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006224 Neg. color film processor QSF-430L W) WODEL : OSF~430L-3 WU) OSF-430L-3E Service Manual 05. 28. 98 ores CAUTION “BE SURE TO TURN OFF THE PORER SOURCE BEFORE STARTING TO WORK © Set the OPERATION/TIMER eviteh to TIMER. @ Torn OFF the breaker in the machine @ Torn OFF che bresker of she power source, However, hen you are inputting correction values vis keys on the kesbeard, do not turn OFF the pover source After torning OFF the pover source, eave the upper cover slighty fopen to Let the fumes escape out of the wackine ‘Do vot subject the machine to great physical shacks or vibrations. They wITI1 cause solution conceminst ion ‘Keep your fingers off the rotary parts (rollers, gears, chains) and cutter blades while the over source in the nechine is O8 Tanediately efter processing aaterial, the deyer beaters ere still very hot Be vers careful nat 20 burn yourself Then you spill solution, wipe it off imnediately. CONTENTS Mechanical adjustment © Film Leading assembly 1, Woe te renove the loading unit 2, How co adjust or replace the slider springs ++" 43, Replaciag the cutter blades rs Replacing pressure rollers: cove 4 5. Attaching the loading unit 6 Adjosting the potition of the Tight -tisht arm plate + Replacing the film seneor v+ss+see © Rack sections 1, Wow to replace sprockets and bushings ir the processing racks ftp 1 2, Mow to adjast the porition of sprockets in the aryer rack 7 ne) © Dryer section 1. low to replace the dryer heater * ru © Drive section 1. Wow ta replace the de oo 2. How to adjust the tonsion of the drive chain (1) + sass 43. Mow co adjust the height of the drive chain rail « ve tet 4, How to adjust the tension of che drive chain (2) i 5. Hoe to adjust the dack-lash (gap) berxeen the drive fear and drive chain (2) in the loading box sane 6, How to adjust the position of the side coller gear + saat © Plumbing secti 1. How to replace bellows puaps sie 2. How to replace circulation pumps ++ rig 3. Replacing the heaters, solution Level sensors tod thereasensore + pesieeeeeees 20 os200 Electrical adjustment © Disposition af F.0.8,5 ++ © Replacing the CPU P.C8 and P-ROMs « © How to change frewency from SOliz te 61Hz and vice verse + Flim processer, DIP switeh setting table +++ Meiatensnce mode =~ heck mode sess eos Adjusting the sensitivity of the perforation sense P-ROM tyPe displaying aede voeos+e Film losGing checking capebi lity soeeseneaseeases 2288 eesee0 0 Explanation of P.O.B.s 1 Pure, Relay P68 eee Cemneeter P08, sseesserveeess Display P08 f ching regulator Surge absorber FG 6 © Processor er tbl © How to chaaze power specifications «+++ Trouble SHOOTING .....c cesses Electrical diagrams « Electrical parts list see ded ovsist © Film loading assenbiy 1 How co remove the Loading onic (1) Check whether film is cerrentiy being processed or rot. If it is, wait until it comes oot of the machine a Turn OFF the porer source eviteh (2) Renove the cover fron the Loading bor (1 serem) (4) Renove the inner cover from the inside TS of the loading box (8) Renore the front cover of the Lesging wit loading box (2 screws ) (8) Disconnect connectors J/P33, 41 18 and 92 Whleceay he Loasing is, (7) Renove the Loading unit (ron the inside of the loading box (6 serevs). (he attaching position af the screw for the Loading anit varies depending on the nachiae.) Fenore “his attaching screw often rosso ‘he ring. ovens 2. Bon to adjust of replace the olide-sprines oosur 4p the Input chack sole, the pressure of the slider springs when the pressure rollere (right) and (Left) ere setivated and when the cetters (right) and (loft) are activated. (1) Check wbothor fila is currently being processed or not. If it is, ati] Lt gones out of the aachine. (2) socass the Leput check aode in the following wy 1, Set the OPERATION/TINER switch co TIMER. 2, Press and bold the (8/CHECKD key and set the OPERATION/TINER snitch to OPERATION. 8. The wessage shows on the right apoars. fro CREE wR casnwpor 2:00rPUt} 4, Prete the [I/CHECE] Key to eseee the input check node. Tach tine the (S/CHEOET ey Te pressed, cheok itens sdvance one Iter another. ach tine tho {NODE 8} Koy is prossad, check itoxs wore one after other, but ia the reverse order. (3) fveoss the No.7 check iten, F cutter node Face fils eartsige in the cartrides older on che eight hand side. Pees the file through be anit until the file ond ones ont of the anit. Hook s spring to TO the ead of the Tile end pull te Tile with the spring. then the senser for ctteating the cutter on the right band side ta eetivaed, the slere Je hed Take the reading on the scale at this tim sprog seate nen the veadiaa Te thin the range, 1.7ke to 1.0kg - 10 sdjusceen sOuceide the shove range ~ adjusteoat is nested (See the sext pase.) o Access the No.8 check iten, L cutter sode, Measure the pressure of the spring on the left hasd side in the sane vay tosis (8) Access the H0.8 check Item, R pressure roller aode, Measure the pressuer of the spring on the right hand side In the sane way a8 above. [When the veadiag 1 Mithin the range, 0.5kg ¢0 0.The ~ ao adjustnent} ‘Outside the above range ~ adjustaent is needed (See below.) (8) kecess the No, 10 check item, L presture roller sede, Measure the pressure of the spring on the left band cide in the sime vay es above. = How to adjust the pressure of the springs shen the cutters are activeted ~ 1. Loosen lock auts ® 2. To strengthen che pressure, rotate the slider shalts counter clockwise To meaken the pressure, rotate the shafts in the opposite direct an, 4. After adjastment, weasure the i, pressure of the springs seen @ Adjust the pressure until 11 enters the specified range If it Is inpossible 19 adjust the pressure, replace the eorings = Hox to adjust the pressore of the springs when the pressure rollers are activated ~ 1, Loosen tocek nets ® e 2, To strengthen the pressure, rotate the slider shafts counter clockvise To veakor the pressure, rotate the shafts in the opposite direction, 3, After adjustrent, neature the Of the springs again. Adjust the pressure anti it enters the specified range. 10 it ix inpocsibie to adjust the pressure, replace the 9 Adjust the pressure of springs when the catters and the pressure rollers are activated so that they Both show standard values tose = Mow to replace slider springs ~ 1, Check whether film is currently being pro= cessed or not. If it is, wait until it comes out of the machine 2. Turn OFF the pover evitch. 3. Renore the londing unit 4, Disconnect connectors J/P42, 43, 44 and 4. ME 5. Renave the slider shaft holder. ME 6. Renove the retaining rings from the Slider ot e slider shafts Depending on the wachlee, WHER loading unit may include the slider shaft Bolder. If s0, carry out the folloving operst ions. slicer share 8. Remove the hex head aut, and vere PS the slider shate clockwise ~~ 5. Pull out the slider shaft fron the opposite side 1. Replace the slidnr aprings sith new e Note: There ace txo kinds of springst one is longer than the other Be careful not to vse then stone vey around, ‘Soring stort) notating cing 8. Reastach the parts 40 their original positions Nagase holder’ 41. Check that the magazine hotder moves eae ler sha 10. Adjust the pressure of che slider springs. 3, Replacing the cutter blades TOE The upper and lover blades are made in ose piece. You therefore cennot replace then separately When both right and Left cotter, blades are to be replaced renove one and re~ place it before renoveing the other. Do NOT renove both at the sane tine (1) Check vheter film is currently being processed or not 1H it is, wait until it comes out of the machine (2) Tare OFF whe poner sviteh (8) Remove the loading unis a Renove the soleneid plate (The shape af the sttching plate iffers depending on the machine.) (8) Remove the blade (2 serens). (6) Reattach the solensid plate Be sure that the upper blades on the right and left are level with each ocher To adjust, loosen the two auts show oa right and move the solenoid plate up oF down a Check that the Lover blade xvard is 0.5m (approx.) higher then the loner blade Note: If the loner blade is higher than the guard, film 9iTT be seratched (8) Lover the upper blade. Check that the gap between the upper blade and lower blade guard is 0.5m or sore, tptsces) toe bie @ ove blade lower taper tage lade (ep view) asise 4, Replacing pressure rollers (1) Check whether Citn is currently being nes Say, Mtsining (2) Remove the loading unit a (0) Rewove the springs 2% Depending on the aachine, the loading unit (lablieated pert) aay not have spring shown in figure 1. If aoc, the operations in iten (4)~(6) are unnecessary Renove the retaining ring shorn in Figure 2, and skip to iten (1) essureoallor lee ela (Fig) (8) Renove the A screxs from the solenoid plate (2) Renove the wire clamps fron the wires. You renove solenoid plate (2) (6) Loosen the 2 set sores fining the pressure pivot shaft (1) Resove the retaining rings (8) Poll ut the pressure pivot shaft Rouove then the pressure reller unit : o Ronove the retaining rings from the pressure roller unit and renore the prestore roller, Attach & nev pressure raller (10) Reattach the parts in their origina? positions, derivate the solenoid snd check that the distance show on the Fight is about 1.Sm, Tf not, edjust the position of the solenoid plate (2). 15m Gg) 5. Attaching the Loading unit @ ® @ ® © Renove inlet guide rack No.1 Pass & lender through the losding nit as far as the Ho.t processing rack Attach the loading unit in sock may thot the center of the leader is In Line with the center of the No.1 processing rack Adjust the backlash (gap) between side roller gears Join connectors J/P38, 41, 48 and 93 Attach, in order, the front cover, loading box cover and inner cover 8187 Lanlo@ tection 8. Adjusting the position of the Light= ‘ight am plate Attach the Light-tight ara plate opener so thet, when the caver of the loading box is closed, it hits the rs place When the arm plate opener is bent as shown, it may not be able to press orn the arn plate. Straighten it, if necessary, Open the cover of the loading box Check whether there Je any gap between the Light-tight arm plate and the loading guide. If there is, remove it by adjusting the shape of the arm plate. (hen the rollers are attached to the Lighe-tighe arm place, adjastuent Js unnecessary.) Close the cover of the Losdine box, Check thes the distance betreen the Tight-tight arm plate snd losding guide 15 8-Tam. If pot, agjust the position of the ars plate 1. Replacing the film sensor = (1) Repatce the file sensor osir7 t Laing anit (iieaing fren the econ of the Loading bos) (2) Adjust the sensitivity of the perforation sensor, © Rack sections 1. flow to replace sprockets end beshings 4m tho processing racks (1) Renove the serene fron the rok Plates and cenove the plates @ onove the sprockets and bushings which are to be replaced. Thea attach new parts Note : 4 sprocket and shaft are oie, in one piece, Re place thes as one unit. (8) Arrange the match aarks op the gears as shows on the right. 2. Hon to adjust the position of sprockets in the drver rack (0) Renove the drver rear cover. 006158 (2) Open the apper cover, (3) fen the hot air prevention plate ot the squeegee rack is transparent, proceed directly to the next ite When the plate is aot transparent, loosen the tte kaob screws and the plate, etightea the knob s (4) Senore the Mo.7 upper curs guido rack ‘nd then insert a leader, Advance the leader aad stop Lt when it cones to the flest sprocket in the dryer rack. ‘Then check hor the sprocket engages with the perforations. If the nese sont ig not proper, adjust it in the Following way “How to adjust~ Loosen the 2 set serene in the drive geur and then tura the goer, This causes the sprocket to rotate, Stop rotating then che enga js ideal, Then tighten the seu a vosise lake cog should enter the cotter of 008180 © dryer section 1. Wow to replace the dryer heater ee (2) Check wether fila is currently | being processed or not. If it is, ~~ co ( ! Seren dryer cools doen before eine on (9) Razore the rear cover (4) Disconnect cosneetor (3/P214) of the dryer heater. (5) Benove the heater unit end thon replace it with a now ore. When the thersostat is #180 to be replaced, replace it at the © drive section How to replace the delve notor a @ s Check whether flln is currently being processed or not, If it fs, wale entil 4t comes out of the ecbine: Ture OFF the poner source switch Note : The dryer is vety bot ast after the switch is luroed OFF. Be eure to walt until the deyer cools dom before going os. Renore the rear cover, Diseoneet coanector (5/2218) of the drive aotor Renove the wotor aount togather with the aotor. Rexove the eotor from the sotor Renove the reducer fron the aoter. Then replace the sotor with a se Beattach the parts but in the reverse onder, Horever, before fixing securely the sotor nount in position, it is necessary to adjust the tension of the chain. Do 20, ceferring to the 1en ooster feducer 2. How to adjust the tension of the drive ehoin (1) (1) Check whether file is currently being processed or wot. If it sy wait ugtil i comer o8t of the macdine. @ ‘Tore OFF the poner source eviteh Note : The dryer is vety hot Just after the switch is turned OFF. Be sure to walt until the dryer cools dows before going on. (8) Remove the seer cover (A) Pross, with a force of tke (appt0x.), the canter of the chain betwoen the sotor sprocket aad free wheel and chock that the distance shows below 1s doen. If not, adjust the tension as explained below. “How to adjast the tension Loosen the $ sorens in the notor fount and adjust the tension by cchonging the position of the Drive chain (3) Veg ator sas 1-8 Brive chain (1) o0si62 3. How to adjust the belgie of the drive bain rail (2) chek abether file is currently befeg processed or not. If it fa, wait eotil it conor out of the: machine. (2) Tare OFF the poner source seiteh (8) Check the back-Lask (esp) betneen 4 cog on the drive sprocket on the processing racks and drive chain @. ‘ibeo Lt As between Jon and 1.5e9 ‘= adjustaeot is unneces hea it is ovtside the shove rane adjust as explained bolo. “How to adjust~ 5 Loosen the 4 chais rail fixing serons and then adjust 1 height of the rail. + When the gap is too small hen the gap is too large Sos gatse the rail 4. How to adiest the chain (2) tension of the drive (2) Chock mother file is currently being processed or not. If it fs, wait entil it cower oot of the sachize. @ Tura OFF the poner source switch, ao¥e the front cover and ainte= nance cover fron the loading box. « Adjust the height of the drive chan rail. (See seetion 3.) i-ut processigg racks r2orbve chain (2) rive chain (2) Chain exit ete) SS ¥ LN >| at t 006164 (5) enove she seer cover. a | NZ eres (©) Prose, with a force of The (approx.), the chain as shown and check the Aistaoee shown in the {llueteetion hon it Ie not $0am, adjust referring to the explanation below. “How to adjust Loosen the 4 fining bolts in the drive cession p Loosen aext the lock aut shown Non rotate the tension adjusting bolt right or left co adjust tention of the shea sin tense @ { } Cee Tension adjerting bolt ros 06165 . Hon te adjust the beck-lash (gap) Between the drive gear end delve chain (2) 2 the loading box (2) check whether fila ie currently being processed or not. If It nti] {t cones out of Leading box the poner source salteh. (3) Renove the 5 serens fron the load ing box aod rerove the box. (4) Loosen the aut for the drive gear. Then aove the gear satil the back-lesh is 0.5na to 1.San (see fig. below) Drive ets (2) 1-16 How to adjust the posit 100 of the side roller gear a @ @ w ) Check whether fila is esrrencly belag processed or not. If it fs, wait antil £t cones out of the ascbine. ‘Tura OFF the pover source switch. Open the cover of the Loading tox. Renove the Inner cover. Renove the Loosen the aut for the side roller roar. Then adjust the positio: of the gear so that the backlash (gap) botwoen the gear tnd drive sprocket fand that between the gear and exit advance gear sre both bezteen 0.200 dnd 0.500. eu osiet a2 oan | fack-lash 0.2 - O50 ) Drive spect © Plumbing section 1 Hor to replace bellows pueps (1) Chock whether film is currently being processed or not. If it js, valt until it comes out of the machine. @ ‘Turn OFF the pover source svitch a Block the vinyl hose of the replenisher puep. at 2 place close to the inlet pipe. See the illus tration. (Block both inlet and outlet.) (4) Renove the hose clasps sed then renove the hoses fron the inlet and ovtlet pipes of the bellows (8) Disconnect the comectors of the replenisher pump (©) Remove the bellors pump, in the following vay = 2. Move back the Dellows pu 42. Raise the bellows pump 10 re- nove it © vais post owe, (1) Aesack ¢ new bellows pump. Then back reattach the parts but in the reverse order ie nets 2, How to replace circulation punps (GQ) Check whether film is currently being processed or not, If it is, wait until it comes ont of the aachine. (2) Torn OFF the poner source sxiteh (8) Renove the processing solution from a processing tank. Seatation puts \ Sierras? (4H) Remove the hose clanps fron the hoses of the circulation pum ‘Then renore the hoses (5) Renote the cover fron the wiring uct and disconnect the connector coning frou the cleculation punp (6) Renove the serers from the pun Then replace It with & new one: (1) Reattach the parts but Ue the re~ verse order, 1-18 3 onsen Replacing the henters, solution level sensors and tbermosensors (1) Check that oo film is currently being processed. Then {lm is being processd, ait until ic hus been processed @ ‘TURN OFF THE POWER SOURCE S¥LTCH. (2) Renove the covers: shown (W Disconnect, in the wiring duet ring dct cover the connectors of the parts to be renoved, Pull the cords of i thom oot of the viring duet ; throvth the tole in the bottom b fof the duet ' (5) Onty shen the solution Level Thereosesso = sensor is to be replaced, renove filter nit see the Lid from the eubeank and rewove the nut shown move the parts to be replaced from the rubtank (1) Attach new parts to the subtank. (8) Bring the cords of the oer parts into the wiring dect through the hole in the éver, Join the connectors to their (9) Reactach the covers: ote: Whee the CD thermesenser is replaced, correct the CD tenperature folloving the eet ions on the folloving pages Correcting the CD and €0-S tenperatures Be sure to perform the folloviog operations after replacing the CD therio-sensor The therno-sensor messures the CD solation te tne is 10en (approx.) and the acher is Gow (approx. subtank. Tho farmer temperature is referred t> az the CD temperature and the latter is as the OD-S temperature. Note: Re sure to correct the te 1 2 controlled range. Bring op the message for the CD or 0D-S toaperature correction value hen CD and OD-S correction values have alzeady been input, reset them Example! To reset CD temperature correction value frox 0.2 to 0 Renove the upper side cover and pull oot the CD filter anit. 08591 ch fron the brim of the weratores only after they have reached their z TANF CORRECT a = 0.0 Press this key repeatedly until he message app! | ‘xn TEMP CORECT THOSE] @ or) OS = 0.0 TEP CORRECT = 030 TP iNPoT CORRECT = 0.00 (0.3) Ta oT = 0.00 e XN uss 4, Measare, with a process grade therno- eter, the solution Cenperature, em (appr0x.) fron the tap of the subeank, 5, Messure, vith a process grade thermo reter, the solution cenperacure, oct pad Gen (approx,) from the top of the oe eubtank, aL rk on the dfernce betwen the : TF TET Uaplayed tenperetres and thre al con 0.0 rneesured in itene (4) and (5) Input the difference values Into the Seeei ates THT RET Correction ioe. Ren the diplared— C] Cent (0.0) Capertee ghee the fevered oan fai orale For the displayed tenperstare, see = TRPUT CORRECT GJ ss Lo section @ in the key operation 5 (0.0) (Exanple) Displayed temperature: 38.0°C a] Te CORREET Messured temperature: 38.5°C iy c= -0.5 38,0-28.5=-0.5 Ranges 8.9209. eon Teot jon of CBs 2. (soa) | Jitters e [| switching resistor nso (seaneare) tons “(ut rmne38) | | ‘cru feday Fs (amas Stanaardh (Gamage) (00) surge Citeare avers © Replacing the OPU P.C.8. end P-ROMS Be sure to follow exactly the procedures explained belo P.C.B. and P-ROME shen replacing the CPU 1. Checking the type of FHROS Set the OPERATION/TIMER switch to TIMER and urn OFF the breaker and wain porer Source, Check then the type of the P-ROMs currently attached to the machine (See the section for displaying P-ROM types.) 2, Recording data Before replacing the CPU P.C.B. ar PROMS, record the folloving dats shorn on the display ‘Torn ON the nain power source, breaker and pover witch (Get the OPERATION/TIVER switch to OPERATION.) 1, Total raplenisher amount (for exch solvtion) Press CI/REPL] key to Bring up the above data 2. Bellows soap replenisher anount (for eack solution) Press [4/R.CALC) key to bring up the above date 3, Film counter of each size Press [0/P.CNT] key ta bring up the above data 4, €D tenperatate correction value Press [6/TP SET) key to bring up the above data 5. Temperature correction values (excluding CD, CO-S) (in the maintenance node) 6. Process number (in the maintenance mode) 3. Replacing the CPU P.C.B. and PHROMS Set the OPEEATION/TIMER switch to TIMER and turn OFF the bred source. Replace then the (PU P.C.B. or P-ROMs with nex ones Then replacing the CPU P.C.B., be sure to set che DIP svitebs on the sew CPU P.C\B, as the old CPU P.C.8. 1 and oan pore? Pay careful attention to the following points Using a standard scree driver or the Like, renove carefully the P-#0Ms from the IC sockets = Never touch the pins af the PoROMS directly with bare fingers ‘ope sure that the slots in the P-ROMs face in the sane direction as those in the IC sockets. + Never bead the pins of the P-ROs Be sure that all the pine of the P-ROMs have seen inserted into the IC sockets fully 05176 4, Tnpucting date 1, Glear the data in the EE-P-ROU (in the maintenance mode). 2. Inpot the process aunber (in the melatenance mide) 3, Inpuc temperature correction values (excluding CD, CD-S) (in the maintenance ode) 4. Clear the Jack tine (for each solution) (1) Press [1/REPL] bey on the board until che meisage “TIME, SHORT BY" appears on the display, (2) Press [OUR] key while pressing [MODE AT key 5. Relnput total replenisher exouat @ ect [I/REPL] key on the key board repeatedly uni the nessege e TOTAL REPL. YOLINE" appears on the display. (2) Press CENT) key. Then ingot the asta rece fnpronriate The Ten Hess. Kor press CENT] Wy. {tar} key => The Ton Kaye — CENT) ey before using the 6. Reinput Bellows pump replenisher sxount (For eich solution). (1) Press CUR.CALC) Key repeatedly until the nessage *OUTPUT' appears on the isplay (2) Press [BNI] Kes. Then input the data recorded before using the appropriate The Ten Keys. Now press CENT) (ENT) key — The Ten Keys —> [EXT] key T. Reinput film counter of each size (1) Press (O/F.CNT] key repestedty until the westege “FILM COUNTER’ appears oo the display. (2) Press [BRT] key. Then input the date recorded before using the appropriate The Ten Keys. Yow press CENT) key. CENT] key + The Ten Keys — CENT] key 8, Roinpot CD and CD-S conperature correction values (1) Press (O/TP SET) key repeteadly anti the message "TEMP. CORRECT VALUE appears on the display. (2) ross [BHT] key. Then input the da The Ten Keys. Yow press (EAT) key CENT] key ~> The Ten Kers —> CENT] ker recorded before using the appropriate 5. Adjose the o0 been replaced). tivity of the perforation sensor (only shen the CPU P.C.B, has ana © iow te change frequency from SOHz te 60H: and vice verse Change the frequeney in the folloving way (1) Check whether fil Is corrently being processed or nat, If it is, vrait until i€ cones out of the stenine. a Note + Jost after file hes been processed, NH the dryer hescer Ie stHLL very bot i be careful aot to burs yoersel 6 sero (2) Renove the rear cover (4) Put on the motor shaft, 2 mark Indicating the position of che sprocket usit on the shaft (6) Loosen the t¥0 set serews (6) Change the position of the sprocket nit as explained below se Use the dieser sprocket Bolle s++++ Use the sneller sprocket (1) Fix the sprocker unit in positon s0 that it is flush with the mark put in ites (4) (8) Adjust the tension of dzive chain (1). @ Reattach the rest core? (10) Measure the output of the replenisher (See section 18 in the Key operation ranvel.) (11) rite the ner Frequency in the rated plate on the aachine 00989 waa) 2219p vor es0}s04 om) Jo e438 94 Ho 18 esa zea ‘rounder eres ‘pou keydezp s0x0-088099 OL tsa swuequ69 amy uo}1}s088) ose © Maintenance mode For how to ose the selntenance node, see the table In iter 6. 1. Tow to activate the maintenance node (2) Tern OY D85-Ma.1 on the CFU P.C.B. (2) Torn the OPERATION/TIMER seiteh to TIMER. Press and hold the [NODE A] kes and return the itch to OPERATOX, The maintenence mode is then activated ané the inessage shown below appears Wo. =00 WATNTENANCE OCESSING STEP 2, How to select each item in the malatenancee mode (1) How to find the desired item, Press the (WODE A] key —- The item ausber increases. Press the (MODE B] key — The item number decreases. (2) How to input the desired item directly Input directly the item puaber vith the appropriate nuneral Kers Trem ourber end its message appear on the display Gsanple) [Wo =r waTNTERINCE EDL UNIT, CHANGEOVER When you input an ften noxber vhich Is pot actually being sed, the itex ousber appears but no message appears. (exsnple) WAITER 4, How to cheek and change the contents of exch item in the mintenance rode Select the desived icen = OF WATNTERANCE REPL UNIT, CHANGEOVER Press the CENT] key. The contents of the EPL OTT, CHANGEOVER selected item apnea? + a/aloint/n Linl/te) Press the [CLR] ker, The wessage returns Wo = OF WA TNTERANCE to the previaue one REPL UNIT, CHANGEOVER Note: then sou press the (ENT) key for an unused item, the message does not change eall How to change the contents (1) Select the tex munber, the contents in which Is to be changed. (Example) To change the setting on the vnit (oL/s oF L/fe) of replenisher snount in Item 02 (2) Press the (EXT) key. (2) Change the setting with £0/F.01T} to [9/7 P05) key. (Example) To change from al/e to al/tt hen the Aisplay, changed key dari the sett (4) Check the new setting and press the CENT] hep shew 16 is eorseet An asterisk reappears and the setting has been completed. G) Press the 1] key. The message returns to for selecting iter > nonbers Hor to cancel the maintenance mode (1) Tern OFF DS3-0.1 on the CPU P.C.B, (2) Press the (CLR) key to bring up the nessage shora, nese FO= WTAE WO.= OF WATNTENINCE REPL UNIT, CHANGEOVER ‘aL/a alte WERL WHIT, CNGEOVE the setting is being 1 you press the (CLR) ng this period of tine, ig vill not be changed terisk on the + nl/afo:nL/n Linl/te WO =e WATNTERANCE REPL UNIT, CHANGEOVER WO.=00 WATRTERANCE PROCESSING STEP oo7on2 (8) Press the (€LR) Key again. The waintenance aode Is then cancelled ané tnd the machine returns ta che normal node You can also enter the normal operation mode by performing the following operations: (1) turn OFF the drive seiteh (2) carn the OPERATION/TINER Switeh to TIMER (3) turn OFF the bretker (4) return the breaker to OW (5) turn the OPERATION/TINER sritch te OPERICION (6) turn ON the drive sviteh. 5. The maintenance node avtonstically comes ON ualer the following conditions: “Conditions No process munber is Inpot Jnte EE-P.ROM on che CPU P.C.B. and there is m0 process data, WO PROCESS DATA st cab Lo 0]_| Alare message appears CAUTION The alarm message and sound will net be cancelled unless you input 2 process hunber, It will nel be cancelled either even though the Dover switch is turned OFF and then turned ON “Countermeasure Input the appropriate number with CO/F.CAT] to (8/F.POS] ers After inputting, race the TENTIey [PROCESSING sTEF——] # Bc @> (00-501 + Processor-nanber appear in these spaces: If you input 4 process ounber shich is aot in use, the message shown below appenrs [ores oa #0] ab Coo-so7 7 Yeong munber appears here. 6. Contents of the aaintensnce mode For wore infor aoroid tion about each item in this mode, seo item 7: Detailed explanation of each then Teen Wo ——“Wessaae Toncenss Cine the following Tom shew) 30-48 WATMTEMINCE 00 FROCESSING Ta © Input ing & process munber after processes have been changed @ Checking process auxbers @ Inport ing process nunbers after the data in HE-P ROW ie cleared, oer Checking frequency of wlectrle current, [REPL TANCE | — Changing the onit of veplenisher amount 10] WEPL SOLY LRVEL ALAR OD Checking the setting on the solition Level slaves for the replesisher and waste solotion anks, Cheek mhetber the setting is OFF or sot hen ao alaen is pradced even thooth it is suppored to be produced TT [WASTE SOL LEVEL MLAB] @ continuing to process film Fith the slave setting OFF. Use this when an alarm occurs, it cannot be canceled by pressiag the (CLR) es, 309 look for the caose and you ant to continue to process filw wbtle earring o¥t TE) Licht TiGa SHSOR | swe is set this wo OFF tecvaze the seater for the Tight-tigh cover is neither standard sor an option.) ORE FF ART The the circulation puny Te worse bat the eopnage detection device is out of order, tnd {lla Is processed with the setting et OFF. Be sore to set to OM after changing the ra WE TH. CORREET [> faualivive the Hiaplayed temperatures eh @| n anet teur, consect” | | che precetersined ones. (I! the difference 2 asst revr, comeect | | etseen the two tenperatures 1s outside 20.9 4% sop rev comsect | ange, the thermostats may be defective.) Depend iat op the specificatient of The machine, Tens 21 abi 12 ay 100 tH Alse depending ia the specifications, the contents in iten 21 and 22 aay 80 ditterent 26 | ORY LONER TEMP CORRECT | — The sorvesdTan temperature Te very Tow aad (This message appears only when DSI-No.5 on PU P.c.B. is ON.) ie takes a long tine for the dryer temperature to reach the present one. Ww 31 2 " M 6 PPR TeuP ALAR [ODT UPPER TEMP ALARM CORY? [UPPER TEP ALARM (BL-STB LonER TEMP ALARM [cD] LONER TEMP ALARM CORY) LOWER TEN ALAR (8L-STB%) Changing the allovable range of che solutlon 0708s Terese Tontents (ise the Tolloriag Teen wheat) TASH ATER OF TIME [TASH HATER OFF TIME {INITIAL O8 TIME Dry of TIME pa¥<2> OX TIME DRY OFF TIME Day DNTTEAL ox TIE Day-> ciANGE TIME FILM oor Buzz. TIMING LLY PASSING TIME C1] FILM PASSING TIME C2) FILM PASSING TIME [3] FILM PASSING TIME (42 PILM PASSING TIME [5] FILM PASSING TIME [6] FILM PASSING TIME (7) FILM PASSING TIME (8) 7 ] This message appears only Th the plumbing node. Use this when sou vant to change data after Usually, shen processes are modified ant process ninbers are Inqut, the appropriate fata is astonatically traught up. Therefore do not change the dats without the good DATA CLEAR (this message appears nly when DS3-Xo.8 on PU P.0.8.) Clearing the date ie EPA (there is 00 problen 00 the data in items fron €0 co 6E but thete is same problem on the wichine, In this ease, clear the da in EE-P.ROM and inpot the process nunber. Then the data in itees 00 to 68 Is initialized.) 007065 1 Detailed explanation of each iten <0 WATNTENANCE PROCESSING STEP + You can check and input process oabers in this node + Change process sunbers in this mode after changing processes For process nusbers, see the processs number table. + Process-nunbers are frow OD to 60. If you try to inrut process numbers 51 to 88, the machine will not accept them and che alarm scunds, hen you cry co Inpat process mumbers 00 <0 $0 and there arr no recess for the nu smachine does not accept the nunbers and the alare sovads 2 the PROCESSING STEP [suc_> (00-503, Press che [CLRIkey. ' WO PROCESS ATH 50> [00-509 TOOT MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY Frequency of the electric pover is shosn The machine automatically detects the frequency and Input the data by itself Therefore, you do not hare to inpst e WO. =0 WA TTERANCE REP UNIT, CHANGEOVER + You ean change the unit, be sure to record the data about the replenisher + You can change the unit of the replenisher amount CAUTION Before changing the unit, be sure to racerd the data about the raplenisher snount, When the anit is changed, the data about the replenisher amount returns te the initial standard amount (okey aba [ker Cotte ten ser + OF as [os waTNTENERCE 1 SOLN LEVEL, ALAR [ao =I waeTERANCE ‘and OFF cettings for the replenisher solution alarm is perforned (0) key OFF (1) key ov Te SOLN LEVEL ALAR on ui [oar meen | and OFF settings for the waste solution level alarm is performed (0) key oF (1d key ow (GET TEGHT SENSOR Ox wo OW es “Wo. 1s waTwTENANCE ST WNTEN ‘and OFF settings for the Hight-tight cover is performed. [0] key oFF (1d key on et Light-tight covers are neither standard nor opt ion Therefore, usually set this to OFF. C1RC PUMP ALA and OFF settings, for stoppage detection alarm device for circulation panns, te [0] key oF CD key es OF ually, set to 08, BL_TEMP CORRECT TO=EWM E Sam Tsu comnact Yo u can inpot tenperature contral values for BL to STB Range: -8.9 to 49.9 = Use tbe EMODE A] key co lapus + and ~ marks WO $78 WATHTERANCE DRY LOWER TEMP Dryer tenperacure preservation capability “use this capability shen the surrounding tenperatare is very cold “Condi ions ‘This copebility can be used only when DS3-No.§ on CPU ?.C.B. is OW {this capability comes ON when the OPERATION/TIVER switch is ON, drive Sritch {5 OM, diver heater is OFF and the surrounding temperature is BOC ar belor, You can change the data about the surrounding temperature in the saincenance node, N0.26 = The descr eutoneticully foes OFF 20° seconde (approx.) after the dryer temperature reaches the present one Vien you insert film during this made or the dryer is changed 10 the FEEP ON node, the mode ie cancelled and the dryer enters the normal operation wate. ae 07089 Further explanation Then the drive sritch is chonged from OFF to ON and the dryer temperature is below 80, the folloviog aessage appears o the display even thou the solution tenperatures are ready for accepting film. You cannot start to process {ile In this ease: ‘hen the aryer tenperatre cove up over 30°C, the noraal message takes o SALT A WEILE, + You can change the preservation dryer tenperature Range! OT to 30T. Note: You can use the capability only shen DSi-No.5 en CPU P.C.B. 1s O¥. When it is OFF, the message sill not appear: TS WTR e pan re ALA cD) You can input the persissible range in excess of set CD ceaperctare: The opper init of the CD temperature is the set temperature plus the input ante, Range: OT co 8.9 Note: 1,0 has slveedy been input as an initial da WOT WATHTENANCE UPPER TEMP ALARW CORY = You ean Lnpat the permissible range in excess of the set dryer tomperature. The upper init of the dryer temperature is the set temperature plus the input Range: 00 to 99 e Note: +10 has elreedy been Input as an initial data Rocca JPPER TEUP_ALARMCRL~ST: = You can input the permissible range in excess of the set BL co STB ‘The upper Linit of the BL ta STB temperatures Is the Input datz Range: OT to 50°C Note: 41 has already heen input as an initial date, WO=TD WATRTENANCE LOWER TEMP ALARW [€07 You can input pernissible range below the set CD tenperature, The lover Linit of the CD tenperature is the set tenperature xinus the ioput aaa. Range! 0 te 9.9% Note! 1.0 has already been iaput as an initial date ea anTETE | {uowee tew ata Cont You can faput permossible range beloy the set dryer tenperstore The lover linit of the dryer tes input date Range? 0 to -98 erature de the set teaperatore minus the Note: -1.0 has already been input as an initial date W025 WATNTENICE ORER TEMP ALARNCBL~ST ‘You can input perwossible range below the set BL vo STB tenperatare, The lower liait of the BL ~ STB tesperature is the set texperature sinus the inpot date, ote: ~3.0 has alrendy beon Input as an Initial dace [=i aTrTEMNCE ‘HASH SATER Ow TIME (only in the plumbing node) You can input the tine which elapses fron the amment vhen film is detected fantil the monent shen the nachine begins to supply water Range! 0 to 5000 seconds Note: As an initial data, the folloving tine has already been fnpst (The data in item 64) ~AT see, “10 sec. -T see. Wat WATITERANCE WAS RATER OFF TIME (Only in the plunbing node) = You can inpet the tine which elapses fro the nonent shen film is detected until the nowent when the aichine stops to stoply water Range! 0 to 5000 seconds Note: As an initial data, the following tine has already been input (Tue data in Iten 66) 10 see. =T see. re Tee i CTLAL OM TIME (Only in the plembing mode) ‘The ‘ime which elapses from the wonent when che Longest film (220) is detected until the moment shen the Fill cones out of the washing tank Range: 0 to 5000 seconds rive mator stops erroneously while {ile is being processed, a the operation seitch ie set co the operations side of a ster is supplied additionally to that per id of tine Note! As an initial data, the following tine ha alvesdy been input (The tige in item BS) +812 see. WO. =50-WATNTENATCE DRY ON TIME = You can input the tise thich elapases from the n until the nonent when the dryer cones ON. Range: 0 to 5000 seconds ext vhen film in detected e Note: As an initial data, the following tine ht already been input (The tine in item 67) -10 min, -T see. WO $51 WATNTERANCE DRY <2> ON TINE You can inpot the Vine which elapses from the muent vhen film is detected lantil the wowent when that front end of the filn encers the dryer Range: 0 to S000 seconds hon 120 and 220 files are processed, the dryer chenges fron DRY(I) to (2) at the tine 54 before che film eaters the dryer Note! Av an inithal date, the following tine Bar alvesdy been inpst {ihe vine tn tten 1)" =t ne e [Wo =5r maNTEMNCE—] DRY_OFF TIME You can input the tine shich elapses from the mment shen film is detected until the roment vhen the dryer goes OFF Range: 0 to S000 seconds Nove: As an initial data, the folloving time has (The tine in iten 68) #80 see. -7 see ay been inpot aaa WO.=50 weiNTENANTE DRY_TRNTUAL Ov TIVE You can input the tine which elapses fro the moment when the Longest {11m (210) is detested until the sowent when the film cones out of the dryer exit ange: 0 to 5000 seconds Then the operation svitch is set to the operition sige or the [ trinsic is ioe eprenely while Hla sig rose as OF aditionally to the period of tiae J dryer re Note: As an initial data, the following tine bas alreaty been input (The tige in iter 68) 4312 sec =a TATERINCE | D2 CHANGE TIME You cen input the tine whieh elapses fro the moment sien the dryer changes fron DRY(I) to DRY(2) until the sonent when che front end of 120 end 220 fins centers the dryer ange! 0 to 5000 seconds Note: As ap initial date, 300 seconds Save already bees Input TOL=E0 WATHTENANCE Yoo can input the tine which elapses from the wonent wien file is detected until the wonent when the front end of the fill eoues vot of the dryer and the buszer sounds Range: 0 to 5000 seconds ote! Ae an initial data, the folloving time has alveaty been input (The tine in teen 68) -T see. [oar mate] FILW PASSING TIVE 2 “FO, =6F WATTENANCE—] FIL PASSING TIME + You can input the tine which elapses fron the moment when film is detected ‘ntil the moment when the front end of the fill cones out of each rack. Ranger 0 to 5000 seconds a-8 Tree We Tack wane Ties coma |B th [et rack of finer B__[ 2nd rack of Tixer $5 [ist rack of materiene 65 | 2nd rack of eterlers [Ste : [ey Note 1: Data, already been input for each process at an initial date 007089 Noce 2 When you change the data In itens 61 to 68, the data in itens 40 co 53 and 69 is automatically calcalated. Note 8: Even shen the datz in itens 40 10 $8 and 60 Is changed, the date In tens 61 0 68 i ot chanted) More 4: When the data in itens 67 and 68 is changed, the data chown in the table Qelow alse changes File pastiag positlon U1 WET LLM PASSING TIME faa Thanged tine WD DRY OF TIME wo.s1 pavCE> Ox TIME Wat ULM PASSING TINE (3) WOST ay OFF THE 0.88 ORY IXITIAL oF TIME No.60 FILM OUT BUZZ, TIME W057 WATNTERANCE DATA CLEAR + You ean clear the data in EE-P.ROM on the CPU P.C.B. “Conditions + You have to turn ON DS3-Wo.8 on the (PU P.C.B, Application “There is no problen ox the data in itens 00 to 8 but there is some problea on the auchive. input the process. numb When your original data is input, record it before cleaning clesring and inpotting a process number, reinput the recorded data, “Procedare=| to bring up this ode In thls case, clear the cate In BE-P.ROM and Then the data in itent 00 to 68 is imivislized (1) Input pass-vord (1370) with che [1/-4), [2/2], [1/42] and [0/45 Ikeys (2) Press the CENT] key and machine starts to clear the data, () Within 20 seconds (approx.), the message "NO PROCESS DATA' appears on the Aisplay ta infers the operater and che completion of the di a1 ca clearance Note 1 Note 2: If you input a srong nowbers, the data will not be cleared even ‘hough the CENT) key Is pressed. The mestege “DATA CAN NOT BE CLEARED" appears instead Even after the data in EE-P.RO! is cleared, the date on the 24 hour ao sores, © Check mode lise this mode to check for the cause of problem in the “The input cheek wode- Ue this mode for checking whether signals sent from each sensor and ON and OFF signals from each sviteh are properly {nput into the CPU P.C.B, een signals are input into the P.C.B., high pitched sound is produced but shen they are not, no saund is produced. In the letter case, look for dirty tensors, broken wires of loose connectors. The ovtput check ‘Use this node for checking whether each part works norually or not. If parts are not working nornally, adjust thes oF replace if necessary 1, flow te activate the check mode e (1) Turn the OFERATION/THMBR switch to TIMER. (2) Press and hold che [4/CIIECK] key and turn the OPERATION/TINER to OPERATION The check node is then activated and wessage (4-1) appears on the display 170 CECE WDE input 2:0vTeUT> 2, How ta select the ingot or ovtpar check mode + For selecting the input check mode Press eve C1/REPL] key + For selecting the output check node oom Press the [2/T1KB) key e + When you went to change the inpat mode to output aode and vice versa, frst press the (WODE AT Key and have message (4-1) appzer ox the display. After that, select the desired node 3. los to chenge the iteus in the input and output check notes Press the (8/CHBCK] key ss The tens aove forsard Press the CWODE 8] key The itens wove backesrd 4A. lor to cancel the check node + Press the COLR] key. The normal operation node then takes over au 5. Contents of the input check wode Tire Whee Te are Tea [-rrriirsetior T 21 FILM SENSOR [Whew Wil ig detected, the alarm sande (Gee section 6: fey to perfore the Lapu] checks.) BE The dane on the right hand side Le The Tene on the left hand side [SEs AL PR. SENSOR [5 TeEnDER SES ——— "Wen Tile perforations are derected, the alarn tounds, (See section 6: low to perfore the inyot cheeks.) R! The lane on the right hand side Li The Lane on the Left band side [other a Tender Te averted, the alive | [6 LORDS COVER SENSOR When the caver of the Toadiag bor Te closed, the alara sounds TUT SENSOR Tash Toren the varrldge holder Then it ie detected by the cut seasor, the elara sounds. (See section 6: How 8 L CUT SENSOR to perfora the isyut cheeks.) BR: The Tene on the right hand eide L: The Inne on the Left hand side [PRESSURE SECO 10 L PRESSURE SENSOR TT OPERATION ST ~Fosh Foreard the cartridge holder Then it Is detected by the cut sensor, ‘the alarm sounds. (See section 6° How fa pecfore the input checks.) Ei The Lane on the right hand side Li The lane an the Left hand side [> Whe aie OPERATION 7TTUER switch 13 turned to OPERATION, the alarm sounds. TERE TTC When The drive evitch Te warned to OW, the lar toonds TESOL LEVEL- ENS The repeat sher soTaRTe_TeveT rope and the alare aessaze * OLY LEVEL oO LOW appears, the audible sounds [ee [Wren the FoTutTar Tevel drops and The Tarn wessage "RPL SOLN, RUN OUT" appears, the audible sounds accompany Gee section 62 for to perfors the finpot-ehecks.) TE FASTE SOLY TARE SE [15 CORDS COVER SENSOR] TT HEAT POER SENSOR ——| | Ta crn PO aR] When The Tloat ar the Tone ewiteh inside an vaste solution tank is raised the'alarn soonds, (See section 6: Hom to perform the input checks.) LL | =-When The TON paver source Ts not beTae| supplied, che alara sounts, [> ON/OFF changeover Tar alarm deveciTon | capability, In stlatenance wode. 1-10 708 7087 to perform the input checks TFT SENSOR TL FI SENSOR TRE, SENSOR TUFF SENSOR (1) Torn OFF the drive sriten (2) Prepare 138 filmy not developed (3) Load the film with the emulsion side facing down cauTIOw: 9& caREFUL Nor To cot YOURSELE AUTH THE curren. e (A) hen the file or perforations are Aevected, the lars sounds (A probable causes then the alarm oes not sound) The sensor is shorted, = Replace (Probable cause when the alarm keeps ‘on sounding) + The wires of the sensor are broken, + The wire of LED aare broken oF shorted, “Pertoracion sone is cdjunted e ipa eae TT SSO 1 CUT SENSOR TR PRESSURE SENSOR TOL PRESSURE SENSOR] (1) Pach forvard the cartridge holders as far as possible: (2) Then the holders are detected by the cut sensors, the alate sounds (A probable crore shen the alare oes not sound) The wire of the sensor are broken. — Replece. (Probable cause shen the alarn keeps an 5 S The vires of the sensor are broken. Dest on the sensor ~> Replace aoe REPL LEVEL SERSOR (1) Remove the side cover (left) when it is attached od) (2) Rexove the sensor cover from a replenisher tank eplenisher tank (8) Renore either of the tro nuts (W) Renove the rite The alate fs supposed to sound feven when the tank is full (Men the alee does sot sounds, do the foLloring things?) Check the wiring. + Replace the sensor, if necessary. TS-WASTE SOuN TAME al (1) Remote the Id of the waste Neste solution tank setuton ak Geena ta (2) Reise the flost on the float sensor to cheat the asehine that the solotion Level is too high, Check ehether the alaro sounds oF ot (hen the slara does not sound, do the folloning things?) + Cheek the wiring. = Remove the crystals from the float aiteh Replace the sensor, if necessary, a= o11s3s THOT CECE é crac Puup seeeteee ¥ Jn this mode, 2 self check is carried out axto The result of thie chock appears in the spree Explanation of the display + Check is in progress. No. of revolations 1s 40liz or over (so al srl. of revolutions is less then 40ll (ala ) The 6 nes in 3 section correspond with the & pumps, starting with poxp 1 fn the exteene Left snd cantinuing in order to ponp 8 on the extreme right Purerorarseep7ee Potanp peeeeeee e + appears when there is no circulation pus # appears for 30 seconds after this node starce tem n7oes 1. Contents of the output check mode Depending on the specifications, che message numbers nay vary Tessare Weer the CATT Sey Te pressed T aor Tien the alate sounds continuously, the bunver T= orm) TR ARES Then the solenoid wove During these cheeks, they sre normal ‘he OPERATLON/TINER TL PRESS switch wist be tarned ta OPERATION and drive sviteh aust be Te COTTER Wien the cutters work with] t0 ON. the cover of the loading oT conTEe yox elored, the cutters are orn! ie TATCR SOLEROTD When thy Taverlock solenoid of the Toadlag box cover works, it is norm Ty LaF Then the READY lexp cones OW, It Ts eormal =| FILM SENSING TBD hex EH 1 te 4 on CPU PLC,D, all ge OFF, they ave oral. PROGRAN TIMER RELAT Teen XS Ghd XW on the Relay F.O.B. wove, the relay is noroal, hen X11 on the electeicel panel moves. the relay is soraal. To DRYER WAT RELAY Thea Wi on the Relay F.CBcmoves, the relay Te normal. Whee X12 on the electrical panel noves, the relay is normal TPG WATER RELAY [When relay S687 works (its [Depending on the cones OM). Ge is speciticat lone, items [TP BC HEATER RELAY [When relay SSR vorks (its [19 and 14 may nat Lamp cones OH), it is normal. | appear Te FRFF MERTEN BELAY When relay S5RD works (its | Also, depending on Tanp cones 08), it is norual. | the specifications, Ta eT LAT When relay SSRID works (its | the contents In itexs aup cones ON), it is sormal, | 13 and 14 aay be if 01) Heat ELA When relay SORIT works (ite | different aap cenes OW), it is gormal Te Day HEATER RELAY When relay SURIT works (ies aap comes OH), it is normal ico war FH [ea eet powe | jon ponps work, they are normal 18 PIX REPL POW 70_$# REPL POU ( “aL sre perl Pow | The message marked (8) is for § replenisher pump COOL SOL VALVE When KF on the RELAY POR moves, Te Ts nomad (Only shen an options! cooling water unit Is enplored.) 5 WASH WATER SOL VALVE Then iO on the RELAY F.C, woves, the solenoid valve is normal, (Only for ploabieg type equipped ‘vith ¢ water economizer.) po28 so70s0 © Adjusting the sensitivity of the Perforation sensor hen the machine fails to detect the size of the film belng processed, the sensitivity of che perforations sensors my be improper. There are tao ways of adjosting the sensors; one doct not use s neasureing device and the other uses a measuring device. ‘Adjusting sensitivity without using « measuring device? You can adjust sensitivity by looking at the OM and OFF conditions of LEDs 5, 6 and Ton the CPU P.C.B, Place in either the right or Left lenes, undeveloped file spliced to « leader You cennot edjust ¢ an both lones at the sone tine, (4) Remove the cover frox the control bar. (2) Set SM on CPU P.C.B, to Ror L Aepending on vhat lane the djustaent is to be carried out. Then on the right lane? Sex SH to R When on the Left Lane: Set SBI to L. (2) Open the cover of the loading box and load file spliced to a leader in the loading box: (A) Colse the cover of the loading box (8) Adjust potentioneters YRI and VRE hile the sensors are detecting the film so that LEDs 5, 6 and 7 come ov and co OFF slvernatively at the same intervals, The message shown on the right appear on the display hile film is being éecected When on the right lanes Use RL When on the left Tane: Use VRE (4200038) ‘LEDS. Mh Sexe 8 1207 > g \ Vet te eas as FILM SIZE CHENGING T Fin weve Doane SIZE L=135_ Res aoa (8) Tait until the wessage "LOWD NEXT” appears en the display. Open the cover of the loading box and place leader (only) inside he loading box Leader (1) Load leaders thermoselves (no fla is spliced) in the loading box Place then so thet che etail end of the leaders is 2-3 on from the cutter blade cover as shorn. Adjust YR s0 that LEDT cones Of se this Cine [Thee om te rie tees the mt hen on the lefe Lane: Use VRE TEDE (greeny [Conse OW when the voltage at the test pie Is about TDG (red) Cones OW vhen the voltage at the test pla Te within the range, 1 t0 4¥. TEDT Tareea) [Cones O when the voltage at the test pin 1s about 1 or tees. (8) Repeat the operations from itex (3) to (1). then the results of adjustaent in itens (5) and (1) are both satisfactory, the sensitivity of the perforation sensors is all right. aes ‘hajusting sensitivity using a measuring devieed You cen adjurt sensitivity using a aynebroscope or a digital tester reo 8 na =r. Tei EBs, mT tai Sessa [enone | Test Sere oT] Terforecon [WRT [Jo We pr teat | LED | Rs sensor on to TPI0 andthe nis fhe rie tne terminal to 18, Perforation [VRE [otn the pls tninaT | LED] ¥Tde renvor on to TPIT and the aims fhe left lane termina te 1, ‘ijust the voltage at each test pla et shown Bolon: Tanai Voltage | Condiv Tons of TED When Film ie detected [SV approx Then leaders-are detected. [OV approx varies © P-ROM type displaying mode 1, How to bring up the type of P-ROMs (1) Tara the OPERATION/TIMER switch 1» TIMER Press ané hold the [OLR] key an@ ‘ure the OPERATION/TIMER svitch to OPERATION When the suintensnce aode is selected, the folloving wessege eppears. TO TERSTON e © This represents capabilities sided or specifications changed. It is composed of up to 3 letters @ This ceporente message adéed or changed. Th Message version ausber B is for English |} fe for Japanese. # 2, lor to cancel the mode e (1) Ture the OPERATION/TINER sviteh to TIMER end ture OFF the breaker Return the draker to ON and the CPERATION/TINER switch to OPERATION. ‘he normal sode then takes over 4 Beside "I", there are the follovicg nodes. "P Freneh *o German "r Tealian "3! Spanish "Pr Portuguese bea 207093 © Film loading checking capability 111 outtine This capability enables an engineer to lnvestigete the cause of a problex (rear cot failure, etc.) thich har occured shile file ie being Loaded. This capability is activated every tine film is Toaded and enor ves all date of the first wp to 40 rolls regardless of vhether there was any trouble or not [2] Explanation of the memorized date + There are 50 data addresses. Fron 00 to 29 addresses: For the data of the most recent 20 rolls regardless of the shether there was any trouble From $0 to 49 addresses: For the date of the aost recent 20 rolls which encountered certain kinds of trouble + When more than 60 rolls of film have bees processed When fily is loaied properly with all addresses accupied, the dats of this film enters No,00 address and the old daca in No.9 disappears. When filn is loaded and certain kind of trouble has eceured, the data of this film encers both No,00 end Wo.30 addresses and the old date in to.29 sand No. 48 disapnesrs Tie Tate address al Data history Explanation THOT [Dace about the wort receat Tie pata about aT The wert ome | @ Wi file rolls processed it rd 1 1 [peta shout the oldest film cosy | coun) [30] [Data above th wort recent Yilw | Deta abort all the wove re (499 | rouble aa on7ose Notes: In addresses from OD to 28, the data abrot the nost recent 30 rolls of film is stored regardless of whether there was any trouble oF n2t In addresses fron 30 to 49, the dats about the most recent 20 rolls of file ehich encountered certain Kinds of trouble during loading is stored [2] Alarm aessaues which are memorized 136 HAS STOPPED L138 HAS TOPPED FILM Nor CU 1 FILM NOT CUT 2 FILM BOGE No CUT 1 FILM EDGE HO CUT DETECTED TINE OVER 1 DETOCTED TIME OVER 135 TORN L135 ToRs HEATER POVER FAILURE DRIVE WoTOR STOPPED {CLOSE Loapisc covER Not Ligar Tica 141 Key oparat WD Hos to activate the capability 1 1 | SELECTION 0-H] WOE ELECTION O-B}] RECORD OF FILM LOADING DO] WHEN F-LOWDEDTR=PR sayteyes sects Ltn @ To deactivate the expect Press the [CLR] key twice and the can @ Explanation ‘There are oxo modes in t lity ts his capability. the [8/CHECK] key Press the CENT] key. feactivated Mode (1) Is used to select dats address numbers. Mode (2) is used to bring up the data in che da G1 Woée (2) 1> Selecting address Each tiee the (MODE 4] is pressed, addrsts ounbers increases Bach tine the (MODE B] key Is pressed, address numbers decrease onbers 00 t0 28 07095 Press and hold the [MODE A] key and press the CENT) key. address number, selected Nove: When the [HODE 8] key is pressed while data number 00 is on the Aisplay, the number goes back to she oldest one actually Te does not alvays goes back to No.2. nenar ied 0) WHEN F LOADED RSPR S/AK/t $8:H8 Lett Press (ODE & keys Lt Pree [Dy wean Foam] (MODE 8] key “Lt Le 2-30 007086 (> Then soving fron group 00 ~ 29 to group 30 t0 49, you have to directly select one of 80 to 49 address esing the dizect selecting method fxplaned In the next iton <3>. Usually, address No.0 is selected. Once en address auuber of 30 to 49 has been selected, you can chense the address munbers with [MODE A] and (W008 keys. tach tine the (ODE A] Key Is pressed, address musbers increase Each tise the (ODE 8) Key is pressed, address munbers decrease Note? hen the (HODE BJ key I pressed while data muaber 30 is on the display, thoomber gots ack to the oldest one actually a Tt does’ not alvays goes back to Not rized. SOT WHEN F.COMEDTR ‘avon onan _L=tnn) i 1 [ray Wier F-LORDeDTISTR tat wi cet <&> The nethod of directly selecting address numbers TART WHEN FUGIDEDTRCHHA] You can select any adress number 00 to 48 BE/AB/AE AHH Latte] vita oosecal keys 0 to 9 while the display fs showing "C] WBN F.LOADED?" Note: When data address Ss selected and no data is actually input in ft, the folloning message appears on the dlaplay. BTW ONE] = Note: Dats addresses fron 00 to 28 are not directly connected to these fron 30 to 49, Therefore, hen you want to ave from one group to the other, the above method Is co be used. Input momber teu aov0s7 G2 Wode (2); Bringing up the daca in che data address sunber, eatected. aT FATE Select died adres sete ——[Rtatoan ‘mm oth russe cy ne dae sas ton he dts can sof TRI ESE TH] 7 Gone 0 cone 7 Fach tne te (ADE BD ty 1s presse address numbers decrease. e (woe cuts #3 lo] _ er eae ee '" Note: Then you press the CENT] Key while the display is showing dats, the message returns to "[ ] MIEN F.LOADED?". Notes hon go peace Phe CHET] Hey shite the esenee °C JMO DATA Ge on the display, the alara sounds and no data of course appeers. e pea vo7ose <2) Changing the date én the lover ror on th display You can change the data in the Jo and 12 ror of date munbers 6, 7, 10, 11 Bech cine she [8/CHECK) 1s pressed, the romber in the loter rov on the display changes from 1 to 2 to 3 and then back to Lagain. Pa a ate1o ~ sen A Re Bech tine the (B/CHECE] is pressed, R in the lover row on the display changes to L and then back t0 R. ay ata per or FLITE] Bach tine the [8/CHBCK] key is pressed, error messages appears Note: They appears only shen errors bad setuelly occured -2 07089 ie terrane Tae [FET WHET F-LONDEDTIGEER | - the cine and dar vhen film vas Tosded serene ‘sects (ay, Howry Mia.) Film sites 1 | FRRTTRIOE FRET —] |. toss nessage indicates the length of tine during a thts which the pressure solearia vas OW while leader vas being crasported. 2 | FRE LEIDER TRESS OFF] |. This nessase indicates the reason shy the ofits pressure solenoid nas released while a Leader vas being transported e 3 | FRU FDRTRETION] |. twis sessase indicstes the leagth of tine which ots had elapsed fron the tine when leader pressure solenoid went OFF until the tine shen file nes decected 4 | PREG PETIT OF | tais message indicates tie Length of tine whieh + Hts had elapsed from the tine shen leader pressure Selenotd rent OFF ont il he tine then the leader nie sviteh vent OFF 3 | per SETHE + This message indicates toe file size (135, 10, Lesst(sits) eeseg(aets)} | 126, 120, C5) and file detection tine e 6 | PRO PRESS SHE OTHE] | this messaze indicates te leneth of tine shen Letf.ts toth.ts #| | pressure tensor vas, 2 | RT RREGS SOLO TIME] |. this messsge indicates sie Jongth of tine during Leté.ts nett.te #| | which pressure solenoid wes OY 8 | FRE COT SENSOR OW TIME] | this message indicates the Length of tine doriag Lebt.ds Rettte # Whlek the cut Livit senser was ON ao7t08 We] Tessa Tmuente 3 | PRO W.OF GUT ACTIONS] | This nessase indicates the umber of tines the Lat ist ‘eat solenoid ON signals were issued. 10 | FReIG STATE,LOMD COR] | This message indicates the conditions of the fe aabega sts Iaading box cover shen film was loaded. The condition ef the cover fron the tine then the fila was being loaded u1 | RID STATE DRIVE SH] |- This wessage indicates che condition of the fe fe tbe tnt drive seitch when {1m sas being Loaded. 12 | RTT ERROR F-LoWINE] | - THis message indicates the alaras which occured during processing 07137 5) et ‘Hanae west Ltt T T 2 ; © Dats address nuuber appears here (from 00 to 49) Note: Only vhen there is date in it © The day vhen file vas loded (Year, enth, Dex) @ The tine shen fin was leaded, (foe, tin.) e © The type of fitm lated in righ and Tote ones. 120, 128, 135, 114, 5, (Control strips) Blank (uo fila waz’ processed.) oe» FL LEADER PRESS igs T ® jars here (icon 00 40 49). (his applies co all the following wessares.) e @ Message sander appeors here (Tuis applies to all the felloving gessages.) @ Pressure solenoid OY time appears here Range: 0.0 ca 14,9 see, aa oonine FT LEADER PRESS OFF 7 © © The reason appears here: "TIME UP" ——~ The maximum pressure tine has elapsed “LMtT oF ~ Lender Limit snitch tas gone OFF *.oerEOTEO" Film has been detected (the Limit sviteh remaived 08) a OF => FETE 4 tb.ts t ® © The cine appears here. The range! @ co 25.5 see fied OFF > PRESS 15 OFF] 2 Ht T © © The tine appears here The range: 0.0 to 15.5 sec aoa sorta a Tames Ta Latttaees) Resi gito| a © Filn sizes appear there, 120, 126, 135, 10 + €.S. (control seria) + When no film was processed in a Lene, display thing appears for the Lane on the @ Film detection tines appear there The range: 0 to $99 sees, FFAS FEST SENS OW TIME Es Redd. fs @ © The pressue sensor ON tines appesr there, The range: 0 t0 18.5 see © The aonber bere stows sblch of the 8 perleds Is question Trt ise 2 Secod OF tine Bind OF ine ote LOWRY date a recorded opto 3 tins per oe Jodie Mote 2 Ho date ls recorded hile the ester ope, e ress worn TRESS SOL OW TE cet, comes é © The OW tines appear there The range! 0 to 25.5 secs © The nurber here shows which of the 8 periods is In queston. Vr First O¥ tine 2: Second ON ti 3: Third o8 tine COT SISO OF TINE tts & @ The OF times appear there. The range: 0 0 25.5 secs @ The nonber here shows which of the 3 periods is in queston: 1: First OW tine 25 Second OW tine 2: Third OW tine Fee WF CHT ACTIONS iy Ld © The aunber appeast there bea9 © Ror L appears here R stands for right lane. L stands for left lene © The econdition of the cover while fll size wns being checked. uorter © The condition of the cover from the tine when file size mas detected until the time when the {118 passed through the sensor @ The condition of the cover fron the tine when the filn pesseé through the Sensor until the tine when che predeternined interval tine elapsed The explanation of the marks which appear in the place of #48. The corer The corer The cover The cover The cover The cover @ Ror L appears as cl vs op jose ened vs closed, then opened and then closed again, vas opened, then closed and then opened vies closed and then opened. sas opened and then cle FETT STATECORTVE OW Ht 7 2eeoo be T B stands for right. lane L stands for Left lane. © The condition of the drive sx fh xbile £318 ne vas being checked @ The condition of the drive snitch from the tine when fin size vas detected until the tine mhen the film passed chrough the sensor @ The condition of th drive switch fron the tine when film passed through the Sensor until the tine when the predetes fined nverval tine elapsed. ‘The explanation of the marks which sppest in the place of #4. ste The drive — The drive woe The drive The drive The drive The drive eviceh switch sviteh sviteh rite eriteh wes 0, wis OFF. vas ON, then OFF and then OW vas OPP, then OF and then OFF. as ON and chen OFF. ss OFF and then ON, 2 0 ours © The alarns which occured during processing appear here. "NO DATA" appears shen ne er seeseages which are m R195 HAS STOPPED L138 WAS STOPPED i FLLM NOT CUT 1 FILM NOT CUT FILM EDGE ¥O 7 1 FILM EDGB NO CUT 1 DETECTED TIVE OVER 1 DETECTED TIE OVER 1G TOR L138 Torx HEATER POVER FAILURE DRIVE WOTOR STOPPED ‘CLOSE LOADING COVER wor Lickt T1¢RT nosis © tenia not PhoBs 1, cru P.c.8, 200836) 1. A cirenis for detecting filns and perforations in the loading box is boilt in. 2, This controls the folowing things + (1) Replentshuent The P.C.B. processes the signsls shoving that fils and perforations have been detected and then controls the reptenisher puups (2) Film cottion ‘The P.C.B, receives signals sent from the sensors in the loading bax and che controls the pressure and cut solenoids. (6) tacer supply and deser (ihe solenoid valve for water econosizer is only for the plumbing 1396.) The P.C.B, controls the water supply solenoid valve and dryer to seit the progress of the films (1) Wessages The PCB, processes various input signals Indicating the present condition of the machine and then outputs the control signals t> display-P.C.B (ganna) (8) Teaperature controller The PCB. processes signals sent from the theraisters in the drser and in @ the tanks and then controls the SSRs for the herters tasi70-0 (6) Program viner controller The P.C.B. conteols the program tiner, A clock IC is used for the clock capability of the aechine (1 Omhers ‘The P.C.B. controls the File counter and the slaras, to 4. The pover source (46¥) for the nicra processors is supplied fron the switching regulator. Other DC pover sources are supplied from relay P.C.B, (309867 oF 17303568) —— bipasition of P-Rous ——— PRM) Prowl] ory 06171 2 Relay P68 1203567 -—- for standard type 03558 — far UL Ue 1. This supplies power to each P.C.B. 2. This receives output sigosls from CPU P.C.B, and then controls the folloving (1) Repleoisher pumps (2) Pressure solenosd (6) Cooling water solenoid valve (ont ion) (4) File cotting solenoid feyer tan e (6) Teaperatore control main relay (program tiner relay) (8) Dryer main rela (1) Solotion heaters (8) Dever heater (2) Loading box cover locking soleneid (10) Circulation ponps (1D Hater econonizer solenoid valve (option! 9. This receives outpoe signs feom she cenperature control circuit of FU F.C.8 (5200898) and theo turns ON and OFF exch bester e 4. By connecting solution level sensors (with thersistor) here, I 1s possible te detect the solution level in the processing tanks 5, A roplenisher Level circuit is built in and is connected to the solution level sensors in the teplenisher tanks 6. This contains the pover failure devection elrcuit for the solution heater power souree (AC2O0V = 2409) au 4 vise ansire 1. This supplies the folloving signals to the CFU P.C.B (1) Signals showing the solution level in the processing tanks (2) Siguats shoving the solution level in the replenisher tanks (3) Signals shoviag that pover suiteh is 0 (0) Signals shoving that drive sriteh ts O¥ (8) Signets stoviog that sotution heater power (AG2O0Y ~ 240¥) is interrupted (6) Signals ssnchronizing #iUh the frequency of the pover source (1) Signele showing thar clzeulation pueps are rocating 8. To sluplify the sizing in the electrical panel, this contains © part of the relay 2. Gomector P..8 (s803317) 1 This rolase the signals seat {ron the sensors in the loading bor 2, This relays the signals sent fron the folloxiag sensors (1) Sensor detection the cover of the loading box (2) Fite detecting photo-transistor (8) Perforation detecting photo-transistor (8) Fite and perforation sensor (5) Filaeat sensor (6) Pressure detecting seasor (1) Leader detecting sensor P08 (ueeteTD) 1, This receives control signals frox the CPU P.C.B. a nessates then displays variovs 12, This relars signals between the key board and CPU P.C.B 245 wosi7a 5. Switehing re 1, This supplies pover (489) to nicro processors on the CPU P.C.B, 8. Surge absorber P.c.8. (1402703) This absorber surge voltage coming from outside to protect the machines 2-6 oorias © Processor number table Process [Data 7 Process nate (O: There is data, Blank: No date Taian aT | oo o ‘CR 16A0 in or-160 w o 70 08 o Cui oo o Ca 08 o F5U=G oF 6 TF, oF oO. time oo o ‘Coane oH aE 10 ‘OF 1LE 11 ‘OR6 17 OS 13 a 7 1 Fs 1s REE Te : EE 17 [exter i CARA 18 a FoHTO-NP 70 on ieee o CHEF 7 Ceaeeee| [-icr-si a 3 ron 30 © tea waste © How to change the Power specifications APIV(Single phere 2 wines) —4P20(9 phase 3 vizes) WHN(Single phare 3 tires) SPAVCD phase 4 vires) You can ensily change the pover specifications of this exchine. Do so as explained belo Wore! Aicer the specifications ae changed, with Te also te be hanged If you vite the machine 1p 2 wrong vay, thy aachine will nal function The foltoving parts way have to be added or replaced after changing the pover specifications. (These parts, horover, are net inelued,) © step-tner-teanstermte CRD e hen the power spect{ lest ions are chanted fron IPO to any one of 192%, 33 and P08, scapedon (senfornes for TONY (12) is aecesary Step-dow tressforay (HDIS02C09) = 1 ® dryer heater unit Depending on the poxer source, porer voltage, the dryer heater unit for chis Inechine differs. If the porer source, poxer voltage changes, refer to table 1 and replace the dryer heater unit, if necessary Terie sie a 24 2607) | 000 Coen nae) [Copan] TF ay] x | x | o | o | o nt x: te reptacenen — @ OF Realacenenr To ele | Go | ello || ees (he pert nunber of Before HRV ner beater anit fe tw |i} o@ | © | x | x | x s13808-02.) chance [Laney ©: Replaceneat 7 : secersars rey} o fo | x | x | x Che part onsber of 204 tev heeter soit ie 707 As13890-01.) pay} o fo | x | x | x 28 (Grampie) Wea the voltane is changed fron 464 (99D to 2007, ix is necessary to replace the heater unit #ith a new one (4813885~12) 1-8 oan? @ fating (abe! After changing the pover specifications, it is necessary to change the contents shom on the label. It is therefore necessary to replace the Label with a @ Capacitor used to meet overseas standards A capacitor is attached te machines intended for use outside Japan to meet overseas standards. (oly for the aachines intended for use outside Jaran which serial unber is 11020110 or ater.) ‘The number af capacitors to be used differs according to the power speci fications To check whether additional capacitors are necessary of not, refer to table 2 Titer tke change fable? Troe] apa | apa sw 2: Ne addicton TF Tv | % | 2 | @ | OF Mes copsettor co4onss7-o2). seis an [x] | @ | & Met stmetior tense change pe Pe | OF MA canaettors crannse7-08 aa ‘nd ¥401598-01) (Gxanple) Then the voltage is changed from 1P2¥ to SHH, [t Is necessary te add capacitors W4D1S97-02 and TAOLS83-01 (one each) 2-9 os179 ange the poser sy ‘ © changing the wiring 1 Change the wi: 8, tor 8, Gav Tont bo not change the wiring on the Fleht hand side of terminal strip & Sizes of the sorors for terminel stripe: Terminal strip 1 jeeninal stcip 2 5 4 to J, between terninals 1 and 2 a8 shom in figure 1, 25 INGLE PEASE TWO WIRES 1 PHASE 2 wines) Figure 1: Wiring ¢iagran when changing co 1P2¥ 2-50 006185-01 Figure 2 + Uiring dingrae when chonaiag to 1P3¥ (100/200¥ only) 2-51 EERE {TWRSE PHASE THREE WIRES (9 PRASE 5 AIRES) 1 Figure 8 @iring diagran whon changing to 37a 2-52 osta6-01, 006187-01 TAREE PMASE FOUR SIRES (5 PHASE 4 WIRES) Figuce 4! @iriag diagram when changing to Sua Water Power oo PGB, WHUETOD) can nat be attached to wachines #1 poner specification 3°48. When power surge P.C.B. (4023) Is already attached, be sure to renove It before changing the power speci flcat fon. Won removing power surse (402709), refer to figure 1, 2 and 2 for wiring: 2-53 06180 @ Attaching and renoving step-down trsneformer (TR2) Stop-dons transforeer (TR2) is needed only when porer specitfcations are changed fron 1P30 to any othor spacifications. (See Figure 8-O.) When poner specifications are changed fron any othar specifications to 1P2H, renove first the step-dow transfor 5-@.) (Hou can eave the trensfors and change the wiring, (See figure as it is but you have to change the ining to sake the wiring agree with the now power apecifiestions.) | Bee om Ru, Teratnah strip © See of the oroue ost Tass head rey, fer att caves ' seca for ou Ihe wirieg for 1 fas: @ ecpingh ersieat Hea 3. | 220 | Shick e (aa) | PO | connect the black calito 230} ) the terinal on terainal AGI srsp'cs tnt tas the ae tinal tre vaitges (2) SY "2: For the SPU specifications, ain the cord as shown in the table below Foner voltage | Tersinale to which black cod Ts to be Jolaed 3m 200) 3807 720. a0 230, aise 20 @ Attaching and removing the capacitor used {2 met averseas standards A capacitor is attached on the electrical panel inside the control box of machines intended for use outside Japan to aeet overseas standards. (Only for the machines intended for use outside Japan which serial nunber is 11030110 oF Later.) ‘The nurhor of the capecitors to be used differs according to the porer speci fleetions Carry out attaching and wiring the capscltors, refer to cable 4. Accach the capacitor to the electrical panel using 2 screw, According to the pover specifications, there Is sone ease that CAS and CAG are te 100/200 rae 0-200 Fa Casacitor (cH) eesening | (0801597-01) (200-200 sem) (46-4150 904) capaciter (ci) Caseitan (0h) eoisoral (dotserat capacitor (cts) 1597-89 Sai serait ot @ 06281 - 4, Disconnect the black cord of the breaker from tereinal strip 4 of the step-down tronsforner, Recomnect te cord to the terminal for the ace voltage. aa 330 340 veleage (3) e x3: When the power specifications are SPAW, connec: the cord, as shown below. Foner voltage | Terainals to hich black cord is to be Joined, 67 2007 S807 220) A008 230, 3 240, 2-56 ose 2. Refer to table 9 end replace the hea:er aad chaoge the wiring, If necessary Before the henge Titer the oiaaee table a [ZOO] oar | mov | z30¥ | 2A0v 290% | e000 | Lspavs | span | Us xtalale for | | | | waar pay] @ fol x |x |e Lepa | 2307 oor} @ | @ | x | x |B Caeaw L 240F ay] @ | @ | @ | @ | x Pats ‘As Unit only is to be replaced (Tye part sunber of ner heater uait is 4519899-02.) Wiring only is to be changed Unit Gs to be ceplaced aod wiring ie also to be changed. (The pact nuaber of nex beater onit ig 4513883-02.) @: Unit only i¢ ve be serlaced. (The part sunber of nee heater unit is 4918809-01.) ®: Wiring oaly is to be changed @: Unit 48 to be replacec aod wiring is also to be chang (The port auaber of nex heater unit is 4513893-01.) 2-57 006385 “How to change the wiring Resove the rear cover. Change the wiriag of connec:or J214 as explained below 1s case of © and © in table 3 --+ Pull out the ¥o.5 pin and push {1 inte the 9.6 tole. In case of @ and @ Jn table 3 +++ Pull oat the Yo.6 pin and push it into the No.5 hole. wea @ eG ‘si amie ©. Oud. (Refer to the heater circuit.) oonose-01, Weite down the changed porer specification and the pover capacity to the new label. And replace the ald label to the 2er one (Check the pover capueity according to the specifications after changing the power specifications.) About the other contents, write down the contents sown on tho old label. List at P.C.8,5 Involved im this trouble shietine 1 2 Trouble shooting CONTENTS No wessates appear on the display, The drive yf does aot rotate Selution tempers es are abnormal 1, Actual tenperatores do net agree vith the cenperstures on the display, vereecenesenstenessssss a= 2, Solution tenperatures do not rise. +++ 3. Actual solution te Dreset ones jeratores rise hither then the Circeistion pumps do net ratate. ssss++s I-38 Dryer temperature is abnerae! - Dryer tempersture does nat rise, sieieeeees ae 2, Dever temperature rises above the preset one as 4, Dryer fan (FANS) does not rotate, sosssee sone Daag Replenisher punds do not werk Processing solution Level sensors are abrormal 1, The alarm aessage "SOL, LEVEL 100 LEW appears on the 2, The alare message "SOLN, LEVEL 100 LEF dees not appe on the display even vhen the soletiors have eun gut, vs+eesse 2 = 23 Replenisher solution levels 1, The alarm aessage "REPL. EMPTY’ appears on the display leven thouth chere are enough solutions, . a-u 2. The alare message "REPL. EWPIY" does not appear even ‘though replenisher solutions bave ron oat, s+ose+ees= sae Waste solution level sensor fs a 1, The alare message "REPLACE DRAIN TANK appears on the Aisplay even though the tanks are not ful], seseeses 2, The slarn message "REPLACE DRAIN TAM does not appear fon the display even when the tanks are full aed aus0ss The aeration device dues not werk (Onty am machines equipped with an ae tien device) The alarm messane “HEATER POWER FAILURE app frraneeusly on the display, Film canet be Loaded normally, 1. The alare sessage "PF. (FILM) SENSOR, DEFECT ferronsensly appears, csererseeessseseeeer esis 2. Heong film size appears on the display, covvseesere 3, The cutter aoves when the cover of the loading box ls closed. 4. The preseure roller is activated when the cover of the Loading box is closed as ec 5, The cutter does not work. a sao3 6, The pressure roller does not work, sesesesnieesee sae 38 1, The aleem aeesaze "LEADER LONDING MISS" erzencously appears on the display. cer prereset a= ai 8, The alarm message "#* L, BEING LOADED #¥" ecronecusly appears fn the display shen the cover of the loading box is closed, ven thouth there is 9 Leeder in the Loading 11-8 9. The auto filu feeder dees not work nornally. Pressure roller vorks norxally. tees doa 10, The alarm message "CLOSE LOADING COVER’ erroneous ty appests even though the eover of the landing box is closed. ver+reree 3 45 cosee2 Relay P.c, ay PeC.B. Connector P.6.8. Surge abaorker eta 43909567 308568 200856 Mona oss? 402704 1 appear on the display. onsen No Probable causes, Check-points Trecteiear disorsn 1 | Poses F4 and FY on the rolay P.6.8. are blon, 2 | petactive contact in conmmectors 2 | cireuit protetor (NEBI) is defective. Check, replace Cheek connectors J/P12 and 4/72 on. she CPU P.C.8 Are the connectors Jolnod securely? The wires tatact? The wires tot shorted? heck consoctor J/P30 on the display P.C.R. Ia the connecter joined securely? The wire intact? ‘he wire aot shorted? heck connectors 4/018, 4/P19 and J/P22 on the relay P.C.B, dre the comoctors jolted securaly? The wires Intact? The wires not shorted? Check whether, with the circutt protector (RFBL) ON, the fo voltage (soo table T-1) Is boing output as is being Input into the protector. If aot, the protector is defective, Tapa TOatFa] Forse TaputTOutpay Fowor voltage | specifications || voltage" | spociftestions BOO", Tat oor || 7407, sea] ac 2107 Trai [ac suey ——| fvo72bov, 1st —act0or iran [ae 2200 | f2o/z10v,13 — ac 1208 tear [ ac 9a0v | at, shaw [1c 00r, ivan —xe-240v | [asor, apa] ic 220" 2007, apa] AC 2007 | aoov, seaw_|-—ac- 2300 2207, 3PSU_|—AC 2207 | Fait, spa |—AC-2000 230¥, 3FaW_| AC 2301 Table = Gonteol eireuit +0P0 eireuit CPU cirouit control eteult Fowar cirouit (eather eirouit uL) ovsee i ae Electr Teal No. Probable causes Check- ont cane 4 | transrormer (THe) is defective. Check whether ACIOOY is being output while she voltsge Power souce (seo able 1-1) 18 being Sapst Leto the transforeer: elreuit Noto: to transforser is eaployed for Hf aot, the transforser is defective, (ibitleater tie Following power soureo Four) specifications '® 100/200" 1s @ i20/240v 130 5 | Notse Filter (NFL) is dofestive, Shock whether noise Filter (REL) outputs aciooy (461209 in | -Coatrol estou the UL node) fron terainals 3 and 4 while the sane voltage is belng Input into terainals 1 and Z of the voise filter. 6 | the relay P.C.B. is defective, |. Gheck whether DOSY is being input into pins 2 and & of Conteol etreuit counector J/P18 while AC8V Is being input into pins 3 and 4 of connector J/P18 on the relay P.C.B. If noty the P-C.B ts defective 7 | transformer (TRI) is defective - Check whether ACAV is boing input into pins 2 and 4 of Control efrevit connector J/F19 on the relay P.C.5. while ACIOOV (4CI20¥ in the TL node) 18 being Laput Inio pins 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 of conestor J/P18." If not, the Uronsforner is defective. 4 | me CPU P.C.B. te defective |. Check whethor DOSY is belng output from pins 1 sad 4 of | GPW eirevit connector J/P12 while DOSY is being inpst into pins 2 nod 4 of comector J/P2 on tho CPUP.C.B. If'not, the P.C.B. 1s defective 9 | the disntay P.c.8. is defective. heck whothor sessagos appear on the display whtle DOSY ts. | -CPU eireait boing ostpat fron connector /P12 on the CPU P.6.8. If ao the display 6.8. 1s defeecive. 2. The drive wotor does not rotat 005098 defective. Check-polnte Hscirlesl ho. Probable causes ko pal oe 1 | Fase (F6) 00 tho relay P.C.B. ie blown. |, check, replace. Control circuit 2, | defective contact in comnertors |, Check connectors J/P25, 4/228, J/P57 and 3/22 on the relay | Control eLreuit PCB. Are’ the conncetors Jotued securely? The wires tetect? ‘The wires not. shorted? 1. Check comector 4/P2i6 at the rear of the nachine. control etreait Is the eonsector Jolued socurely? The wire Ietact? The wire not shorted? 2 |prive sniteh (S42) 5 dafoctive. A, Tarn OW the drive autteh, Check whether ACIOOY (4c120V in | Control eteeait the UL, ode) is being input {ato pins 2 and 3 of conoctor B/025 on the relay PAC.B. If aot, the snitch is defective. 4 | aotor (Ri) or capacitor (C1) is A, Turn ON the drive switch. Check whether Aciooy (4c120¥ in | -Conteol eireuit the UL. aode) Is'belng input Into pins 2 and 3 and into pins Vand 3 of connector /P28 on tho relay F.C.B. If tho Nollage # being input, the aotor or capacitor is defective ratures are abnor 0sa07 1, Aetual tomperatures do not agroc with the teaparatures on the display. Erect Teal No. Probable causes Check-pointe crested 1 | Tesperatore correction values are A. check Note: If the correction value goes beyond the £2°0 range, thormo-sensors THIS, to THSS oF tho CPU P.C.B, any be defective, Proceed to the Following [teas 2, | hermo-sensors (TINS to TASS) are A, Disconnect from terminals (see table 3-1) on the CPD P.C,8.,J -cPU cireutt tho connectors of the therso-sonsor which Ls thought to be defective. Attach a resistor (4.7kiy 18) to the orvinal From which the connectors hate boon renoved, Check whether the tenperatare shown on the display ia within tho renee of S6C Lo SHC. IT Ie is, the therworsensor is defective ‘Theraorsensar | Terelnal nunbere om Solution aane | ae Goren a THis Th It and 22 BL THRs, Sh, a Fi THs th a FL} s 3h, 50 Si TUBS: Gh; 68 Table FT) Whoa thore 12 only one FIX tank, this therno-sensor is sot attached. o9se00 Nos Probable causes chack-pointa Cray The relation betwoon the resistance of a thorso-sensor and its tomperature iz given in table 3-2 Le Le necessary to uso a digital tastor of at Lesst four digits, to aeazure the resistance, Teaperature | GosTetonce_] | Teaperatare [ Feat stance Toe} is.2saka | 3 80580 ist] 10.01 a5. 5. 055K 0. are 3, B5ak a. we. 221. Be. 7: 200K. BE. Sook a (able $2) 3 | the crv P.c.n. is defective. If the tenperatore, shonn on the display in the tost ode | CPU circuit in 2, above, {2 ovtside the range SBC to 58, the CPU Pie.8. te defective. 2, Solution tenperstares do sot +i 005908 aa TTectrTeat Ne. Probable cause Check-point lest 1 | the temperature controller is set toa |A. Check, reset. ater cireuit wrong position 2 [ruses P11, 12 and 19 are blow. A, check Note: For tho UL specifications, Fil and F12 are ueed 3 |thorso-sensors THIS co TUS are 4A, Ghock the connectors of the thorwo-sensors, on terwinals | CPU circuit defeat tre. LATB to 6408" on the CPU P.C.B, Check also noather the cords are broken. B, See Ho.8-2 -0PU cironit 4 | pefective contact In connectors A, chock eomoctor J/PI7, 27,28,and $9 on the relay P.C.8 and | -Hoater eiveuit heather relay connectors J/PI35 to 3/130 snside tho wiring | -Control cirevit uot. Also chesk mhother the wires ara broken: 5, Chock connector J/P16 on the-CPU P.C.B. Check also weather the cords are broken, 8 [circulation punps are aot rotating. — | See No.4. or-£ coson Sane Tesi re Prete cum eek ra 6 | tontre, Hh to Hare dofortive 1. biscomest, faslda the wring duet, the cotcctor of the | Heater circuit Nesterabt i thea to he dafeccive then nase the Ministaee ferrin to table $3. aaa aT eg 600% wa 7 SU co me 1 7 canna 200 ae zo men TEE ST 1 |tengeraare controler aatn coy XL [1, chsk tether, th eley 111 wetivind, acto —aca4oy | stotor elect Tetdeestives “the slart esto ta bei ontps fron pine anf and las tau 6 tlle siete gHntunt® appests‘on the | ther soee voltage fo blog oput into ping ant 9 an ploe on sMod'S. “Ue aot, the retoy fe dooctive 2. Chock shothor colay IHL ie activated bile 4100 46120") Control eleeuts Tpibe acd Ta"Stan inet into pins AI sed 42 of relay Ei. "if gots the ely to tetoctves «| sotetion love detotionreler (8) on |. husk wether soley (28) is aptiased wide 4l0o¥(A0 1207 | control elreatt the relay P.C.B. is defective. the olorn message “HEATER POWER FAILU tepeces on the display. Reloy (X11) Is rot setivatod. UL) is being supplied to J/P28-4 aud J/P2-2 pins on the pelay P.Grds) Hf tot tho relay 1s defective. we onsooz % Teale caer Geka ETT Dera sere ear ers erase ee ee te alt Feet att a May cay | dette SoBe nae shtrcing st teeters Elly WE, flo ay tots The terete ae pen ney | BREED Brite eo Sins ge ted as as Se oa un oe Sse BL: SSRS BOM: 58R9 PIX2: S5R10 IB: SSRIL (On the relay P,C.B,) The CPU P.6.B, is defects fand 2 of connectors (J/P138, cb), (J/P138, BL), (J/PI31, FIX), (/P138, PRR) and J/P139, STB) white ivr (Co) Leos (L), Laps (FINI) LEDIO (FINE) and LEDL1 (STB) on the relay PCB, are OK, If not, the SSis are defective. Note! bo not disconect comoctars /P135, J/P186, J/P131, H/PI36 and J/PI38 to check volcage, A. If none of the above iteus produce the cause, check LEDs 7 to 18, Thoso should be ON if there are no signals shoving that solution levels and solution tenperatures are abrornal, If not ON, the CPU P.C,3, is defective, TMeater elreult 0PU esreust a-e 3. Actual solution tonperatures rise higher than the preset ones. 406009 {= ais | Teta Tie a eee=.-. co: sein cee ee ci ante an ie 2 St Fee at cern at Ln (ei ce Te A ae ee ae dee tPie ine in OF. In this ease, the P.C.B. is defective. [PU eirenit ae A. Circulation pumps do not rotate. (the a sg¢ "CIRC FLOV AUOUNT, OHN "CIRC PUMP STOPPED™ enponrs 005005 We Probable causes ‘heek=pointe| FrectrTeat blow. 4 [netay Pc, 1 | Fasos Ft to 2 on the relay P.0.B. are 2 | detective contact ia connectors 5 | Solution Level detetetion relay (16) on the relay P.C.B. or torperature conteol wale relay (IIL) doos not work, B. te defective heck Check connectors 1/P19, 39 and J/P67 on the reley P.C.B. Are tho connectors jolted socuroly? The wiree intact? The wires aot shorted? Check connectors J/P72 to J/F79 inside the wiriug duet. Are the conectors jolaad securely? The wires intact? The wirer aot shorted? See the table (1 See section S-iter-2-No,7-0 and No.8. See section S-itesz-40.9. (then the thernostat in a Flot snitch is Jn operation, either X6 gor HII works.) hock whether DO24Y fs being outpat frou plus 1 and 3 of 1/P87 (See table 4-1) on the reley P.C.B, while AGIAY te boing iapot into pins T and 10 and ping @ and 10 00 P19 on the relay "P.C.B. If tet, the F.C.B, t9 defective, Control etrenit PO etreutt control eireuit Control eirouit n-e 908006 = “Tree Tear Wo, Probable causes Check-points fae 5 | circulation pups are defective, CGeck vhether the pumps rotate while DC2MY is being input [Control circuit fnto pins | and 2 of connectors J/P72 to J/PI9 inside the riring duct. If they 49 not, the pumps are defective. AV —aheck paint | Pompe _[Concctors of the pomp err Te | FI 7 cm a os i 7 Ta Depending on the specifications, these pumps may not be attached, st-e soo? 5. Oryar tamperature Is abnormal. 1. Dryer tenperature dees not else, asin TreeteTear No. Probable causes Check-poi He | vrong dryer Lesperature Ls Input, - Check 2 [Fuses #14, 615 nd F8 are blown |< Check seater efrouit Note: Fuses £19 and F14 re wsed for the UL. aode. 5 | Fuse FIO on the relay P.C.B, is Cheek. control eirouit blom, 4 |Conection of therao-senser TH6S 12. |A. hock the comectors of the therwo-senser,on torsinals 8k | CPU efreute defective tnd Bb on the GPU P.C.B, Check olso the wires, . Check connector J/P215 at the rear of the machine. CPU etrouie Gheck also the wire 5 | Defecitive contact in connectors Check connectors J/P21, 22, 27, 28,38, on the relay P.C.B. | -Conttol eirouit Are the comoctors Joind sacuroly? The wite intacc? The wire not shorted? - Cheek connector J/P214 at the roar of the machine. Is the contector Joind securely? The wire intact? The wire not shorted? stleater trout Control elreult -e onscos Wo. Probable cau Cheek-points | Ereetereat 6 | donters are defective, A. Check the wires of heater (18) Disconnect consector J2i4 Frou P214 at cear of the fachine, Check the condition of connector P24, Table 5-1 shows resistance of the heaters at each povor voltage, Ute the table for your reference when checking the condvetance of the heaters. Toles Terisiane ET Tov, MeV | Between D and D Ten F5F 208 Between a1 45% 2207, 380] Betwoon 38.0085 2501, s00v_| sotmcon 50.10 £55 tree 5.00 5% 240%, 4150 | potnsen S640 $58 Heater elresit une We Provable causes ch points TreetrTeaT dinecam 1 [Dryer heater atin relay X12 is detective A. Cheek whether, with relay X12 activeted, the sane voltage (Gee table 5-1) Is being output_as is being input into the relay. If not, relay X12 is defective 1e 5-2 shows pin munbers where voltage is meusured., awa Fin eaabey ohare voltae specifice is measured, Cons Tapa iam i ¥ 407 IP 0072 2, 303° oan [sa7r40v-1P% MEU x SHO —sPa = O03 AV SPa rable 5 B. Check whether relay X12 ig activated while ACLOUV (acl20V Ia the UL aode) is beiag input into tersizals AL and A? on relay 12, If not, the relay is detective Heater cirewit “Hower pouree Control eirevit ar-€ ovs1e We. Probable eases Chack-polnts 8 | dryer aaln colay 44 on the valay P.C.B. |, Replace relay X4 with relay 42 which Js nornal. Check Control eizeuit fs defective, Dryer heater aain relay | shather the nachine has bocose noreal. If It has, relay 14 Hi ie not activated is defective 8 |prycr thornostat (Sill) is act vated Disconaaet connector J/P26 from the relay P.C.8, Check Dryer heater aain relay 1121s oot activated. She theraostat is open when the temperature Lf BOC 43,00 or Bigher tod ie closed when It Ls 60 £5.00 or lover. shothor current passes tbrough pins 14 and i6 of connector Jes. if current does wot pars through, carry out the rane ind of conduction test on pins 7 and & of consector P21 ft the rear of the machine. Tf cureent does not pass through even after the temperature of thersoetat (STIL) soos down SOU, the thermestet Is detective, Check also whether dever fan (FAKS) is rotating oF not. control eirouit “Hester brent L

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