of them to
comply. How they are treated is due to
the ascribed status placed on them just
for being black skinned.
3 Economic Symbols relating to  Converting a salary received in
Symbols identification of economic dollar to peso
terminologies, status, condition,  Monitoring your country’s economic
or standpoint. status
 Financial manager using accounting
symbols in reporting to the business
4 Political These are symbols used to  Political dynasty
Symbols identify the political position or  Popular people (i.e. showbiz
political party. personalities; news reporters; stand up
comedians) running for political

 Palakasan System
 Church influencing government

Activity 2:

Discussion of Activity 2:

Socialization Context refers to the environment, or setting, on which the process of socialization
occurred. Think of a stage that actors and actresses play on when talking about context. Examples
of social context are: culture, sex, language, religion, social role, social structures, and rank. For
example, Jhed, an automobile mechanic, was invited to join a seminar in Japan. It was Jhed’s first
time to be in Japan. During the seminar, he met a girl named Akiru who happened to be a general
manager of a big pharmaceutical company. Now in this example, the context of socialization
between Alex and Akiru can be identified like this:

Jhed Akiru
Culture Filipino Japanese
Meeting place Japan Japan
Sex Male Female
Language Tagalog Nihongo
Social Structure Middle Class (Maybe) Upper Class (Most likely)
Rank Chief mechanic General Manager

Social context helps us determine how we will react and interact with another person. It also helps
us understand why people behave as such towards us. Thus, based on the example above, Jhed,
who knew about the importance of bowing to Japanese culture, must have approached Akiru with
a respectful bow on their first meeting. Akiru on the other hand, upon learning some Filipino
practices from Jhed, must have now used the word ‘po’ at each end of her sentence. In matters of
interaction, Jhed must have treated Akiru differently than he would with a fellow automotive
mechanic because of her position as a manager and also by the way she expensively looks. The
Content of Socialization or Socialization Content refers to the unstructured exchange of
interaction and reaction between parties who exchange information.

Activity 3: “Rate The Influence”

Rate the following 7 agents in terms of how it influenced and shaped you to who you are right now.
Here is the meaning of the number. 0 – for no influence; 1 – 2 for very low; 3 – 4 for low; 5 for
average; 6 – 7 strong; 8 – 9 very strong; 10 – for strongest. Shade the box that corresponds to you
Agents of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Family
2 Religion
3 Peer Group
4 Media
5 School
6 Ethnicity
7 Government

After answering this activity, proceed to the worksheets and look for activity number 3 discussion

Discussion of Activity 3:


Agents of Socialization are institutions with great influencing power on shaping a society’s norm.
These agents are (a) Family (b) Religion (c) Peer groups (d) Media (e) School (f) Ethnic
background (g) Government. The attitudes, ideologies, values, and morality inculcated by these
agents of socialization kicks into action once we are in situations where we are to distinguish, and
respond, as to whether they are moral or immoral; proper and improper deeds; and legal or illegal
activities. However, even though these agents have influencing power they only can influence a
person if the person allows it to. One can be surrounded by backbiting neighbors and yet refuse to
become one of them by refraining from joining in their gossips and tale bearing.


When people socialize consequences are expected. Below are the five consequences of
socialization with illustrations using an imaginary person by the name of Chrisna.

Description Example
Personality Since socialization involves the Chrisna learned certain values and
and Role process of acquiring values morals through her parents, media,
Development attitudes, and behaviors this process school, and church.
eventually leads to the development
of ones’ unique personality and role
in the society.
Skills Stresses the importance of As Chrisna interacted with her
Development communication and interpersonal coworkers, she learned the nuances of
and Training skills in the society. Occupation skills communication such as what to say,
is also important to develop. when to say it, and how to say it. Her
Absence of those skills will definitely skills in basket weaving also developed.
erode human interaction.
Values Values held dear by the society may Chrisna further on learned new values in
Formation eventually be assimilated by the her life as she transitions from childhood,
individual exposed frequently to it adolescence, and adulthood. She
learned to give up some values and form
new ones.
Social Individuals who acquire the norms of The values Chrisna imbibed in her life
Integration the society are easily integrated into made acceptance in her workplace
and it. easier.
Social Integration into a society involves In the workplace, Chrisna submitted
Control and submission to control mechanism (i.e. herself to the work regulations. She
Stability laws; constitutions; policies; regulations) set to believes that these regulations ensure
ensure the maintenance of that each employee right would be
acceptable social behavior and honored.

Activity 4

Discussion of Activity 4
Generally speaking, when we follow the norms of the society, we may be rewarded; but when we
disobey, we may be sanctioned for doing such. This system sanctioning is called social control.
Social control refers to measures established by a group or society designed to regulate
behaviors into conformity with acceptable norms and social expectations. Behaviors that does not
conform to acceptable norms is called social deviance. Social Deviance refers to any behaviors
that deviate from norms established by the society. For example, in a society where homosexuality
is perceived as immoral, if one practices it his action will be deemed as social deviance.

Types of Sanctions Used By Social Control

Informal Sanctions Formal Sanctions
Unofficial; Utilizes casual pressure in order to Official and has institutionalized system that
conform. rewards compliance and penalizes deviance.
Utilizes Positive Reinforcements to encourage Sanctions, whether positive or negative, are
compliance such as: words of affirmation; kiss; decided through a criminal justice system.
tip; pat of approval on the shoulder; and
smiles. The system may take the form of arrest, pre-
trial; sentencing; and imprisonment.
Utilizes Negative Reinforcement to discourage
deviation such as: ostracism; gossiped at; Examples: Constitution and bylaws; Republic
rejection; or removal from a group Acts; and city ordinances
Exists in small and simple groups/societies Implemented in large and complex societies.

While deviance is oftentimes seen in a negative light, deviance may not be completely bad at all.
For example, in a certain society where drinking alcohol is considered an accepted norm, and one
decides not to follow it he may be considered abnormal by that society because he is deviating
from what is normal. Nonetheless, this action is deviating him from a potentially injurious and
destructive consequence of drinking alcohol. Robert K. Merton conceived of a typology of
deviance. In this typology, he presented 4 different forms of deviance.

4 Different Culturally Culturally Examples

Forms of Accepted Accepted
Deviance GOALS MEANS of
1 Conformity Accepts Accepts Berto wanted to get married at the age of 28
(accepted goal). To reach this, he has to be
financially, mentally, and emotionally ready
for it (mean accepted).
2 Innovation Accepts Rejects Christine believes that she needs to get
good grades (accepted goal). But then she
dislikes studying hard (rejected mean). So she
decides to just copy from her classmates.
3 Ritualism Rejects Routinize In teacher Kate’s school, it is an accepted
the culture to make the student pass even
acceptance though he does not academically deserve it.
of the means She does not like this idea though (rejected
of achieving goal). But then again, she still does the
the things that makes academically undeserving
rejected goal. students pass (routinize the means) even
though she does not like the idea.
4 Retreatism Rejects Rejects Sally was informed that the city of Naga
wants to become a clean and green city but
she does not agree to this ( rejected goal).
She was informed too that to do this, she is
to throw the garbage only in the proper
disposal area on set schedules. However,
she does not agree to this way ( rejected
5 Rebellion Creates Creates new Maryam belongs to a culture where it is
new goals means acceptable for young girls to be married to
old and mature men. Getting married
(culturally accepted means) was the way to be
financially secure (culturally accepted goals).
But Maryan decides otherwise. She decides
not get married though but rather continues
with her studies (creates new goals). For her,
to secure family financial security one does
not have to get married to an old rich folk.
For her education is the way to secure
financial security (creates new means).

Enrichment Activity: “Step Away!”

What beliefs, ideas, or practices have you noticed nowadays that society considers normal but you
think you need to deviate away from? In other words, society in general sees it as normal and
okay but deep inside you think it is not. List at least 2 of those beliefs, ideas, or practices and
provide reasons why you need to step away from it? Do this on the worksheet provided at the end
of the module.

Inherent in us humans is the desire to be with others, to interact, and to mingle. Take this away
and the person collapses into psychological and emotional health problems. In our interaction and
socialization with others, we get to learn the values, beliefs, ideologies that are considered a norm
to that society. Socialization shapes our identity as a person and reminds us that compliance to
norms gets rewarded and disobedience to it means sanctions. Nonetheless, if what is considered
normal in the society violate rights, degrade the human person, and injures physical, emotional,
and psychological wellbeing one has all the rights to deviate from it and stand to do what is right
and just. Remember this: Not all considered normal is essentially good for man; and not all
essentially good for man is treated as normal by man.


Post Assessment:

1. “Hannah purposed in her heart to learn the culture and language of the Icelanders. This
decision proved beneficial for her for she was able to quickly adapt to the culture and
was easily accepted by the people there.” WHAT consequence of socialization is shown
A. Personality Development C. Social Integration
B. Social Control and Stability D. Skills Development
2. “Daniel and his 3 other Jewish friends refused to eat the meat served by King
Nebuchadnezzar due to their religious beliefs taught to them in their homes and by their
priests.” This story shows WHAT agents of socialization?
A. Family and Peer Group C. Family and Ethnicity
B. Family and School D. Family and Church
3. “Two different patients visited Dr. Joshua today: patient A and B. Due to poverty, as
seen by the clothes worn, patient B went to several faith healers but they failed to heal
him. Fortunately, a wealthy but sick neighbor, patient A, decided to shoulder patient B’s
hospital expenses”. WHAT symbols are manifested in this scenario?
A. Economic symbol and Cultural symbol C. Political Symbol and Cultural symbol
B. Social symbol and Cultural symbol D. Only social symbol is manifested here
4. “When Jacob deceived his father in getting his share of the family inheritance, his
mother advised him to leave the house because his other siblings looked down on him
and was gossiping about him for what he has done. His brothers finally filed charges
against him and Jacob was locked in prison”. Which of the following statement is
RIGHT about this story?
A. Only formal sanction is manifested in the story
B. Only informal sanction is manifested in the story
C. Both formal and informal sanction is presented
D. Gossiping is a harsh type of positive reinforcement
5. “Rightful laws are created not to choke our rights but to provide boundaries that
safeguard our rights and help us maintain healthy relationships”. Which of the options
below is RELATED to the above statement?
A. Social Control C. Role Development
B. Social Development D. Social Adjustment

6. “Not all considered normal is essentially good for man; and not all essentially good for
man is treated as normal by man.” Which of the statements below show the CORRECT
interpretation about the quotation.
A. All things considered normal in this life is good for man
B. All good things in this life are considered normal by man
C. All normal things in life does not necessarily mean good for man
D. All good things in this life are actually bad stuffs in disguise.
7. Toto wants to be treated as a ‘man’. And in his culture, circumcision is the answer to
that. But Toto dislikes circumcision. So, he tries another approach. For him, to be
wealthy and powerful is the way to be called a ‘real man’. Which typology is this
illustration showing?
A. Innovation C. Ritualism
B. Rebellion D. Conformity
8. Read the illustration below and then answer by selecting the letter of your choice from
the Options: “When Mario won gold at the national weightlifting event. The president of
the national weightlifting team gave him a ring signifying his being an official member
of national champions. That ring is really pushing him right now to do his best for the
international weightlifting competition to be held in Tokmok Russia, six months from
8A. Expresses ideologies, values, information
8B. Provides a sense of identity to the bearer
8C. Gives motivation to the bearer of the symbol
8D. Used to preserve a group’s beliefs, traditions.

A. Only 8A and 8B is manifested here D. Only 8C and 8D is manifested here
B. Only 8B and 8C is manifested here E. None of the four options is manifested
C. Only 8A, 8B, and 8C is manifested here F. All of the four options is manifested

9. “I do not agree in helping the poor just by simply giving them food. That would just
make them lazy and dependent on others. But I wonder why I still do it anyway?”
A. Retreatism C. Innovation
B. Ritualsim D. Rebellion
10. When an American soldier unknowingly took shelter and protection in the house of an
Afghan tribal chief, though the soldier was considered an enemy by Afghan terrorists,
the chief did not kill him but rather welcomed him; tended to his wounds; and fed him
there. This is a cultural practice of their tribe known as pashtunwali. WHICH agent of
socialization is at play here?
A. Church C. School
B. Family D. Ethnicity
11. “Although considered as belonging to the lowest caste in India, Rajiv tried his best to
secure a better life for him and his family. He went to China and worked in a shoe
factory. His hard work finally paid off because soon he was designated as assistant
manager.” Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Rajiv’s condition as belonging to the lowest caste in India is called achieved status
B. Rajiv’s condition as an assistant manager in a China factory is called ascribed status
C. Rajiv’s transfer from India to China can be called ‘from achieved status to ascribed status’
D. Rajiv’s transfer from India to China can be called ‘from ascribed status to achieved status’

12. “When Sitti was asked what Ramadan personally mean to her, she answered that
Ramadan is a symbol that in life overcoming physical cravings is possible through the
help of Allah.” Which of the following significance of symbols FITLY describes the
illustration given?
A. Provides meaning to ones’ existence. C. Used to preserve a group’s traditions
B. Provides a sense of identity D. Gives motivation.
13. “History states that during the medieval period in Europe, the Catholic church almost
had overwhelming influence over the political decisions. Church and state appears to
be in union in a subtle way”. This is an example of ______________.
A. Cultural Symbol C. Political Symbol
B. Social Symbol D. Economic Symbol
14. “Our science teacher said that there is no god and that humans exists because of some
random events that occurred millions of years ago. All my classmates believe in it too.
But I still firmly believe that we all exists because of God and that life has a purpose just
what the Bible says.” WHAT agents of influence appeared in this example?
A. School; Peer Group; Ethnicity C. Religion; School; Peer Group
B. Family; School; Peer Group D. School; Family; Government
15. The police investigated about the race, sex, place where the meeting was held, and
social rank of the person that Mr. Park interacted with. The police here is asking for
A. Socialization Content C. Socialization Agents
B. Socialization Context D. Socialization Development

“A proud man is always looking down on things and people and, of course, as long
as you’re looking down, you can’t see something that’s above you”

Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu


(QUARTER 3 – WEEK 4 and 5)
Activity B Discussion Questions
What is the significance of symbols?

What is your symbol? (Draw your symbol and use colors)

and what does it (your symbol) mean?

Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu


(QUARTER 3 – WEEK 4 and 5)
Activity 3 Discussion Questions
1. What are your top 3 the agents of socialization?

2. Why makes these 3 agents influentially strong in your life?


3. How can you influence others into doing what is right even though doing what is right may
not be that popular or acceptable nowadays?

4. Who influenced you into becoming a better person?


Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu


(QUARTER 3 – WEEK 4 and 5)
“Step Away!”
Beliefs, ideas, and practices Reasons why one should What should be done about it
that you think you need to step away from it? then?
step away from?

Prepared by



Quality Assurance Team


Education Program Supervisor, EsP
(Content and Language Evaluator / Reviewer)

Education Program Supervisor in LRMDS
(Book Designer/Format/Layout Evaluator / Reviewer)

Division Illustrator

Recommending Approval
Chief Education Supervisor, CID



Schools Division Superintendent

Republic of the Philippines
Region VII, Central Visayas
West Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu

1. Baleña, Ederlina D.; Lucero, Dolores M.; and Peralta, Arnel M. (2016). Understanding
Culture, Society, and Politics. Educational Resources Corporation, Cubao, Quezon City.
2. Lanuza, Gerry M. and Raymundo, Sarah S. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society, and
Politics. Rex Bookstore, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City.
3. Pawilen, R.A. and Pawilen, Reidan M. (2017). Philippine Politics and Governance. Rex
Bookstore, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City.
4. Tabajen, Rhene C. and Pulma, Erlinda B. (2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. JFS
Publishing Services, Jorge Street, Pasay City.
5. Palispis, Epitacio (2007). Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology. Rex Publishing Corp.


Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
City of Naga, Cebu


(QUARTER 3 – WEEK 4 and 5)
(1) (6) (11)
(2) (7) (12)
(3) (8) (13)
(4) (9) (14)
(5) (10) (15)

Symbol Box
Cultural Social Political Economic


(QUARTER 3 – WEEK 4 and 5)
(1) (6) (11)
(2) (7) (12)
(3) (8) (13)
(4) (9) (14)
(5) (10) (15)

Author’s Suggested Scores

Written Work
Pre-test 15/15
Post test 15/15
Activity B: “Symbol This. Symbol That” 14 + 1 (bonus) = 15/15
Performance Task
Activity B: Discussion Questions 30/30 (10 pts each answered box)
Activity 3: “Rate the Influencer” 10/10 (If the student answered the
activity automatically he gets 10 pts.)
Activity 3: Discussion Questions 40/40 (10 pts each answered box)
Enrichment Activity: “Step Away” 30/30 (5 pts each answered box)


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