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– Many times in Jaimini Sutras sage instructs us to find stronger signs

between two [or more signs] and decide between them. How to find this stronger sign
is a cumbersome task [it is simple but made difficult] Jaimini Sutras in Chapter 2 Pada
3 Deals with Strength first categorising it in four sections and then again he deals with
this in Chapter 3 pada 3. In both places, there are some differences in opinion
between scholars. Let us try to understand them. [Based on my own understanding]

Caution – only apply the next rule or next set of rules when the previous one fails to
decide stronger

Chapter 2 Pada 3
First Source of Strength
2.3.5 – अथ प्राणः – [अथ – Now प्राणः – living energy] Now I am describing Prana.
[Strength] of Rashi because the Jaimini system mainly deals with Rashi’s.

Wikipedia defines Prana as “In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine, and
martial arts, prana (प्राण, The Sanskrit word for “life force” or “vital principle”)  Is all
cosmic energy, permeating the Universe on all levels. Prana is often referred to as the
“life force” or “life energy”. It also includes energies present in inanimate objects. In
literature, prana is sometimes described as originating from the Sun and connecting
the elements of the Universe. This life energy has been vividly invoked and described
in the ancient Vedas and Upanishads”

From this, we are very clear that Prana is the internal and essential strength of
anything that decides its influence [power] Hence Rashi’s strength will decide its
influence on our life. For this simple reason, this is a very important consideration
[Now readers can better understand why we saw stronger between Lagna and It’s
sanmukha Rashi to decide Arudha Lagna] In Jaimini Astrology Sanmukha Rashi is as
powerful as the Rashi itself and if having more Prana [Now referred as energy/vital
energy] it will influence us [whose horoscope it is] in a more pronounced way.

2.3.6 – कारक योगः प्रथमो भानाम – [कारक-Doer] Bhava is a condition, Rashi is situation
and planets are living beings which makes thing happen [Is what I had learnt in the
first stage of Jyotish] hence this means “Occupation of a sign by any planet is first
strength” [प्रथमो -First] it means first it must be applied and if this does not decides
stronger then proceed to apply next rule.
2.3.7 – साम्ये भूयसा – If both signs [we take it like we are comparing two signs but one
can also compare more than one sign using the same formula. This is will be
explained in end with an example] are occupied by planets then the one with more
number of planets is strong.

2.3.8 – ततस्तुन्गादिः – [तुन्ग is a synonym for exalted and आदि means etc] After that [if
earlier two aren’t able to decide stronger is what तत ् means “after that”] decide
stronger by the strength of planets by their being in exaltation etc [here one can take
Exaltation-Mool Trikona-Own Rashi]

2.3.9 – निसर्गस्ततः – By Natural strength [निसर्ग – Natural] Fixed signs are stronger
than Movable signs and Dual signs are stronger than Fixed signs is Natural Strength
of Rashi’s. [Movable-Fixed-Dual in ascending order is more powerful]

2.3.10 – तदभावे स्वामिन इत्थं भावः – Judge the same by their lord [being in Exaltation

 2.3.11 – अग्रायतोअत्र विशेषात – If they are equally strong [after using the previous rule]
then what their Chara Karakattwa. It will decide strength. That means Darakaraka-
Atmakaraka are stronger in increasing order. [In my humble opinion 2.3.11 is not a
new rule but an addition in the last one which says if both lords (of two comparing
signs) are exalted then the one with highest Chara Karakattwa will win due to the use
of the word विशेषात – where विशेष means special. meaning between two exalted
planets one in highest degrees is stronger than the latter one]

 2.3.12 – प्रतिवेशिकः पुरुषे – [प्रतिवेशिक means being situated in opposite oddity] An odd
sign whose lord is in even sign is stronger than an odd sign whose lord is in odd sign.
An even sign whose lord is in odd sign is stronger than an even sign whose lord is in
another even sign.

2.3.13 – इति प्रथमः – [इति- ends प्रथमः-first] Here ends the first source of strength.

Second Source of Strength 

2.3.14 – स्वामि गुरुज्ञदृगयोगो द्वितीयः – [स्वामि-lord गुरु-Jupiter दृग-aspect योगो-
occupation द्वितीयः-second] Aspect or occupation of Sign’s lord, Mercury and/or
Jupiter gives the second source of strength.
Third Source of Strength
2.3.15 – स्वामिनस्तत
ृ ीयः – Third strength from lord of sign to be known is now
explained [this shloka seems out of context – with the translation accepted by me. but
next shloka if one watches carefully can also be misinterpreted as being talked about
Rashi. Hence sage makes it clear that the next rule that I am going to tell/disclose is
to be seen from lord only [of signs] and not from signs themselves.

2.3.16 – स्वात्स्वामिनः  कंटकादिष्वपार दौर्बल्म ् – [स्वात – it must mean Swakaraka but

most have taken here Atmakaraka as Swakaraka that is also a valid interpretation
स्वामिन ्-lord कंटक – a synonym for Kendra आदि-etc स्वापार-after crossing that दौर्बल्यं-
weak] It means Sign’s whose lords are placed in Kendra [1-4-7-10] to Atmakaraka is
strong. Signs whose lords are in Panaphara [2-5-8-11] to Atmakaraka is weak
and Signs whose lord is in Aapokilma [3-6-9-12] from Atmakaraka are weakest.

Fourth Source of Strength

2.3.17 – चतुर्तथः पुरुषे – [चतुर्थ् -four पुरुषे-male] the Fourth source of strength lies in odd
signs [Odd signs are said Male sign and Even signs are said female signs in
Astrological Terminology] that means even if after implying all these strength rules
strength be same then take Male/Odd sign to be stronger

Application of rules 
In my humble opinion, the reason behind categorising them in four different sources is
due to their separate usage for each and every case/condition.

The first category of strength is generally applicable everywhere unless mentioned,

This is the basic strength that must be used to decide stronger between two signs at
all places. Like in a dasa named Atmakaraka Kendradi Graha Dasa primarily Third
Source of Strength must be used to decide stronger. Hence the application of these
four categories of strength must be used as instructed. [we will see them in coming

Sometimes one may need to skip a few rules to decide stronger. Let us see
an example.
1. Decide Strongest Rashi in the whole chart? – Aquarius because it contains three
planets whereas the rest contains only a single planet.

2. Judge stronger between Lagna and 7th house? – Lagna with three planets.

3. Stronger between 5th and 9th house? – Both have an equal number of planets but
due to Saturn being in exaltation Libra is stronger (9th house)

4. Stronger between Capricorn and Pisces? -Both have planets, Their numbers are
also the same (both signs contain 1-1 planets each) their dignity is again the same
(both are exalted) but Pisces is stronger due to it being a Dual sign

5. Decide stronger between Virgo and Sagittarius – Both signs are empty [first three
rules doesn’t give any result] both are dual sign [the fourth rule also gave no result]
lord of both houses are not in exaltation or own house [Except Moon all planets gets
their Mool-Trikona only in their own houses. Hence rule five also is unable to decide
stronger] Because their lords are not in dignity [I am leaving Mercury’s Vargottam here
that must be taken akin to exaltation] Rule 6 is non-applicable. Virgo is a female sign
whose lord is in male sign whereas Sagittarius is a male sign whose lord is in male
sign hence Rule  7 decides Virgo 8th house as stronger. 8th is the house of Kundalini
and spiritual transformation and the 11th is the house of gains and fulfilment of desire.
One can see Thakur even after becoming priest of Dakshineshwar Mandir was only
concentrated upon spirituality and never on money.

Like this one can decide stronger Rashi between two [or more] signs under

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