Type of Racial Discrimination Journal by Medisca Tsania

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Medisca Tsania Putri Hananta

Afina Murtiningrum, S.S., M.A
Faculty of Languages and Communication Science
Sultan Agung Islamic University


This study examines mainly on racial discrimination, it focuses on the type of racial
discrimination. The purpose of this study is to get more understanding on racial discrimination
and types of racial discrimination that reflected in the black people on Selma.
This object of the study is Selma. This study used qualitative method. The data were
collected by watching the movie, reading the script, identifying the data, classifying the data and
collecting the data. The data analyzing used several techniques such analyzing and reporting the
data. The selected data were analyzed using descriptive analysis through the dialogues,
narrations, and prologues in every scene. In analyzing the data, this research used Racial
Discrimination theory to examine the social conflict that occurred to black people as the main
This research finds several things. The first is about racial discrimination, it is a
differentiation treatment because of race which rejects a racial ethnic. Martin Lutter and
another black people get the racial discrimination when they struggle to register the election of
president. The second, many type of racial discriminations such they have been whipped and
shot by the police and some white men. It is the portrayal of physical discrimination. They also
get the hate speech by the white people, it includes verbal discrimination. In short, racial
discrimination always exists even they got the same right like white people.
Keywords: Racial Discrimination, Physical Discrimination, Verbal Discrimination, Selma.


This study is about racial discrimination as the effect of prohibition of voting right act in
America based on Selma movie. This movie tells about the struggle of black people to get their
right to vote for president in America in Martin Lutter era which called as Voting Right Act.
Long time ago, the most famous conflict in America is discrimination. The meaning of
discrimination is when people treat you different than another person … Race discrimination is



There are many theories used to analyze a literary work. One of the theories is racial
discrimination. Racial discrimination on that term is used to critic the actions that refute people
or groups because of sex, race, ethnicity, religion and also disability, weight, age, or genetic
(Blank et al 39). Every element of discrimination is based on treatment habits which reject one
racial group over another. Commonly sections are race or the result of differential race
(Heinrichs 98). Moreover, the racial discrimination occurs when person treats you bad or denies
you a benefit, harasses or insults you because of your race, color, heritage, or the origin domicile.
The term “race” was used to distinguish populations in different areas on the basis of

differing physical characteristics that had developed over time, such as skin color, facial features,
and other characteristics (Zuckerman 1990). It means that the using of race word is to

differentiate people in another area based on typical physical which is developed like skin color,
physical apparent and etc. When somebody has perceived or identifies himself or herself as
belonging to African-American or another racial group—regardless of the someone’s physical
detail or other characteristics—that categorization generates the social reality that can have real
and enduring consequences.” (Blank et al., 27) It can be concluded that racial classification can
result the assumptions and belief about person in racial categorize. Therefore, they will identify
their self as African-American, Chinese, or Latinos nevertheless of physical or characteristic

Racial discrimination also has many shapes such: calling you racist names, denying you

service, not hiring or promoting you but doing so for others who are of a different race,
threatening you and not others who are of a different race . Some of the examples of racial

“An Aboriginal man goes to see an apartment for rent. After meeting the man and
making a negative comment about the man’s race, the landlord says the apartment
has been rented. The next day the man calls the landlord to ask about the
apartment and finds out it is still available.” (Human Rights in British Columbia:
Racial Discrimination 1)

There are some types of racial discrimination.

1. Physical discrimination:

a. Physical attacks on tribal out-groups have obligated by supporters of
segregation and linked to extra blatant shapes of discrimination. Hate crimes also
narrowly connected to the illustration of the clear prejudice & product from alleged
extortion toward in-group’s monetary standing & prices.
b. Termination or mass killings created by racial or tribal personality is
happening. These are compound phenomenon; moreover from the types of person
intimidation & bias portrayed upstairs, these people naturally incorporate histories of
longstanding preconception & discrimination, hard lifetime situations, strong (and
biased) control, community funding for antagonistic performances, and socialization
which receives clear unfairness.
c. Avoidance entails selecting the relief one of the personal “racial group
(in-group in psychosomatic public “terms) over” dealing with other ethnic frequently
“group (the out-group). In settings of” unrestricted connection “that is, in which” persons
probably decide to secondary or not affiliates of underprivileged racial clusters possibly
will be quarantined.
d. Segregation is also includes nonverbal hostility because itis happening
after the persons dynamically exclude associates of underprivileged racial group from the
distribution of capitals & from admission to institutes. The commonly illustrations
contain rejection of identical schooling, shelter, occupation also healthiness attention
because of race. (Blank et al 56-58)

2. Verbal discrimination

a. Verbal antagonism. It involves spontaneous racial speaks & critical

comments, either in or out of the target’s presence. By themselves such
clarifications possibly can’t be viewed as serious problem to be improper
(balanced resists about freedom’s speech), although the people organize a
strong intimidation practice. Together with nonverbal antipathy words, that
people build an intimidating atmosphere in school, office, and neighborhoods
(Blank et al 58).

Thus theory used to analyze racial discrimination which happened to Martin Lutter King,
and Black People or African-American as the main characters in Selma movie. They could not
register because their dark skin. Their struggling leads them to racial discrimination. Hence, the
author has main objective to analyze the phenomenon of racial discrimination problems in
America around 1960. Martin thinks that the white people should not discriminate them, they are
human too even they have different color of skin.

This study uses the qualitative research that contains the description of the voting right
act, and racial discrimination. Qualitative research is concerned with non-statistical methods of
inquiry and analysis of social phenomena. The data are collected in words form. It takes from the
dialogue, narration, and monolog.
In organizing the data there are several steps such, 1) Watching the movie, 2) Reading the
movie script, 3) Identifying the data, 4) Classifying the data. Watching the movie, the movie
Selma was watched in several times to get better comprehension and deep understanding. Second
is reading the movie script, to understand the problems by the dialog, narration, and monolog.
Third is identifying the data, it divided the part of scene and script which connected to the
problem. The last is classifying the data. The author was classifying the quotations in the script
which was connected to the problem.


A. The Types of Racial Discrimination

A.1. Physical Attacks

Physical attacks on racial outgroups have frequently been perpetrated by

proponents of segregation and are correlated with other overt forms of discrimination.
(Blank., et al, 2004, p. 58). The dialog below is the portrayal of physical
Earnest White: “Dr.King. May I introduce myself?”
Dr. King: “Sure.”
“The man slams his fist into King, landing a punch to the head and kick in the
groin as King goes down. A well- dressed White Woman smiles on her
tiptoes for a better view” (Selma 16)
It happens when Earnest White, the young white man who stays in Hotel Albert.
He hates Dr. King and does something bad to Dr. King. He pretends to be a good man
and say hello to King, and then punched him until he fell to the floor. This scene is the
portrayal of physical discrimination

A.2. “Extermination or mass killings

Extermination or mass killings based on racial or ethnic animus do occur.

These are complex phenomena; in addition to the sorts of individual hostility and
prejudice described above, they typically encompass histories of institutionalized
prejudice and discrimination”. (Blank., et al, 2004, p. 58). It concluded that one
group, usually as the superior is doing the slaughter to one racial group or the inferior.
The researcher analyze the extermination or mass killings on this scene,

Lewis: “Major Cloud, may we speak with you?”

Cloud: “Troopers! Advance!”
V.O: “The troopers rushed forward, their blue uniforms and white
helmets blurring into a flying wedge as they moved. The first 10 or 20
Negroes were swept to the ground screaming, arms and legs flying and
packs and bags went skittering across the grassy divider. Those still on
their feet retreated. The troopers continued pushing, using both the force
of their bodies and the prodding of their nightsticks. The “mounted
possemen spurred their horses and rode at a run into the retreating mass.
The Negroes cried out as they crowded together for protection and the
whites on the sideline whooped and cheered. Suddenly there was a sharp

sound, like a gunshot”, "Tear gas!" “someone yelled. The cloud began
covering the highway”. Fifteen or twenty nightsticks could be seen
through the gas flailing at the heads of the marchers. (Selma 68-69)
In the Edmun Pettus Bridge, March 7th 1965 called as The Bloody Sunday. The Major
doesn’t give them, especially Lewis to talk. They suddenly command the troopers to attack them.
They come to here, only for registering to vote their president. The marchers cover their head by
their hand because they know the troopers bring the stick also chain. Their struggling is causing
physical discrimination. It is described in these dialogue, and scene,
A.3 Segregation

Segregation is also includes nonverbal hostility because it is happening after the persons
dynamically exclude associates of underprivileged racial group from the distribution of capitals
& from admission to institutes. The commonly illustrations contain rejection of identical
schooling, shelter, occupation also healthiness attention because of race. The quotation below is
one of the portrayal of segregation because the hotel is only for white people.

'HOTEL ALBERT-Serving Whites Only Since 1855.’ (Selma 15)

It is a Sign that has meaning if the hotel only serving White people, not for the Black. It
includes discrimination in Hotel Albert when Dr. King and crew arrived. The visitor who
stays in that hotel also looked at him with the death stare, and murmured behind Dr. King
and his crew. From the quote above,
A.4 Verbal Antagonism

It involves spontaneous racial speaks, disparaging & critical comments, either in or out of
the target’s presence. Together with nonverbal antipathy words, that people build an intimidating
atmosphere in school, office, and neighborhoods. It can be concluded that, they only give the
inferior group “hate speech” not the action. This monolog is one of the examples of verbal

The Caller: “King, look into your heart. You know you are a complete
fraud and a liability to all Negroes. You are evil. You could not believe in
God. Like all frauds your end is approaching. You are done. Your degrees
and your Nobel Prize, that grim farce, will not save you. The American
public will soon know you for what you are - an evil, abnormal beast.
There is only one thing left for you to do. Do it yourself before it’s done to
you. (The sounds of sex, moans and groans with growing intensity.)”
Dr. King: That wasn’t me. That isn’t me Corrie.”
Coretta: “I know. I know what you sound like.”

There is a voice in the telephone that come from their enemy who treated them. They
defame King with that sound. In fact King doesn’t cheat on his wife. Coretta is upset because
this time they tried to get inside her family especially her children and her private life.

The main conflict in America especially in that term is race discrimination which on that
term is used to critic the actions that refute people or groups because of gender, race, ethnicity,
religion and also disability, weight, age, or genetic the white people as the superior group while
people of color as the inferior. People of color in here are Black People who comes from another
country, Africa especially. The racial discrimination occurs when person treats you badly or
denies you a benefit, harasses or insults you because of your race, color, heritage, or the origin
domicile. Besides, racial discrimination has several forms such, physical attacks, extermination,
segregation, and verbal discrimination. Black people in Selma, Alabama have no same right to
select the president even they legal as the citizen of America. Their struggling causing the racial
discrimination. They will be shot tomorrow when their names as the Black People have
published after register to vote the president, the marchers also beaten and whipped by the
troopers in Edmund Petus Bridge, called as Bloody Sunday. Black people think that, the white
people should not discriminated them only because their dark skin. After they have the same
right, the problem of racial discrimination is decrease. The Black people also called as African-
America from that term until now.


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