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Olvasott szövegértés 10 Angol B2 Intézményi nyelvi vizsga

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Tom Mauser’s shoes may look like an ordinary pair of sneakers. But they are not. They are
the same pair his 15-year-old son Daniel was wearing when he died in the 1999 Columbine
school massacre. But Mauser was not thinking about the shoes. He was just very angry and
his voice shook with emotion as he explained why neither President Barack Obama nor
Republican challenger Mitt Romney had spoken out about stricter gun controls after the mass
shooting in Aurora, Colorado.

“They are afraid of the gun lobby,” he said, standing in the middle of the Columbine
memorial in the Denver suburb of Littleton, just across town from Aurora. “They are not as
afraid of hearing from me as they are afraid of hearing from the gun lobby. Well, I am going
to make them afraid of me too.”

Mauser believes that James Holmes, who is believed to have killed 13 and injured 58 people
during a midnight showing of the latest Batman film, is a clear example of the gaps in
America’s gun laws. Holmes had a terrifying collection of four guns, 6,000 rounds of
ammunition and sophisticated bulletproof armour but he does not appear to have broken any

He bought everything legally, either via the internet or in person at a gun store. Even buying a
sophisticated and lethal 100-bullet magazine for his semi-automatic rifle was legal. That is
something that almost makes Mauser cry. “A hundred bullet magazine? Really? What is the
purpose of that being legal, and how does that make us a stronger nation?” he asked.

These are questions close to Mauser’s heart. His son, Daniel, died in the shocking Columbine
school killings, in which 12 students, one teacher and the two shooters were killed. But that
heartbreaking experience has made Mauser a passionate and outspoken supporter of stricter
gun laws.

He helped close a loophole in Colorado, which made it harder to buy weapons at gun shows.
He has supported the few politicians who publicly support more gun controls and he is a
board member of Colorado Ceasefire, a gun control group. But Mauser knows that – despite
awful events like Columbine – his side of the debate is losing and there is little chance of

Instead, gun controls have got looser and looser across America since 1999. “It has not got
better; it has got worse. In America we prefer punishment to prevention. But when you lose a
loved one, punishment does not mean anything,” he said. But after the Aurora killings there
has still been little debate over making gun laws stricter. Obama spoke about the tragedy
during his weekly radio programme but he did not mention the word gun once in his speech.
Only New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg asked for a national debate on the issue. But, so
far, his call has mostly fallen on deaf ears. Nevertheless, Mauser will not give up, because he
is powerfully motivated by the memory of his son.
Olvasott szövegértés 10 Angol B2 Intézményi nyelvi vizsga

Many parents might find it unimaginable to think what it feels like to wear the same shoes
that a beloved son died in. But Mauser uses them as a motivational tool when he speaks about
gun control issues and the shoes are also a way of paying tribute to Daniel’s tragically short
life. “It is very hard. But it is what I have to do. It is how I honour my son. Parents should not
have to walk in the shoes of a murdered child,” he said.

1. Milyen cipőt visel Tom Mauser? (1 pont) 0 pont
a)surranót ami a testvéréjé volt és halálakor azt viselte NEM SURRANÓ, NEM TESTVÉR
2. Mikor és hogyan halt meg Daniel Mauser? (2 pont) 2 pont
b)Kolumbiai iskolai mészarlásnál lelőtték....................................................................................
3. Miért mérges Tom Mauser? (2 pont) 0 pont
a) hogy sem Obama sem Mitt nem beszél a fegyverellenőrzésrők SZIGORÍTÁSÁRÓL
b)és megmagyarázzák miért nem ??? mert félnek a fegyverlobbitól
4. Hány embert ölt meg, illetve sebesített meg James Holmes? (2 pont) 2 pont
a)13 embert megölt ......................................................................................................................
b)58 at megsebesített.....................................................................................................................
5. Milyen felszerelése volt Holmesnak? (3 pont) 1 pont
a)4 fegyver....................................................................................................................................
b)6000 lőszer TÖLTÉNYTÁR
c)mesterkélt golyóálló páncélzat MODERN, nem mesterkélt
6. Hol szerezhette be Holmes a fegyvereit? (2 pont) 2 pont
a)interneten keresztül + LEGÁLISAN VETTE
b)személyesen fegyverboltban......................................................................................................
7. Mi történt James Holmessal? (1 pont) 0 pont
a)elfogták,megbüntették kiemeltem a szövegben, LELŐTTÉK
8. Kiket támogatott Tom Mauser és milyen csoportnak vezetőségi tagja? (2 pont) 2 pont
a)kevés politikust akik nyilvánosan támogatták a fegyverellenőrzést..........................................
b)Kolorádói tűzszünet , fegyverellenőrzési csoport TESTÜLETI tagja.......................................
9. Hogyan alakultak a fegyvertartás szabályai 1999 óta az USA-ban? (1 pont) 1 pont
a)lazább,nem lett jobb inkább rosszabb........................................................................................
10. Mi volt furcsa abban, ahogy Obama a tragédiát követően a rádióban nyilatkozott? (1 pont)
1 pont
a)nem említette beszédében a fegyver szót...................................................................................
11. Ki volt az egyetlen, aki az ügy országos vitáját javasolta és hogyan fogadták a javaslatát?
(2 pont) 2 pont
a)New York polgármestere Michael Bloomberg..........................................................................
b)elengedték a fülük mellett,nem foglakoztak vele SÜKET FÜLEKRE TALÁLT
12. Miért viseli Tom Mauser azt a bizonyos cipőt? (2 pont)? 2 pont
a)motiválja,motiváló eszköz mikor beszél a fegyverellenőrzés kérdésekről................................
b)tiszteleg Daniel rövid tragikus élete előtt..................................................................................

Minden jó válasz 1 pontot ér.

Olvasott szövegértés 10 Angol B2 Intézményi nyelvi vizsga

……………15………/ 21 pont 66%


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