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As a future teacher, enumerate/tell your duties/responsibilities to the students

Teaching is no easy task; a profession that one shouldn't take too lightly. As an aspirant
teacher, I am adept at the duties and responsibilities my students necessitate to see through
and make sure that their interests and welfare are being taken care of.
I believe that the first thing I should be responsible for is the driving-out of their 'willingness'
to learn. Through knowing them well; understanding their personalities and interests, and
through making them feel comfortable and open to me as their third mother, I believe that I can
help them to have the eagerness and focus on learning.
After catching their attention, it is now then my responsibility to make certain that they are
able to follow my class. Students' competence varies inside the classroom. We cannot expect
all of them to digest our lesson that quickly. That is why I must support them in any way
depending on their individual needs, and it can be a moral, spiritual, or even financial support. It
is also my duty to be an intermediary between my students and their family. Constant
communication with their family will greatly relieve my understanding of both parties.
Flexibility is the key to effectively accommodating all my students' deficits. Guiding them in
decision-making; moralizing their wrongdoings, and letting them experience failures are I
believe also part of my everyday jobs as their teacher. I cannot assure them of a bright and
successful future, but I can guide them to reach a brighter tomorrow.

2. As a pre-service teacher (students of education) how would you describe yourself as an

effective teacher in the 21st Century?
As a pre-student teacher in the 21st Century, I would humbly describe myself as an effective
teacher who demonstrate proficiency in Information and Technology. It is no surprise how
efficient and convenient now our teaching method, thanks to the continuous advancement of
new technology. By that, teachers are expected to master these approaches to keep up with
modernism. I, as a pre-service teacher is confident that I can skillfully make used of these
means such as Powerpoint presentation and video presentation to demonstrate how effective I
am as student of education in the 21st Century.
Having said that, 21st Century doesn’t only prove the ease of the use of technology. Aside
from becoming skilled in technology, I am also well-aware of the vast opportunities and careers
that this modern world could offer. It is crucial for a teacher to have a deep understanding of
reality. How can I properly guide my students to take the right track if in the first place I have
already failed to scrutinize their skills, talents, and capabilities for me to find the best career that
would suit theirs?
Students today are very intelligent, so I guess I would see myself often on the guiding side. I
am observant, and I believe that the most effective approach would be to just let them explore
and let their interests occupy their learning process. As I said earlier in the first question,
students’ competence varies inside the classroom. On that matter, I do not see myself
constantly interacting with my students, I would rather become their counselor. But, I am not
saying that I will refrain from directly teaching them, of course, they are free to ask me anything
if they are having a hard time understanding some topics. What I am trying to imply is that it
would be wonderful if I just let their thoughts loose, an arrangement where curiosity is the
superior, an environment where everybody’s free to make their own approach to the lesson.
That is how I see myself as an effective teacher in the 21st Century. That is how I would like
to be an effective teacher in the 21st Century. A guiding pillar whose proficient in modern means
of teaching and has a profound knowledge of the careers and opportunities – a career match-
maker - that will help my students in navigating this ever-changing world.

3. If you would be assigned as a lone teacher in a barangay, how can you get the support
of the community?

If I were to be assigned as a lone teacher in a barangay, I think I would easily get the
support of the community through showing result. There’s nothing persuasive than seeing an
effort turned to positive end result, right? After all, to see is to believe.
Having assigned as a lone teacher can be quite problematic, but not for me. I am an
adaptable person; I have the ability to finish any task without relying on others. Simply speaking,
I am positive that I can win the support of the community.
Another way that I thought would greatly help me to get the support of the community is by
the means of consistent communication with them. Having a conversation with the community,
knowing their concerns or worries, and their discrete thoughts are I believe, essential to the
makings of trust for both of us. If I effectively express myself to them and show them that I am
no threat to the students or the community. By displaying how reliable and responsible I am and
how concerned I am about the standing of the education in their barangay, I believe that
everything will be fine and will work accordingly. By being transparent and open to the
community, and by organizing a weekly open forum and evaluation that will enable both our
disquiet as well as plans to be heard, which in the later run will be beneficial to the development
of their barangay’s education.
Nevertheless, among all the mentioned means that will aid me to get the support of the
community, there is one that I and anyone should think of and consider the most, and that would
be the evident respect I should extend to their culture. No matter how good I am as a teacher
may be in performing my role, once I failed to recognize the existence of the cultural importance
of the community, then I fail – everything would be futile. Thus, effort with positive results,
consistent communication, transparency, weekly forums and evaluation, expressing myself as
someone reliable and responsible, understanding their principles, and the most important thing
is respecting their culture are I believe the fundamental means for me to win the support of the
community I am assigned to.

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