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We all have nafs and we all will lose with nafs if we listen to
shaitan.we cannot allow shaitan into our mind.because our mind is
value.if we give shaitan go to our mind it’s like we leave our door
house open and the robbery will come in and take all our stuff.then
we can’t had our self because it’s from shaitan,we have block this
thoughts.if we give shaitan take our mind,we will thinking negative
about we have to replace them with positive
thoughts,maybe we can do some good reading al-
quran,prayer, and another something good action.beside that,you
can turn your fear into du’a to allah.example I fear something
happen to my love,what I do is focus and du’a to allah for give some
protection to my love.the most important is do not feed our fear.just
tawakkal to,take our pain or the thing make u
disappointed turn it into growth and take the lesson to make u a
better person.after that,u have to make shield for yourself.the shield
from shaitan and negative we build that shield?.we have
always connecting to allah.always zikir to allah.that make we always
connecting to allah.because zikir is food,but not for our bodyhealth,it
for our soul. After that,we have to build the shield from have to always zikir to allah.because zikir will
connecting us to allah.we will protected by allah from shaitan.the
conclusion is ,it’s depends to us how we care our thought or which
toughts we we must always connecting to allah if we want
to be a good person.
The people who read the al-quran will know how unique and
reflection from tahajjud.this is because they carefully thinks about
the words and lifestyle of rasulallah saw.every people need
‘nafl’.meaning of ‘nafl’ is bring us to the love of god. Allah described
‘nafl’ as tahajjud.Then,the meaning of tahajjud is get up night except
for a little. The importance of tahajjud same with the impotance of
what it means to be human because we are created to be
‘ibaduallah’(the worshippers of god). Next,the tahajjud is the place
where our hearts wakes up and where our heart rest.this is make our
heart connecting to we must always tahajjud to allah.then
allah will pay with something good reward because we take time for
Where does happiness come from
Everybody in this world want felling a happy,although the old
man maybe tomorrow want die still want a happy ending like died
while sleep.but how we want get this felling?.happiness come from
thing what make us happy or what we like to do.example you want a
house,u want a preety wife and sport car.but not all happy can get
easy what we think.sometime,we have to sacrifice to get that
happiness.example he work and get the salary,but he cannot use
that money because he want buy a sportcar so he must be pation
until he get that car.but that is not a true happiness come from
because that felling happiness is not to long and that happinese is
come from ‘thing’ like a car,house and another else.the real
happiness is long and always make us we must thing what
make us happy.we have to back to allah because the felling of
happiness is from allah and allah put that felling and like to the
‘thing”.so we the real happiness is from allah because allah is always
offering something better

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