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Contact Information .................................................................................................ii
Figures............................................................................................... viii

Tables .................................................................................................. ix

1. Receiving and Handling Instructions ........................................ 1

1.1 Receiving Inspection................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Handling and Storing Considerations........................................................................ 1
1.3 Disposal Statement................................................................................................... 1

2. General Information.................................................................... 3
2.1 Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) Description........................................................... 4
2.2 Available Data .......................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Statuses................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Proportional Values............................................................................................... 6
2.3 LED Descriptions...................................................................................................... 7

3. Configuration Information.......................................................... 8
3.1 Hardware Considerations ......................................................................................... 8
3.2 Monitor Options ........................................................................................................ 8
3.3 Channel Options..................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Temperature Channel Configuration Considerations........................................... 10
3.3.2 Group Summary ................................................................................................. 11
3.3.3 Range Setup....................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4 Temperature Channel Configuration Options ...................................................... 12
3.4 Available Setpoints ................................................................................................. 19
3.5 Software Switches .................................................................................................. 23
3.5.1 Module Switches................................................................................................. 23
3.5.2 Channel Switches ............................................................................................... 25

4. I/O Module Descriptions ........................................................... 26

4.1 Internal Termination I/O Modules............................................................................ 26
4.1.1 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
termination) ........................................................................................................................ 27
4.1.2 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal termination)28
! "! #
4.1.3 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
4.1.4 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal
4.2 Barrier Temperature I/O Module..............................................................................31
4.2.1 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders).............................31
4.2.2 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders)..................................32
4.2.3 Wiring Euro Style Connectors..............................................................................33
4.3 External Termination I/O Modules ...........................................................................34
4.3.1 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
4.3.2 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, external termination)
4.3.3 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
4.3.4 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with Recorders, external
4.4 External Termination Blocks....................................................................................39
4.4.1 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors) .....39
4.4.2 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors) ........40
4.4.3 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors) 41
4.4.4 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors) ...42
4.4.5 Recorder External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors) ........................43
4.4.6 Recorder External Termination Block (Euro style connectors) ............................44
4.5 External Termination Cables ...................................................................................45

5. Maintenance .............................................................................. 47
5.1 Verifying a 3500 Rack - Temperature Monitor .........................................................47
5.1.1 Choosing a Maintenance Interval ........................................................................47
5.1.2 Required Test Equipment....................................................................................48
5.1.3 Typical Verification Setup ....................................................................................48
5.1.4 Using the Rack Configuration Software ...............................................................49
5.1.5 Verifying RTD Temperature Channels.................................................................51
5.1.6 Verifying Thermocouple Temperature Channels..................................................57
5.1.7 Verify Recorder Outputs (3500/61) ......................................................................66
5.1.8 If a Channel Fails a Verification Test ...................................................................67
5.2 Performing Firmware Upgrades...............................................................................68

6. Troubleshooting........................................................................ 70
6.1 Self-test...................................................................................................................70
6.2 LED Indication of Monitor Status .............................................................................71
6.3 System Event List Messages ..................................................................................73
6.4 Alarm Event List Messages .................................................................................... 86
6.5 Advanced Diagnostics ............................................................................................ 87

7. Ordering Information ................................................................ 89

7.1 Ordering Options - 3500/60 .................................................................................... 89
7.2 Ordering Options - 3500/61 .................................................................................... 89
7.3 Ordering Options - Cables ...................................................................................... 90
7.3.1 I/O module to External Termination Block Cable................................................. 90
7.3.2 Recorder Output to Recorder External Termination Block Cable......................... 90
7.4 Spares – 3500/60 Temperature Monitor ................................................................. 91
7.5 Spares – 3500/61 Temperature Monitor ................................................................. 91

8. Specifications ............................................................................. 1
! "! #

Figure 2-1 Front and Rear View............................................................................................3
Figure 2-2 LED’s...................................................................................................................7
Figure 3-3 Transducer Orientation ......................................................................................17
Figure 4-1 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
termination) .................................................................................................................27
Figure 4-2 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, Internal Termination)
Figure 4-3 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
termination) .................................................................................................................29
Figure 4-4 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal
termination) .................................................................................................................30
Figure 4-5 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders) ...........................31
Figure 4-6 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders) ................................32
Figure 4-7 Removing Terminal Blocks from an Internal Termination I/O module.................33
Figure 4-8 Connecting field wiring to an Internal Termination I/O module ...........................33
Figure 4-9 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
termination) .................................................................................................................34
Figure 4-10 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, with recorders, external
termination) .................................................................................................................36
Figure 4-11 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
termination) .................................................................................................................37
Figure 4-12 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, external
termination) .................................................................................................................38
Figure 4-13 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors) .39
Figure 4-14 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors).....40
Figure 4-15 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip
connectors) .................................................................................................................41
Figure 4-16 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors) 42
Figure 4-17 Recorder External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors)....................43
Figure 4-18 Recorder External Termination Block (Euro style connectors) ........................44
Figure 4-19 Transducer Signal to ET Block Cable, part number 134544-XXXX-XX ............45
Figure 4- 20 3500 Six-Channel Recorder Output to ET Block Cable, part number 134543-
XXXX-XX ....................................................................................................................46
Figure 5-1 Typical Verification Setup ..................................................................................48
Figure 5-2 Connect test equipment to input terminals .........................................................49
Figure 5-3 RTD Temperature Test Setup............................................................................52
Figure 5-4 Thermocouple Temperature Test Setup ............................................................59
Figure 5-5 Test equipment connection to verify recorder outputs.......................................66
Figure 5-6 Connection of multimeter ...................................................................................66
Table 2-1 Module Statuses................................................................................................... 6
Table 3-2 Full Scale Ranges by Thermocouple Type ......................................................... 14
Table 3-3 Full Scale Ranges by RTD Sensor Type ............................................................ 15
Table 3-4 Worst Case Minimum Alarm Time Delay ............................................................ 18
Table 3-5 Setpoints for Differential Temperature Channel Type ......................................... 21
Table 3-6 Setpoints for Temperature Channel Type ........................................................... 22
Table 3-7 Module Software Switches ................................................................................. 24
Table 3-8 Channel Software Switches................................................................................ 25
Table 4-1 I/O modules and supported transducers............................................................. 26
Table 4-2 Available versions of Temperature I/O modules ................................................. 26
Table 5-1 RTD Transducer OK Limits ................................................................................ 57
Table 5-2 Thermocouple Transducer OK Limit ................................................................... 65
Table 6-1 LED Indication of Monitor Status ........................................................................ 71
Table 6-2 Sample System Event ........................................................................................ 73
Table 6-3 System Event Class Value Descriptions............................................................. 73
Table 6-4 Alarm Event Message ........................................................................................ 87
Table 8-1 Maximum Thermocouple Wire Length by Gauge.................................................. 2
Table 8-2 CJC Error by I/O Module and Backplane type ...................................................... 2

# 4 !
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" )

Application Alert

Machinery protection will be lost when this

module is removed from the rack.

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1 %*
Figure 4-1 Front and Rear View
1. Status LEDs refer to section 2.3 LED Descriptions.
2. I/O Module, Internal Termination, refer to section 4.1 Internal Termination I/O Modules
3. I/O Module, External Termination, refer to section 4.3 External Termination I/O Modules
4. Barrier Temperature I/O Module, refer to section 4.2
, 4 % ! ! " &
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' ' ' " *$ $ /& % "
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.. ( ! ) !
This indicates if the module is functioning correctly. A not OK status is returned under any
of the following conditions:
• Module Hardware Failure
• Node Voltage Failure
• Configuration Failure
• Transducer Failure
• Slot ID Failure
• Channel not OK
If the Module OK status goes not OK, then the system OK Relay on the Rack Interface I/O
Module will be driven not OK.
Alert/Alarm 1
This indicates whether the module has entered Alert/Alarm 1. A module will enter the
Alert/Alarm 1 state when the process proportional value provided by the module exceeds its
configured Alert/Alarm 1 setpoint.
Danger/Alarm 2
This indicates whether the module has entered Danger/Alarm 2. A module will enter the
Danger/Alarm 2 state when the process proportional value provided by the module exceeds
its configured Danger/Alarm 2 setpoint.
This indicates when the module has bypassed alarming the proportional value of a channel.
When a channel bypass status is set, this module bypass status will also be set.
Configuration Fault
This indicates if the monitor configuration is valid.

.. . ) !
This indicates whether or not the associated module channel has detected a fault. A not
OK status is returned under any of the following conditions:
• Transducer Failure
• Channel Specific Hardware Failure
Alert/Alarm 1
This indicates whether the associated module channel has entered Alert/Alarm 1. A
channel will enter the Alert/Alarm 1 state when any proportional value provided by the
channel exceeds its configured Alert/Alarm 1 setpoint.
Danger/Alarm 2
This indicates whether the associated module channel has entered Danger/Alarm 2. A
channel will enter the Danger/Alarm 2 state when any proportional value provided by the
channel exceeds its configured Danger/Alarm 2 setpoint.
This indicates that the channel has bypassed alarming for one or more of its proportional
values. A channel bypass status may result from the following conditions:
• Temperature Monitor has never been configured
• Temperature Monitor is in configuration mode
, 4 % ! ! " &
• Temperature Channel has an invalid configuration
• Temperature Monitor is in power up self-test
• Fatal error found during self-test
• Alarming is bypassed via a software switch
• Rack Alarm Inhibit is enabled.
This indicates whether the channel has been turned off. The monitor channels may be
turned off (inactivated) using the Rack Configuration Software.

#$ % * ) '$ *' *$ $ ' ' '& % "

Statuses Communication Rack Operator

Gateway Configuration Display
Module Software Software

Module OK X X

Module Alert/Alarm 1 X X

Module Danger/Alarm 2 X X

Module Bypass X

Module Configuration Fault X

Channel OK X X X

Channel Alert/Alarm 1 X X X

Channel Danger/Alarm 2 X X X

Channel Bypass X X X

Channel Off X X
Table 4-1 Module Statuses

... , : !
' & '' ' ' ' " $ &$
#$ # ' & '' " '

! ! " & , 4 %
.% ;8 8
#$ 8-6' $ % % $ # "& $ )
' ' % $ " ' '$ * $ % * )%) % 1 & ! %

% $ 8-6 & " '

Figure 4-2 LED’s

1. OK: Indicates that the Temperature Monitor and the Temperature I/O Module are
operating correctly.
2. TX/RX: Flashes at the rate that messages are received and transmitted
3. BYPASS: Indicates that some of the monitor functions are temporarily suppressed.
. %) 4 % ! ! " &

% !
#$ ! ! # ' $ "& %)
/ #$ ' ' & '' $ '1 & 5 .$
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$ * ' " $ &+ . % ) 1 %*

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' ' "% * ' ' 1 ' ' "% % & " 5
$ $ # ' 6 4 % & $ &+ 4 % &
" 1 ' $ )$ & "F ) ' 'G #$ ! !
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' " % & 664>5 #64> #6> 5 % $ $ %
' ' & ' $' / & / & %)

%. ( <
#$ ' ' & " '& ' $ ' $ #
& %) '& ' " " '& '' ' & %) & '" '

! ! " & . %) 4 %

Reference Information

#$ ' % "' & % $ "& ' *$ &$ " / & %) )

The location of the Temperature Monitor in the 3500 rack (2 through 15).
Rack Type
The type of Rack Interface Module installed in the rack (Standard or TMR).
Configuration ID
A unique six character identifier, which is entered when a configuration is downloaded to
the 3500 rack.
Slot Input/Output Module Type
The I/O field lets you identify the type of I/O Module that is attached to the monitor. The
option selected must agree with the I/O module installed.
RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (Internal Termination)
This I/O module is explained in sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (External Termination)
This I/O module is explained in sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2.
Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (Internal Termination)
This I/O module is explained in sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4.

. %) 4 % ! ! " &
Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (External Termination)
This I/O module is explained in sections 4.3.3 and 4.3.4.
Barrier Temperature I/O Module
This I/O module is explained in section 4.2.
Channel Type
Two channel types are available on the 3500/60-/61 Temperature Monitor
Temperature channel type
This channel type offers a simple configuration where only basic temperature
measurements are required.
Differential Temperature channel type
This channel type has additional options for composite temperature measurements.
Line Noise Rejection
This field allows selection of 50Hz or 60 Hz line noise rejection. Depending on the system
power source being used, this option should be selected to match with the line frequency.
If the incorrect option is set, the line noise from the system power source may couple into
the input signals.
Group Summary (Differential Temperature Only)
Select this button to bring up a read only summary showing how all the composite and
differential proportional values are configured.
Recorder Setup (3500/61 Only)
This button allows each recorder to be configured for any channel and proportional value.
Range Setup (Differential Temperature Only)
This button shows all of the channels range and clamp values. Optionally it can display this
information for all the channels that make up the composite proportional value for a
particular channel.
Use this button to copy one channels complete configuration to any or all of the other

Channel 1 through Channel 6

#$ % "' * $ $ ' : ' $ "& " &$

Used to select whether the functions of the channel will be turned ( ) or off ( ).
To display the configuration options for the selected channel type.

%% <
#$ ' ' & " '& '' ' $ . %) . '" ' " $ &+
. %) 1 %* '& ' '' & "* $ $ # .$ /

%% ! !
. '" $ % * ) ' % & %) ) # .$ 2
! ! " & . %) 4 %
• #$ % '& ' * "" " $ '" & /
• 0 ' % ' $ & ' $
&$ $ ' % $ " &
• 1 ' / / ' &$ ' $ &
• C$ % '& ) ' " % "5 "( ' $ ' ' '' & "* $
$ &$

% % . 3 ! )!
#$ ' ' & " '& ' $ " / '& $ ) ' $ ) ' /

View Mode
Show all
Lists all configured differential and composite proportional values.
Composite only
List only configured composite proportional values
Differential only
List only configured differential proportional values
Enabled only
. %) 4 % ! ! " &
List all calculated proportional values that are configured to be active.

%%% # ) !

#$ ' ' & " '& ' $ ' $ ) 1 '&

View Mode
Show All
displays and allows modification of all the full scale and clamp values for every enabled
proportional value.
Only Channel(s) in Grouping for [Channel #]
displays and allows modification of all the full scale and clamp values for all the channels
that are a part of the composite proportional value for the chosen channel.

%%9 ! ! <
#$ ' ' & " '& ' $ ' $ # .$
& %) '&
! ! " & . %) 4 %

%%9 #
#$ ' % "' & % $ "& ' *$ &$ &$ /
& %) )
The number of the channel being configured (1 through 6).
The location of the monitor in the 3500 rack (2 through 15).
Rack Type
The type of Rack Interface Module installed in the rack (Standard or TMR).

%%9. ; - +, : ! 1
The Enable field contains the units, full-scale range, and clamp value for the enabled
Temperature proportional value. Direct is always enabled, composite and differential can
be enabled by configuring for a channel type of “Differential Temperature and checking the
enable boxes next to the desired proportional value.
Range Options
The Direct full-scale ranges are listed below in the following tables
. %) 4 % ! ! " &

Type of Full-scale Ranges Temperature

Thermocouple Range
°C °F
Type J 0 to 100 0 to 200 -18 to 760° C
0 to 150 0 to 300 (0 to 1400° F)
0 to 200 0 to 400
0 to 250 0 to 500
0 to 500 0 to 1000
0 to 750 Custom*
Type K 0 to 100 0 to 200 -18 to 1370° C
0 to 150 0 to 300 (0 to 2498° F)
0 to 200 0 to 400
0 to 250 0 to 500
0 to 500 0 to 1000
0 to 750 0 to 1500
0 to 1000 0 to 2000
Custom* Custom*
Type E -100 to 100 -100 to 100 -100 to 1000° C
0 to 100 0 to 200 (-148 to 1832° F)
0 to 150 0 to 300
0 to 200 0 to 400
0 to 250 0 to 500
0 to 500 0 to 1000
0 to 750 0 to 1500
0 to 1000 Custom*
Type T -100 to 100 -100 to 100 -160 to 400° C
0 to 100 0 to 200 (-256 to 752° F)
0 to 150 0 to 300
0 to 200 0 to 400
0 to 250 0 to 500
Custom* Custom*

Table 5-2 Full Scale Ranges by Thermocouple Type

! ! " & . %) 4 %

Type of RTD Full-scale Ranges Temperature Range

°C °F
100 ohm Platinum -50 to 2001 -122 to 2001 -50 to 700° C1
-50 to 1001 -122 to 200 (-122 to 1292° F) 1
-200 to 200 -100 to 100
-100 to 100 0 to 200 -200 to 700° C
0 to 100 0 to 300 (-328 to 1292° F)
0 to 150 0 to 400
0 to 200 0 to 500
0 to 250 0 to 1000
0 to 500 Custom*
100 ohm Platinum -50 to 2001 -122 to 2001 -50 to 850° C1
-50 to 1001 -122 to 200 (-122 to 1562° F) 1
-200 to 200 -100 to 100
-100 to 100 0 to 200 -200 to 850° C
0 to 100 0 to 300 (-328 to 1562° F)
0 to 150 0 to 400
0 to 200 0 to 500
0 to 250 0 to 1000
0 to 500 0 to 1500
0 to 750 Custom*
10 ohm Copper -50 to 1001 -122 to 1001 -50 to 260° C1
-100 to 100 -100 to 100 (-122 to 500° F) 1
0 to 100 0 to 200
0 to 150 0 to 300 -100 to 260° C
0 to 200 0 to 400 (-148 to 500° F)
0 to 250 0 to 500
Custom* Custom*
120 ohm Nickel 0 to 100 0 to 200 -80 to 260° C
0 to 150 0 to 300 (-112 to 500° F)
0 to 200 0 to 400
0 to 250 0 to 500
Custom* Custom*
See section 4 I/O Module Descriptions for a list of which transducers are supported on each I/O module.
Not all transducers are supported on every I/O module.
1 - With external barriers

Table 5-3 Full Scale Ranges by RTD Sensor Type

. %) 4 % ! ! " &
9 . ' " 6 %% ' $ % '& ) '
* & " / &+ . %) ' %* ' " $ % '& ) '
% $ " " &$ '
The lower and upper limits of the range can be set to anything within the supported
transducer temperature range. The upper limit must be 100° greater than the lower limit.
Maximum, Minimum
If Composite and Differential proportional values are enabled, their full-scale range is
entered here. The limits of the full-scale range will be computed by the Rack Configuration
Software and is based from the selected full-scale range on the direct values.
Clamp Value
Reported proportional value when that channel or proportional value is bypassed or
defeated (for example, when a problem occurs with the transducer). The selected value
must be between the minimum and the maximum full-scale range value. Only the values
available from the Communication Gateway and Display Interface Module are clamped to
the specified value when the proportional value is invalid.

%%9% <= (
' $ = " ) " $ * $ &$ =' ' ' %% & "
*$ $ &$ ) ' = " $ ' =' #$ ' ' '
%% & ' $ ' % $ &+ = / $ &+ 4 % & "

If a channel is configured for Latching OK, once the channel has gone not OK the status
stays not OK until a reset is issued. Reset a latched not OK by using one of the following
• Pushing the reset switch on the front of the Rack Interface Module
• Closing the reset contact on the back of the Rack Interface Module
• Selecting the Rack Reset command in the Rack Configuration or Operator Display
• Issuing the reset command through the Communication Gateway Module.
• Issuing the reset command through the Display Interface Module.

The channel OK status will return to an OK state once the not OK condition is removed.

%%99 (# + (# ! 1
C$ & %) " ' % # ) "" ' 1
' & # " " " # 6 '&
The enabled proportional value of the TMR monitor group that is used to determine how far
apart the values of the three monitors can be from each other before an entry is added to
the System Event List.
% Comparison
! ! " & . %) 4 %
The highest allowed percent difference between the middle value of the three monitors in a
TMR group and the individual values of each monitor.

%%9& ! )
0' $ ' ' & *$ &$ '" & * ' "% $ ) &$ 3
&$ & ' ' " ' & - < '

1 & -: , & 4' % $ : '& & "
* $ " $ '" & 7 ' ' " ' & $
% )/ $ & % * $ H " ' C$ ' & ) : '5
$ * % '& ) ' °.% ' #6' 1 %

%%9 ! <
#$ ' ' $ & % $ '" & $ &$ #$ ) %
) ' ? " ) ' % )$ ' ' "% $ "
$ " " % $ &$ #$ ' % " ' % % ' ' /
" / % '" % ' ) % $ % * )%) 2

Shaft Driven end

Driver end


Figure 5-3 Transducer Orientation

. %) 4 % ! ! " &
%%95 8
#$ *$ &$ '
' 5 * " ' % '" & " '
Alert/Alarm 1
First level alarm that occurs when the transducer signal level exceeds the selected
Alert/Alarm 1 setpoint. The Alert/Alarm 1 time delay is set at one second intervals (from 1
to 60) for the proportional value.
Danger/Alarm 2
Second level alarm that occurs when the transducer signal level exceeds the selected
Danger/Alarm 2 setpoint. The Danger/Alarm 2 time delay can be set in 0.5-second
intervals (from 1 to 60) or to the minimum alarm time delay for the proportional value. The
minimum specified alarm time delay depends on firmware and hardware revision of the
temperature monitor and complexity of the configuration. The worst-case scenarios are
included in the following table.

% 3& C ' . '

.$ ' 3
# 6 /

! '

#* '

#$ '

9 ! '

9 '

1: ? '
Table 5-4 Worst Case Minimum Alarm Time Delay

%%9 (
Once an alarm is active it will remain active even after the proportional value drops below
the configured setpoint level. The channel will remain in alarm until reset by using one of
the following methods:
• Pressing the reset switch on the front of the Rack Interface Module
• Closing the reset contact on the Rack Interface I/O Module

! ! " & . %) 4 %
• Selecting the Rack Reset command in the Rack Configuration or Operator Display
• Issuing the reset command through the Communication Gateway or Display
Interface Module.
When an alarm is active, it will go inactive as soon as the proportional value drops below
the configured setpoint level.

3 3 '$ " $ % ' $ && ' *$ $ '" &

') :& "' $ ' & " 6 ) 3 '$ " $ ' & "
$ && ' *$ $ '" & ' ) :& "' $ ' & "
#$ 3 3 "6 ) 3 ' ' $ 1

%9 - )
#$ ' ' & ' &% ' $ ' '% $ # &$ 3
' ' $ * $ $ % '& ) $ " ' *$
&& ' #$ ) 1/' *' * 3 3 ' '
' " " ' ' &$ #
#$ &$ * " 3 3 "& % $ &$
:& "' ' ' ' #$ ) 1/' ' *'
* 6 ) 3 ' ' ' " " '
' % &$ # &$ #$ &$ * " 6 ) 3
"& % $ &$ :& "' ' ' '


Setpoint Over and Under limits can only be

placed within the valid range of the specified

. %) 4 % ! ! " &
0' $ % * ) '& $ &+ . %) 1 %* "( ' 3 3
"6 ) 3 ' '

#$ % * ) ' ' $ 3 3 "6 ) 3 ' '% $

# #$ ' ' ' " $ . &
, * / "6' /4 % & "
! ! " & . %) 4 %

Differential Temperature Channel Type

Temperature Setpoint

1 Over Temperature
Alert/Alarm 1

2 Under Temperature
Alert/Alarm 1

3 Over Composite Alert/Alarm


4 Under Composite
Alert/Alarm 1

5 Over Differential
Alert/Alarm 1

6 Under Differential
Alert/Alarm 1

7 Over Danger/Alarm 2

8 Under Danger/Alarm 2

9 Over Danger/Alarm 2

10 Under Danger/Alarm 2
Table 5-5 Setpoints for Differential Temperature Channel Type

Temperature Channel Type

Temperature Setpoint

1 Over Alert/Alarm 1

2 Under Alert/Alarm 1

3 Over Danger/Alarm 2

4 Under Danger/Alarm 2
. %) 4 % ! ! " &
Table 5-6 Setpoints for Temperature Channel Type

3 $ 3 3 ' ' " "% ' 5% * " / $ & %) "

6 ) 3 ' '
! ! " & . %) 4 %

%& ) $ )$
#$ # ' ' * " ' %* '* &$ ' " %
&$ ' %* '* &$ ' #$ ' '* &$ ' / / / ''5 $ 5
+ " &$ % & ' 1 $ ' '* &$ ' $ ) $
)$ '& " $ 2 $ '& % $ &+

. %) 1 %*

&$ ) '* + %% & $ ) ' '' "

%& ( ! )$
Configuration Mode
This switch allows the monitor to be configured. To configure the monitor, enable ( ) this
switch and set the key switch on the front of the Rack Interface Module in the PROGRAM
position. When downloading a configuration from the Rack Configuration Software, this
switch will automatically be enabled and disabled by the Rack Configuration Software. If
the connection to the rack is lost during the configuration process, use this switch to remove
the module from Configuration Mode.
. %) 4 % ! ! " &
Monitor Alarm Bypass
When this switch is enabled, the monitor does not perform alarming functions. All
proportional values are still provided.

#$ '* &$ ' ' " $ . & , * / "6' /

4 % & "

Module Switch Number Switch Name

1 Configuration Mode

3 Monitor Alarm Bypass

Table 5-7 Module Software Switches
! ! " & . %) 4 %
%&. )$
Alert Bypass
When this switch is enabled, the channel does not perform Alert alarming functions.
Danger Bypass
When this switch is enabled, the channel does not perform Danger alarming functions.
When this switch is enabled, the channel provides no alarming functions and supplies no
proportional values.
Return CJC Value
When the Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) value is enabled, the cold junction
temperature of the I/O module is displayed on the respective channel during verification.
See the Verify Channel Values - TC Temperature section, for details (When CJC value is
enabled, alarming is always bypassed for this channel).

#$ &$ '* &$ ' ' " $ . & , * / "6' /

4 % & "

Channel Switch Number Switch Name

1 Alert Bypass

2 Danger Bypass

4 Bypass

5 Return CJC Value

Table 5-8 Channel Software Switches
4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

9 >< ( ! 8
#$ # 4 " & ' "& " '') '% $
'' & " & ' #6 $ & #. '" & ' #$ '
') ' $ ' $ # % "" ') & '' )
#$ ! # " ' $ ' ' $ ! * $
$ "" % " ) 3 & " % &$ &$ 4
" ' A "% &$ # 4 ' $ 4 " $ "
$ &+ &+5 $
7 +$ " &+ & % ) #$ ! "! # ' '
$ % * )4 " / '2
Thermocouple 3-wire RTD 4-wire RTD
RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module X X X
Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module X
Barrier Temperature I/O Module X X

Table 6-1 I/O modules and supported transducers

3500/60 Without 3500/61 With Internal External
Recorders Recorders Termination Termination
RTD/TC Temperature I/O X X X X
Isolated TC Temperature X X X X
I/O Module
Barrier Temperature I/O X X X

Table 6-2 Available versions of Temperature I/O modules

#$ ' ' & " '& ' $ & & '% $ ' " '5 ' ' *$ &$ & ' ' 5
" '$ *' $ ' % $ & ' #$ 9 "C )6 ) &+ )
'$ *' $ * & & '" & ' " & " ' $
4 " $ -: # 7 &+

9 >< ( !
4 # 4
" ' A / * &$ '" & "
& " $ 4 " " & / #$ ' ' & " &' $ 4 #
4 " ' " '$ *' $ * & & $ * ' $ - 1/ & &

! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

9 # 8> ! >< ( ! +%&''>/'? $ ! ?

#$ ' 4 " && ' * #65 * #6 " $ & ' #$
' $'4 % & " '/' ) " " ' ' &$ $

'" & ' ' ' "% &$ ) "

Figure 6-1 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
1. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, and 3 to the I/O
2. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 4, 5, and 6 to the I/O
4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

9 . # 8> ! >< ( ! +%&''>/ ? $ ?

#$ ' 4 " && ' * #65 * #6 " $ & ' #$
' $'4 % & " '/' ) " " ' ' &$ $

'" & ' ' ' "% &$ ) "

Figure 6-2 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, Internal

3. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, and 3 to the I/O
4. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 4, 5, and 6 to the I/O
5. Connect each channel of output recorders to the I/O module.

! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

9 % ! >< ( ! +%&''>/'? $ ! ?
#$ ' 4 " && ' $ & ' #$ ' $'4 " $
$ '/' ) " ' " &$ &$ ' #$ ' 4
" & ' "* $) " " $ & '

Figure 6-3 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal

6. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, and 3 to the I/O
7. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 4, 5, and 6 to the I/O

4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

9 9 ! >< ( ! +%&''>/ ? $ ?
#$ ' 4 " && ' $ & ' #$ ' $'4 " $
$ '/' ) " ' " &$ &$ ' #$ ' 4

" & ' "* $) " " $ & '

Figure 6-4 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal

1. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, and 3 to the I/O
2. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 4, 5, and 6 to the I/O
3. Connect each channel of output recorders to the I/O module.
! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

9. ! >< ( !
#$ ' 4 " " ' ' : &$ ' % '& /' % ') & " )%
$ #. " * #6 '" & ' 3 - $ ) " ' A "%
'/' ' $ ' 4 7 4 " ' " '& /' % $
& & % '& /' % & ' % $ &+ 4 ' "
& % '/' A ' *$ ' )4 7 4
" '

9. ! >< ( ! +%&''>/'? $ ! 1

Figure 6-5 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders)

1. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, and 3 to the I/O
2. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 4, 5, and 6 to the I/O
4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &
9.. ! >< ( ! +%&''>/ ? $ 1

Figure 6-6 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders)

4. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, and 3 to the I/O
5. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 4, 5, and 6 to the I/O
6. Connect each channel of output recorders to the I/O module.
! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

9.% 7 ;! )
# &+ % ' ' 5 ' $ '& *' &$ ) $
&+ $ ' 5) $ &+ % / " 6 $ &+
/ '* ' & ' $'& " ' " ) $ * ' & &

Figure 6-7 Removing Terminal Blocks from an Internal Termination I/O module

% $ 9 "C )6 ) &+ ) % $ & " "* ) 6

$ ! % ' % $ * '

Figure 6-8 Connecting field wiring to an Internal Termination I/O module

4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

9 % ;@ >< ( !
-: # 4 " ' / ' %/ $ * ) $ 4 " '
&+ / ' ) & " & & ' $ ') ' "% $
' ' $ 4 " - &$ % $ ' 4 " ' A ' :
&+ ' & -: # 7 &+' " & ' &
-: # . '

9% # 8> ! >< ( ! +%&''>/'? $ ! ?

@ 1
#$ ' 4 " && ' * #65 * #6 " $ & ' #$
' $'4 % & " '/' ) " " ' ' &$ $

'" & ' ' ' "% &$ ) "

Figure 6-9 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

1. Connect the I/O module to the External Termination Block using cable 134544-XXXX-
4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

9 % . # 8> ! >< ( ! +%&''>/ ? $ ? @

#$ ' 4 " && ' * #65 * #6 " $ & ' #$
' $'4 % & " '/' ) " " ' ' &$ $

'" & ' ' ' "% &$ ) "

Figure 6-10 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, with recorders, external

1. Connect the I/O module to the External Termination Block using cable 134544-XXXX-
2. Connect the I/O module to the Recorder External Termination Block using cable
134543-XXXX -XX.

! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

9%% ! >< ( ! +%&''>/'? $ ! ?

@ 1
#$ ' 4 " && ' $ & ' #$ ' $'4 " $
$ '/' ) " ' " &$ &$ ' #$ ' 4
" & ' "* $) " " $ & '

Figure 6-11 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
1. Connect the I/O module to the External Termination Block using cable 134544-XXX-XX.
4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

9%9 ! >< ( ! +%&''>/ ? $ # ?

@ 1
#$ ' 4 " && ' $ & ' #$ ' $'4 " $
$ '/' ) " ' " &$ &$ ' #$ ' 4
" & ' "* $) " " $ & '

Figure 6-12 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, external

1. Connect the I/O module to the External Termination Block using cable 134544-XXXX-
2. Connect the I/O module to the Recorder External Termination Block using cable

! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

9 9 ;@ *
#$ $ / ' % -: # 7 &+' ' " * $ # 4
" $ #6 #.5 #. 4' "5 " & " -: # 7 &+'
- &$ / & '* $ $ ' - '/ & & '% %
' : " %% -: # 7 &+'

99 # 8> ! ;@ *+

Figure 6-13 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip

1. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the
External Termination Block.
2. Connect the Transducer I/O module to the Transducer’s External Termination Block
using cable 134544-XXXX-XX.
3. Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3
4. Channel 4, Channel 5, and Channel 6

4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

9 9 . # 8> ! ;@ * +;!

Figure 6-14 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors)
1. Connect the wire from the transducers associated with Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the
External Termination Block.
2. Connect the Transducer I/O module to the Transducer’s External Termination Block
using cable 134544-XXXX-XX.
3. Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3
4. Channel 4, Channel 5, and Channel 6
! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

99% ! ;@ *+

Figure 6-15 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip


1. Connect the wire form the transducers associated with Channel 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 to the
External Termination Block.
2. Connect the Transducer I/O module to the Transducer’s External Termination Block
using cable 134544-XXXX-XX.
3. Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3
4. Channel 4, Channel 5, and Channel 6
4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

999 ! ;@ * +;!

Figure 6-16 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style

1. Connect the wire form the transducers associated with Channel 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 to the
External Termination Block.
2. Connect the Transducer I/O module to the Transducer’s External Termination Block
using cable 134544-XXXX-XX.
3. Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3
4. Channel 4, Channel 5, and Channel 6
! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

99& # ;@ *+ 1

Figure 6-17 Recorder External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors)

1. Connect the recorders associated with Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the Recorder
External Termination Block.
2. Connect the Transducer I/O module to the Transducer’s External Termination Block
using cable 134543-XXXX-XX.
3. Channel 1, Channel 2, and Channel 3
4. Channel 4, Channel 5, and Channel 6
4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

99/ # ;@ * +;! 1

Figure 6-18 Recorder External Termination Block (Euro style connectors)

1. Connect the recorders associated with Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the Recorder
External Termination Block.
2. Connect the Transducer I/O module to the Transducer’s External Termination Block
using cable 134543-XXXX-XX.
3. Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3
4. Channel 4, Channel 5, Channel 6
! ! " & 4 " 6 '& '

9 & ;@ -

Figure 6-19 Transducer Signal to ET Block Cable, part number 134544-XXXX-XX

4 " 6 '& ' ! ! " &

Figure 6- 20 3500 Six-Channel Recorder Output to ET Block Cable, part number


! ! " & &

& (
#$ "'
"& ' '" % " '& " $
% " ) &+ & ' ' ' % ' ) " &$ ' %/ $
$ / )& & / " ' $ )& & / '$ "
& "* $ '
C$ % " /5 $ ' " / "% $ &+ *$
* ' " $ &+ % $ &+ 4 ' " &
@ !! % $ & "
#$ ' ' & '$ *' $ * %/ $ % &$ ' #
' & "$ * ) " % * ' &

& : %&'' # *0 ! (
#$ ) 1/' ' $ )$ &' ' $ A '
& #$ % & ' % &$ '5 $ * 5 ' % "
) ' 3 &$ & 5* & " $ / ' $
& " ' $'' & %/ $ % & &$ ' $
4 ' / & '' / %/ $ ' " && &/ % &$
' $ &

Section Topic Page

Number Number
5.1.1 Choosing a Maintenance Interval 47
5.1.2 Required Test Equipment 48
5.1.3 Typical Verification Setup 48
5.1.4 Using the Rack Configuration Software 49
5.1.5 Verifying RTD Temperature Channels 51
5.1.6 Verifying Thermocouple Temperature 57
5.1.7 Verify Recorder Outputs 66
5.1.8 If a Channel Fails a Verification Test 67

& (
0' $ % * ) &$ &$ ' & 2
& ! ! " &
1 * $ % / " $ '$ $ % / % $
% * )& " ' /2
#$ " &$ ' & '' % " ' & &
#$ &+ ' ) $ '$ ' &$ ' :
5 $ )$ $ " /5 & ' ' $

3 &$ 5 ' $ ' ' % $ ' %& ' " 41

& " "( ' $

& . # "! ;"!

#$ %& & " ' $'' & A $ % * ) ' A
RTD list
1. Decade resistance (with an accuracy of 0.01 Ω)
Thermocouple list
2. Precision millivolt source
3. Multimeter (with an accuracy of 0.001 mV)
4. A temperature meter with sensor (with an accuracy of 0.1 °C)

& % : ) !
#$ % * )%) '$ *' $ / & ' ' % %/ ) #
#$ ' A ' ' " ' $ '" & ' ) " $
& ' ' " ' $ % $ &+

Figure 7-1 Typical Verification Setup

5. Required Test Equipment

6. 3500 Rack
7. Laptop Computer
8. RS-232 Communications
! ! " & &

# '" & ' & & & " &+ / % * /' 6 " )
$ * ) % $ 4 " %/ 5& & $ ' A

$ ' ) % $ % * ) $ "'2
Figure 7-2 Connect test equipment to input terminals

9. Field wiring connectors

10. Internal Termination I/O module
11. External Termination Block with Euro connectors
12. External Termination Block with terminal strip connectors

& 9 2 # * ! ) $
#$ & $ ' % $ ' ' ' ' $ &+ . % )
1 %* "' / % $ &+ " ' & )
' $ &+ # % $ ' & " ' $'' & / '
% * $ $ % * )% ' % $ &+ . % ) 1 %*
0 "5 6 * "5 "1 & %) % '
- ""' &$ ' " '
7/ '' &$ ' " '
6' / $ < %& '&
#$ &+ . % ) "# ' 0 ', " @ : '
$ * % $ ' '

& ! ! " &
It is important to save the original rack configuration before doing any
maintenance and/or troubleshooting procedures. It may be necessary
during these procedures to change some configuration settings that
must be restored to their original values at the conclusion of the
procedures. At that time the original configuration should be
downloaded to the rack.

#$ % * )%) ' '$ * $ * $ < %& '& "' /' %


13. Rack Status: Displays the status of the rack.

14. Module Status: Displays status of the temperature monitor.
15. Channel Status: Displays the status of the given channel.
16. OK Limit Verification Fields: These fields display output for verifying OK Limits.
17. Group Settings: These fields show how the monitor calculates each proportional value
18. Current Value Verification Fields: These fields display output for verifying channel
output. Setpoints are indicated by lines on the bargraph display:
Alarm Setpoints are indicated on the bar graph as follows:
5. Danger/Alarm 2 Over - Solid Red Line
6. Alert/Alarm 1 Over - Solid Yellow Line
7. Alert/Alarm 1 Under - Dashed Yellow Line
8. Danger/Alarm 2 Under - Dashed Red Line
! ! " & &
#$ 3 1 & " " /' & ) $ % $ '
* $ $ ' & ' 3 / &$ ) $ $ '3 3
6 ) 3 * & ' $ ' $ .$ 1 ' : "&
3 / &$ $ ' * & ' $ ' $ "
1 ' : "&

& & : # 8 !
#$ % * )' & ' " '& $ * ' '5 %/ &$ '5 " ' =
' % &$ ' & % ) " ' #6 # #$ ' "
' ' % " / / ) $ ') " ' )
$ $ & & ' ' " $ < %& '& $ '

& & ;"! ) $ ) ! 0# 8 !

#$ % * ) ' A "' % * ' & ' " ' $ '
" "% $ %& & " ' ' '5 %/ &$
'5 %/ = ' '5 " ' = '

High voltage present. Contact could cause
shock, burns, or death.

Do not touch exposed wires or terminals.

Application Alert

Tests will exceed alarm setpoint levels

causing alarms to activate. This could result in
a relay contact state change.

Application Alert

Disconnecting the field wiring will cause a not

& ! ! " &
OK condition.

Test Equipment Setup - RTD Temperature

#$ ' ' * #6 & % ) '5 C " C # '

#6 ' ) & & $ " & " '' &$ ' '$ * $ % * )

Figure 7-3 RTD Temperature Test Setup

7. Decade Resistor, 4-Wire RTD
8. Decade Resistor, 3-Wire RTD

#$ # ' -A ' '$ " % ) $) " 9

: 4 " '5 $ ' ' ' " & :& $ $ '
A '& & $ : &+ + $ "
)$ * $ " & " '' " $ 4 " ' '$ ' ''
Verification Screen Setup - Temperature

$ &+ . % ) 1 %* $ ' & .$ ' :

% $ 0 ' " &$ ' $ 1 " .$ 5
$ & &+ $ :
#$ % * ) " & '/ $ ' ) ) % &$ & ' &
'' & "* $ $ # .$ '

& &.
1 $ ') * $ " & " '' # ' $ ' /
/ ) $ % $ ' A " ' ) $ ' ' $
< %& '& $ ' & 4 ' / & '' / ' $ '
' $ & %) " " ) ' " # ' ' "( ' $ '
') 2
9. Exceed over Alert/Alarm 1 and Danger/Alarm 2 setpoints,
! ! " & &
10. Drop below under Alert/Alarm 1 and Danger/Alarm 2 setpoints,
11. Produce a non-alarm condition.

C$ / ) $ ') % & " & " 5

$/' '' ' & '" " 3"( ' $ ' ) * * $ ' %
$ &

6 '& & % "* )% $ &$ ' $ #

4 "
. & ' A " ' %* ' " '& " 1 &
# ' -A "1 % * 1 #6 #
3"( ' $ " & " '' " " ) $ ' * $
# ' ' " $ # 0 " ' '
'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
= 8-6 ' 5 $ ) $ "& % 6 & ') 5 " $ .
< 9 "$ ' "&
Over Setpoints

3"( ' $ ) & ' & ' &$ $ $ ') ( ' :& "'
$ 3 3 ' C % ' & "' % $
" / : ' " %/ $ $ ) $ "& % 6 &
&$ ) ' & % ) / * " $ $ . < 9 "
"& '
! '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
) $ "& % 6 & '/ * " $ $ . <
9 "' "& '
3"( ' $ ) & '
& ' &$ $ $ ') ( ' :& "'
$ 6 3 ) ' C % ' & "' % $
" / : ' " %/ $ $ ) $ "& % 6 &
&$ ) ' & % / * " " $ $ . < 9 "
"& '
? '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
) $ "& % 6 & ' " " $ $ . < 9 "
"& '
@ 3"( ' $ ) & ' & ' &$ $ $ ') "' *
$ 3 ' ' 4% $ &$ ) ' & % ) "5
' $ $ ) $ "& % 6 & &$ ) '& ) "
$ $ . < 9 "& ' "& % ' '' $
-1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 ' &$ ) '
Under Setpoints
& ! ! " &
' ' $ )$ @ ' $ 0 " 3 3 "0 "
6 ) 3 ' ' / "( ' ) $ ) & ' & "
* $ 0 " 3 ' '
4% / & %/ /& %) " 5 &$ &+ $ & % ) "
' ' 4% $ ' " ' / % ' / $
% $' ' 5) 1 & ? 4% .$ 9 ' < %& # '
6 '& & $ ' A " & & % "* ) $
&$ ' $ # 4 " < %/ $ $ = 8-6
& ' '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4
' $ = 8-6
' ' $ )$ % & %) " &$ '

& &% : : ! A# 8 !
#$ ) &$ % ' ) $ ' ' ' ' $
# ') * $ ) & ' & # %/ $ &$
' / / ) $ % $ ' A " ' ) $ $
& & ' ' " $ < %& '& $ ' &


See Section 8 Specifications for the rated

accuracy for each transducer type.

6 '& & % "* )% $ &$ ' $ #

4 "
. & ' A " ' %* ' " '& " 1 &
# ' -A "1 % * 1 #6 #
1 & % $ %& '' & ' $ * $
$ ' & " % '& ) " $ & ' " $ 41# ' " "
5 ' &$ ' $ ' $ 4 . I' 7 #1 , 5 F#
1 ' 'D# ' 'G
3"( ' $ " & " '' $ % ' %& $ * '' & "
% $ '
< %/ $ $ ) $"' / " $ . < 7 : ' $
' & % " && &/ % $ / % #6 % $ %& ' '$ *
$ ' 4% $ & " ' & % ) "5 % ' & < %/
& " '% $ ' ' %/ $ & "
! ! " & &
! $ & " ' " % $ %& '
$ ' "
4% $ " )" ' ' &%& '5 &$ &+ $ $ ') '
& & * $ ) " ) 4% $ ' " '
' &%& ' % ' / $ % $' ' 5' ' & ?
4% .$ 9 ' < %& # '
? 6 '& & $ ' A " & & $ % "* ) $
&$ ' $ # 4 " < %/ $ $ = 8-6
& ' '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4
' $ = 8-6
@ ' ' $ )$ ? % & %) " &$ '
-: 2
1 '% αJ @ $ $ % * ) '' & '2
< %& 2 # J °. '' & J Ω
< %& 2 # J@ °. '' & J Ω
< %& 2 # J °. '' & J ? Ω

& &9 <= A# 8 !

All other channels in the rack must be OK or bypassed for the OK relay
to be energized.

# ' = ' ' " #6 ' ) '' & " "( '
$ 0 = " * $ 8 * = #$ ' ' ' & *
& ' =& " " $ = / &$ ) ' " ) H #$
0 "8 * = ' "' / " $ < %& '& $ '
6 '& & % "* )% $ &$ ' $ #
4 "
. & ' A " ' %* ' " '& " 1 &
# ' -A "1 % * 1 #6 #
7/ '' $ & %) " &$ '
Adjust the decade box to a value in the middle of the OK Limits listed in 1 - With
external barriers selected.

# #6 # '" & =8 '

& ! ! " &
'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
= 8-6 ' " $ $ .$ =1 $ .$
1 '' & % $ < %& '& "' =
! < %/ $ $ = / $ &+ 4 % & 4 " "& ' =
)H " 1 &+ 4 % & " "
& 5 @ !?
4 & '
$ " & " '' ) $ = 8-6 ( ' ) ' %%
< %/ $ $ .$ =1 $ .$ 1 '
' & "' <= " $ $ = / "& ' = < %/ $
$ 0 = "' / " $ < %& '& ' A ''
' $ $ ') < %/ $ /& '
' $ & ' $ &$ ) ' <= ' * ' $ " %%

Adjust the decade resistor to some value in the middle of the OK limits as listed in
1 - With external barriers selected.

? # #6 # '" & =8 '

@ '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
= 8-6 & ' &+ " $ $ = / ) H ' < %/ $ $
.$ =1 $ .$ 1 '' & "' <= " /
& ' '& ) $ &$ <= "
$ " %% ' ' <=
, " /" & ' $ " & " '' ' $ = 8-6 ( '
) ' %% * < %/ $ $ .$ =1 $ .$
1 '' & "' <= " $ $ = / "& ' = < %/
$ $ 8 * = "' / " $ < %& '& ' A
'' ) $ $ ) < %/ $ /& '
' $ & ' $ &$ ) ' <= ' * ' $
" %%
Adjust the decade resistor to some value in the middle of the OK limits as listed in
1 - With external barriers selected.

# #6 # '" & =8 '

'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
= 8-6 & ' &+ " $ $ = / ) H ' < %/ $ $
.$ =1 $ .$ 1 '' & "' <= " /
& ' '& ) $ &$ <= "
$ " %% ' ' <=
6 '& & $ ' A " & & $ % "* ) $
&$ ' $ # 4 " < %/ $ $ = 8-6
& ' " $ $ = / )H ' '' $ -1-# '* &$ $
&+ 4 % & " 4 ' $ = 8-6

! ! " & &
4% / & %/ /& %) " = 5' ' & ? 4% .$
9 ' < %& # '
' ' $ )$ % & %) " &$ '
! $ / '' '* &$ % & %) " &$ ' &+ ' )
' )
RTD Type Lower OK Limit Upper OK Limit
(Ohms) (Degrees) (Ohms) (Degrees)

Pt (α=0.00392) 17.00 -200° C 350.17 +700° C

Pt (α=0.00392)1 79.961 -50° C1 350.17 +700° C
Pt (α=0.00385) 18.40 -200° C 390.38 +850° C
Pt (α=0.00385)1 80.311 -50° C1 390.38 +850° C
Ni (α=0.00672) 66.60 -80° C 380.31 +260° C
Ni (α=0.00672) 1 86.161 -50° C1 380.31 +260° C
Cu (α=0.00427) 5.13 -100° C 19.12 +260° C
Cu (α=0.00427) 1 7.1041 -50° C1 19.12 +260° C

1 - With external barriers selected.

Table 7-1 RTD Transducer OK Limits

& / : ! !
#$ % * )' & ' " '& $ * ' '5 %/ &$ '5 " ' =
' % &$ ' & % ) " ' #$ & # #$ '
" ' ' % " / / ) $ ') "
' ) $ $ & & ' ' " $ < %& '& $
' &

& / ;"! ) $ ) ! 0 ! !
Use the following test equipment and software setup for all the verification procedures (Test Alarms,
Verify Channels, and Test OK Limits).

High voltage present. Contact could cause
shock, burns, or death.
Do not touch exposed wires or terminals.
& ! ! " &

Application Alert

Tests will exceed alarm setpoint levels

causing alarms to activate. This could result in
a relay contact state change.

Application Alert

Disconnecting the field wiring will cause a not

OK condition.

Test Equipment Setup - Thermocouple Temperature

1 $ '" & ') /& & ) $ &' ' & $

% &$ * $ / ' '$ * $ % * )%)

! ! " & &

Figure 7-4 Thermocouple Temperature Test Setup

9. Precision millivolt source

10. Multimeter
11. RTD/TC Temp I/O Module
12. Isolated TC I/O Module

#$ # ' -A ' '$ " % ) $) " 9

: 4 " '5 $ ' ' ' " & :& $ $ '
A '& & $ : &+

Verification Screen Setup - TC Temperature

& ! ! " &
$ &+ . % ) 1 %* $ ' & .$ ' < %&
% $ 0 ' " &$ ' $ 1 " .$
$ & &+ $ < %/

& /. 0 !
1 $ ') * $ &' ' & # ' $
' / $ % $ &' ' & " ' $
< %& '& $ ' & 4 ' / & '' / ' $ '
' $ & %) " " ) ' " 3"( ' $ ' ') 2
12. Exceed the over Alert/Alarm 1 and Danger/Alarm 2 Setpoints
13. Drop below any under Alert/Alarm 1 and Danger/Alarm 2 Setpoints
14. Produce a non-alarm condition

C$ / ) $ ') % & " & " 5

$/' '' ' & '" " 3"( ' $ ' ) * * $ $ ' %
$ &

6 '& & % "* )% $ &$ ' $

# 4 "
. & ' A " ' %* ' " '& " ! # '
-A "1 % * 1 #$ & #
3"( ' $ &' ' & " & " ) $ '* $
$ ' ' $ ) $"' / % $ < %& '&
'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $
$ = 8-6 ' 5 $ ) $ "& % 6 & ') 5 " $
. < 9 "$ ' "&
Over Setpoints

3"( ' $ &' ' & ' &$ $ $ ' ) ( ' :& "'
$ 3 3 ' C % ' & "' % $
" / : ' " %/ $ $ ) $ "&
&$ ) ' & % ) / * " $ $ . < 9 "
"& ' 3
! '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $
$ ) $ "& '/ * " $ $ . < 9 "
' "& ' 3
3"( ' $ &' ' & ' &$ $ $ ' ) ( ' :& "'
$ 6 ) 3 ' C % ' & "' %
$ " / : ' " %/ $ $ ) $ "&
&$ ) ' & % / * " " $ $ . < 9 "
"& ' 3

! ! " & &
? '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $
$ ) $ "& % 6 & ' " " $ $ .
< 9 "' "& ' 3
@ 3"( ' $ &' ' & ' &$ $ $ ' ) "' * $
$ 3 ' ' 4% $ &$ ) ' & % ) "5
' $ $ ) $ "& &$ ) ' & ) " $
$ . < 9 "& ' "& % ' '' $
-1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 ' &$ )
Under Setpoints

3"( ' $ &' ' & ' &$ $ $ ' ) ( ' :& "'
$ 0 " 3 3 ' C % ' & "' %
$ " / : ' " %/ $ $ ) $ "&
&$ ) ' & % ) / * " $ $ . < 9 "
"& ' 3
'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $
$ ) $ "& '/ * " $ $ . < 9 "
' "& ' 3
3"( ' $ &' ' & ' &$ $ $ ' ) ( ' :& "'
$ 0 " 6 ) 3 ' C % ' & "' %
$ " / : ' " %/ $ $ ) $ "&
&$ ) ' & % / * " " $ $ . < 9 "
"& ' 3
'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $
$ ) $ "& % 6 & ' " " $ $ .
< 9 "' "& ' 3
3"( ' $ &' ' & ' &$ $ $ ' ) "' * $
$ 3 ' ' 4% $ &$ ) ' & % ) "5
' $ $ ) $ "& &$ ) ' & ) " $
$ . < 9 "& ' "& % ' '' $
-1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 ' &$ )
4% / & %/ /& %) " 5 &$ &+ $ & % ) "
' ' 4% $ ' " ' / % ' / $
% $' ' 5) ? 4% .$ 9 ' < %& # '
! 6 '& & $ ' A " & & $ % "* ) $
&$ ' $ # 4 " < %/ $ $ =
8-6 & ' " $ = / )H ' '' $ -1-# '* &$
$ &+ 4 % & " 4 ' $ = 8-6
' ' $ )$ ! % & %) " &$ '

& ! ! " &
& /% : : ! 0 ! !
1 $ # ') * $ &' ' & # %/
&$ ' / $ % $ ' A " ' $
< %& '& $ ' &


#$ ' '$ && &/ ' & % & $ '

" " $ $/' & & % ) % $ '/'
% & ' & ?1 &%& ' % $'

6 '& & % "* )% $ &$ ' $

# 4 "
. & ' A " ' %* ' " '& " ! # '
-A "1 % * 1 #$ & #
$ %& '& &$ ) $ < 6' /
.K. <
& " $ $ . < 7 : #$ ' ' $ .K.
$ % $ $ ' % $ '
$ %& '& &$ ) &+ $ < 6' /
6 & <
! 1 & % $ %& ) ' < $
* $ $ ' & " % '& ) " $ & ' "' $ 41#
' " " 5 ' &$ ' $ ' $ ) I' F $ #
" +< ?G
0' ) #$ & # 5& $ .K.
& " " $ .K. ) <&(&
? 3"( ' $ % $ %& ' " $ #$ &
# $ ) $ ' " $ ' & %) < '
@ 3"( ' $ &' ' & $ % ' %& $
$ ' "( ' " < ' 3"( ' $ %& ' ) -A
3"( ' " < % & # < & " $ $
. < 7 :
$ ' '? "@% $ ) %& '
$ %& '& &$ ) $ < 6' /
.K. <

! ! " & &
& " $ $ . < 7 : #$ ' ' $ .K.
$ % $ $ " % $ '
#$ ' " $ & " " ' & /
/ $ °. ?° 9 4% " ' /5 ' ' $ )$
< %/ $ $ ) $"' / " $ . < 7 : '* $
± ° . ± @° 9 % $ : & " 4% $ & " '
& % ) "5 % < %/ & " '% $ ' ' %/
$ & "
$ & " ' ' " % $ %&
'$ ' "
$ %& '& &$ ) &+ $ < 6' /
6 & <
! 4% $ " )" ' ' &%& '5 &$ &+ $ $ ')
'& & 4% $ ' " ' ' &%& ' % ' /
$ % $' ' 5) ? 4% .$ 9 ' < %& # '
6 '& & $ ' A " & & $ % "* ) $
&$ ' $ # 4 " < %/ $ $ =
8-6 & ' " $ = / )H ' '' $ -1-# '* &$
$ &+ 4 % & " 4 ' $ = 8-6
? ' ' $ )$ % & %) " &$ '

Equation 7-1 Adjusted Verification Temperature Value

< ' J< <&(&

Example 1:
Some values for Type-J have the following resistance values:
Verification value 1: T1= 0° C Voltage = 0.000 mV
Verification value 2: T1= 90° C Voltage = 4.725 mV
Verification value 3: T1= 150° C Voltage = 8.008 mV

Example 2:
Assume that the CJC temperature measured in step 5 is 29 °C, that the monitor is
configured for the type-J TC and the desired test verification value is 100 °C.

For the CJC temperature of 29 °C the Thermocouple Table indicates this corresponds to a
CJC voltage (Vcjc) of 1.484 mV.

& ! ! " &
From the same table, the test temperature of 100° C corresponds to a voltage (Vtable) of
5.268 mV.

Adjusted Verification Input Voltage Value is:

Vtest = 5.268 mV - 1.484 mV
Vtest = 3.784 mV

& /9 <= 0 !

All other channels in the rack must be OK or bypassed for the OK relay
to be energized.

# ' = ' &' 6. ) " "( ' $

0 = " * $ 8 * = #$ ' ) * & ' =
& " " $ = / &$ ) ' " ) H #$ 0 "8 *
= ' "' / " $ < %& '& $ ' &
6 '& & % "* )% $ &$ ' $ #
4 "
. & $ ' A " $ ' %* ' " '& " ! # '
-A "1 % * 1 #$ & #
7/ '' $ & %) " &$ '
3"( ' $ &' ' & ' $ "" % $ =
' ' ' " # #$ & # '" & =8
'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
= 8-6 ' " $ $ .$ =1 $ .$
1 '' & % $ < %& '& "' =
! < %/ $ $ = / $ &+ 4 % & 4 " "& ' =
)H " 1 $ &+ 4 % & " "
& 5 @ !?
4 & ' $ &' ' & ' $ = 8-6 ( '
) ' %% < %/ $ $ .$ =1 $
< %& '& "' = " $ $ = / "& ' =
< %/ $ $ 0 = ) "' / " $ < %& '&
' A '' ' $ $ )
? 3"( ' $ &' ' & ' $ "" % $ =
' ' ' " # #$ & # '" & =8

! ! " & &
@ '' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
= 8-6 & ' &+ " $ $ = / ) H ' < %/ $ $
.$ =1 $ .$ 1 '' & "' =
, " /" & ' $ &' ' & ) $
= 8-6 ( ' ) ' %% * < %/ $ $ .$ =1
$ .$ 1 '' & "' = " $ $ = / "& '
= < %/ $ $ 8 * = ) "' / " $ < %&
'& ' A '' ) $ $ )
3"( ' $ &' ' & ' $ "" % $ =
' ' ' " # #$ & # '" & =8
'' $ -1-# '* &$ $ &+ 4 % & " 4 < %/ $ $
= 8-6 & ' &+ " $ $ = / ) H ' < %/ $ $
.$ =1 $ .$ 1 '' & "' =
6 '& & $ ' A " & & % "* ) $
&$ '
$ # 4 " < %/ $ $ = 8-6
& ' " $ $ = / )H ' '' $ -1-# '* &$ $
&+ 4 % & " 4 ' $ = 8-6
4% / & %/ /& %) " = 5) ? 4% .$ 9 '
< %& # '
' ' $ )$ % & %) " &$ '
! $ / '' '* &$ % & %) " &$ ' &+ ' )
' )
Thermocouple Transducer OK Limit
Thermocouple Lower OK Limit Upper OK Limit
(millivolts) (Degrees) (millivolts) (Degrees)
Type-J -0.896 -18° C 42.922 +760° C
Type-K -0.701 -18° C 54.807 +1370° C
Type-E -5.237 -100° C 76.358 +1000° C
Type-T -4.865 -160° C 20.869 +400° C

Table 7-2 Thermocouple Transducer OK Limit

& ! ! " &
& : # <! ! +%&''>/ 1
0' $ % * ) ' A " & " %/ $ & " '%

$ ! #
Figure 7-5 Test equipment connection to verify recorder outputs
13. Connect test equipment here
14. Temperature I/O module (Internal Termination)
15. Recorder External Termination Block (Euro Style Connectors)
16. Recorder External Termination Block (Terminal Strip connectors)

Figure 7-6 Connection of multimeter

! ! " & &
17. To the Terminal Marked: COM
18. To the Terminal Marked: REC

6 '& & $ . " -. % " * ) % $ &$ '

$ # 4 " -# 7 &+
. & $ . " -. ' % $ # 4
" #$ '$ " $ $ & / '
6 $ % '& 5 " '& " '& %& ' '
'$ * < %/ ) #6 # .$ ' "< %/ )
#$ & # .$ '
1 $ ' $ $ & " ' % '& < %/
$ $ & " ' " ) 3 ± !!B % % '&
1 $ ' $ $ & " ' " '& < %/
$ $ & " ' " ) 3 ± !!B % % '&
! 1 $ ' $ $ & " ' '&
< %/ $ $ & " ' " ) 3 ± !!B % % '&
1 $ ' $ $ & " ' ' " ' % '&
) < %/ $ $ & " ' " ) $ & " 5 '
' $ ' %* 5 ± !!B % % '&
? 4% / & %/ $ & " 5 &$ &+ $ & " & %)
"& & ' 4% $ & " ' " ' %/
/5 ) ? 4% .$ 9 ' < %& # '
@ 6 '& & $ & & $ . " -. % " * ) $
&$ ' $ # 4 " -# 7 &+
' ' $ )$ @ % & %) " & " &$ '

& 5 6 :
C$ $ " ) & )& & "' * /' ' " A / &
) ' " ) % - & ' & 6 '&$ ) -16 3 * /' * * '
' "* + ) " "& " & * +' % &
1. 1 $ & %) % $ " ' ) $ &+ . %)
1 %*
2. & $ " * $ ' % $ ' ' & $
) 1/' &+ 4 ' " &
@ !!

& ! ! " &
3. $ % / " 7 / " %
4. 6 * " $ & %) % $ ' " ' ) $ &+
. %) 1 %*
5. < %/ $ % $ '

&. , 6 $ 2
&& ' /
/ & '' / ) " $ ) % * $ ' '$ "
* $ $ ! ! # #$ % * ) ' & ' " '&
$ * ) " $ :' )% * ' ) $ . %) ' %* #$
* " & %) " ' ) $ &+ . % ) ' %*
% $ ) '% * ) " " #$ % * ) ' & ' " % $
:' )% * ' ' $ )$ 4% $ % * ' ' * $
& & 7 / " &$ & ' % & "


During the following procedure power to the rack

cannot be interrupted and the monitor that is
being upgraded cannot be removed from the
rack. If either of these occurs the monitor may
become inoperable.

1 $ . %) ' %* "& & $ &+

0 " "' $ & & %) % $ 5 $ ) "
& '' * ' /& %) $
0 " $ 2 ' & 2 6 $

! ! " & &

1 & $ " " " & &+ $ <= 4 $ & '

% $ ! ! # / '* $ :' )% *
' $ )$ & ' & " 4% $ " ' " $ '
% * ' '' $ 5& & 7 / " %
& "
#$ ' % * * A ' $ % " * " " 1 & $ % "
& &+ $ <
! #$ ' % * * *" * " $ %
3% $ % * ) " '& "5 " * " $ & %)
$ 4% $ & '' % '5 " " ) $ % " 5 $
" / ' "% * 1 ' & ! 8-6 %
: % $ % " 0 " & & ' & ' '$ " $
" " $ ' % '$ " $ & ''

# '$ ) ! ! " &

/ !-
#$ ' ' & " '& '$ * '$ * $ $ #
$ 4 " / ' ) $ % " " / $ ' % '5 $
8-6'5 1/' - 8' 5 " $ 3 - 8'

/ ) 0

Application Alert

Machinery protection will be lost while self-test

is being performed.

# % $ # ' % '2
. & & ) $ &+ . %) 1 %* $
&+ % " "
1 & 2 % $ '& % $ &+ . %) 1 %*
1 & ) ; >( ! ) 0 % $ 0 '
'' $ ( ! ) 0 $ 1/' - ' '&
1 & $ ' $ & ' $ # " '' $ <=
#$ * % % ' % ' " $ 1/' - '
'& * "' / " #$ ' * & $ ' ' % $ ' % '
! C ' & "' % $ " % ' % '
'' $ ; #$ 1/' - ' '& * " "
& " $ ' ' % $ ' % '
? < %/ % $ '' " $ ' % ' 4% $ % " $ ' % '5
% 1 & ! 1/' - 8' '' ) ' % " '& % $
! ! " & # '$ )
/. ;8 ( ) !
#$ % * ) '$ *' $ * ' $ 8-6' " ) ' "& & '

OK TX/RX BYPASS Scenario Action

1 Hz 1 Hz Monitor is not configured, Reconfigure the Monitor

is in Configuration Mode, or exit Configuration or
or in Calibration Mode. Calibration Mode.

5 Hz Monitor error Check the System Event

List for severity.

ON Flashing Monitor is operating No action required.


OFF Monitor is not operating Check the System Event

correctly or the transducer List and the Alarm Event
has faulted and has List.
stopped providing a valid

2 Hz The monitor was not OK Press the Reset button

in the past and has now on the Rack Interface
returned to an OK state. Module. Check the
The not OK state was System Event List.
caused by the monitor not
operating correctly or by a
transducer fault.

Not Monitor is not operating Monitor is not executing

Flashing correctly. alarming functions.
Replace immediately.

OFF Alarming Enabled No action required.

ON Some or all Alarming No action required.


J Behavior of the LED is not related to the condition.

Table 8-1 LED Indication of Monitor Status

# '$ ) ! ! " &
! ! " & # '$ )

/% ) ; (
#$ &+ 4 % & " * & " '/' " '% &$
#$ ' ' & " '& ' $ 1/' - 8' '' ) ' $ "
/ $ #
-: 2

Sequence Event Event Class Event Event Event Slot

Number Information Number Date Time Specific

0000000123 Device Not 32 1 02/01/90 12:24:31:99 5L


Table 8-2 Sample System Event

Sequence Number
A number assigned by the Rack Interface Module designating the order the event was
Event Information
The name of the event
Event Number
Use this Number to investigate the significance of the event when using this Manual or
Bently Nevada personnel
The severity of the event

Class Value Classification

0 Severe/Fatal Event
1 Potential Problem Event
2 Typical logged Event
3 Reserved
Table 8-3 System Event Class Value Descriptions
Event Date
Event Time
The date and time the event occurred, uses the time as configured in the Rack Interface
Event Specific
Provides additional information. For example if the event affects a single channel the
channel number will be noted here.
Indicates the module that the event is associated with, 0-15. If half-height module are
installed events for the module in the lower slot will be logged as 0L to 15L.
# '$ ) ! ! " &
#$ % * ) 1/' - 8' '' ) ' / & " $ ' / $
# " ' " & " . & $ '
7 / " %% & $ ' /
4% + "* $ ' L && '5 $ * ' )

Events marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the
monitor will stop alarming if this event occurs.
All unexpected instances of these events
should be investigated immediately.

*Flash Memory Failure

Event Number: 11
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Replace the Monitor Module immediately.

*EEPROM Memory Failure

Event Number: 13
Event Classification: Potential Problem or Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Replace the Monitor Module as soon as possible.

*Device Not Communicating

Event Number: 32
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Check to see if one of the following components is faulty:
• Monitor Module
• Rack backplane

Device Is Communicating
Event Number: 33
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Check to see if one of the following components is faulty:
• Monitor Module
• Rack backplane

*Neuron Failure
Event Number: 34
Event Classification: Severe / Fatal Event
Action: Replace the Monitor Module immediately.
! ! " & # '$ )

*I/O Module Mismatch

Event Number: 62
Event Classification: Severe / Fatal Event
Action: Verify that the type of I/O module installed matches what was selected in the
software. If the correct I/O module is installed, there may be a fault with the Monitor Module
or the Monitor I/O module.

I/O Module Compatible

Event Number: 63
Event Classification: Severe / Fatal Event
Action: Verify that the type of I/O module installed matches what was selected in the
software. If the correct I/O module is installed, there may be a fault with the Monitor Module
or the Monitor I/O module.

Fail Main Board +5V-A (Fail Main Board +5V - upper Power Supply)
Event Number: 100
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot

Pass Main Board +5V-A (Pass Main Board +5V - upper Power Supply)
Event Number: 101
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot

Fail Main Board +5V-B (Fail Main Board +5V - lower Power Supply)
Event Number: 102
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Pass Main Board +5V-B (Pass Main Board +5V - lower Power Supply)
Event Number: 103
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
# '$ ) ! ! " &
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

*Fail Main Board +5V-AB (Fail Main Board +5V - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 104
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot
Monitor Module will stop alarming.

Pass Main Board +5V-AB (Pass Main Board +5V - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 105
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

*Fail Main Board +5VA-AB (Fail Main Board Analog +5V - upper and lower
Power Supplies)
Event Number: 122
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Pass Main Board +5VA-AB (Pass Main Board Analog +5V - upper and lower
Power Supplies)
Event Number: 123
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot

! ! " & # '$ )
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

*Fail Main Board -5V-AB (Fail Main Board -5V - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 128
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Pass Main Board -5V-AB (Pass Main Board -5V - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 129
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Fail Main Board +VA-A (Fail Main Board +VA - upper Power Supply)
Event Number: 130
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot

Pass Main Board +VA-A (Pass Main Board +VA - upper Power Supply)
Event Number: 131
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot

Fail Main Board +VA-B (Fail Main Board +VA - lower Power Supply)
Event Number: 132
Event Classification: Potential Problem
# '$ ) ! ! " &
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Pass Main Board +VA-B (Pass Main Board +VA - lower Power Supply)
Event Number: 133
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

*Fail Main Board +VA-AB (Fail Main Board +VA - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 134
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• I/O Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Pass Main Board +VA-AB (Pass Main Board +VA - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 135
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• I/O Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Fail Main Board -VA-A (Fail Main Board -VA - upper Power Supply)
Event Number: 136
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module

! ! " & # '$ )
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot

Pass Main Board -VA-A (Pass Main Board -VA - upper Power Supply)
Event Number: 137
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot

Fail Main Board -VA-B (Fail Main Board -VA - lower Power Supply)
Event Number: 138
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Pass Main Board -VA-B (Pass Main Board -VA - lower Power Supply)
Event Number: 139
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

*Fail Main Board -VA-AB (Fail Main Board -VA - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 140
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• I/O Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Pass Main Board -VA-AB (Pass Main Board -VA - upper and lower Power
Event Number: 141
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event

# '$ ) ! ! " &
Action: Problem may be caused by power fluctuations from the source. If power
source is known to be working properly check the following:
• Monitor Module
• I/O Module
• Power Supply installed in the upper slot
• Power Supply installed in the lower slot

Device Configured
Event Number: 300
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: No action required.

*Configuration Failure
Event Number: 301
Event Classification: Potential Problem or Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Download a new configuration to the Monitor Module. If the problem still
exists, replace the Monitor Module immediately.

* Module Entered Cfg Mode (Module Entered Configuration Mode)

Event Number: 302
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: No action required.

Software Switches Reset

Event Number: 305
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Download the software switches to the Monitor Module. If the software switches are
not correct, replace the Monitor Module as soon as possible.

Monitor TMR PPL Failed (Monitor TMR Proportional Value Failed)

Event Number: 310
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Verify that the transducer is properly installed. If the transducer is properly
installed, check to see if one of the following components is faulty:
• Transducer
• I/O Module
• Monitor Module

Monitor TMR PPL Passed (Monitor TMR Proportional Value Passed)

Event Number: 311
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Verify that the transducer is properly installed. If the transducer is properly
installed, check to see if one of the following components is faulty:
! ! " & # '$ )
• Transducer
• I/O Module
• Monitor Module

*Module Reboot
Event Number: 320
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: Verify the Module reboot was intentionally caused. If not replace the Monitor

*Module Removed from Rack

Event Number: 325
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: No action required.

Module Inserted in Rack

Event Number: 326
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: No action required.

*Device Events Lost

Event Number: 355
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: This means the 3500 Rack Interface Module was not able to log one or more
events from the temperature monitor. The cause of the loss of events should be
determined. Troubleshoot the proceeding events in the list to determine if any of the missed
events are severe. Possible Causes:
• Rack Interface Module was removed or in a Not OK state when events occurred.
• A change in the monitor status caused multiple events to be generated at such a
rate that not all could be logged.

Module Alarms Lost

Event Number: 356
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: This means the 3500 Rack Interface Module was not able to log one or more
events from the temperature monitor. The cause of the loss of events should be
determined to determine if any of the missed events are severe. Possible Causes:
• Rack Interface Module was removed or in a Not OK state when events occurred.
• A change in the monitor status caused multiple events to be generated at such a
rate that not all could be logged.

Pass Module Self-test

Event Number: 410

# '$ ) ! ! " &
Event Classification: Typical Logged Event
Action: No action required.

*Enabled Ch Bypass (Enabled Channel Bypass)

Event Number: 416
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: No action required.
Alarming has been inhibited by this action.

Disabled Ch Bypass (Disabled Channel Bypass)

Event Number: 417
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: No action required.

*Enabled Alert Bypass

Event Number: 420
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: No action required.
Alarming has been inhibited by this action.

Disabled Alert Bypass

Event Number: 421
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: No action required.

*Enabled Danger Bypass

Event Number: 422
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: No action required.
Alarming has been inhibited by this action.

Disabled Danger Bypass

Event Number: 423

! ! " & # '$ )
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: No action required.

*Enabled Monitor Alarm Bypass

Event Number: 426
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.

Disabled Monitor Alarm Bypass

Event Number: 427
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.

*Enabled CJ Verification
Event Number: 430
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.
Alarming has been inhibited by this action.

Disabled CJ Verification
Event Number: 431
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.

* Fail Slot Id Test

Event Number: 461
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Verify that the Monitor Module is fully inserted in the rack. If the Monitor
Module is installed correctly, check to see if one of the following components is faulty:
• Monitor Module
• Rack backplane

Pass Slot Id Test

Event Number: 462
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Verify that the Monitor Module is fully inserted in the rack. If the Monitor
Module is installed correctly, check to see if one of the following components is faulty:

# '$ ) ! ! " &
• Monitor Module
• Rack backplane

*Fail Comm Id Mismatch

Event Number: 463
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Verify that the Monitor Module is fully inserted in the rack. If the Monitor
Module is installed correctly, check to see if one of the following components is faulty:
• Monitor Module
• Rack backplane

Pass Comm Id Mismatch

Event Number: 464
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: Verify that the Monitor Module is fully inserted in the rack. If the Monitor
Module is installed correctly, check to see if one of the following components is faulty:
• Monitor Module
• Rack backplane

Setpoint Updated
Event Number: 511
Event Classification: Typical logged event
Action: No action required.

*I/O Module Removed

Event Number: 550
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Re-install I/O Module.

*Possible Open Transducer

Event Number: 551
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: A possible open in the signal path between the transducer and where the
signal is conditioned. The possible location for the open may be:
• Field Wiring
• I/O Module
• Monitor Module.

! ! " & # '$ )

*Possible Transducer Wiring Fault

Event Number: 552
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Event Specific: Ch x
Action: A possible open or short in the signal path between the transducer and
where the signal is conditioned. The possible location for the open or short may be:
• Field Wiring
• I/O Module
• Monitor Module.

*I/O Calibration Failure

Event Number: 560
Event Classification: Potential Problem or Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Replace the I/O Module as soon as possible.

* ADC Calibration Failure

Event Number: 561
Event Classification: Potential Problem or Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Replace the Monitor Module Immediately.

* ADC Failure
Event Number: 562
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: Replace the Monitor Module immediately.

* Fail CJC (Cold Junction Compensation) Temperature

Event Number: 563
Event Classification: Severe/Fatal Event
Action: All TC measurements will be in error and monitoring for channels using
thermocouples will be disabled. RTD measurements are unaffected. Check to see if one of
the following components is faulty:
• I/O module (Internal Termination)
• ET module (External Termination)
• Main Module

Pass CJC (Cold Junction Compensation) Temperature

# '$ ) ! ! " &
Event Number: 564
Event Classification: Potential Problem
Action: The CJC sensor failed in the past and has now recovered. All thermocouple
measurements were in error and monitoring for channels using thermocouples was
disabled for a period of time. RTD measurements were unaffected. Check to see if one of
the following components is faulty:
• I/O module (If Internal Termination is used)
• ET module (If external Termination is used)
• Main Module

*Fail Rack Ambient Temperature

Event Number: 565
Event Classification: Potential Problem
The ambient temperature of the rack is outside the operating temperature for the system
(normal operating temperature is: -30 to 65° C). Recommend running self-test on all
modules in the rack. Implement corrective action to insure the rated temperature of the rack
is no longer exceeded.

Passed Rack Ambient Rack Temperature

Event Number: 566
Event Classification: Potential Problem
The ambient temperature of the rack has returned to an acceptable level, but was outside
the normal operating temperature in the past. Recommend running self test on all modules
in the rack. Implement corrective action to insure the rated temperature of the rack is no
longer exceeded.

/9 ; (
#$ % * )3 - 8' '' ) ' " / $ #

Alarm Event List Message When the message will occur

Entered Alert / Alarm 1 A proportional value in the channel has entered Alert /
Alarm 1 and changed the channel Alert / Alarm 1

Left Alert / Alarm 1 A proportional value in the channel has left Alert / Alarm
1 and changed the channel Alert / Alarm 1 status.

! ! " & # '$ )
A proportional value in the channel has entered Danger
/ Alarm 2 and changed the channel Danger / Alarm 2
Entered Danger / Alarm 2 status.

A proportional value in the channel has left Danger /

Left Danger / Alarm 2 Alarm 2 and changed the channel Danger / Alarm 2

The channel went not OK.

Entered not OK

The channel returned to the OK state.

Left not OK

Table 8-4 Alarm Event Message

/& 8
4% / : % ' ) $ 5/ & & %
$ ' % $ % #$ % * ) ' & ' & " " & % $
% * ) '& '

Although the recommendations in this section provide the most probable solutions,
other faults may exist. When troubleshooting a temperature monitor, carefully review
all possible problems.

All Active Transducers are not OK

Replace the temperature module.
- or -
If the external termination I/O module is being used, check the cable between the I/O
monitor and the External Termination Block.

Two Adjacent Channels are not OK

Adjacent channels are defined as 1-2, 3-4, or 5-6.
If the I/O module supports both RTD & TC, check the I/O module and the temperature
- or -
If the I/O module supports TC only (isolated), the problem is probably in the main monitor.

# '$ ) ! ! " &

Three Adjacent Channels are not OK

Adjacent channels are defined as 1-3 or 4-6. This scenario applies only to I/O modules with
internal termination.
Check that the green connector is correctly installed into the I/O module.

One or more channels are Not OK on the Internal Barrier I/O Module
Transducer for a particular channel(s) shown as Not OK (Wiring Open)

One of the Following Events Occur After Installing a Module in the Rack
Transducer Not OK (Wiring Shorted)
Transducer Not OK (Wiring Open)
Check the backplane for a bent or otherwise damaged pin.

The display shows excessive noise on the input signal

Check to make sure that there are no ground loops. A ground loop is when the transducer
is grounded at the sensor, and either a non-isolated I/O module is used or an isolated I/O
module is grounded at the rack.

All of the recorder output signals are incorrect or are not available
Replace main module.
- or -
Check that the connectors are correctly installed into the I/O module and External
Termination Block (if available) and inspect to make sure that the cable and field wiring are
not damaged.

! ! " & " )4 %


If the 3500/60-/61 Temperature Monitor is added to an existing 3500 Monitoring

System, the following firmware and software versions are required. Where 2 versions
are listed, the first is for minimum functionality. The 2 is the minimum version that
supports complete functionality as described in this manual. Section 5.2 Performing
Firmware Upgrades explains how to view firmware revisions.
3500/20 RIM Firmware – Version 1.07
3500 Rack Configuration Software - Version 2.20 (3.65 recommended)
3500 Data Acquisition Software - Version 2.10 (2.40 recommended)
3500 Operator Display Software - Version 1.20 (1.40 recommended)
The Barrier Temperature I/O Module has these additional minimum requirements:
3500/60-/61 Process Variable Monitor Firmware – Version 1.06 (2.04 recommended)
3500 Rack Configuration Software- Version 2.30 (3.65 recommended)
Differential Temperature Channel Type has these additional minimum requirements:
3500/60-/61 Process Variable Monitor Firmware – Version 2.04
3500 Rack Configuration Software- Version 2.71 (3.65 recommended)

< < 0 %&''>/'

Part number 3500/60- A - B
A I/O Module Type
01 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
02 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
03 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
04 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
05 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders)

B Agency Approval Option

00 None

. < < 0 %&''>/

Part number 3500/61 - A - B
A I/O Module Type
01 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal
" )4 % ! ! " &
02 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, external
03 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal
04 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with Recorders, external
05 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders)

B Agency Approval Option

00 None

% < < 0 -
% >< ! ;@ * -
, ! - %9&99 0 0
A Cable Length
0005 5 feet (1.5 metres)
0007 7 feet (2.1 metres)
0010 10 feet (3 metres)
0025 25 feet (7.5 metres)
0050 50 feet (15 metres)
0100 100 feet (30.5 metres)

B Assembly Instructions
01 Not Assembled
02 Assembled

%. # <! ! # ;@ * -
Part number 134543 - AXX - BXX
A Cable Length
0005 5 feet (1.5 metres)
0007 7 feet (2.1 metres)
0010 10 feet (3 metres)
0025 25 feet (7.5 metres)
0050 50 feet (15 metres)
0100 100 feet (30.5 metres)

B Assembly Instructions
00 Not Assembled
01 Assembled

! ! " & " )4 %
9 ) A %&''>/' ! (
163179-01 3500/60 Temperature Monitor (without recorders)
133819-01 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
*133827-01 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
*133916-01 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors)
*133908-01 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors)
136711-01 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders)
133835-01 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, internal
*133843-01 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/60, without recorders, external
*133932-01 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors)
*133924-01 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip
134542-01 Operation and Maintenance Manual

& ) A %&''>/ ! (
163179-02 3500/61Temperature Monitor (with recorders)
133819-02 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal
*133827-02 RTD/TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, external
*133916-01 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors)
*133908-01 RTD/TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors)
133835-02 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders, internal
*133843-02 Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with Recorders, external
*133932-01 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (Euro style connectors)
*133924-01 Isolated TC Temperature External Termination Block (terminal strip
136711-02 Barrier Temperature I/O Module (3500/61, with recorders)
*133900-01 Recorder External Termination Block (Euro style connectors)
*133892-01 Recorder External Termination Block (terminal strip connectors)
134542-01 Operation and Maintenance Manual

When ordering I/O modules with External Terminations, the External Termination
Blocks and Cables must be ordered separately.
External Termination Blocks cannot be used with Internal Termination I/O Modules.

5 )
Signal Accepts combination from 1 to 6 either resistance
temperature detectors (RTD) or thermocouple (TC)
Isolation 500 Volts (Isolated TC Temperature I/O Module only)

Input Impedance 10 MΩ min

Power Consumption (3500/60) 7.0 watts (typical)
Power Consumption (3500/61) 9.0 watts (typical)

OK LED Indicates when the 3500/60-/61 is operating properly.
TX/RX LED Indicates when the 3500/60-/61 is communicating with
other modules in the 3500 rack.
Bypass LED Indicates when an alarming function has been disabled
either by the user or by a fault condition
RTD Current Source 925 ± 15 µA @ 25°C (single supply for each 4-wire RTD
dual supply for each 3-wire RTD)
4-20mA Recorder Output +4 to +20 mA analog signal proportional to a selected
proportional value for that channel. Monitor operation is
unaffected by short circuits on recorder outputs. 0 to +12
Vdc range across load. Max. Load resistance 600 Ω.
Proportional Values Up to 3 active per channel, Options are Direct,
Composite (Group Average) and Differential.

Sensor Input 20 bit, Averaged and filtered to 16 bit
Recorder Output 16 bit


1 &% " M °. °9
RTD Input Total error = Sensor error + Monitor error.
Thermocouple Input Total error = Sensor error + Monitor error + CJC error.
Sensor Error (10 ohm Cu RTD) 3°C without barriers, 18.5°C with Barrier Temperature
I/O Module, external barriers depends on model
" )4 % ! ! " &
Sensor Error (other RTD’s) Negligible without barriers or Barrier Temperature I/O
Module, external barriers depends on model
Sensor Error (Thermocouple) Follow this table to keep sensor error below 1 deg C
TC 100 ft 500 ft 1000 ft
J 22 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG
K 20 AWG 12 AWG 10 AWG
E 24 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG
T 20 AWG 12 AWG 10 AWG

Table 10-1 Maximum Thermocouple Wire Length by Gauge

Monitor error +/-1° C

CJC Error Use this table to determine the accuracy of the CJC
sensor. The error of the CJC is caused by proximity to
heat sources. To minimize error the CJC should be
located in a well-ventilated area.
3500/05 RTD/TC RTD/TC Isolated TC Isolated TC Barrier
Backplane Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature
type I/O Module I/O Module I/O Module I/O Module I/O Module
(Internal (External (Internal (External
Termination) Termination) Termination) Termination)
Bulkhead 3° C 3° C 2° C 1° C 3° C
Standard 3° C 1° C 2° C 1° C 3° C

Table 10-2 CJC Error by I/O Module and Backplane type

Composite Total error = Average error of all Direct Proportional

Values used to create the Composite reading.

Differential Total error = Difference of the Direct Proportional Value

error and the Composite Proportional Value error of a

Alarm Setpoints Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 levels (setpoints) can be set for the
proportional values measured by the Temperature
Monitor. All alarm setpoints are set using software
configuration. Alarms are adjustable and can be set
from 0 to 100% of full-scale for each proportional value.

Alarm time Delays Alarm delays can be programmed using software, and
can be set as follows

Alarm 1 From 1 to 60 seconds in 1 second intervals

Alarm 2 From 1 to 60 seconds in 0.5 second intervals or to the
minimum alarm time delay. See Table 5-4 Worst Case
Minimum Alarm Time Delay


Operating Temperature
Barrier Temperature I/O Module 0° C to 65° C (32° F to 149° F)
Other I/O Modules -30° C to 65° C (-22° F to 149° F)
Storage Temperature -40° C to 85° C (-40° F to 185° F)
Humidity 95% non-condensing


2 #$ ) 1/' & % ' $ ' &%& ' ' " *

#$ ' & % & ' ' 5 ' '5 " '' & && &/ % $ '
'' " % " $ # &$ & . ' & 9 9 & ' % $'% 5
& & / & 7 / " %% &
Radiated Emissions EN 55011, Class A
Conducted Emissions EN 55011, Class A
Electrostatic Discharge EN 61000-4-2, Criteria B
Radiated Susceptibility ENV 50140, Criteria A
Conducted Susceptibility ENV 50141, Criteria A
Electrical Fast Transient EN 61000-4-4, Criteria B
Electrical Fast Transient EN 61000-4-4, Criteria B
Surge Capability EN 61000-4-5, Criteria B
Magnetic Field EN 61000-4-8, Criteria A
" )4 % ! ! " &
Power Supply Dip EN 61000-4-11, Criteria B
Radio Telephone ENV 50204, Criteria B
Safety Requirements EN 61010-01

Barrier Temperature I/O Module Class I, Division 1, Groups A through D
Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, G
Class III
Other I/O Modules Class I, Division 2, Groups A through D
Barrier Temperature I/O Module [EEx ia] IIC
Other I/O Modules No Rating


#$ % * ) ' /% $ .13 #8 . " .- -8-. '

Circuit Parameters Vmax (B) = 5.44 V
(C) = 6.67 V
Imax (B) = 40.5 mA
(C) = 49.6 mA
Rmin (B) = 134.4 Ω
(C) = 134.4 Ω

Channel Parameters (Entity) Vmax = 7.87 V

Imax = 90.1 mA
Rmin (B) = 134.4 Ω
(C) = 134.4 Ω

Main Board
Dimensions 241.3 mm x 24.4 mm x 241.8 mm
(9.50 in x 0.96 in x 9.52 in)
Weight 0.82 kg (1.8 lbs)
I/O Modules
Barrier Temperature I/O Module 241.3 mm x 24.4 mm x 163.1 mm
(9.50 in x 0.96 in x 6.42 in)
Other I/O Modules 241.3 mm x 24.4 mm x 99.1 mm
(9.50 in x 0.96 in x 3.90 in)
Barrier Temperature I/O Module 0.46 kg (1.01 lbs)
Other I/O Modules 0.20 kg (0.44 lbs)


Main Board 1 full-height front slot
I/O Modules 1 full-height rear slot

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